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Tool room and Training Centre Karnataka

Centre: Mangalore
Faculty Name: Mohith S
Contact: 9481269783; 8310499082
Subject: Hydraulics and Pneumatics DTDM/DPM-VIS 602
Chapter: Electrical Control of Fluid Power

Fill in the blank

1. The most convenient way of control of fluid power is through electric control
2. The use of electrical power system led to the development of Electro-
Hydraulics and Electro-Pneumatics
3. Solenoid is the most commonly used in electro-pneumatics for actuation
4. Any switch that is actuated due to the position of a fluid power component
(usually a piston rod or hydraulic motor shaft or the position of load) is
termed as limit switch.
5. Pressure switches are used to sense a change in pressure, and opens or
closes an electrical switch when a predetermined pressure is reached
6. Temperature switches automatically senses a change in temperature and
opens or closes an electrical switch when a predetermined temperature is
7. A relay is considered as an electromagnetic actuated switch
8. A push button is a switch used to close or open an electric control circuit
9. A Programmable Logic Controller can be conveniently used to obtain the out
puts as per the required logic, time delay and sequential operation
10. Electro Pneumatic control integrates pneumatic and electrical technologies
11.Timers are required in control systems to affect time delay between work
12.Temperature switches can be used to protect a fluid power system from
serious damage when a component such as a pump or strainer or cooler
begins to malfunction
13. In Positive switching sensors output voltage is zero if no part is detected in
the proximity
14.In Negative switching sensors supply voltage are applied to the output if no
part is detected in the proximity.
15.Inductive sensor use currents induced by magnetic field to detect the nearby
metal objects
16.Optical sensors require both a light source (emitter) and detector
17.An up counter counts electrical signal upwards from zero
18.An down counter counts electrical signal downwards from pre-set valve
19.Electrically actuated directional control valves are switched with the aid of
20.Reed switches are magnetically actuated proximity switches

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is an electro-pneumatic component

(a) Relay (b) DCV

(c) Pump (d) Cylinder

2. How is proximity switch differentiated from limit switch?

(a) proximity switch is activated when moving parts have physical contact
(b) proximity switch is activated when non-moving parts have physical
(c) proximity switch is activated when moving parts are close to it
(d) none of the above
3. In electro pneumatic circuits
(a) Spool is shifted by signal air
(b) Spool is shifted by control air
(c) Spool is shifted by electromotive force
(d) All the above
4. Which of electrical devices not used in the control of fluid power systems

(a) Switch (b) Timer

(c) Sensor (d) filter
5. ___________ sensor use currents induced by magnetic field to detect the
nearby metal objects
(a) Inductive (b) Capacitive
(c) Optical (d) Piezoelectric
6. Inductive sensors are used to detect ___________ materials.

(a) Metallic (b) Non Metallic

(c) Liquid (d) None of the above
7. Electro pneumatic circuits are ___________ than pure pneumatic circuits

(a) less reliable (b) more reliable

(c) equally reliable (d) None of the above
8. A _______________ is electric – pneumatic signal convertor

(a) inductive sensor (b) DCV

(c) pressure switch (d) timer
9. A _________ is electro pneumatically operated switch that operates under the
control of additional electrical circuits

(a) Timer (b) Proximity Sensor

(c) Filter (d) Relay
10.The function of _________ is to provide delay between work operations

(a) Relief Vale (b) Proximity Sensor

(c) DCV (d) Timer
11._________ acts like a feedback element in electro pneumatic circuit

(a) limit switch (b) solenoid valve

(c) cylinder (d) filter

12.A _______________ is often is used to convert signal input from sensors and
switches to number of output signals
(a) push button (b) relay
(c) cylinder (d) filter
13.A _________________ is a switch used to close or open an electric control circuit
(a) push button (b) capacitive sensor
(c) cylinder (d) PLC
14.Reed switches are ___________ actuated proximity switches
(a) magnetically (b) pneumatically
(c) hydraulically (d) optically

15.______ is used to sense the change of pressure in pressure switch

(a) bellow (b) LED
(c) spring (d) lever
16.Inductive sensor use currents induced by _________ to detect the nearby
metal objects
(a) fluid power (b) magnetic field
(c)light (d) capacitance
17.The switching distance of inductive sensors does not depends on___________
(a) conductivity (b) permeability
(c)material (d) air pressure
18.What is the DC range of of solenoids in pneumatic systems?
(a) 12 V and 24 V (b) 110 V and 220 V
(c) both a and b (d) none of the above
19.Timers are required in control systems to affect

(a) time delay between work (b) accuracy of the position

(c) force on the actuator (d) travel distance of the actuator
20. A ___________ is a pneumatic-electric signal converter.
(a) solenoid valve (b) capacitive sensor
(c) up-counter (d) pressure switch

Two marks Questions

1. List the application areas of electro pneumatics
 Electro pneumatics is now commonly used in many areas of
Industrial low cost automation.
 They are also used extensively in production, assembly,
pharmaceutical, chemical and packaging systems.
2. List the electrical devices commonly used in the control of fluid power
 Manually actuated push button switches
 Limit switches
 Pressure switches
 Solenoids
 Relays
 Timers
 Temperature switches
3. List the proximity sensors used in electrical control of liquid power
 Inductive Sensor
 Optical Sensor

 capacitive proximity switches

4. Write the symbol for Normally Open and Normally Closed Condition of the
Push Button switch
Normally Open Normally Closed

5. Name two types of limit switch used in electropneumatics

 Lever actuated contacts
 Spring loaded contacts
6. Name two types of time relay used in electropneumatics
 Pull in delay ( on –delay timer)
 Drop –out delay (off delay timer)
7. Write threes steps involved in electro pneumatic control
 Signal input devices: Signal generation such as switches and contactor,
Various types of contact and proximity sensors
 Signal Processing: Use of combination of Contactors of Relay or using
Programmable Logic Controllers
 Signal Out puts: Out puts obtained after processing are used for activation
of solenoids, indicators or audible alarm

8. Write the applications of proximity sensors

 They are used to detect metallic pieces on conveyor. That is presence
or absence of work piece on conveyor
 They are used in press to detect the end position
 They are used to monitor drill breakage while drilling.
 They are also used as feedback devices in speed measuring devices
9. Define Up counter
 An up counter counts electrical signal upwards from zero. For each
electrical counting pulse input to an up-counter coil, the counter value is
incremented by 1.
 When the predetermined valve has been reached, the relay picks up and
the contact set is actuated.
10.Define Down Counter
 A down counter counts electrical signal downwards from pre-set valve. If
the count valve of zero is reached the relay picks up and the contact set is
 The counter can be reset manually by pressing the reset button or
electrically by applying a reset pulse to the reset coil.
 The pre-determined value is maintained when the counter is reset.
11.Define positive switch sensor
 In this output voltage is zero if no part is detected in the proximity.
 The approach of a work piece or machine part leads to switch over of the
output, applying the supply voltage.
12.Define negative switch sensor
 In this the supply voltage are applied to the output if no part is detected in
the proximity.
 The approach of a work piece or machine part leads to switch over of the
output, switching the output voltage to 0 volts
13.Write the function of temperature switch
 Temperature switches automatically senses a change in temperature and
opens or closes an electrical switch when a predetermined temperature is
 This switch can be wired either normally open or normally closed.
 Temperature switches can be used to protect a fluid power system from
serious damage when a component such as a pump or strainer or cooler
begins to malfunction
Eight Marks Questions
1. What is a solenoid? How does a direct acting solenoid valve work?
 Solenoid is the generic term for a coil of wire used as an
 The device creates a magnetic field from electric current and uses
the magnetic field to create linear motion. Common applications of
solenoid is source of actuation in valves for electrical control of
fluid power
 When an electrical current is passed through the coils windings, it
behaves like an electromagnet and the plunger, which is located
inside the coil, is attracted towards the centre of the coil by the
magnetic flux setup within the coils body, which in turn compresses
a small spring attached to one end of the plunger.
 The force and speed of the plungers movement is determined by the
strength of the magnetic flux generated within the coil.
 When the supply current is turned “OFF” (de-energised) the
electromagnetic field generated previously by the coil collapses and
the energy stored in the compressed spring forces the plunger back
out to its original rest position.
 This back and forth movement of the plunger is known as the
solenoids “Stroke”, in other words the maximum distance the
plunger can travel in either an “IN” or an “OUT” direction
2. Write the symbol for the following

3/2 way Single solenoid valve (spring return )

3/2 way pilot operated single solenoid valve

( spring return)

4/2 way single solenoid Valve (spring return)

5/2 way single solenoid Valve. (spring return)

5/2 way piloted operated double solenoid


3. With the neat sketch explain the working of pressure switch

 A pressure switch is a pneumatic-electric signal converter. Pressure
switches are used to sense a change in pressure, and opens or closes
an electrical switch when a predetermined pressure is reached.
 Bellow or diaphragm is used to sense the change of pressure.
 Bellows or Diaphragm is used to expand or contract in response to
increase or decrease of pressure.
 When the pressure is applied at the inlet and when the pre-set
pressure is reached, the diaphragm expands and pushes the spring
loaded plunger to make/break contact.

4. Draw the symbols for the following

 Push Button
 Limit switch
 Inductive type proximity switch
 Capacitive type proximity switch
 Optically operated sensor
Push Button
limit switch

Inductive type proximity Sensor

Capacitive type proximity Sensor

Optically operated sensor

5. What is relay? With the neat sketch explain the working of relay
 A relay is an electro magnetically actuated switch. It is a simple
electrical device used for signal processing.
 Relays are designed to withstand heavy power surges and harsh
environment conditions. When a voltage is applied to the solenoid
coil, an electromagnet field results.
 This causes the armature to be attracted to the coil core. The
armature actuates the relay contacts, either closing or opening them,
depending on the design.
 A return spring returns the armature to its initial position when the
current to the coil is interrupted.
 A large number of control contacts can be incorporated in relays in
contrast to the case of a push button station. Relays are usually
designated as K1, K2, and K3 etc.
 Relays also possess interlocking capability that is an important
safety feature in control circuits. Interlocking avoids simultaneous
switching of certain coils.

6. With appropriate circuit diagram illustrate the direction actuation of single

acting cylinder
 Forward stroke: The circuit is closed when push button PB closes. A
magnetic field is produced in the coil Y. The armature in the coil
opens the passage for the compressed air. The compressed air flows
from 1 to 2 of the 3/2 DCV to cylinder, which travels to the final
forward position.
 Return stroke: When the push button PB is released, the circuit is
interrupted. The magnetic field at coil Y collapses, the 3/2 way valve
switches back to its original position. The compressed air in the
cylinder then exhausts through port 3 of the DCV and the cylinder
travel to the final rear position.
Position when cylinder is extended Position when cylinder is retracted

7. With appropriate circuit diagram illustrate the Indirect Control of double

acting cylinder (using 5/2 way, single solenoid)

 Forward stroke: The circuit is closed when push button PB closes.

Closing of Push button PB energises a relay K1. The coil Y is energised
via normally open contact K1 (indirect energising). A magnetic field is
produced in armature of the coil Y opens the passage for the compressed
air through internal pilot. The compressed air flows from 1 to 4 of the
5/2 DCV to cylinder, which travels to the final forward position.
 Return stroke: When the push button PB is released, the circuit is
interrupted. Opening of Push button PB de-energises a relay K1. The
magnetic field at coil Y is collapses due to the opening of contact K1 the
5/2 way valve switches back to its original position. The compressed air
in the cylinder then exhausts through port 5 of the DCV and the cylinder
travel to the final rear position.

Position when cylinder is extended Position when cylinder is retracted

8. Write a note on timers used in electronic control of fluid power

 Timers are required in control systems to affect time delay between work
operations. This is possible by delaying the operation of the associated
control element through a timer. Most of the timers we use is Electronic
 There are two types of time relay
i) Pull in delay ( on –delay timer)
ii) Drop –out delay (off delay timer)
On –delay timer
 In the on-delay timer when push button PB is pressed (ON), capacitor C is
charged through potentiometer R1 as diode D is reverse –biased. The time
taken to charge the capacitor depends on the resistance of the
potentiometer (R1) and the capacitance(C) of the capacitor.
 By adjusting the resistance of the potentiometer, the required time delay
can be set. When the capacitor is charged sufficiently, coil K is energised,
and its contacts are operated after the set time delay.
 When the push button is released (OFF), the capacitor discharges quickly
through a small resistance (R2) as the diode by passes resistor R1, and the
contacts of relay (K) return to their normal position without any delay.
 Off-Delay Timer
 In the off-delay timer, the contacts are operated without any delay when
the push button is pressed (ON). The contacts return to the normal position
after the set delay when the push button is released (OFF).

ON-Delay Timer OFF Delay Timer

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