Session 1 GTM
Session 1 GTM
Session 1 GTM
“A growth strategy is an organization's plan for overcoming current and future challenges to
realize its goals for expansion. Examples of growth strategy goals include increasing market
share and revenue, acquiring assets, and improving the organization's products or services”
Gartner Glossary
A robust, integrated go-to-market
system is one central difference
today between companies that
succeed and companies that fail,
between those that grow and
those that scramble merely to stay
in place
Mark Kovat, Dianne Ledingham, Lewis
Weinger, Bain & Company , in « Creating an
adaptive go-to-market system », 2012
Today’s program
1. Course Structure and
➢ Understand the concepts of Go-to-market strategy, the process to
build a go-to-market strategy, and how it serves the overall
company growth strategy
➢ Understand the difference of focus and approach in B2C versus
B2B, and specific GTM questions to address in context of
international growth strategies
➢ Understand the range of new options opened by the digital
revolution, and be able to propose appropriate solutions to
different business cases
➢ Understand the concept of customer experience, the changes of
Course perspectives in the measures of customer satisfaction over time,
and how putting customer experience at the core is impacting
objectives growth strategies
➢ Awareness of GTM decision points and options in B2B and B2C
➢ Awareness of the importance of customer experience to build a
successful growth strategy
➢ Ability to analyze company cases and apply a process to propose
relevant growth strategy and tactics
1. GTM definition,conception process and key
decision points
2. Articulation between company strategy,
marketing strategy and GTM strategy
Course 3. Differentiation of B2B and B2C models
Chapters 4. Specific GTM questions when developing an
international business
5. The Digital revolution in Marketing
6. The Digital revolution in Selling
7. Customer Experience focus
8. GTM Strategies for Startups
Course planning
Session Date Content Students Presentations / Activities
GTM definition, conception process and • Paper assignment
1 Oct 12th • Starbucks Example
key decision points
Oct 20th Applying the GTM framework to a real • Business case workshop
business case
• Online test
• 10 questions
• Related to the course content ( including paper presentations
presented by students)
Paper’s Presentation
Advances in information and communication technologies (ICT) have led to the revolution in retail industry through integrating
multiple available channels to enhance seamless customer experience, promoting a shift from multichannel to omnichannel
business. this study draws on the innovation diffusion theory to develop a nomological model that posits perceived compatibility
and perceived risk as key linking mechanisms between omnichannel experience and omnichannel shopping intention. This recent
academic paper connects the topics of omnichannel and customer experience and propose a model connecting specific
characteristics of the customer experience to the shopping intentions.
8. Get the show on the road: go to market strategies for e-innovations of start ups . Sabine Kuester,
Elisa Konya-Baumbauch, Monika Schuhmacher, Journal of Business Research 2017
Internet-enabled service innovations are the latest trend in digital entrepreneurship. Based on a systematic literature review, a
historical method analysis, and expert interviews, this study explores how start-ups should design go-to-market strategies to
facilitate the adoption of e-innovations. This academic paper well structured and relatively easy to follow offers interesting insighis
regarding start-up gotomarket, which can be relevant beyond the specific scope of research (e-innovations).
Selecting your paper
• A business model articulates the logic, the data and other evidence
that support a value proposition for the customer, and a viable
structure of revenues and costs for the entreprise delivering that
David J.Teece Business Models, Business Strategy and Innovation, LRP
2009, p179
• A business plan is typically a document “describing the nature of the
business, the sales and marketing strategy, and the financial
background, and containing a projected profit and loss statement”
• It is broader than the GTM plan, which focuses mainly on sales and
marketing dimension. GTM plans typically includes financial
elements, however restricted to cost to serve specific markets and
clients, rather than full P&L
2.2 Components of a GTM
• Do I have the right information about my markets?
• Do we focus on the right markets?
Laurence G. Friedman
Go to Market Strategy
Routledge , 2002
1 - Targeting the right markets
Segment Sub-segment
Consumer Multi-purpose for families, all inclusive
Senior Citizens
Low cost , robust for pragmatic buyers
Business Enterprise
Designers, Architects, others with graphic requirements
Sources of information for market analysis
• Market size
• Market growth rate
• Ability to exert brand leadership
• Cost to market entry
• Cost to serve
• Channel availability
• Competitive density
• Strategic fit
• ….
C- Evaluate target markets against criteria
Market growth 1 5 3 3
Channel 5 5 2 3
Competitive -5 -3 -1 -3
Cost to serve -3 -4 -5 -2
International 1 3 2 5
growth potential
Overall 4 9 4 9
• Market research
• Customer interviews
E- Prioritize markets for penetration
Market size 5 3 3 3
Channel availability 5 5 2 3
Competitive density -5 -3 -1 -3
Cost to serve -3 -4 -5 -2
International 1 3 2 5
growth potential
Overall assessment 4 9 4 9
2 approaches for market expansion
Based on Ansoff matrix
Existing Existing
products products
Core Core
base base
• Customer needs:
• What do your customers need?
• How can you meet those needs?
• Customer experience:
• What kind of experience are your customer seeking? Including post sales,
support, training, ongoing conselling…
• How do they want to relate to their vendors
• Customer buying behaviors:
• How do customers do business with their vendors today?
• Through which channel or technology?
• How will they do business in the future?
• Strengths and weakenesses
• How do customers and prospect perceive you?
• Where are you considered as strong or weak?
• Sources of new business
• What would cause you to do at least 20% more business over the next year?
Typical groups of customer experience
Resellers Customer
Market place
Go-to-market channels
Corporate distributors
Local resellers
E marketplace
Direct mails
Market coverage strategies
• Review the value proposal to ensure the fit with selected segment and channels
Products and • Adapt product/solution to best fit with targeted customer needs and preferences
value proposition
Example : Starbucks
- Markets?
- Customers?
- Channels?
- Products?
- Value proposal?
- Customer experience?
An alternative framework
Anderson Gwanyebit Kehbila (2020): The entrepreneur’s go-to-market innovation strategy: towards a
decision-analytic framework and a road mapping process to create radically successful businesses driving
spectacular growth and profitability
Guidelines for Students presentations