CS 2022 Unisuper Insurance PDS
CS 2022 Unisuper Insurance PDS
CS 2022 Unisuper Insurance PDS
in your super
1 November 2021
extent that this document contains any information SuperRatings, a superannuation research company, has awarded UniSuper ‘MySuper of the
which is inconsistent with the UniSuper Trust Deed Year’ for 2021, and a Platinum Choice rating for our accumulation products, something only
and Regulations (together, ‘the Trust Deed’) the the ‘best value for money’ funds receive. Our accumulation products have also achieved
Trust Deed will prevail. a 15-year Platinum Performance rating. For full details about its rating criteria, go to www.
superratings.com.au. The ratings are issued by SuperRatings Pty Ltd ABN 95 100 192 283
USM, SuperRatings Pty Ltd and Chant West Pty Ltd AFSL 311880 (SuperRatings). Ratings are general advice only and have been prepared
have consented to their logo and/or statements without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Consider your personal
being included in this document, in the form and circumstances, read the product disclosure statement and seek independent financial advice
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objective criteria and receives a fee for publishing awards. Visit www.superratings.com.au for
© UniSuper Limited 2021 ratings information and to access the full report. © 2021 SuperRatings. All rights reserved.
Who provides insurance to Who should read this
UniSuper members? document?
External insurance cover is provided to UniSuper This document provides detailed information about
Accumulation 1, Accumulation 2, Defined Benefit Division the insurance options available to eligible:
(DBD) and Personal Account members through group • Accumulation 1 members
insurance policies the Trustee has taken out with TAL • Accumulation 2 members
Life Limited, ABN 70 050 109 450, AFSL No. 237848 • Personal Account members, and
(referred to as our ‘Insurer’ throughout this document). • DBD members.
This document describes the main features of DBD members also receive ‘inbuilt benefits’. These are
insurance cover provided by our Insurer, including a benefits that are provided by UniSuper. This document
summary of the key terms and conditions and eligibility only includes limited information about inbuilt benefits
criteria. You can obtain a copy of the group insurance provided to DBD members.
policies by calling us.
For more information about inbuilt benefits, visit
The full terms and conditions contained in the unisuper.com.au/pds and refer to the Defined Benefit
insurance policies prevail over any inconsistent Division and Accumulation 2 PDS.
information in this document.
The terms which appear in italics are defined
in the policy documents. We’ve included
some of the more commonly used terms
in the ‘Definitions’ section at the end of
this document.
Types of cover
Types of cover available DEATH COVER (INCLUDING TERMINAL
The insurance cover available to eligible UniSuper Death cover provides a lump sum payment in the event
members is: of your death or if you’re diagnosed with a terminal
• Death cover illness. Your beneficiaries and/or your estate will
• Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) cover, and receive your benefit if you die. You’ll receive an insured
• Income Protection cover (not available to terminal illness benefit if you’re diagnosed with a
DBD members). terminal illness and satisfy any other applicable criteria.
Our intention in providing Death, TPD and Income There’s no limit on the amount of Death cover
Protection cover to our members is so that they, or you can apply for.
their families, can continue to meet their financial
obligations if they aren’t able to work due to death, Your terminal illness benefit aligns with your Death
injury or illness. cover, although it has a maximum cover limit of
$3 million. If a terminal illness benefit is paid and
We recognise that everyone’s situation is different, the Death cover is higher, the remaining Death
so we offer options to tailor your cover to meet benefit is payable on death.
your needs.
Death cover ceases at age 75.
In practice, this means that if you’re injured or get so sick
(physically or mentally) that you aren’t able to work— TPD COVER
and the injury happened or illness commenced during
TPD cover provides a lump sum payment if you become
the period that you have cover (i.e. after your cover
totally and permanently disabled due to an illness or
commenced and before it ceased and your premiums
injury and you satisfy any other applicable criteria.
have been paid)—then you may be able to claim a benefit.
The maximum amount of TPD cover you can apply
There are different criteria you have to meet to be
for is $3 million.
eligible for TPD or Income Protection benefits, and these
are outlined in this document. However, generally, to TPD cover ceases at age 70.
be eligible to claim a TPD benefit you must be so ill or
injured that:
• you’re unlikely to do your job again, or one that INCOME PROTECTION COVER
you’re qualified to do, or Not available to DBD members
• if you weren’t in employment but doing domestic
Income Protection cover gives you a monthly payment
duties, you’re unable, and unlikely again, to do them
up to a specific period if you’re assessed as temporarily
or return to employment that you’re qualified for, or
unable to do your job because you suffer from a
• you’ve suffered a loss of limbs and/or sight.
disability. You can choose a payment period of two
Generally, you can claim an Income Protection benefit years, five years or until the age of 65.*
if you’re so ill or injured that you’ve been off work and
The maximum amount of cover you can apply for
you still can’t do all or some of your usual work duties.
is 69 units or $29,900 per month.
If you’re a DBD member, you’ll generally be eligible
Income Protection cover ceases at age 65.
for inbuilt benefits (like insurance but provided by
UniSuper) that can provide:
• a lump sum payment on your death or if you’re
diagnosed with a terminal medical condition, and
• an income stream in the event of disablement or
temporary incapacity.
* Some restrictions may apply to Personal Account members. See page 15 for details.
Insurance in your super 3
DBD When you join the DBD for the first time, you’ll generally receive one unit of Death and
TPD cover, provided you haven’t already received, applied for, or opted out of receiving
default cover.
Eligible DBD members transferring to Accumulation 2 may also elect to receive ‘transitioned
cover’. For information on transitioned cover, read the What happens to your inbuilt benefits if
you choose Accumulation 2? document.
If you join UniSuper as a result of a Family Law split, you aren’t eligible to receive default cover.
4 1800 331 685
Additional default cover You can elect additional default cover by completing the
Not available if you join UniSuper as a Personal relevant section of the Changing your default options form
for your product or by visiting unisuper.com.au/forms
Account member.
and completing the Application for additional default
If you’re eligible and you elect, or automatically receive, insurance form.
default cover, you can elect to increase your amount
of default cover by up to two additional units without TRANSITIONED COVER
providing evidence of your health to our Insurer. If you’re eligible, you can elect to receive Death, TPD
This is called ‘additional default cover’. and Income Protection cover (‘transitioned cover’)
when you transfer from the DBD to Accumulation 2.
If you elect to receive default cover and you also want
additional default cover, you must elect to receive both
at the same time. ADDITIONAL COVER
Additional cover (as distinct from ’additional default
If you receive default cover automatically, you’ll have
cover‘) refers to any insurance for which you apply and
180 days from the date your default cover commences
go through underwriting (i.e. provide health evidence
to elect additional default cover.
that satisfies our Insurer). You can apply for additional
If you automatically receive default cover and you cover if you don’t have cover or would like to increase
choose to change your default Death and TPD cover your cover.
to Death only or TPD-only cover, any additional default
cover will also be Death-only or TPD-only cover
as applicable.
Accumulation 1 (under age 25 or with By election (provided it’s received At the same time as electing
an account balance under $6,000) within 180 days of joining). default cover.
Accumulation 1 (age 25 or over and Automatically when we receive an Within 180 days of the date your
with an account balance over $6,000) employer contribution once you are default cover commences.
aged 25 or over and you have an
account balance of $6,000 or more.
Personal Account By election when you apply. You’re ineligible for additional
default cover.1
DBD/Accumulation 2 Automatically when you join Within 180 days of the date your
the DBD. 2 default cover commences.
If you join UniSuper as a Personal Account member and you transfer to another product, you will still not be eligible for additional default cover.
Unless you reduce your default member contributions when you join, in which case you must elect default cover, and additional criteria apply.
You can find more information about this on page 17.
Insurance in your super 5
61 100% 90% If you make a claim and it’s accepted, you’ll receive
62 100% 80% a monthly benefit that is the lesser of:
• the amount represented by the number of units
63 100% 70% our Insurer last accepted for you, and
64 100% 60% • 85% of your monthly pre-disability income
including up to 10% paid as a super contribution).
65 100% 50%
66 100% 40% The maximum that can be purchased under the policy
is $29,900 per month (69 units of cover).
67 100% 30%
If your Income Protection cover ceases, you’ll need to
68 100% 20%
re-apply (and provide health evidence to our Insurer)
69 100% 10% to have cover again.
70–74 100% Nil
DBD members can’t receive Income Protection cover.
75 Nil Nil DBD members are generally provided with inbuilt
benefits. Refer to the Defined Benefit Division and
The cost of fixed cover can be found on page 13. Accumulation 2 PDS for details.
* Personal Account members with an occupation rating of ‘Heavy manual’ or ‘Special risk’ can only apply for a two year benefit period.
See page 15 for more details.
Insurance in your super 7
Types of cover
Ceasing insurance
Not receiving regular To opt out of having cover automatically applied to your
account in future (even if your UniSuper account closes
contributions? and you re-join at a later date with the same member
number), visit unisuper.com.au/forms and complete
We’ll automatically cancel your insurance if your
the Changing your insurance cover form.
account hasn’t received a contribution or a rollover
(from transferring your super to UniSuper from another DBD members can’t cancel or change inbuilt benefits.
fund) for 16 consecutive months. We’ll contact you
if you’re at risk of this happening.
When else does cover cease?
You can prevent your insurance from being
cancelled by making regular contributions, or by Insurance cover will also cease on any of these events:
instructing us to continue your insurance by visiting • you cease to be a UniSuper member
unisuper.com.au/forms and completing the Electing • you cease to satisfy the eligibility conditions
to keep your insurance form. • you reach the cover cessation age
• your account has insufficient funds to pay the
If we cancel your cover for the above reasons and you’d insurance premiums when due
like it reinstated, you can do this within 90 days of your • you join the armed forces of any country (the
cover ceasing (see page 9 for more details). If you Australian Defence Force Reserve is excluded for
don’t elect to reinstate your cancelled cover and later this purpose)
decide that you want cover, you’ll need to apply for • you cease to satisfy the relevant conditions
cover and provide evidence of your health that satisfies for continuation of cover while on employer
our Insurer. approved leave
• we terminate the policy with our Insurer
• you transfer from the DBD to Accumulation 1 or
Reducing, cancelling Accumulation 2 when aged under 25 years, or you
and opting out have an account balance of less than $6,000, and
have not elected to receive or keep your default
You can reduce or cancel your cover at any time. cover, or
The change to your cover will take effect from the date • you die.
we receive notice, either through your online account
or in writing.
To reduce or cancel your cover: Death and TPD cover also ceases on the earliest of the
• log in to your online account and go to the following circumstances:
‘Insurance’ section, or • our Insurer admits your claim for a benefit, (unless
• visit unisuper.com.au/forms and complete the it’s a claim for a terminal illness or TPD benefit
Changing your insurance cover form. and you continue to be covered for a residual
death benefit)
You can also opt out of ever having default insurance
• you reach age 70 for TPD cover, or
cover automatically applied to your account (provided
• you reach age 75 for Death (including terminal
your member number doesn’t change). You’ll still be
illness) cover.
able to apply for cover in the future—you’ll just need
to provide health evidence and have it accepted by
our Insurer.
Insurance in your super 9
Ceasing insurance
Insurance premiums
By obtaining insurance through your super, insurance WHAT’S MY OCCUPATION RATING?
premiums are deducted directly from your accumulation When you join as a Personal Account member and you
account balance each month, so you don’t have to want insurance, you must choose the occupation rating
budget for this cover from your take-home pay. that best fits your usual/primary occupation.
The weekly costs for both fixed cover and unitised To calculate the premium rate applicable to you for
cover are deducted from your account monthly in your age, cover type and cover level (according to the
arrears. The number of weeks in any given month is various types of cover):
based on the number of Fridays in the month. Insurance • use the premium rate tables on pages 13–14
premiums are not fixed and can be expected to change to determine the premiums for the level of each type
from time to time. We’ll inform you in writing of any of cover you have, then
changes to premium rates. • multiply these amounts by the factor for your
occupation rating outlined in the table on the
Any stamp duty payable on insurance is spread across
following page.
all members who have insurance and included in the
rates shown in this document. You can (but don’t need to) let us know of changes
to your occupation rating at any time by visiting
unisuper.com.au/forms and completing the Updating
Occupation ratings and your occupation rating form. Updating your occupation
your premiums rating will change the cost of your cover. If you select an
occupation rating that doesn’t reflect the nature of your
Occupation ratings only apply to Personal usual occupation, and you make a claim, our Insurer
Account members. can retrospectively correct your occupation rating
and this can impact your premiums and cover. If you
The type of work you do determines your occupation
apply to change your insurance cover, you may need to
rating. Some jobs are riskier than others, so they cost
confirm your occupation rating.
more to insure. We have four occupation ratings to
reflect different levels of risk.
Light manual • Regular light manual work (light weight lifting, carrying or stocking only)
• No regular use of heavy machinery or heavy equipment
Heavy manual • Involves the regular use of heavy machinery or heavy equipment
• Manual labour, such as regularly bending, lifting or carrying heavy loads
• Driving a motor vehicle for most of the day over short distances
Example occupations: Crane operator, Diver, Shipyard worker, Long distance bus/Truck
driver, Pilot, Actor, Model, Professional sportsperson, Radio/TV presenter, Underground/
Offshore miner, Social media personality.
The table below shows the annual premium cost per INSURED BENEFIT 1,3
$1,000 of insurance cover.
Age Death- TPD-only Death and
only ($) ($) TPD ($)
INSURED BENEFIT 1,3 71 12.88 N/A 2 12.882
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for any type of insurance at If you elect to receive Death and/or TPD cover without
UniSuper, you need to meet the following general providing health evidence to our Insurer (excluding
eligibility requirements: transitioned cover), we must receive your Changing your
• you’re a UniSuper member and default options form within 180 days of you becoming first
• you’re aged 14 or more, and under the age at which eligible to join UniSuper, or your Application for additional
cover ceases. default cover form within 180 days of your default cover
automatically commencing, as applicable.
ADDITIONAL CRITERIA FOR ACCUMULATION 1 Members with these occupation ratings are only
AND DBD MEMBERS (INCLUDING DBD MEMBERS eligible to apply for Income Protection cover with a
WHO TRANSFER TO ACCUMULATION 2) two-year benefit period. If you already hold Income
To be eligible to receive Death and/or TPD cover without Protection cover with a five-year or to-age-65 benefit
providing health evidence to our Insurer, we must receive period, and you then change your occupation rating
your minimum details from your employer within 180 to ‘Heavy manual’ or ‘Special risk’, then your benefit
days of you becoming first eligible to join, and you must period doesn’t need to change. However, if you apply
not previously have elected, opted out of, or received, to increase your level of Income Protection cover,
default cover. decrease your waiting period or increase the number
of units of Income Protection cover you have, your
cover will be converted to a two-year benefit period.
16 1800 331 685
Income Protection cover without IF YOU JOIN AS YOU CAN APPLY WITHOUT
If you join as Eligibility for Default cover When can you elect
default cover commences additional default cover?
A DBD/Accumulation 2 You’ll generally receive The date you join the DBD Within 180 days of
member2 default cover automatically1 becoming a DBD member
An Accumulation 1 You’ll need to elect to On the date we receive When you elect to receive
member2 receive default cover within an employer contribution default cover
180 days of being first provided that it’s within 180
eligible to join UniSuper days from when we receive
if you’re under age 25, your election
or you have an account
balance under $6,000
You’ll receive default cover On the date we receive an Within 180 days of
automatically if you’re aged employer contribution receiving default cover
25 or over and have an
account balance of $6,000
or more
A Personal Account You’ll need to elect to The date we receive You’re ineligible for
member receive it when you join a contribution within additional default cover
180 days of you joining
Special requirements apply to DBD members who elect to reduce their default member contributions on joining UniSuper.
Refer to the section ‘DBD members and default member contributions’ on the previous page for more information.
Provided you join UniSuper within 180 days of being first eligible.
You’ll be charged premiums for cover based on the date your cover commences.
An Accumulation 1 Within 180 days of being first eligible to On the date we receive an employer
member join UniSuper by completing the Changing contribution within 180 days from when
your default options – Accumulation 1 form, we receive your election
available in the Accumulation 1 PDS
A Personal Account When joining UniSuper via the online On the date we receive a contribution,
member application process provided it’s received within 180 days
of you joining
between products
If you’re an Accumulation 1 member and, if eligible, elect to join the DBD, you’ll receive default cover if you transfer to
the DBD, provided you had not elected, received, or opted out of default cover.
Members transferring from the DBD to Accumulation 2 should visit unisuper.com.au/pds and read the What
happens to your inbuilt benefits if you choose Accumulation 2? document, for details about how inbuilt benefits can be
transitioned to external cover, including the restrictions, terms and conditions that may apply.
Transferring Transferring to
Accumulation 1 Accumulation 2 DBD
Accumulation 1 N/A N/A Any Income Protection cover you have ceases.
Transferring Transferring to
Accumulation 1 Accumulation 21 DBD
DBD Inbuilt benefits cease 2
Inbuilt benefits cease N/A
Inbuilt benefits
automatically provided
and a three-year PEC
exclusion is applied.
Occupation ratings
no longer apply to
your premiums.
¹ A PEC exclusion will apply to some or all of your transitioned insurance cover. See page 28 for details.
An inbuilt benefit may be payable for up to 90 days after ceasing employment.
22 1800 331 685
THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING For information on the restrictions and exclusions relating
TRANSITIONED COVER to transitioned cover, visit unisuper.com.au/pds and read
When deciding whether to choose transitioned cover, the What happens to your inbuilt benefits if you choose
you should consider your insurance needs, both now Accumulation 2? document.
and into the future, as well as any restrictions, loadings
If you have existing fixed insurance cover, when you
or exclusions that apply.
receive transitioned cover the transitioned cover will
If you have existing Income Protection cover it may have also be fixed, rounded up to the next $1,000.
different restrictions or exclusions to transitioned Income
Protection cover.
You mustn’t have applied for Life Events cover for the It’s important to be aware that your automatically
same occurrence of the same life event. However, as an updated cover may not meet your income needs. If you
example, you can apply for Life Events cover when your have multiple sources of income (e.g. you have other
first child starts tertiary education and apply once more jobs), make sure you regularly check your total income
when your second child starts tertiary education. and cover to ensure you’re adequately insured.
The amount of Life Events cover will be: It’s also important to be aware that automatic updates
• Unitised cover—one additional unit of the same type can reduce your Income Protection cover if your
of cover employer reports to us a reduction in your salary and/
• Fixed cover—the lesser of 25% of the existing level or hours worked.
of cover, or $200,000.
If you change your mind, and no longer want us to
automatically update your cover, you can opt out of
this process via your online account or by visiting
unisuper.com.au/forms and completing the Changing
If you make a claim within the first six months of the your insurance cover form.
date your increased cover commences under Life
Events cover, the Life Events portion of your benefit will Automatic updates will never increase your cover above
only be payable if the claim is the result of an accident. the Automatic Acceptance Limit (AAL) of 34 units, but
may decrease your cover to, or below, the AAL of 34
units which may leave you underinsured.
If you want to apply for Life Events cover, visit After you receive transitioned cover, if you make
unisuper.com.au/forms , read the Life Events and Salary any changes to your cover, you’ll no longer receive
Increase cover fact sheet and complete the form. automatic Income Protection cover updates.
If your application for Life Events cover is successful, Automatic updates won’t occur in the
the additional cover will be added to your existing following circumstances:
Death and/or TPD insurance cover and will commence • within six months of receiving Salary Increase cover
on the date our Insurer notifies us in writing that it has • if your cover is subject to loadings or exclusions
agreed to provide cover. (other than a pre-existing condition (PEC) exclusion)
• if you’re on claim or entitled to a claim under
the policy
Income Protection automatic • if you’re no longer an Accumulation 2 member
update (Accumulation 2 • if you don’t already have Income Protection cover
• if you’ve previously had an application to increase
members only) your Income Protection cover declined, or
If your salary increases, our automatic update option • if the automatic update would increase your cover
can help you ensure you have enough units of Income above the automatic acceptance limit.
Protection cover to provide you with up to 85% of your
If you’re not in active employment when your cover is
salary in the event of illness or injury.
automatically updated, you won’t be able to make a
Conversely, if you decide to work fewer hours, our claim on any increase that automatically applied.
automatic option can reduce your cover so that you’re
not over-insured and paying for cover you don’t need.
Exclusions and
special conditions
Exclusions and special Exclusions and special
conditions for Death-only, conditions for Income
TPD-only and Death and Protection cover
TPD cover In addition to the pre-existing condition exclusion (refer
to page 29), the following exclusions and special
In addition to the pre-existing condition (PEC) exclusion
conditions apply to your Income Protection cover.
(refer to page 29), the following exclusions and
special conditions apply to your Death and TPD, Death- No Income Protection benefit will be payable if your
only cover, or TPD-only cover. injury or illness is caused directly or indirectly by one
of the following:
WAR-RELATED EVENTS • self-inflicted harm or attempted suicide, regardless
No benefit is payable for additional cover, reinstated of whether you were sane or insane at the time
cover or interim accident cover where your death, • normal and uncomplicated pregnancy or childbirth.
terminal illness or TPD is directly or indirectly caused by For the purposes of this exclusion, multiple
war (whether declared or not) or war-like operation. pregnancy, threatened or actual miscarriage,
participation in an IVF or similar program,
discomfort commonly associated with pregnancy,
such as morning sickness, backache, varicose
veins, ankle swelling or bladder problems aren’t
No benefit is payable for additional cover, reinstated considered to be abnormal or complications
cover or interim accident cover where death, terminal of pregnancy
illness or TPD is caused by self-inflicted injury, self- • when you became an insured member, your usual
inflicted infection or attempted suicide. occupation was an excluded occupation (where our
Insurer has not given prior approval)
IF YOU’RE OVERSEAS • your participation in a criminal act
Death and/or TPD cover will continue to be • service in the armed forces (excluding the Australian
provided while you’re overseas, subject to the Defence Force Reserve)
following conditions: • war (whether declared or not), revolution, invasion
• your cover hasn’t ceased under the policy or rebellion.
• you remain a member of UniSuper, and
• the continued payment of premiums when due.
Insurance in your super 29
Exclusions and special conditions
Maximum cover levels
Where you suffer one of the specific illnesses listed
below during the waiting period, you’ll also be entitled DEATH AND TPD
to an amount during the waiting period (known as a There’s no limit to the amount of Death cover you can
‘specific illness benefit’). This amount is equal to one apply for. The maximum amount of TPD cover you
times your monthly insured benefit, less 10% of your can apply for is $3 million. The maximum amount of
pre-disability income where your monthly benefit is terminal illness cover you can claim is $3 million. If the
equal to 85% of your pre-disability income. These terminal illness benefit paid out is less than your Death
specific illnesses are: cover, your dependents and/or estate will receive the
• cancer remainder of your Death cover in the event of your
• chronic liver disease death, subject to the premiums continuing to be paid
• chronic lung disease for the remainder of the Death cover.
• chronic renal failure
• coronary artery bypass surgery
• heart attack (Myocardial Infarction)
• major head trauma The maximum amount of Income Protection cover you
• severe burns can apply for is 69 units or $29,900 per month.
• stroke
The maximum period an Income Protection benefit can
• total blindness
be paid is the lesser of the benefit period that applies to
• total deafness, or
you (if you’ve elected a two-year or a five-year benefit
• transient ischaemic attacks.
period) and to age 65. The minimum monthly benefit
Each specific illness is defined in the policy. You can period that can be insured is one unit which equals
obtain a copy of the policy by calling us. $433 per month or $100 per week.
The certification period for the inbuilt terminal medical All cover will cease for Income Protection if you’ve
condition benefit (DBD members only) and externally received Income Protection benefits for the benefit
insured terminal illness benefit, requires certification period applicable to your insurance cover.
from two medical practitioners, one of which is a
specialist, stipulating you have less than 12 months
to live.
Terminal medical condition
There could be significant consequences to accessing Before you apply for the early release of your
your super early, including forfeiting your eligibility for funds due to a terminal medical condition,
insured benefits through your UniSuper membership. we encourage you to read the Terminal
Please call us and we can take you through your options. medical condition benefit fact sheet available
at unisuper.com.au/forms and call us to
discuss your options.
Read these definitions in conjunction with the policy c. an Accumulation 2 member, $1.2 million for:
documents which can be obtained by calling us. i. Death-only cover;
ii. TPD-only cover; or
ACCIDENT iii. Death and TPD cover.
For the purposes of Income Protection, Salary Increase For Income Protection cover:
and Life Events cover, means accidental injury causing
total disablement through a visible, violent, external means:
event to the body a. in respect of a member other than an
Accumulation 2 member, the lesser of:
i. 23 units per month; and
ii. the next highest number of units which equates
For the purposes of Death and TPD cover, active to 85% of the member’s salary at the date insured
employment means: cover commenced under the policy.
a. for any person who is: b. in respect of an Accumulation 2 member, the lesser of:
i. employed with an employer; the person is: i. 34 units per month; and
1. actively performing or capable of actively ii. the next highest number of units which equates
performing all of the duties of their usual to 85% of the member’s salary at the date insured
occupation with their employer on a full time cover commenced under the policy.
basis; or
2. on employer approved leave for reasons
other than illness and/or injury, and capable
of performing their usual occupation on a Under super law you must meet a condition of release
full-time basis; before your preserved benefits can be withdrawn from
free from any limitation due to illness and/or injury; or a super fund. The conditions of release can include:
ii. unemployed or self-employed; the person • permanent retirement from the workforce on or
is actively performing or capable of actively after reaching your preservation age
performing all of the duties of his or her usual • termination of employment on or after you reach
occupation free from any limitation due to illness age 60
and/or injury on a full-time basis; or • reaching age 65
iii. engaged exclusively in unpaid domestic duties; • permanent incapacity
the person is actively performing or capable of • terminal medical condition
performing all of their unpaid domestic duties on • terminating employment with an employer who
a full-time basis, free from any limitations due to contributed to UniSuper on your behalf and your
illness and/or injury; and benefit is less than $200, or
b. the person is not entitled to or receiving income • death.
support benefits relating to illness and/or injury
from any source including, but not limited to DATE OF DISABILITY
workers’ compensation benefits, statutory transport
For the purposes of Income Protection cover, date
accident benefits and disability income benefits.
of disability means the date that a medical practitioner
examines the insured member and certifies that he
For Death and/or TPD cover:
means in respect of:
a. an Accumulation 1 member or a Defined Benefit means partially disabled/partial disability/partial
Member, three units of: disablement or totally disabled/total disability/total
i. Death-only cover; disablement, as applicable.
ii. TPD-only cover; or
iii. Death and TPD cover, and EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION
b. a Personal Account member, one unit of: means a super contribution by an employer in respect
i. Death-only cover; of a member.
ii. TPD-only cover; or
iii. Death and TPD cover, and
36 1800 331 685
means bodily injury caused by violent, external
means, in respect of an insured member;
and visible means.
a. any income under any other insurance policy
as a result of incapacity;
INSURED MEMBER b. social security benefits or allowances paid as a
means a member who has insurance cover under result of a person’s inability to work or earn an
the policy. income; and
c. any benefit under any worker’s compensation,
motor accident compensation or other similar State,
Federal or Territory legislation,
means the whole hand below the wrist or whole foot
below the ankle. derived by the insured member during a month for
which their monthly benefit or partial monthly benefit is
LOADING being calculated.
means a multiplier may be applied to your premium by For the avoidance of doubt, other disability income
our Insurer depending on your health evidence or other does not include:
information provided. If a loading is applied, then your a. income earned by the member from investments;
premium will be increased. You will be notified if this b. income earned by the personal exertion of
applies to you. the member
c. any lump sum total and permanent disablement
MAXIMUM COVER LIMIT benefit, lump sum superannuation benefit, lump
sum trauma or terminal illness style of benefit
means in respect of:
payable in respect of the member; or
• Death cover: unlimited
d. annual leave, sick leave or long service leave
• TPD cover: $3 million
entitlements of the member.
• Income Protection cover: $29,900 per month
or 69 units
• Terminal illness cover: $3 million. PARTIAL DISABILITY
means that an insured member because of illness
• directly before suffering a partial disability,
means a person who is registered and practising as a
suffered total disability continuously for a period
medical practitioner in Australia or a medically qualified
of 14 consecutive days,
doctor approved by our Insurer, other than the:
• has been unable to return to performing all of the
a. insured member
duties of his or her usual occupation because of that
b. insured member’s spouse or partner in a de facto
illness or injury,
relationship, parent, child or sibling, or the parent,
• is under the regular care of a medical practitioner,
child or sibling of the insured member’s partner; or
and is following that medical practitioner’s advice, and
c. the insured member’s business partner, associate
• earns a monthly income that is less than his or her
or employee.
pre-disability income.
means your name, date of birth, address and date
of commencement of employment.
Insurance in your super 37
means an employer that has signed a formal agreement
with the Trustee. Call us to find out if your employer is a
UniSuper employer.
AM I COMPLETING THE RIGHT FORM? If you apply for and receive insurance cover on this form, you will
If you want to decrease your Income Protection benefit period not later receive default cover if otherwise eligible.
or increase your Income Protection waiting period, convert your For Defined Benefit Division (DBD) members only: External
unitised cover to fixed cover, or reduce your cover, complete insurance cover provided by our Insurer is in addition to any inbuilt
the Changing your insurance cover form available on our website. cover you may already have. DBD members are not eligible to
You can also cancel your cover by logging in to your account apply for Income Protection cover.
at unisuper.com.au .
If you’re in your first 180 days of membership and want to opt in
to insurance cover without providing evidence of your health and If you’ve provided a correctly completed form (and any certified
having it accepted by the Insurer, use the Changing your default ID or other paperwork, if required), we’ll aim to process your
options form, available in the PDS relevant to your product. request as soon as possible. Not providing correct information
may delay us processing your request. Please allow 3-5 business
If you’ve automatically received default cover and want to apply days for your form to arrive by post. We’ll contact you if we have
for additional default cover, use the Application for additional any queries in relation to your request. Our Insurer may contact
default cover form. you to obtain your consent to seek further medical information to
If you have cover with another super fund or another insurer, you process your application.
may be able to transfer this cover to us. Refer to the Transfer of
insurance cover application form, available on our website. INSURER
Insurance cover is provided by TAL Life Limited
WHICH SECTION(S) SHOULD I COMPLETE? (ABN 70 050 109 450, AFSL No. 237848).
• To apply for or increase your Death, Total and Permanent
Disablement (TPD) or Income Protection (IP) cover, complete PRIVACY INFORMATION
Sections 1–14. UniSuper and TAL recognise the importance of protecting your
• To apply for or increase your fixed cover, complete Sections 1–5, personal information and are committed to complying with our
7 and 9–14. privacy law obligations. For more information on how we collect
• To decrease your Income Protection waiting period, complete and manage your information, please refer to the ‘Your privacy
Sections 1–5 and 8–14. with TAL Life Limited’ section on page 2 (for TAL) and the Privacy
• To increase your Income Protection benefit period, complete statement (for UniSuper) at the end of this form.
Sections 1–5 and 8–14.
> Please complete in BLACK or BLUE BALL POINT PEN using CAPITAL letters. Cross (X) where required.
Member number
Refer to your most recent UniSuper correspondence or call 1800 331 685.
Given name(s)
Fund: UniSuper ABN 91 385 943 850 Trustee: UniSuper Limited ABN 54 006 027 121 AFSL 492806
Administrator: UniSuper Management Pty Ltd ABN 91 006 961 799 AFSL 235907
Address: Level 1, 385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Vic 3000 Issue date: November 2021
U NI S F 0 0 01 3 1 1 2 1
When you apply for insurance, you are treated as if you are ABN 70 050 109 450 AFSL No. 237848 (‘TAL’ and, in this
applying for cover under an individual consumer insurance section, ‘we’).
contract. A person who applies for cover under a consumer
The privacy of TAL customers is important and TAL is bound
insurance contract has a legal duty to take reasonable care not
by obligations imposed by current privacy laws including the
to make a misrepresentation to the Insurer before the contract of
Australian Privacy Principles. The way in which TAL collects, uses,
insurance is entered into.
secures and discloses your personal information is set out in the
A misrepresentation is a false answer, an answer that is only TAL Privacy Policy available at www.tal.com.au/Privacy-Policy
partially true, or an answer which does not fairly reflect the truth. or free of charge on request to TAL by telephoning 1800 666 136.
This duty also applies when extending or making changes to
Collection and use of personal information
existing insurance, and reinstating insurance.
We collect personal information, including your name, age,
If you do not meet your duty gender, contact details, health information, salary, and
If you do not meet your legal duty, this can have serious impacts employment information so that we may assess and administer
on your insurance. Under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) our products and services to you. In certain circumstances, such
there are a number of different remedies that may be available to as applications for life insurance products and claims, we may be
the Insurer. They are intended to put the Insurer in the position required to collect personal information of a sensitive nature such
it would have been in if the duty had been met. For example, as lifestyle and medical history information. If you do not supply
the Insurer may: the information that is required, we may not be able to provide our
• avoid the cover (treat it as if it never existed) products and services to you or pay the claim.
• vary the amount of the cover, or
We may take steps to verify the information we collect; for
• vary the terms of the cover.
example, a birth certificate provided as identification may be
Whether the Insurer can exercise one of these remedies depends verified with records held by Births, Deaths and Marriages
on a number of factors, including: to protect against impersonation, or we may verify with an
• whether reasonable care was taken not to make a employer regarding remuneration information provided in
misrepresentation. This depends on all of the relevant a claim for income protection to ensure that it is accurate.
Disclosure of personal information
• what the Insurer would have done if the duty had been met.
For example, whether it would have offered cover, and if so, We disclose relevant personal information to external
on what terms organisations that help us provide our services and may also
• whether the misrepresentation was fraudulent, and disclose some of your personal information to other parties,
• in some cases, how long it has been since the cover started. when required to do so to provide our products and services
to you, such as the following:
Before any of these remedies are exercised, the Insurer will explain • claims assessors and investigators, claims managers
the reasons for its decision, how to respond, and provide further and reinsurers;
information, and what you can do if you disagree. • medical practitioners (to verify or clarify, if necessary,
Guidance for answering the questions in this form any health information you may provide);
• any person acting on your behalf, including your financial
You are responsible for the information provided to the Insurer.
advisor, solicitor, accountant, executor, administrator, trustee,
When answering questions, please: guardian or attorney;
• Think carefully about each question before you answer. If you • other insurers;
are unsure of the meaning of any question, please ask us before • for members of superannuation funds where TAL is the insurer,
you respond. to the trustee, or administrator of the superannuation fund; and
• Answer every question. • other organisations to whom we outsource certain functions
• Answer truthfully, accurately and completely. If you are unsure during the underwriting and claims processes, such as
about whether you should include information, please include it. obtaining blood tests for underwriting purposes, rehabilitation
• Review your application carefully before it is submitted. If providers, surveillance providers and forensic accountants.
someone else helped prepare your application (for example,
There are situations where we may also disclose your personal
your adviser), please check every answer (and if necessary,
information in circumstances where it is required by law
make any corrections) before the application is submitted.
(such as to the police or Australian Tax Office), and authorised
Please note that there may be circumstances where the Insurer by law (e.g. under court orders or statutory notices).
later investigates whether the information given to it was true.
For example, it may do this when a claim is made.
Changes before your cover starts
Before your cover starts, the Insurer may ask you whether the
information that has been given as part of your application for
insurance remains accurate or whether there has been a change to
any of your circumstances. As any changes might require further
assessment or investigation, it could save time if you let us or the
Insurer know about any changes when they happen.
Page 2 of 14
Email address
State Postcode
State Postcode
Other than this application, do you have or are you applying for any Life, TPD, Disability Income or Group Salary Continuance insurance
with any other company?
No Yes. Provide the following details.
Company name
Type of policy
Benefit amount
If this current application is successful, do you intend to continue your insurance cover with the company above?
No Yes
Have you ever held or applied for any life, disability, accident and sickness or trauma insurance, that was declined, postponed, had the
premium increased or modified, or had a current policy cancelled or renewal refused?
No Yes. If yes, please provide details below.
Company name
Type of policy
Cover amount
Page 3 of 14
Have you claimed on any type of disability, trauma, accident and sickness or such benefits as workers’ compensation or Motor Vehicle
Third party?
No Yes. If yes, please provide details below.
Company name
Type of policy
Cover amount
Was the claim accepted or declined? If declined, what was the reason?
To what extent have you recovered from the condition you claimed for? Recovery
Please complete a separate sheet if required and attach to this form.
Are you actively performing—or capable of actively performing—all of your normal duties of your usual occupation on a full-time basis
(30 hours or more per week) and free from any limitations due to illness and/or injury?
Yes No. Provide details.
Are you on employer approved leave for reasons other than illness and/or injury?
No Yes. Provide details.
Page 4 of 14
What’s your current occupation and what duties do you perform (including % of time spent in each)?
What’s your gross annual salary? (including employer superannuation contributions How many hours per week
and packaged items but excluding bonuses/commission) do you work?
> See the Insurance in your super document for more information about eligibility for insurance cover.
What insurance cover would you like to apply for or change? You may be eligible to apply for multiple types of cover.
Death-only cover TPD-only cover Death and TPD cover Income Protection cover (DBD members can’t apply
for Income Protection cover)
If you don’t already have default cover and your application for Death and/or TPD cover is successful, you won’t be eligible to receive
default cover in the future.
If your application for increased cover is successful, you’ll keep your cover even if we’re not receiving regular contributions into your account.
You can cancel your cover at any time by logging into your account online.
Select the option that best reflects your usual type of work for your primary occupation (select one).
It’s important to make sure you select an occupation rating that reflects the duties of your usual/primary occupation. If it doesn’t,
our Insurer may update your occupation rating and/or refuse any future claim. For more information, read the Insurance in your super
document at unisuper.com.au/pds . Call us on 1800 331 685 if you’re unsure which occupation rating applies to you.
If your occupation rating changes as a result of submitting this form, the cost of any existing insurance cover you have will also change.
Before we send this form to our Insurer for assessment, we’ll process it to ensure your eligibility. If we’re unable to process this form,
there won’t be any change to your occupation rating.
If we send this form to our Insurer and you’ve indicated a change to your occupation rating, we’ll update your rating effective from
the date we receive a decision from our Insurer (even if the Insurer declines your application).
Page 5 of 14
> If you want to apply for default cover that you may be eligible for within 180 days of being first eligible to join UniSuper, use the
Changing your default options form, available in the PDS relevant to your product. If you want to apply for fixed cover, go to SECTION 7.
How many units of Death cover do you want in total, including any units you may have already?
(The amount of Death insurance cover you can apply for is unlimited.) unit(s)
How many units of TPD cover do you want in total, including any units you may have already?
(The maximum amount of TPD cover is limited to $3 million.) unit(s)
Once you’ve completed this section, go to SECTION 8.
Would you like to convert your unitised insurance cover to fixed cover?
Yes. This is a once-only election only available if you’re under age 61. You’ll be unable to elect unitised cover in the future.
No. Go to SECTION 8.
Your request will take effect when we receive your form.
If you’re applying for or wanting to increase your fixed Death and/or TPD cover, what’s the amount of fixed insurance you want to have
in total, including what you already have? (This must be rounded to the nearest $1,000 and includes any unitised or fixed cover you already
have that will be converted to fixed cover.)
$ , 000 TPD
$ , 000
(Refer to the Insurance in your super document for the fixed cover premiums.)
> Income Protection cover is unit-based and provided in multiples of $433 worth of cover per month (or $100 per week). The
premiums are based on age, level of cover required and benefit period and waiting periods applicable. See the Insurance in your super
document for more detailed information. Note, Income Protection isn’t available to DBD members.
If you are unemployed or not working when you apply for Income Protection cover, your application will be declined.
If you want to decrease your benefit period or increase your waiting period, complete the Changing your insurance cover form available
on our website.
If you’re applying for Income Protection cover, complete SECTION 8A and 8B.
If you already have Income Protection cover or want to increase the number of units of Income Protection cover, complete SECTION 8A.
If you want to reduce your waiting period or increase your benefit period, complete SECTION 8B.
Page 6 of 14
How many $433 per month or $100 weekly units of cover do you want to have in total, including what you already have? (Refer to the
Insurance in your super document.)
Please note, eligible members can select cover up to 69 units (or $29,900 per month) of Income Protection insurance cover. Note,
however, that cover cannot exceed 85% of your monthly salary (the amount between 75% – 85% to be paid directly into your super
account). All applications for additional insurance are subject to evidence of your health and must be approved by the Insurer.
Which benefit payment period would you like to select? Note, Personal Account members with an occupation rating of Heavy manual
or Special risk are ineligible for some benefit periods. Refer to the Insurance in your super document for details.
2 years 5 years to age 65
Have you ever used or injected yourself with any drug not prescribed by a doctor, or received counselling or treatment for the use
of alcohol or drugs?
No Yes. You may be asked to complete a drug use or alcohol consumption questionnaire by our Insurer.
Do you currently, or do you intend to engage in any hazardous pastime and/or sporting activity such as aviation (other than as a fare
paying passenger on a commercial airline), football, scuba diving, motor sports, trail bike riding or rock climbing?
No Yes. You may be asked to complete a sports and pastimes statement by our Insurer.
Do you intend travelling outside Australia within the next two years?
No Yes. Provide details (where, when, duration and reason):
Page 7 of 14
Within the last three years have you consulted, been examined, treated by, or received advice from any doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist,
counsellor, chiropractor, physiotherapist or any other health care professional (naturopath etc.) or been in a hospital or been advised to
have an operation or taken any medication, drugs, stimulants, sedatives or tranquilisers?
No Yes. Provide details:
Have you ever had an ECG, x-ray, transfusion, mammogram, ultrasound, surgery or any other investigation?
No Yes. Provide details:
Have you ever had any blood tests which revealed an abnormality, e.g. raised blood sugar, liver function, renal function results, or anaemia etc?
No Yes. Provide details:
Page 8 of 14
Do you contemplate seeking any medical examination, advice, treatment or surgery for any other current health condition, in the future?
No Yes. Provide details:
> Please provide details for all ‘Yes’ answers in the General medical questionnaire in SECTION 12.
Have you ever had, been advised that you had, or received advice or treatment for any of the following: No Yes
a. High blood pressure, raised cholesterol, chest pain, heart attack, rheumatic fever, stroke or circulatory disorder?
d. Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, stress, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, or any mental or nervous condition?
g. Disease, injury, or disorder of joints, neck, back or bones, gout, arthritis or a repetitive strain injury or tendonitis?
m. Any other disability, congenital abnormality, deformity, or symptoms of ill health, illness or injury?
n. Has the virus which causes AIDS (the Human Immunodeficiency Virus) ever infected you or are you carrying
antibodies to that virus?
o. Have you ever engaged in any activity/ies reasonably accepted as having an increased risk of exposure to the
HIV/AIDS virus?
Page 9 of 14
p. Have you ever had any gynaecological conditions (e.g. endometriosis, abnormal pap smear, etc)?
s. Have you ever had a breast lump (even if you haven’t seen a doctor about it)?
Has any of your immediate family (mother, father, brother or sister), suffered from diabetes, heart disease, cancer, kidney disease,
high blood pressure, mental health condition, haemophilia, Huntington’s disease or any other hereditary disease before the age of 65?
No. Yes. Please provide details:
Relationship to you: Medical condition (e.g. breast cancer, Age when Age at death
heart attack, Type 2 diabetes): diagnosed (if applicable)
For all questions you answered ‘Yes’ to in SECTION 11, please fill out the table below. Please complete a separate sheet if required.
Specific condition
Page 10 of 14
What advice/treatment
did you receive?
Date treatment/
medication ceased.
Given name(s)
State Postcode
Email address
Page 11 of 14
How long have you been attending this doctor? Years Months
If less than one year (12 months), please advise the name and address of the doctor who has details of your medical history.
Name of doctor
Given name(s)
State Postcode
Email address
> Please give details of your last consultation with any doctors and, if applicable, the outcome or degree of recovery.
Name of doctor
Given name(s)
State Postcode
Email address
Consultation details
Page 12 of 14
> Please read Your duty to take reasonable care on page 2 and Your declaration before you sign and date your form.
• I declare that the information I’ve given on this form (and any accompanying pages) is true and correct.
• I acknowledge that I’ve received, read and understood the information in my UniSuper membership PDS and in the Insurance in your
super document.
• I have read and understand Your duty to take reasonable care, understand the consequences of non-disclosure, and understand
my obligations under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 as described above.
• I acknowledge that if I have an Accumulation 1, Accumulation 2 or Personal Account, I can read about the type of member for whom
the product has been designed in the relevant Target Market Determination available at unisuper.com.au/pds .
• I understand that all insurance cover is subject to the terms and conditions of the policies.
• I confirm that at the date of this application I’m not absent from work for reasons of illness or injury.
• I acknowledge that if I fail to provide all or part of the information required or consent to the Insurer obtaining such information,
as required, this application won’t be assessed and processed.
• I acknowledge that I’ve read and understood the privacy information at the back of this form and consent to my health and sensitive
information being collected, used and disclosed in accordance with UniSuper’s Privacy Policy to enable the Insurer to underwrite
my application for insurance cover.
• I acknowledge that cover commences on the date the Insurer accepts my application for cover.
• I acknowledge that I must maintain an accumulation component/account balance from which insurance premiums can be deducted,
in order to apply and maintain my insurance cover.
• I acknowledge that by successfully increasing my cover this constitutes an election to keep my insurance, even if I’m not receiving
regular contributions into my account.
Signature Date
UniSuper is committed to protecting your personal information
in accordance with privacy law obligations. The information that Target Market Determination
you provide to UniSuper on this form is collected and used in A Target Market Determination (TMD) for
accordance with our Privacy Policy which can be found online at Accumulation 1, Accumulation 2 and Personal Account
unisuper.com.au/privacy . If you have any privacy related questions, is available at unisuper.com.au/pds. You can read about
please call 1800 331 685.
the type of member each of these products have been
designed for in the relevant TMD.
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1800 331 685
+61 3 8831 7901
[email protected]
1800 823 842
+61 3 8831 7916
Level 1, 385 Bourke Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
UNISIBR0011 1121