F-1144 Norma

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An American National Standard

Designation: F 1144 – 98 (Reapproved 2003)

Standard Specification for

Manhole Cover Assembly, Bolted, Semi-Flush, Oiltight and
Watertight, Hinged1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1144; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope Iron and Steel Hardware

1.1 This specification provides design and construction A 575 Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Merchant Qual-
criteria for a semi-flush, oiltight and watertight bolted hinged ity, M-Grades
manhole cover assembly. B 36/B 36M Specification for Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip, and
1.2 The manhole cover assemblies depicted on this specifi- Rolled Bar
cation are for use in decks or bulkheads requiring oiltight and D 2000 Classification System for Rubber Products in Auto-
watertight covers that are not required to be completely flush. motive Applications
Manhole cover assemblies shall be complete with covers, F 783 Specification for Staple, Handgrab, Handle, and Stir-
mounting rings, gaskets, studs, washers, hinge assemblies, and rup Rung
nuts. 2.2 ANSI Standards:
1.3 Handles, if required, shall be as specified in the ordering B1.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads3
information. Y14.5M Dimensioning and Tolerancing3
1.4 Values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as B18.2.1 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws, Inch Series3
standard. 2.3 ABS Standard:
1.5 This standard is not applicable to certain hazardous Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels4
cargos. (See 46CFR 153.254 and 46CFR 154.340.) 2.4 Steel Structures Painting Council Standard:
1.6 This specification provides design and construction for SP-10 Surface Preparation Specification No. 105
manhole cover assemblies subjected to lateral pressures such as 2.5 Code of Federal Regulations Standard:
resulting from vehicle loads or hydrostatic pressures. Where CFR 46 Code of Federal Regulations6
manhole cover assemblies are subjected to primary or cyclic 3. Terminology
loads, other reinforcement or construction criteria may be
necessary to integrate the manhole assembly with the required 3.1 Definitions:
structural reinforcement for openings in decks or bulkheads. 3.1.1 manhole—accessway located in a tank structure.
Design of the manhole cover assembly for primary or cyclic 3.1.2 semi-flush—refers to the placement of the hinged plate
loads is beyond the scope of this specification. over the ringed opening (without coaming).

2. Referenced Documents 4. Classification

2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 4.1 Type I—15- by 23-in. (381- by 584-mm) size of access
A 36/A 36M Specification for Structural Steel opening
A 131/A 131M Specification for Structural Steel for Ships 4.2 Type II—18- by 24-in. (457- by 610-mm) size of access
A 153/A 153M Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot Dip) on opening
4.3 Grade 1—1⁄4-in. (6.4-mm) thick cover plate
4.4 Grade 2—3⁄8-in. (9.5-mm) thick cover plate
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F25 on Ships
and Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.03 on Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
Outfitting and Deck Machinery. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2003. Published January 2004. Originally Available from American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), ABS Plaza, 16855
approved in 1988. Last previous edition approved in 1998 as F 1144 – 98. Northchase Dr., Houston, TX 77060.
2 5
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or Available from Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC), 40 24th St., 6th
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4656.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office,
the ASTM website. Washington, DC 20402.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

F 1144 – 98 (2003)
4.5 Grade 3—1⁄2-in. (12.7-mm) thick cover plate 7.2 For plating up to and including 1⁄4-in. (6.4-mm) thick-
4.6 Class A Manhole Cover Assemblies— Shall be abrasive ness, use cover plate of 1⁄4-in. (6.4-mm) thickness. Plating over
blasted to near white metal in accordance with SSPC SP-10 1⁄4-in. (6.4-mm) up to and including 3⁄8-in. (9.5-mm) thickness;

and a commercial marine quality nonhazardous corrosion- use cover plate of 3⁄8-in. (9.5-mm) thickness. Plating over 3⁄8-in.
inhibiting and oil-resistant primer coating be applied for (9.5-mm) thickness, use cover plate of 1⁄2-in. (12.7-mm)
protection for a period of one year during shipping and in thickness.
shipyard handling.
4.7 Class B Manhole Cover Assemblies— Shall be galva- 8. Finish
nized in accordance with Specification A 153. 8.1 Items produced under this specification shall be free of
splinters, sharp edges, burrs, projections, and weld spatters.
5. Ordering Information 8.2 Unless otherwise specified in ordering data, items shall,
5.1 The purchasers ordering information shall include the after fabrication, have a Class A finish.
5.1.1 ASTM designation and date. 9. Sampling
5.1.2 Type (see 4.1 and 4.2). 9.1 For orders for one or two manhole cover assemblies,
5.1.3 Grade (see 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5). each manhole assembly shall be inspected.
5.1.4 Class see (4.6 and 4.7). 9.2 For orders for three to ten manhole cover assemblies,
5.1.5 Quantity. two manhole cover assemblies shall be selected at random. If
5.1.6 Remarks—Handles (are/are not) required. any one of them fails to meet requirements, then all manhole
5.1.7 Approval—Classification society approval (is/is not) cover assemblies in the order shall be inspected.
required. 9.3 For orders for more than ten manhole cover assemblies,
5.1.8 Gasket, if other than specified (see 6.8). they shall be separated into groups of ten (or fraction thereof)
for sampling purposes.
6. Materials and Manufacture
6.1 Plate for the cover, ring, hinge pad and hinge blade shall 10. Inspection and Testing
be in accordance with Specification A 36/A 36M or A 131/ 10.1 Responsibility—Unless otherwise specified in the or-
A 131M steel. der, the manufacturer is responsible for the performance of all
6.2 Round bar for the handle shall be in accordance with inspection and testing specified herein. The manufacturer may
Specification F 783, Type A. use his own facilities or any commercial facility acceptable to
6.3 Round bar for the hinge pin shall be of Specification the purchaser. The purchaser reserves the right to perform any
A 575 steel. of the inspections and tests set forth where such are deemed
6.4 Welded studs shall be 3⁄4 in. (19.1 mm)—10 UNC-2A necessary to assure that supplies conform to prescribed require-
by 13⁄4 in. (44.5 mm) long and manufactured of ordinary steel ments. Nonconforming manhole cover assemblies shall not be
to commercial standards. Threads shall be the coarse thread offered for delivery.
series in accordance with the latest issue of ANSI B1.1. 10.2 Inspection—The dimensions of the manhole cover
6.5 Washers shall be ANSI B18.2.1 Type A, 3⁄4-in. (19.1- assembly and its components shall be checked to ensure that
mm) washer, 2-in. (50.8-mm) by 0.148-in. (3.8-mm) thick they are within specified tolerances.
standard flat manufactured of yellow brass, in accordance with 10.3 Test Methods—Each manhole cover assembly shall be
Specification B 36/B 36M. designed to the pressure listed in Table 1 and tested to a
6.6 Heavy hex nuts shall be 3⁄4 in. (19.1 mm)—10 UNC-2B pressure equal to 1.5 times the design prerssure. The test
and manufactured of yellow brass, in accordance with Speci- pressure shall be held for a minimum of 5 min. There shall be
fication B 36/B 36M. Threads in nuts shall conform to the no visible sign of leakage, permanent deformation, or other
dimensions for coarse threads with tolerances prescribed in indications of structural failure of the manhole cover assembly.
accordance with ANSI B1.1. The nuts shall conform to 10.3.1 Before delivery, manhole cover assemblies shall be
dimensions prescribed in accordance with ANSI B18.2.1. certified as to their watertight and oiltight integrity. Groups of
6.7 Cotter pin to be in accordance with Specification B 36/ manhole cover assemblies whose representative samples pass
B 36M yellow brass, 1⁄8 by 13⁄4 in. (3.2 by 44.5 mm) long. the tightness test shall be certified for watertight and oiltight
6.8 Unless otherwise specified in ordering information, integrity to their design pressure.
gasket to be rubber, 3⁄16 in. (4.8 mm) thick, 50 6 5 durometers
per Classification D 2000 5BC507 A14 E034. For manhole 11. Product Marking
cover assemblies for government application, see Annex A2 for 11.1 Each manhole cover assembly shall be marked with the
type of gasket. purchase order number, item number from purchase order,
6.9 Welding to conform to the latest issue of American ASTM designation number, type, grade, class, and manufac-
Bureau of Shipping Rules or other such classification society turers’ name. Marking may be by paint, stencil, or weather-
rules as may be applicable. proof tag.
6.10 Details of bolted manholes are shown in Fig. 1.
12. Packaging and Package Marking
7. Dimensions 12.1 Unless otherwise specified, packaging shall conform to
7.1 Dimensions of manhole shall be as indicated in Table 1. manufacturer’s normal commercial practice, and in such a

F 1144 – 98 (2003)

NOTE 1—1 in. = 25.4 mm.

FIG. 1 Manhole Cover Assembly, Bolted, Hinged, Semi-Flush, Oiltight and Watertight.

manner that will ensure acceptance by common carrier and Shipping containers shall conform to carrier regulations as
afford protection against physical damage during shipment. applicable to the mode of transportation.

F 1144 – 98 (2003)

NOTE 1—1 in. = 25.4 mm.

FIG. 1 Manhole Cover Assembly, Bolted, Hinged, Semi-Flush, Oiltight and Watertight. (continued)

12.2 For government procurements for long-term storage or

overseas shipment, the requirements of Annex A1 apply. In
such case, the required level of packaging shall be specified.
13. Keywords
13.1 bulkhead; decks; manhole cover; manhole cover as-
sembly; marine technology; ships

TABLE 1 Dimensions for Bolted, Hinged, Semi-Flush, Oiltight and Watertight Manhole Cover AssemblyA

NOTE 1—1 in. = 25.4 mm.

Plate Deck Cut

Type Grade A B C D E, ° F, ° G H I J K
Thickness Overall Size
in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm)
I 1 14
⁄ (6.5) 15 3 23 (381 3 584) 2 33⁄8 (86) 63⁄4 (171) 7 21 147 71⁄2 (191) 8 (203) 91⁄4 (235) 101⁄2 (267) 4 (102)
I 2 3⁄8 (9.5) 15 3 23 (381 3 584) 2 33⁄8 (86) 63⁄4 (171) 7 21 147 71⁄2 (191) 8 (203) 91⁄4 (235) 101⁄2 (267) 4 (102)
I 3 1⁄2 (12.5) 15 3 23 (381 3 584) 2 33⁄8 (86) 63⁄4 (171) 7 21 147 71⁄2 (191) 8 (203) 91⁄4 (235) 101⁄2 (267) 4 (102)
II 1 1⁄4 (6.5) 18 3 24 (457 3 610) 2 31⁄4 (83) 61⁄2 (165) 8 18 144 9 (229) 91⁄2 (241) 103⁄4 (273) 12 (305) 3 (76)
II 2 3⁄8 (9.5) 18 3 24 (457 3 610) 2 31⁄4 (83) 61⁄2 (165) 8 18 144 9 (229) 91⁄2 (241) 103⁄4 (273) 12 (305) 3 (76)
II 3 1⁄2 (12.5) 18 3 24 (457 3 610) 2 31⁄4 (83) 61⁄2 (165) 8 18 144 9 (229) 91⁄2 (241) 103⁄4 (273) 12 (305) 3 (76)
Stud Design
L M Weight
Quantity Pressure
in. (mm) in. (mm) psi (kPa) lb (kg)
5 (127) 58
5⁄ (143) 22 12.0 82.7 90 41
5 (127) 55⁄8 (143) 22 27.0 186.2 112 51
5 (127) 55⁄8 (143) 22 47.9 330.2 134 61
5 (127) 55⁄8 (143) 24 8.9 62.1 100 45
5 (127) 55⁄8 (143) 24 20.0 137.9 126 57
5 (127) 55⁄8 (143) 24 35.6 245.5 152 69
The letters in the headings designate the following:

A = number of spaces on straight side,

B = bolt spacing (straight side),

C = total span,
D = number of spaces on arc side,
E = bolt spacing (arc side),
F = arc span,
G = accessway inner radius,
H = seat and gasket inner radius,
I = bolt circle arc radius,
F 1144 – 98 (2003)

J = seat and gasket outer radius,

K = offset for radii from center of accessway and cover,
L = distance from centerline of cover to centerline of hinge blade, and
M = distance from centerline of cover to centerline of hinge pad.
F 1144 – 98 (2003)


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Referenced Documents PPP-B-636 Weather

A1.1.1 Federal Specifications: PPP-B-640 Class 2
PPP-B-576—Box, wood, cleated, veneer, paper overlaid.
PPP-B-585—Boxes, wood, wirebound. Boxes shall be closed and banded in accordance with the
PPP-B-591—Boxes, fiberboard, wood-cleated. applicable box specification.
PPP-B-601—Boxes, wood, cleated-plywood. A1.3.3 Level B
PPP-B-621—Boxes, wood, nailed and lock corner. Manhole cover assemblies shall be packed in boxes con-
PPP-B-636—Box, fiberboard. forming to any of the following specifications at the option of
PPP-B-640—Boxes, fiberboard, corrugated, triple, wall. the manufacturer:
A1.1.2 Military Standard: Specification Type or Class
MIL-STD-129—Marking for shipment and storage PPP-B-576 Domestic
A1.1.3 Offıcial Classification Committee Rules: PPP-B-585 Class 1 or 2
Uniform Freight Classification Rules PPP-B-591 Domestic
PPP-B-601 Domestic
PPP-B-621 Class 1
A1.2 Preservation PPP-B-636 Domestic
A1.2.1 None required. PPP-B-640 Class 1

A1.3 Packing Box closures shall be as specified in the applicable box

specification. The gross mass of wood or wood-cleated boxes
A1.3.1 The manhole cover assembly shall be cushioned, shall not exceed 100 kg.
blocked, or braced within the container in a manner to prohibit A1.3.4 Level C
movement. Unless otherwise specified in the order, one man-
Packing shall be accomplished in a manner that will ensure
hole cover assembly shall be packed per container. When more
acceptance by common carrier, at lowest rate, and will afford
than one manhole cover assembly is required to be packed in
protection against physical or mechanical damage during direct
each container, the gross mass of the wood or wood-cleated
shipment from the supply source to the using activity for early
boxes shall not exceed approximately 100 kg.
installation. The shipping containers or method of packing
A1.3.2 Level A
shall conform to the uniform freight classification rules and
Manhole cover assembly shall be packed in containers
regulations or other carrier regulations as applicable to the
conforming to any one of the following specifications at the
mode of transportation and may conform to the manufacturer’s
option of the manufacturer:
commercial practice.
Specification Type or Class

PPP-B-576 Overseas A1.4 Marking

PPP-B-585 Class 3
PPP-B-591 Overseas A1.4.1 In addition to any special marking required by the
PPP-B-601 Overseas order, shipment shall be marked in accordance with
PPP-B-621 Class 2 MIL-STD-129.

(Mandatory Information)


A2.1 Referenced Documents (for this annex only) MIL-G-1149 Gasket Materials, Synthetic Rubber 50 and 65
A2.1.1 Military Standards: Durometer Hardness7
MIL-C-6183 Cork and Rubber Composition Sheet for Aro- MIL-R-900 Rubber Gasket Material 45 Durometer Hard-
matic Fuel and Oil Resistant Gaskets7 ness7
MIL-R-83248 Rubber Fluorocarbon Elastomer, High Tem-
Available from Standardization Documents, Order Desk, Bldg. 4, Section D, perature, Fluid and Compression Set Resistant7
700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.

F 1144 – 98 (2003)
A2.2 Gasket materials used in DoD manhole cover assem- Manhole Cover Required Gasket
blies shall be as follows: Assembly Service: Material:
Hydraulic machinery MIL-R-83248
Manhole Cover Required Gasket
spaces using phos-
Assembly Service: Material:
phate ester-based
hydraulic fluid
General service MIL-R-900
Fresh water MIL-G-1149,
Class 2
A2.2 DoD manhole covers shall be Class B.
Oil, gasoline, MIL-C-6183,
saltwater Class 1

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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