Toan 6 Tap 2
Toan 6 Tap 2
Toan 6 Tap 2
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Nguoi dich (Translated by) : NGUYE N VAN NHO - NGUYE N HA HUYEN VAN
Nguoi hi~u dinh (Revi sed by) : HOANG ANH NHI
Cong ty CP Thiet bi giao d1,1c va Cong ngh~ Vi~t Nam - Nha xuat ban Giao d1,1c Vi~t Nam giii quyen c6ng bo tac phclm.
All rights reserved by Vietnam Education Equipment and Technology Joint stock company - Vietnam Education Publishing House.
ChU'dng Ill - PHAN SO
, , _ , . .• •
Phan s6 dd d1(Q'c Ju.Jc o ieu I1oc
- ·
Trong chuong nay, chung ta se tzm hzeu sau hon ve., phan
. tary school. In this chapter, we will learn more
Fractions were teamed tn e1emen , ~ abou t fractions.
_ . ,, d' ,, k -- d ,, hai phan so , ~ .• , , , •'
Chung ta se bier 1eu 1{? 11 e bang nhau, cac quy tac thl,!c hu;n cac phep tznh ve Phan s
, I ,, . , hep tinh a)' each giai• ba bat
c1111g cac tmh
,. ,
b • ,, h. ., , ,, .c' ~ 0
cwt cua cac p . an ve p
. an so va priun tram.
, .
. . 1. ,, ,, equivalent fractions the
We are finding condttJons ,or '"'0 rules imp/ementmg operaflons on fractions and
. , ~
the properties of these opera wn 5 , and how to solve three basic prob lems a b out ,raCt1
,. d
, , .,. , . , . ., ons an percent.
, - Iiay
,, cac
, k:iln thuc ve'phdn so' c6 ich nhu the nao doz vcn dm song ,.
Chung ta set con ngum.
we will find out how usefu l the knowledge of fracti
ons is to huma n life.
0 Tieu h<;>c , ta da biet c6 the dung phan so de ghi ket qua cua phep
chia m<)t s6 tl! nhie n cho m<)t
soU! nhien khac 0. Ch~ g h~, phan so¾ c6 the coi la thuo ng cua phep chia 3 cho 4.
In elementary schoo l, we have known that we can
use fractions to record the result of dividing a natur
nu mber by a non-zero natural number. For exam
ple , the fraction ~ can be considered as the quoti
4 ent of
divid ing 3 by 4.
Tong : Nguui ta g(Ji : voi a, b E Z, b-:;:. 0 la m<)t phan so~ a la tu so (tu), b la mdu so
(mau) ciia phan so.
Ge nera lly : b Is called a fract ion, with a, b
E Z, b c1:- 0, a is the num erator, b is the deno m ina tor
th'.: fract ion .
2. vr dt:1
-2 3 1 -2 ,..,
, - , - O , . .. I'a nh-ung p hAan so.
3' -5 4 -1 -3
- 2 , - 3 , -1 , -- 2 , - 0 ,... are fraction
- s.
3 -5 4 -1 -3
m Cho ba vi dl!, ve'phan so: Cho biet tuva mdu cua m6i phan so' do.
Give three examples about fractions. Show the numerato r and the denomina tor of each fraction.
m Trong cac each viet sau day, each viet nao cho ta phan so'?
Which of the following are fractions ?
7; b) 0~2: (0~~5)<*>; c)
m Mqi so' nguyen co thl viet dum d{;lng phan so' khong ? Cho vi dl!,.
Can every integer be written as a fraction ? Give an example.
Nh(Jn xet : So' nguyen a c6 thl viet la T'
Bai t(lp
1. Ta bieu dien _!_ cua hlnh tron bang each chia hlnh tron thanh 4 phan
bang nhau roi to mau m◊t phin nhu hlnh 1.
We represent ..!.
of the circle by dividing that circle into 4 equal parts and
coloring a part as shown in figure 1. Hinh (Figure) J
Theo each d6, hay bieu dien :
According to that way, represent :
- of the rectangle (f.2) ;
- of the square (f.3) .
16 Hinh (Figure) 3
(") In Engl ish, sign "." is used instead of sign "," in decimal number.
2. , . • . - , h~ s6 nao ?
Phan t6 mau trong cac hlnh 4a, b, c, d b1eu
d1en cac P
Which fraction is the coloring part . · figu res?
represented in the following
a) b)
c) d)
Hinh (Figure) 4
3. Viet cac phan s6 sau :
Write down the following fractions
a) Hai phfu bay ; b) Am nam phful chin ;
Two sevenths ;
Negative five ninths ;
c) Muoi m(>t phfu mum ba ; d) Muoi b6n phfu nam.
Eleven thirteenths .
Fourteen fifths.
4. Viet cac phep chia sau dum. d~ g phful s6
Write the following divisions as frac
tions :
a) 3 : 11 ; b)- 4:7 ;
c)S : (-1 3) ; d) x chia cho 3 (x divided by 3) (x E Z).
5. Dung ca hai s6 5 va 7 de viet thrum phart
s6 (moi s6 chi duqc viet m(>t lfu). Cung hoi
vm. hai s6 0 va -2. nhu v~y d6i
Use both the num ber 5 and 7 to
write down fractions (each number
same for the numbers O and - 2. can only be written once) . Do the
eo th i em chllzt biet
You may have not kno wn
PH.AN s6 Al cAP LA Gl ?
ON ?
3 1 1 5 1 1
-= -+ -. -= -+ 7 1 1
- . -= 7 1 1 1
4 4 2 ' -+ - . -= -+ -+ -·
6 3 2 ' 12 3 4 ' 8 2 4 8
Sm1noy, ngllUl t3 thu\)ng gQi C3C phAn 80 d(lng ! lo pMn s6 Al C~p.
Afl~m~l\i ~. H i~ c,ft~I\ ,·.1llt)d ft\ 1ctlofl$ whkt1 hnv1;3 tho form ol ~ tho
Eg} µti :111 tr:1rti0n:- .
Tror1g cac tai li$u cO oBa-bi-Ion, ngwi ta th~y cac phAn s6 c6 mlu la
luy thLm cua 60. Co IQ An 0¢ 10 noi tfAu tit\n xuA't hi$n each vi~t pMn s6
nhLt nga.y nay.
In nncient doeun,t}11t~ 111 Bnbylo11. peoµle found tractions whose
danorninntors nra powers of 60. Porhnps lndln is the first place which has
appeared writing t' f frnctions ns now.
Danh t(r "phan s0"' t1lJ\1C ctva vao chau Au tl't A-r$p qua tac ph~m cua
nha bac hc;>c YLA-0-nac-dO Pi-xa-nO (1202). each QQi "ta s0'' va "mAu s0''
la cua nha bac hc;>c Maerxim Pia-nut (cu01 th6 ki XIII), ngU'Oi xu Bi-d~ng-xo
(thu()c Hy L~p).
scholar Leonardo
The noun "fraction " was introduced into Europe from Arabia through the work of Italian
scholar Macxim Planut
Pisano (1202) . "Numera tor• and "denomin ator" are the calling of the Bezants (in Greek)
(at the end of XIII century) .
1. f>jnh nghia
I 2
(J Ti~u h<;>c, ta da biet (In elementary school , we have known) 3 6 (h.5).
1 2
3 6
Hinh (Figure) 5
m -15 '
C 6 thl khdng djnh ngay eek c(lp phan
We can confirm immediately that the following pairs of fractions
3 9
so'sau day kh6ng bang nhau, te:zi sao ?
are not equivalent, why ?
--2 va (and) -2 · --
va (and) -
· --
va (and) 7
5 5 ' - 21 20 ' - 11 - 10
Vi dlf 2. Tim s6 nguyen X 21
X, biet: - =-·
4 28
Examp le 2. Find integer x, given that : ~ = 3..:!. .
4 28
X 2] 4.21
Gidi: Vi - = - nen x . 28 = 4. 21. Suy ra x = - - = 3.
4 28 28
X 21
Solution : Si nce -
=- , x . 28 =4 . 21 . Hence x = -4.21 = 3 .
28 28
Bai t¢p
6. Tim cac s6 nguyen x va y, biet: Find integers x and y, given that :
X 6 -5 20
a)7= 21; b)y= 28·
7. Dien s6 thfch hqp vao 6 vu6ng : Fill in the squares with suitable numbers :
3 15
b) 4= □;
3 12
0 -24
N. 010 hai s6 nguy~n a va b (b :t- 0). Chung to rang cac c~p pban s6 sau day lu6n bang nhau :
Given the integers a and b (b 'f- 0) . Prove that the fo llowing pairs of fractions are always equivalent :
a -a -a a
a) -b va (and) b ; b) -
va (and) - ·
9. Ap d9ng ktt qua cua bai t~p 8, hay viet m6i phan s6 sau day tbanh m¢t phan s6 bang no Ya co
mfiu ducmg:
Applying the results of exercise 8, write each of the fol lowing fractions as a fraction which is equiva:ent io
itself and has a positive denominator :
3 -5 2 -11
- , - , - ,
-4 -7 -9 -10
10. Tu d~g thuc 2 . 3 = 1 . 6, ta c6 the l~p duqc cac c~p phan so bang nhau nhu sau :
From equality 2 . 3 = 1 . 6, we can establish pa irs of equ ivalent fractions as follows :
2 6 3 1 3 6
-=- - =- -=-·
1 3 ' 6 2' 1 2
Hay l~p cac c~p phan s6 bang nhau tu ding thtrc 3 . 4 = 6 . 2.
Establish pairs of equivalent fractions from equa lity 3 . 4 = 6 . 2.
1. Nh,n xet
m/ )i( ;'f/ sd {/,!('/, h{J]J l'()(I ( ) l ' lf(Jl/g :
11// // / f//c \ S C/II. I/H S wit/ I • If/Pl opt /11/11 1111mburs :
- = - -- = -
a =a.m
- - - voi. (where) m e Z va, ,,an d"1 m 0•
b b. m
Neu ta cliia cd tu va mdu cua m()t phan so' cho cimg mfjt UO'C chun g cu.a chun
g thi ta dU<fC
m()t phan stf btlng phan so' dci cho.
If we divide both the numerator and denom
inator of a fraction by their same comm on divisor,
we obtain a fraction equivalent to the given fraction.
a a:n
=-- v6i (where) n e lJC(a, b) (n E CD(a , b)~
b b:n
• Tir tinh cha't ca ban cua phan s6, ta c6 thi viet m(>t phan s6
bat kl c6 miu am tharlh phan s6
bang n6 va c6 mifo duang btmg each nhan ca tu va miu cua phan
s6 d6 vm -1.
From the basic properties of fractions, we can write any
fraction with negative denominator as a fraction
which is equivalent to it and has a positive denominator by
multiplying both numerator and denominator of
that fraction by - 1.
II Viet m6i'phdn s6' sau day thanh m<)t phdn s6' bang n6 va c6 mau
Wnle each of the following fractions as a fraction which is
duang :
equivalent to it and has positive denominator :
-4 a
(a, b E Z, b < 0).
-17 -11 b
• Tir tinh chit tr~n, ta thay M6i phdn s6' c6 v6 s6' phdn s6' bang n6. Chfulg h:µi :
--3 = --6 = --9 =-- -12 ,
= .... Cac phful s6 bang nhau fa cac each viet khac nhau cua cung m6t so ma
4 8 12 16
nguoi ta gQi la s6' hiiu tl.
From the foregoing property, we see : Each fraction has
countless numbe rs of fractions equivalent to it
- 3 - 6 - 9 - 12
4 =8 =12 = 16 =.... The equivalent fractions are the different writing s of the same
For example :
Bai tQp
11. Dien so thich hqp vao o vuong :
Fill in the squares with suitable numbers :
4 □
l_ 0 _ 0 _ 0 _ -8 _ 10
2 -4 6 0 0
12. Dien so thich hqp vao 6 vuong :
Fi ll in the squares with suitable numbers :
:3 .4
~ ,,.-...\
:□ .□
,,.-...\ ,,.-...\
-3 □
a) -=-· 2 □ -15 0 4 28
b) 7= □;
25- □·
d) 9= □
:3 .4 :5 .□
13. Cac so phut sau day chiem bao nhieu phfa cua m(>t gia :
How many equal parts of one hour is each of the following minute numbers equal to ?
a) 15 phut (minutes) ; b) 30 phut (minutes) ; c) 45 phut (minutes) ;
n·\t~n~ . ' .'
van (\ vuon ~ M n'l h11i ph(\11 s() hl\11}.t '.' ,11 II S·111 M, vi~I c6c <.;h(} IHong t'r1
$() thich I
C'\' ,A, ' .•• ' •• 11 ' 1·1<.,> i nCu l r~11 ig 'd11
, c ~'-1 tun dtr\l~ vi\o ctk () ,'1hui.._ htlng dtt(t1• c\\11~ :\ I ·1'1 !('11 (hft1<.; (.;jl ll
F l\ · . c111 s~ , ,
l in tho ~qu,1 1os with :1µp1'l,p1 h1tu rn11ul . , tn,ct io11 i:. n ,011 , wrllo lr1 lho •.qu•i
)u1:: lo linvu lwo <1q\1 1v. 11o111 , •'W(' ltm ·1l)()VO <p . lo•, i,I
the botto m two row~ with luttu,~~ r o 11 0~:p~111ttl11
~1 to lllu lounl l 11lll lllH11 :i , yo11 cw , , 11 1.
, , ' ''HJlln11.
3 \5
- =- M. u. -'12) -- -□36
5 D 13 .\9
-7 -'2~ 7 21 5 D
-= -- s. - =- o. - = --
8 D 15 D 7 28
- = -□
-□ = - -
Y. - 22 1 36
9 I. C. - =-
63 II 121
□ 84
l l 44 I 16 18
E. -=- 6
K. - =- N. - =- ·
□ 4
□ □ 54
I -
l 1- 1- 1- 1- [- -r-=1
7 20 7 20 18 - 27 24 25 -2 45 25 32
7 20 18 -27 25
I-35 I I I I
18 100 18 64 -2 24
VidLJ l .
Xet phan s6 . Ta th!fy 28 va42 c6 tr6c chun g la 2.
Exam ple 1. Cons ider the fraction 28 . Wc see that one of th e common divisors of 28 and 42
42 is 2.
Phan s6 ~
c6 tu va mau nho hon tt'r vi\ mdu dia phfrn s6 du cho nhm1g vfin b.\ng phfin s6 d6. Ta
I~ c6:
Fraction ~
has numerator and denomin ator each smaller th an numerator and denomin
ator of the given
Muon rut g(!n mqt phan so: ta chia cd tu va mdu cua phan so' cho mqt uuc chung (khac l
va -l) cu.a chung.
In order to reduce a fraction , divide the numerator and denominator
by their divisor (other than
1 and - 1).
, , h , 2 -4 16
Khi rut gon cac p an s6 : - , - ,
. 3 7 25
2 -4 16
When reducing fractions : - , - ,
3 7 25
, , - cua chung kh6ng c6 UO'C chung na
ta thiy cac phan s6 nay kh6ng rut gqn duqc nii'a vi t~ va mau o
khac ±1. Chung la cac ph~n s6 toi gian. Ta dµili nghia : d denominator have no corn
h · umerator an rnon
we ound that they cannot be reduced because t eir n
divisor, except +1 . They are fractions in lowest terms. We define : _
- la hdn so' ma tit va mdu chi co Uuc
Phan so toi gidn (hay phtin sf/ khong rut g9n du<fc nua) P
chung la 1 va -1.
d further) are fractions such that
Fractions in lowest terms (or fractions which cannot be reduce
their numerator and denominator have only 1 and 1 as common divisors.
m Tim cac phdn s6' t61 gidn trong eek phdn so sau :
Find the fractions in lowest terms in the following fractions :
3 -1 -4 9 14
-, - , - , - ,
6 4 12 16 63
Nh<j.n xet:
In example 2, to reduce fraction ~ , we can reduce fraction i, then put the sign "- " in front of the
numerator of received fraction .
VCLN (4, 8) = 4 nen ta co : -
, 4
=-4: 4 =-I . Do d6 --4 =--1 .
8 8:4 2 8 2
GCD (4, 8) = 4, so we have : i = 4 : 4 =! . Therefore -4 = - 1
8 8:4 2 ' 8 2
• Khi rut gqn m¢t phan so, ta thuong rut gqn phan so d6 den toi gian.
When reducing a fraction , we often reduce it to the fraction in lowest terms.
Bai tQp
15. Rut gqn cac phan s6 sau :
Reduce the following fractions :
22 -63 20 -25
a) . b) . d) - .
55 ' 81 ' c) -140 ; -75
16. B¢ rang day du cua m¢t nguai truang thanh c6 32 chiec trong d6 c6 8 rang cira, 4 rang nanh,
8 rang c6i nho va 12 rang ham. Hoi m6i lo~i rang chiem may phan cua t6ng s6 rang ? (Viet
·duoi d~ng phan s6 t6i gian).
A full dentition of an adult consists of 32 units, including 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolar and 12 molar
teeth. How many parts of the total number of teeth is each kind of teeth? (Write in form of fraction in
lowest terms).
17. Rut gqn : Reduce :
3.5 b) 2. 14 . 3. 7 .11
a) 8. 24 ; 7. 8 ' 22. 9 '
18. Viet cac s6 do thm gian sau day vm. don vi la gio (chu yrut gQn neu c6 the):
Write the following numbers of time measurements with hour as time unit (reduce if possible) :
25 dm 2 , 36 dm 2 , 450 cm 2 , 575 cm .
Luy~n tQp
20. Tun cac c~p phan s6 bang nhau trong cac phan s6 sau day :
Find all the pairs of equivalent fractions from the following fractions :
-9 15 3 -12 5 60
33' 9' 19' 3' -95
21. Trong cac phan s6 sau day, tun phan so khong bang phan so nao trong cac phan s6 con 1~:
From the following fractions, find the fraction which is not equivalent with any remaining fractions :
-7 12 3 -9 -10 14
-, -,
54 -15 20
22. Di~n so thich hqp vao 6 vuong :
Fill in the squares with suitable numbers :
2 D i=D 4 D 5 □
3= 60 ; 4 60 ; s= 60 6 60
23. Cho tap hrm A - {0. ., m , A (Neu c6 hai phan s6
· "'t' - , -3 ; 5). V1~t t~p hqp B cac phan s6 - ma m, n E ·
Hay ve vao vo cac do~ thllng CD, EF, GH, 1K biet rang :
Draw line segments CD, EF, GH, IK into your notebook, given that :
3 2 5
Lam the nao d~ cac phan s6 _:!_ , - , , - cung c6 chung m¢t mau ?
2 5 3 8
1 -3 2 -5
How to convert fra ctions -, - , - , - so that they have a common denominator?
2 5 3 8
Xet hai phan s6 t6i gian
5 va g-5 · Ta thay 40 la m(>t b9i chung cua 5 va 8. Ta se tlm hai phan
-3 -5
s6 c6 mau la 40 va lan hrat bang - va - ·
. 5 8
-3 -5
Consider two fractions in lowest terms - and - . We see that 40 is a common multiple of 5 and 8. We will
5 8
find two fractions in which 40 is their denominators and they are respectively equivalent to - and - 5 .
5 8
Ta c6 : We have :
.8 .5
~ ~
-3 -24 -5 -25
-=-- -=--
5 40 8 40
'--"I '--"I
.8 .5
Nhu v~y, ta da bien d6i cac ph~ s6 da cho thanh cac ph~ s6 tuong ung bang chung nhung cung
c6 chung m◊t mau ; 40 la mau chung cua hai phan s6 d6.
Thus , we have transformed respectively given fractions into fractions wh ich are equivalent to them , but
have the same denominator and 40 is the common denominator of the two fractions .
Cach lam nay duqc g9i la quy dong main hai phtin so.
This approach is called the converting two fractions to the same denominator.
. , -3 -5
Hai phan so
5 va S ciing c6 the duqc quy dong mau vm cac mau chung khac, ch!ng hcµi
nhu: 80, 120, 160, ....
-3 -5
Two fracti ons - and - can be also converted to the same denominator with other common
5 8
denominators, such as : 80, 120, 160, ...
= □ = □
-3 -5
- -
5 80 8 80'
- = -□ = -□
-3 -5
5 120 ' 8 120 '
= -□ - =□
-3 -5
- -·
5 160 ' 8 160
Ta nh~n thay 40, 80, 120, 160, ... deu la cac b(>i chung cua 5 va 8. De cho don gian, khi quy dong
mfiu hai ph~ s6, ta thuong lay mfiu chung la BCNN cua cac mfiu.
We see 40, 80 , 120, 160, ... are common multiples of 5 and 8. For simplicity, when converting two fractions to
the same denominator, we often choose the common denominator as LCM of the denominators.
M "'fo qr,y <1611,: 11ufo 11.hie'u. ,,Jui11 stf ,,,,i mtfo ,J11m1g ta lam nhtt .mu :
1 0 convort many fractions wit/, positive denominators to the some denominator,
_ we do as follow s :
8 lwt
..., " I : .l "1111 m~t b~i clumg
. c,ia cac nufo (tl11tiY11g M BCNN) dl lam mdu chung.
'P 1 : Fir, d a common multiple of denominators (usually LCM) to use as th e common
8 1"S·
'c 2 ·. 1'i m th,'ra .M-pl,~, cda m6i mdu · mdu chung cho tilng mdu).
- (bdng cac h c1ua
s top 2 : Find
· the sub-factor of each denominator {by d1v1dmg
. . . th e common denominator bye ach
donom/nnror) .
Buoc 3 : Nluin tir wt mdu ci,a m6i pluin slf ,,m thita sfi phl;l tu<mg 1mg.
Srop : Multiply numerator and denominator of each fraction by the correspo nd;ng sub-factor.
m a) Dil 11 ,·do ch6 trtfr,g dl quy c16ng mdu cac phtin sf/:
Fill in tho l>bnA. s for conve,1/ng many fractions to the same denominator :
5 7
l2 va (and) 30
12 = 22 . 3
30 = ...
BCNN (12, 30) = ... LC M (1 2, 30) = . ..
Multiply the rwm arator nnd denomina tor of each fraction by the correspond1i1g s ub-factor :
5 5 ....
- =- - =-
12 12 . .. .
7 7 .. ..
- =--=-
30 30 . .. .
b) Quy d611g m&u cdc plta11 sf/ :
Convert fractions to tho sam e denomirJR!or :
2B-TO/\N 6/ll 1S0Nf. Nf. U)
Bai t{Jp
-3 5 -21
16 24 56
b) Trong cac phan s6 da cho, phan s6 nao chua t6i gian ?
Which of the given fractions is the fraction in lowest terms , which is not ?
Tu nh~ xet d6, ta c6 the quy d6ng mau cac phan s6 nay nhu the nao ?
Since that comment, how can we convert those fractions to the same denominator ?
29. Quy d6ng mau cac phan s6 sau:
Convert the following fractions to the same denominator :
3 , 5 -2
a) - va (and) -
27 '
b) - va (and) -4 ; c) -1 va' (and) - 6 .
9 25 15
30. Quy d6ng mau cac phan s6 sau:
Convert the following fractions to the same denominator :
a) - va (and) - 7 ;
24 ,
b) -. - va
(and) - ;
120 40 146 13
7 13 -9 d) _Q_, -64
c) 30 ' 60 ' 40 ; 60 18 90
31. Hai phan s6 sau day c6 bang nhau khong?
Are the two following fractions equivalent ?
a) - va (and) -30- ; b) -
-6 -9
va (and) - ·
14 -84 102 153
Luy~n t{Jp
-4 8 -10 5 7
a)-, -, - - .
7 9 21 ' b) 22 . 3 , 23 . 11
3 -11 7 -6 27 -3
a)--,--, - ;
-20 -30 15 b) -35' -180' -28
J4. Quy d6ng mau cac phan s6 :
Convert the following fractions to the same denominator :
-5 8 -19, -1.
a)-, - . -3 -5
b)3, - , - ;
-9 _
5 7 ' c)-,
5 6 7 15
35. Rut g9n r6i quy d6ng mau cac phAn s6 :
Reduce and then convert the following fractions to the same denomina
· tor ·
- 15 120 - 75 54 -180 ~ .
a) 90 , 600 ' 150 ; b) -90 ' 288 , - 135
36. Do' vui : Hai buc dnh du6i ddy ch1;1p nhiing di tich nao ?
Fun puzzle : What ancient monuments are in the two photos below ?
\ 1\\I ,':h' ,11\s phi\11 s,\ .'lllll I
,"I IU ,'I .\ ,I (1
s. .
(' .
~ \ 1) IH .\
l l) ' - ,
..... ', ,,
.. -~ -., , ...
-•4 '
7 14 7
n, -:m. -\ . ' , .. I.
-. 7
' ...
~ .i IH l) IX
H~\y quy <16n~ mnu l'tk pht\n so din i-i'tng dlly ,'6i dm,n nh~n ph(u1 so tht'.'r ttr cuu dily c1() ; vi~I 116
dnm d,u'S t<\i g.i£\n t\ii vi~t chet c,H adriy ct() vi\o Ottrr,ng {rng v6'i phlln sO a'y l1 h1nh (). Khi c.16. cm
~~ hi~t (t\f\'\\' hni (1)a danh con Vi¢t· Nnn1 t1ttQC UNESCO cOng nh~n l11 di s;m vrtn h6u tM gioi van
n~m 1999,
Cl)m t' rt fn.l l:tions of 0r1rh sequencu to t110 some deno111inator. and make n good guos::; about tho lourth
tr:.,diL)n l)t th,1.t s~quc:3 nce : then write it in the form of fraction in lowest terms, and µost th e lotter in that
~t>,)llt' r\('t) into thd bo, in fig ure 6 th st corresponds to th e fraction . Then. you will know the two places ot
\ Ietn:-im w hich aro recog niz.ed by UNESCO as world cultu ral heritage in 1999.
· N6 c6 dimg
. ~
t6i gi,\.n
.!._ , do
do ta d.ien chu N vao hai 6 (mg vm s6 .!._ tren h'inh 6.
For e)..ample in the firs t seq uence N, converting fractions lo the same denominator, we have
3- 2- ~,
10 ' 10 ' 10
so . tha fourth fraction is 2- . It is .2. after reduci ng to the lowest terms , so we enter letter N on two boxes
10 2
9 11 11 7 1
10 14 12 18 2
Hinh (FigureJj
r §6. So sanh phdn so
Comparing fractions
Ph a1c hvang -
?. 4 ?.
-3> -
4 -5
-3 4 . . ?
- > - , 1s 1t true .
4 -5
numerator is the larger fraction. For instance 3. < i ~>~ . For any two fractions , we also have the
' 5 5 ' 11 11
following rule :
Trong hai phtin so co cung m<}t mau duong, phtin so nao co hi tun hun thi tun hun.
Of two fractions with the same positive denominators, the fraction with the larger numerator is
the larger fraction.
-3 -1 2 -4
Vidi!, (Example) . < vl (since) -3<-l. ->- vi (since) 2>-4.
4 4 5 5
m Dien ddu thich h<!JJ ( < , >) vao 6 vu6ng : (Fill in the squares with the suitable signs(< , >)) :
-8 -7 -1 -2 3 -6 -3 0
9 □ 9; 3 □ 3; 1°1; DD ii·
2. So sanh hai phan so khong cung mau
Comparing two fractions with different denominators
Gia sir ta can so sanh hai phan s6 ~ va ~S · De c6 the ap dt,mg duqc quy tile so sanh hai pMn
s6 c6 cung m(>t mau dtrcmg, ta lam nhu sau :
-3 4
Suppose that we need to compare two fractions and _ . In order to apply the rule of comparing two
5 4
fractions with the same positive denominator, we do as follows :
4 -4
- Viet (Write down) - =-5 ·
va (and)
- Quy dong mau cac phan so(Convert fractions to the same denominator) : -
4 5
-3 (-3).5 -15
4 4.5 20 '
-4 (-4 ). 4 -16
= 20
-15 -16 -3 -4 -3 4
- V1 -15 >-16 nen - - > - - hay - > - · Vay - > _ ·
20 20 4 5 . 4 5
Since - 15 > - 16, - > - 1S or - 3 > -4 . So - 3 > ~ .
20 20 ' 4 5 ' 4 -5
Ta c6 guy tac: We have the ru le :
Muon so sanh hai plum so khong cung mau, ta vilt chung dlJdi dt!ng luzi phdn so co cung
~t mau dll01lg roi so sfmh cac tu voi nluzu : Phan so nao co tu 1/Jn lum thi l/Jn lum.
To compare two fractions with dffferent denominators, we write them as two fractions with the
same positive denominator and compare the numerators with each other : the fraction with the
larger numerator is the larger fraction .
r c) Kh6i Iuang a° 1an, 11an : 7 kg
• n
8 hay IO9 kg ?
Which mass is larger : or _! k ?
8 10 g
39. L6p 6B c61 s6 h9c sinh thich b6ng ban, }___ s6 h9c sinh thich bong chuy~n, ~; s6 h9c sinh
th' h b, , 10
ic ong da. M6n b6ng nao duqc nhieu bi;m lap 6B ytu thfch nhit ?
In class 6B 4 23
. . '5 students like
table tennis, 7 students like volleyball , st uden ts like soccer · Wh ich
10 25
subJect is most favored by students in class 6B ?
40. Lum new sam nhdt ?
Which gnd is the darkest ?
a~ D?i v6i m6i hr6i 6 vu6ng Ohinh 7, hay lap m(>t phan s6 c6 tu Ia s6 6 den, mau la t6ng s6 6 den
va trang. . .
For each grid of square cells in figure 7, make up a fraction of which the numerator is th e number of black
cells, the denominator is the total number of black and white cells.
Hinh (Figure) 7
b) S~p xep cac phan s6 nay theo thu tl! tang dan va cho biet ltr6i nao slim nha't (c6 ti s6 6 den so
v6i t6ng s6 6 la Ian nha't).
Arrange the fraction s in ascending order and show which grid is the darkest (the ratio of black cells to the
total number of cells is the greatest).
41. D61,. vm
,. ph'an so,, ta cot
' inh ch;,;t eu -a > -c va' -c > -p thi -a > -p · Dtra vao
a : N'' ' ' -1.
t1rn1 cha.t' nay,
' h-ay so
b d d q b q ·
. a c cp ap . .
For fractions we have the property : If - > - and - > - , then - > - . Based on this property, compare .
' bd dq bq
6 11 -5 2 419 -697
a) ? va (and) IO b) l7 va (and) ? c) _ va (and) _ ·
723 313
§7. Phep c9ng phon so
Addition of fractions
2 3 2+3 5
7 7 7 7
Quy tac tren van duqc ap d1;mg doi v6i cac phan s6 c6 tu va miu la cac s6 nguyen:
The above rule still applies to fractions in which numerator and denominator are integers :
-3 1 -3+1 -2
5 5 5 5
2 7 2 -7 2+(-7) -5
-+-=-+- _ _;____=
9 -9 9 9 9 9
Quy tac : Rule :
Muon cl)ng hai phtin so'cung mau, ta cl)ng cac tu va giu nguyen mau.
When adding two fractions with the same denominator, we just add the two numerators and
keep the same denominator.
a b a+ b
m m m
m T9i sao ta c6 the' n6i: Cqng hai so' nguyen la trucmg h<!fJ rieng cua cqng hai phan so' ? Cho vi d~.
Why can we say : Adding two integers is the special case of adding two fractions ? Give an example.
Nha guy dong mau, ta c6 the dua phep c(mg hai phan s6 kh6ng cung miu ve phep c¢ng hai pha.n
s6 cung mau.
By converting fractions to the same denominator, we can transform the addition of two fra ctions with
different denominators to the add ition of two fractions with the same denominator.
Chdng hg,n (Fo r instance) _. ~+
-3 = 10 + -9 =10 +( -9 ) 1
3 5 15 15 15 15
(BCNN (3, 5) = 15). LC M (3, 5) = 15 .
Ta c6 quy tac sau :
We have the follow ing rule
M~On ~-~ng hai pluin s6 khOn
g cllng mtiu, ta vitt chllng drt/
Ji d,µlg hai phtln s6 c6 cUng m91
mau roi C(Jng cac tu va gift ng
uyen mdu chung.
If we_wa nt to ad d tw o fra
cti on s wit h di fferent deno
fra cti on s wit h the sa me minators, we wr ite them
de no mi na tor , then ad d nu as the form of two
merators an d keep the sam
-2 4 11
a )- + -· 1
3 15 ' b ) - + -9 · c) -+ 3 ·
15 -1 0 ' -7
Bai tc;ap
Exerci ses
42. C()ng cac ph an so (rut g9n ke
t qu a neu c6 thi ) :
Add the fractions (and sim
plify if possible) :
7 -8 1 -5
a) -2 5 +2 5; b) 6+6;
6 -1 4 4 4
c) 13 + 3 9 ; d) 5+ -1 8.
43. Ti nh cac t6ng du6i day sau
khi da rut g9n phan so :
Find the following sums
after reducing fractions :
7 -1 2 -2 1
a ) - +9- ; b) J8 + 3 5 ;
21 -3 6
-3 6 -1 8 15
c) +
21 -. d) 24 + -2 1.
42 '
44. Di en da'.u thich hqp (<, >, =)
vao 6 vuong :
Fill in the squares with the
suitable signs ( < , > , =) :
-4 -1 5 -3 -8
a )- + -Q
7 -7
-1 ; b) 22 + 22 D 11 ;
1 -3 1
3 2 -1 d ) - + - 0 - +-4
c) sD 3 + s ; 6 4 14 7
- . \\ ht,-n 0{ tht' f\.1Jk)\\'ing numt>ers is th e value of x :
- l l l~)
7 .,
d d) - :
6 6 6
Tuong tlJ phep c(mg so nguyen. phep c(mg phan s6 c6 cac tinh chat ca ban sau :
Similarly as the addition of integers. the addition of fractions has the following fundamental properties :
a c c a
a) Tinh chfit e:iao hmm (Commutative property) : - +- =- +- •
" b d d b
a a a
c) Con 00 v6i s6 0 (Adding to number 0) : - +0 = 0 +- = - •
· b b b
2. Ap d&.Jng
Do cac tinh chat giao hoan va ket hqp cua phep c(mg, khi c<)ng nhieu phan s6, ta c6 th~ d6i ch6
ho~c nh6m cac phan s6 1~ theo bat cu each nao sao cho vi¢c tinh toan duqc thu~ ti¢n.
Thanks to the commutative and associative properties of addition , when adding many fractions , we can
change their places or group some fractions in any way that is convenient for calculating .
V I, dU. T'nh , A - 3 2 - 1 3 5
l t6ng: = -+-+-+-+-.
. 4 7 4 5 7
-3 2 -1 3 5
Example : Evaluate the sum A = -+-+-+-+- .
4 7 4 5 7
Gidi : Ta c6 :
Solution : We havo :
A =-3
-+ 2 + 5 + 3 . )
4 4 7 7
5 (Hnh cho'l grno ho(l 11 (1,(111 11 11 111•, 1llv•• i •11 1pri1I Y)
= (-3 + -1 '+( 3: .+ ~'+ l (tfnh 1..:hat kCI hvp (:1•1•,IJIJ ; il lVP p11 1p1 11ly) )
44) 7 7) 5
= (-1 )+ 1+3-
=O + -
= S (c()ng v(1i s6 0 (ad d lo nu11 1b<ll
-2 15
B= -+ -+-15 4
-+ - +-8
17 23 17 19 23
-- -1 3 -2 -5
C -+ -+ -+ -.
2 21 6 30
Bai t(lp
47. Tinh nhanh:
Quick calculate :
a )- +5-+-4
-. -5 -2
7 13 7 ' b) - +- +-8 .
21 21 24
48. Do' : Cit m◊t t~m bla htnh tron ban
kf nh 2,5cm
thanh b6n phan kh6ng btlng nhau
nhu htnh 8.
D6 em d~t cac mi€ng b1a da dtt ce;1
nh nhau de
duq c:
Puzzle : Cut a cardboard whi
ch has circle shnpc
with radius 5cm into four unequa
l parts as shown in
figure 8. We ask you a riddle
to put tho se pie ces 5
together in order to cover : 12
a) - hlnh trcm (circle) ;
b) -l h'n
1 h tron
' (circle). ;
7 2 3 51 1 ,
c) - , -v a (and) -12 hlnh tron
12' 3' 4' 6 12 12 11 /nl, (/ 1_rll /tc•) 8
(circle) .
49. Hung di xe di;ip, IO phut dau di duqc i quang duong,
Hung went cycling , the first 1O minutes to go the 23 distance ' the second 10 minutes to go the -2.4 distance, the
final 10 minutes to get the 3.9 distance . How many parts of di~tance did it take Hung after 30 minutes going ?
50. Dien s6 thfch hqp vao o tr6ng cr bang du6'i :
Fill the blanks in the following table with su itable numbers :
-3 1
- + =
5 2
51. Tun nam each ch<;m ba trong bay so sau day d~ khi c<)ng l~i duc;,c t6ng la O:
Find five ways to choose three of the following seven numbers so that when adding up them, the total is
equal to O :
-1 -1 -1 1 1
6 3 2 2 6
- I I I
Vi d1/ (Example). -+-+-=0.
2 3 6
Luytn t(lp
6 3 5 4 2
a - - - - -
27 5 14 3 5
5 4 7 2 2
b - - - - -
27 23 10 7 3
11 8
a+b - -
23 5
53 • "Xny tuo-ng".
"Building wall"
Em hay "~ny blh: tlto)1g" oh1nh 9 nay bi ng ckh di~n c,ic ph~\n s6 thich h<JP vao cac "vien g~ch··
th~o quy ti'k suu : -
n = b + c (h. lO).
Using th e f~llowing rules : a -= b + c (fi gure 10) . do "building the wall" in figure 9 by filling in the
bricks With
the Hppropnate fractions .
--~ :-~~;1~:
~.-:~.: ~:~ ,~
... ....
... .,, . . . v ..... ,......,....
__. ~,._.._......l~
, _... ...·...., ·.,.;... ·,...-:
... ·.... ~· .• _
·. - ' . • • , .. <-:...
Hi11/r (Figure) 9
54. Trong vo ba.i t~p cua b~m An c6 bai lam sau :
In An 's exercise notebook there is the drill as follow :
- 3 1
a) -+-= -4 .
5 5 5 '
-10 -2 -1 2
b) l3 +l3 =l3 : Hinh r Figure) 10
2 -l 4 -I 3 l
c) 3+6= 6+6= 6=2 :
- 2 2 -2
- 6 --l -2 - lO
d) -+-= -+-= -+ -- =- ·
3 -5 3 5 15 15 15
Hay kiem tra l~ de dap so va sua hµ ch6 s,ti (neu c6).
Check the answers and correct the errors (if there is any) .
55. Dien so thich hqp vao 6 tr6ng. Chu y rut g~m ket qua (neu co theJ :
Fill in the blanks with suitable numbers (simplify if possible) :
-l 5 1 -1 1
+ - - - --
2 9 36 18
- -l
-1 l
56. Tinh nhanh gja rrj cua cac bi~u thuc sau :
0 1,i-:;k c:.,lculate t:n e value of th e following expressions :
c) Nhan ca tu Ian mau cua phan s6 ~ v6i 5, nhan ca ur Ian mau cua phan s6 : v6i 4 r6i c(>ng
hai ti:r moi l<;ti, giu nguyen mau chung.
, Au ltiply both the numerator and th e denominator of fra ction -3
by 5, multiply both numerator and
denominator of fraction -4 by 4 , and then add the two new numerators together, keep the common
C6 the thay phep trv phan so bang phep c9ng phan so dl!Q'C khong ?
Can a subtraction of fractions be replaced by an addition of fractions ?
1. So d61
Opposite numbers
s3 +5=
2 2
-+ -=
-3 3
-1 , -3 h . h 3
• 'J'o 116i - · I · '// 1 ·· ·, ,3 3 , . ,. . , phan sO - ; a, P an sr; _
a ·' J r: fJ, cua phan sfJ va cilng n6i la sO dtJt cua 5
5 5 5 5
- 1
vi) ~ Ii) hr,i sff dfJ'i nhau .
J 3 .
Wo ··ny 1·11n / . 3 that is the opposite number of
·' ' ,.
t:: tho opposite number of fraction - and say
Im el/on '. I · , :.l -3
5 • two lmct,ons find r1re the two opposites.
5 5
m er'-' 11 ~ 11a.IY, ta n6i -2
la .. ....... cua phan so-; -
, 2
la .. ....... c
·u'a ........ . ; hai phdn s6' _3_ va ~
-3 3
Id hai s{/ ·········.
2 2 2
8 /n,llnrly , .::. Is ... . , .... of fraction .3_ . .3_ Is ....... .. of .... .... . ; and two fractions - 3 and 3 are the two
3 -3 ' -3
Djnh nghla :
Doflnltlon :
Hai stf g9i la doi nhau ne'u t6ng cua chung bdng 0.
Two numbers are called opposites if their sum is 0.
s6 ~b la -~b , ta c6 ·.
. s6 c16i cua phfin
Kf hiC!u
a a -a
a (-ba) =O
b+ b
-b b
ffl 1 (- - ·
HfJy tfnh va so sanh (Calculate and compare) : -l - - va (and) -+ 2 21
3 9 3 9
Ta c6 quy uic sau : We have the fo ll owing rule :
M utJn trit mi)t phlin so' cho mi)t phlin so, ta c{Jng so bi trit voi so d{ii cua s{i trit.
To subtract a fra ction from a fraction, we add the minuend with the opposite of subtrahend.
VI di!, (Examplo) . ~7 -(-4') = ~7 +-41 = 82+87 = 2158.
- Nhan xel (Comment) : Ta c6 (We have)
v ay
. c6 th~ n6i . ~-~
hieu b d . v6'i ~
la mot. s6 ma cOng . ~
d th1 duac . phep tru (phan s/-(\
b • Nhu vay VJ
phep toan nguqc cua phep c¢ng (phan s6).
m Tf nh : Calculate :
3 -I -5 -2 -3 1
5 2 ' 7 3' 5 4 6
Bai t(:lp
58. lim s6 d6i cua cac s6 :
Find the opposites of the numbers below :
2 -3 4 6
- -7 - 7 ' 11 ' 0 ' 112.
3 ' ' 5 '
59. Tfnh : Calculate :
1 I -11 3 5
a) 8-2 ; b)
-(-1) c) 5-6;
-1 1 11 -7 -5 -5
d)16-15; e) 36 -24; g) 9 - 12 .
60. nm X, biet :
Find x , given that :
3 1 -5 7 -1
a) X - 4 =2 ; b)-- X =-+-.
6 12 3
61. Trong hai cau sau day c6 m(>t cau dung, m(>t cau sai :
In the following two statements , there are one correct and one wrong statement :
Cau thu nha't : Tong cua lwi phdn so' la rn<)t phdn so' c6 tu bang t6ng cac tu, mau bang t6ng ccic mau.
First sentence : The sum of two fractions is a fraction of which the numerator is equal to the sum of
numerators, the denominator is equal to the sum of denominators.
Cau thu hai : T6'ng cua hai phdn so' cung rnau la rn<)t phdn so' c6 cung mdu d6 va c6 tu bang t6ng
cac IU.
Second sentence : The sum of two fractions w1lh the same denominator is a fraction of which denominator is
the same, and the numerator Is equal to the sum of numerators.
a) Cau nao la cau dung ? Which is the correct statement ?
b) Theo miiu cua cau dung, hay phat bieu tuang t1;r cho hi¢u cua hai phan s6 cung mau.
According to the sample of the correct statement , give a similar statement to the difference of two
fractions with the same denominator.
A rectangular pare I Of 1
c u n ~t c6 ch1eu dai
la -43 km ' chieu rOng
la -58 km.
e and has length of - km and width of - km ·
, , 4 ' 8
a) Tmh nua chu vi cua khu dat (b , .
Evaluate half the . ang k110met).
b) Chieu d'. pen~eter of the parcel of land (in kilometers).
a1 han dtieu r()ng bao nhieu kil6met ?
How many kilomet · · ·
ers is the length longer than the width ?
Luytn t{Jp
~ie_ n phan s6 thfch h<Jp vao 6 vu6ng :
Fill in the squares with the suitable fractions : I
1 -2 -1 2 l111
12 3 ' b)3+D=5;
I·' I .
1 1 I .
c)4-D=20; d) -S -0 =0. ,,,l
64. Hoan thanh phep tinh :
Complete calculations :
a) 2- :.:. = .!_ . 1 -2
b) - - - = - ;
9 3 9' ... 15 15
· -11 -4 -3 ... 2 5
c)---=-· d) 21 -3 =21 .
14 ... 14 '
65. Buch t6i (tu 19 gio d€n 21 gio 30 phut), B1nh dinh danh ¼gio de rua bat, ¼gia de quet nha va
1 gio M lam bai t~p. Thai gian con l~i, Blnh dinh danh de xem chucmg trlnh phim truy~n truyen
hlnh keo dai trong 45 phut. Hoi Blnh c6 du thm gian de xem he't phim khl'mg ?
At night (from 19:00 to 21 :30), Binh intended to spend ..!_ hours for washing the dishes, ..!_ hours for
4 6
sweeping the floor and 1 hour for doing homework. In the remaining time, Binh intended to watch ~
television movie program which lasts for 45 minutes. Did Binh have enough time to watch all the film ? I
66. Dien s6 thfch h<Jp vao 6 tr6ng :
Fill in the blanks with the suitable numbers :
a -3 Dong 1
- - 0
b 4 (line 1)
a -4 Dong2
-- -
b 5 (line 2)
-(-~) -
(line 3)
So sanh dong 1 va dong 3, em c6 the n6i gt ve "s6 d6i cua s6 d6i ciia m()t s6"?
Comparing line 1 with line 3, what can you talk about "the opposite of the opposite of a number" ?
-(-~) =?
A. •··
0 Ti~u hoc
. ' ta da biet nhan hai phan s6.
In elementary school , we have learned about multiplying two fractions .
2 4 2.4 8
Vi di!, (Example).
5 ·7= 5 _7 = 35 ·
Quy tic tren vful dung d6i vm phan so c6 tu va mAu la cac s6 nguyen.
The above rule is still true for fractions in which the numerator a·nd denominator are integers.
M uo,, nluin hai phan so~ ta nhtin ccic tu voi nhau va nhdn eek mdu voi nhau.
To mul.tiply two fractions , we multiply the numerators together and multiply the
denommators together.
a c a. c
-·-=- -·
b d b. d
m -5
... - ... '
b) _-6 -49 -..:.....(-__;6)__;._(-_4_9)
35. 54- 35. 54
(-1).(-7 )_
m Tinh : Evaluate :
-28 -3 ;
a)-.- · b) ___!2_ . 34 .
33 4 ' -17 45 '
2. Nh~n xet
m Tinh : Evaluate :
5 -7
a) (-2) • ; b) 33 ·(-3); c)-.Q.
7 31
Bai t{lp
(1 ') ')
( '1,,1,,>{ /11,111 (1 11I //i t•l/1 // /1 r!) ,' - ' 1
'Vi 1 '/
I Illy 11111 ~•(j, , l'~d , yj/l j kl,t.,~, I ,,,,y ,,,, ·J )1, I' t,, /II : ,', ',
71, '1'1111 ll, hlt•1 : I l1,1 l 1 , 1p 1, 111 H,.,1
' ~ ). . 1
II) X r1 u .
') ./4
j{ '
I)) - , ,
'/ Ii/) 'J
12. , M: <'1• 111,11,,l!i ~'9JJ pt1t111 fl'>,,,Hkti , f}J ''"~" d ,(Jnr.
d 111µ., 1n~1 kr£t q11,1. •111, ,,h;;), t114y_, dtni u:w-,i ·111J 1.,~ M:o t::11,:;
/ 1u,•l 11 • I l111r1J 1 11 1, r1•11t :. ,,f l1 :,,,t1,1r,· , 1t ,~11 1r, 1,r,
11,, ,1 1/1 r, / ,,, :;'/, •., {;'' '"/~~:": i ; '
(i /l lJll 1 t1 ,11 tJll :i t ,!:. --:=-',:.; ·t=:. ~- ~~
,, w:
( lu1nH li,,111 : ( l) p pli!\11 t.$11 , I '/
v11 A
/ ,11 /11t,l111,,,, I t,ri rit1lr ,,f fr:,, ,111111:~ 1 :ifl' ! 1 l,:i:, '
'} ,/4
.I . '/ ,1') '/ 7 7 , /4 + 7 , '1 41)
u e:: -,
~L 4 12 4 J2 12
I)() t'ltn (111,1c ,ul)t ~~ p pM11 ,s~ kll{jt ~tJ,it
w,, r,·,h y1,IJ 1, dtJdl •J 1111lrt tl r1r1 1H1•11 p r,1r ,,f lr;;t,l t•oo
t.· 111
Hnh ehB1 ~Y-
r ·~ r :i /ir 'J 11 :;1 :,"/J
1 ';'''J
/Jl,t,p n/1/Jn .vi/ nµ,uyl>n ,·/, nhfJnH tlnh c:hdt t:rl hdn ril '!
Wt, 1111u,11l11tflr11 ,/11/ p11J/J1J1 l/1Jll tio1r11r1u/t/pllw
lfrl1111/ ln/11 1; 111·, //:N 11 r
1. C6c tinh ch«t
Pro.,,, rtlo111
Tu,111g 111 plicp 11hfl11 11.6 11guy C11 1 phcp 11lia11 phan
tt<5 c() cac tfnh chit co ban !Sau:
t:l111llrirly trJ tt, q t111 ill lf1l l1~;1tl1m IJI lr11r,q,,r•, , tti, 1 rr 1tJltlrAv.~rth ri
r; f fr:,,.,iv;n-, ~ ;,·~ IJlr: f,) 'J1t'. r 'J f Jr sa 'T S ' '.a
prnp• tr 11, n .
- 6
c6 lh~ viet du(1i dqng tfch cua
hai ph:tn ~ w rl1 Vt1 mau la cif; if; r,'!J.,,J6r, '1-.J,x.~ -/,
70. Phan s6 JS
m◊t chli ~6.
. 6 ti' ,,/ ·: :.; - , -- ~;."'-:;· ~.,, :; - r-; ' C;;
lh<: ~rf/J v/ r/ t W.> f,~r,.··,, , -, r;'
Fraction 35 can bf.: writtr:: n a-,
t <:; ir lt.:ry~r-,
denom ina tor are one -cJ i')it pr)· .iti
Chanx hqn (Fo r in&lhnCF3) : -
=-2 . -3 .
35 .'5 7
Hay t)m cac each viet kha c.:. L,,,,r ,,J( ,rlJ ~'-'•( '•'• t I I (' - I/.
J , ,
71. Tim X, b1lt : Fin d 1 , r1 1r;r, lhc,l ·
a) x - ~=~ .~ : b x _ -5 4
) 126 -9 . 7 -
4 8 3 ' J ~ ~VI!✓
phfln s6 ma khi ta nha n chu ng v{/J nhau h<$: d'Jf,g cti-ur,g v(ff rif.w
12. Dff : GS nhung c~p
cung m()t k<!t qua. :: •:1/,t: 1~ ·, 1;
l', th:it llh' ; r, ~ rr, Jltf(J [1 r; ( ~,J,f tr ':-'' ''l~'-";"' ~; ,, 11
Puzzl& : Th ~rf; ar": p~ir•, of (r-:,
r,;fitJr 11
same res ult! ,.
7 t6:
Chdnx hf!,n : ~r phftn !i6 !_ va
.3 4
! I he,:; :
For 1n[,{ ijn e,.u : Th,J p~ ir u1 fror;1 i0r1',
~ ,1
7 7 7 ,- 4 + 7 . 3 49
7 7 7 . 7 = -49
- -- = -- - +- =- - - /2
3 4 12
3 4 3 . 4 12
c Gi1ng c6 tinh chi t :!y.
D6 cm Om d11c7c m()t c4p phan 1-16 kha ,_,,;tit;ri•, h:., lir1t.:J th~t r,.,rr/~,,;ft /
Wf; 0 1,1-' y0u r) r,rJ,Jfr: Iv f1r,,J cJf1vfh,,
r ,,~!ir 01 fr
nhOn ph6n s6
§ 11. Tinh ch6t co ban cua phep
ltipli<;aticm o1 frar.,ti,-'n ~
Fundamontal propfJrtfo s fJf rnu
l,: ,1:
( / ,
ti,fi ,, /r1 111r,t1
f ,/, , .
rJ/1 , , , ( <.r
11u11 g If p 1h11 r, tl ltlr,llr,; ,tl,,n (,( fr: ,1,I1,,1 ,'.
rr 11 1ltlpll1~r1flrJn /1I l11f' 1!/' 1P;, H,1, rri
8irr1 11or1y to
pro 1mr1l111. : ti (; C 11
prr, p1,1i IJ : I, ; d
a) Tfnh d,fl't p.,iuo hott11 (< ;1,rr irr,ulr,t1v,, d h
Chang ht;zn . 6 2 3
(For mstance) : - = - . - .
35 5 7
Hay tim cac each viet khac. Look for different writings.
71. Tim X, biet : Find X, given that :
1 5 2 X -5 4
a) x - - =- · - · b) -
4 8 3' 126 - 9 .7 .
12. D6': C6 nhung c~p phan so ma khi ta nhan chung v6i nhau ho~c c¢ng chung v6i nhau deu duqc
cung m¢t ket qua.
Puzzle : There are pairs of fractions that when we multiply or add them together, we receive the
same results .
Khi nhan nhieu phan s6, ta c6 the .d6i cho ho~c nh6m
cac phan so l~i theo bat cv each nao ta muon
When multiplying many fractions, we can change their places or group some
fractions in accordance with any way we want.
2. Ap d1:1ng
Applicatio n
D , , h chat, g1ao . nh·e phAn s6' ta ·c6 the d6i ch6
o cac tm hoan va ke't hqp cua phep nhftn , kh1 nhan I u
ho~c nh6m cac phAn s6 l<;1i theo bat c·u each nao sao cho vi~c tfnh toan duqc u~n ti~n.
Because of commutative . • h multiplying many fractions we
and associative properties of multiplicat1on , w en h t · • '
can change their places or group some fractions in accordance with any way t a is convenient for
calculating .
-7 15 5
M = - · - . - . (-16) (tinh chat giao hoan (commutative property) )
15 -7 8
= (- . ~) . (~ . (-16 )) (tinh chat ket hqp (associative property) )
15 -7 8 .
= l. (-10)
= -10 (nhAn v6i s6 I (multiply by number 1) ).
m Hay w;zn d~ng tinh cha't co bdn cua phep nhdn dl tinh gia tr/ cac bie'u thuc sau :
Use the fundamental properties ofmultiplication lo calculate the value of each of the following expressions :
7 -3 11 -5 13 13 4
A=---·-; B= - . ---.-.
11 41 7 9 28 28 9
Bai tQp
73. Trong hai cau sau day, cau nao dung ?
In the two following sentences , which one is correct ?
cau thu nhat : Dl nhdn hai phdn s6' cung mtfu, ta nhdn hai tti v6i nhau va giii nguyen mtfu.
First sen tence : To multiply two fractions wtlh the same denominators, we multiply the two numerators
together and keep the same denominators.
CAu thu hai : Tich cua hai phdn s6' bar ki la m9t phdn s6' c6 tti la tich cua hai tu va mdu la tich
cua hai mau.
Second senten ce : The multiple of ~ny tw~ fractions is a fraction of which the numerator is the product of
the two numerators, and the denommator ts the product of the two denominators.
74, DiCn cac s6 th k h hqp vi\o b11n g suu :
F111 In th o followin o tnbln with sult.:1ble numbers :
- - - -
II -3 -154 -94 5
- -
4 4
- 0
8 5 15 19 11
4 5
b -
--23 -4 --2 I
15 3 13 43
a.b 13
- 0 0
75, Hoan thanh bang nhan sau (chu y rut gc;m ket qua neu c6 the) :
Complete th e following multiplication table (simplify if possible) :
2 -5 7 -1
X - - - -
3 6 12 24
2 4
- -
3 9
76. Tfnh gia tr\ cac bieu thuc sau m◊t each hqp Ii :
Evaluate reasonably values of th e followi ng expressi ons :
7 8 7 3 12 .
A= 19• 0+19 •11+19 ,
5 7 5 9 5 3 .
B= 9•13 +9 ·13-9·13,
C= (
IJJ + 33 -
2 15)
I 17 . 3
(!-~ __ 4
l )
12 .
, . (where ) _ 4
A = a . _J +a . -I - a . -l vcr1 a-
, =- .
2 3 4
3 4 I (where) b -- ~ ·,
8 = _ . b+_ . b- - . b
.4, •
4 3 2 19
19 . _ 2002
C= C . 43 + C . 65 - C . 12 VOi (where) C - 2003 .
Luytn t¢p
Can c-'r ' :~i. h"' . , ,// n,,uye-n tad, trit ' )IJ'j ( ' I '
78. . ~ vao t~u• ~ at giao hmin va tfnh cha't ket hqp cua phep nhan f>") e i1 ,r,},
chat giao hoan va tf.nh chat ket hqp cua phep nhan phan ,;6.
Based on_the co mmutatrve and associative prop~rti€S of mul ti plk./4ti0n rA irrtf:'Jf:('. , ·111: ,,:;r, ' /1:r •· ':
~ mmutative and associa tive properties of multiplication of frar;l;ions .
Vi d~, . tmh chat giao hoan cua phep nhan phan s6 :
Example. The commutative property of multiplication of fractiM5 :
a c a .c c.a c a
! , b d - b.d - d b d.b , ,/ . , h ;hµ,'. k6
~g c~ch tuan~ ti!, em hay suy ra tinh chat ket hqp cua phep nhan phan g0 ti.! tin c at . ;t. h9v
cua phep nhan so nguyen.
By a_n~log~, deduce the associative property of multiplication of fractieins frr) m ti7'; ,.,1-:r/ ,1 ot1J(; r.,rr,ric:r1I '/
multi plication of integers .
79. Do·: Tim ten m¢t nha toan hqc Vi¢t Nam th&i truiJc.
Puzzle : Find the name of a Vietnamese mathematician from old times.
Em hay tinh cac tfch sau roi viet chii' tuang ung voi dap s6 dung vao cac 6 tr6ng. Khi d6 cm ~i
biet dtr<JC ten cua mqt nha toan hqc Vi~t Nam n6i tieng b the ki XV.
Ca lcu late all the following products and write letters correspond ing to the correct answers in U-1':
blanks. Then , you will know the name of a famous Vietnamese mathema tician in 'JV ~ntur; .
-2 -3
T. - .- U. ~ .1
3 4 7
16 -17 13 -19
E. -.-- H. -.--
17 32 19 13
15 -84 I 3 -8
G. -.-- 0. -.- . -
49 35 2 4 9
-5 -18 6 -1 3
N. - -- I. - . - . Q.-
16 5 11 7 29
7 36 3 1
V. -.- L -
6 14 -5 3
1 -1 -36 9
- - -1 3
-5 3 49 8
6 9 1 -1
- 0 -1
7 8 2 2
-3 2 5 14
a)5 . - · b) -+-.-·
10 ' 7 7 25 '
1 5 4
c) - - - . -
. d)
-7) . (2LJ+ 12) 22 .
3 4 15 '
HI. '1'f11II dl£: 11 tk ll vh l' l\11 vi 11101 ld 111 d/11 1111111 , l1U 1il1 IJ I r l1
L' hi~ 11 dhi lrn1 v,\ dd t 111 01111 k111
-'I , . H ,
C6 thli thay phElp chia phan s6 bl\ng phElp nhan phan s6 c'.111qc kh6ng? 1
Can a division of fractions be replaced by an multiplica tion of fractlon:.. =j
1. S6 nghjch dao
We say /ha/ ~ Is the reciprocal of 8 nnd also say ttJH! 8 Is the roclp roc&I of 1 ,· two numbers 8
-8 8
and -
1 . /s.
are the two rec1proca
4 7 7 4 4 7
Sim,larly, Is .. .. ..... of - - Is ... .... .. of : two nun ,bors and '1 l1r0 th0 two .. .. .. ... .
7 4 4 7 7
Dinh nghia:
Definmon :
Hai so' K'!i la nghfch ddo cua nhau neu tich cua chung bling 1.
Two numbers are called reciprocals if their product is 1.
m •' h!C
T'lm song , (Find the reciprocal of) _1 . -5. --11 · -a (a, b
' cua
· h dao
7' ' 10 'b
E *
Z, a :;t 0, b 0).
a c a d a. d a : ~ = a. d = a• d (c '# 0).
b:d=b·~=b.c; d c c
m Hoim thanh cac phep tinh sau: Complete the following operations :
2 1 2 ...
a) 3: 2=3 ·1 = ··· ;
-4 3 ... 4
b)-:-=---= ... ;
5 4 ... 3
4 -2 ...
c) -2·-----=
. 7 - 1 ... ....
Nh~n xet:
Comment :
Mu6n chia m(>t phan s6 cho m(>t s6 nguyen (khac 0), ta giu nguyen tu cua phful s6 va ~Mn miu
vm s6 nguyen. ',
we have the comment : To divide a fraction by an non-zero integer, we keep the same numera\or of ~•
fraction and multiply the denominator by the integer. \I
Bal t(lp
fiflh : Calculate :
s4, -5 3 . / b) -4:.:_! . 3
a) 6: 13 ' 7 11 ' c) -15 :- ;
9 -3 . 5 5 -7 . 3
e)- :-. g) 0 :- h) - :(- 9).
d)5 :5' 9 -3 ' l1 ' 4
Luy9n t(Jp
89. Till_Ic hi¢n phep chia : Do divisions :
4 6
a) - :2 · b) 24: - ·
13 ' 11 '
90. Tun x, bi€t : Find x, given that :
3 2 8 11 2 -1
a) X• -=- · b)x: 11=3; c)- :x= -·
5 4 '
7 3'
4 2 1 2 7 I 4 5 1
d)-- x --= - · e) 9-8 ·X =3; g) -+- : X =- .
7 3 5' 5 7 6
r 91. Nguoi ta dong 225 1ft mroc khoang vao loai chai I 1ft. Hoi dong dlI(JC tat ca bao ohieu chai -~
. 4
225 liters of mineral water are bottled into ¾liter bottles. How many bottl es can be bottled ?
92. Minh di xe d~p tu nha den truang vm van
1 .
toe 10 km/h ~
het 5 gio. Khi ve, Minh d~p xe vm v~n t6c 12 km/h.
Tinh thoi gian Minh di nr truang ve nha.
It takes Minh -i hour to cycle at the speed of 1o km/h from
th e house to school. When coming back, Minh cycles at the
speed of 12 km/h . Evaluate the time Minh goes from
school to the house .
C6 dung la: = 2..!. = 2 2s = 225% khong?
4 4 I
Ta da biet phan so ¾co the viet dum d~g hon so nhu sau :
We have known fraction !_ can be written as a mixed number as follows :
~I~ 24 = 1 + I4 = 1I4
t t
(doc la mot ba phful tu )
. .
(read as one and three-quarters)
t t Phan nguyen Phan phan s6
du thuong , 7 , 7
cua - cua -
remainder quotient 4 4
7 F . 7
Integer part of - ract1on part of -
4 4
m Viet cac phan so' sau du<Ji d{:lng h6n so': Write the following fractions in the form of mixed numbers :
17 21
4 5
• N gU<Jc l[:1i, ta cung c6 the' viet mt)t h6n so' du<Ji d[:1ng phan so: Chdng h{:ln :
Conversely, we also can write a mixed number in the form of fraction. For example :
3 1.4+3 7
4 4 4
II Viet eek h6n so' sau du<Yi dc;mg phdn so'_. Write the follo wing m ixed number s in the form of fractions :
4 3
2- , 4-.
7 5
• Cac s6, - 2 -1 , - 3 , ··· ciing g9i la h6n s6. Chung lful hrqt la s6 d6i cua cac h6n s6 2
_ I 3
4 7 ' 3-,
1 3
Number s - 2
4 , - 3 7 , ... are also called mi xed numbers . They are opposi tes of 2 1 3 3 ,
4 7 , ... , .
respect ive ly.
Chu Y: Khi viet m9t phAn s6 a.m dum d;µig h6n so, ta chi can viet s6 d6i ciia n6
dum d~g h6n s6
r6i d~t diu "-" tru6c ket qua nh~ duoc. Vf du : 7... = I nen - 7
. . 4 14
= -1 I .
4 4
N o te : Wh e n writing a negative fraction as a mi xed number, w e just need
to write its opposite s a s a mix e d
number a nd put e sign"- " before the re ceiving resul t. For example : ~ =
so , -; = 1¾ , -1¾•
a <s1m1arly 4 18
Ciin gv_y · ·1
), 2 7=7 nen (so) -27=
4 -7·
2. So th,p phan
Decima l number s
• ~c p An so, -,
3 -152
, -73-,... . ~- l'a l 3 • ~
co' the. :> v1et
-152 73
10 100 1000 01 , l • ··· va go_ i la cac phim so'
thgp phdn. Ta dµih nghia :
. 3 - 152 73 . 3 - 152 7 3
10 . ~ · 1000
Fracti o ns , ... can be w ritten as , ----=io2 ' . .
and th ey are called d e cimal frac tions . We
101 103
defin e :
Phan sif thtjp phiin la phiin s,f ma mau la luj thaa cu.a 10.
A decima l frac t ion is a frac tion where the denomi nator is a power
of 10.
• Cac phan so th~p phan neu tren c6 the viet duqc dum d<;tng so th*p phan :
The above decimal fraction s can be written as decimal number s :
3 -152 73
lO =0, 3 ; --=- 152 1000 =0,073 .
100 '
3 - 15 2 = - 1.52 .
- = 0 .3 ;
__!]_ = 0 .073 .
10 ' 1000
So' th<;ip phdn g6m hai phdn : A decimal number includes two parts :
- Phan so' nguyen viet ben trai dau phay ; Integer part is written on the left of the decimal
separator ;
- P hdn th<;ip phdn viet ben phdi dau phdy . Decimal part is written on the righ t of the decimal
S<f chii so' cua phdn th(ip phdn dung bang so' chfi so' 0 d mau cu.a
phdn so' th(ip phdn.
The n umber of digits in the decimal part is exactly equal to the number
of O digits in the denomin ator of
Viet cac phdn so' sau day duifi so' th(i.p phan :
Write the following fractions in the form of decimal numbers :
27 -13 261
100 1000 100000
II Viet cac so' th(i.p phan sau day du<Yi phan stI thqp phan :
Write the follo wing decim a l numbers in the form of decimal fractions :
1,21 ; 0 ,07 ; -2,013 (1 .2 1 ; 0 .07 ; - 2 .0 13) .
3. Phan trim
Nhung phan s6 c6 mau la 100 con duqc viet du(ri ~ng phan trAm vti1 ki hieu
Fracrions wit. h denominator 100 are written as percentages with the symbol %·
mv·•' 1A/
·t th ~
zet cac s6 th~p phdn sau ddy duili dang phdn s{l th(Jp phdn va
. ·
, du<ft,. dang
dung ki hieu % ·
. ·
·n the form of using the symbol '¾0
e e ,ol/owmg decimal numbers In the form of decimal fractions 1h0n 1
37 370 37 - ~ == 370%
3,7=-=-=370% (3 .7 == 10 - 100
10 100
6,3 = .. . 6.3 = ...
0,34 = .. . 0.34 = ... )
Bai t¢p
Luyfn t(lp
. O
KhIC h . h- ' l 2
99, . ng a1 On s6 3- va 2- ban Cuong lam nhu sau :
5 3' ·
When adding two mixed numbers 3 ! and 2 3 Cuong has done as follow :
5 3'
l 2 16 8 48 40 88 13
3-+2-=-+-=-+-=-=5- ·
5 3 5 3 15 15 15 15
a) ~ Cuong dli tien hanh c()ng hai hon s6 nhu the nao ?
How has Cuong conducted to add the two mixed numbers ?
b) C6 each nao tinh nhanh hem khOng ?
Is there any faster way to calculate it ?
100. Tinh gia tri cua eac bi~u thuc sau :
Calculate the value of the following expressions :
A= s¼-(3¾+4¼); B= (10¾+2~)-6¾
101. Thl:(c hi~n phep nhAn ho~c chia hai hOn s6 b~g each vi€t hon s6 du6'i dlµlg phan s6 :
Do the multiplication or division of two mixed numbers by writing mixed numbers in the form of fractions :
1 3 1 2
a) 5- · 3- · b) 6-: 4-.
2 4 ' 3 9
Luy~n t{lp
, , h ve,, p so,, va, so' th'lp
Cac ph,ep tm •. phan
Operations of fractions and decimal numbers
, 3 35
a) T inh tong (Calculate the sum) : 1
4+ 9 ·
Cach 1 (Way 1) : Cach 2 (Way 2) :
3 5 ... ... 3 5
1-+ 3-=-+- 1-+ 3- --1···
-+ 3'""
4 9 4 9 4 9 36 36
63 ...
=-+- =4...:..:..:...=5...:..:..:....
36 36 36 36
= =
5 9
b) Tinh hieu (Calculate the difference) : 3- - 1- .
· 6 10
Cach 1 (Way 1) : Cach 2 (Way 2) :
=--- = 2~-1...:..:..:...
30 30 30 30
= = = ... 28 = 1...:..:..:....
30 30 15
109. Tinh bang hai each :
Calculate in two ways :
4 1
a) 2-+l
6 '
· 1
b) 7--5 - ·
3 6
c) 4-2- .
8 4 ' 7
, t' h ,
110. Ap dung tfnh cha:t cac phep - ,
· m va quy tac dau ngo~c d~ tinh gia ttj cac bieu thuc sau :
Use the properties of ope t" of the foll owin g
. ra ions and parentheses rule to calcu late the value of each
expres sions :
B = (6 4 + 3
44 .
9 '
. c-- -
-5 2 -5 9
- -11+ 1·11 +1
7 7;
D = 0, 7 · 2~ · 20 · 0,375. -2_ ·
3 28 '
E = (-6,1 7 +3~-2
). (.!.-o 25- -
3 '
E = (- 6 .17 + 3~ - 2 ) x
97 3
- 0.25 - _!_) ·
112. Hay ki~m tra cac phep c<)ng sau day r6i su d9ng ket qua cua cac
phep cc)ng nay de dien s6 thich
hqp vao 6 trong ma khong can tfnh toan :
additions to fill in the blanks with appropriate
Check the followi ng additio ns then use the results of these
numbe rs withou t calcula tion :
2678,2 2678 .2 b) 36,05 36.05
+ + 13,214 + 13.214
+ 126 126
r (36,05 + 2678.2) + 126 =
(36.05 + 2678.2) + 126 =
( I26 + 36,05) + 11,214 :::
(126 + 36.0S) + 13.214 =
(678,27+ 14.02)+2819,I = C---- --~
(678,27 + 14.02) + 2819.1 ::
3497,37 - 678,27 =
3497.31 - G78.21 =
113. Hay kiem tr,~Cl\c phep nhan SHU dily r6i Str d~mg kc't qua cua cac phep nhan n y
a de d·e1
n 86 lhfch
hgp vao OtrOng ma khOng c~n tfnh toun :
• rnultlplicatlons then use the results of these mu It'1Prcations
Check th8 f0 Ilowing I to fill in the blanks w·11h
appropriate numbers without calculation :
a) 39 · 47 = 1833; b) 15,6 . 7,02 = 109,512 (15.6 x 7.02 = 109 -512 ) ;
c) 1833 . 3,1 = 5682,3 ; d) 109,512. 5,2 = 569,4624.
( -3 2) · - + ( 0 8-2- :3- 4) 2
, 64 ' 15 3
1. VI d1:,1
Lop 6A c6 45 hqc sinh, trong d6 ¾s6 h9c sinh thkh da b6ng, 60% thfch da ciu, i thfch chai
b6ng ban va l: thfch chai b6ng chuyen. Tfnh s6 hqc sinh lap 6A thfch da b6ng, da ciu, b6ng
ban, b6ng chuyen.
Class 6A has 45 students, of which 33 of students like football, 60% of students like shuttle cock, ~9 of
students like table tennis and _±._ of students like volleyball. Calculate the number of students in class 6A
interested in football , shuttle cock, table tennis, volleyball.
cho 3 r6i nliAn k(!1qw'1 v(,i 2, llie In 111 nlinn ,1 5 v(fi ~ , Tu d, : ;1 ~ , ~ , ) () (IH)I; 11l11li),
. ~\ ,I
atuclonh To do lhl·., w,, dlvldr, 1r, l>y :1:uiil 1111111 lllliltlply lht: ri,riull by 1/ , 111111 ,w,11111; lti 11111lllply 1'., liy :
Cung v~y. ~~ tfnh 116 h,,,c Ninh lhfch d(t cau, la ph?,i nm (10% ell/I 45 IHJC Hillli, Nh1t tht, la pl,i'ti
nhan 45 v(11 60% duoc ·
Simll,;1rly, 10 calcul~lo tho~umlJr1r r.,>I 11lucJrml1J lnlr1rr111tr,d In nl1ultlr, u icl<, wr, l1rJVn 1n fl11d f,rJ% rif Vi ';l1Jrl,,1th .
45 . 60% = 45 , - ::: 27 (hoc 11inh (r11wl,1nhJ).
m 100 '
Theo each tren, hay tfnh slf hr;c sinh c1,a /llp 6A thfch dwi hlmx han, h6nR chuyt n.
According lo !ho Abovo mannor, cr1tr:11/a/o tho num/J()r of ,qfuclnn/11 In r:lr,1111 ul\ /11/0100!0() /n ptnyln(J t11hl1i
tennis, volleyball.
Find : a) - of 76cm ; b) 62.5% of 96 tons : c) 0.25 of 1 hour.
Bai t(Jp
115. Tim : Find :
2 ., 11
a) -2 cua
., 8,7 ( 2- of 8.7) ;
3 3
b) - cua (o"
7 '/ a'
I 7 3
c) 2 cua5,I (2 i of5,1) ; d) 2 cua (of) 6
3 11
116. Hay so sanh 16% cua 25 va 25% ci'.Ja 16. Dva vao nh~n xet d6 hay tfnh nhanh :
Compare 16% of 25 with 25% of 16. Based on the comment, quick compute :
a) 84% cua (oD 25 ; b) 48% cua (oD 50.
117. Bi€t dmg 13,21. 3 = 39,63 va 39,63: 5 = 7,926. Hay tlm i cua 13,21 va i cua 7,926 ma khOng
c~n tfnh loan.
Given that 13.21 / 3 =39.63 and 39.63 : 5 = 7.926. Find out ~ of 13.21 and ~ of 7.926 without
ca lcu lation.
US. 1\iru) c6 21 vien bi. 1\iru) cho Dung °i s6 bi cua minh. Hoi :
Tuan had 21 marbles T 3
· uan gave Dung - of his marbles.
a) Dung dugc 1\iru) cho bao nhieu vien bi?
How many marbles were Dung given by Tuan ?
b) 1\iru) con 1~ bao nhieu vien bi ?
How many Tuan's remaining marbles were there ?
119. Do': An noi : "Lay m()t pMn hai cua mot phful hai r6i dem chia cho m()t phan hai se duqc ket qua
la m()t phful hai". D6 em, b.µ1 An n6i co.dung kh0ng?
P~zzle : An said : "Taking one second of one second then dividing the answer by one seco , th e result
will be one second •" we keep you guessing
. 1f .
. An .Is nght ?
120. Su d~ng may tinh bo tui
Using pocket calculators
Tun (Find) 28% cua (of)
mrn00m m@Jw~
1200,cua (of) 4500, cua
(of) 6800 [±] w[Q] [QJ ~ 1260
c) 17%, 29%, 47% cua (of) 2534; d) 48% cua (of) 264, 395, 1836.
Luyfn t{lp
121. Do.µ1 duang sftt Ha N()i - Hai Phong dai 102km. M()t xe
122- ~guyen li¢u de muo1 dlCl c-.ii g6m r.iu cii . hanh nroi. duL~ n) mu01. KhOt hi\nh. lt\M\g \I\\
1 3
mu6i theo thu tu bAn2 5'¼ . - - Yll
40 kh6i hrotul
. - r.m di. \" ,)Y
l-~ r.m di thl b..\o
. - IOCX) . tlt\i muui -"c
nhieu kil6g3m hanh. dlnlg ,-:i muoi '?
'.' :: :-er.a s ~o- ;:3,~o , ege3h' es rooo a c-3 ~o.agtS, gree'l on:c~ arid s.Jlt. Th~ muss of onic-ns .
. 1
SL.gc.' a'"'-: sa: rcS;.:,ecc'\.e'" :s s~. . .. _ ,_ and ...:._ t'1e m_:i...c.s e>f ~-...BbN~es. St:. if \\ e \' dnt to h~i, e :;i.-9
., i (\\) ~
~~ec , ege::a::'. es.. :ten l'.Y.\ 7 c- y 'I;: -ogc~ c' c-,c.,~. aqd ss lt do ,, e need ?
NMn ~ le Quoc khanh 2 - 9. lllQ{ cim h~ giam gi:\ 10<1«- mt)t so m~t hang. Ngum ban hang d,i
sira l~ g:ia cu.a cac mar ham: a\· nhu sau :
On me Nc:k,irle 1 Cay 2-9. · c :~ .:.0 - scT.e ·teIT's , , 2s gi, en by a shop. The shopke€~r revb~d the
onces of :ne t er-.s as "c ,,a-,,-s :
~ -61QOOd -:f5000(k! I
3300kt 108<XX)d 60300d 1
41CXX)()d l ~
Em hay ki&n tra xem n ~ ban han2 tinh ~a mm c6 dung kh6n2 '?
Cr-~ -.,, :ta : : ·'5Cet.r.::ec o ~ ;t are r';M ? - -
1.2,4.Su ~ng may rinh bo nii Us r = :xxke; ca w 'a.'rYs
\ .i ~ : M◊t quyen sacb g:ia 8<XXld. Tun g:ia mm cua quy~n sach do sau khi giam gia l 5'k,
£.x2n;p'e : ;..,. :)()Cl( ""as :;-,e ooce o' 8000d. Find the ne\, price of the book after the 15'\.1 discount.
Kut an Buttons Ket qua Answers
s6 bi cua Hung la 6 vien. The thi Hung c6 bao nhieu vien bi?
1. Vi d~ Example
Ta xet bai toan sa.u : We consider the following problem :
s6 h<?C sinh cua lop 6A la 27 b~. Hoi lop 6A c6 bao nhieu hQC sinh ?
5 of the number of students of class 6A is 27 . How many students are there in class 6A ?
3 _
ban o~ 2 7 - Ta· co:
lop 6A la x thl the o de ba.i , ta pha i tim x sao cho 5 cua x
Ne u g9i s6 h9c sin h
X · - = 27.
, we hav e to fin d x so that ~
ber of stud ent s of clas s 6A, th en acco rdin g to the pro ble m s
If let x be the num
of x is 27. We hav e : x . ~
= 27.
. ~ = 45.
Suy ra (He nce ) : x = 27 : 5 = 27 3
in clas s 6A.
ns wer : The re are 45 stu den ts
Trd loi : Lo p 6A c6 45 h9c sin h. A
Nh u v~y , d~ fun m(>t s6 bie t ¾cua n6 bang 27, ta da la'y 27 chia cho ;
we let 27 divi ded by ~
when ~ of tha t num ber is 27 '
re , to find the num ber 5
The refo 5
2. Qu y tcic
The rule
(m , n N* ).
m cua no bdn g a, ta tinh a : m
Muon tim mf)t so' bie t n n
divide d by m .
find the num ber wh en m of that num ber is a, we let a n
To n
2 -2
2 F, . d ''h e numb er, gw. en t.'h a t 3 - o f t.'hat numb er ts. - 3 .
' mo t soA' b.zet 32 • 'b ~ -
- cua no ang - 3 • m ,, 5
b) T zm
A ,
. 5
m(Jt htq ng mt&c Mng
m.tO'C, sau khi dun g het 350 lit nUO'C thi trong bl con l<;1i
M(Jt bl chu a day
II ~ dun g tich bl Hoi bl nay chua duqc bao nhi eu lit
nu& c?
20 -
tan k is equ al to ~ capacity
wat er, ahe r usin g 350 /tier s of water, the wat er !eh in the 20
A tan k is fille d with
wat er doe s this tan k hol d ?
of the tank. Ho w ma ny lite rs of
Bai t(l p
ber, given tha t :
126. nm m◊t s6, bie t : Find a ,num
a) ~ cua n6 ban g 7,2 ; ( 1 of the num ber is 7.2 ;) b) I~ cua n6 ban g -5. ( 1y
of the number is -5.)
dAu den n~u C hin , h• I~ cha't d~ chiem 24%. Tinh s6 kil6gam d~u den da naU C
hin de c6
Trong . ,
1,2 kg chat d~.
In cooked black bean~, the protein ratio is 24% . Calculat e the number of
kilogram s of cooked black beans
to have 1.2kg of protein .
Trong sii'a_ c6 4,57° ba. Tinh luqng sfra trong m<)t chai, biet rang Im;mg bo trong chai sii'a nay la_18g._
that the mass of butter in th is
Milk c~,ntatns 4 .51/o butter. Calculat e the mass of milk in a bottle , given
bottle IS 18g.
Do': £)6 em tim duqc m<)t s6 ma m<)t nira s6 d6 thl bang _!.
puzzle : W e keep you guessing a number which half of that number is equal to 3
1. 75% m(>t manh vai dai 3 ,75 m. Roi ca manh viii dai bao nhieu met?
13 piece of clo th ?
75% o f a p iece o f clo th is 3 .7 5m long . What is the length in m e ters of the w hole
Luyfn t(lp
Pract ice
132. Tun X, biet :
Find x , g iven that :
2 2 1 2 1 3
a) 2- · X + 8- = 3-· b) 3-. x - - = 2-.
3 3 3' 7 8 4
133. oe lam m6n "dua kho tltjt", ta can c6 cui dua (com dua),
tltjt ba chi, duang, nucrc mam, mu6i. Luqng ba chi va
' 2
h.rc;mg duang theo thu n;r bang va 5% lugng cui dua. Neu
c6 0,8kg tltjt ba chi thl phai can bao nhieu kilogam cui dua,
bao nhieu kilogam duang ?
, sugar, fish s auc e and sa lt.
To make items "coconu t braised pork", we need copra (coconu t meat) , bacon
If baco n is 0 .8kg , how m a n y
The amount of bacon and s ugar is 3 and 5% of copra , respecti vely.
kil ograms of copra , of sugar does it need ?
134. Sit dlf,ng may tinh bo tui
Using pocket calculat ors
Nut an Ket qua
Bai toan
Butto ns A n swers
r 135. M()t xf nghi¢p da th~rc hi¢n i k~ hm.1ch, con phai lam
43 vicn gach
tiep 560 san phQrn nCi'a moi hoan thanh ke' ho~1ch.
Tfnh s6 san ph!m xf nghi¢p duqc giao theo ke' ho~ch.
Th e factory has completed -5 of the plan, and It
has to be continu ed lo do more 560 products for
completing the plan. Calculate the number of
products which the factory has to deliver according
to the plan.
136. D6' (Theo m()t bai toan cua Xem LOi-da (Sam Loyd)) : Hinh (Figure) I 1
Puzzle (Based on the problem of Sam Loyd) : . . b nhieu kil6gam ?
Trong hlnh l l, ci\.n dang avi trf thrtng bang. 06 em v,en g~ich n~ng aOuessing how many kilograms
In fi gure 11 , the weigh ing-scale is in the balanced position. We keep you 9
does the brick weigh ?
2. Ti so phan tram
Percentage ratio (percentage)
Trong th(!c hanh, ta thucrng dung ti s6 du& d;µlg ti s6 phan tram v& ki hi~u % thay cho
~ ·
In practice, the ratio is often used as th e percentage ratio , den oted % that is instead of - - .
Vi di!,. Ti s6 phan tram cua hai s6 78,1 va 25 la:
78,1 = 78,1. 100. _1_ = 78,1. 100 % = 312,4%.
25 25 100 25
Example. The percentage of 78 .1 to 25 is :
Muon tim ti so' phiin tram cua hai so' a va b, ta nhtin a voi 100 roi chia cho b va viet ki
. . m , k ., , a . 100
h u;u w vao et qua : - --%.
To find the percentage of the two numbers a to b, we multiply a by 100, then divide by b,
3. Ti I~ xich Scale
Ti 1~ xfch T ciia m(:>t ban ve (ho~c m(:>t ban do) la ti s6 khoang each a giua hai diem tren ban ve (ho~c
ban do) va khoang each b giua hai diem tuong ung tren thl;l'c te: T = : (a, b c6 cung don V! do).
Scale T of a drawing (or a map) is the ratio of distance a between two points on the drawing ·(or the map) to
distance b between two points in correspond ing reality : T =~ (a , b have the same unit of measurement) .
Vi di!, : Neu khoang each a tren ban do la 1cm, khoang each b tren thl;l'c te la 11cm thl ti 1¢ xfch T
m Khodng each tit diem cifc Bile <i Ha Giang den diem Cifc Nam <i mili Ca Mau dai 1620km. Tren
m<)t bdn do, khodng each do dai 16,2cm. Tim ti 1¢ xieh eua bdn do.
The distance from the northernmost point in Ha Giang to the · southernmost p oint at cape Ca Mau is
1620km long . On a map, that distance is 16.2cm long. Find the map scale.
Bai tc;ip
137. Tinh ti s6 cua : Find the ratio of :
c6 th~ viet nhu sau :
tw o in-tegf;rs.
We can convert the ratio of two numbers to the ratio of
numbe rs 0.75 to 1- can be written as follows ·
20 ·
75 75
0, 75 100 75 20 5 0.75 100 75 20 _ 5
- - -= -== - / - - -·
1 7 = 27 = 100 . 27 =9 . 1-
7 .27
100 27 9
20 20
20 20
Hay viet cacti s6 sau dfty thanh ti s6 Cua hai s6 nguye n:
Write each of the follow ing ratios as ratio of two intege rs
a) 1,28
3 .15 '
b) ~: 3 _!_.
5 4 '
d) _i_
Luyfn t(ip
Pract ice
chua tm 999g vang
J42. Khi n6i den vang ba s6 9 (999) ta hieu n\ng : Trong 1000g "vang" nay
nguy~n chit, nghia la ti le· vano fiOU)'en chfit la 1000 = 99,9 %. Em hieu the nao khi n6i den'-
e e
b6n s6 9 (9999) ?
"gold" con ta ins up to 999g of
Wh en talking abou t gold of three nu mbers 9 (999) . we lea rn that : In 1 0 00g
pure gold , it means th a t the ratio of pure gold is = 99 .9% . How do you kn ow when talking about
gold of fou r nu m bers 9 (9999) ?
143. Trong 40kg nu6'c bi~n c6 2kg mu6i. Tfnh ti s6 phfin tram mu6i trong
nu6'c bi6n.
40kg of se a water contains 2kg salt. Calculat e the percenta ge of salt in sea
144. Biet ti s6 phful tram mr6'c trong dua chu(>t la 97,2%. Tinh hn;mg nuoc
trong 4kg dua chu◊r.
the amount o f water in 4kg of
Given that the percen tage of wa ter in cucumb er is 97 .2% . Ca lculate
cucumb er .
145. Trm ti 1~ xfch cua m9t ban do, biet rang quang duong tu Ha N◊i den
Thai Nguyen tren ban do la
4cm con trong thl}'c te la 80km.
on the map is 4cm long . and
Find the scale of a map , given that the distance from Han oi to Thai Nguyen
80km in reality.
146. Tren m(>t ban ve ki thu~t c6 ti 1¢ xfch 1 : 125, chieu dai cua m(>t chiec may bay Bo-inh (Boeing )
747 la 56,408c m. Tinh chieu dai th~t cua chiec may bay d6.
pla ne is 56 .-.W8 cm . Calc ula te
In a technica l drawing with the scale of 1 :125, the length of a Boeing 747
the real length of th e plane .
21-5-20 00.
My Thu~ (h.12) n6i hai tinh Tien Giang va Y-mh Long duqc kha.nh thanh ngay 21-5-
147. Cau
2000 .
inaug urated on
My T huan bridg e (f.12) con necting Tie n Giang and V inh Lon g pro vince was
Cau My Thu~n la cay ctiu treo hi~n d<;li (cau dcly vang) dau tien o nu6'c ta vm chieu
dru 1535m
bic ngang song Tien, m¢t trong nhiing con song r()ng nhat Vi¢t Nam. Neu ve t:ren
ban do ti l~
xfch 1 : 20000 thi cay cau nay dru bao nhieu xentimet ?
length of 1535m , it crosses
My Thuan bridge is the first modern suspens ion bridge of our country with
a map with scale 1 :2 0000 , how many
Tien river , one of the largest rivers in Vi etn am . If it is plotted on
centime ters long is the bridge on the map ?
l48. S1i d{mg may tinli bo nii
Us!ng 1xxket c;;'cvlato
Ket qua Daps6
Ttm ti s6 phan tram cua Nut an Results An swers
Find the percentage of Buttons
75 75% I
3 va (to) 4 QJ G 0 ~ 3,25 (3.25) 3,25% (3.25%)
□ mmBm~
0.26 (0 .26) va (to) 8
Ve bi~u do phan tram dl!6i d~ng c9t, 6 vu6ng, h1nh quc;tt nhlf the nao ?
How to draw the percentage diagram in form of column , square , pie charts ?
~ neu b~t va so sanh m◊t each tn_rc quan cac gia ttj phAn tram cua cimg m(>t ~ Iu~g:
nguoi ta
va hinh q~
dung bilu do phtin triim.. Biiu do phan tram thmmg duqc dl,IIlg dum ~g c(>t, 6 vuong
, the percentage diagram is
To highlight and compare visually the percentage value of the same quantity
used . The percentage diagram is often used in form of column , square, pie charts.
0 T6t (good)
Bii u ct6 phd,1 tram dum d(Jng o vuong (h.14): (M6i 6 vuong nho un ··
small square corresp v
~nd: to ~%) .
Percentage diagram in form of squares (f.14) : (Each
Biiu d6 phci'n tram du6i dgng hinh qu<;lf (h.15). 5%
II De' di tit nha den truong, trong so' 40 h9c sinh l(Jp
6B c6 6 bq,n di xe buyt, 15 bq,n di xe dgp, s(l con /q,i Hinh (Figure) 15
di bf?. Hay tinh ti so'phd'n tram so' h9c sinh /(Jp 6B di xe buyt, xe dr;,p, di b9 so v6i so' h9c sinh cd l(Jp
r6i bilu dien bang bie'u d6 cqt.
To go from home to school, of the 40 students of class 68, there are 6 students taking the bus,
15 students riding their bikes, the rest walking. Calculate the percentage ratio of students taking the bus,
riding their bikes and walking to class 68 students, and then represent them by the column chart.
Bai tQp
149. V6i cac s6 li~u neu trong II, hay dlJD.g bieu do pMn tram du6i d,;mg o vu6ng.
With the data described in II,construct the percentage diagram in form of square chart.
150. Diem kiem tra toan cua lap 6C deu tren trung binh so
va duqc bieu dien nhu hinh 16. iOl
~ 40
Math test scores of class 6C are above the average and Q)
are shown in figure 16. Q) 3?
~ 30 -
a) C6 bao nhieu phan tram bai dc:tt diem 10 ?
What is the percentage of tasks getting mark 10 ?
..; 20 -
b) Loai diem nao nhieu nhat ? Chiem bao nhieu C.
phan tram? C1J 10
8 -
Which mark is the most common ? What is the percentage
which it occupied ?
6 7 8 9 10
c) Ti 1¢ bai dc:tt diem 9 la bao nhieu phan tram ? Lo\li diem (Kinds of mark)
What is the percentage of tasks getting mark 9 ? Hinh (Figure) 16
d) Tinh t6ng so bai kiem tra toan cua lap 6C biet rang c6 16 bai dc:tt diem 6.
Evaluate the total number of math test tasks of class 6C, given that there were 16 tasks getting mark 6.
151. Muon d6 be tong, ngum ta tr¢n 1 tc:t xi mang, 2 tc:t cat va 6 tc:t soi.
To concrete, they mix together 1 quintal of cement, 2 quintals of sand and 6 quintals of pebbles.
a) Tinh ti s6 phan tram tung thanh phan cua be t6ng.
Compute the percentage of each component in concretes.
b) DlJD.g bieu do o vuong biiu dien cac ti so phan tram d6.
Construct the percentage diagram in fo rm of square chart for those percentages.
152. Nam hoc 1998 - 1999, ca mrac ta c6 13 076 truang Tiiu h9c, 8583 truang THCS va 1641 truang
THPT ..DlJD.g biiu do c(>t biiu dien ti so phan tram cac loc:ti truang n6i tren trong h~ thong Giao
dt,1c ph6 thong Vi~t Nam.
In academic year 1998 - 1999, there were 13 076 Primary schools, 8583 Junior High schools and 1641
Senior High schools in our country. Construct a percentage diagram in fo rm of column chart that the
percentages of the above-mentioned school of Education system in Vietnam are represented.
153. So li~u cua ngan
h Gifo d\lC va Dao 1999 c ho
biet · Ca nuoc ta c6 5 564 888
t,}O nam hQC l
hQC sinh THCS, trong do c6 2 968 868 h9c sinh 998 - bo tui de tinh ti s6 Phan
tnun cua s6 hoc sinh nam vacu a s6 hoc sinh
n~- _Dung_m y .nh THCS.
nu so v& t6ng s6 hQC Sl
· . . . · .
Data from the Education and Tra1rnng . _ 1999 show ed that : There were
Sector in academic yea r 1998 male students in all over
5 564 888 Junio r High school students 868
of which there were 2 968 ale stud ents and femal e stude0n~~
country. Use a pocke t calculator to cal
culate the percentage of rn
compared with the total number of Junio
r High school students .
M(,t so bang t6ng kAt
Summary table s
C¢ng Nhan
Phep tinh
Addition Multiplication
Tinh chAt
Giao hoan a C C a a C C a
-+-=-+- ---=-·-
Commutative b d d b b d d b
K~t hgp
Associative (~+})+!=~+(1+!J (HH=H1-!J
C◊ng v6i s6 0 a a a
Adding to number O b b b
Nban vm s6 1 a a a
Multiplying by number 1 b b b
s6 dBi
Opposite numbers ~+H)=o
SB ngbich dao a b
-.-=l (a, b:;t:0)
Reciprocal b a
Phan ,Ph6i cua phep nhan
doi vm phep c9ng
Distributive property of
multiplication over addition
r Bai t{Jp
154. Cho ph1n s6 i. V6i gia ttj nguyen nao cua x thl ta c6:
that :
3 be a fraction. Find integer x such
X X X 1 .,
a)..:..... < 0: b) -3 = 0 ·. c) 0 < - <
3 3
d) - = l : e) l < - ~ 2?
3 3
155 · Di~n s6 thich hqp vao 6 vuong : Fill in the square s with su itable numbe rs :
-12 -6 0 21
16 = □ = -12 = □.
156. Rut g<;>n : Reduc e :
157. Viet cac s6 do thoi gian sau day v6i don vj la gicr:
hour as time unit :
W rite the following numbe rs of time measu remen ts with
es) ; 150 phut (minut es).
15 phut (minut es) ; 45 phut (minutes) ; 78 phut (minut
(Vi du (Exam ple). 6 phut (minutes) = _i_h = - h = 0,lh (0.1h)) .
. 60 10
J 1 3 d) ~ , ~ , 1
c) 5' 4 ' IO '... 15 IO 3 ' ....
160. Tim phan s6 ~ bang phan s6 _!! , bier rang lJCLN (a, b) = 13.
t f 1· 18 . hal GCD (a b) = 13
a ·
Find out fract ion - equivalen to rac 10n -27 , given t ' ·
161. Tinh gia lrj cua bieu thcrc : Evaluate the value of expres sions :
A= -1,6 : ( I + ¾} B = 1,4 . ~
- (i + ~) ·
5 3 .
t62, Tim X, biet : Find X, given that :
2 4
a) (2,8x - 32) :
3 =- 90; b) (4,5 - 2x) . 1 = 11 ·
7 14
t63, M◊t ~ua hang ban 356,5m vai g6m hai loai : vai hoa va vai tdng. Biet s6 vai hoa bang 78,25% s6
vai trang. Tfnh s6 met vai m6i loai. .
A shop sells 3~6.~m of fabric including two kinds of fabric , flowers and white fabri c. Given that the amount
of flowers fabric is equal to 78.25% of the amount of white fabric. Calculate the number of meters of each
kind of fabric .
164. Khi tr_a ti~~ mua m◊t cu6n sach theo dung gia bla, Oanh duqc cua hang tra l~i 1200d vl da duqc
khuyen m~1 10%. V~y Oanh da mua cuon sach vai gia bao nhieu?
When paying for a book at the price written on its cover, Oanh was given back 1200d from the
shopkeeper because of a 10% promotion . So, what does the book Oanh bought cost?
165. ~◊t ng~ai_~ui tjet ki~m 2 tri~u dong, tinh ra m6i thang dtrqc Iai 11200d. Hoi ngtrm ay da gm tiet
k1¢m vm lai suat bao nhieu phin tram m◊t thang ?
A person deposited 2 million dong, the interest is 11200d each month. Calculate the interest rate each month.
tang them 8 b~n (s6 h9c sinh ca lap kh6ng d6i), nen so h9c sinh gioi bang ¾s6 con l~i. Hoi h9c
kl I lap 6D c6 bao nhieu h9c sinh gioi ?
In semester I, the number of good students in class 6D was equal to 3. of the rema ining students. Into
semester 11, the number of good students increased by 8 students (the number of students of the class
was unchanged) , so, the number of good students became -2 of the rest. How many good students of
class 60 were there in semester I ?
167. Do' : D6 em l~p duqc m9t de toan ma khi dung may tinh bo mi nguoi gia.i da barn lien tiep nhu sau :
Puzzle : Let me ask you a riddle to set a math problem such that by using a pocket calculator, the solver
would press continuously as follows :
QJ [§] 0 0 0 [§] [?i]
0 0 [?i]
[] []~
On t¢p cuoi nam phan so hQC
Review of the end of school year for arithmetic
Cau hoi on t~p
Review questions
b) Cho vf dy su dyng cac kf hi¢u tren. Give examples of using the symbols above.
2. Viet cac c6ng thCrc ve luy thua vai so mil tl;I' nhien. Cho vf dl;l.
Write the formula for the power of natural exponent. Give ari example.
3. So sanh tfnh chat ca ban cua phep d)ng va phep nhan so tl! nhien, so nguyen, phan so.
Compare bas1c . properties of addition with basic properties of multiplication of natu ral nu mbers , integers,
fra ctions .
Bai t¢p
168. Oien ki hi¢u ( E, e, c, n) thich hqp vao 6 vu6ng : Fill in the squares with suitable symbols ( e,
'° ,c, n ) :
-3 □ Z · 00N; 3,275 0 N (3.275 0 N) ;
4 '
N □ Z=N ; N □ Z.
169. Dien vao cho trong : Fill in the blanks :
a) V6'i a, n E N : l = a. a. a ...... a voi ......... .
'----y-- --1
... thua so
For a, nE N : a" = a.a.a. ....a, , where ................ .
... faclors
am. a"=
2 3
(2 3 .5. 7).(5 . 7 )
(2.5.72 )2
lap 6C c6 bao nhieu
112. Chia deu 60 chiec k~o cho tat ca h9c sinh lap 6C thl con du 13 chiec. Hoi
h9c sinh?
o f remainin g cand ies is 1 3 .
60 candies a re e q ually shared between all students in class 6C , the number
How many stu d ents are there in class 6C ?
Biet v~ t6c dong nuoc
173. M9t ca no xuoi m9t khuc song het 3 gicr va nguc;,c khuc song d6 bet 5 gicr.
Ia 3 km/h. Tinh d9 dai khuc song d6.
for going upstrea m . Su ppose
It took 3 h o urs for a canoe g o ing down a section of riv er and 5 hours
ion of river.
that the water v e lo city is 3 km/ h . Calcula te the length of the sect
174. So sanh hai bi~u thuc A va B biet rang :
Compar e the two express io ns A and B , given that :
175. Hai voi nuoc cung chay vao m9t b~. Biet rang d~ chay duc;,c mia b~.
m9t minh voi A phai mat
4 gicr 30 phut con m9t mlnh voi B chi mat 2 gicr 15 phut. Hoi ca hai voi cung chay vao ~ d6 thl
sau bao lau b~ se day?
takes tap A a lone 4 hours and 30
Two taps were simultan eously opened into a tank. To fill half the tank, it
. How long will the tan k be fu ll when both
minutes , a nd only takes tap B alone 2 hou rs and 15 m inutes
ta ps simultan eously worked?
176. Tinh : Calc ulate :
a) 1~ • (0 5) 2 . 3 +
15 '
1~ X (0 .5 )
X 3 + ( ~ - 1~) : 1
15 60
11 + 0 , 415 : 0,01
( 200 J 11
( 200 + 0 .4 15
) : 0 .01
1 1
b) ~ - 37.2 5 + 3 _!
- - 37 25 + 3 - 12 6
12 ' 6
r . C 1·c1 do. F
177. D<~
Degrees C and degrees F
0 nl.J'OC ta va nh.ieu nl.J'OC kMc, nhi~t d◊ duqc tfnh theo d¢ C (chii' dau cua Celsius, dqc la Xen-xi-6t-xa).
In o~ r country and in many oth er countries , th e te mperature is calculated in degrees C (the first letter of
Celsrus . read as ['selsias]) .
c) 0 Bae qrc c6 m()t thoi diem ma nhi~t ke do d(> C va nhi~t ke do d(> F cung chi m(>t s6. Tun s6 d6.
In the Arctic there is a time when Celsius thermometers and Fahrenheit thermometers show the same
number. Find that number.
178. 'Tist/ w1ng"
''Golden ratio"
Nguai C6 Hy L<;1p va nguai C6 Ai C~p day thuc duqc nhung ti s6 "dyp" trong cac cong trlnh
xay dtµ1g . H9 cho rAng hlnh chfr nh~t dyp la hinh chu nh~t c6 ti s6 gifra chieu dai va chi~u
r(>ng la I : 0,618 (cac hinh chu nh~t : DPLC, APLB, HGLB, ... trong hlnh 17). Vi the, ti s6 nay
duqc g9i la "ti s6 vang" (theo each g9i cua nha danh h9a va nha khoa h9c nguai Y n6i tieng
Le-6-nac-d6 da Vin-xi).
The Ancient Greeks and th e Ancient Egyptians were aware of the ratio of "good" in works of construction.
They told that a beau tiful rectangle was a rectangle where the ratio between length and width was
1: 0.618 (rectangles : DPLC, AP LB, HGLB in figure 17). Therefore , this ratio has been called the "golden
ratio" (coined by Leonardo da Vin ci, a well known Italian painter and a famous scientist) .
' I
'' I
H' t:,:::::,,...,~f--=-----1 G
C B P' L
Hinh (Figure) /7
) 6 A-ten (Hy L~p), ngua i ta nh~n xet
Khi nghien cuu kien true cua Den c6 Pac-te-nong (h.18
anh huon g cua "ti s6 vang".
kfch thu6'c cua cac hinh hinh h9c trong den phlin Ion ch~u
temple (f.18) in Athens (Greek), people found that
When studying the architecture of ancient Parthenon
are largely influenced by the "golden ratio".
the dimensions of geometrical shapes in the temple
a) Oic kich thu6'c cua mt')t hinh chu nh~t tuan theo "ti
s6 vang", biet rang chieu r¢ng cua n6 do
duqc 3,09m . Tinh chieu dai cua hinh chu nh~t d6.
n ratio" , given that its measured width is 3.09m .
Let the dimensions of a rectangle abide by the "golde
Compute the length of the rectangle .
Hlnh (Figure)l 8
ChLfc:JnQ 11 - G6c
chapter 11 . ANGI ,f,S
Trong quang citnh d1r(1i <ll\y, pl1i\i chl'\ ng cac chum r.nh sang la-de l~p thanh nhftng g6c bang nhau?
In the view be low, do thoso laser beam s make up equa l ang les ?
'- ' I
I. , !
·f ..
I ,
.;;--:::,. I
Nua m~t ph~ng b6' a chua diem B va nU'a m~t ph~ng b6' a chua diem C
la hai nva m~t ph~ng doi nhau.
The half-plane containin g B with edge a and the half-plane containing C
with edge a are two opposite half-plans .
Trang giay, m~t bi,ng la h1nh anh cua m~t phfmg. M~t ph:ing khOng bi gioi h.µ, v~ m9i phfa.
Pages , surface of a board are th e images of a plane. The plane is not restricted on all sides.
Tren hinh I. ta thay dtroog thAng a chia m~t phfuig thanh
hai phAn rieng bi~t.
In figure 1, we see that straigh t line a divid es the plane into two
c isr nct parts. Hinh (Figure) 1
Hinh gom duung thdng a va m9t phtfo m{it phdng b! chia
ra boi a du(Jc gqi la m9t mia m{it phdng bu a.
Picture of straight line a and a part of plane which is divided by a is called a half-plane with edge a.
Hai nira m~t phfuig c6 chung bo duqc g<,>i la hai mia m{it phdng doz nhau. Bat kl du&ng thdng
niw nam tren mq_t ph&ng cfing la bo chung cua hai ni'la mijt phdng dot nhau.
Two half-planes sha ring an edge are called the two opposite half-planes. Any straight line on a plane is
also the same edge of two opposite half.planes.
Tren hlnh 2, ta g<,>i m'.ra m~t phAng (I) la mia m~t ph~ng baa chtfa di~m ~• cAon ni'ra/ m~~ yMng
Cm c6 boa va chua cti~m P. C6 thi n6i : Nua m~t phAng (II) c6 baa va khong chua diem M,
ho~c n6i : (II) la mia m~t phAng d6i cua (I).
In figu re 2. we ca ll half-pl ane (I) is the half-plane containing M with edge a, and half-plan e (II) is the half-
p'ane containing P with edge a. We can say : half-plane (II) does not contain M with edge a, or we can
say : (fl ) is the opposite half-plane of (I) .
N Xem hlnh 2, ta con n6i : Hai di~m M, N nlim cung
• (I) phia d6i v6i duang thfuig a ; hai di~m N, P (ho~c
M, P) nam khac phia d6i v6i duang thAng a.
(Il) See figure 2, we also say : Two points M , N lie on the
same side of straight line a, and two points N, P (or
Hinh (Figure) 2 M, P) lie on the two different sides of straight line a.
m a) Hay neu cac each g9i ten khac ciia hai ni'ra mt)it phcing (I), (II).
Give some the orher naming of two half-planes (I) and (11) .
b) N6z M 1·6i N, no1· M voi P. Do(ln thdng MN c6 cat a khong? Dor;in thdng MP c6 ccit a khong?
Conneci M to N, M ro P. Does line segment MN intersect a ? Does line segment MP intersect a ?
o~' X M
/4, ◊k'
a) b) c)
Hinh (Figure) 3
0 hinh 3a, tia Oz cat do<;ill thkg MN t~ m(>t di~m nam gifra M va N, ta n6i tia Oz nam giila hai
tia Ox, Oy.
In fi gure 3a , ray Oz intersects line segment MN at a point located between M and N, we say that ray Oz
lies between two ra ys Ox and Oy .
m • 0 hinh 3b, tia Oz c6 nam giiia hai tia Ox, Oy kh6ng ?
I~ figure 3b, does ray Oz lie between two rays Ox andOy ?
• 0 hinh Jc, tia Oz c6 ciit dogn rh&ng MN kh6ng? Tia Oz c6 ndm giiia hai tia Ox, Oy kh6ng ?
In figure Jc, does ray Oz intersect lti1e segment MN ? Does ray Oz lie between two rays Ox and Oy ?
Bai t{lp
1. Hay neu m(>t s6 hinh anh cua m~t phclng. Give some images of the plane.
2. Hay ga~ m(>t_to,giay. Tra! to giay len m~t ban r6i quan sat xem nep gap c6 phai la h1nh anh bo
chung cua ha1 nua m~t phang d6i nhau kh0ng ?
Fold a sheet of paper. Spread the sheet of paper on the table and observe whether the fold is the image
of common edge of two opposite half-planes ?
3. Dien vao cho tr6ng trong cac phat bieu sau : Fill in the blanks of the following statements :
a) Bat k1 dtrang thing nao nam tren m~t phing cGng la bo chung cua hai .......
Every straight line on the plane is the common edge of two .. ... .... .
b) Cho ba diem khong thing hang 0, A, B. Tia Oxnam giita hai tia OA, OB khi tia Ox cat .......
Let 0 , A, B be the three non-collinear points. Ray Ox lies between two rays OA and OB when ray Ox
intersects ... .. .
4. Cho ba diem A, B, C khong thing hang. Ve duong thing a cat cac do~ thing AB, AC va kh0ng
di qua A, B, C.
Let A , B, C be the three non-collinear points. Draw straight line a which intersects line segments AB, AC,
respectively, and does not pass A, B, C.
a) G9i ten hai ntra m~t phclng d6i nhau boa. Name the two opposite half-planes with edge a.
b) Do~n thclng BC c6 cat duang thing a kh6ng ? Does line segment BC intersect straight line a ?
5. G9i M la diem nam giita hai diem A, B. Lay diem O kh0ng nam tren duong thing AB. Ve ba tia
Let M be the point between two points A and B. Take O which is not on straight line AB. Draw three rays
OA, OB, OM .
Hoi tia nao nam giita hai tia con l~i ? Which ray lies between two remaining rays?
§2. Goe
1. G6c A ngles
Goe la hinh gom hai tia chung goc.
An angle is a figure of two rays sharing an initial point.
G6c chung cua hai tia la dinh cua g6c. Hai tia la hai c<;1nh cua g6c.
The common initial point is the vertex of the angle. Two rays are two sides of the angle.
r 0,___ _N.,___Y
0 y
a) c)
Hinh (Figure) 4
Tren h1nh 4 : Diem O la d1nh, hai tia Ox, Oy la hai qmh cua g6c xOy ·
In figure 4 : Point O is the vertex , two rays Ox, Oy are sides of angle xOy . _ ___ ,._
Ta vi€t : g6c xOy , ho~c g6c yOx, ho~c g6c O. Cac kf hi¢u tucmg Ullg la : xOy ' yOx ' O · Cung
con ki hi¢u la LxOy , LyOx , LO .
We write : angle xOy, or angle yOx, or angle O. Their respective symbols are : illy ' yOx ' O· They are
also denoted by L'..xOy , L'..yOx , L'..O .
G6c xOy ohlnh 4b con duqc g9i la g6c MON, ho~c g6c NOM.
Angle xOy in figure 4b is called also angle MON , or angle NOM .
n Hay neu mqt so' hinh dnh thl/c tl cua g6c, cua g6c bt;t.
Give some realistic pictures of angles, straight angles.
Bal t¢p
Exe rcises
Oibt vju dt<\ ll\1ng tmng r:k ,,h.< b' .
'- . t ,,t \~\I SI\U :
Fill in the blanks of the followln ·t
, • . . g ~ atements .
:1) Hinh gom h:u t1:1 chun.g g&- . ·
""' ft ..
'" 0 x. 0 YIi\ ......... 01~m O Ii\ ......... l-1111. trn.
The fi1glJ.c O WO rays Ox Oy ·h · Ox. Oy Ii\ ......... .
.............. ·· s :mng sn i11\tlnl point 1~ .... .. .. ... rninl O Is ........
..... Two n1y~ Ox . Oy rn 11
b) Goe RSf 1.i 1dinh Ii\ , t ll:\\. c·mh Ii\
....... . co
The verte..x of angle RST Is ·t ' . .. ....... ·
• • .... .. •, . 1 s two ~,eleg M·'
·) ,.._,,.,_
C \..!\A, ,
bet li\ . \J . . . . . . . .. '
• ....... .. ,
~L a)
z T
p I'
Hi'nh (Figure) 7
§3. So do g6c
Measurement of angle
0 y
1. £>o g6c
Measuring angle
a) b)
Hinh (Figure) JO
(c~lm~ h.µ1 0~) d! qua v~ch 0 cua thu6c (h. lOc ).
Gia su c;µlh ~~ cua_ g6c (tia Ox) di qua vach 105
105 do ( c
(h.10c~. Ta no1 : Goe xOy c6 so do
xOy bang 105 d9). 6
· g
(such Oy) passes through line 0 of the angle (f. 0c) .
Assume that the .other side of the angle (ray Ox)
Passes through line 105 (f 10c) Th
• . en we say :
measurement of angle xOy is 1o5 degrees (an le xO
is equal to 105 degrees). g Y
Hinh (Figure) 10
Ta cung ki hi~u so do cua g6c xOy la illy va vi€t illy = 105° hay yili = 105° .
The measure ment of angle xOy is denoted by x6y and we write xay = 105° or y0x =105°.
G6c c6 so do 105° con g9i la g6c 105° .
Angle which its measurement is 105° also ca lled angle 105° .
• Nh[Jn xet: Moi g6c c6 nu)t so' do . So' do cua g6c bft la 180° .
So' do cua moi g6c khong VU<Jf qua 180° .
Comment : Every angle has a measurement The measurement of straight angle is 180°
. The measurement
of every angle does not exceed 180° .
► Chuj
a) Tren thuac do goc,
A , ,
ta ghi cac s6 tu Oden 180 6 hai vong cung theo hai chieu nguqc nhau
di viec do g6c duac thu~ ti~n (h. l 3). . . . .
The ~umbers from.
0 to 1 ao
is written in two arcs of a protracto r in two opposite d1rect1ons to be
convenient in measuring angles (f.13)-
X 0
Hinh (Figure) 13
b) Gic don ~ do goc nho hon d◊ la phut ki hi¢u la ' va giay ki hi¢u la ".
. . . b , and seconds with symbol "
Units of angular measurement smaller than degree are minutes with sym o 1 ·
Khi do, ta con noi : goc plq nho hO'n goc sOt va viet piq < illt .
Then we also say : Angle plq is smaller than angle sot and write plq < sC5t .
X u
~,~L I O t I p
Hinh (Figure) 14 Hinh (Figure) 15
m Cf hinh 16, diem I la trung diem cua doqn thdng BC. Hay do
dl kiem tra xem hai g6c BAI va IAC co bang nhau kh6ng ?
In figure 16, point I is the midpoint of line segment BC. Measure
to check if the two angles BAI and IAC are equal.
Goe vu6ng Goe nh<;>n Goe byt
Goe tu
Right angle
Acute angle Obtuse angle Straigh t angle
0 y 0
~ y
-------:" y
0 y
0 X
Hinh (A'gure) 17
Bai t(jp
11. Nhin hinh 18. D9e s6 do eua eae goe xOy, xOz, xOt.
Look at figure 18. Read the measurements of angles xO y, Xo Z, Xot .
12. Do eae goe BAC, ABC, ACB ahlnh 19. So sanh cae g6e ay.
Measure angles SAC, ABC, ACS in figure 19. Compare the angles.
0 X
Hinh (Figure) 21
15. Ta_ c~ thi xe~ ~~ P,~ut -~a kim gio cua d6ng h6 la hai tia chung g6c (g6c tr~ng v~i- tn_ic ~-uay cua
ha1 k1m). Te;u m61 thm diem hai kim tao thanh mot g6c. Tim s6 do cua g6c luc 2 g1a, 3 g10, 5 gio
6 gio, 10 gio. · · '
We can consider the minute hand and hour hand of the clock as two rays sharing an initial point (the
initial point coincides with the rotation axis of the two hands) . At each time, the two hands make up an
angle. Find the measurement of the angle at 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 5 o'clock , 6 o'clock, 10 o'clock.
16. Khi hai tia Ox, Oy trung nhau, trong truong hqp can thiet, ta cGng coi xOy la m()t g6c va g9i la
"g6c kh6ng". S6 do cua g6c khong la o0 • Tim s6 do cua g6c t~o bai kim phut va kim gio ciia d6ng
ho vao luc 12 gio.
When two rays Ox, Oy coincide , in case of necessity, we also con sidered xOy as an angle which is called
"zero angle' . The measurement of zero angle is 0°. Find the measurement of the angle made by the hour
hand and minute hand of the clock at 12 o'clock.
17. Do': M<)t h9c sinh de nghi lam m<)t "thuoc do g6c hlnh chfr nh~t" nhu hlnh 22, cac do~n th~ng
tren cac c~nh BC, CD, DA c6 d¢ dai bang nhau.
Hay do de kiem tra xem thuoc d6 dung hay sai.
Puzzle : A student suggested making a "rectangular protractor" as shown in fig ure 22, the line segments
on the sides BC, CD, DA are the same length . Measure to check if the protractor is co rrect or incorrect.
0 0 0
60 so 40 C
150 30
0 0
180 ----------= 0
Hinh (Figure) 22
o~~ z
1. Khi nao thi t6ng so do hai g6c xOy va yOz b6ng so do g6c xOz ?
When is the sum of measurements of two angles xOy and yOz equal to measurement of angle xOz ?
m Cho g6c xOz va tia Oy nam trong g6c d6. Do cac g6c xOy, yOz, xOz. So sanh illy +~ vm
illz if hinh 23a va
hinh 23b.
Given angle xOz and ray Oy which is inside the angle. Measure angles xOy , yOz , xOz. Compare
illy + yOz wllh xOz in figure 23a and figure 23b.
0 X 0
a) b)
Hinh (Figure) 23
NhtJ.n xet: Niu tia Oy nam giila hai tia Ox va Oz thi illy+ yOi = illz ·
Comm ent : If ray Oy is between two rays Ox and Oz, then xOy + yOz = xOz.
Ngw;rc l<;Zi, nlu illy+ yili = tl)z thi tia Oy nam giua hai tia Ox, Oz.
Inverse ly, if x0y + yOz = xOz then rayOy is betwee n two rays
Ox, Oz.
0 X
aj ~
Hinh (Figure) 24
• Hai g6c phi!, nhau la hai g6c co t6ng s6 cio b~ng 90°, ching h.;tn g6c 50°
va g6c 40° la hai
g6c ph1;1 nhau.
Two angles are complementary if they add up to 90°, such as angle
50° and angle 40° are complementary.
• Hai g6c bu nhau fa hai g6c c6 t6ng s6 do brtng 180°, chfuig h.;tn g6c 110°
va g6c 70° la hai
g6c bu nhau.
Two angles are supplementary if they add up to 180°, such
as angle 110° and angle 70° are
• Hai g6c vua kt nhau, vita bu nhau la hai g6c ke' bu (h.24b).
Two angles are adjace nt-supp lement ary if they are both adjacent
and supplementary.
18. Hinh 25 cho biet tia OA nam giua hai tia OB, OC, BOA = 45° ' AOC = 32°. Tinh ooc .Dung
thuoc do g6c kiem tra l~i ket qua.
Ray OA is between two rays OB, OC as shown in figure 25, BOA = 45° , AOC = 32° . Calculate BOC .
Use a protracto r to check the answer.
0 B X 0 y'
19. lfmh 26 cho biet hai g6c ke bu xOy va yOy', illy= 120°. Tinh y()y'.
In figure 26, xOy and yOy' are two a,djacent-supplementary angles, and xOy = 120° . Calculate y()y' .
--- ---- I ----- T'mh BOI, -----
----- AOI.
20. Hinh 27 cho biet tia 01 nam gifra hai tia OA, OB, AOB = 60° , BOI = -AOB.
In figure 27 , given that ray 01 is between two rays OA, OB , AOB = 60° , SOI = ~ AOB . Compute
- -
z 0 d
a) b)
Hinh (Figure) 28
a A d
Hinh (Figure) 31
C ?} :
Draw an angle on a half-plane
Vi di!, 1. Cho tia Ox. Ve g6c xOy sao cho illy= 40°.
Example 1. Given ray Ox, draw angle xOy so that xOy = 40° . X
Hinh 'iJ::;gure) 32
Gidi : Solution :
D~t thuac do g6c tren ni:ra m~t phing c6 bo chua tia Ox sao cho tam cua thuoc trimg
vm g6c
cua tia Ox va tia Ox di qua v~ch O cua thuac. Ke tia Oy di qua v~ch 40 cua thuoc do g6c
xOy la g6c phai ve.
Put a protractor on the half-plane which its edge contains ray Ox so that the
center of the protractor
coincides with the initial point O of ray Ox and ray Ox passes through line O of the
protractor. Draw ray Oy
passing through line 40 of the protractor (f.32) . xOy is the angle which we need to
Nh~n xet : Tren ni'ra m~t phing cho truoc c6 bo chua tia Ox, bao gio cung ve duqc
m('>t va chi
m('>t tia Oy sao cho xOy = m .
Commen t : On a given half-plane which its edge contains ray Ox, we always can
draw one and only one
ray Oy such that xOy = m .
r 2. Ve hai goc trin mia mJt phlng
Draw two angles on a half-plane
Vi di! 3. Cho tia Ox. Ve hai g6c xOy va xOz tren cung m◊t nua m~t phAng c6 bo chua tja Ox Hao
cho xOy = 30°, ioi = 45°. Trong ba tia Ox, Oy, Oz tia nao nam gii1a hai tia con l&,li '?
Example 3. Given ray Ox, draw two angles xOy and xOz on the same h,3lf-plano which iw fJO[JO conl;j lni; r;Jy
Ox so that xOy = 30° , xOz
= 45° . Which of the three rays Ox , Oy, Oz is betwoen the two rurnulninu 'uy·, ·1
Gidi : Solution :
Ve hai tia Oy, Oz nhu hlnh 33. Ta th4y tia Oy nAm gifta hai tia Ox, Oz (vl 30° < 45°) ·
Draw two rays Oy , Oz as shown in figure 33 . We consider that ray Oy is between two rays Ox , 0 7. (Gin%
30° < 45° ) .
0 X 0
Hinh (Figure) 33 Hinh (Figure) 34
Bai t{lp
24. Ve g6c xBy c6 s6 do bang 45°. Draw angle xBy which its measurement is 45°.
HuiJng clan: Ve tia Bx, sau d6 tren m◊t mia m~t phing c6 bo chua tia Bx ve tia By sao cho iiiy = 45°.
Hints : Draw ray Bx, then on the half-plane which its edge contains ray Bx, draw ray By such that xBy = 45°_
a) -
b) xCz 110°
c) yDx 80°
d) EFy =145°.
Hinh (Figure) 35
2 Trell cung m()t nira m~t phiog ba chua tia OA, ve hai tia OB, OC sao cho 00A =1 ,
7. 450
= 55°. Tfnh s6 do g6c BOC.
~1e sa~e half-plane with the edge containing ray OA, draw two rays OB , OC so that 00A = 1450 ,
COA = 55 . Evaluate the measurement of angle BOC.
2s. Tren m~t phing, cho tia Ax. C6 tM ve dugc may tia Ay sao cho ';J:;; = 50° •
Lei Ax be a ray on a plane. How many Ay rays can we draw so that
;f0 = 50° ?
29, ~ Ot, ?t' ~ai tia nam tr~n cung m()t nira m~t phiog bola duang thing xy di qua O. Biet
xOt = 30 ' yOt, = 600 . Tfnh s6 do cac g6c yOt, tOt'.
Let O,::_Ot' are t ~ o rays on the same half-plane which its edge is ray xy passing through 0 . Suppose
that xOt = 300, yOt ' == 60° . Evaluate the measurements of angles yOt and tOt' ·
Khi can thang b~ng thl kim trung v6'i tia phan giac cua g6c AOB.
When the scale is balanced, the hand coincides with
the bisector ray of angle AOB.
o-----~ X o----~x
Hinh (Figure) 37
Cach 2. Ga'.p gia'.y (h.38).
Method 2 : Folding paper (f.38) .
~e g~c xOy len gia'.y trong. Ga'.p gia'.y sao cho c~nh Ox trimg vm c~ Oy. Nep ga'.p cho ta vj trf
cua tia ph~ giac. Ve tia phan giac theo nep ga'.p d6.
Drawing angle xOy on a clear paper. Fold the paper so that side Ox coincides with side Oy. The fold shows
us the location of the bisector ray. Drawing the bisector ray along that fold.
a) b) c)
Hinh (Figure)38
Nh~n xet: MOi g6c (khong phai la g6c byt) chi c6 m9t tia pMn giac.
Comment : Every angle (which is not a straight angle) has only one bisector ray.
3. Chu y
Duong th~g chua tia phan giac ciia m(>t g6c la du<Jng phdn giac ciia g6c d6.
The straight line containing the bisector ray of an angle is called the bisector line of that angle.
Tren hinh 39, duang th~g mn la ducrng phan giac ciia g6c xOy.
In figure 39 , straight line mn is the bisector line of angle xOy.
y 0 X
a) X b)
Hinh (Figure) 39
Bal t(Jp
30 • Tt-en cung mot· nua rn/\t I, ---
'} P iang bo chtra tia Ox, vc tia Ot , Oy sao cho xOl = 25
!I -0 5()" .
, x y=
On the same half-plan
h - °
e wtI the edge containing ray Ox , draw two rays Ot, Oy so that xOt ;:. 25 ,
xOy = 50° .
ab·)) TSoia .?~hc ~fun gifra hai tia Ox va
Oy khOng ? Is ray Ot between two rays Ox and Oy?
goc tOy va , .
la .
goc x l. Compare angle toy with angle xOt.
O 6
c ,a t c tta pha.n giac cua g6c xOy kh6ng? V1 sao? Is ray Ot the bisector ray of angle xOy? Why ?
3l. a) V~ g_6c xOy c6 s6 do 126° . Draw angle xOy which its measurement is
126° .
b) Ve ha phan giac cua g6 O
, . .
. , c x Y o cau a. Draw the bisector ray of angle xOy given 1n sentence a.
32. 1
Khh_ nhao ta k:t
lu~n duqc tia Ot la tia phan giac cua g6c xOy ? Trong nhG'ng cau tra lai sau, em
ay c Qn nhm1g cau dung :
When can we conclude th t , .
fo II owing a ray Ot 1s the bisector ray of angle xOy ? Select the correct answers from the
answers :
Tia~ la ~han giac cua g6c xOy khi : Ray Ot is the bisector ray of angle xOy when :
a) xOt = yOt. b) illt + tOy =illy.
xOz = 120° .
a) Tinh s6 do g6c yOz. Compute the measurement of angle yOz.
b) Ve tia phan giac Om cua illy, tia phan giac On cua illz . Tfnh s6 do g6c mOn.
Draw bisector ray Om of xOy , bisector ray On of xOz . Compute the measurement of angle mOn .
§7. Th Ve hanh do g6c tren mQt dat
Practice measu ri ng angles on the groun d
~. do,
0 6c ma·t ,.t,,.'t
., ,., . ua ngum ta
'· d'ung m9t d1,mg q1
091 la giac ke. No gom m9t cfia tron duoc dat nam
ngang tren m()t gia ba chan. Mat cfia tro~ du~ chia
dq san. Tre? m~t cfia c6 m(>~ thanh quay xung
~~anh ~am c~a cfia : ohai dau cua thanh c6 gAn hai
tam lhang dung, m6i tfu:n c6 mot khe ha · hai khe
ha va tam cua cfia thAng hang (h.40). '
Hinh (Figure) 40
To measure angles on the ground , we use a device called a goniometer. It consists of a circular disk
which is placed horizontally on a tripod . The front of the circular disk has an available scale. On the fron t
of the disk has a bar which turns around the center of the disk; two vertical panels are attached at either
end of the bar, ea ch panel has a gap , two gaps and the center of the disk are collinear (f.40).
Gia SIi CAil do g6c ACB tren m~t dat (h.41). Tien hanh do theo cac buck sau :
Suppose that we need to measure angle ACS on the ground (f.41). We measure foll owing steps :
BuiJc 1 : O~t giac ke sao cho m~t cfia tron nam ngang va tam cua n6 nAm tren duc'mg thang dung
di qua dinh C cua g6c ACB (khi m6c m9t dau day d9i vao tam cua m~t cfia thl dau qua d9i trimg
v6i di~m C).
Step 1 : Set the goniometer so that the front of the circular disk is horizontal and its center lies on the
vertica l line passing through vertex C of angle ACS (when one end of the plumb is hooked in the center of
the front of the disk, the head of plumb ball coincides with point C) .
BuiJc 2 : Dua thanh quay ve vj tri 0° va quay m~t cfia den 0 tri sao cho CQC tieu dong aA va hai
khe ho thAng hang.
Step 2 . Take back the bar to position 0° and turn the front of the disk to the position so that the stake
setting at point A and two gaps are collinear.
Bulle 3 : C6 dµih m~t dia va dua thanh quay din vj tri sao cho CQC tieu dong c, B va hai khe ha
thing hang.
Step 3 : Fix the front 9f the disk and lake the bar to the position so that the stake setting at point B and
two gaps are collin ear.
Bue1c 4: D9c s6 do (d()) cua g6c ACB tren m~t dia. Nhu c, hlnh 42, ta dQC duqc ACE= 100°.
Step 4 : R~ the measuremen t (in degrees) of angle ACB in the front of th e disk. As shown in figure 42 ,
we have ACB = 100°.
• Dung compa ta ve duqc duang trcm. Tren hlnh 43a, ta c6 duang tron tam 0, ban kinh OM= 1,7cm.
Using a compass, we draw a circle . In figure 43a , we have the circle with center 0 , radius OM = 1.7cm .
lJuung tron tam 0, ban kinh R la hinh gom cac diim each 0 m11t khodng bdng R, ki h~u (0 ; R).
The circle with center 0 , radius R, denoted by (0 ; R) , is the shape of all points which have the
same distance R to 0 .
O 1,7cm
a) b)
Hinh (Figure) 43
N la diem nam ben trong duang tron. N is an interior point to the circle.
P la diem nam ben ngoai duang tron. P is an exterior point to the circle.
Hinh trim la hinh g6m cac diem nam tren duimg trim va cac diem nam ben trong du&ng tron d6 .
A circular figure (also named circle) is the shape including of points which are on the circle and points
which are interiors of that circle.
0 Ai.-------t B
Truang hqp A, B thkg hang v& 0 thl m6i cung la m<)t ni:ra duang tron (h.45).
In case of which A, B, 0 are collinear, each arc is a semicircle (f.45).
• Doiµi thkg n6i hai mut cua cung la day cung (gQi tit la day). Day di qua tam la duimg kinh.
An arc chord (a chord, in a few words) is a line segment that joins two endpoints of an arc. A chord
which passes through the center is a diameter.
Tren hlnh 45, CD la day, AB la duang kfnh. In figure 45, CD is a chord , AB is a diameter.
Duimg kinh dai gap d6i ban kinh. The length of the diameter is twice the length of the radius.
Vi d~ 1. Cho hai doiµi thkg AB va MN. Dung compa so sanh hai doiµi thkg ay ma k:h6ng do d◊
dai tung doiµi thkg.
Example 1. Let AB and MN be two line segments. By using a compass, compare the two line segments
without measuring the length of each line segment.
Cach lam : Ta dung compa va thl,!c hi~n theo hinh 46.
Method : We use a compass and do according to figure 46.
a) b) c)
Hinh (Figure)46
Ket lu~ (Conclusion) : AB< MN.
VI dt! 2. Cho hai do~n th~ng AB va CD. Lam the' nao de bie't t6ng d◊ dai
cua hai do~n thing d6
ma khOng do rieng tung do~n thing ?
Example 2. Let AB and CD be two line segments. How can we determ
ine the sum of lengths of two line
segme nts withou t measuring the length of each line segme nt ?
-Tren tia Ox, ve do~ thing OM bang doiµ1 thing AB (dung compa).
On ray Ox , draw line segment OM equal to line segme nt AB (using
a compass) .
-Tren tia Mx, ve do~ thing MN bing doiµ1 thing CD (dung compa).
On ray Mx, draw line segment MN equal to line segment CD (using
a compass).
- Do do~ thing ON (dung thuoc c6 chia khoang).
Measu re line segme nt ON (using a scale ruler) .
D◊ dai do~ thing ON bing t6ng d◊ dai hai do~n thing AB va CD.
The length of line segment ON is equal to the sum of lengths of
two line segments AB and CD .
Tren hinh 47, vm AB =3cm, CD =3 ,5cm ta c6 :
In figure 47 , where AB= 3cm , CD = 3.5cm , we have :
0 M N
Hinh (Figure) 47
Bai t(lp
Exerc ises
39. Tren hlnh 49, ta c6 hai dm:mg tron (A; 3cm) va (B; 2cm) cit nhau t~i C, D. AB= 4cm. Duang
tron tAm A, B Ian
luqt dt do~ thing AB t~i K, I.
In figure 49, two circles (A ; 3cm) and (B ; 2cm) intersect at C, D. AB = 4cm . Circles with cente r A, B
respectively intersect the line AB at K, I.
Hinh (Figure) 49
~----- Q
0 C
Hinh (Figure) 51
4?, VOh,li ci\c hlnh snu (<11'tng kfch thuoc nhLr h)nh dil cho) :
Dr: ,w n1,nln th0 followln~J plct11ros (wllh right sizes as given pictures) :
11) b)
c) d)
Hinh (Figure) 52
Nhln hlnh 53, ta thdy tam giac ABC. Look at figure 53 , we see tri angle ABC .
Tam giac ABC la hinh gtJm ha do~n thdng AB, BC, CA khi ba dilm A, B, C khong tluing hang.
Triangle ABC is the shape including three line segments AB, BC, CA where A, B, C are non-collinear.
Tam giac ABC duqc ki hi¢u la LiABC. Ta con gQi ten va ki hi¢u tam giac ABC la LiBCA, LiCAB,
Triangle ABC is denoted by D-ABC. We also name and denote triangle ABC by nBCA, nCAB, .:1.ACB,
Ba diem A, B, C la ba dinh cua tam giac.
Three points A, B, Care called three vertices of the triangle.
Ba doiµi th!ng AB, BC, CA Ia ba cr;mh cua tam giac.
Three line segments AB, BC, CA are called three sides of the triangle.
s-------~c Ba g6c BAC, CBA, ACB la ba g6c cua tam giac.
Hinh (Figure) 53 Three angles BAC , CBA, ACB are called three angles of the triangle.
Tren hlnh 53, diem M (n~ trong ca ba g6c cua tam giac) la die'm nam ben trong tam giac (dilm
trong cua tam giac). Diem N (khOng n~ trong tam giac, khOng n~ tren qnh nao cua tarn giac)
la die'm nam ben ngoai tam giac (die'm ngodi cua tam giac).
In figure 53, point M (which is inside of all three angles of the triangle) is called the point inside of the
triangle (the interior point of the triangle). Point N (which is not inside the triangle, is not on any side of the
triangle) is called the point outside of the triangle (the exterior point of the triangle).
2. Ve tam giac
Drawing triangles
Vi di!. Ve ml)t tam giac ABC, bi€t ba c.µih BC= 4cm, AB= 3cm, AC= 2cm.
Example. Draw triangle ABC, given that three sides are BC = 4cm, AB = 3cm, AC = 2cm.
Cach ve : (h.54) Drawing method : (f.54)
- Ve doiµi thing BC = 4cm. Draw line segment BC = 4cm.
- Ve cung tron tArn B, ban kinh 3cm.
Draw the arc which has center B and radius of 3cm.
- Ve cung tron tArn C, ban kinh 2cm. Hinh (Figure) 54
Draw the arc which has center C and radius of 2cm.
- Lay rnl)t giao diem cua hai cung tren, gQi giao diem d6 la A.
Take an intersection point of the two above arcs, and call the intersection point as A.
- Ve doiµi thing AB, AC, ta c6 MBC.
Draw line segments AB, AC, we have triangle ABC.
Bai t{lp
43. Oien vao ch6 tr6ng trong cac phat bieu sau :
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences :
a) H1nh ~o thanh bcri ...... duqc gQi la tarn giac MNP.
The shape which is made by .. ......... is called triangle MNP.
b) Tam giac TIN la hlnh ...... .
Triangle TUV is the shape which .... .... .
44. Xem hlnh 55 r6i dien vao bang sau : Observ e fi gure 55 and fill in the following table :
Ten Ten Ten Ten A
tam giac 3 dinh 3 g6c 3qnh
Name of Name of three Name of three Name of three
triangle s
vertices angl es sides
MIC -- -
Hinh (Figure) 55
45· Xem hlnh 55 r6i tra lcri cac cau hoi sau :
Observ e figure 55 and answer the foll owi ng questio ns :
a) Do~ thang AI lac~ cbung cua nhiing tam giac nao?
W hich triangle s have the commo n sid e Al ?
b) Do~ thing AC la c~ chung cua nhii'ng tam giac nao ?
W hich triangle s have the commo n side AC ?
C) Oo~ thang AB la c~ chung cua obiing tam giac nao ?
Which triangle s have the commo n side AB ?
d) Hai tam giac nao c6 hai g6c ke bu nbau ?
Which two triangle s have the two adjace nt-supp lement ary angles
46. Ve hlnh theo cac each dien d~t bang lm sau :
Draw the shape accord ing to the following expression :
a) Ve MBC , lay di~m M nam trong tam giac, ti~p d6 ve cac tia AM, BM,
Draw triangle ABC , take M inside the triangle , and then draw
rays AM , BM , CM .
b) Ve AfKM , lay diem A nam tren c~ KM, diem B nam tren c~ IM.
Ve giao diem N cua hai
do~ thing IA, KB.
Draw triangle IKM , take A on side KM , B on side IM . Draw
intersection point N of the two line segme nts
IA, KB .
47. Ve do~ thing IR dai 3cm. Ve m9t diem Tsao cho TI= 2,5cm, TR=
2cm. Ve ~TIR.
Draw line segme nt IR with length of 3cm. Draw point T such that
TI = 2.5cm, TR= 2cm. Draw triangle TTR.
I. Cac hinh
- M~t phing. Planes .
II. Cac tinh chat
l. Bat kl duong thfuig nao nam tren m~t phing ciing la bcr chung cua hai nira m~t phfuig d6i nhau.
Any st raight line on a plane is also the same edge of two opposite half-planes.
2. S6 do cua g6c byt bang 180°.
The measurement of stra ight angle is 180°.
3. Neu tia Oy nam gifra hai tia Ox va Oz thi tl)y + yOi = illz .
If ray Oy is between two rays Ox and Oz, then x6y + yOz = xOz .
III. Cau hoi, bai UJ,p
Questions and exercises
Trang Trang
Ch1t<1llg ru. PHAN s6
Chapter 111. FRACTIONS
4 §11. Tfnh chat co ban cua phep nhan phAn so 37
§1. Ma r¢ng khai ni~m phan s6 Fundamental properties of multiplication of fractions
Extending the concept of fractions 41
7 §12. Phep chia phAn s6
§2. PhAn s6 b~g nhau
Division of fractions
Equivalent fractions 44
9 §13. H6n s6. S6 tMp phAn. Phan tram
§3. Tinh chat co ban cua phAn so
Mixed numbers. Decimals. Percentages
Basic properties of fractions
12 §14. Tim gia trj phAn s6 cua m◊t s6 cho tnroc 50
§4. Rut g9n phAn so
Finding fraction value of a given numben
Reducing a fraction
§15. Tim m◊t s6 bi€t gia trj m◊t phAn s6 cua n6 53
§5. Quy dong mAu nhieu phAn so 16
Find the number when the value of its fraction is known
Converting many fractions to the same denominator 56
§16. Tun ti so cua hai so
§6. So sanh phAn so 22
Find the ratio of two numbers
Comparing fractions 60
§17. Bicfo d6 phan tram
§7. Phep c¢ng phAn so 25
Percentage diagrams
Addition of fra ctions 62
27 On t~p chucmg III
§8. T'mh chat ca ban ci:;2 phep c6,1? :h:111 s6
Chapter Ill review
Fundamental proper1ies of :;d:1:(1c>n ,·,:· • r.ctions 65
31 On t~p cu6i nam phan s6 hqc
§9. Phep trir phAn s6
Review of the end of school year for arithmetic
Subtraction of fractions
§10. Phep nhAn phan s6
Multiplication of fractions •---- . ... ···-