Iehp 102
Iehp 102
Iehp 102
Confidence 2
2.1 Introduction
You have already learnt about growing up as adolescents in
Class VIII through your science textbook. Growth is a natural
phenomenon. Growth is a characteristic feature of all living
beings. You must have seen seeds growing into seedlings, which
then grow and develop into plants, or pups growing into dogs,
kitten into cats and so on. Similarly an infant passes through
Box 2.1 different phases of growth from childhood to adolescence to
adulthood. Although all the stages of growth and development
are significant, it has been universally recognised that the
Adolescence is the stage of adolescence is the most critical one.
period of transition This chapter deals with the pattern of human growth with
between childhood special emphasis on the growth spurt that takes place during
and adulthood in adolescence which means by rapid changes in the body,
human lifespan. It psyche and behaviour. An adolescent, well aware of pubertal
is generally been changes, must be able to understand and accept the changes
between 10-19 with confidence, and not fall into the trap of escapist strategies
years of age. It is such as drug abuse. Growing up with confidence needs proper
a period of rapid understanding of various issues and concerns related to
physical, cognitive, adolescence such as growth and development, self-concept
socio-emotional and and self-esteem, anxiety and depression, nutritional needs
behavioural changes. and sexual desires or any kind of harassment. Understanding
WHO states that- these issues and concerns will help develop a positive attitude
“there are certain towards gender concerns and building healthy relationships.
attributes that mark 2.2 Growth: A Natural Phenomenon
adolescence which
Recognition of adolescence as a distinct stage in the development
include appearance
of human beings began during the early part of the 20th
of secondary sex
century. Growth during adolescence is mostly portrayed as
an exclusive characteristic of this period, making one believe
(puberty), attainment
that growth during other stages — childhood, adulthood and
of reproductive
old age is hardly significant. But you would have observed
that we have all been growing up since we were born without
development of adult consciously realising it. We can appreciate the phenomenon
mental processes of growth during all stages of human life by undertaking the
and adult identity following activities.
and transition from
total socio-economic 2.2.1 What is Growth?
dependence to relate Let us understand what is growth? Growth may be defined
independence”. as the quantitative increase in size or mass. When weight is
measured in kilograms and height in centimetres from time to
Growing up with Confidence 17
Activity 2.1
1. You may collect pictures from old magazines or newspapers and paste them on
a sheet of paper to exhibit the life history of a plant or an animal or stages of
human lifecycle beginning from infancy to old age. You may even draw them.
2. In your diary, list the changes that you have undergone from the time you were
nine years old, till now. Mention physical, emotional as well as psychological
changes which you experienced. Prepare a write-up on those changes
particularly focusing on whether the changes that made you feel surprised or
stressed till you realised that these changes are normal and natural. You may
discuss these changes with your friends. You will realise that these changes
during adolescence do not begin at the same age in all the growing children.
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Activity 2.2
Read the following case studies carefully and reflect on the question asked at
the end of each case study.
Case 1: Fourteen years old Suleman and George were very good friends who also
shared their birth date. Suleman’s parents were quite tall. While Suleman was 5 feet
6 inches tall, George was only 4 feet 9 inches. George wanted to be of the same height
as Suleman and would hold on to a rod and hang from it but to no avail. Then they
approached the counsellor in school.
Guess what counselling was given by the counsellor?
Case 2: Suresh was a small-built boy studying in Class IX. Not only was he short and
skinny but also had a tired look on his face. After a medical examination by the school
doctor, parents took good care of Suresh. By the time Suresh got into Class XI, he
was as grown up as his classmates. The doctor gave no medicines to Suresh.
How do you think Suresh attained normal growth?
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20 Health and Physical Education — Class IX
Activity 2.3
Read the conversation between Srinivas and his friend Ali
Srinivas of Class IX (age 13) who is short and skinny is teased by his classmates, who
call him ‘dwarfy’/’bauna’/‘gittha’. Srinivas stops going to school. One day his class
friend Ali meets him in the market and enquires about his absence from school.
Ali: A lot has been done in the class and exams are approaching. Why are you not
coming to school? Even the teacher was commenting on your absence.
I am your friend. Tell me what is wrong. I shall try and help you.
Srinivas: He breaks down. We are six siblings living with our parents in a small
shanty (jhuggi). My father is alcoholic. My mother works harder than her body can
allow, for earning some money for the family. There is never enough to eat. We are
always fighting. On top of that the bullies of the class tease me. In any case, I need to
supplement family income by taking up a job.
Analyse the situation, which led to slower growth and natural development in Srinivas.
What are the factors affecting the growth of Srinivas?
If you are Ali, what will you do.
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Growing up with Confidence 21
but also in the eyes of others. There is a tendency for looking Box 2.3
into the mirror and admiring oneself. Grooming oneself to look
beautiful or handsome to others is always at the back of the Did you know?
mind of young boys and girls.
Awareness of
Support and guidance from parents and teachers and
positive qualities
friendship with peers help in developing ‘positive self-esteem’.
makes one feel
Self-esteem is also a kind of self-recognition. It is important for
good and enhance
growing up with confidence.
The consequences of low self-esteem and self-image are
When we feel
detrimental to efficiency. Try to have high self-esteem and a
good, we respond
positive self-image.
to every situation
Peer group is important because friends and peers may help
more positively.
to sort out confusions regarding rapidly occurring changes in
the body. Similar changes in friends of the same age reassure
others makes us
that all is normal. As adolescents grow, they emotionally move
feel good.
further from parents to become independent adults. Acceptance
among peers becomes important. Company of wrong peers or
adults becomes risky during early adolescence. Activity 2.4
2.5 Psychological Security
Write ten sentences
For developing self-confidence and self-esteem, it is essential on ‘Me — in my own
to have a stress-free environment. Adolescence is a period eyes’, in your diary.
of losses—loss of childhood, loss of sexual innocence, loss Analyse your writing.
of freedom from responsibility. Adolescents need parental Do you feel that you
support to cope with these losses. have desirable self-
Psychological security depends a lot on how a boy or girl esteem and self-
was valued by the family as a child. You may have seen that confidence? Express
teenagers who have experienced encouragement from others your feeling in three
with respect to values and parental expectations tend to be sentences.
psychologically more secure than those who are subjected as
children to shame and punishment.
A psychologically secure teenager
is able to concentrate on studies,
have respect for parents, spend time
judiciously on hobbies and establish
healthy relationships. Adolescence has to
be viewed as a period of gains too— the
adolescent attains a beautiful physique,
figure and face. Another gain is the
maturity of brain, which leads to rational
thinking and better understanding of
subjects and issues. But to ignore the
losses and carry the gains forward,
support from parents/guardians,
teachers, and peers goes a long way in
Source: Poster designed by Laxmi Narayan Mochi from Class
helping the youngsters cope with changes XII JNV, Mandaphia, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan
occurring during adolescence. Fig. 2.1 : Peer Group
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22 Health and Physical Education — Class IX
Box 2.4
Read carefully the following situations and try to respond to the given questions.
Situation 1: Shalini and her friends in Class IX were preparing for the school’s annual
function. All of them were very excited. Anita, one of Shalini’s classmates, mocked at
her, “You are so dark. We will need additional light to be able to see you on the stage.”
Shalini’s good friend, Madhu, felt bad for Shalini and advised her to use a cream to
make her complexion lighter. “You already dance so well. Can you imagine how nice
you will look on the stage if you had a lighter complexion?”
Shalini smiled and said, “Thank you, Madhu. I appreciate your concern but I am happy
with my complexion. My teacher and I am working hard on my dance practice and I
am confident that our efforts and your good wishes will lead to a good performance.”
1. What do you think of Anita’s remark about Shalini?
2. Do you think that having a light complexion is important for being beautiful?
3. Do you think that Madhu is trying to perpetuate the stereotype that having a light
complexion is an important component of being beautiful?
4. What do you think of Shalini’s response?
Situation: Raja has an overbearing father who also becomes cruel if he is angry at
Raja. Raja hates to go home. He roams around with his friends till dinner time. He
feels he is good for nothing.
1. How can Raja’s plight be improved?
2. Who can help and how. Substantiate your answer with reasons.
(a) Teacher (b) Counsellor (c) Classmates (d) Parents (e) All
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Activity 2.5
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Growing up with Confidence 25
The table 2.1 gives the names and groups of drugs and
their affects.
Table 2.1
Group Drugs/Substances Effect the user feels
Stimulants Amphetamines (eg. • Temporarily accelerate functioning
Benzedrine, Dexedrine of the brain (central nervous system)
and Methedrine, cocaine, and the user may temporarily feel
nicotine, tobacco alert and full of energy.
• In higher doses, stimulants may
lead to anxiety or panic.
• Mental health problems can occur
with increasing use. In cases of
serious overdose, death may occur.
Depressants Alcohol, barbiturates, e.g. Slow down activity of the brain and
Gardenal, tranquilisers like may also have hypnotic effects.
Sedatives Hypnotics like Mandrax, • Produce opium like effects and
Doriden stupor. This group in short span
Narcotics/ Opium, morphine, codeine, may produce relaxing, but in higher
analgesics heroin, brown sugar, doses, these may lead to drowsiness,
synthetic drugs like decreased concentration, nausea,
Methadone, Pethidine, vomiting and sweating.
Mephradine • Further increase in the dose may lead
to deep sleep, loss of consciousness
and even death.
Cannabis Bhang (marijuana), ganja, Distort the way in which individuals
Hallucinogens charas, LSD (Lysergic normally see, hear and feel.
acid Diethylamide) PCP
(Phencyclidine), Mescaline,
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26 Health and Physical Education — Class IX
Behavioural Symptoms
• Changing mood, temper tantrums, hostility
• Acute anxiety, depression
• Blaming, lying, making excuses, emotional detachment
• Loss of interest in studies, sports and in daily routine
• Impaired memory and lack of concentration
• Secrecy in respect of possessions and actions
• Loss of valuables or money from home
Performance Symptoms
• Withdrawal from family environment and non-
participation in family work
• Sudden lowering of grades in school, non-completion of
home work, absenteeism
• Presence of needles, syringes and strange packets at
• More time spent in personal room, in the bathroom or
away from home
Drug abuse in itself is not a cause of HIV and AIDS or other
STIs, but under the influence of drugs, people may engage in
risky behaviour that makes them more susceptible to these
infections. Furthermore, substance abuse influences not only
the individual but also the family and even the community. The
person who gets addicted often loses interest in other activities
be it school, job or any other responsibility. As a result,
Box 2.5 the addicts are not able to undertake their responsibilities
and become a liability for their families. Furthermore, it is
Saying ‘No’ with
expensive to buy substances/drugs on a regular basis. Hence,
confidence is the
only way to protect in desperation, addicted individuals may be forced to engage
oneself from sexual in petty crimes.
harassment. There can never be any need for drugs if one leads a
meaningful life with nutritious food, physical exercise, yoga,
satisfying occupation and healthy relationships.
2.8 Sexual Harassment or Sexual Abuse
Sexual harassment is described as any unwelcome sexual
gesture or behaviour, whether directly or indirectly–physical
contact or advance, showing pornography, a demand or quest
Read about for sexual favour, or any other unwelcome physical, verbal/
Protection of nonverbal conduct. It also includes molestation and rape. It is
Children from Sexual a criminal act and a punishable offence. Young girls and boys
Offence (POCSO) Act often become target of sexual harassment/abuse by older and
2012 and Discuss powerful people. As per the research, a person who is engaged
with your classmates in sexual abuse of young girls and/or boys is often known to
them. Boys are equally vulnerable to sexual abuse. The black
mailers usually threat the youngsters of serious consequences
if they tell anyone. In such cases, the girl/boy being abused
must immediately inform parents/or any trusted member for
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Growing up with Confidence 27
Activity 2.6
Read the following case studies and discuss the questions with your friends.
Case Study 1: Mohit is ten years old. His uncle often comes over to Mohit’s house and
stays over. He brings lots of toffees and biscuits for him. He always insists on sleeping
in Mohit’s room. At times he tries to touch Mohit in ways that Mohit does not like.
Mohit’s parents notice that Mohit has become very quiet and withdrawn but does not
share anything with them.
Questions for discussion
1. Why do you think Mohit is uncomfortable with his uncle’s behaviour?
2. What should Mohit’s parents do when they notice that he has become very quiet
and withdrawn?
3. Why do you think Mohit does not say anything to his parents?
4. Was Mohit’s uncle abusing him? Explain your answer.
Case Study 2: Sabina and Monica study in Class XI and are friends. They go out to see
a film. On the way out of the hall, they are teased and harassed by a man who passes
obscene comments. Sabina wants to make noise about the incident and seek support
from others around to confront the man and warn him. She also wants to complain to
the cinema manager and insist that they act to make the hall safe for women. However,
Monica is not sure of taking this stand. She feels that perhaps they should not go to
cinema halls on their own to see films and should be accompanied by their parents or
brothers who could protect them.
Questions for discussion
1. What do you think Sabina and Monica finally did? Why?
2. What would you have done if you were in Sabina’s or Monica’s place? Why?
3. Have you noticed, or heard of sexual harassment in cinema halls, roads, buses
or other public places?
4. What can possibly be done to make public places safer for girls and women? Who all
can make this happen? For example, cinema hall managers, police, sensitisation/
awareness campaigns by schools, girls like Sabina and Monica themselves by
supporting one another, etc.
Case Study 3: Reena is a 16 year old girl and she studies in Class X. A boy Hemant
in her class has been stalking her for some time now. He has even proposed to her
and she has refused his ‘proposal’. However, the boy went on troubling her, saying
that “ When a girl says no, she means yes”. Reena is very angry. She wants to tell her
teacher, but is scared the teacher may not understand.
Questions for discussion
1. Why do you think Hemant makes the comment “When a girl says no, she means
yes”? What do you think of the comment?
2. What advice would you give Hemant if he was a friend of yours?
3. What advice would you give Reena if she was a friend of yours?
4. Do you think the teacher could play a positive role, if told about the situation?
If yes, how?
Source : NCERT, 2012 Training and Resource Materials : Adolescence Education Programme, New Delhi
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Growing up with Confidence 29
1. Organise a debate in the class on the topic “Growth is natural so all teenagers grow
and behave in the same way”.
2. Conduct a survey in your neighbourhood picking up 20 boys and 20 girls and
prepare a report on their height and weight. How many are overweight? How
many are under weight?
3. Why do you think that both boys and girls should be given equal opportunities
in life? Give three arguments in favour.
(a) ...........................................................................................................
(b) ...........................................................................................................
(c) ............................................................................................................
4. When heredity defines limits of growth and development, why bother about the
environment? Give three arguments against this statetement.
(a) ..........................................................................................................
(b) ..........................................................................................................
(c) ..........................................................................................................
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