Cowans Sheldon 75t Recovery Cranes Factsheet en

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Upgrading and re-engineering of

Cowans Sheldon 75 tonne

Railway Breakdown Cranes

G Refurbishments
G Enhancements
G Spare Parts

The cranes, originally supplied in the the cranes up to mandatory requirements.

1970’s, were becoming increasingly On arrival at our factory, the cranes were
unreliable and requiring more maintenance. stripped down to their individual
The obsolescence of much of the components parts and bare metals. Non
equipment was also prohibiting spares destructive testing was carried out to
support. A total overhaul and refurbishment confirm structural integrity. The hydraulic
has extended the service life of these rams and ancillary hydraulic equipment
cranes by another 20 years and were refurbished, as were all drives and
incorporated safety modifications to bring gearboxes.
Cranes and rail borne plant and equipment
are an expensive asset to a rail network
usually designed for a life cycle of 15 to 20
years. At the end of its design life it does
not have to be scrapped, on the contrary,
though design review and
enhancement/refurbishment programme,
new technology can provide a lease of life
and with careful consideration, extend its
life a further 10-15 years. Cowans Sheldon
have that experience.

Upgrading and re-engineering of Cowans Sheldon

75 tonne railway breakdown cranes.
A number of reliability and environmental as well as statutory improvements were made.
G A new diesel engine, coupled with an
enhanced hydraulic pump arrangement,
was fitted, improving performance,
reliability and spares support and
reducing maintenance requirements.
G A history of fatigue failures in the slew
ring bolts resulted in repeated
replacement at high cost. An improved
design was manufactured and fitted.
G A new automatic safe load indicator
(ASLI), complying with BS 7262:1990,
30 year old breakdown crane...
was fitted, thereby removing unsafe
working practices.
G Six brake disks were added to the
existing wheelset configuration, coupled
with improved brake materials and
calliper/actuators. This modification
improved brake performance and
reduced thermal input and degradation
to disks and pads.
G Better floodlighting and general work
area fluorescent lights were introduced
to improve the working environment and
...given a new lease of life.
hence safety.
G A new operator’s cab with improved
entry and exit, mounted on anti-vibration
mountings was fitted and a rear facing
video monitor to improve the operator’s
all round vision. To improve
communication with the ground crew a
radio and public address system were

Cowans Sheldon
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