Cor 017 Coc
Cor 017 Coc
Cor 017 Coc
WEEK 7 ✓ Step 4: Multiply by your “Lean Factor” from the table below
Nutrition (read on to learn how to find your body fat percentage if you
(Eating Habits, Meal Plan, and Calorie Computation) don’t know it)
3. Fog Eating
- Anytime you eat without awareness. You are munching on
chips without even tasting them, you are snacking on your kids’
peanut butter and jelly crusts while making lunch, you finish off
a bag of candy before you even realize how much you ate and ✓ This number is called your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). It’s
don’t even remember what it tasted like. Fog eating is not how many calories you would burn in a day if you just lay on the
enjoyable or purposeful; it’s an unconscious munch that we are couch all day and did nothing. To find out how many calories
not even aware we are doing. The goal is to never fog eat. you actually burn in a day, you need to multiply with your
Stop the minute you catch yourself. “Activity Modifier” from the table below.
✓ Step 5: Multiply by Activity Modifier
4. Storm Eating
- Binge eating or eating out of control. It is anytime you can’t stop
yourself. You are aware that you are eating and you want to
stop but you feel like you can’t stop or like you can’t control
yourself. It’s almost like you are watching another person inside
your own body. Sometimes this happens if we let ourselves get
too hungry and sometimes it happens when we have an
overwhelming emotion that we do not want to feel. Storm eating
is usually followed by regret and shame. Many times it’s done
in private or in hiding.
- A meal plan is any strategy used to map out what you're going
to eat. This term may refer to following a specific diet, or it may
just indicate the process of thinking through what you plan to
eat beforehand.
✓ Step 3: Multiply by 24
Exercise Program
An exercise program that is tailored specifically to your
needs is a great way to stay physically and mentally fit. It also provides
additional benefits such as: improved condition of the heart and lungs.
increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness increased
aerobic fitness.