L1 Philosophy
L1 Philosophy
L1 Philosophy
What is Philosophy
Branches of Philosophy
The Free Dictionary has defined
Philosophy as: “study of the
ultimate reality, causes, and
principles underlying being and
At its simplest, philosophy
(from the Greek or phílosophía,
meaning ‘the love of wisdom’)
is the study of knowledge, or
"thinking about thinking"
The Meaning of Philosophy
It is called science because the investigation is
systematic. It follows certain steps or it employs certain
The philosophical study of the nature, origin, and
limits of human knowledge.
Branches of Philosophy
The study of reasoning, or the study of the
principles and criteria of valid inference and
The branch of philosophy concerned with the
nature and appreciation of art, beauty and good
Value of Philosophy
By: Bertrand Russell
The aim of philosophy is the achievement of
knowledge through criticism, "which gives
unity and system to the body of sciences."
Philosophizing, on the other hand, allows us to
see even the most ordinary things in
unfamiliar light. Though such consideration
diminishes our faulty certainty about the
world, it suggests numerous possibilities
"which enlarge our thoughts and free them
from the tyranny of custom."
Value of Philosophy
By: Bertrand Russell
Though we lose a little of our confidence as to
what things are, we gain knowledge of what
they may be. Philosophy banishes "arrogant
dogmatism" and liberates "our sense of
Philosophic thought also has a value by virtue
of the things it contemplates and the
distinctness of those things from "personal
aims" and "private interests." Philosophy lets
in the outside world and enlarges out interest.
Value of Philosophy
By: Bertrand Russell
Russell holds that the primary value of
philosophy is not in any kind of definite
answer, but exists in the questions themselves.
He concludes that, "through the greatness of
the universe which philosophy contemplates,
the mind also is rendered great."
In philosophy, the principle of
Holism (which comes from the
Greek "holos" meaning "all" or
"total") was concisely
summarized by Aristotle in his
"Metaphysics": "The whole is
more than the sum of its parts".
“Holism in general terms (whether
in science, sociology, economics,
linguistics or philosophy) is the idea
that all the properties of a given
system cannot be determined or
explained by its component parts
alone, but the system as a whole
determines in an important way
how the parts behave.
Types of Holism
Is the claim that a single scientific theory cannot be tested in isolation,
because a test of one theory always depends on other theories and
Reflective Practice
Models of Reflective
Reflective Practice
Reflective activity is simply defined as
“the ability to think about or reflect
on what you do.” Its aim is to engage
in a process of continuous learning.
Gillie said that it involves “paying
critical attention to the practical
values and theories which inform
everyday actions, by examining
practice reflectively and reflexively.
This leads to developmental insight.”
Reflective Practice
Someone who reflects does not
simply look back on the past actions
and events in his or her life. It is
through conscious looking at
emotional experiences, actions, and
responses and using this information
to add to his or her existing
knowledge could make a person
reach a higher level of understanding.
Reflective Practice
David Boud, an adult education
professor explained that reflection is
an essential human activity in which
people recapture their experience,
explore it and evaluate it. It is said
that when a person is experiencing
something, he or she may be
implicitly learning.
Models of Reflective Practice
BORTON (1970)
Reach, Touch and Teach was published in 1970 by an
American school teacher, Terry Borton. Within this
book he developed a What, So What, Now What
sequence of reflective education that also acts as a
framework for reflective practice.
Borton describes this model as a fluid process where
no part of it can exclude another – it is a “continuous
integrated flow”with no beginning or end.
Models of Reflective Practice
GIBBS 1988
Learning researcher Graham Gibbs discussed the use
of structured debriefing to facilitate the reflection
involved in Kolb's experiential learning cycle.
Gibbs' suggestions are often cited as "Gibbs' reflective
cycle" or "Gibbs' model of reflection", and simplified
into the following six distinct stages to assist in
structuring reflection on learning experiences (Finlay,
2008): Description Feelings Evaluation Analysis
Conclusions Action plan
Models of Reflective Practice
JOHNS 1995
Johns highlights the importance of experienced
knowledge and the ability of a practitioner to access,
understand and put into practice information that
has been acquired through empirical means
Reflection occurs though "looking in" on one's
thoughts and emotions and "looking out" at the
situation experienced.
Models of Reflective Practice
Adult education scholar Stephen Brookfield proposed
that critically reflective practitioners constantly
research their assumptions by seeing practice
through four complementary lenses:
1. Lens 1: Our autobiography as a learner.
2. Lens 2: Our learners' eyes.
3. Lens 3: Our colleagues' experiences.
4. Lens 4: Theoretical literature.
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