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lrrfrrcrtonli all detall. ro b€ lltled ln Bto.l Le&ers

to be piinted on plain A4 paper rizei Not leqotred to pamt on lete, headl o5 ol 2-s'L 3
Resident's Details

Aadhaar Number;
6t n-B \

frll rEhAN U N4AR 5

clol s'fi T t-\o 9o N DuRe\T
House o./ AUg.l Apt:

Streetl Rold/ l-ane: lTc- N] GK\)R\CH \


Area/ Loialitl Sedar:

village/ Town/ ury;

P\1-c-t+RN \AUq\ CH\
Port Ofnee:
oistrict: RAsqRo{R.iHAPSR- Nl
Statei -rhM\r_N AD L)

PlN aode:
6e-Z S J"Jega'. ku"an
Drtc of Birth'
cs il ei | :-coi --_,-iL
...r, (

Certifier's Oetails (To be filled by the certifier Only) i! *', ,'

llame of the tertifi€ri
cE / l-tYA
Oosignation: 244
Offi(e Addre5s:
_9 d

Contact Numb€r:
10 7.6
I hereby cartlfy a6ove rnention€d deblls of tie resld€nt Ch€.lltlE lbr Ceidf,cr
aod I am a..., (Tlck lppropriito bor belovil
Exooverw.itin8 E bsue dale ir ,i[ed E 8estdent,s rEnalurc ElceftFer! detaitj
I G.retted ofiicer.Group A E ne.adent t Photo is cross saSned r.., crosj tramp at (papei to photo o! photo to popcrl

{-l Villace P.nchayet Head or Mukhiya

I Garened officer - Group g

I urrT r.aU7 UrcT rVuncip6l councito. a. l!::j' i

[] rer';lda, i; 8,.,, il f' ,l U AIT
f Head of Recogrrized Edu.itioral tn5ttrudon u it; i,1
.'!,ii ri
l] &rperintendenr/ Wardenl Matron/ H€ad of tnstitution
i9 iI ,1 ) 1
ot Recognized shelter homes/ Orphanages
DDOs Cur.Js S ti.; u5
I tero orice. sndtLrL & sr,lnr, of tlN ccrl]ns

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