Bluesun Solar Panel BSM455-72HPH 435-455W
Bluesun Solar Panel BSM455-72HPH 435-455W
Bluesun Solar Panel BSM455-72HPH 435-455W
Ideal choice for large scale More evenly distributed Selected encapsulating
ground installation soldering points and better material and stringent
reliability and lower hot spot production process control
risk ensure the product is highly
PID resistant and snail trails
Lower LID due to lower Special cell process ensures Provides higher module
oxygen and carbon content great performance under low efficiency under low irradiance
irradiance conditions conditions, and achieves
greater installation capacity
in a limited space.
*For mechanical loading performance: front side maximum sta c loading 5400Pa,
rear side maximum sta c loading 2400Pa; hailstone test: 25mm hailstone at the speed of 23m/s
Model Number BSM435M-72HPH BSM440M-72HPH BSM445M-72HPH BSM450M-72HPH BSM455M-72HPH
Mechanical Characteristics
Solar Cells Mono Perc 166×166mm(6inches)
Temperature Characteristics
Temperature Coefficient of Pmax -0.36%/℃