The Reservation Wages of Social Security Disability Insurance Beneficiaries
The Reservation Wages of Social Security Disability Insurance Beneficiaries
The Reservation Wages of Social Security Disability Insurance Beneficiaries
There exists a lot of research on the reservation wages of the unemployed as a determinant of unemployment duration. Little is known about the reservation wages of those who are not in the labor force but might be potential labor force returnees, such as Social Security D isabilityInsurance(DI)beneficiaries.The main objective of this article is to assess what can be learned from the subjective reservationwagesofDIbeneficiaries.UsingtheNew BeneficiaryDataSystem(NBDS),thearticle assesses the magnitudes of reservation wages compared to the last wage earned and the benefitamount,aswellasthedeterminantsof reservation wages in a regression framework. TheNBDSisuniqueinthatitprovidesthe reservation wages and the work history of DI beneficiariesbeforeandafterjoiningtheDI rolls. The article has several noteworthy results and policy implications: Datashowthatasignificantportionof beneficiariesreportbeinglikelytoaccept ajobifofferedone.BasedontheNBDS, 13percentofDIbeneficiarieswhodidnot work since joining the rolls in 19811982 reported in 1991 that they would be willing to work if offered a job and provided their reservation wages.
DIbeneficiariesdonotappeartoprice themselves out of the labor market. Half of them would want a wage that is 80 percent or less of the last wage earned before receiving DI. It is estimated that approximately7percentoflong-termDIbeneficiaries may potentially return-to-work if they search for jobs and have a wage offer distribution with a mean at 80 percent of their last wage. The nonlabor income in addition to the benefitispositivelyandsignificantlyassociated with the reservation wage, while thebenefitamountperseisnot.However, this result needs to be treated with caution given that nonlabor income is endogenous to the model. Heterogeneity exists between persons still under the DI program and those that have moved to the Old-Age program. The subsamples of persons who have shifted to the Old-Age program and those who are still under the DI program have median reservation wage to the last wage ratios of 0.69and0.93,respectively.Asignificantly lower reservation wage for persons who have moved to the Old-Age program was also found in a regression framework. This heterogeneity between the two groups may result in part from the different program characteristics both groups face,
forinstance,intermsofbenefitterminationand Medicare eligibility rules. Subjective reservation wage data can be useful to study populations that are out of the labor force. This article is innovative in that it focuses on a group of persons who are typically considered as being out of the labor force, and therefore are not asked reservation wages in general household surveys such as the Current Population Survey. It would be of great interest to collect more reservationwagedataforDIbeneficiariesinalongitudinal data set to expand this analysis, for instance, to assess conclusively the effects of changing program characteristics on reservation wages and return-to-workoutcomesasbeneficiariestransition to the Old-Age program or as new return-to-work programs are put in place.
ity programs. Several welfare programs around the world have changed in recent years so as to encourage employment and self-reliance among recipients.1 In the UnitedStates,effectivereturn-to-workpoliciesmay be a way to contain the growth of the disability rolls. The potential savings of return-to-work policies to the Social Security trust fund are large. According to GAO (1999), if an additional 1 percent of the DI and Supplementary Security Income (SSI) working age population were to leave the rolls due to return-to-work, lifetimedisabilitycashbenefitswouldbereducedby $3 billion. Ifreturn-to-workisrareamongbeneficiaries,it maybebecausebeneficiariesareunabletoworkor because the wages they would earn in the labor market are well below their reservation wages. This article characterizesthereservationwagesofpersonsonDI. To inform return-to-work policies, the article answers threequestions.IsthereapoolofDIbeneficiaries who have work capabilities and are potential labor forcereturnees?Ifsofewbeneficiariesreturntowork, isitbecausethesebeneficiarieshavehighreservationwages?Finally,whatinfluencestheirreservation wages? Onemaywonderwhybeneficiarieswouldhave a reservation wage if they are considered unable to work.DIbeneficiarieshavepassedtheSocialSecurity Administrations disability test that demonstrates their inability to work above a given earnings limit, the substantial gainful activity level. For disability programs, reservation wages and generally return-to-work policies make sense under the assumption that there isapoolofbeneficiarieswhohaveworkcapabilities and represent potential labor force returnees. In the DIprogram,disabilityisdefinedas:the inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last, for a continuous period of not less than 12 months (SSA 2005). It is inherentlydifficulttodeterminewhetherornotaperson is able to engage in any substantial gainful activity. Two persons may have the same impairment but end up with different work capabilities because of differences in the environments they live in and differences inunobservables(forexample,motivation).Classification errors are therefore made. Some studies have foundthatasignificantportionofDIbeneficiariesare not disabled while others who are rejected are disabled (Benitez-Silva,Buchinsky,andRust2004;Nagi1969). For these reasons, an investigation of the determinants
The objective of this article is to examine the reservation wages of Social Security Disability Insurance (DI) beneficiaries,andderiveimplicationsforreturn-towork policy. In labor economics, in the labor leisure choice model, the reservation wage is a fundamental aspect of the decision to work or not to work. The reservation wage is the amount an individual would need to earn at work in order to accept a job. For a beneficiarytoreturntowork,themarketwagewould need to exceed the reservation wage. Reservation wagesofDIbeneficiariesareimportantinthecontext of return-to-work policies for the DI program. Since the establishment of the DI program in 1956, return to work has been an integral component of the program. On August 1, 1956, as President Eisenhower signed the legislation establishing the DI program, he wasquotedassaying(SSA2003),Wewillendeavor toadministerthedisability[program]efficientlyand effectively, [and]to help rehabilitate the disabled so that they may return to useful employment. However, until recently, modest return-to-work policies were implemented and their ineffectiveness was demonstrated(HennesseyandMuller1994).DIbenefit terminations due to return to work are rare: in 2005, thepercentageofallbeneficiariesthatwereterminated from the rolls due to return to work stood at 0.6 percent (SSA 2005). After the passage of the Ticket to WorkandWorkIncentivesImprovementActof1999, several return-to-work programs and experiments were launched (Green, Eigen, Lefko, and Ebling 2006). This recent interest in return to work is not limited to the UnitedStates(BlockandPrinz2001),nortodisabil90
ofthereturn-to-workbehaviorofbeneficiariesiswarranted, and an analysis of their reservation wages is part of this effort. This article is related to two separate literatures. The firstliteraturedealswiththelabormarketparticipation of persons with disabilities and the implications ofdisabilitybenefitprograms.2 Interest was in part generated following the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 and by the steady rise of therollsofthedisabilitybenefitprogramsdespitethe stronglabordemandintheUnitedStatesinthe1990s (Hotchkiss2003;AutorandDuggan2003).Much oftheresearchondisabilitybenefitprogramswas focusedonbenefitlevels,exitsfromthelaborforce, and screening stringency at the entry into the program. However, growth in the DI rolls can also be affected by changes in exit rates, including return-to-work rates, which are affected by reservation wages. Only a few studies have dealt with return to work and have generally focused on workers compensation (Butler, Johnson, and Baldwin 1995). The second is related to the extensive literature on reservation wages and their determinants: this literature has mainly dealt with the reservation wages of the short-term unemployed, particularlyunemploymentinsurancebeneficiaries (FeldsteinandPoterba1984;HaurinandSridhar 2003). Reservation wage data are typically not availableforDIbeneficiaries.SurveyssuchastheCurrent Population Survey and the Survey of Income and Program Participation collected reservation wage data forunemployedpersons.DIbeneficiariesandmore generally, persons who report being unable to work due to a disability, are counted as not in the labor force and therefore would not typically be asked to report theirreservationwages.Thisarticleusesauniquedata set,theNewBeneficiaryDataSystem(NBDS),which hasreservationwagedataforDIbeneficiaries.
Muller 1994). Instead, the reservation wage is used in the same sense as that of the labor supply literature, as detailed below. In the standard labor leisure choice model of the labor supply literature, individuals select the combination of the numbers of hours of work and leisure tomaximizeutility(KaufmanandHotchkiss2006). Leisure includes the amount of time spent on nonlabor market activities, whether housework, self-care, school, or pure leisure. The slope of the budget constraintreflectsthevalueoftheofferedwagerate.The slope of the indifference curve is the marginal rate of substitution, the subjective value a person places on time spent on work versus leisure. The slope of the indifferencecurveatthepointofzerohoursofwork isofparticularsignificanceandiscalledthereservation wage: it measures the amount of money that will induceapersontoworkthefirsthour. ItisimportanttonotethatforDIbeneficiaries,the labor leisure choice model of the labor supply literatureisrelevantonlyforthosebeneficiarieswhohave workcapabilities.Asnotedearlier,beneficiariesmay haveworkcapabilitiesbecausetheDIdefinitiondoes notrequirebeneficiariestobecompletelyunableto work:beneficiariesmaybeabletoworkbelowthe substantial gainful activity level. In addition, as a result of tagging errors at the entry into DI, persons able to work above SGA may be included in the rolls.3 Forthosebeneficiarieswithnoworkcapabilities, hours of leisure are perfectly inelastic thus leading to aninfinitereservationwage:whateverthewage,the person is unwilling to work. As the slope of the indifference curve at the point of zerohoursofwork,thereservationwageisafunction of the individuals nonlabor income and variables that affect the tastes of individuals for leisure versus income. The assumption that leisure is a normal good in the labor leisure choice model implies that the reservation wage increases as nonlabor income increases (Borjas2000,p.42).Nonlaborincomemayinclude theDIbenefit,otherbenefits,aspousesearnings,and the value of the health insurance coverage provided through DI (Medicare) and/or through a spouses employment. Intuitively, as the nonlabor income increases, workers want to consume more leisure and thereforealargerwageisrequiredtoinducetheperson to work. In addition to the nonlabor income, there are several possible sources for differences in tastes that mayinfluencethereservationwage(Kaufmanand Hotchkiss 2006). First, there are personality differences that, for instance, differentiate a workaholic
Intheeconomicsliterature,thetermreservation wage has been used with two different meanings. In the job search literature, the term refers to the lowest wage a person would accept if the person has to pay a positive sum to gain another job offer from a wage distribution (Mortensen 1986). In the labor supply literature (Killingsworth 1983), it has been used as the lowest wage at which a person will work, which hasalsobeenreferredtoastheaskingwage.Inthis article, the reservation wage is not used within the context of the job search literature given that most DI beneficiariesdonotsearchforjobs(Hennesseyand
from a laid-back person. These personality differences are typically not observed through household surveys. Second,thetypeofworkpeopledoalsoinfluencesthe taste for leisure versus work. Other factors remaining constant, persons in disagreeable jobs are expected to have higher reservation wages. Variables representing working conditions (for example, whether a person has suffered an accident on the job), or job insecurity (for example, whether the person lost her last job), are therefore expected to be positively associated with the reservation wage. Third, the use of leisure time is a determinant of the tastes for work and therefore the reservation wage. A person with a relatively more valuable use for leisure time, for example, due to an activitylimitationorahealthconditionrequiringtime for self-care, will have a higher reservation wage. It is important to note that the labor leisure choice model yields no indication of the expected relation of age per se and the reservation wage, everything else held constant. However, because age is generally associated with the prevalence of health conditions and activity limitations, age may be observed to be positively related to the reservation wage in raw reservation wage data. Other variables (gender, marital status, race, human capital (education, vocational rehabilitation)) may also affect the reservation wage but there is not a priori expectation of the direction of their effect. Finally, other than nonlabor income, tastes, and individual characteristics, public policies may have an effect on reservation wages. This has been demonstrated with regard to minimum wage policies. In a laboratory experiment, Falk, Fehr, and Zehnder (2006) show that the temporary introduction of a minimum wage leads to a rise in subjects reservation wages, which persists even after the minimum wage has been removed. The empirical literature on the determinants of the reservation wages for unemployment compensationbeneficiariesprovidesresultsthataregenerally consistent with the predictions previously mentioned, especially with regard to the positive association between nonlabor income and the reservation wage. Feldstein and Poterba (1984), Gorter and Gorter (1993), Bloemen and Stancanelli (2001), and Ryscavage (2002) found that the larger the unemploymentcompensationbenefit,thehigherthereservation wage. They also found the same positive association between other nonlabor income and the reservation wage. Results are mixed for human capital and demographic variables. Feldstein and Poterba (1984) found thatage,race,gender,andeducationhadnosignifi92
cant effect on the reservation wage. Gorter and Gorter (1993) found that age and having a high educational level were positively associated with the reservation wage, while being a male and being married had no significanteffect.Jones(1989)foundthatage,being a male, being married, and the log of past wages have positiveandsignificantcoefficients,whilethelogof unemploymentbenefitandeducationvariableshave coefficientsclosetozero. Finally, two remarks are in order regarding the application of the reservation wage concept in the context of the DI program. First, it is important to note, inthecontextofDIbeneficiaries,thattheconceptof reservation utility may be more pertinent than that of reservation wage. Instead of demanding a lowest wageinordertoacceptajoboffer,abeneficiarywould demand an expected utility that is at least as high as the reservation utility provided by being on the DI rolls and not working. Besides the wage, a variety of factorswouldinfluencethereservationutilityincluding working conditions, number of hours worked, job location, availability of accommodations for the disability while on the job, income security, and access to health insurance. The concept of a reservation utility, as opposed to a reservation wage, has received very little attention in the labor supply literature. Second, thereservationwageusedinconsistencywiththe labor supply literature (Killingsworth 1983) as previously described is relevant for return-to-work policy. IfaDIbeneficiaryhasworkcapabilities,thereexistsa wage rate (w*) for which the person would go back to work. That is, the person would accept jobs paying w* or more. Based on Burdett and Mortensen (1978), the return-to-workprobabilityforagivenbeneficiaryi is
pi ,1 = s i i (1 Fi ( wi *)) (1)
where i is the offer arrival rate, and s i the time allocated to job search 0 si 1 . A job is character~ izedbyawage w , which is a random draw from the cumulative wage distribution function F. If person i is unable to work, whatever the job and working conditions, then (1 Fi ( wi* )) is null and the return-to-work probability is null. If person i is able to work for a wage wi * , then (1 Fi ( wi *)) > 0 . In this case, pi ,1 may be null if the person does not search for a job ( s i =0), or if the labor market is such that he or she has little chancetofindajobatawagerateequalorbeyond the reservation wage ( i (1 Fi ( wi *)) = 0).4 The above formulation illustrates how the reservation wage is a determinant of return-to-work and exit probabilities of abeneficiaryandhowitisanimportantvariableinthe context of return-to-work policies. The data here do
not make it possible to assess the relation between the reservation wage on the one hand, and return-to-work and exit probabilities, on the other. Instead, the magnitude and determinants of the reservation wage are the focus of the rest of the article.
The data source is a panel survey of the Social S ecurityAdministrationsNewBeneficiaryData S ystem(NBDS).TheNBDSisadatasetwithawealth of information on the postentitlement work efforts of DIbeneficiaries.Thedatasetisuniqueinthatitprovides reservation wages and work history of a sample ofDIbeneficiaries.Reservationwagedatahavenever beenutilizedfordisabilitybeneficiaries,butinstead have been used to study unemployment duration for unemploymentinsurancebeneficiaries.TheNBDSis based initially on a nationally representative cohort ofnewbeneficiarieswhojoinedDIin1980and1981, andwereinterviewedin1982aspartoftheNew B eneficiarySurvey(NBS).NBSrespondentswere reinterviewedaspartoftheNationalBeneficiary F ollowup(NBF)surveyin1991.Theanalysisis focusedonbeneficiarieswhorespondedtoboththe NBSin1982andtotheNBFin1991andisbasedon data from the three different parts of the data system: theNBS,theNBF,andadministrativerecords.Administrative records include Social Security earnings and benefitrecordsandrecordsfromthethenHealthCare Finance Administration. AllNBFrespondentswereaskediftheyworked for pay either part time or full time after the month theystartedreceivingSocialSecurityDIbenefits. Thosebeneficiarieswhoreportedthattheynever worked since joining the rolls were asked the following: If you were offered a job by some employer in this area, how likely would you be to take it? Individuals had to answer yes or no to the following: yes, definitely, yes, if it were something you could do, yes, if the wages were satisfactory, yes, if the location was satisfactory, yes, if the hours were satisfactory,andfinallyyes, for some other conditions. Individuals who gave at least one yes answer to the above conditions were then asked to provide their reservationwages:What would the smallest wage or salary have to be for you to take a job offered by some employer? Respondents had to give a dollar amount and specify the time unit the amount referred to (year, month, week, day, or hour). Thefocusoftheanalysisisonbeneficiarieswith work capabilities. Persons with work capabilities are
identifiedthroughself-reportsofwhethertheyworked since joining the rolls, and if not, whether they would be willing to take a job if offered one.5 Out of 2,490 DIbeneficiarieswhojoinedtherollsin19801981, respondedtotheNBFin1991,andwerestillonthe DI rolls or had moved onto the Old-Age program, 147 reported that they worked for pay either full time or part time since joining the rolls.6 The remaining 2,343 did not work for pay, and 332 of them reported that they would likely accept a job if they were offered one and reported their reservation wages. So 13.33 percent of the cohort who joined the rolls in 19801981 and answeredtheNBFin1991,reportedawillingnessto work and gave their reservation wage. This fraction stands at 16.01 percent for persons who are still under the DI program and at 10.20 percent for persons who have shifted to the Old-Age program. After removing 15 individuals with missing data on selected variables, the sample of reservation wage respondents includes 317 individuals. Seventy-three percent of respondents provided a reservation wage on an hourly basis and 10 percent, 8 percent, and 9 percent on a weekly, monthly, and annual basis, respectively (Table 1). Only two respondents provided a daily reservation wage, $10 and $20, respectively. Table 1 gives the number of persons whose last job before receiving DI was a full-time job. More than 90 percent of reservation wage respondents were full-time workers before getting onto DI, which will be useful to know while calculating the reservation wage relative to the last wage earned ratio. Table 2 has monthly reservation wages based on 40 hours of work per week, 4.3 weeks per month, and 20.5 working days per month. The mean monthly reservation wage stands at $1,175 and the median at $860. Answers to the conditions under which reservation wage respondents would accept a job if offered one can be found in Table 3. It is important to understand that the answers are not mutually exclusive. In particular, a person can answerpositivelytobothyes, definitely and also yes, if it were something you could do or any other condition. In fact, only 0.6 percent of reservation wage respondents would be willing to accept a job unconditionally,thatis,woulddefinitelyacceptajob ifofferedoneanddonotrequirethatanyconditionbe met.ThisresultshowsthattheDIbeneficiarieswho have reported their reservation wages have largely done so based on certain conditions being met in the work place. Compared to persons who are still on DI, persons who have transitioned to the Old-Age program arelesslikelytoreporttheywoulddefinitelyaccept
Table 1. Distribution of raw reservation wages based on hourly, weekly, monthly, and annual pay ranges
Hourly Range $1$3 $4$5 $6$7 $8$9 $10$11 $12$24 N Mean N full time Number 11 133 36 11 22 19 232 6.35 217 Range Less than $100 $100$200 $200$300 $300$400 $400$500 $500 or more ---Weekly Number 0 6 12 10 2 2 32 285 25 Range Less than $400 $400$799 $800$1,199 $1,200$1,599 $1,600$1999 $2,000 or more ---Monthly Number 2 1 9 8 0 4 24 1,243.96 24 Range Less than $10,000 $10,000$19,999 $20,000$29,999 $30,000$39,999 $40,000$49,999 $50,000 or more ---Annual Number 3 8 11 2 2 1 27 21.870.37 24
SOURCE: The data are from the New Beneficiary Data System. NOTES: Full time includes working more than 35 hours a week and more than 47 weeks a year. -- = not applicable.
a job, and more likely to report that the job should involve something the person could do (Table 3). In this article, subjective reservation wage information is used in a way that is consistent with prior research in the reservation wage literature (Bloemen 1996). A lot of caution is needed while using such data. Indeed, while the reservation wage is a simple concept,measuringitisdifficult.Onemaywonderif reported reservation wages are reliable. The population under study includes individuals who were judged to be disabled when they applied for DI and who have not worked since joining the rolls 10 years earlier, in 1980 and 1981. Most investigations on the reservation wage have used reported reservation wages for theshort-termunemployed,typicallybeneficiariesof unemployment insurance (Jones 1988). Before proceeding with the analysis of the determinants of the reservation wage, it is important to check the consistency of the data of those persons not in the labor force.Thereservationwageisfirstcomparedtothe minimum federal wage in 1991, that is, $4.25 per hour.7 Thirty-one percent of reservation wage respondents had a reservation wage below the federal minimum wage. A large portion of the respondents who reported a reservation wage on an hourly basis had a reservation wage close to the minimum wage: 31 percent at $4, 25 percent at $5, and 11 percent at $6. This was not the case for respondents who used other time units and who mostly had reservation wages above the federal minimum wage. Reservationwagesarealsocomparedtobenefit amounts. The means of the reservation wage and of
themonthlyfamilybenefitamountarecompared. The cumulative distribution of the reservation wage tobenefitratioisgiveninTableA-1intheappendix. Themeanandmedianreservationwagetobenefitratio stand at 1.64 and 1.35, respectively, and 70.66 percent of the entire sample have a ratio of more than one. Because individuals would primarily expect to have a higher income while they work than when they do not, the reported reservation wages seem to be reasonable. Thisdatasetwithreservationwagesisuniqueand yet presents several limitations. One caveat of the data set is that respondents were not asked to report the desired number of hours or working days. One possibility would be to use observed working hours in the
Table 2. All reservation wages expressed on a monthly basis, by pay range, number, and percentage distribution
Pay range Less than $400 $400$799 $800$1,199 $1,200$1,599 $1,600$1,999 $2,000 or more N Mean Median Number 5 94 104 49 34 31 317 1,174.83 860 Percentage 1.58 29.97 32.81 15.46 10.73 9.78 ----
SOURCE: The data are from the New Beneficiary Data System. NOTE: -- = not applicable.
Table 3. Conditions for working among reservation wage respondents (in percent)
Conditions for working Yes, definitely Yes, if it was something I could do Yes, if the wage is satisfactory Yes, if location is satisfactory Yes, if hours are satisfactory Yes, for some other condition
SOURCE: The data are from the New Beneficiary Data System. NOTE: DI = Disability Insurance. a. The answer "Yes, definitely" is not mutually exclusive from the other conditions.
last job or in the longest employment before getting onto DI rolls: however, this number of hours worked is likely to have been affected by the onset of a disability. One implication of this caveat is that the interaction between the reservation wage and the number of hours worked, that is, the potential endogeneity of hours, cannot be accounted for as has been done elsewhere (Bloemen 1996). Another caveat of the data set is that it suffered fromasignificantattritionbetween19821991. A ntonovics,Haveman,Holden,andWolfe(2000) showed that at the 1991 reinterview, 39 percent of the DIbeneficiarieshadbeenreducedfromthesampledue to attrition, and 30.8 percent of attritions can be attributed to death. They also found that being male, older, and the number of health conditions are positively associated with the likelihood of attrition due to death and other reasons, while being married is negatively associated with the probability of attrition. The sample of workers who may have answered the reservation wagequestionin1991maythereforenolongerbe representativeoftheinitialcohortofnewbeneficiaries and the results of the analysis below may be affected by a nonrandom attrition bias. In addition, the reservation wage data may well overestimatethereservationwagesofallbeneficiaries with work capabilities because the reservation wage questionwasnotaskedamongpersonswhoworkedat somepointsincejoiningtherolls.Thesebeneficiaries might have had work capabilities at the time of the survey in 1991 and it would have been of interest to know their reservation wages.8 In the appendix, Table A-2 gives the descriptive characteristics of persons who didnotanswerthereservationwagequestion,either because they had worked since joining the rolls or reported not being willing to take up a job if offered one. Column (1) of Table A-3 gives the result of a
probit model of the probability of responding to the reservationwagequestion.Theprobitmodelshows that reservation wage respondents are younger and more likely to have received vocational rehabilitation services compared to nonrespondents. In this article, inthereservationwageequationanalysis,thenonresponsebybeneficiarieswhoworkedwhileontherolls will be controlled for through the Heckman procedure. It can be argued that the sample of reservation wage respondentsisthegroupofbeneficiarieswhoareof much interest from a return-to-work policy perspective:thesearelong-termbeneficiarieswithwork capabilities who have not worked since becoming beneficiaries.Ifthereturn-to-workrateofDIbeneficiaries is to increase, this group is certainly where there is potential for improvement in return-to-work outcomes. Despite the important limitations of the reservationwagedataathand,afirststudyofthereservation wagesofDIbeneficiariescanbeinformativeandmay lead to improved data collection and analysis of reservation wages in the future.
Table 4. Cumulative distribution of reservation wage ratio based on self-reported last wage
Share with reservation wage ratio less than or equal to Group Entire Sample Still on Disability Insurance rolls Moved to the Old-Age program Lost job Left job Accident on job Females Males N 317 178 139 40 277 73 101 216 Mean 1.11 1.32 0.85 1.07 1.11 1.08 1.26 1.04 Median 0.79 0.93 0.69 0.90 0.76 0.77 0.90 0.74 0.6 33.44 25.84 43.17 25.00 34.66 39.73 24.75 37.50 0.8 50.16 42.13 60.43 37.50 51.99 49.32 41.58 54.17 1.0 63.09 53.93 74.82 52.50 64.62 64.38 56.44 66.20 1.2 72.56 67.42 79.14 65.00 73.65 75.34 63.37 77.78 1.4 82.02 77.53 87.77 77.50 82.67 83.56 70.30 87.50 1.6 86.80 82.58 89.93 82.50 86.28 84.93 78.22 89.35
The subsample with the lowest median ratio (0.69) is that of individuals who have moved to the Old-Age program. Overall, almost two-thirds of the entire sample are ready to accept a wage reduction. This is shown as the cumulative portion of 63.09 percent who arereadytoworkatawageequaltoorlessthantheir last wage earned before getting on DI. The subsamples of persons who have moved to the Old-Age program and those who are still on DI show strong differences. Indeed, 43.17 percent of individuals now on the OldAge program are ready to work for 60 percent or less of the last wage earned compared with 25.84 percent of the persons who are still receiving DI. This result is surprising given that older persons, because they are more likely to have activity limitations and health conditions, are expected to have relatively higher reservation wage ratios. Such disparity between the two subsamples may result from different personal characteristics (for example, gender) and from different program characteristics. The Old-Age and DI programs have different Medicare eligibility conditions and termination rules, which may affect the reservation wage. PersonsontheOld-Ageprogram(hereafterOld-Age pensioners) are entitled to Medicare irrespective of their work status, whereas persons who are still on DI would lose Medicare after going back to work above the earnings limit. In addition, in 1991, at the time of thesurvey,DIbeneficiarieswhoworkedweremore likely to be labeled as work able and subject to a continuing disability review, which might have lead to a terminationofbenefitsduetoearningsabovetheearnings disregard.10 Old-Age pensioners are not subject to continuing disability reviews and possible termination due to work. An Old-Age pension might stop if earnings exceed the breakeven point, but would be reinstated automatically if earnings dropped below such point.ADIbeneficiaryterminatedduetoworkwould
have to reapply for DI. Therefore, to a risk-averse individual, working while on DI is associated with the riskoflosingtheDIbenefitandMedicare.Thereisno such risk for the Old-Age pensioner. It may therefore bethatDIbeneficiarieshavehigherreservationwages in order to compensate for the risk associated with working while receiving DI. In addition, the DI and Old-Age programs have differentearningslimitandbenefitreductionrates, which affect the offered wage distribution.11 Because theearningsdisregardishigherandthebenefitreduction rate is lower for the Old-Age program than for DI, any wage offered above the substantial gainful activity (SGA) will be reduced by a greater amount for aDIbeneficiarycomparedtoanOld-Agepensioner. An expected higher reservation wage due to program characteristics, all else held constant, and a reduced wage distribution also due to program characteristics, mayexplainthegrowthinthepercentageofDIbeneficiaries with positive earnings as they transition to the Old-Age program at preretirement age (age 62) and at full retirement age (age 65) as shown in Chart 1. One could argue that the self-reported last wage earnedreportedaspartoftheNBSin19801981 might suffer from recall bias and noise. Administrative earnings records for 1979 were therefore used instead of the self-reported wage to estimate the reservation wage ratio. Out of the 317 reservation wage respondents, 299 had positive earnings as per administrative records, and the monthly wage was estimated for them assuming that persons worked full time in 1979. Results in Table A-4 in the Appendix are very close to those obtained in Table 4, with a median ratio of 0.71 and 64.88 percent of the sample willing to work for a wageequalorlessthanthelastwageearned.
0 58 59 60 61 62 63 Age SOURCE: Author's calculations based on the New Beneficiary Data System. 64 65 66 67 68 69
DoDIbeneficiariespricethemselvesoutofthe labor market? They do not appear to, given that closetoone-thirdofbeneficiarieshaveareservation wage below the minimum wage. Another way toanswerthisquestionistocomparetheresultson the distribution of the reservation wage ratio with those from the literature on unemployment insurance beneficiaries.FeldsteinandPoterba(1984)andJones (1989) found that 62 percent and 56.5 percent of the unemployed have reservation wages that are lower or equaltotheirlastwagesearnedintheUnitedStates andintheUnitedKingdom,respectively,compared with63.09percentforDIbeneficiaries.Theshareof persons with the reservation wage ratio below one forthesubsampleofDIbeneficiariesnowunderthe Old-Age program (74.82 percent) is higher than in the unemployment insurance studies, while the reverse is true for persons still on DI (53.93 percent).12 About 50 percent of the entire sample has reservation wages less than 80 percent of their last wage. In Jones (1989), based on a sample of short term unemployed in the UnitedKingdom,almost30percentofrespondents have reservation wages at least 20 percent below their last wage. In Feldstein and Poterba (1984) 24 percent have reservation wages less than 90 percent below their last wage. It then appears that, compared with the shorttermunemployed,DIbeneficiarieshavelower reservation wage ratios.
One can gauge the return-to-work probability of a beneficiarybycomparingthereservationwagetothe persons wage offer distribution, which is unknown here,andassumingthatthebeneficiaryissearching for a job13 (si>0). If the last wage earned before getting onto DI is used as a proxy for the mean of the current wage offer distribution, then the reservation wage ratio distribution given in Table 4 provides estimates of the wage offer distribution (1- Fi ( wi * )). One may expectthatDIbeneficiarieswouldhavetosuffera wage reduction if they go back to work. The impairment itself can be the cause of a wage reduction. Past research has shown that wage reductions following the onset of a disability can be substantial. Burkhauser and Daly (1996) showed that the median drop in earnings between one year before the onset of a disability to 2 years afterward was 31 percent for men and 61.7 percent for women. Baldwin, Zeager, and Flacco (1994) showed that wage losses following a disability onset vary substantially by gender and by type of impairment: depending on the nature of the impairment for impaired males, estimated wage offers range from 97 percent to 74 percent of the unimpaired benchmark, while for females they range from 101 percent to 85 percent. In addition, persons on DI have been outofthelaborforceforsometime,thebeneficiarys skills and productivity may have deteriorated, and there may have been a change in production methods
that makes remaining skills less valuable. Together with the possible perception of reduced productivity and discrimination among potential employers with respect to persons with disabilities, this would suggest that the mean wage offer would lie below the last wage earned. Based on these grounds and on previous literature, it is assumed that the expected mean wage offer stands at 80 percent of the last wage earned. As shown in Table 4, 50.16 percent of the entire sample has a reservation wage below the expected mean wage offer, and results vary greatly across subsamples. In addition, 42.13percentofthesubsampleofbeneficiarieswho are still on DI and willing to work have a reservation wage that is less than the mean wage offer, compared with 60.43 percent for those who have transitioned to the Old-Age program. Given that 16.01 percent of persons who are still on DI reported their reservation wages, and 42.13 percent of these reservation wage respondents have a reservation wage that is less than the expected mean wage offer, one can estimate that among long-term DIbeneficiaries6.78percentmaypotentiallyreturn to work if they search for jobs and have a mean wage offer at 80 percent of their last wage. This represents more than 10 times the actual return-to-work termination rate at 0.6 percent (SSA 2005). Despite relatively low reservation wages, actual return-to-work termination rates may be so low because of the conditions beneficiariesmayplaceuponacceptingajoboffer,job location, hours, and type of work. To better understand the reservation wage data presented so far, the rest of this article includes an analysis of the determinants of the reservation wage in a regression framework.
Reservationwagesarerelevantonlyforbeneficiaries with work capabilities. However, reservation wages are available only for a selective subsample ofthecohortofbeneficiarieswithworkcapabilities, whichcanleadtothebiasedestimationofcoefficients. Itisnotavailableamongbeneficiarieswhoworked since joining the rolls, that is, among those who had work capabilities at some point while on the rolls and may still do at the time of the 1991 survey round. Of course it is possible that individuals who have worked since joining the rolls in 19811982 may have had work capabilities at one point but may no longer have capabilitiesin1991.Thedataarethusselectedby a systematic process that is accounted for through the well-knowntechniquedevelopedbyHeckman(1979). Forinferencesfromestimatingequation(2)ona subsample of persons reporting their reservation wages tobegeneralizabletotheentirecohortofbeneficiaries with work capabilities, the estimation needs to takeintoaccountabeneficiaryspropensitytoreport their reservation wages. A probit model that explains the response or absence of response to the reservation wagequestionisfirstestimated:
Ii = 2 +
k j =1
' j X ' j , i + 2 , i
where 2 is the intercept, X'1,i X'k,i are the explanatory variables, '1 .... ' k arethecoefficientsof the Xj,i variables and 2 ,i is the error term for person i. Thesystem(2)and(3)isidentifiedifatleastone variable is included in (3) that is not in (2). Among persons with work capabilities, the challenge is to have avariablethatinfluenceswhetherapersonworked whileontherollsbutdoesnotinfluencethereservation wage. In this application, this exclusion variable is the natural logarithm of the last wage earned prior to joiningDI.Thelastwageearnedisassumedtoinfluence the expected mean wage offer, and thus the budget constraint as per the labor leisure choice model, but not the tastes for leisure versus work as represented in the reservation wage (slope of the indifference curve atzerohoursofwork).Asamplecorrectionvariable (the inverse Mills ratio) is created to account for the fact that the sample of respondents is not random. This variable is then included as an explanatory variable in thereservationwageequation(2)tocorrectforsample selectionbias.Equation(2)wasalsoestimatedthrough simpleordinaryleastsquarewithoutsampleselection correction and the results were unchanged.
ln RWi = 1 +
k j =1
j X j ,i + 1,i
where 1 is the intercept, X1i Xki are the explanatory variables, 1 .... k arethecoefficientsoftheXj,i variables and 1 ,i is the error term for person i.
Theindependentvariablestobeincludedinequations (2) and (3) can be inferred based on the labor supply model described earlier in the background. The model includes independent variables on the beneficiarysnonlaborincome.Thelogofthebenefit isthelogofthefamilybenefitamount,whichincludes paymenttothebeneficiaryanddependents.Avariable is used for self-reported nonlabor income other than theDIbenefit.BeneficiariesintheNBFareeligible for Medicare, since they have been on DI for more than 2 years. A dummy indicates whether the person reports having health insurance coverage in addition to Medicare14 in order to assess the potential impact that health insurance coverage may have on return to work. Other health insurance may include Medicaid, Champus, a military coverage, or any other health insurance coverage. It also includes measures of thehealthofthebeneficiarythroughabinaryvariable for the prevalence of an activity limitation and a continuous variable for the number of health conditions. Variables related to human capital (educational level variables, vocational rehabilitation) as well as job separation (accident on the job, job loss) are also included. Finally, the model has demographic variables (age, white, male, marital status) without any clear a priori expectation on the direction of their effect on the reservation wage. This data set does not include information on the states or the regions where respondents live.15 Descriptive statistics are given in Table 5 for the variables used for the entire sample, the subsamples of persons who are still on DI, and those who have transitioned to the Old-Age program. All variables werecollectedin1991aspartoftheNBFandadministrative data except for race and information on the last job held (lost job, accident on the job, and the last wage), which were collected in 1982 as part of the NBS.Resultsofthefirststageprobitselectionmodel are presented in Table A-3 of the Appendix, while resultsofthereservationwageequationarepresented inTable6.Samplesizefortheprobitestimationis 453, of which 317 individuals have responded to the reservationwagequestion.Beneficiarieswhowerein the younger age group, lost their last job, had more than a high school educational level, and did not have any limitation in activity of daily living nor any health insurance coverage besides Medicare were found to be morelikelytorespondtothereservationwagequestion among those with work capabilities. Column (a) ofTable6includestheresultsofafirstspecification. Thecoefficientsofthelogofthemonthlybenefit
amount (0.08) and the other health insurance binary variable(0.02)arenotsignificantlydifferentfrom zero,whilethatofthelogoftheothernonlabor income(0.27)issignificant.A10-percentincreasein the other nonlabor income is associated with a 2.7 percent increase in the reservation wage. As expected, the accidentonthejobvariablehasapositiveandsignificantcoefficient,however,thisisnotthecaseforthe variable representing whether the separation for the last job was a job loss. The older than age 64 binary variablehasanegativeandsignificantcoefficient, while the age 45 to 64 variable does not. After controllingforobservedcharacteristics,beneficiarieswho have transitioned to the Old-Age program do have significantlylowerreservationwagesthanthosestillon DI. This extends the descriptive result reached earlier for the reservation wage ratio. Finally, being married issignificantlyassociatedwithalowerreservation wage.Whenbeingmarriedisinteractedwithbeing male, the net effect of being married is found to be a lot lower for males compared to females.16 In addition, thesampleselectionbiasvariablehasacoefficientthat isnotsignificantlydifferentfromzero,whichindicates that the model does not suffer from selection bias. In columns (b), (c), and (d) of Table 6 alternative specificationsaretested.First,theresultsin(a)may suffer from an omitted variable bias given that in the descriptive statistics presented earlier, persons with reported hourly reservation wages had lower reservation wages than respondents using other reporting units. In (b), variables are therefore included to control for the reporting unit of the reservation wage. Persons with annually reported reservation wages are found to haveastatisticallysignificanthigherreservationwage, andthemainresultsfromspecification(a)hold.However,alimitationofspecification(b)isthepotential endogeneity of the reporting unit. The selected reporting unit may depend on past job characteristics, which maybeinfluencedbyseveralfactorsaccountedfor in the model, including human capital. Secondly, the resultsin(a)maynotreflectthevarietyofconditions alongsidethewagethatbeneficiariestakeintoaccount while considering whether to accept a job. Binary variables are included in (c) to account for the conditions placed by reservation wage respondents on the type of work done, the wage, and some other condition. It is important to note that answers to three of the conditions are highly correlated: the wage, the location, and the hours. Conditions related to the location, and the hours are therefore left out of the model. Persons who condition the acceptance of a job on the type of work
Variable Log monthly reservation wage Log DI benefit amount Log monthly other income Health insurance besides Medicare Lost job Accident on the job Less than high school education High school diploma More than high school education Vocational rehabilitation Limitation(s) in activities of daily living Number of health conditions White Male Married Younger than age 45 Ages 4564 Aged 65 or older Health condition Blindness or serious problem seeing Conditions affecting eyes Hearing conditions Missing hand, arm, foot or leg Bone or muscle conditions Stiffness or deformity, limbs Nervous system conditions Other paralysis Respiratory system conditions Urinary system conditions Cancer Mental conditions Heart conditions N
SOURCE: Author's calculations based on the New Beneficiary Data System. NOTES: Standard deviations are in parenthesis. DI = Disability Insurance; NBDS = New Beneficiary Data System; NBS = New Beneficiary Survey; NBF = New Beneficiary Followup. . . . = not applicable; X = presence of variable in source.
* ***
* ***
** *** 0.495 *** (0.166) -0.967 * (0.515) 5.226 *** (0.896) 0.205 (0.207) 0.191 (0.697) 3.963 ** (1.584)
*** **
Table 6. Continued
Variable Health condition Blindness or serious problem seeing Conditions affecting eyes Hearing conditions Missing hand, arm, foot, or leg Bone or muscle conditions Limb stiffness or deformity Nervous system conditions Other paralysis Respiratory system conditions Urinary system conditions Cancer Mental conditions Heart conditions Age R square F Statistic 0.197 4.32 0.218 4.11 0.231 4.25 (a) (b) (c) (d) 0.046 (0.059) 0.033 (0.067) -0.034 (0.064) -0.034 (0.064) -0.139 ** (0.067) 0.024 (0.058) 0.116 (0.089) -0.047 (0.100) -0.073 (0.063) -0.074 (0.068) 0.061 (0.114) -0.066 (0.056) 0.143 ** (0.057) (e) Still on (f) Now on DI rolls Old-Age rolls
0.242 3.16
SOURCE: Author's calculations based on the New Beneficiary Data System. NOTES: Standard deviations are in parenthesis. DI = Disability Insurance. * indicates significance at the 10-percent level; ** indicates significance at the 5-percent level; *** indicates significance at the 1-percent level.
donearefoundtohavesignificantlylowerreservation wages. Again the major results in (a) hold in (c). However,thisspecificationmayalsosufferfromanendogeneity bias as the conditions on accepting a job may well be formulated in simultaneity with the reservation wage. Finally, in (d) the number of health conditions usedin(a)isreplacedbybinaryvariablesforspecific health conditions. The number of health conditions in (a)hasacoefficientthatisclosetozero,whichmight be due to the inability of this variable to account for the possible varying time and self-care constraints, and hence, the taste for leisure, resulting from differ102
ent health conditions. In (d), having a bone or muscle condition is found to be negatively associated with the reservation wage, while having a heart condition is positively associated with the reservation wage. However, when the health binary variables are introduced in(d),theoverallfitofthemodelisreducedcompared to (a).17 Specification(a)isthereforethepreferredspecification for the model. Given the heterogeneity between beneficiariesstillonDIandOld-Agepensionersfound inthedescriptivestatisticsandin(a),specification (a) is run on the two subsamples in columns (e) and
(f) and a continuous age variable is introduced. The results in (a) hold for the subsample still on DI in (e), withtheexceptionthatthecoefficientofthelogof thebenefitamountishigher(0.15)butremainsimpreciselyestimated.Thecoefficientoftheagevariableis negativeandclosetozero.However,thecoefficient ofthesampleselectionvariableissignificantlydifferentfromzero,whichindicatesthatresultsfromthis regression need to be used with caution. The results in (f) also need to be treated with caution given that the equationisoverallpoorlyestimated(F=1.43). Overall, the results are consistent with the predictions of the labor leisure choice model, with regard to the positive association of the reservation wage with other nonlabor income and an accident on the jobhistory.Thecoefficientonthebenefitamount closetozeroinspecifications(a)through(d)above is surprising and adds to the reservation wage literature. As noted earlier, most studies on unemployment compensation found a positive relationship between reservationwagesandbenefits.Anadvantageofthis studyistheuseofadministrativedataforthebenefit amount while earlier studies on the reservation wage reliedonself-reportedbenefitdata.However,great cautionisneededininterpretingthecoefficientsofthe benefitamountandtheothernonlaborincomegiven the endogeneity of these variables in the model. The benefitamountandtheothernonlaborincomeindeed depend on age, past experience, and earnings, which depend on demographic and human capital characteristics. In this case, an instrumental variable approach may be a more appropriate estimation method than OLS.Thechallengeistofindaninstrumentwitha highcorrelationwiththebenefitamountandtheother nonlabor income and a low correlation with the reservation wage. In the absence of a credible instrument in the available data set, simple OLS estimates are to be interpreted with caution. Another limitation of the analysis above is that self-reports were used for work activity over the 19821991 period to identify persons who worked while on the rolls and who have had work capabilities. These individuals together with those who report being willing to work and give their reservation wages constitute the overall sample within which the correction for sample selection bias was made for reservation wages. Given that administrative earnings records areavailableintheNBDS,onecancheckthework historyofbeneficiarieswhileontherolls.Thisisdone in Table 7. Among those who reported that they did not work while on the rolls and gave their reservation
wages, 21.14 percent had positive earnings for at least a year. Among those who did not report their reservation wages and reported not working while on the rolls, 13.25 percent had positive earnings for at least a year. For both of these subgroups, most of those who reported not working but did have positive earnings had positive earnings for 1 or 2 years. In contrast, a large majority of the persons who did report that they worked had positive earnings for more than 2 years: a small percentage of this group (6.61 percent) did not have any earnings records, which might be explained by the fact that only earnings subject to Social Security payroll taxes are recorded. The sample selection bias correction was conducted again based on the broader sample of persons with work capabilities including reservation wage respondents as well as the 393 persons with positive earnings during 19821991. Results of the regression analysis remained unchanged and are available from the author.
Basedonauniquedataset,theprimaryobjectiveof this article is to examine the reservation wages of DI beneficiarieswithworkcapabilitiesandderiveimplicationsforreturn-to-workpolicies.Thefirstresult ofinterestisthatasignificantportionofbeneficiaries have work capabilities and report being likely toacceptajobifofferedone.BasedontheNBDS, 13percentofacohortofDIbeneficiarieswhojoined therollsin19811982andansweredtheNBFsurvey in 1991 reported that they would be willing to work if offered a job and reported their reservation wages. ThesecondresultofinterestisthatDIbeneficiaries do not appear to price themselves out of the labor market:thereservationwagesofDIbeneficiariesare relatively low compared to the last wage earned before joining DI. About half of them would want a wage that is 80 percent or less of the last wage earned before getting onto DI. It is estimated that approximately 7percentoflong-termDIbeneficiariesmaypotentially return to work if they search for jobs and have a mean wage offer at 80 percent of their last wage. Actual return-to-work rates are very low in the order of 0.6 percent for a variety of possible reasons including conditions placed on accepting a job offer beside the wage such as the type of work done, the location, and hours of the job as well as income security. The lack of accommodations on the job, at least in the pre-ADA periodoftheNBDS,mayalsoconstituteabarrierto return to work.
A third important result of this study is the heterogeneity between persons still on DI and those that have moved to the Old-Age program. The subsamples of persons who have shifted to the Old-Age program and those who are still on DI have mean ratios of 0.91 and 1.38 respectively, and the former has a more dispersed distribution. This result was also reached in a regression framework. This heterogeneity between the two groups may result in part from the different program characteristicsbothgroupsfaceintermsofbenefit termination rules and Medicare eligibility. Longitudinal data is not available to investigate the impact of changes in the program characteristics on the reservationwageasbeneficiariestransitiontotheOld-Age program. A fourth result of interest is that in the regression analysis,thenonlaborincomebesidethebenefitis positively associated with the reservation wage while theDIbenefitamounthasacoefficientthatisnot significantlydifferentfromzero.However,thisresult needs to be interpreted with caution given the endogeneityofthebenefitamountandothernonlaborincome variables. Finally, this article shows that subjective reservation wage data can be useful to study populations that are out of the labor force. Reservation wages have typically been used to assess the behavior of the
unemployed and the determinants of unemployment duration. The analysis above is innovative in that it focuses on a group of persons who are typically considered as being out of the labor force, and therefore arenotaskedreservationwagequestionsingeneral household surveys such as the Current Population Survey. However, it is important to note that the analysis was constrained by caveats of the data set at hand. A major caveat of this data set is that reservation wages were collected only at one point in time in 1991, which limits the scope of research that may be conductedbasedonthisdataset.Currently,theNBDS is the only source of reservation wage data for DI beneficiaries.Itwouldbeveryvaluabletocollectfurther reservation wage data in the post-ADA period when accommodations in the work place have become more common and with improvements in survey design as the Social Security Administration expands its returnto-work programs. It would be of great interest to collectmorereservationwagedataforDIbeneficiaries in a longitudinal data set to expand this analysis, for instance to assess conclusively the effects of changing program characteristics on reservation wages and return-to-workoutcomesasbeneficiariestransition to the Old-Age program or as new return-to-work programsareputinplace.Withimprovedreservation data, another important next step would be to explore the link between reservation wages and return-to-work experiencesforDIbeneficiaries.
Table 7. Responses to reservation wage question, work self-reports, and administrative earnings records
Response to the reservation wage question No Administrative earnings record 19821991 Total earnings record Total without earnings record Number with positive earnings Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yes Number 317 250 67 36 18 4 6 0 2 1 0 0 0 Percent 100.00 78.86 21.14 Work self-report Number 136 9 125 16 18 22 20 12 9 7 10 4 9 Percent 100.00 6.61 93.39 No work self-report Number 2,023 1,755 268 152 62 18 14 8 2 6 3 2 1 Percent 100.00 86.75 13.25
Group Entire Sample Still on DI rolls Moved to the Old-Age Lost job Left job Accident on job Females Males
Mean Median 1.64 1.86 1.35 1.58 1.65 1.68 1.65 1.63 1.35 1.56 1.15 1.35 1.35 1.37 1.41 1.33
SOURCE: Author's calculations based on the New Beneficiary Data System. NOTE: DI = Disability Insurance.
SOURCE: Author's calculations based on the New Beneficiary Data System. NOTES: Standard deviations are in parenthesis. DI = Disability Insurance.
Table A-3. Probit estimates for reservation wage response among those with work capabilities
Variable Log DI Benefit amount Log monthly other income Health insurance besides Medicare Lost job Accident on the job High school diploma More than high school education Vocational rehabilitation Number of health conditions Limitation(s) in activities of daily living White Male Married Ages 4564 Aged 65 or older Male * Married Log of last wage Intercept log-likelihood N
SOURCE: Author's calculations based on the New Beneficiary Data System. NOTES: Standard deviations are in parenthesis. DI = Disability Insurance. * indicates significance at the 10-percent level; ** indicates significance at the 5-percent level; *** indicates significance at the 1-percent level.
(1) 0.052 (0.139) 0.108 (0.080) 0.032 (0.076) -0.042 (0.102) 0.091 (0.080) -0.015 (0.079) 0.048 (0.096) 0.191 ** (0.076) -0.026 (0.016) -0.080 (0.070) -0.079 (0.084) 0.049 (0.105) -0.165 (0.144) -0.172 (0.115) -0.383 *** (0.117) 0.119 (0.154) -0.003 (0.061) -0.288 (0.702) -931.036 2,159
(2) -0.091 (0.194) 0.059 (0.140) -0.367 (0.158) 0.543 (0.180) 0.117 (0.117) 0.277 (0.168) 0.747 (0.183) 0.190 (0.151) -0.028 (0.034) -0.587 (0.148) -0.054 (0.168) -0.153 (0.206) 0.376 (0.268) -0.370 (0.188) -0.188 (0.180) -0.424 (0.296) 0.253 (0.146) -2.907 (1.243) -238.376 453
** **
* **
Table A-4. Cumulative distribution of reservation wage ratio based on last wage from administrative earnings data
Share with reservation wage ratio less than or equal to Group Entire sample Still on DI rolls Moved to the Old-Age program Lost job Left job Accident on job Females Males N 299 165 134 38 261 69 95 204 Mean 6.08 10.27 0.92 16.78 4.52 1.55 4.03 7.03 Median 0.71 0.90 0.58 1.23 0.68 0.60 0.82 0.67 0.6 41.14 30.91 53.73 31.58 42.53 49.28 34.74 44.12 0.8 52.17 41.82 64.93 34.21 54.79 59.42 47.37 54.41 1.0 64.88 56.97 74.63 44.74 67.82 69.57 58.95 67.65 1.2 70.57 64.24 78.36 47.37 73.95 73.91 65.26 73.04 1.4 75.92 70.91 82.09 55.26 78.93 78.26 71.58 77.94 1.6 77.93 71.52 85.82 55.26 81.23 78.26 75.79 78.92
SOURCE: Author's calculations based on the New Beneficiary Data System. NOTES: The last wage is estimated based on 1979 administrative earnings record expressed on a monthly basis and in 1991 dollars. DI = Disability Insurance.
Acknowledgments: The author wishes to thank participants of the 2005 annual meetings of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) and the Eastern Economic Association for their helpful comments. The research reported in this article was performed pursuanttoagrant(10-P-98360-5-05)fromtheU.S.Social Security Administration (SSA), funded as part of the Disability Research Institute. The data used in this article, theNewBeneficiaryDataSystem,ispubliclyavailableand the programs used to generate the results presented in the article can be obtained from the author. The opinions and conclusions expressed are solely those of the author and should not be considered as representing the opinions or policy of SSA or any agency of the Federal Government. For instance, Gilbert and Parent (2003) provide an analysisofFrenchandU.S.experiences. A review of this literature can be found in Bound and Burkhauser (1999). Ifthetaggingsystemwereperfect,abeneficiarymay still be willing and able to work below the earnings limit, but would be unable to work above the limit. The exercise of assessing the reservation wages would still be important in the context of return-to-work policies. Of course, the objective of a return-to-work policy would then change. It wouldnolongerfulfilltheobjectiveofreducingthesize oftheprogramthroughterminationsofbeneficiariesdue to return to work. However, it would continue to serve the purpose of encouraging the participation of persons with disabilities in society through employment.
3 2 1
encouraging persons to search for a job through services like job counseling. Such services can also improve the persons wage offer distribution Fi if they enhance the human capital ofthebeneficiaryandthusgiveprospectsforimproved wages. They can also increase the persons offer arrival rate ( i ) through job search coaching services. In this context, return-to-work policies may be evaluated in their ability to boost i , s i and Fi forthosebeneficiarieswhohavework capabilities. A return-to-work policy will aim to increase the reemployment probability and the DI roll exit probability of every person who is on the roll with some work capabilities. AnotherquestionintheNBDSthatcanbeusedtoidentifypersonswithworkcapabilitiesis:areyoulimitedin the kind and amount of work that you can do?, 80.37 percent persons who report that they worked since joining DI or would be willing to accept a job if offered one also answered that they do not have a work limitation.
The characteristics of this group and the determinants of whetherornotabeneficiaryworkedwasanalyzedindetail in Muller (1992). The author uses $180, $774, and $9,288 for the equivalentweekly,monthly,andannualminimumwages, respectively. Wagedataisavailableforpersonswhohaveworked since joining the rolls. It would be of interest to compare these wages to the reservation wages of persons who have notworkedsincebecomingbeneficiaries.However,this wage data is not used in this article due to missing values.
8 7
The person may return to work but stay on the rolls if his or her work earnings are below the earnings limit (g). The reservation wage (expressed here on a monthly basis) can be below g, in which case the person could accept a job below g and stay on the roll, or above g and leave the rolls. A reservation wage above g would indicate that the person would only accept a job that would ultimately make her ineligible for DI. The probability that person i exits the rolls is as follows:
pi , 2 = i s i (1 Fi ( g ))
AsofOctober2000,DIbeneficiarieswhoworkabove the earnings limit could receive Medicare Part A premiumfree coverage for 93 months after the trial work period (SSA (2003)).
Thischangedrecently.TheTickettoWorkandWork Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 (section 111) provided that effective January 1, 2002, a return to work alone cannot triggeracontinuingdisabilityreviewforDIbeneficiaries whohavereceivedbenefitsforatleast2years.
If wi * g , pi ,1 = pi , 2 . If wi * < g , then pi ,1 > pi , 2 , and the probability of returning to work while staying on the DI roll is pi ,1 p i , 2 . According to the above formulation, the DI exit probability is a function of the following parameters * ( i , s i , Fi , wi , g ), where i and Fi reflectconditions of the labor market. Some of the above parameters can be influencedthroughpublicpolicy,directly(g) or indirectly * ( i , si , Fi , wi ). First of all, whether or not the reservation wageisfinite(inotherwordswhetherornotthepersonhas work capabilities) depends on the disability tagging system inplaceandhowfrequentlyclassificationerrorsoccur.In addition,policiesthatencouragebeneficiariestoparticipate in return-to-work services, as in the recently implemented TickettoWorkprogram,canhaveanimpacton s i by
Among Old-Age pensioners, persons aged 6570 have theirbenefitsreducedby$1forevery$3earnedabove $9,720 per year, and persons aged 70 or older are not subjecttoanyearningslimit(SSA2003).DIbeneficiaries whose work earnings are above the earnings limit of $500 permonthin1991havetheirbenefitsterminated.Tobe more precise, if work earnings are above the earnings limit, beneficiariesarenotimmediatelyterminatedfromtheDI program, without meeting certain conditions. First, beneficiariescantesttheirabilitytoworkabovetheearnings limitwithoutaffectingtheireligibilityforbenefitsduringa 9-month long trial work period. After the trial work period ends, there is a 3-year period, the so-called extended period ofeligibility(EPE),duringwhichbenefitsarewithheldfor those months in which earnings exceed the earnings limit (SSA (2003)). Once the EPE is over, and the person continuestoexceedthelimit,thepersonsDIbenefitisterminated.
Inaddition,aninterestingfindingisthatforDIbeneficiariesthemeanofthereservationwageratio(1.32)is higher than that of unemployment insurance recipients: 1.07 (Feldstein and Poterba 1984), 1.045 (Jones 1989), 0.85 in Jones (2000), and 0.83 (Ryscavage 2002). This may be explained by the fact that persons receiving DI receive it asapermanentbenefit,whereaspersonsonunemployment insurance receive it only temporary. However, the mean of the reservation ratio for the subsample that have transitioned to the Old-Age program (0.85) is within the range of estimates for unemployment insurance recipients.
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If disability is understood as resulting from environmental factors, among others, then changes in the environment such as the passage of antidiscrimination laws, the availability of accessible transport system, and physical environment could affect the reservation wages of persons with disabilities. This cannot be captured with the data set at hand. Usingthecoefficientsestimatedin(a),theneteffecton the reservation wage of being married for a male is given by Married + Male + Married Male = 0.40 0.01 + 0.39 = 0.02 . For females, the net effect of being married is Married = 0.40 .
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