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WEEK 7 ✓ Step 4: Multiply by your “Lean Factor” from the table below
Nutrition (read on to learn how to find your body fat percentage if you
(Eating Habits, Meal Plan, and Calorie Computation) don’t know it)


1. Fuel Eating ✓ to calculate body fat percentage, add your waist ad hip
- When you are eating foods that support your body and its measurements, and then subtract the neck measurement to
needs. This is clean eating. Eating real, whole, natural, determine your circumference value. For example, if your waist
minimally processed foods that provide you with energy and is 30, your hips are 36, and your neck is 13, your circumference
nourishment and feel good in your body. You want to eat fuel value would be 53.
foods 80% of the time. 30 + 36 – 13 = 53

2. Fun Eating ✓ Example using my stats: 61 kg (134.5 lbs.) x 0.9 (female) x

- Eating any foods that you love to eat that don’t necessarily give 24 x 0.95 (20% body fat) = 1252
you anything back. In other words, food that tastes great and
you enjoy but don’t offer any real nutritional value (i.e. cake,
wine, potato chips, candy, etc.). You want to pay careful
attention when eating fun foods as to be sure you are receiving
the pleasure that they provide. This could look like one small
treat a day or two fun meals a week. The rule with fun eating is
that you must enjoy each bite.

3. Fog Eating
- Anytime you eat without awareness. You are munching on
chips without even tasting them, you are snacking on your kids’
peanut butter and jelly crusts while making lunch, you finish off
a bag of candy before you even realize how much you ate and ✓ This number is called your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). It’s
don’t even remember what it tasted like. Fog eating is not how many calories you would burn in a day if you just lay on the
enjoyable or purposeful; it’s an unconscious munch that we are couch all day and did nothing. To find out how many calories
not even aware we are doing. The goal is to never fog eat. you actually burn in a day, you need to multiply with your
Stop the minute you catch yourself. “Activity Modifier” from the table below.
✓ Step 5: Multiply by Activity Modifier
4. Storm Eating
- Binge eating or eating out of control. It is anytime you can’t stop
yourself. You are aware that you are eating and you want to
stop but you feel like you can’t stop or like you can’t control
yourself. It’s almost like you are watching another person inside
your own body. Sometimes this happens if we let ourselves get
too hungry and sometimes it happens when we have an
overwhelming emotion that we do not want to feel. Storm eating
is usually followed by regret and shame. Many times it’s done
in private or in hiding.
- A meal plan is any strategy used to map out what you're going
to eat. This term may refer to following a specific diet, or it may
just indicate the process of thinking through what you plan to
eat beforehand.


✓ Step 1: Find your body weight in kilograms (just divide your
✓ My daily calorie need would be: 1252 (my BMR) x 1.55 (Light
weight in pounds by 2.2 to get your weight in kilograms).
Activity) = 1940 calories/day
✓ Step 2: Multiply your weight in kilograms by 0.9 if you are a
woman or 1.0 if you are a man.

✓ Step 3: Multiply by 24


WEEK 8 - Ways to determine intensity:

Nature of Exercise ✓ Target Heart Rate Monitoring
(Components of Exercise Training: Warm-Up, Conditioning, Cool Down, - Heart Rate- is defined as the number of heart beats per minute
and Stretching) (bpm). Measuring HR may be done using the pulse located at
several anatomical sites.
Exercise is physical activity that is planned, structured and
Example: 70 bpm
repetitive for the purpose of conditioning any part of the body used to
improve health and maintain fitness. Generally, you work up a sweat,
To get the Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)
breath heavy and increase your heart rate during exercise. The World
Health Organization (WHO) and American Heart Association (AHA)
Formula: 220 minus age for boys and 226 for
recommend 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity or 75
minutes of vigorous physical activity weekly.
Example: age is 20 years old
220-20= 200 bpm (MHR)
1. Warm – Up
- Warm-up is defined as the preparation of the body physically
and mentally for the conditioning session. Minimum of 5-10 To get the Target Heart Rate (THR)
minutes of low to moderate intensity cardiovascular and
muscular endurance activities. Increases body temperature Formula: THR= MHR- RHR (intensity factor) +
and lesser chances of injury occurrences while exercising RHR
2. Conditioning
- 20-60 minutes of aerobic, resistance, neuromuscular and/or Intensity factors means the range from 60%
sports activities (exercise bouts of 10 minutes are acceptable if (0.60)--80% (0.80)
the individual accumulates at least 20-60 minutes each day of
daily exercise Example:
THR at 60% 200-70 (0.60) + 70 = 148 bpm
3. Cool Down THR at 80% 200-70 (0.80) + 70 = 174 bpm
- Allows gradual recovery of heart rate and blood pressure, and
removal of metabolic end-products from the muscles used • Time
during the more intense conditioning phase. Minimum of 5-10 - The duration of a single workout, usually measured in minutes
minutes of low to moderate intensity cardiovascular and or hours.
muscular endurance activities.
4. Stretching - A workout that is too brief may result in limited progress.
- Minimum of 10 minutes of stretching performed after the warm - A workout that is too long will increase your risk for injuries.
- up or cool down phases.
• Type
- The particular type of physical activity or exercise you choose
WEEK 9 to do. The mode of activity you choice depends on:
Principles of Exercise 1) What you enjoy doing?
(FITT: Frequency, Intensity, Type and Time 2) How much time you have?
and Exercise Program) 3) Can you afford the activity?

FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Type, and Time)

• Frequency FITT for Cardio and Weight Loss
- It refers to the number of times per week you engage in physical The FITT Principle is most commonly used for
activity or exercise. cardiovascular (aerobic) training and weight loss, although it’s also
- It is recommended that to maintain an average fitness level, an commonly used as part of strength training recommendations (see
individual should exercise at least 3 times a week with at least below). The standard recommendation for cardio training is as follows.
24-48 hours in between workouts. But to produce greater
results, such as to lose weight or reduce stress, 5 times a week • Frequency – 5 to 6 times per week.
is recommended. • Intensity – Easy to moderate, or about 60-75% of your maximum
heart rate.
• Intensity • Time – Anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes or more. Type – Any
- The difficulty or exertion level of your physical activity or exercise you can do continually, like running, walking, cycling,
exercise. swimming, rowing, stair- climber, elliptical trainer, etc.


FITT for Strength WEEK 10

When the FITT Principle is used as part of strength training, the Body Movements
standard recommendations are as follows. (Locomotor Movements/Exercise)
• Frequency – 2 to 3 times per week, but NOT on consecutive
days (leave 1 or 2 days rest between each strength session). LOCOMOTOR MOVEMENTS
• Intensity – The intensity of your strength training depends on Crawling
the amount of weight lifted and the sets and reps you do. - Crawling exercises are important to include in your workout
Basically, the heavier the weight, the less sets and reps, while routine because they are functional bodyweight exercises that
the lighter the weight, the more sets and reps you can do. can improve your core strength, coordination, and even your
• Time – The time you spend doing strength training will depend mobility. Plus, crawling is an amazing cardio workout that you
on the intensity of the workout. If the intensity is extremely can do anywhere. Baby crawl, bear crawl, gorilla crawl, crab
high, then reduce the time spent doing strength training or crawl, table top crawl, Inchworm and etc. are some of the
include extra rest. If the intensity is low, the time spent doing crawling exercises.
strength training can be a lot longer.
• Type – The best types of strength training exercises include Jumping and Landing Series
free weights, machine weights, hydraulic weight machines, - Jumping and landing (Frog Hopping) involves taking off on one
resistance bands and body-weight exercises like push-ups, or two feet and landing on two; with feet, ankles, knees and hips
chin-ups and dips, etc. absorbing the force. Vertical height is achieved by bending at
the knees and swinging both arms forwards and upwards above
FITT for Stretching the head. Alternating jumps, broad jump, forward & backward
Let’s take a look at how the FITT Principle can be applied to jump, squat jump, jumping jacks and etc. are examples of
stretching as it relates to improving flexibility and range of motion. jumping exercises.
Remember, stretching can be used for other activities like warming up
and cooling down, but for the purpose of this article let’s stick with Linear Movements
stretching for improving flexibility. - Linear motion is the movement of an object in one dimension,
from one place to another in a straight line. This is also called
The FITT Principle for stretching would look like the following. forward motion. Hop, skip, run, leap or bounce, backpedal and
• Frequency – 5 to 7 times per week. Unlike other types of etc. are examples of linear movements.
exercises, like cardio and strength training, stretching (when
done properly) is very relaxing and therapeutic, and will help Lateral Movements
you recover from your other activities. So, feel free to add - Side-to-side (or lateral) movement is very often missing from
stretching to your exercise program every day. most of our training and exercise programs. We see plenty of
• Intensity – Slow, easy and relaxed. When the goal is to improve front to back, and up and down, motions like lunges, squats,
flexibility and range of motion you should do your stretching push-ups and pull-ups, but oddly we don't see many lateral
at a low intensity. Move into the stretch position and as soon as movements. Slide, crossover, grapevine and etc. are examples
you feel deep tension within the muscle group, stop there. If it’s of lateral movements
hurting or painful, you’ve gone too far. On a scale of 1 to 10
aim for a tension of about 6 or 7 out of 10.
• Time – Anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes, and hold each stretch
for 40 to 60 seconds.
• Type – For improving range of motion and creating permanent
changes in your flexibility the best types of stretching to use
are long-hold static stretching, passive (or assisted) stretching
and PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation)

Exercise Program
An exercise program that is tailored specifically to your
needs is a great way to stay physically and mentally fit. It also provides
additional benefits such as: improved condition of the heart and lungs.
increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness increased
aerobic fitness.

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