The FIFA 11 Injury Prevention Program For Soccer P
The FIFA 11 Injury Prevention Program For Soccer P
The FIFA 11 Injury Prevention Program For Soccer P
Background: Soccer is one of the most widely played sports in the world. However, soccer players have an increased
risk of lower limb injury. These injuries may be caused by both modifiable and non-modifiable factors, justifying the
adoption of an injury prevention program such as the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) 11+. The
purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the FIFA 11+ injury prevention program for soccer players.
Methodology: This meta-analysis was based on the PRISMA 2015 protocol. A search using the keywords “FIFA,” “injury
prevention,” and “football” found 183 articles in the PubMed, MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, and ScienceDirect databases. Of
these, 6 studies were selected, all of which were randomized clinical trials.
Results: The sample consisted of 6,344 players, comprising 3,307 (52%) in the intervention group and 3,037 (48%) in the
control group. The FIFA 11+ program reduced injuries in soccer players by 30%, with an estimated relative risk of 0.70
(95% confidence interval, 0.52–0.93, p = 0.01). In the intervention group, 779 (24%) players had injuries, while in the
control group, 1,219 (40%) players had injuries. However, this pattern was not homogeneous throughout the studies
because of clinical and methodological differences in the samples. This study showed no publication bias.
Conclusion: The FIFA 11+ warm-up program reduced the risk of injury in soccer players by 30%.
Keywords: Injury, Prevention, Soccer
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( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Soccer-related injuries are associated with both non- Table 1 Exercises and repetitions of the FIFA11+ program
modifiable factors, such as sex and age, and modifiable fac- Exercise Repetitions
tors, such as those that can be improved through programs I. Running exercises, 8 minutes (starting warming up, in pairs; Path
that influence force, balance, and flexibility. Although both consists of 6-10 pairs of parallel cones)
sets of factors interact and are risk determinants [13–15], Running Straight Ahead 2
professional players stop participating in soccer because of Running Hip Out 2
many modifiable causes [16]. The evaluation and imple-
Running Hip In 2
mentation of preventive soccer training routines are essen-
Running Circling Partner 2
tial, as injuries are associated with expensive treatment and
prolonged withdrawal duration [5, 16]. Running Shoulder Contact 2
The FIFA 11+ injury prevention program was developed Running Quick Forwards 2
in 2006 to address this matter, under the leadership of the and Backwards
FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Centre and in col- II. Strength, plyometrics, balance, 10 minutes
laboration with the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center The Bench:
and the Santa Monica Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Level 1: static 3×20-30 sec
Center. The program comprises a complete warm-up pro- Level 2: alternate legs 3×20-30 sec
cedure aimed at injury prevention in soccer players. It in-
Level 3: one leg l 3×20-30 sec
cludes 15 structured exercises, is available as printed ift and hold
material or online, and is easily executed [15]. The exercises
Sideways Bench:
consist of core stabilization, eccentric thigh muscle training,
Level 1: static 3×20-30 sec (each side)
proprioceptive training, dynamic stabilization, and plyomet-
ric exercises, all performed with proper postural alignment. Level 2: raise 3×20-30 sec (each side)
and lower hip
Program effectiveness was confirmed by various stud-
ies involving female and male players that revealed sig- Level 3: with leg lift 3×20-30 sec (each side)
nificant decreases in the incidence of non-contact Hamstrings
injuries. The program was initially designed for amateur Level 1: Beginner 3-5
soccer; however, several studies demonstrated its effect- Level 2: Intermediate 7-10
iveness for other sports such as basketball [17]. Level 3: Avanced 12-15
The program is composed of 3 stages, with 15 exer-
Single-leg Stance
cises following a specific sequence. It is essential that the
correct techniques are used, with emphasis on appropri- Level 1: hold the Ball 2×30 sec
ate posture and body control, including leg alignment, Level 2: throwing ball 2×30 sec
with partner
knee positioning over the foot tip, and smooth landings
(Table 1) [18]. The program is based on performing Level 3: test your partner 2×30 sec
warm-ups at least twice a week [3]. Studies also indi- Squats:
cated that a qualified trainer and medical monitoring are Level 1: with toe raise 2×30 sec
factors that influence the effectiveness of the FIFA 11+ Level 2: walking lunges 2×30 sec
program [19]. Furthermore, a period of at least 10–12
Level 3: one leg squats 2×30 sec (each leg)
weeks is required to obtain results.
This systematic review aimed at investigating the effect-
iveness of the FIFA 11+ program in preventing injuries in Level 1: vertical jumps 2×30 sec
soccer players of both sexes aged >13 years by analyzing Level 2: lateral jumps 2×30 sec
randomized clinical trial studies in the literature. This is the Level 3:box jumps 2×30 sec
first systematic review to address the subject by exclusively III. Running Exercises, 2 minutes (End of heating)
using randomized clinical trials.
Running across the pitch 2
Running bouding 2
This study was conducted using the PRISMA Statement Running plant and cut 2
2015 ( [20]. The follow-
ing databases were used: PubMed, MEDLINE, LILACS, in soccer players of both sexes aged >13 years. In the data-
SciELO, and ScienceDirect. The following keywords were base search, 183 studies were found, of which 11 had a
searched: “FIFA,” “injury prevention,” and “football.” The relevant title and only 8 were selected through their ab-
research aimed at finding studies that reported on the ef- stracts; 6 remained after text review through analysis of
fectiveness of the FIFA 11+ program for injury prevention data availability and study design (Fig. 1).
The analysis included 6 studies performed in different
countries, with 3 in Europe [23–25], 2 in North America
[26, 27], and 1 in Africa [28]. The samples in 3 studies
were composed of male players [23, 27, 28], and those in
the other 3 were composed of female players [24–26]. All
studies were randomized clinical trials that evaluated the
effects of the FIFA 11+ program on injury prevention.
The total sample consisted of 6,344 players, of which
3,307 (52%) belonged to the intervention group (IG) and
3,037 (48%) belonged to the control group (CG). The IG
Fig. 1 Organization chart of the selection of articles. had 779 injuries, while the CG had 1,219 injuries. There-
PRISMA-2015 Protocol fore, we can conclude that the FIFA 11+ program is ef-
fective for preventing injuries in soccer players, as its
The inclusion criteria were randomized clinical trial use led to a 30% reduction in injury occurrences, with
studies that analyzed relationships between the FIFA 11 an estimated RR of 0.70 (95% confidence interval [CI],
+ program and injury prevention in soccer players and 0.52–0.93; p = 0.01; Fig. 2).
studies published in Portuguese, English, Spanish, and The selected studies (through the described method-
French. Studies were evaluated using the Jadad scale ology) were submitted to a heterogeneity analysis using
[21]; all the studies scored >3. Only articles published the Higgins and Thompson I2 test [29, 30], which
between 2006 and 2016 were selected, based on the yielded an I2 value of 91%. The inconsistency among the
launch year of the program. Database searches were per- studies is probably due to sampling and methodology
formed until March 14, 2016. The exclusion criteria differences (Fig. 2).
were studies without randomized clinical trials, those Furthermore, heterogeneity was estimated using re-
that contained inadequate descriptions or incomplete stricted maximum likelihood estimation (τ2 = 0.10) and a
data, those without soccer-playing populations, or those chi-square test (χ2 = 53.10; p < 0.001), which also con-
that associated the FIFA 11+ program with injury occur- firmed the heterogeneity among the studies and distortions
rence. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were sorted in their distributions (Fig. 2).
according to PICO (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Based on the results, we decided to investigate the het-
Objectives) (Table 2) [22]. erogeneity due to the scarcity of references in the literature
The chosen measure of association was relative risk and the importance of the subject. A thorough analysis of
(RR). Analyses were conducted using a random effects references revealed that the heterogeneity was related to
model, as studies presented significant variations among clinical factors inherent to the sample, clinical characteris-
ages and training frequencies in addition to sex-related tics of the studies, and methodological heterogeneity.
A forest plot was used for result interpretation (Fig. 2),
Table 2 Inclusion criteria according to the acronym PICO
where the studies by Owoeye et al., 2014, Silvers-Granelli
et al., 2015, Soligard et al., 2008, and Steffen et al., 2008,
Indicators Results according to PICO remained to the left of the vertical line, demonstrating that
Project Clinical Trials injuries were more likely to occur in the CG. Meanwhile,
Population Participants (male and female), those by Hammes et al., 2014, Steffen et al., 2008, and
without restriction at a certain Steffen et al., 2013 remained to the right, indicating that
age (adolescents, professional
and amateur players) the results of the FIFA 11+ program were not significant.
However, the outcome represented by the diamond graph
Intervention FIFA11+
remained to the left, indicating that the program is effect-
Comparisons Conventional or without the
FIFA 11+ warm-up program
ive for injury prevention.
The consistent results of the analysis of lower limb in-
Measures of Results Injury/incidence rates
juries are highlighted by the RR of 0.70 (95% CI, 0.53–
Fig. 2 Analysis of the six independent samples, relating to the risk of injury in patients with different injury prevention programs
0.93; p = 0.02). In addition, the risk of moderate/severe occurrence of injuries in soccer players of both sexes
injuries was analyzed in 5 studies that contained this in- aged >13 years. Another systematic review conducted by
formation and revealed consistent RR results of 0.69 Mayo et al. (2014) included clinical and cohort studies
(95% CI, 0.54–0.88; p = 0.003). and showed 33% and 57% reductions in injury occur-
Finally, this study did not show evidence of publication rence, respectively. Thus, this meta-analysis also used
bias. Analysis was performed using a funnel plot (Fig. 3). studies that showed the effectiveness of the FIFA 11+
program (Table 3).
Discussion Owoeye et al. [27] studied Nigerian players aged 14–19
The FIFA 11+ injury prevention program has been recom- years (n = 416, IG: 212, CG: 204) for 6 months and found
mended and adopted worldwide, owing to its effectiveness that the FIFA 11+ program was effective, with a global in-
and easy application. The main finding of this study was jury reduction rate of 41% (RR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.40–0.86; p
that the program reduced injury risk by 30% (RR 0.70; 95% = 0.006) during the evaluation period. Silvers-Granelli et al.
CI, 0.52–0.93). This result corroborates data from other [26] applied the program for American players of the Na-
studies regarding the effectiveness of the FIFA 11+ pro- tional Collegiate Athletic Association and observed a
gram for injury prevention in soccer players. One example 46.1% reduction in the injury rate (RR, 0.54; 95% CI, 0.49–
is a cohort study performed in the USA in 2013 [31], 0.59; p < 0.0001; number needed to treat, 2.64). Finally,
which evaluated the protective effect of the program in Soligard et al. [24], who were the first to test the FIFA 11+
male soccer players aged 18–25 years. The study adopted program, performed a randomized clinical trial with 1,892
the first stage as the control and the second stage as the female Norwegian players aged 13–17 years (IG: 1,055,
intervention evaluation and observed an RR reduction of CG: 837). The FIFA 11+ program was applied for 8
approximately 72% (RR, 0.28; 95% CI, 0.09–0.85). months, and a 32% reduction in injury incidence was ob-
Soligard et al. (2010) obtained similar results when served (RR = 0.68; 95% CI, 0.48–0.98).
they evaluated the same parameters in female soccer The literature presents a few studies that suggest the
players aged 13–17 years. The program was applied 1.3 ineffectiveness of the use of the FIFA 11+ program in
times a week for 10 months and was associated with a decreasing the injury rate, which highlights the need for
46% lower risk of injuries in the IG (odds ratio, 0.54; an improved understanding of this subject. However, this
95% CI, 0.33–0.87). In the same context, a systematic re- dichotomy is possibly a result of the lack of a specific
view published in 2014 [19] analyzed cohort and control program protocol.
studies and reported a 30–70% decrease in the Analysis of the results of the systematic review showed
increased heterogeneity (I2 = 90%). We decided that a
relevant approach would be to address this heterogeneity
by identifying its main points in order to better under-
stand factors that may interfere with the effectiveness of
the program and to propose solutions.
A thorough reference analysis attributed the heterogen-
eity to clinical factors inherent to the sample, such as sex,
age, body mass index (BMI), and clinical characteristics of
the injuries. Furthermore, methodological heterogeneity
may occur because of the lack of a protocol, type of warm-
up adopted by the CG, non-blinded trainers, differences in
capacity among training teams, and technical managers, as
well as study frequency and duration.
In this review, the sample ages typically ranged from
Fig. 3 Evaluation of publication bias, showing homogeneity
13 to 25 years old, though the study conducted by
Hammes et al. [22] included individuals aged >40 years because their technical abilities are inferior to those of
(IG: 42.5 years old; CG: 43.1 years old). This factor is ex- professionals. In addition, professional players are more
tremely relevant owing to the increased articular degen- likely to adopt prevention programs [24]. Comparisons re-
eration inherent to the aging process; furthermore, age vealed that amateurs and professionals are more fre-
also affects attitude and behavior during sports practice, quently injured during training and during the game,
physical resistance, and circumstances under which a respectively. In addition, less severe injuries occur in pro-
soccer game is played [32, 33]. In this sense, player ma- fessionals, whereas moderate and severe injuries are
turity is related to a higher commitment level and prevalent in amateurs [44].
greater exercise awareness [24]. On the other hand, ad- Several studies used weekly monitoring [25, 27, 28],
vanced age was identified as an injury risk factor in men whereas other studies used monthly monitoring. Still other
aged >28 years and women aged >25 years [34]. It is studies performed monitoring on demand [26]. Clearly, re-
worth emphasizing the effect of age on injury profiles, as liable results were more likely obtained by those who per-
younger athletes display more aggressive behavior while formed more frequent monitoring. When trainers
playing sports. This factor, which is associated with questioned the reports, the programs and monitoring were
lower motor coordination in teenagers aged 14–16 years, more effectively conducted. This methodology may also
explains the occurrence of higher contusion-type injuries have contributed to reductions in partial or incorrect
in the lower limbs [35]. However, training is advanta- reporting, which was present in most of the studies.
geous for young players, considering that they have not Attention to proper trainer monitoring and data re-
yet developed the bad habits of experienced players, cording was found to be an essential factor, as the
which may ensure more correct exercise execution [25]. trainers were present in some studies [23, 26, 27], while
Another important factor was BMI, which is composed in other studies, this spare-time role was filled by par-
of non-modifiable (height) and modifiable factors (weight). ents [25] or “advisory players” [23] who complained
Hammes et al. [23] reported a BMI suggestive of over- about the overload inherent to this activity. Such over-
weight for both groups (IG: 27; CG: 26,1). Some analyzed load combined with trainers lacking knowledge regard-
studies did not report BMI [24–27], while others pre- ing randomization explained the abandonment of the
sented normal values [28], which hindered analysis. This CG in several studies, as many trainers felt discouraged
index modification (overweight or underweight) is related because they were not selected for the IG or were simply
to higher injury occurrence, as overweight suggests less not available for data reports.
physical conditioning and, consequently, higher articular Methodology was also associated with relevant factors.
wear due to overload. On the other hand, underweight is As previously mentioned, the FIFA 11+ program is easily
related to reduced muscle mass and decreased ability to applicable; however, effectiveness is only obtained if exer-
stabilize articulations during the game [16, 35]. cises are performed within the existing standards. On the
Sex was another relevant clinical factor. Three studies other hand, homogeneity in program application was ab-
analyzed men [23, 27, 28], and 3 analyzed women [24–26]. sent among different reference groups, which affected the
The literature presents clear evidence of higher overall in- results obtained through the combined analysis. A stand-
jury rates in men [36]. However, women tend to have more ard protocol for the warm-up program application was
ligament injuries [37, 38] and fewer muscle injuries than nonexistent; thus, application in some studies was accord-
men [39, 40]. This injury profile may be explained by hor- ing to FIFA recommendations, i.e., 2 or 3 times a week
monal factors, especially those associated with sex, which [25, 26], while others used 1-week intervals [23, 24, 27,
are linked to anterior cruciate ligament injuries [41, 42]. 28]. Furthermore, differences were observed in the study
Clinical aspects were also evaluated, and important dif- period duration, which varied between 4.5 and 9 months.
ferences were observed, which may have affected the het- All these factors may have affected the results, which may
erogeneity of the results. Initially, emphasis was placed on be more reliable in the groups that applied the program
the intrinsic subjectivity of injury categorization, even using the recommended frequency; weekly evaluations
though all studies had declarations of consensus on the in- may not have revealed the true program effectiveness.
jury definitions and data collection procedures used in Therefore, it is important to consider that the effectiveness
soccer studies [43] for evaluating player injuries. This of warm-up programs depends on long-term factors such
means that the concept of injury and its categorization are as the development of muscular strength for protecting,
subjective, both from the examiner’s and patient’s perspec- supporting, and stabilizing skeletal articulations [16].
tives. This subjectivity may have been increased in the Thus, studies with shorter durations may not have allowed
studies where injury was not evaluated by a qualified pro- sufficient time for the development of appropriate muscu-
fessional [23] and was diagnosed by the trainer or player. lar strength. The minimum duration that is necessary ac-
Another relevant factor was the analyzed player type, as cording to the program recommendation is 10–12 weeks,
most were amateurs who are more susceptible to injuries if applied using the appropriate frequency [18].
Methodological differences were also identified in may have affected results and contributed to possible pro-
terms of the capacity and randomization knowledge of gram ineffectiveness resulting from application errors.
the trainers. All results revealed that program assessors
were not blinded; correct FIFA 11+ program application Conclusion
would be impossible without proper knowledge. All the The FIFA 11+ warm-up program is effective for prevent-
studies used support materials such as DVDs, posters, ing injuries in soccer players of both sexes aged >13 years.
and online information; only two studies used a training
workshop [27] or a 3-hour course conducted by the Acknowledgements
Not applicable
Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center [25]. After these
sessions, however, trainers could not count on improve- Funding
ment sessions or monitoring to guarantee conformity in This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the
public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
the application of the FIFA 11+ program. It is worth
noting that trainers are the key to promoting injury pre- Availability of data and materials
vention, as they are responsible for regular and correct Not applicable.
exercise execution.
Authors’ contributions
Few studies verified exercise similarities among groups Each author has contributed individually and significantly to the
[25, 27], which may have affected the results. A CG per- development of the manuscript. DS and JAB were the main contributors in
forming similar exercises may have compromised data the writing of the manuscript. DS, DNLR, BABM, RJFC contributed to the data
collection and selection of the articles. DS, JAB and POC made the final
reliability. Furthermore, even with proper randomization selection of the articles and carried out the bibliographic review. BABM and
and group blinding, information about the FIFA 11+ RJFC tabulated the data and calculated the statistical results. JAB, RJFC, DS
program is easily found online, which could have com- and POC, organized the final results and contributes on the manuscript
discussion. DS, JAM and POC reviewed the manuscript and contributed to
promised the study blinding. the intellectual concept of the study. All authors read and approved the final
Thus, it is important to emphasize that soccer is one manuscript.
of the most popular sports worldwide; however, it carries
Ethics approval and consent to participate
a significant risk of injuries, especially in the lower Not applicable.
limbs. These injuries are mainly related to modifiable
factors, which corroborates the critical role played by Consent for publication
warm-up programs. Accordingly, these programs should Not applicable.
be easily applicable and involve all soccer players, which Competing interests
is consistent with the proposal of the FIFA 11+ program. The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Thus, new research on this subject is warranted and
must follow the recommendations of the FIFA 11+ pro- Publisher’s Note
gram to determine its effectiveness based on a specified Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affiliations.
utilization period (frequency and duration) and quality
of exercise performance. Author details
The effectiveness of the program is evident in commit- 1
Division of knee Surgery, Clínica Ortopédica Traumatológica – COT., Rua
Colmar Americano da Costa, 121, Pituba. Apt 1404C, Salvador, Bahia
ted players who are supported by training and health 41830-600, Brazil. 2Medical School; Department of Orthopedics, Faculdade de
teams. The ineffectiveness presented by some studies is Tecnologia e Ciências – FTC, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
related to the lack of commitment to a program venue
Received: 15 January 2017 Accepted: 17 November 2017
and an inappropriate application period or frequency
due to the lack of motivation by trainers or players in-
volved in the intervention. References
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