Spec Coal Density Survey

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City Utilities operates one power station, John Twitty Energy Center (JTEC) (formerly
Southwest Power Station - SWPS). The power station requires annual stockpile density

1. The contractor shall perform density tests using a depth nuclear density gauge, such as
the Troxler Mode11351, or its equivalent (the test count interval that is to be used for
density tests shall be of one [1] minute duration).

2. The test gauge shall be calibrated in such a fashion that any calibration-induced error
in average wet density is 0.6 pound per cubic foot (PCF) or less. To achieve this
accuracy, the following requirements, along with any others the contractor deems
necessary, must be met:

A. The maximum weighing-induced error shall not exceed 0.15 PCF.

B. The maximum measuring-induced error shall not exceed 0.2 PCF.

C. In order to reduce to acceptable levels errors caused by density inconsistencies

in the calibration mold, the nuclear gauge shall read a minimum of 50% of the
total volume of material in the mold. Compaction within the mold shall be
performed utilizing lifts of uniform thickness and compactive effort to
minimize density variations within the mold.

Bidders shall submit evidence of this accuracy. Prior to gauge calibration, contractor
shall submit load cell calibration report and barrel volume calibration performed
within the previous six- (6) months.

3. The nuclear density gauge shall be calibrated on each stockpile for each plant.
(Reference: ASTM Draft Standard for Bulk Density of Coal in Storage by Nuclear
Backscatter Methods; see current draft).

The number of points that establish the reference curve (of gauge reading vs. various
coal densities) shall be eight (8). Coal for the calibration shall be obtained from
borings drilled the full depth of the stockpile at a minimum of three (3) locations.

4. All equipment shall be in good working order. The technician in charge shall have a
good working knowledge of the equipment and shall be able to maintain said
equipment, making minor repairs and adjustments in the field. The technician shall be
certified by the NRC as authorized to use and direct the use of this equipment.

5. There shall be adequate backup nuclear gauges available so no more than a three-day
delay in testing occurs.
6. The standard count shall be checked daily on the depth density gauge. The change in
standard count may not exceed three percent (3%) of the previous days count or five

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percent (5%) of the laboratory established standard count (see Stability & Drift Test
[Appendix A]) .If a gauge exceeds these limits, the backup gauge shall be used until
such time as the problem has been corrected.

7. Test hole locations shall be based on site conditions and the contractor's past
experience and the recommendation of City Utilities. The number of test holes shall be
sufficient to give adequate horizontal coverage to the stockpile (generally eight [8) to
ten [10] test holes). In no case shall there be less then five (5) test holes on anyone
stockpile; and in no case shall the total number of density tests be less than forty (40)
per stockpile. The contractor shall state his method of detent1ining the number of test
holes (and density tests) in the technical proposal.

The contractor shall perform on-site calculations to determine the appropriate total
number of density samples to be taken. After forty (40) samples are taken, a mean and
a standard deviation shall be calculated along with the appropriate sample size for a
1.75 lb/pcf error tolerance at a ninety-eight percent (98%) confidence interval. City
Utilities will provide methods and formulas to be used for calculation of the
confidence interval. If these calculations indicate a substantial number of additional
(i.e., fifty-six [56] or more) samples are required, then one or two additional borings
shall be performed.

8. Each test hole shall extend to the bottom of the stockpile and shall locate the bottom to
within 0.1 feet of true bottom. The contractor during the density sampling shall
establish procedures which provide data to define elevations for separations between
ground and pad coal and between pad coal and coal, or between ground and coal with
the advice of City Utilities personnel.

9. Density tests shall be run in undisturbed coal, at an average interval of two and one-
half (2.5) feet. Bidders are required to outline the method of testing to be used. Access
tubing shall be installed ahead of any auguring, using the split spoon method.

10. Water content tests shall be made for each density sample.

11. The contractor shall furnish a separate report for each stockpile. The contractor's
report shall include, but not be limited to, the following items:

A. A table listing individual wet density tests and depths/elevations, along with
water content and dry density and period moisture content adjusted wet

B. The average wet density and water content of each hole, along with the number
of density and water content tests for each hole.

C. The average wet density and period moisture content adjusted wet densities for
each two feet of depth/elevation.

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D. The wet density standard deviation for B and C above.

E. For the entire stockpile, the average wet and dry density, average water
content, wet density and water content standard deviations, total number of
tests run and total number of valid tests run.

F. A sketch showing the shape of each pile, the location of the test holes and the
hole designation number.

G. A description of the equipment used, the dates upon which the fieldwork was
performed, the degree of accuracy obtained in average stockpile density and all
other data pertinent to the survey(s). Degree of accuracy shall address all
factors which cause errors.

12. The layout, number of holes and number of density tests shall be planned by the
contractor in such a fashion as to make likely an overall accuracy in average wet
density for the stockpile of ninety-eight percent (98%) or better. Layout and number of
holes to be approved by City Utilities.

13. The bidder shall document, along with this proposal; his methodology .Any
information that is designated by the bidder as proprietary shall be kept in strict
confidence. The bidder shall list in his proposal any exceptions taken to the

14. All test results and reports shall be kept in strict confidence by the contractor. Any
information from the reports or testing shall not be released by the contractor without
express written approval of City Utilities.

15. The contractor shall submit a company experience history and resumes of the
individual in charge of density surveys and the engineering technician in charge.

16. The contractor shall submit a list of at least six (6) companies for whom density
surveys have been conducted.

17. The bidders' technical proposal shall address the underlying philosophy of the density
survey technique, along with the actual methods used.

18. Three push pile density and moisture tests shall be performed for each coal stockpile.

19. A period moisture content will be supplied by City Utilities for each coal stockpile.

20 City Utilities will supply perimeters and stockpile base elevations for each stockpile.
Contractor shall bid for inventories to be conducted under the following schedule:

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A. July 2021

B. July 2022

C. July 2023

D. July 2024

E. July 2025

21. Bids shall be submitted for unit prices for mobilization, density tests, moisture
tests, report preparation, etc. (See Unit Rate Sheet)

22. Contractor shall submit a report no later than ten (10) working days after completion
of testing.

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1. Prior to the start of density testing at each site, the following stability test will be

A. Turn the gauge on and allow it to stabilize for at least 10 minutes.

B. With the source rod in a safe position, take 20 one-minute counts and record

C. Calculate the average and standard deviation of the density readings.

D. Divide the standard deviation (s) by the square root of the average (x).

E. If this ratio is within the range 0.17 to 0.33, the gauge is considered to be in
satisfactory condition and ready for use.

F. If this ratio is not within the range 0.17 to 0.33, repeat the stability procedure.

G. If the second test fails, the gauge needs to be repaired or replaced.

H. No density testing will begin until a gauge passes the stability test.

2. The gauge will be checked daily for drift by the following procedure:

A. After the gauge has been on for at least four (4) hours, take five (5) four-

B. Average these five (5) readings.

C. If the difference between this average and the average taken in the stability test
is less than 0.5%, the gauge is considered to be operating satisfactorily.

D. If the gauge fails the drift test, all work performed from this point backward to
the previous acceptable drift test will be considered invalid.

E. This drift test method is offered only as a minimum. The vendor may choose to
perform any other tests as is deemed necessary to insure that the gauge is
operating reliably.

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July 2021 July 2022 July 2023


$ $ $
John Twitty Energy Center Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum

Crew Subsistence $ $ $
(5 days) Per day Per day Per day

Gauge Calibration $ $ $
24 points Per Point Per Point Per Point

Depth Density Tests $ $ $

200 Tests Per Test Per Test Per Test

Push Density Tests $ $ $

32 Tests Per Test Per Test Per Test

Moisture Tests $ $ $
94 Tests Per Test Per Test Per Test

Short Proximate Analysis $ $ $

24 Tests (if requested) Per Test Per Test Per Test

Volumetric Survey $ $ $
John Twitty Energy Center Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum

Report (5 copies) $ $ $
John Twitty Energy Center Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum

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July 2024 July 2025


$ $
John Twitty Energy Center Lump Sum Lump Sum

Crew Subsistence $ $
(5 days) Per day Per day

Gauge Calibration $ $
24 points Per Point Per Point

Depth Density Tests $ $

200 Tests Per Test Per Test

Push Density Tests $ $

32 Tests Per Test Per Test

Moisture Tests $ $
94 Tests Per Test Per Test

Short Proximate Analysis $ $

24 Tests (if requested) Per Test Per Test

Volumetric Survey $ $
John Twitty Energy Center Lump Sum Lump Sum

Report (5 copies) $ $
John Twitty Energy Center Lump Sum Lump Sum

Quantities given above are to be used for evaluation of bids only. The quantities may or may not
represent actual quantities used in each year’s inventory. The total cost of the agreement will be
evaluated over a five year period based on the above bid prices.

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