Fibrinogenio em Doenças Neurologicas
Fibrinogenio em Doenças Neurologicas
Fibrinogenio em Doenças Neurologicas
Author manuscript
Nat Rev Neurosci. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 September 13.
Author Manuscript
The blood coagulation protein fibrinogen is deposited in the brain in a wide range of neurological
diseases and traumatic injuries with blood–brain barrier (BBB) disruption. Recent research has
uncovered pleiotropic roles for fibrinogen in the activation of CNS inflammation, induction of scar
formation in the brain, promotion of cognitive decline and inhibition of repair. Such diverse roles
are possible in part because of the unique structure of fibrinogen, which contains multiple binding
sites for cellular receptors and proteins expressed in the nervous system. The cellular and
molecular mechanisms underlying the actions of fibrinogen are beginning to be elucidated,
providing insight into its involvement in neurological diseases, such as multiple sclerosis,
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Alzheimer disease and traumatic CNS injury. Selective drug targeting to suppress the damaging
functions of fibrinogen in the nervous system without affecting its beneficial effects in haemostasis
opens a new fibrinogen therapeutics pipeline for neurological disease.
[email protected].
Author contributions
K.A., M.A.P. and J.K.R. researched data for the article, made substantial contributions to the discussion of content and contributed to
the writing, review and editing of the manuscript before submission.
Competing interests
K.A. is a co-founder of MedaRed. K.A. and J.K.R. are named inventors in patents and patent applications. Their interests are managed
by the Gladstone Institutes in accordance with its conflict of interest policy.
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among different neurological diseases that share similar vascular and immune abnormalities
have been overlooked.
A fundamental change at the neurovascular interface during disease is the influx of plasma
proteins into the CNS due to increased blood–brain barrier (BBB) permeability that disrupts
the homeostasis between the vasculature and the CNS5. A potential framework for a new
approach to understanding the role of cerebrovascular dysfunction across neurological
diseases could include addressing the following key questions. What are the molecular links
between increased BBB leakage, immune activation and neurodegeneration? Is there
bidirectional crosstalk between the vasculature and the immune system that influences
neuronal functions? Does leakage of plasma proteins in the CNS play a causative role in
neurological disease? Are there cellular targets for plasma proteins in the nervous and the
immune system? Does leakage of plasma proteins into the nervous system contribute to
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neuronal dysfunction? Do plasma proteins affect nervous system functions directly by acting
on neurons, glia and vascular cells or indirectly by activating the immune response?
a causative role in a wide range of animal models of neurological diseases, highlighting the
potential role of fibrinogen in MS8,9, AD10,11, brain trauma12 and nerve injury13. The
neuropathological effects of fibrinogen in the nervous system are numerous and include the
following: microglial activation, axonal damage, inhibition of Schwann cell and
oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC) differentiation and remyelination, binding of
amyloid-β (Aβ), opening of the BBB via direct actions on brain endothelial cells, induction
of astrocyte scar formation and inhibition of neurite outgrowth. Fibrinogen is unique among
plasma proteins owing to its molecular structure, which contains binding sites for receptors
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expressed by nervous system cells and for proteins that regulate key nervous system
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functions. The inflammatory functions of fibrinogen mediated primarily via binding to the
CD11b/CD18 integrin receptor (also known as αMβ2 or complement receptor 3) in
microglia and macrophages contribute to neurological deficits in neuroinflammatory disease.
At the same time, fibrinogen binding to proteins such as latent transforming growth factor-β
(TGFβ) or Aβ contributes to brain trauma and AD, respectively. Thus, fibrinogen is at the
nexus of crosstalk between neurons and glia, the vasculature and immune cells and is a key
molecular integrator of neurological, cerebrovascular and immune mechanisms of CNS
injury and disease (FIG. 1).
The goal of this Review is to discuss the pleiotropic functions of fibrinogen in neurological
disease with an emphasis on the cellular targets of fibrinogen in the nervous system and the
fibrinogen-induced signal transduction pathways involved in disease pathogenesis. First, we
highlight the unique evolution and structural characteristics of fibrinogen that enable it to
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become an active participant in many different biological processes and pathological settings
and include a summary of the many cellular targets and receptors of fibrinogen in the
nervous system. Next, we discuss the mechanisms by which fibrinogen contributes to
inflammation, neurodegeneration and repair in MS, AD and traumatic CNS injury. We then
examine biomarkers present in body fluids and the use of novel imaging probes for the
detection of fibrinogen and increased coagulation activity in neurological diseases. Finally,
we discuss the potential for nervous-system-specific targeting of fibrinogen in neurological
disease without affecting its beneficial effects in haemostasis. Overall, we propose that
fibrinogen leakage upon BBB disruption is a global mediator of neurodegeneration and
activation of innate immunity in the CNS that may be a promising therapeutic target for
neurological diseases with BBB disruption.
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secreted ligands and matrix proteins critical for the development and maintenance of the
BBB19,20. Thus, the BBB provides a dynamic physical and metabolic barrier between the
CNS and systemic circulation, protecting the neural microenvironment from the influx of
potentially harmful substances in the blood, such as plasma proteins and immune cells,
while promoting the efflux of toxins and waste products that may disturb normal neuronal
functions19,20. Therefore, the tightly regulated structure and function of the BBB are
necessary to maintain CNS homeostasis, and, when disturbed, have the potential to promote
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After BBB disruption, fibrinogen enters the nervous system parenchyma and is converted
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into insoluble fibrin by perivascular tissue factor and procoagulant proteins abundant after
injury21,22. Disruption of the BBB is a common feature of many CNS pathologies, including
traumatic brain and spinal cord injury, stroke, MS, HIV encephalitis, age-related dementia,
Parkinson disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), cerebral malaria, Huntington
disease, AD and neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar
disease15,19,23–25. Accumulating evidence indicates that BBB disruption and fibrin
deposition precede demyelination and neuronal damage in many of these conditions,
suggesting that neurovascular disruption contributes to disease initiation and/or
progression5,15. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of action of fibrinogen in the
CNS may potentially open therapeutic avenues targeting the initial pathological changes in
nervous system disease rather than later, downstream effectors.
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Biology of fibrinogen
What makes fibrinogen stand out among other plasma proteins that leak into the CNS after
BBB disruption? The answer lies in the unique molecular structure of fibrinogen, which
contains multiple binding sites for receptors and proteins, resulting in a pluralistic signalling
network and pleiotropic functions in neurological disease (FIG. 2). Fibrinogen is a 340 kDa
glycoprotein secreted by the liver that circulates in the blood as a soluble homodimer26,27.
Fibrinogen’s two identical disulfide-linked subunits are each composed of three polypeptide
chains, designated Aα, Bβ, and γ28 (FIG. 2). Upon activation of the coagulation cascade,
fibrinogen is converted into insoluble fibrin by thrombin, which enzymatically removes
fibrinopeptide A and fibrinopeptide B from fibrinogen to expose polymerization sites that
facilitate clot formation27,29,30.
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As the major protein component of blood clots, fibrin binds to activated platelets and acts as
a molecular bridge to enable platelet aggregation and haemostasis31,32. Lysis of the fibrin
clot is mediated by plasmin, which is generated after tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA)
or urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) activates the zymogen plasminogen33,34.
Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI1) and neuroserpin inhibit tPA and uPA, resulting in
decreased fibrinolysis33–35. Increased expression of the low-affinity neurotrophin receptor
p75NTR (NGFR) also suppresses tPA and increases PAI1, resulting in decreased
fibrinolysis36. Disruption of the coagulation–fibrinolysis balance can lead to pathology. For
example, fibrin is an important part of the provisional matrix in cutaneous wounds that
contributes to haemostasis and cellular organization37. However, excessive or prolonged
fibrin deposition in plasminogen-deficient mice inhibits wound repair38–40. Therefore,
proteolysis is a key mechanism for fibrin clearance, and impaired fibrinolysis results in
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interacts with ‘knobs’ protruding from the central amino-terminal region of adjacent
fibrinogen molecules, facilitating the formation of a double-stranded protofibril28,43 (FIG.
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2). Molecules containing FReDs have been found throughout the animal kingdom; however,
only the FReDs on vertebrate fibrinogen are known to mediate coagulation43. Interestingly,
many FReD-containing molecules in vertebrates, such as fibroleukin, the tenascins and the
ficolins, do not polymerize like fibrinogen but play important roles in innate immunity and
the inflammatory response by directly interacting with surface components of pathogens and
host cells44–46. In invertebrates, the vast majority of FReD-containing proteins are involved
in pathogen pattern recognition and the host defence response47. In addition, some FReD-
containing molecules, such as the scabrous gene product from Drosophila, bind directly to
host cell receptors and mediate signalling events48. Thus, the FReD proteins contribute to a
variety of biological processes that rely on specific interactions with the fibrinogen-related
domains; however, from an evolutionary standpoint, fibrinogen’s role in coagulation is a
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recent development and unique among FReD proteins. Given that fibrinogen-related proteins
display diverse functions that often include direct cell signalling and host defence, it reasons
that fibrinogen may play a role in the response to injury or disease that goes beyond
coagulation and reflects its ancestral functions. Many pathological conditions involve
vascular disruption and leakage of fibrinogen into the tissue, where it directly interacts with
cells and their receptors. Studies of fibrin deposition in human disease and in mice with
genetic or pharmacological manipulation of the coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways have
revealed a wide range of physiological and pathological conditions that are affected by
fibrin, such as inflammation and tissue repair (FIG. 3; TABLE 1). As a component of the
perivascular extracellular matrix19, fibrinogen directly interacts with all cellular components
of the neurovascular unit, binding receptors on nervous system cells to influence
inflammatory, neurodegenerative and repair processes in the injured CNS6,7. Fibrinogen in
the CNS binds both integrin and non-integrin receptors to directly regulate many basic
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functions of glia, neurons and endothelial cells (FIG. 2). In addition, fibrinogen acts as a
carrier of diverse proteins that include a number of growth factors as well as components of
the coagulation and fibrinolytic cascade24. Fibrinogen, fibrin and fibrin degradation products
elicit different responses from CNS cells owing to different epitope exposure and different
biochemical properties of soluble molecules and insoluble 3D matrices (detailed description
in FIG. 2). Studies of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of fibrinogen functions in
neurological diseases, as outlined in detail below, have shown that fibrinogen is not merely a
marker of vascular compromise in pathological conditions but rather a critical modulator of
disease that serves as a molecular link between coagulation, inflammation and tissue
MS and neuroinflammation
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disease52. He wrote: “if one looks carefully at freshly altered parts of the white matter in the
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brain, one perceives already with the naked eye a red point or line in the middle of each
individual focus, … the lumen of a small vessel engorged with blood. … All this leads us to
search for the primary cause of the disease in an alteration of individual vessels and their
ramifications; an assumption which is completely confirmed by microscopic examination.
All vessels running inside the foci, but also that traverse the immediately surrounding but
still intact parenchyma are in a state characteristic of chronic inflammation.”52 Now, 150
years later, we have begun to delineate how BBB disruption, one of the earliest events in MS
pathology, is linked to the inflammation and white matter injury that define this
neuroinflammatory disease.
used clinically for decades as the gold standard for identifying BBB disruption in active MS
lesions by visualizing the leakage of intravenously administered contrast agents such as
gadolinium54,55. MRI studies show that BBB breakdown in MS patients is an early event in
active lesion formation and actually occurs before the onset of clinical symptoms56,57. Serial
MRI scans obtained with dynamic contrast enhancement on high-resolution (3T) and 7T
scanners show that most active enhancing lesions are perivascular and appear to grow
outward from a central vein58,59. Studies that have linked MRI findings to underlying lesion
histopathology reveal extensive leakage of plasma proteins and prominent perivascular
inflammation in these contrast-enhancing lesions60,61. Indeed, fibrin deposition is a
prominent feature of MS pathology and is present throughout the course of the disease
(TABLE 1). Fibrin is found not only in active lesions but also in chronic plaques, where it
persists despite a lack of contrast enhancement on standard MRI62–64. Proteomic analysis of
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Fibrinogen and the pathways that control fibrin formation and degradation are considered
among the triggers that could contribute to the initiation and course of MS53. Fibrin
deposition in MS lesions correlates with early lesions and areas of demyelination and,
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matter62,69,73. Pre-demyelinating lesions display BBB disruption and fibrin deposition that
colocalize with areas of microglial activation62,63,69. Of note, fibrin deposition and
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microglial activation in MS lesions precede T cell infiltration, suggesting that fibrin serves
as a critical molecular signal in MS pathology and plays a role in the initiation and/or
progression of inflammation in MS69. This notion is further supported by longitudinal MRI
studies co-registered with histopathology in marmoset experimental autoimmune
encephalomyelitis (EAE), an established autoimmune animal model of MS, which identified
disruption of the BBB 4 weeks before T cell infiltration and demyelination74. Overall, these
studies suggest that BBB leakage and fibrin deposition are early events in the genesis of MS
lesions that precede demyelination and neuronal damage.
CD11b/CD18 ligand that modulates TLR4-mediated signalling in innate immune cells in the
CNS84. Future studies will be required to determine the relative contribution of known
inflammatory receptors to fibrin and/or fibrinogen signalling and to discover novel cellular
receptors for fibrin and/or fibrinogen in the CNS.
Davalos et al. used two-photon laser scanning microscopy (2pLSM) to study the in vivo
response of microglia to fibrinogen in real time9. Fibrinogen injections into the healthy brain
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induced rapid (within ~30 minutes) microglial process extension that was sustained9. These
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effects were specific for fibrinogen as they were not detected with injections of other blood
proteins or plasma from fibrinogen-knockout mice, which contains all the plasma proteins
except fibrinogen9. Serial in vivo imaging in animals with EAE revealed that fibrinogen-
induced microglial clustering is one of the earliest events in inflammatory demyelination9.
Interestingly, a single stereotactic injection of fibrinogen in the corpus callosum was
sufficient to induce microglial activation and local chemokine secretion, followed by
recruitment and local differentiation of myelin antigen-specific T helper 1 (TH1) cells,
which lead to demyelination75. This fibrin-driven, autoimmune-mediated model of
inflammatory demyelination has been termed fibrin-induced encephalomyelitis (FIE)75 and
has been proposed as a novel experimental setting to study fibrin-induced microglia-driven
demyelination. Induction of FIE in CD11b-knockout mice or after pharmacological
treatment with anti-CD11b neutralizing antibodies ameliorates microglia activation,
chemokine and cytokine release and demyelination75, indicating the requirement of CD11b/
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and decreased paralysis. Studies in multiple laboratories using EAE, tumour necrosis factor
(TNF)-transgenic and viral models of MS have confirmed the protective and therapeutic
effects of genetic or pharmacological depletion of fibrinogen on inflammatory
demyelination8,86,87. Similar to the fibrinogen-reducing effects of ancrod, blocking the
conversion of fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin with the thrombin inhibitor hirudin was
effective in reducing the severity of EAE9,65. Importantly, therapeutically targeting the
coagulation cascade in EAE not only reduces inflammatory lesions but also protects from
axonal damage9, an increasingly appreciated contributor to MS pathology.
The fibrin γ377–395 epitope binds the CD11b/CD18 integrin receptor on microglia and
macrophages to induce innate inflammatory responses, and, as noted above, fibrin’s effects
in vivo are attenuated in CD11b-knockout mice8,75,76. However, CD11b/CD18 is a
pleiotropic receptor with several endogenous ligands. Therefore, results in CD11b-knockout
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mice need to be cautiously interpreted and not biasedly associated with a specific ligand,
especially in disease models, such as EAE, in which CD11b/CD18 is exposed to multiple
ligands. To overcome this caveat, the fibrin–CD11b/CD18 interaction can be selectively
disrupted using Fggγ390–396A knock-in mice that express a mutant fibrinogen that cannot
bind CD11b/CD18 (REF. 88) without affecting the binding of other ligands to CD11b/CD18
(FIG. 4). Microglial responses after injection of Fggγ390–396A plasma into the corpus
callosum are significantly lower than the responses to wild-type plasma75. Fggγ390–396A
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mice with EAE demonstrate reduced microglial activation, decreased axonal damage, less
demyelination and reduced paralysis8,9. Fggγ390–396A mice are also protected in models of
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target that could potentially modify the pathological responses at the onset and progression
of MS.
~50% of patients with clinically diagnosed AD92,93, suggesting that vascular factors play an
important role in AD pathogenesis. In patients with AD, BBB disruption correlates with
disease progression94, and in some AD animal models, BBB permeability actually precedes
other neuropathological alterations in the brain95, suggesting that BBB breakdown has a
causative role in AD initiation and progression. Indeed, microhaemorrhages are frequently
observed in the brains of humans with AD96, and they contribute to the conversion of mild
cognitive impairment into AD97. Microhaemorrhages colocalize with amyloid plaques in the
brains of individuals with AD98, further indicating that BBB disruption or blood itself may
be relevant to plaque deposition.
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extensively reported in animal models of AD. Transgenic mice with mutations in the human
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a small molecule that specifically inhibits fibrin–Aβ interaction in AD mice reduces vascular
pathology, blocks neuro-inflammation and protects from cognitive decline111. Similar to
EAE8, therapeutic intranasal administration of the γ377–395 peptide leads to cognitive
improvement and reduction of brain parenchyma Aβ deposition in AβPP/PS1 AD mice124.
Recently, Chen et al. demonstrated that depleting FXII also ameliorates brain pathology and
cognitive impairment in AD mice99,125. These studies suggest that the coagulation system
and its end product fibrin represent a pathogenic constituent of the underlying vascular
damage in AD that promotes inflammatory processes important for disease onset and
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BBB disruption over time because fibrinogen clots and accumulates in the brain as fibrin, an
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insoluble macromolecular deposit that can be removed from the brain only upon proteolytic
degradation34. As such, fibrin can accumulate in the CNS over a long period of time;
therefore, fibrin immunohistochemistry is indicative of long-term leakage. By contrast, a
single injection of exogenous tracers documents BBB disruption only on the specific day of
administration. Although a single administration of tracer can be informative in acute
models with a defined time point of onset (for example, EAE immunization or trauma), it
may be inadequate to determine BBB integrity in a transgenic neurodegeneration model that
develops pathology over several months. High-resolution confocal and multiphoton imaging
of fibrin may also improve the sensitivity of detecting subtle or focal disruptions of the BBB
that may develop over time in AD animal models9,10,112,114. Overall, combining
complementary methods to assess BBB integrity, adapting techniques to account for the
spatiotemporal differences of BBB disruption in acute injury and neuroinflammation models
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Chronic disruption of the BBB, as seen in transgenic animals with deficient endothelial
transport or aberrant pericyte signalling, is associated with increased perivascular deposition
of fibrin and progressive neurodegeneration109,112. Alterations in the expression of
endothelial tight-junction proteins and/or enhanced bulk-flow transcytosis may both
contribute to the accumulation of CNS fibrin deposits in these animals109,112,139. Fibrin
deposition precedes neuronal degenerative changes and behavioural deficits in pericyte-
mutant mice112, suggesting that fibrin entry into the CNS is a critical factor that initiates or
potentiates neurodegenerative processes after vascular disruption. Unlike animal models of
MS, AD and traumatic injury7, pericyte-deficient mice lack a significant neuroinflammatory
response until late in the disease course after considerable neuronal loss is already
established112. Therefore, fibrin and/or fibrinogen may have direct effects on CNS cells,
such as neurons, oligodendrocytes and pericytes, that promote neurodegenerative and
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cognitive changes independent from and/or synergistic with the pathology induced by fibrin-
mediated inflammation. Studies with genetic or pharmacological manipulation of fibrinogen
in pericyte-deficient mice and other neurodegenerative disease models are needed to explore
the potential causative role of fibrinogen in these models and to determine the neuronal,
oligodendrocyte and pericyte responses to fibrinogen that may contribute to
neurodegeneration after chronic BBB disruption (see note added in proof).
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Disruption of the BBB and fibrinogen deposition in the CNS affects not only underlying
inflammation and neurodegeneration but also the regenerative capacity of the injured tissue.
A growing body of work demonstrates that fibrinogen is a key extrinsic inhibitor of nervous
system repair by regulating growth factor receptor signalling and inflammatory responses
after CNS injury and disease. Fibrinogen activates bone morphogenetic protein (BMP),
TGFβ and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signalling in OPCs, astrocytes and
neurons, respectively, and influences the polarization of microglia and macrophages to
promote inflammation and inhibit regeneration. As such, fibrinogen plays a critical role in
the inhibition of remyelination, impairment of neuronal regeneration and formation of the
glial scar and serves as a critical environmental signal that transactivates signalling pathways
that limit nervous system repair (FIG. 4).
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Inhibition of remyelination.
After demyelinating injury in the CNS, myelin sheaths can be regenerated from OPCs,
which are recruited to sites of damage and differentiate into myelin-producing
oligodendrocytes in a process called remyelination140. Remyelination is critical for proper
axonal function and recovery after injury but often fails in a number of neurological
diseases141. Petersen et al. showed that fibrinogen is a key component of the CNS lesion
microenvironment that inhibits remyelination after vascular damage142. Fibrinogen activates
BMP receptor signalling in OPCs142, an important developmental pathway that regulates
oligodendrocyte regeneration after injury143. The BMP–TGFβ superfamily is an
evolutionarily conserved set of ligands, serine/threonine kinase cell surface receptors and
intracellular signalling cascades, including the canonical SMAD pathway, that together
control basic cellular functions, such as proliferation, survival and differentiation144. BMP
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signalling coordinates processes throughout the body, from developmental patterning and
organ formation to tissue homeostasis and repair, often through the regulation of stem
cells145. Indeed, the BMP–TGFβ superfamily controls the survival and cell fate
determination of many stem cell and progenitor cell populations throughout the body,
including embryonic, mesenchymal, neural and cancer stem cells145,146. In CNS
development, BMP signalling suppresses oligodendrogenesis and promotes astrogliogenesis
from neural stem cells147,148. After demyelinating CNS injury, Petersen et al. found that
fibrinogen is an extrinsic activator of BMP receptor signalling and inhibits OPC
differentiation into myelinating oligodendrocytes while promoting an astrocyte-like cell
fate142. Fibrinogen activates the BMP receptor activin A receptor type I (ACVR1) and
downstream BMP-specific SMAD proteins in OPCs independent of free BMP ligands to
inhibit myelin production142. In addition, fibrin induces M1-like activation of microglia and
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A recent study published after this review was accepted added pericyte-deficient mice as another animal model with BBB
abnormalities protected from genetic or pharmacologic depletion of fibrinogen and reported effects of fibrinogen on pericytes and
mature oligodendrocytes209.
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Fibrinogen’s inhibitory role in remyelination is not limited to the CNS. After peripheral
nerve injury, fibrinogen infiltrates the nerve through a disrupted blood–nerve barrier and is
deposited as fibrin13,154,155. Mice deficient in tPA and/or plasminogen, which have an
impaired ability to degrade fibrin, display increased fibrin deposition and exacerbation of
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impair remyelination.
the glial scar. In vitro, fibrinogen-bound latent TGFβ is activated by primary astrocytes and
stimulates the production of neurocan, a potent inhibitor of neurite outgrowth12. In vivo,
fibrinogen-bound latent TGFβ circulating in the blood enters the CNS after BBB disruption
and interacts with perivascular astrocytes to form active TGFβ. Mice with genetic or
pharmacological depletion of fibrinogen display significantly reduced levels of active TGFβ
and dramatic reductions in astrocytosis and glial scar formation after spinal cord injury as
compared with control mice12. These studies again highlight fibrinogen’s role as an
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extracellular regulator of growth factor receptor signalling and a critical molecular link
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between vascular disruption and failure of CNS regeneration. Given its pleiotropic functions,
fibrinogen may be an apical signal that orchestrates the molecular and cellular composition
of the CNS after vascular damage. As such, the persistence of fibrinogen in the CNS may be
an important indicator of a dysfunctional injury response, and therapeutic strategies that
target fibrinogen may tip the balance from a dysregulated environment, which often occurs
in CNS diseases with BBB disruption, to one that promotes regeneration and repair.
neuronal loss. Second, fibrin deposition is sustained in many CNS lesions; therefore, it can
be used to identify sites of BBB dysfunction even after the barrier is restored. Finally, fibrin
deposition is specific among blood proteins as a driver of cellular injury responses;
therefore, it is not only a marker of BBB disruption but also a marker of CNS pathology.
Therefore, detection of fibrin in the CNS provides several advantages over other molecular
tracers or contrast agents that detect only active BBB leakage at the time of administration.
Fibrin detection has the potential to become a valuable diagnostic tool in human CNS
disease but requires advancing from static, immunohistochemical detection of fibrin in post-
mortem tissues to real-time, in vivo monitoring of fibrin formation in animals and humans.
Conjugated molecular probes have been developed to specifically image fibrin and/or
fibrinogen in vivo. Anti-fibrin antibodies or fibrin and/or fibrinogen itself has been
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fluorescently labelled, injected into mice and imaged in real time using confocal microscopy
or 2pLSM to study the mechanisms and kinetics of fibrin clearance from the vasculature and
tissue41,159,160. Taking advantage of the high subcellular resolution (<1 μm) of 2pLSM,
Davalos et al. used intravenous injections of fluorescently labelled human fibrinogen to
monitor BBB disruption and fibrin deposition in the spinal cord of living mice during the
course of EAE9. The parenchymal fibrin deposition in the CNS correlated with perivascular
microglial clustering, formation of ROS and axonal damage, highlighting the potential use
of fibrin-specific probes to identify areas of pathology9. Tsai et al. developed a novel fibrin-
affinity peptide coupled to a fluorescent near-infrared dye to detect endogenous fibrin
deposition in mice using noninvasive whole-body scans161. To date, fibrin-specific probes
that can be imaged noninvasively with computed tomography (CT)162, MRI163 or positron
emission tomography (PET)164 have been primarily used to monitor intravascular
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An alternative to directly imaging fibrin in the CNS is to utilize probes that can monitor the
activity of upstream components of the coagulation cascade (FIG. 5a). The serine protease
thrombin catalyses the conversion of fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin. Thrombin-specific
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specifically to areas of high thrombin activity, such as acute blood clots, atherosclerotic
plaques and ischaemic areas of the brain165–167. A thrombin-specific ACPP has also been
used to detect coagulation activity in EAE in vivo168. In EAE, thrombin activation is an
early event that precedes demyelination, correlates with disease progression and is strongly
associated with BBB disruption, microglial activation and axonal damage168. The cellular
uptake of the ACPP allows concentration of the probe specifically at sites of increased
protease activity; therefore, ACPP-based probes may improve the sensitivity of CNS lesion
detection compared with passively diffusing contrast agents. In the future, thrombin-
cleavable probes may provide a sensitive and highly specific tool to enable noninvasive
imaging of CNS lesions and perhaps to predict the appearance of newly demyelinating foci
in diseases, such as MS.
coagulation cascade may serve as valuable blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers
to diagnose and track neurological disease progression (FIG. 5b). Indeed, an elevated plasma
fibrinogen level is a recognized risk factor for developing AD106,107. Several proteomic
studies in AD identify plasma or CSF fibrinogen as a useful marker of disease severity and
progression169–173 that correlates with neo-cortical amyloid burden174. Proteomics also
revealed elevated fibrin and/or fibrinogen degradation products in the CSF of patients with
traumatic brain injury175. High plasma fibrinogen levels can also be found in MS and the
related inflammatory demyelinating disease neuromyelitis optica and correlate with disease
severity and the presence of active lesions on MRI176. Furthermore, blood levels of the
coagulation factors prothrombin and factor X are significantly higher in relapsing–remitting
and secondary progressive MS patients than in healthy donors177, revealing that additional
upstream components of the coagulation cascade may also serve as valuable biomarkers for
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MS. Indeed, FXII activity is elevated in the plasma of patients with MS during relapse178.
Elevated plasma FXII is also true for AD, as shown by increased activation of the contact
system, an upstream FXII-mediated cascade that drives fibrin formation through the intrinsic
coagulation pathway179,180. Zamolodchikov et al. demonstrated that markers of contact
system activation, including increased levels of FXIIa, high-molecular-weight kininogen
cleavage and kallikrein activity, are detected in the plasma of patients with AD but not in
plasma from control subjects without dementia179. Increased levels of fibrinogen in the CSF
of patients with major depressive disorder were associated with white matter tract
abnormalities identified by diffusion tensor imaging181. These studies highlight
dysfunctional coagulation as a common thread among diverse CNS diseases with
neurovascular abnormalities. As such, imaging and fluid biomarkers of coagulation may
provide a valuable tool to enhance disease detection and monitoring in a number of CNS
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pathologies. These studies also need to be interpreted with caution because fibrinogen is an
acute phase reactant.
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abundantly detected in the human brain in MS, AD and trauma, and animal studies support
that fibrinogen is necessary and sufficient for the induction of neuroinflammatory processes.
Findings in humans and animal studies coupled with the capacity of fibrinogen and fibrin to
engage multiple receptors and signalling pathways in brain cells have the potential to launch
a field to test the fibrin hypothesis in neurological diseases.
Four key questions would need to be addressed to further elucidate the role of fibrinogen in
the CNS and its potential as a target for therapeutic intervention (FIG. 5b). First, how are the
pleiotropic effects of fibrinogen integrated during the disease course to affect inflammation,
degeneration and repair? To date, fibrinogen mutants have been generated only to inhibit the
interaction of fibrinogen with CD11b/CD18. Expanding the ‘fibrinogen toolbox’ of genetic
models and pharmacological agents and making these widely available to the neuroscience
community would be required to validate the relative contributions of other cellular
Author Manuscript
receptors and the in vivo contribution of its multiple cellular targets. Because cells are
exposed simultaneously to multiple inflammatory and vascular-derived stimulators, studies
using comparative multi-omics approaches would be essential to elucidate how CNS
immune cells integrate signals at sites of BBB disruption to regulate neuroinflammation,
neurodegeneration and repair. Second, what are the cellular targets and underlying molecular
mechanisms of the actions of fibrinogen in the CNS? In 2002, Akassoglou and Strickland
proposed that cells in the nervous tissue are equipped with receptors and intracellular
signalling pathways to mediate fibrin-induced cellular responses22. Indeed, in later years the
identification of microglia, OPCs, neurons, astrocytes, brain endothelial cells and Schwann
cells as cellular targets for fibrinogen changed our understanding of fibrinogen from a
marker of BBB disruption to an active player in nervous system pathogenesis (FIGS. 2–4).
The effects of fibrinogen on other brain cells, such as mature oligodendrocytes, pericytes,
Author Manuscript
different neuronal subtypes and neural progenitor cells, are now starting to be revealed (see
note added in proof). Furthermore, how fibrinogen influences neuron–glia communication
remains poorly understood. Studies to determine the cellular and molecular mechanisms of
fibrinogen and fibrin in the CNS would be critical for the discovery of new mechanisms that
link BBB dysfunction with neurological disease. Third, does fibrinogen contribute to disease
pathogenesis in neurological diseases with BBB disruption other than MS and AD? If so,
what is the magnitude of its pathogenic impact in these conditions or disease subtypes
relative to other pathogenic factors? Does fibrinogen contribute to different conditions
through the same key mechanisms or through a broad range of mechanisms that differ
among diseases? Genetic and pharmacological tools have demonstrated a causal role for
fibrinogen in MS and AD animal models (FIG. 3). These studies could serve as a roadmap
for testing whether fibrinogen plays a role in animal models of trauma, neurodegeneration
Author Manuscript
and even neuropsychiatric disorders. Indeed, emerging evidence suggests increased BBB
leakage in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and
psychosis170,182,183. The fibrinogen toolbox (FIG. 1b) could be employed to test the role of
fibrinogen across several animal models of disease with increased BBB permeability,
including brain trauma, spinal cord injury, subarachnoid haemorrhage, cerebral malaria,
epilepsy, pericyte-deficient mice and brain tumours (FIG. 5b; TABLE 1). Such studies have
the potential to identify fibrinogen-induced neuropathology as a common thread among
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several neurological diseases and psychiatric conditions and help predict the potential
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widespread clinical use for chronic CNS disease. In addition, these drugs do not deplete
fibrinogen, which also exerts pathogenic effects in the CNS.
Drugs that protect the BBB could potentially limit fibrinogen entrance in the CNS. For
example, activated protein C, which promotes endothelial barrier integrity, prevents
accumulation of blood-derived products in the CNS and attenuates neurodegeneration in
ALS-model mice184. Similarly, blocking the pro-inflammatory cyclophilin A pathway
stabilizes the BBB in APOE transgenic mice and decreases CNS fibrin deposition and
secondary neurodegenerative changes114. In EAE mice, upregulation of tight-junction
molecules in endothelial cells by a protein kinase Cβ inhibitor protects the BBB and
attenuates inflammation, demyelination and axonal damage. Interestingly, many disease-
modifying drugs currently in clinical use for MS have BBB-stabilizing properties185. In
addition to their immunomodulatory effects, interferon-β186, dimethyl fumarate187,
Author Manuscript
fingolimod188 and laquinimod189 all stabilize the BBB, often through actions on endothelial
tight-junction proteins. For example, laquinimod increases expression of tight-junction
proteins p120 and the tight-junction protein zonula occludens 1 in human brain endothelial
cells and suppresses migration of T lymphocytes across the BBB189. Statins, which are
commonly used for the treatment of dyslipidaemias, also reduce BBB permeability190 and
showed promise in the treatment of progressive MS patients191. A caveat of BBB-protective
agents could be that if they are administered therapeutically after the initial opening of the
BBB, they will not target fibrin already deposited in the CNS. Fibrin is an insoluble
substrate that appears to not be easily degraded in the brain. Indeed, there is abundant fibrin
deposition in the cortex in progressive MS66, which is considered to have significantly less
BBB leakage than white matter MS lesions. In this case, further protection of the BBB
would not be efficacious in removing or neutralizing fibrin already deposited in the CNS.
Author Manuscript
Targeting the interactions of fibrin with CD11b has proved a promising strategy in animal
models to selectively inhibit the pathological effects of fibrin in the CNS while preserving its
beneficial effects on blood clotting. The fibrin γ377–395 peptide inhibits the interaction of
fibrin with the CD11b-I domain of CD11b/CD18 and inhibits fibrin-induced microglia
activation in vitro and in vivo8,76. Therapeutic intranasal administration of the fibrin γ377–
395 peptide protects mice from EAE by suppressing paralysis, relapses, demyelination and
neuroinflammation8. Vaccination of EAE mice with the γ377–395 peptide also significantly
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395 peptide does not affect blood coagulation, suggesting that pharmaco-logical tools, such
as monoclonal antibodies against the γ377–395 fibrin epitope, can be developed to
selectively target the pro-inflammatory effects of fibrin without affecting its beneficial role
in haemostasis8. Fibrin–CD11b inhibitors have not yet been evaluated in human clinical
Development of novel fibrin therapeutics would pave the way for targeting blood-induced
Author Manuscript
inflammation and toxicity in the CNS. A fibrin therapeutics pipeline could include selective
targeting of fibrin domains with known deleterious functions in the CNS, structure-guided
drug design and unbiased high-throughput chemical and genomic screens of fibrin-
stimulated nervous system cells. The therapeutic effects in animal models of targeting fibrin
interactions with the CD11b-I domain or with Aβ suggest that it is possible to develop
pharmacological tools to target fibrin–protein interactions selectively in the CNS. An
advantage of this approach is the preservation of the beneficial clotting functions of
fibrinogen. The binding sites of fibrinogen to CNS targets do not overlap with its
coagulation sites, giving the opportunity to develop selective CNS pharmacological
inhibitors for fibrin and fibrinogen. Biochemistry studies to further identify fibrin and/or
fibrinogen receptors and binding proteins in the CNS and map specific binding sites on
fibrinogen would provide the basis for drug discovery. Crystallography studies of the
Author Manuscript
complexes of fibrinogen with its CNS targets could also be instrumental in characterization
of the interactions of fibrin with its receptors and binding proteins to enable structure-guided
drug design. Finally, unbiased small-molecule, RNAi and CRISPR–Cas9 screens can be
developed to identify inhibitors for intracellular pathways induced by fibrin activation of
nervous system cells. Chemical screens in the presence of extrinsic regulators of nervous
system pathology, such as fibrin, could enable the discovery of compounds that can
overcome the toxic lesion environment in vivo. Chemical and genetic screens can also be
performed in human nervous system cells isolated from patients to further enhance the
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target fibrinogen and fibrin, patient stratification could facilitate clinical development. Fluid
biomarkers of the coagulation cascade, noninvasive fibrin imaging tools to identify patients
with fibrin deposits in the CNS and metagenome-wide association studies to test whether
there are any potential genetic links with coagulation and/or fibrinolysis genes could be
instrumental for the translation of proof-of-principle fibrin drugs into novel therapies for
neurological diseases.
The authors are grateful to L. Mucke and D. Reich for critical reading of the manuscript, T. Roberts and J. Carroll
for graphics and G. Howard for editorial assistance. The authors are supported by the US National Institutes of
Health (NIH), National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) K12-HD072222 grant and a
Pediatric Scientist Development Program fellowship (supported by March of Dimes 4-FY10-461 and NIH/NICHD
K12-HD000850) to M.A.P, a Race to Erase MS Young Investigator Award and American Heart Association
Author Manuscript
Scientist Development grant to J.K.R and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society grant RG4985, NIH/NINDS grant
R35 NS097976, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation grant and US Department of Defense MS160082 grant to K.A.
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Box 1 |
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rescued in Plg−/−Fga−/− mice. Fibrinogen depletion enhances repair in mice after sciatic
nerve crush injury and chemical demyelination.
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experimental models, pharmacological and genetic tools, molecular imaging probes and
novel therapeutics has been developed to study fibrinogen’s contribution to neurovascular
pathology in CNS disease. To study cellular responses and dissect molecular signalling
mechanisms in vitro, fibrinogen and fibrin can be added to culture media, coated onto plates
or formed into 3D gels8,12,13,36,75,142,158. Fibrin and/or fibrinogen can be detected in the
diseased or injured nervous system with specific antibodies and through electron
microscopy9,194 (TABLE 1). A number of pharmacological agents and genetic tools have
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been used to test the causal role of fibrinogen in neurological disease, including fibrinogen-
depleting drugs8,13,75,86,142,195,196, inhibitors of fibrin formation9,65, inhibitors of fibrin
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interactions with integrin receptors and other proteins8,111,124 and fibrinogen-knockout and
knock-in mice8,9–13,86. Stereotactic fibrinogen injections and infusions into the CNS provide
experimental models to test fibrinogen-induced cellular responses and signalling pathways
in vivo9,12,75,116,142. Novel imaging tools also allow for real-time analysis of fibrinogen and
coagulation dynamics at the neurovascular unit in health and disease9,166,168. Altogether, the
fibrinogen toolbox can be employed to determine the role of fibrinogen in any neurological
disease with BBB disruption and a dysfunctional brain–vascular–immune axis.
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Figure 2 |. Fibrinogen structure, cellular targets and signalling networks in the nervous system.
Fibrin and fibrinogen interact with receptors on nervous system cells to activate downstream
signalling, regulate basic cellular functions and influence inflammatory, neurodegenerative
and repair processes in disease6,7,24,34. Fibrinogen is composed of three distinct
polypeptides, designated Aα, Bβ and γ28, which contain multiple binding sites for cellular
receptors and proteins. Grey-shaded areas designate the location of binding sites, with
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fibrinogen amino acid sequence numbers and the corresponding receptor or bound protein
listed above the site. Fibrinogen chain Aα (blue) binds plasminogen/tissue-type
plasminogen activator (tPA)197, fibronectin198 and latent transforming growth factor-β
(TGFβ)12 and interacts with the integrin receptors α5β1 (REF. 199), αvβ3 (REF. 200) and
αvβ8 (REF. 201) through its Arg–Gly–Asp (RGD) motif. Fibrinogen chain Bβ (green)
binds vascular endothelial cadherin (VE-cadherin; also known as CDH5)202, very low-
density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR)203 and amyloid-β120. Fibrinogen chain γ (red) binds
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tPA197, the integrin receptors CD11b/CD1876,77 and αIIbβ3 (REF. 27); it also binds
intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (not shown on figure)204. Upon activation of the
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have also been utilized for testing Schwann cell differentiation and migration13,157. 3D fibrin
gels are ideally suited for the study of mechanisms of fibrin degradation and the discovery of
novel mechanisms in the CNS that regulate fibrinolysis. Indeed, the discovery of the low-
affinity neurotrophin receptor p75NTR (NGFR) as a regulator of PLAT and plasminogen
activator inhibitor 1 (PAI1) transcriptional regulation was facilitated by the culture of
Schwann cells on 3D fibrin gels13,36. Studies to methodically compare the responses of CNS
cells to all the potential forms of fibrinogen, fibrin and fibrin degradation products are
required to associate fibrinogen structure and function with an observed biological outcome.
These studies can be influenced by the experimental setting, the purity of fibrinogen
preparations, the methods of primary cell isolation and the stage of cell differentiation at the
time of fibrinogen or fibrin treatment. ACVR1, activin A receptor type 1; P-AKT,
phosphorylated serine/threonine-protein kinase; P-EGFR, phosphorylated epidermal growth
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Figure 3 |. Timeline of in vivo genetic and pharmacological evidence showing a causal role for
fibrin and/or fibrinogen in the development of neurological disease.
Pharmacological depletion of fibrinogen with the defibrinogenating agents ancrod or
batroxobin protected Lewis rats in multiple sclerosis (MS) models85,195,196; this finding was
later confirmed in mouse MS models8,75,86. Akassoglou et al. provided the first genetic
proof for a causal role for fibrin in a nervous system experimental model of nerve
regeneration13. Later studies demonstrated fibrin to be a critical determinant of
neuroinflammation as fibrinogen-knockout mice showed reduced microglial activation and
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and pharmacological evidence point to a causal role for fibrin and/or fibrinogen in the CNS
and may represent a novel target for therapeutic intervention in neurological disease. GFAP,
glial fibrillary acidic protein; MOG, myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; PLP, myelin
proteolipid protein; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.
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Figure 4 |. Fibrinogen at the helm of CNS innate immune activation and neurodegeneration.
Fibrin is a key contributor to inflammatory demyelination, neurodegeneration and inhibition
of CNS repair. a | In multiple sclerosis animal models, blood–brain barrier (BBB) disruption
leads to increased coagulation activity and fibrin deposition in the brain, which binds to the
CD11b/CD18 integrin receptor, thus driving early microglial activation, recruitment of
peripheral macrophages and T cells and leading to demyelination and axonal damage8, 9,75.
Fibrin-induced activation induces a gene transcription signature characterized by increased
secretion of chemokines (such as CXC-chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10) and monocyte
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Figure 5 |. The coagulation cascade and its final product fibrin as clinically relevant biomarkers
and potential therapeutic targets for neurological disease.
a | Fibrinogen and components of the coagulation cascade could serve as clinically relevant
plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers to diagnose and track disease progression
in neurological disease. Upstream components of the coagulation cascade, including the
contact system, coagulation factor X and prothrombin, are elevated in multiple sclerosis
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(MS)177,178 and/or Alzheimer disease (AD)179. Fibrinogen itself is elevated in the plasma or
CSF from patients with MS176 and AD106,107,169–173 and often correlates with disease
severity. Fibrin degradation products are also found in the CSF of traumatic brain injury
(TBI) patients175. Studies of animal models of AD and MS highlight the therapeutic
potential of targeting coagulation for CNS disease. Coagulation factor XII depletion protects
mice in the experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE) MS model178 and in AD
models125. The thrombin inhibitor hirudin blocks the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin
and is protective in EAE9,65. Genetic and/or pharmacological depletion of fibrinogen is
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which have impaired fibrin degradation, show increased severity of EAE and delayed
recovery206. Together, human biomarker and animal studies highlight the potential utility of
monitoring and perhaps targeting the coagulation cascade in neurological disease. b | In the
future, expanding the ‘fibrinogen toolbox’ will enable translation of novel therapeutics,
biomarkers and imaging probes to human clinical trials to test the ‘fibrin hypothesis’ of
neurological disease. ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; Apo-E, apolipoprotein E; ASO,
antisense oligonucleotide; BBB, blood–brain barrier; CTE, chronic traumatic
encephalopathy; GFAP, glial fibrillary acidic protein; GWAS, genome-wide association
studies; HD, Huntington disease; PD, Parkinson disease; SAH, subarachnoid haemorrhage;
TMEV, Theiler murine encephalomyelitis virus; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; 5×FAD and
TgCRND8 are both transgenic mouse models of AD that develop severe amyloid pathology.
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Table 1 |
Pre-active NAWM Fibrin centred around vessels with clusters of microglia with enhanced MHCII+ CD45+ 62
cells and CD68+ cells in areas of intact myelin
Active Fibrin throughout the demyelinated lesion parenchyma but centred around vessels along 62–64,68,
with MHCII+ Oil Red O-stained macrophages 207,208
Chronic active Fibrin throughout the demyelinated lesion, colocalized with astrocytic and axonal processes; 62
lesion borders with MHCII+ macrophages
Chronic inactive Fibrin throughout the demyelinated lesion, colocalized with astrocytic and axonal processes; 62–64, 142,207
hypocellular lesions with widespread astrogliosis
EM detection of parenchymal fibrin deposition in the perivascular space associated with 194
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Fibrin deposition in the MS motor cortex correlated with decreased neuronal density 66
Active Fibrin deposition present in all active lesions correlating with microglia and/or macrophages 69,142,
and perivenous demyelination 208,210
Pre-active NAWM Fibrin deposition in areas of intact myelin with microglial activation, iNOS+ cells and APP 69
+ neurons, but no parenchymal T cell infiltration
Fibrin in the perivascular area with amyloid plaques, microglial activation, astrogliosis and 101
HLA-DR+ cells
Fibrin deposition in the vessels associated with cerebral amyloid angiopathy and increased 100
perivascular macrophages
Perivascular fibrin deposits correlated with loss of pericyte coverage of brain vessels 105
Fibrin detection in areas with amyloid plaques and dystrophic neurites 104
Fibrin accumulation in the parietal cortex correlated with PDGFRβ loss and fibrillary Aβ 103
Amyotrophic lateral Fibrin accumulations found in motor-neuron-dense regions in the cervical spinal cord 129
sclerosis anterior horn grey matter
PD Extravascular fibrin increased 9.4-fold in the striatum of PD patients compared with 133
controls; all 12 PD patients showed fibrin extravasation
Traumatic brain injury Widespread perivascular fibrin deposition in both acute and chronic phases after traumatic 138
brain injury
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Cerebral malaria Widespread fibrin deposition associated with perivascular cell processes 212
Brain tumour Fibrinogen and/or fibrin found in primary (glioblastoma) and metastatic human brain 213
tumours in close association with macrophages
Aβ, amyloid-β; APP, Aβ precursor protein; COX2, cyclooxygenase 2 (also known as PTGS2); EM, electron microscope; ELISA, enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay; HD, Huntington disease; HLA-DR, human leukocyte antigen-DR; iNOS, inducible NO synthase (also known as NOS2);
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MHCII, major histocompatibility complex class II; MS, multiple sclerosis; NAWM, normal-appearing white matter; PD, Parkinson disease;
PDGFRβ, platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β; ZO1, zonula occludens protein 1.
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