David Kwesi Lawerh 2333
David Kwesi Lawerh 2333
David Kwesi Lawerh 2333
Testing : In the educational or classroom setting, test is the series of work which include paper and
pencil instruments, which questions help the test given to obtain an estimate of the specific trait being
measured.It is a task or series of tasks, which are used to measure specific traits or attributes in people.
It include paper and pencil instruments, which questions help the test giver to obtain an estimate of the
specific trait being measured. Testing answers questions, how well does the individual perform? Two
interpretation can be given to score from test which are norm-referenced and criterion - referenced
Question (2)
Assessment for learning: Is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and
their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to
get there. (According to Black and Willam, 1998).For example this assessment occurs at the end of
learning unit and can also be accompanied by a number or letter grade. It is one of the powerful ways of
improving learning and raising standards. It focus on the gap between where a learner is in his or her
learning and where he or she needs to be thus the desired goal. This can be achieved through processes
such as sharing criteria with learners, effective questioning and feedback. It result in assessment that
encourage, build confidence, bring hope, and offer success. It is sharing learning goals with learners and
it aims to help pupils to know a ND to recognize the standards for which they are aiming.
While assessment as learning is a process by which students are able to learn about themselves as
learners and become aware of how they learn. Students reflect on their work on a regular basis, usually
through self and peer assessment and decide offen with the help of the teacher. Assessment as learning
helps students to take more responsibility for their own learning and monitoring future directions. For
examples, these assessment create an environment where it is safe for students to take chances and
where support is readily available and also, provide regular and challenging opportunities to practice, so
that students can become confident, competent self assessors. They create an environment where it is
safe for students to take chances and where support is readily available.
Assessment of learning is the assessment becomes public and result in statements or symbols about
how well students are learning. It often contributes to pivotal decisions that will affect students futures.
For example these assessments provide strategies for resources in the event of disagreement about the
decisions should be considered. The teacher role is rage of alternative mechanisms for assessing the
same outcomes should be provided. Public and defensible reference points for making judgements
should be available and transparent approaches to interpretation is made.
(i) Assessment is based on profile dimensions of each subject. With these assessment, a specific
objective may be stated with an action verb as follows. The pupil will be able to describe something after
the instruction has been completed means that the pupil has acquired knowledge and similarly, being
able to develop, plan, solve problems, construct means that the pupil can apply the knowledge acquired
in some new context.This are knowledge, attitudes, and values and practical skills.
(ii) School Based Assessment (SBA). School based assessment is a very effective system for teaching and
learning if carried out properly. The new school based assessment system is designed to provide schools
with an internal assessment system that will help schools to achieve the following purposes : To provide
guidance in making and grading of test items or guestions and reliable of teachers mark. These
assessments also provide teachers with advice on how to conduct remedial instruction on difficulty
areas of the syllabus to improve pupil performance. Introduce a system of moderation that will ensure
accuracy and reliability of teacher's marks.