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ª 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Stephen J. Ferrando, M.D., Rhea Dornbush, Ph.D., M.P.H., Sean Lynch, M.D.,
Sivan Shahar, B.A., Lidia Klepacz, M.D., Carol L. Karmen, M.D., Donald Chen, M.D.,
Stephen A. Lobo, M.D., Dania Lerman, M.S.W.
Background: Persistent cognitive, medical and psychi- medical comorbidities, fatigue, and inversely with mea-
atric complaints have been extensively described after sures of executive function. C-reactive protein correlated
recovery from acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. Objective: with current COVID symptoms and depression score but
To describe neuropsychological, medical, psychiatric, inversely with quality of life. Conclusion: Results suggest
and functional correlates of cognitive complaints expe- the existence of extremely low neuropsychological test
rienced after recovery from acute COVID-19 infection. performance experienced by some individuals months
Methods: Sixty participants underwent neuropsycholog- after acute COVID-19 infection, affecting multiple
ical, psychiatric, medical, functional, and quality-of-life neurocognitive domains. This extremely low neuropsy-
assessments 6–8 months after acute COVID-19. Those chological test performance is associated with worse
seeking care for cognitive complaints in a post-COVID- acute COVID-19 symptoms, depression, medical
19 clinical program for post-acute symptoms of COVID- comorbidities, functional complaints, and subjective
19 (clinical group, N = 32) were compared with those cognitive complaints. Exploratory correlations with
recruited from the community who were not seeking care proinflammatory cytokines support further research into
(nonclinical, N = 28). A subset of participants under- inflammatory mechanisms and viable treatments.
went serological testing for proinflammatory cytokines (Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison
C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis Psychiatry 2022; 63:474–484)
factor-a to explore correlations with neuropsychological,
psychiatric, and medical variables. Results: For the entire Key words: COVID-19, post-acute symptoms of
sample, 16 (27%) had extremely low test scores (less COVID-19 (PASC), neuropsychological testing,
than second percentile on at least 1 neuropsychological cognitive complaints, neuropsychiatry.
test). The clinical group with cognitive complaints scored
lower than age-adjusted population norms in tests of
attention, processing speed, memory, and executive
function and scored significantly more in the extremely Received October 11, 2021; revised January 7, 2022; accepted January
15, 2022. From the Department of Psychiatry (S.J.F., R.D., S.L., L.K.),
low range than the nonclinical group (38% vs. 14%, P , Westchester Medical Center Health System, Valhalla, NY; New York
0.04). The clinical group also reported higher levels of Medical College (S.J.F., R.D., S.L., S.S., lL.K., C.L.K., D.C., S.A.L.),
Valhalla, NY; and Department of Medicine (C.L.K., D.C., S.A.L.),
depression, anxiety, fatigue, posttraumatic stress disor-
Westchester Medical Center Health System, Valhalla, NY. Send corre-
der, and functional difficulties and lower quality of life. spondence and reprint requests to Stephen J. Ferrando, MD, Director,
In logistic regression analysis, scoring in the extremely Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Westchester Med-
ical Center Health System, New York Medical College, 100 Woods
low range was predicted by acute COVID-19 symptoms, Road, Valhalla, New York 10595; e-mail: Stephen.Ferrando@
current depression score, number of medical comorbid- wmchealth.org
ities, and subjective cognitive complaints in the areas of ª 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of
Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry. This is an open access
memory, language, and executive functions. Interleukin- article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/
6 correlated with acute COVID symptoms, number of licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
(TNF-a), or C-reactive protein (CRP) correlate with Medical measures included self-reported medical
NP or other post-COVID-19 symptoms? history, including a detailed history of COVID-19
illness with symptoms, treatment, and hospitalization,
METHODS time since diagnosis, and number of medical comor-
bidities. COVID-19 symptom severity at the time of
acute infection as well as at the time of the study
Data for this study were obtained from the baseline
appointment was determined by a score on an instru-
assessment of 60 participants enrolled in an ongoing
ment adapted from published Centers for Disease
longitudinal investigation of NP, medical, and psychi-
Control and Prevention COVID-19 symptoms, assess-
atric sequelae of COVID-19. Participants were
ing severity (absent, mild, moderate, severe) on 11
recruited from the Westchester County, New York,
COVID-19 symptoms, which is scored from 0 to 33.26
USA, community via social media, flyers, and word of
Participants were also administered the Lawton-Brody
mouth. In addition, a sample of patients seeking care
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (IADL),
for post-acute cognitive complaints were referred from
which measures increasing difficulty with practical as-
the Westchester Medical Center Health System
pects of everyday functioning on a scale of 0–8,27 and
(WMCHealth) Post-COVID-19 Recovery Program.
the 11-item Chalder Fatigue Scale, which measures
Interested persons were screened via telephone to
the severity of both mental and physical fatigue and is
determine eligibility, based on the following criteria: (1)
scored from 0 to 33. A cutoff score of .21 is considered
age at least 20 years; (2) a documented positive
clinically significant fatigue.28 Serological samples were
COVID-19 nasopharyngeal test or positive antibody
obtained from a subset of participants and assayed for
test before vaccination; (3) recovered from acute
CRP, IL-6, and TNF-a, as elevated levels of these
COVID-19 infection as per Centers for Disease Control
specific proinflammatory markers have been associated
and Prevention recommendations (10–20 days after
with neurocognitive and psychiatric disorders.29 Assays
symptom onset and 24 hours without fever); (4)
were performed by the Mayo Clinic Laboratories, and
completed minimum eighth grade education; (5) fluent
standardized reference ranges were used
in English; and (6) capable of signing informed consent.
(normal = CRP # 8.0 mg/L; IL-6 # 1.8 pg/ml; TNF-
Persons with a prior diagnosis of a major neuro-
a # 2.8 pg/ml).
cognitive disorder, traumatic brain injury with loss of
Psychiatric measures included pre-COVID-19 psy-
consciousness, uncorrected visual/hearing deficits, in-
chiatric and substance use disorder history, current
tellectual disability, or unstable psychiatric symptoms
psychiatric medication use, and self-report question-
were excluded.
naires to assess current psychiatric symptoms and dis-
At the baseline visit, eligible participants were
orders. Self-report questionnaires included the Patient
explained the risks and benefits and signed informed
Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), which queries Diag-
consent. The study was approved by the New York
nostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders-5
Medical College Institutional Review Board as well as
Edition major depression criteria and has a maximum
the Westchester Medical Center Health System Clinical
score of 2730; the Endicott Quality of Life Enjoyment
Research Institute.
and Satisfaction Scale (Endicott QLESQ), which
Participants met with study assessors (S.L., S.S.),
queries overall life satisfaction in 14 areas and has a raw
who were trained to perform and score the assessment
score range of 0–7031; the Posttraumatic Stress
battery and were supervised by the study principal
Disorder Checklist for DSM-5, which has a
investigator (S.J.F.) and co-principal investigator
maximum score of 8032; and the Generalized Anxiety
(R.D.), the latter is a board-certified neuropsychologist.
Disorder-7 questionnaire, which is scored from 0 to
Participants were compensated with $40 for their time.
21.33 Scores on the questionnaires were categorized
Study Measurements and Instruments based on cutoff values in the medical literature. For
PHQ-9, a score of $11 may indicate clinically signifi-
Sociodemographic measures included age, gender, race, cant depressive symptoms30; for Generalized Anxiety
relationship status, years of education, and current Disorder-7, a score $10 indicates clinically significant
employment. anxiety symptoms33; for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Checklist for DSM-5, a score of $33 indicates clinically Recovery Program. The nonclinical group consisted
significant PTSD symptoms.32 of participants from the general community, none of
The NP battery consisted of measures assessing whom were seeking care for post-acute COVID-19
specific cognitive domains that have been implicated in symptoms.
other infectious and clinical disease states.7–11 The Data were analyzed using SPSS software.41 These
battery included the Test of Premorbid Function, to included descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, stan-
obtain an estimate of premorbid (i.e., pre-COVID-19) dard deviation); Chi-square for group comparisons on
intellectual function.34 Participants also completed the categorical variables; and independent and one-sample
Patient Assessment of Own Function (PAOF), which t-tests and analysis of covariance for group compari-
queries subjective cognitive complaints yielding an sons on continuous variables. Significant group differ-
average score of 0–5 for memory, language and ences in moderators such as age and number of medical
communication, handedness, sensory perception, and comorbidities were used as covariates in group com-
cognitive/intellectual functioning.35 For the study, the parisons. Pearson correlations were used to explore
PAOF subscales most associated with everyday cogni- associations between immune markers and clinical
tive functioning, including memory, language, and variables. Logistic regression was used to identify in-
cognitive/intellectual/executive functioning, served as dependent predictors of extremely low NP test scores,
measures of subjective cognitive complaints. Partici- using PAOF memory, language, and cognition scores,
pants were administered NP tests assessing attention; as well as medical and psychiatric variables that
auditory/verbal and visual immediate and delayed differed between clinical and nonclinical groups as
memory; visuospatial and constructional abilities; psy- predictors.
chomotor speed; language; and executive function. The RESULTS
battery included the Repeatable Battery for the
Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) Characteristics of the Total Sample
Form A (total and 5 subscale scores), the Trail Making
Test Parts A and B, verbal fluency (letter and category), The participants had a mean age of 41 years, approxi-
and the Stroop Color-Word Test, yielding 11 test scores mately 67% were female, 75% were White or Hispanic,
per participant.36–39 67% were in a relationship, and 75% were employed.
NP test scores were converted to standardized t- On average, participants had a college level education
scores and analyzed in two ways: (1) as continuous (Table 1).
measures and (2) to categorize scores as unimpaired or From a medical standpoint (Table 2), the partici-
extremely low. For the first, to assess participants’ pants had acute COVID-19 illness on average 7 months
performance relative to a standardized comparison before the assessment. The most prevalent acute symp-
group without COVID-19, scores on each NP test were toms were fatigue (92%), respiratory symptoms (90%),
converted to t-scores according to their respective neurological symptoms (87%), anosmia (67%), and
manuals and compared with age- and education- memory/cognitive problems (57%). Seven participants
adjusted (where available) population-based norms. had been hospitalized for complications of COVID-19; 6
Thus, performance of the entire group and the sub- of them reported respiratory distress, 5 cognitive prob-
groups of interest could be compared with that of a lems or weakness, and 3 flu-like symptoms. None were
non-COVID-19 comparison population. For the sec- admitted to intensive care or required ventilator support.
ond, we applied accepted clinical practice for assessing Aside from COVID-19, participants reported on average
extremely low NP test performance, defined as $2 1.5 comorbid medical comorbidities, including obesity
standard deviations below (less than or equal to second (25%), asthma (23%), hypertension (17%), sleep apnea
percentile) the age- and education-adjusted norms on (15%), hypothyroidism (15%), migraines (10%), diabetes
one or more of the 11 tests.34,36,40 (7%), and hyperlipidemia (5%). Reported acute versus
Analyses were conducted on the entire sample of 60 current COVID-19 symptoms declined; however, half of
participants and on two subgroups—a “clinical group” the participants reported current clinically significant
and a “nonclinical group.” The clinical group included fatigue as measured by the Chalder Fatigue Scale. Fifty
participants seeking care for post-acute cognitive participants underwent serological testing for IL-6,
complaints from the WMCHealth Post-COVID-19 CRP, and TNF-a (Table 2). Availability of results
varied by test and was based on participant refusal, marijuana and alcohol), all in remission. Twenty-five
insufficient sample volume, or sample degradation. Of percent were currently taking antidepressants, 8%
those with available results, approximately 40% had IL-6 stimulants, 7% benzodiazepines, and 6% hypnotics,
or CRP levels above the reference range, and 20% had lamotrigine, or gabapentin. Based on cutoff scores for
elevated TNF-a. the PHQ-9, Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7, and
Psychiatrically (Table 3), 39% reported a pre- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5,
COVID-19 psychiatric history, including depression 47% screened positive for clinically significant depres-
(30%), anxiety (25%), and attention deficit- sion, 28% for anxiety, and 20% for PTSD.
hyperactivity disorder (8%). Seventeen percent had a NP test findings (Table 4) indicated that the
history of substance use disorder (predominately sample had a high-normal estimated premorbid
CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CRP = C-reactive protein; IL-6 = interleukin-6; M = mean; SD = standard deviation;
TNF-a = tumor necrosis factor-alpha.
* P value represents comparison of nonclinical and clinical COVID-19 groups.
Covariates include age and number of medical comorbidities.
GAD-7 = Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7; M = mean; PCL-5 = Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5; PHQ-9 = Patient
Health Questionnaire-9; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; QOL = quality of life; SD = standard deviation; SUD = substance use disorder.
P value represents comparison of nonclinical and clinical COVID-19 groups.
* Covariates include age and number of medical comorbidities.
intellectual function on the Test of Premorbid Func- differences in age and comorbid conditions, these
tion. Subjective cognitive function on the PAOF intrinsic patient characteristics that existed before the
indicated mild-moderate perceived cognitive problems COVID-19 illness were included as covariates in sub-
in the areas of memory, language, and cognition. sequent group comparisons on continuous assessment
Compared with age-adjusted norms, performance of measures (indicated in Tables 2–4). The clinical group
the overall sample on the RBANS total score as well was further from their COVID-19 diagnosis compared
as subtests of immediate and delayed memory and with the nonclinical group (8.3 vs. 5.7 months). They
language was significantly lower than normative reported significantly more acute and current COVID-
values. Based on study criteria, just over one fourth 19 symptoms, higher levels of fatigue, and diminished
(N = 16, 27%) had extremely low test scores (less IADLs. The clinical group also reported more current
than or equal to second percentile on at least one test). gastrointestinal symptoms (P , 0.04) and shortness of
Among those 16 individuals, mean IADL was signifi- breath (P , 0.02). They were also significantly more
cantly lower than that for the rest of the cohort (6.8 vs. likely to have CRP and IL-6 above the reference range.
7.9, respectively, P , 0.03), suggesting increased
functional difficulty, particularly in the areas of Psychiatric
medication management, handling money, shopping,
The two groups were nearly identical in terms of psy-
and cooking.
chiatric and substance use disorder history (Table 3).
However, the clinical group had higher levels of
Comparison of Nonclinical and Clinical Groups depressive symptoms on the PHQ-9 and were over three
Sociodemographics times more likely to screen positive for clinically signif-
icant depression (69% vs. 21%). They also reported
The clinical group was significantly older than the significantly more anxiety and PTSD symptoms, but the
nonclinical group but did not differ significantly on groups did not significantly differ in proportion with
other sociodemographic characteristics (Table 1). The clinically significant Generalized Anxiety or PTSD.
groups had nearly identical educational attainment and
relationship status. Neuropsychological
TABLE 4. Estimate of Premorbid Function, Patient Assessment of Their Current Cognitive Function and Neuropsychological Test Outcomes as
Compared to Published Normative Data
Total, N = 60 Post-COVID Post-COVID
nonclinical, N = 28 clinical, N = 32
Sig (P, 95%)*
Test of premorbid cognitive
function (TOPF), M (SD)
Scaled 108.9 (12.9) 108.7 (14.1) 108.8 (11.3) 0.33†
Predicted 107.4 (7.9) 109.3 (6.9) 106.3 (8.0) 0.72‡
Patient assessment of own
function (PAOF), M (SD)
Memory 1.88 (1.1) 1.4 (0.9) 2.3 (1.2) 0.002§
Language 1.47 (1.0) 1.1 (0.8) 1.8 (1.1) 0.006k
Cognition 1.50 (1.2) 0.8 (0.7) 2.2 (1.3) 0.001{
t, df, sig. t, df, sig. t, df, sig.
(P, 95%)# (P, 95%)# (P, 95%)#
RBANS total, M (SD)
Scaled score 94.3 (14.5) 23.0, 59, 0.004 9.46 (12.1) 20.24, 27, 0.82 2 2
Subgroups, M (SD) 21.1, 59, 0.29
Attention 97.8 (16.0) 21.1, 59, 0.29 103.6 (15.5) 1.2, 27, 0.22 92.6 (14.9) 22.8, 31, 0.009
Immediate memory 90.8 (15.0) 24.7, 59, ,0.001 94.3 (11.5) 22.6, 27, 0.01 87.8 (17.1) 24.0, 31, 0.001
Delayed memory 93.1 (14.3) 23.8, 59, ,0.001 97.0 (12.8) 21.2, 27, 0.23 89.6 (14.8) 24.0, 31, 0.001
Visuospatial 104 (16.4) 1.9, 59, 0.06 109.1 (10.7) 4.5, 27, 0.001** 99.6 (19.2) 20.12, 31, 0.91
Language 94.3 (16.2) 22.8, 59, 0.008 95.5 (17.3) 21.3, 27, 0.18 93.1 (15.3) 22.5, 31, 0.02
Trail Making Test, M (SD)
A (T) 47.3 (11.6) 21.8, 59, 0.08 48.6 (11.0) 20.67, 27,0.51 46.2 (12.2) 21.8, 31, 0.09
B (T) 45.6 (10.9) 23.1,59, 0.003 48.4 (11.6) 20.75, 27,0.46 43.1 (9.8) 24.0, 31, 0.001
Verbal fluency, M (SD)
Category mean (T) 49.3 (10.6) 20.5, 59, 0.62 51.0 (11.8) 0.47, 27, 0.65 47.8 (9.5) 21.3, 31, 0.20
Letter mean (T) 47.7 (10.8) 21.7, 59, 0.09 50.4 (10.7) 0.22, 27, 0.83 45.4 (9.5) 24.0, 31, 0.01
Stroop Color Word Score, 48.7 (11.9) 23.5, 59, 0.001 54.6 (12.1) 2.0, 27, 0.05** 43.6 (9.2) 23.9, 31, 0.001
M (SD) (T)
Extremely low Neuropsychological 16 (27%) 2 4 (14%) 2 12 (38%) Chi Square = 4.2,
Test Score(s) df = 1, P = 0.04
M = mean; RBANS = Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status; SD = standard deviation.
* P value represents comparison of post-COVID-19 nonclinical group to clinical group.
Covariates include age and number of medical comorbidities: F = 1.2, df = 3, P = 0.33.
Covariates include age and number of medical comorbidities: F = 7.6, df = 3, P = 0.72.
Covariates include age and number of medical comorbidities: F = 5.7, df = 3, P = 0.002.
Covariates include age and number of medical comorbidities: F = 4.6, df = 3, P = 0.006.
Covariates include age and number of medical comorbidities: F = 9.2, df = 3, P , 0.001.
P value represents statistical comparison of post-COVID-19 nonclinical group, clinical group, and total sample to published normative
data using one-sample t-test.
** Performance of the nonclinical group on the visuospatial subtests of the RBANS and Stroop Color Word Test was significantly better
than published norms.
(Tables 4 and 5). When the two groups were compared memory of the RBANS, as well as executive func-
with age- and education-adjusted normative values, the tioning as assessed by Letter Fluency, Trail Making
nonclinical group scored lower than normative values Test Part B, and Stroop Color-Word Test. Thus,
on only 1 test—immediate memory on the RBANS— decreased NP test performance noted for the entire
while scoring higher than expected on RBANS visuo- sample was primarily accounted for by the clinical
spatial functioning and Stroop Color Word tests. In group. Consistent with this, the clinical group had a
contrast, the clinical group scored significantly lower significantly higher proportion scoring with extremely
than normative values on 8 of 11 tests, including do- low NP scores (Table 4, n = 12, 38% clinical, vs. n = 4,
mains of attention, language, immediate and delayed 14% nonclinical, P = 0.04).
TABLE 5. Logistic Regression Analysis Predicting Neuropsychological Impairment by Key Clinical Variables
Statistic Wald statistic df Sig. (P, 95%)
Clinical variable
Acute COVID symptom score 3.89 1 0.05
Current COVID symptom score 3.55 1 0.06
PHQ-9 score 6.02 1 0.01
GAD-7 score 3.38 1 0.07
Chalder Fatigue Scale score 1.42 1 0.23
Number of medical comorbidities 4.93 1 0.03
Patient assessment of own functioning-cognition 8.45 1 0.004
Patient assessment of own functioning-memory 9.62 1 0.002
Patient assessment of own functioning-language 5.73 1 0.02
IADL and Quality of Life comorbidities (r = 0.58, P , 0.001) and Chalder Fatigue
Scale score (r = 0.42, P , 0.01), but inversely correlated
The clinical group had significantly more difficulty with with Stroop Color Word Test t-score (r = 20.38,
IADLs than the nonclinical group and significantly P , 0.02), and Trail Making Test Part B t-score
diminished quality of life on the Endicott QLESQ (r = 20.30, P , 0.05). CRP was correlated with current
(Tables 2 and 3). COVID illness score (r = 0.38, P , 0.01) and PHQ-9
score (r = 0.32, P , 0.05) but inversely correlated with
Predictors of NP Test Scores Endicott QLESQ (r = 20.32, P , 0.05). TNF-a had no
statistically significant correlations.
To determine which clinical factors might predict
extremely low NP scores, we conducted a logistic
regression analysis, with extremely low NP scores (#2nd
percentile) as the dependent variable (Table 5). Inde-
pendent variables included acute COVID-19 symptoms, Data from this sample suggest that individuals report-
current COVID-19 symptoms, PHQ-9 score, GAD-7 ing cognitive complaints months after acute COVID-19
score, Chalder Fatigue Scale score, number of medical may have extremely low NP test performance (scored
comorbidities, and PAOF memory, language, and less than or equal to the second percentile) relative to
cognition scores. Inflammatory markers were not those without such symptoms. These cognitive diffi-
included in this model as the smaller N would limit culties may lead such individuals to seek treatment.
predictive power. In the regression model, peak COVID- When comparing a clinical sample of individuals
19 symptoms, PHQ-9, number of medical comorbidities, seeking care for cognitive complaints and other post-
and PAOF memory, language, and cognition scores COVID symptoms, we found diminished performance
were significant predictors of extremely low NP scores, in multiple neurocognitive domains relative to age- and
correctly categorizing 78% (12/16, P = 0.004). education-adjusted norms that were not present in the
nonclinical group, including attention, processing
Exploratory Correlations of Proinflammatory speed, memory, and executive function. A significantly
Cytokines higher proportion of these individuals had extremely
low NP scores. This pattern and degree of performance
Because of the limited number of inflammatory marker difficulty is like that documented in prior studies of
results, we calculated Pearson correlation coefficients (r) COVID-19 with smaller sample sizes and shorter
to explore associations between IL-6, TNF-a, and CRP timeframe after acute illness, particularly among those
and medical, psychiatric, and NP variables of interest. who were hospitalized.6,23–25 We also found that the
IL-6 was significantly correlated with acute COVID clinical group had high levels of clinically significant
illness score (r = 0.32, P , 0.05), number of medical depression and fatigue, diminished quality of life, and
more limitations in IADLs than the nonclinical group, is possible that extremely low NP performance was
even after covarying for age and medical comorbidity. caused by depression, as depression is associated with
This suggests that group differences were both statisti- deficits in processing speed, memory, verbal fluency, and
cally and clinically significant, affecting function and executive function.44 Depression is also associated with
quality of life, and that these clinical symptoms or their later decline in cognition even in those with no baseline
combination appear to lead individuals to seek deficit.45 The fact that participants with a history of
treatment. depression before COVID-19 were not more likely to
The inclusion of a measure of subjective neuro- have extremely low test scores does not support this
cognitive complaints (the PAOF) allowed for investi- contention. It is also possible that the presence of neu-
gation of whether the perceived impairment correlates rocognitive decline, along with persistence of COVID-
with the actual impairment. It is important to note that 19-related symptoms and psychosocial stresses, causes
prior studies have found subjective cognitive com- depression. Finally, it is possible that depression and NP
plaints do not correlate reliably with NP test impair- dysfunction in COVID-19 co-occur and may be due to
ment,42 leading to skepticism about whether subjective the same underlying pathogenic mechanisms.
complaints are “real.” However, the current data sug- We investigated correlations between serum IL-6,
gest that perception of cognitive problems, even months TNF-a, and CRP levels and psychiatric, medical, and
after acute COVID-19, may be a reliable sign of actual neurocognitive measures to explore whether evidence of
cognitive difficulty and should be investigated. It could systemic inflammation might be associated with these
be argued that 38% with an extremely low NP test outcomes. The data indicated significant positive cor-
performance in a sample of individuals with cognitive relations between IL-6, COVID-19 symptoms at the
complaints is relatively low and that, conversely, 62% time of diagnosis, number of medical comorbidities,
were in the normal range. Nonetheless, the significant fatigue, and measures of executive function. Further-
differences found in the clinical group on individual NP more, the elevated IL-6 level was more prevalent in the
tests relative to published norms may indicate that in- clinical group. In contrast, CRP was significantly
dividuals with cognitive complaints may detect a correlated with current COVID-19 symptoms and
decline in NP function relative to what would be depressive symptoms but inversely correlated with
considered normal for their age and premorbid quality of life. It is not clear how to interpret these
functioning. disparate findings. IL-6 may be more associated with
When investigating a potential profile of risk fac- acute COVID severity and the underlying medical co-
tors for extremely low NP scores in the sample, inde- morbidity leading to fatigue and executive function
pendent predictors in a logistic regression model impairment, while CRP may be a marker of current
included severity of acute COVID-19 illness symptoms, COVID symptom burden and depression, leading to
depressive symptoms, number of medical comorbid- diminished perceived quality of life. IL-6 and CRP have
ities, and subjective perception of memory, language, been cited extensively as markers of COVID-19 illness
and cognitive (executive function) problems. It is not severity and prognosis.46 These proinflammatory cyto-
surprising that severity of acute COVID-19 illness kines may predict or cause the neuropsychiatric
would be associated with NP test scores as found in sequelae described here. While proinflammatory cyto-
previous research23,25; however, prior studies have not kines have been studied extensively in psychiatry,29
incorporated standardized measures of COVID-19 such research in COVID-19 is limited. Zhou et al.
symptoms, medical comorbidity, estimate of pre- (2020) found that CRP was correlated with elevated
morbid intellectual functioning and subjective cognitive reaction time in a sample of individuals recovered from
complaints. Medical comorbidities such as obesity, COVID-19, while IL-6 was not correlated with NP
hypertension, and diabetes are known to increase risk scores.47 These results are not consistent with the results
for NP dysfunction and severe COVID-19 illness hos- documented in this study, but study methodologies
pitalization and mortality.43 differed. Taken together, these preliminary results
It is important to note that, while current depressive support further research in this area.
symptoms were independently predictive of extremely Study strengths included standardized assessments
low NP test scores, the causal relationship is not clear. It across NP, medical, and psychiatric domains; however, the
study has important limitations. The study sample is rela- 2. Garrigues E, Janvier P, Kherabi Y, et al: Post-discharge
tively small and was skewed toward a clinical population, persistent symptoms and health-related quality of life after
hospitalization for COVID-19. J Infect 2020; 81
so the results may not be generalizable to the entire post-
3. Ferrando SJ, Klepacz L, Lynch S, et al: COVID-19 psy-
COVID population. While an estimate of premorbid in- chosis: a potential new neuropsychiatric condition Triggered
tellectual function was obtained, pre-COVID-19 NP per- by Novel Coronavirus infection and the inflammatory
formance was not available for comparison. The study did response? Psychosomatics 2020; 61:551–555
not include a COVID-19-negative comparison group 4. Ferrando SJ, Klepacz L, Lynch S, et al: Psychiatric emergen-
matched for age, medical, and other comorbidities. How- cies during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in the sub-
urban New York City area. J Psychiatr Res 2021; 136:552–559
ever, comparison to age- and education-corrected norms is 5. NIH Announces research Opportunities to study “long
an accepted methodology in clinical practice and NP COVID” [Internet]. National Institute of Nursing research.
studies.48 Data for this study are cross-sectional, so the U.S. Department of health and human Services. Available
onset, course, and causal associations of clinical variables from: https://www.ninr.nih.gov/newsandinformation/
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