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Хімія харчових продуктів і матеріалів. Нові види сировини / Chemistry of food products and materials.

New raw materials

UDC 664.8.036.5


Y. Verkhivker, doctor of Techn. Sciences, Professor
O. Myroshnichenko, candidate of Techn.Sciences, As. Professor
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15673/fst.v15i2.2099 S. Pavlenko, graduate student
Department of Bioengineering and Water
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
Article history 112, Kanatna Str., Odessa City, Ukraine, 65039
Received 15.12.2020
Abstract. The problem of human aging is very relevant today. The
Reviewed 25.03.2021
Revised 04.05.2021 mechanisms of aging are closely related to the decrease of such a
Approved 08.06.2021 protein substance as collagen in the human body. One of the
possibilities for restoration the amount of this vital component is the use
Correspondence: of collagen-containing juice products of everyday use in the diet.
Taking into account the relevance and prospects of this issue, the
Y. Verkhivker direction of further work has been chosen accordingly. The purpose of
Е-mail: [email protected] the research is the use of collagen in the formulation of an assortment of
juice products based on fruit and vegetable raw materials. To achieve
the goal of the study we formulated the tasks that allowed us to research
Cite as Vancuver style citation the range and quality indicators of different types of collagen of plant
and animal origin (tomato, beef, pork and fish) as well as to justify the
Verkhivker Y, Myroshnichenko O, Pavlenko S.
Development of collagen-containing drinks. Food science choice of the most preferred collagen sample for drinks. We have
and technology. 2021;15(2):18-25. determined the optimal amount of this biologically active additive to
https://doi.org/10.15673/fst.v15i2.2099 ensure the required quality of the finished product. We have
investigated the preservation of the active properties of various types of
Цитування згідно ДСТУ 8302:2015 collagen in fruit and vegetable drinks. As a result of the studies
performed it has been shown that beef collagen is the most acceptable
Verkhivker Y., Myroshnichenko O., Pavlenko S.
and retains its active properties in an amount of 5% to the mass of the
Development of collagen-containing drinks // Food science
and technology. 2021. Vol. 15, Issue 2. P. 18-25 drink; it adds salt, alcohol, alkaline protein fractions according to its
https://doi.org/10.15673/fst.v15i2.2099 fractional composition. It has been shown that the amino acids
methionine, tryptophan and hydroxyproline which confirm the presence
of collagen in the product are contained in ready-made juice drinks
enriched with collagen of beef origin. The formulations of fruit and
Copyright © 2015 by author and the journal vegetable drinks with the addition of collagen have been developed
“Food Science and Technology”. accordingly. A comparison of the organoleptic and physicochemical
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons characteristics of finished drinks with the requirements of normative
Attribution International License (CC BY). and technical documentation (DSTU 4283-2007) was carried out and
their full compliance was proved.
Key words: juice products, animal and plant collagen, recipe,
quality indicators.

body and which will certainly affect the organoleptic

Introduction. Formulation of the problem characteristics of drinks [1].
Traditionally, collagen preparations are used as This work is devoted to the development of food
components of various medicines and cosmetics, the products with the use of collagen, in which the value of
action of which is aimed at improving the condition of the active acidity is regulated for the most effective use
the human skin, joints, and the gastrointestinal tract. of the beneficial properties of this substance.
Recently, more and more scientists consider collagen Analysis of recent research and publications
and its derivatives as an active food additive, which is
a part of a food product or enters the human body Collagen and one of its derivatives, gelatin, has a
orally. Drinking collagen is actively used by athletes, beneficial effect on the human skin, improves the
supporters of an active lifestyle, as well as in a variety condition of the skin, its elasticity and moisture. Most
of diets, it is recommended to be taken only for a of the collagen found in collagen fibers. Collagen is the
limited time and in a certain prescription ratio with main structural component of collagen fiber, the main
other components. At the same time, there are food function of which is associated with the formation and
products such as juice drinks, nectars, which contain maintenance of the specific structure of organs and
many useful components and the addition of collagen tissues during the growth and development of the body.
to them will increase their nutritional value. When The stabilizing and supporting function of collagen
using collagen in juices and drinks it is necessary to fiber is reached due to its unusual biological and
take into account its amount and active acidity of the physicochemical properties (metabolic inertness,
product, which affects the process of its delivery to the resistance to the action of various substances, etc.) [1].

Харчова наука і технологія / Food science and technology 18 Volume 15 Issue 2/ 2021
Хімія харчових продуктів і матеріалів. Нові види сировини / Chemistry of food products and materials. New raw materials

Collagen biosynthesis and the formation of collagen bioavailability showed that orange (95.37%) and apple
fibers are significantly enhanced during various (90.71%) drinks showed higher bioavailability (5-14%)
processes accompanied by the proliferation of than mixtures of white grape juice [12]. The
connective tissue (sclerotic changes in blood vessels technology of drinks like "Shorley" with collagen
and organs, chronic inflammatory changes, healing of based on mineral waters of natural origin has been
wounds and bone fractures, etc.). Pathological changes developed. They include various fruit and berry raw
in the metabolism and structure of collagen in humans materials. The substantiation of the component
occur in systemic diseases of the connective tissue composition and formulation of drinks based on
(rheumatism, scleroderma, etc.), while changes in the soluble collagen of fish origin has been carried out. We
biosynthesis or breakdown of collagen proteins occur, have done research of use of a hydrate of collagen
which leads to a violation of the mechanical properties proteins from the skin of silver carp in the form of a
of collagen fiber and, consequently, the supporting 2% dispersion, three types of drinking mineral water:
properties of the connective tissue. Collagen and "Slavyanovskaya", "Essentuki 4" and "Narzan".
gelatin are used for the manufacture of vascular Raspberry, cherry and black currant juices were
prostheses and films for the treatment of wounds, as selected as fruit and berry raw materials. The obtained
well as in connection with their use in some industries beverage samples have good organoleptic and
(food, light, film and photo production) [2-4]. physicochemical characteristics [13]. Various collagen-
Issues related to the intake of collagen preparations based drinks have been developed and obtained in
after surgery have been investigated [5]. Treating wounds experimental laboratory conditions, using an additional
with frequent comorbidities (eg, diabetes or vascular decoction with sea buckthorn pulp, tincture of dried
disease) is highly complicated. The positive effect of chicory root powder and a decoction with Jerusalem
orally administered collagen peptides was confirmed, artichoke pulp. The active ingredients in the form of a
which led to accelerated epithelialization and shortened collagen nutritional supplement can have a synergistic
wound healing time with improved angiogenesis, as well positive effect, effectively increase skin elasticity,
as enhanced wound healing in patients with diabetes. moisture, reduce transepidermal water loss and reduce
Experimental studies have shown that collagen peptides skin roughness. The additional number of antioxidants,
are chemotactic for skin fibroblasts, stimulate their peptides and amino acids contained in food with
migration and growth of skin fibroblasts in mice, and collagen can affect many functions of the body, for
enhance cell proliferation and hyaluronic acid synthesis. example, to protect connective tissue and joints,
Collagen peptides are absorbed in the intestine, suppress inflammation, and slow down the aging
distributed by the blood stream and accumulated in the process of the human body [14].
skin, where they stimulate fibroblasts to produce dermal All the presented results of studies by various authors
components of the extracellular matrix. We have show that the main focus was not on the daily consumed
conducted studies in which one group of patients with foods. The developments concerned food products that
post-surgical wounds and a second group of patients with are either occasionally used [13] or are functional and are
severely healed wounds took an active ingredient and a used in the nutrition of certain specific groups of the
placebo. Both groups included patients receiving population [12,14]. Juice products based on fruit and
bioactive collagen peptides. The findings suggest that the vegetable raw materials are used in the regular diet of all
collagen supplement product can be used to improve groups of the population and they are not limited. These
wound healing even in cases where normal wound products have easily adjustable physicochemical
regeneration occurs, to achieve a better aesthetic result. parameters, which affects the absorption of such a
Clinical trials have demonstrated the beneficial effect of biologically active additive as collagen.
oral administration of specific bioactive collagen peptides Therefore it is relevant to conduct research on the
on skin physiology. If you consume collagen and at the development of food products using collagen, in which
same time move enough, eat right or even completely the value of active acidity is regulated for the most
change your lifestyle, the effect of collagen will be effective use of the beneficial properties of this
noticeable at any stage of life [6-11]. substance, to develop recipe compositions for juices
In this regard it is advisable to add collagen as an and juice drinks using various types of collagen to
additive to those products that are used by people create easily digestible food products and for solving
constantly, and not occasionally, for example, drinks. problems of the musculoskeletal system, skin and hair
Collagen-enriched functional fruit juice drinks have by the human body.
been formulated from blends of orange, apple and The purpose and objectives of the study.
white grape juice containing ingredients such as Studying the properties of collagen for the introduction
hydrolyzed fish collagen, citric acid, ascorbic acid and into formulations of juice products based on fruit and
natural mint flavor. The results show that the vegetable raw materials, the creation of new types of
formulation with the addition of 2.5% hydrolyzed drinks for everyday use. In accordance with the set
collagen was optimal. The addition of hydrolyzed goal the research tasks are defined:
collagen increased the protein content of beverages - studying the assortment of collagen and
from 0.56 to 2.22–2.48 g/100 ml. The results of in vitro determining its organoleptic characteristics;

Харчова наука і технологія / Food science and technology 19 Volume 15 Issue 2/ 2021
Хімія харчових продуктів і матеріалів. Нові види сировини / Chemistry of food products and materials. New raw materials

- selection of the type and optimal mass fraction syrup – 12.2; citric acid – 0.07; ascorbic acid – 0.07;
of collagen in the finished product; natural flavoring "Blueberry" – 0.01; natural flavoring
- study of the preservation of the active "Blackberry-Raspberry" – 0.01; beef collagen – 5;
properties of various types of collagen in a drinking treated water (reverse osmosis treatment) – 76.64
product, with its presence - fractional and amino acid 6. Beet-mango-apple nectar: concentrated apple
composition of the protein; juice – 5.6; concentrated beet juice – 15.5;
- development of recipe compositions for juice- concentrated mango puree – 10; sugar syrup - 8.9;
containing products based on vegetable raw materials citric acid - 0.07; beef collagen - 5; treated water
enriched with collagen; (reverse osmosis treatment) – 54.93.
- study of organoleptic and physicochemical 7. Drink "Apple-mint": concentrated apple juice –
quality indicators of the developed juice compositions 6.5; glucose-fructose syrup – 12.2; citric acid – 0.07;
using collagen and their compliance with regulatory ascorbic acid – 0.07; natural flavoring "Apple" – 0.01;
and technical documents. natural flavoring "Mint" – 0.01; beef collagen – 5;
treated water (reverse osmosis treatment) – 76.14.
Research materials and methods Dry collagen supplement was added to the
Collagen of plant and animal origin was used for finished prescription blend. The injection of collagen
the research - tomato, beef, pork, fish, tomato, was carried out with continuous stirring of the blend in
manufactured by GELITAAG (Germany). Determined a mixing tank for uniform distribution of the additive
the organoleptic characteristics of the additive in dry throughout the volume of the product.
form and in aqueous solution in accordance with As an example the main indicator of juice
DSTU 8449: 2015 “Food canned food. Methods for the components for the production of nectar “Beet-mango-
measurement of organoleptic indicators, the net mass apple” is the mass fraction of soluble solids: beet
of the mass of the warehouse parts. juice – 15.5%, apple juice – 5.6%, mango puree – 10%.
Fruit, vegetable and berry juices, drinks with pulp Using these components, a recipe composition of the
and their blends made from semi-finished products and specified nectar per 1000 kg of the finished product
concentrates of peach, apples, bananas, strawberries, was developed:
guava, black currants, pears, strawberries, raspberries, Beet juice (Deler) – 21 kg (protein content 1.2%)
beets were taken as basic compositions in the Apple juice (Grunewald) – 9 kg (protein content
development of recipes., blueberries, blackberries, 0.3%)
mangoes of various domestic and foreign Mango puree (Ghousia Food Products) – 48 kg
manufacturers: Kodymsky Juice Plant, Interfood TOV, (protein content 0.6%)
Deler, Ghousia Food Products, Grunewald). Granulated sugar – 101.8 kg
When developing formulations of juice-containing Citric acid –1.8 kg
blended products enriched with collagen, the basic Treated water (reverse osmosis treatment) –818.4 kg
formulations of nectars and beverages with pulp were The final product was characterized by the
taken as a basis in accordance with DSTU 4283-2007 following indicators:
“Canned food. Juices and juice products ”[19-24]. - Mass fraction of soluble solids (Brix) –11.0%;
Recipes for collagen-enriched juice products,% - Titratable acidity – 0.25%
per 1 ton of finished product: - pH – 3.7.
1. Peach nectar: peach puree – 7, apple puree – 18, The mass fraction of collagen in the nectar
beta-carotene 10% DSM – 0.05, glucose-fructose syrup formulation varied from 5.0 to 20.0% of the total mass
0.2–0.13, citric acid – 0.1, ascorbic acid – 0.05, beef of the product, which was introduced due to a decrease
collagen – 5; treated water (reverse osmosis in the main juice component in the formulation. This
treatment) – 69.67. interval was chosen in order to determine the effect not
2. Banana-strawberry nectar: sugar syrup – 8.9; only of the type of collagen on the mass fraction of
apple juice concentrate – 6.5; strawberry juice protein in the final product, but also to obtain data on
concentrate – 6.0; blackcurrant juice concentrate – 6.0; the content of the mass fraction of amino acids in the
banana puree – 8.7; citric acid – 0.11; apple pectin – final product - methionine, tryptophan and
0.1; beef collagen – 5; treated water (reverse osmosis hydroxyproline, which characterize the presence of
treatment) – 48.69. collagen in the product (since only collagen positively
3. Apple-guava-banana nectar: apple puree – 10; affects the connective tissues of the body) and the
puree of white guava – 12; banana puree – 8.5; absence of its denaturation into gelatin.
glucose-fructose syrup – 11.2; citric acid – 0.085; The preparation of samples for the determination
ascorbic acid – 0.085; apple pectin – 0.1; beef of protein in beverages was carried out in accordance
collagen – 5; treated water (reverse osmosis with the recommendations [15].
treatment) – 53.0 In finished juice products enriched with collagen,
4. Apple-pear nectar: apple puree – 80; pear organoleptic indicators were determined in accordance
puree – 40; glucose-fructose syrup – 12.2; citric acid – with DSTU 8449: 2015.
0.07; ascorbic acid – 0.07; beef collagen – 5; treated Physicochemical parameters were determined in
water (reverse osmosis treatment) – 53.04. ready-made nectars and drinks with pulp, enriched
5. Drink "Blueberry-blackberry-raspberry": with collagen:
concentrated blueberry juice – 5; glucose-fructose

Харчова наука і технологія / Food science and technology 20 Volume 15 Issue 2/ 2021
Хімія харчових продуктів і матеріалів. Нові види сировини / Chemistry of food products and materials. New raw materials

- mass fraction of pulp according to DSTU 7001: obtained from the sediment in centrifuge tubes; upon
2009; receipt, the salt fraction was obtained by adding 70%
- mass fraction of titratable acids according to ethyl alcohol heated to 60 ° C.
DSTU 4957: 2008; The fractional composition of proteins was
- indicator of active acidity or pH according to determined in samples of products with collagen
DSTU EN 6045: 2008; supplements, which were previously freeze-dried.
- color index of the product according to ISO - amino acid composition according to DSTU ISO
3424-85; 13903: 2009;
- mass fraction of soluble solids according to - the mass fraction of amino acids was determined
DSTU EN 12143: 2003; according to DSTU ISO 13903: 2009.
- mass fraction of protein according to the
Kjeldahl method according to DSTU 8063: 2015; Results of the research and their discussion
-fractional composition of proteins was The study and detailed analysis of similar works
determined by the method of AI Ermakov [15].
by foreign and domestic researchers showed that the
The principle of the method consists in the
extraction of proteins with various solutions: saline, works provide specific values of organoleptic
alkaline and alcoholic and obtaining, respectively, the indicators only for the type of collagen used by the
fractional composition of proteins in the sample under researchers. We have adopted an approach that allows
study. To obtain a salt fraction of proteins, a one molar us to compare existing types of collagens of different
solution of potassium chloride (KCl) is used for origins, and in this regard, this approach is original.
extraction. To obtain an alkaline fraction, proteins are The organoleptic indicators of collagen in the
extracted using a 0.2% alkali solution (KOH). The assortment were investigated, which are presented in
alcoholic fraction of proteins from the samples is Table 1:

Table 1 – Organoleptic indicators of collagen

Collagen in dried
Collagen type Collagen water solution Stability of water solution
Beef Without smell Free of foreign smell and taste No sediment, slight turbidity
Formation of suspensions and small
Pork Without smell Free of foreign smell and taste
Fish Pungent fishy smell Pungent fishy smell and taste Flocculation
Vegetable The smell of raw Smell and taste characteristic of
Sludge formation
(tomato) tomato tomatoes

As follows from the table. 1 collagens, regardless with the addition of a collagen supplement. The smell of
of their origin are very similar in organoleptic the original recipe contains a mango aroma, which
characteristics, however some of them: pork, fish, changes even taking into account the fact that beef and
tomato - have distinctive properties - characteristic or pork collagen organoleptically odorless. Thus, the product
pungent smell and taste, as well as the formation of chosen for research is the most revealing. The research
suspensions, flakes and sediment when dissolved in results are shown in Fig. 1.
water. Both of these factors influence the use of these
types of collagen in the production of juice drinks.
Also, sensory studies have shown that collagen of plant
origin (tomato) has a specific, characteristic smell of
tomatoes, so it can only be used in juice products, the
formulation of which includes tomato products.
Therefore, we have chosen collagen of animal origin
(beef) for further research
For the final choosing of a collagen supplement that
can be used in the production of these products,
experiments were carried out to determine the dependence
of the protein content on the mass fraction of collagen
supplements for all studied samples. The experiments
were carried out using a sample of the product "Nectar"
Beet-mango-apple", as the most sensitive in terms of
organoleptic characteristics – color, taste and smell from
the studied juice-containing products.
The component included in it is beet juice, which
color the product in a bright burgundy tone. The addition Fig. 1. Dependence of the protein content on the mass
of dry collagen, which is white, changes the color of the fraction of the collagen additive in the recipe for the
"Beet-mango-apple" nectar
drink. The base product has an apple note that changes

Харчова наука і технологія / Food science and technology 21 Volume 15 Issue 2/ 2021
Хімія харчових продуктів і матеріалів. Нові види сировини / Chemistry of food products and materials. New raw materials

Analyzing the graphs presented, it can be noted presence of collagen (methionine, tryptophan and
that plant collagen has almost the same type of hydroxyproline) in the juice product. Investigated the
dependence as traditional types of collagen of animal product – nectar "Beet-mango-apple" with 5% mass
origin. Moreover, the obtained values of the mass fraction of various types of collagen. The results of
fraction of soluble protein when adding pork and plant
collagen coincide. It should be noted that starting from these experiments are shown in Table 3.
10% of the mass fraction of collagen supplements to Analyzing the data obtained in table. 3, it can be
the formulation, the growth of protein in the juice noted that the amount of amino acids in the studied
product begins. At the same time, in the range from 5% nectar is practically equal to the amount of the same
to 10% for all types of collagen, the protein content in amino acids in the product, which was made according
the juice product remains almost constant. But an to the original recipe without adding collagen. Only the
increase in the collagen supplement in the formulation amount of hydroxyproline is significantly different
from 5% to 10% and more leads to a deterioration in from the amount of other amino acids. Collagen added
the "drinking" quality of juice products, i.e. the to the nectar formulation was also hydrolyzed in the
appearance of a thick consistency. After the
preparation of the products, the juices were stored for 3 product into one of its markers – hydroxyproline,
months so that all metabolic processes take place in which shows the catabolism of this protein. The
them, including the hydrolysis of collagen under the experiment showed that in the nectar sample only beef
action of food acids of the product. In the composition collagen provided the presence of all the amino acids
of these juice products, the native protein content is under study and, therefore, as an additive we choose
insignificant and the addition of collagen to the collagen of animal origin - beef.
formulation increases it. Research has been carried out Therefore, based on all the studies carried out
to determine the fractional composition of the protein above, we can conclude that the most preferable is
in the finished product (nectar "Beet-mango-Apple" collagen of animal origin especially beef as a
with a mass fraction of 5% collagen to the main
recipe). Experiments were carried out on samples biological additive in fruit and vegetable nectars and
obtained after freeze drying, which are presented in drinks, in the amount of 5%. This will ensure
Table 2. Experimental data have shown that when plant maximum collagen enrichment of the finished product.
collagen is added, only the water fraction of the protein Research was carried out to determine the range of
is present in the composition of the test drink, this is its juice products, taking into account that collagen is a
distinctive feature. With the addition of other types of protein and its introduction into liquid products leads
collagen, in addition to water, salt, alcohol and alkaline to the appearance of a jelly-like substance in the
fractions were found in the product. Collagen of animal volume of products, which leads to a deterioration in
origin, beef and pork, introduces all types of the appearance of the finished product, consistency; to
investigated fractions in the maximum amount, so
these types of collagen can be used for enrichment of the appearance of extraneous organoleptic sensations
juice products. (smell, taste) of the finished product.
We carried out experiments to determine the
content of basic amino acids, which characterize the
Table 2 – Fractional composition of proteins in the nectar "Beet-mango-apple" with a mass fraction
of collagen 5% to the main recipe (the experiments were carried out in 5-fold repetition, reliability 0.95)
Water fraction, Salt fraction, Alcohol fraction, Alkaline fraction,
Collagen type
mg/dm3 mg/dm3 mg/dm3 mg/dm3
Beef 93.16 5.14 1.10 0.60
Pork 85.98 5.06 6.40 2.56
Fish 97.15 1.50 1.30 Trace
Vegetable 99.40 Trace Trace Trace

Table 3 – Mass fraction of methionine, tryptophan and hydroxyproline in the "Beet-mango-apple" nectar (the
experiments were carried out in 5-fold repetition, reliability 0.95)
Methionine,% Tryptophan,% Oxyproline,%
Collagen type
* ** * ** * **
Beef 0.009867 0.6676 0.00296 0.020 0.342009 2.314
Pork 0.10919 0.6176 0.000792 0.005 0.421314 2.383
Fish 0.018089 0.1142 0.00583 0.035 0.382577 2.295
Vegetable 0.16649 1.153 0.002383 0.0165 0.028302 0.196
Without collagen 0.0018089 0.1142 0.000792 0.005 0.007492 0.0473
* for the original product
** for absolutely dry matter

Харчова наука і технологія / Food science and technology 22 Volume 15 Issue 2/ 2021
Хімія харчових продуктів і матеріалів. Нові види сировини / Chemistry of food products and materials. New raw materials

In this regard, a range of juice-containing obtained juice-containing products (nectars, drinks),

products was selected, into which collagen can be to which collagen is added in an amount of 5%, fully
introduced without deteriorating the appearance of satisfy consumer requirements for organoleptic
the product from the point of view of the buyer and indicators for this food product, including
the appearance of unusual organoleptic sensations in consistency, in accordance with current regulatory
the consumer. This assortment includes nectars and and technical documentation.
drinks, which, due to the presence in the Also, the physicochemical parameters of the
composition of a sufficiently large amount of fruit developed basic samples of nectars and beverages with
pulp (6–12%) [18], naturally hide from the pulp enriched with collagen were studied and
consumer the presence of a jelly-like substance in determined, presented in Table 5.
the volume of the product, and the uniform Table 5 shows the main physical and chemical
distribution of the pulp throughout the product parameters of nectars and drinks with pulp and collagen.
volume, ensured by the process of homogenization These indicators are: mass fraction of soluble dry
of the product during its manufacture, does not substances – not less than 9.0% for nectars, not less than
allow unusual organoleptic sensations to appear 8.0% for drinks; active acidity, pH – not less than 3.5 for
when consuming the finished product. nectars, not less than 2.5 for drinks; mass fraction of
Organoleptic studies of the obtained samples of titratable acids – not less than 0.25% for nectars, not less
nectars and drinks with pulp enriched with collagen than 0.22% for drinks; mass fraction of pulp – not less
were carried out. The organoleptic indicators of the than 9.0% for nectars, not less than 1.0% for drinks;
developed formulations of juice products with collagen color index – not less than 3.0 for nectars, not less than
made it possible to determine the optimal 2.0 for drinks; Brix indicator – not less than 11.0% for
formulations – these are juices and drinks with pulp in nectars, not less than 9.0% for drinks.
the assortment with the addition of beef collagen in an The values of the indicators fully comply with the
amount of 5%, which are presented in Table 4. current regulatory and technical documentation for this
The presented research results in Table 4 allow type of food product DSTU 4283-2007 “Canned food.
us to make an unambiguous conclusion that the Juices and juice products.
Table 4 – Organoleptic characteristics of juice products enriched with collagen
Collagen-rich range of juice products
Apple- Blueberry- Beet-
Index Banana- Drink
guava- Nectar Blackberry- mango-
quality Peach nectar strawberry "Apple-
banana "Pear-apple" Raspberry apple
nectar mint"
nectar Drink nectar
Appearance and
The product is homogeneous, opaque, with evenly distributed finely ground pulp.
Natural, pleasant, pronounced, characteristic of the ingredients included in the product,
Taste and smell
without foreign odors.
Color Typical for canned vegetables, fruits, berries and their mixtures from which the product is made.
Table 5 – Physicochemical indicators of juice-containing products enriched with collagen
Name of physical and chemical indicators
Mass fraction Mass Color index,
Juice product Mass fraction of Active acidity,
of titratable fraction of Abs 420 nm, Brix,%
name soluble solids,% pH
acids,% pulp,% 10 mm
Peach nectar 11.0 3.6 0.3 9.2 4.340 12.7±0.1
Nectar "Banana-
11.0 3.8 0.25 15.0 3.553 12.3±0.1
Nectar "Apple-
10.0 3.8 0.28 14.0 4.060 12.0±0.1
Nectar "Apple-
10.0 3.8 0.25 15.0 3.358 12.0±0.1
blackberry- 8.0 2.8 0.24 2.5 4.256 9.0±0.1
raspberry drink
Nectar "Beet-
12.0 3.5 0.25 2.7 3.339 13.0±0.1
Apple-mint drink 9.0 3.5 0.22 1.2 2.893 9.1±0.1
At least 9.0 for At least 3.5 for Not less
Indicators in Not less than At least 9.0 Not less than 3.0 for
than 11.0
nectars nectars 0.25 for nectars for nectars nectars
accordance with 0.22 minimum At least 1.0 At least 2.0 for
for nectars
Not less than 8.0 At least 2.5 for At least 9.0
DSTU 4283-2007 for drinks for drinks drinks
for drinks drinks for drinks

Харчова наука і технологія / Food science and technology 23 Volume 15 Issue 2/ 2021
Хімія харчових продуктів і матеріалів. Нові види сировини / Chemistry of food products and materials. New raw materials

Conclusions acid composition of the protein. The presence of

methionine, tryptophan and hydroxyproline in the
1. The assortment and organoleptic characteristics of finished product was established, which indicates the
different types of collagen of animal and plant origin were preservation of the collagen supplement.
investigated and collagen of beef origin was selected for 4. Formulations of juice-containing products with
nectars and drinks. collagen have been developed – these are fruits and
2. We have studied the features of various types of vegetables and berries, blended nectars and drinks with
collagen for the possibility of their use in juice products. It pulp.
has been established that the introduction of collagen in 5. The organoleptic and physicochemical indicators
an amount of 5% of the product mass allows to obtain of the quality of ready-made juice drinks enriched with
drinks in terms of quality indicators, corresponding to the collagen and their compliance with the requirements of
normative document DSTU 4283-2007. regulatory and technical documentation have been
3. The preservation of the active properties of various investigated.
types of collagen in a drinking product was investigated,
with its prescription content – the fractional and amino
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Я.Г. Верхівкер, доктор технічних наук, професор, E-mail: [email protected],
О.М. Мирошніченко, кандидат технічних наук, доцент, E-mail: [email protected],
С.І. Павленко, аспирант, E-mail: [email protected],
Кафедра біоінженерії и води
Одеська національна академія харчових технологій, вул. Канатна, 112, м. Одеса, Україна, 65039

Харчова наука і технологія / Food science and technology 24 Volume 15 Issue 2/ 2021
Хімія харчових продуктів і матеріалів. Нові види сировини / Chemistry of food products and materials. New raw materials

Анотація. Проблема старіння людини дуже актуальна сьогодні. Механізми старіння тісно пов'язані зі зниженням
в організмі людей такої білкової речовини, як колаген. Однією з можливостей поповнення кількості цього життєво
важливого компонента є використання в харчуванні колагенвмісних сокових продуктів щоденного вживання. Мета
дослідження – використання колагену в рецептурі асортименту сокових продуктів на основі плодоовочевої сировини.
Для досягнення мети дослідження сформульовано завдання, які дозволили вивчити асортимент і показники якості
різних видів колагену рослинного і тваринного походження (томатного, яловичого, свинячого та рибного),
обгрунтовано вибір найбільш зразків колагену для напоїв. Визначено оптимальну кількість цієї біологічно активної
добавки, що забезпечує необхідну якість готового продукту. Досліджено збереження активних властивостей різних
видів колагену в питних плодоовочевих продуктах. У результаті виконаних досліджень, показано, що найбільш
прийнятним є яловичий колаген в кількості 5% до маси напою, він максимально зберігає свої активні властивості, за
фракційним складом вносить сольову, спиртову, лужну фракції білку. Показано, що амінокислоти метіонін,
триптофан, оксипролін, які є підтвердженням наявності колагену в продукті, містяться в готових сокових напоях,
збагачених колагеном яловичого походження. Розроблено рецептури плодоовочевих напоїв з додаванням колагену.
Проведено порівняння органолептичних та фізико-хімічних характеристик готових напоїв з вимогами нормативно-
технічної документації (ДСТУ 4283-2007) та доведено їхню повну відповідність.
Ключові слова: сокові продукти, тваринний і рослинний колаген, рецептура, показники якості.
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Харчова наука і технологія / Food science and technology 25 Volume 15 Issue 2/ 2021

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