Activity 8 - Space Exploration

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paper. Send as word file. If cellphone only - handwritten, should be legible and
use a short bond paper. Can be sent as picture, just make sure it is very clear for
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2. Answers should be brief, direct to the point and in a complete sentence. 3.
Answers should be written right after every question. Follow the format of the
4. Submit by UPLOADING your activity to “CLASSWORK” of the
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Major/Year: BSE SCIENCE-1 Deadline: January 21, 2023

Guide Questions:

1. If there was no issue regarding the authenticity of the supposed first Americans landing
on the moon aboard an Apollo 11 spacecraft on July 20, 1969, why then the US keep on
conducting space explorations to the moon? Is their plan to send space missions to Mars
enough justification in doing so?

Spaceflight, the moon landing, and the safe return of the crew, culminating in the landing
of Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong on the moon on july 20, 1969, were considered
milestones. It deserved intense media coverage, international celebration and attention. It
deserves social analysis. The National Aeronaustics and Space Administration (NASA),
which led the mission, was of course completely dedicated to Apollo 11. But other
agencies have also intergrated the moon landing into their work. The White House
planned “presidential activity” related to the mission. The Ministry of foreign affairs
received congratulatory messages and congratulations from foreign goverments. The U.S
Intelligence service, which was responsible for informing foreigners of the flight’s
progress, sponsored public television screenings of missionary events for citizens of other
countries at American cultural centers. The US Navy has repeated its role in the
successful recovery of spacecraft at sea. Congress considered ways to honor the nation’s
newest hero.
2. Are the initiatives of many countries in space explorations enough reason to justify its
cost? Do you think there could be hidden reasons why many countries are now joining
the space race? Explain your answer.

The Space Race was a 20th Century competition between the United States and the
Soviet Union for superior spaceflight capabilities. It originated in the post-world war II
ballistic missile-based nuclear arms race. The Technological advances demonstrated by
the achievements of space travel were deemed necessary to national security. Until
now, manned space exploration has been limited to low earth orbit. However, an
unmanned probe has passed through the solar system. In recent years, spacecraft have
made many discoveries, including that Jupiter’s moon, called Europa, has an ocean
beneath its surface.

3. Is mankind’s desire to explore beyond our solar system, being so curious of finding
what’s beyond us logical?

The search for exraterrestrial life is still in its infancy, but science has encouraging
early answers. There are many planets in the galaxy, many of which are similar to
ours. But what we don’t know fills in the volume and may hold the key to
unlocking the mysteries of extraterrestrial life.


1. Based on your own observations, write down the very important lessons that young
people of today can learn from space explorations.

Space exploration is the exploration of space using astronomy and space technology.Space exploration is
primarily done by astronomers with telescopes, while geophysical exploration is done by both robotic
unmanned spacecraft and manned spaceflights. Space exploration, like classical forms of astronomy, is
one of the major sources of information in space science.

2. With the pandemic still affecting the economy of the world resulting in very high
inflation rates, severely affecting many developing countries like ours plus the effects of
extreme climatic conditions like the recent flooding of many countries; aren’t these
issues more important to be given more consideration than space exploration?

The COVID-19 pandemic has widened global income inequality, disproportionately

impacting vulnerable groups and EMDEs, where income inequality is significantly
higher than in developed countries, and undermining two decades of progress to reduce
inequality. Partially ruined. the large increase in inequality between countries is a result
of recovery from his two sides of the pandemic, and the small increase in inequality
within each country in EMDEs reflects the severe income losses experienced by
vulnerable groups. and employment disruption.Low-income households, unskilled
workers, non-regular workers, women. Inequality within countries remains particularly
high in Latin America, the Caribbean and sub-Saharan Africa, where about two-thirds of
the world's extreme poor live.

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