Biological Molecules
Biological Molecules
Biological Molecules
Naturally 92 elements exist but 25 are present
on earth known as bio-elements and 16 are
present in our body.
20% water is in seeds and bones & 85-90% is
present in brain cells (federal)
Water is the most abundant component in
living cell approximately from70-90% (Sindh)
The specific heat of capacity of water can be
represented in number of calories required to
raise the temperature of 1g of water up to 1°C
i.e, 1Calorie = 4.18 Joules .
Water molecules contain hydrogen bonding,
without hydrogen bond water boil at -80°C
and freeze at -1000°C.
Water has high density than ice that’s why it
easily floats at surface.
Water expands below 4°C and its density
In 1838 Berzelius suggested tha name
protein and Dutch chemist G.J. Mulder in
1883 recognised the importance of
protein as vital compound.
Essential components are C,H,O and N
and sometimes P and S also present
which make complex organic compound.
Proteins are building block of tissues.
They constitute more than 50% of dry
Proteins are polymers of amino acids (a
They are linked together by peptide
There are 20 basic amino acids which is
commonly found in every protein ranging
from virus to humans.
Amino acid and carboxylic acid are
They are also called hydrated carbon. It serves as
storage substances and building material of
cell.They are 1% by weight approx and generally
called sugar or saccharide due to their sweet taste
except polysaccharide. It is act as storage food
molecules. In animals chitin forms the
exoskeleton of arthropods.
Bloor in 1943 suggest term lipid, soluble in
organic solvent not in water and contain less
ratio of oxygen and carbohydrates.