Rubrics BAA02
Rubrics BAA02
Rubrics BAA02
Demonstrates creative blend of solution Demonstrates solution with integration of Demonstrates solutions implementing
2. Creativity and creates new alternatives by different concepts or derivation of useful simple applications of one formula or
combining knowledge and information. relationships involving ideas covered in equation with close similarities to class
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course concepts; however, no alternative or lecture problem.
solutions are done.
Can relate the theoretical concepts to Connects theoretical concepts to practical Does not see the connection between
3. Theory practical problem solving. problem solving when determined. theory and practical problem solving.
Connection to
10 30
The conclusion is correct and presented There are some wrong conclusions and Wrong analyses and several erasures can
4. Conclusions neatly; Uniqueness of thoughts and some erasures visible on the report; the be seen on the report; the interpretations
relevance to the acquired data can also thoughts presented are unique but not that are same with the others and not that
be observed from the report; discussion relevant to the topic; the discussion is relevant to the acquired data; the 10 30
is technical concept-oriented; is somehow technically oriented; discussion is not technically inclined; not
comprehensive and grammatically comprehensive but some points are comprehensive and shows a lot of wrong
correct. grammatically incorrect. grammar.
The report followed the prescribed The report lacked a part of the prescribed The report lacked more than one part of
6. Compliance to format for the written laboratory format for the written laboratory the prescribed format for the written
Format experiment. experiment. laboratory experiment. 5 15
The report was submitted before the The report was submitted on the deadline. The report was submitted after the
deadline. deadline.
7. Date of
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Combines a model and scientific Chooses a model and scientific principles Does not understand the connection
8. Mathematical principles to formulate processes and that applies to an engineering problem but between models, processes and systems
Modeling systems relevant to engineering. has certain trouble in the development. in engineering. 3 9
9. Calculation Performs calculations properly by hand Slight errors in calculations by hand and Incorrect calculations by hand and does
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and by using mathematical software. applying math software. not know how to use math software.
10. Solution Answers are labeled properly and Answers are nearly correct and properly The answers are incorrect and not
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correct. labeled. checked for its fairness.
11. Validation The solution is correct and checked in The solution is correct but not checked in There is no attempt at checking the
other ways when it can be; the analysis other ways. obviously incorrect solution. 3 9
is correct and makes sense.