Course Syllabus

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Program : Diploma in Early Childhood Education

Course Title : Home-School Community Relationship
(Partnership with Parents and Community)
Start Date : February 13, 2022
End Date : June 5, 2022
Time/Schedule : Sundays (11:00 am-2:30 pm)
Credits Units : 3.5

Name : Christine Aguilar-Paquibot, Ed.D., CESE
Email add : [email protected]
Cell number : 09190672850

The purpose of this course is to examine issues related to family engagement within the
context of classroom, school and community settings. This will assist students in
advancing their awareness of family involvement frameworks and strategies for effective
partnership development and facilitation involving families, schools and communities.
Students will engage in research that will assist them in developing engaged
relationships with youth and families while learning how to facilitate partnerships with
critical inquiry, reflection, and reciprocity.


By the end of this course, students will have:
 Explored current issues relative to family engagement strategies to effectively engage
diverse students and their families to classrooms and schools.
 Evaluated, examined, and questioned personal strengths, weaknesses, and interests
in developing and implementing family engagement strategies.
 Become familiar with the research knowledge base needed for family school
partnerships and how that translates knowledge into an engaged praxis.

1. Examine literature on parenting styles and effective parenting techniques.

a. Parenting styles.
b. Family structures and interaction patterns and how they influence growth and
development of children.
c. Developmental stages of parenting and the effect on growth and development of
children and parents.
d. Changes in parenting and family life during the 21st century.
e. The role of families in teaching and supporting learning.
f. Characteristics of functional and dysfunctional families.

2. Discuss issues relating to families and communities.

a. Current issues relating to families and parenting.
b. The importance of being sensitive to differences in family structures as well as social
and cultural backgrounds as they relate to child rearing practices.
c. Needs and challenges of families caring for children with special needs.
d. Effects the community has on a child and his/her family.
e. Community resources available to support children’s development, learning, well-
being and special needs.
f. Importance of maintaining codes of ethical conduct when working with families and
community professionals.
g. Legislation and public policies affecting children and families, including children with
special needs.
h. Early childhood issues relating to families and communities.

3. Discuss literature relating to School-Home and Community Partnerships

a. Importance of Partnership/Benefits of Home-School Community Partnership
b. Community Involvement in School Improvement
c. The Role of Home-School Community in Education
d. Types of Home-School Community Involvement
e. Success Factors in Home-School Community Relationship
f. Home-School and Community Partnership in the Philippines
g. Challenges in Home-School Community Partnership
4. Explain literature relating to Home-School Community Partnership in Early Childhood
a. Parental Involvement in Early Childhood Education
b. Community Involvement in Early Childhood Education
c. Importance of Parents, Family and Community in Early Childhood Programs
d. Role of Family and Community in Education
e. Home-School Community Partnership in the New Normal

 Virtual Discussion of the topic with interaction
 Writing of Reflections

This course is grounded in the belief that learning is a socially constructed process.
Active learning is a central feature of the course. Concepts discussed will be
immediately explored. Much of the learning will take place through discussion. The
experiences in the classroom cannot be reconstructed outside of class time. So, your
presence is highly valued. In addition, students will usually work with colleagues and will
frequently present findings and analysis during class time.

In this course, your grade is based on participation in a learning process and the
creation of individual products that emerged from participation in learning activities and
homework. In addition, you will be asked to complete an independent major assignment
that will be evaluated for evidence of how you are learning and growing as a

Prepared by;



e. Role of Family and Community in Child Development

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