WSH Guidelines Safe Use of Lorry Crane

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Workplace Safety and

Health Guidelines
Safe Use of Lorry Cranes

Year of issue: 2020


1. Introduction 3
1.1 Scope 3
1.2 Relevant Legislation 3

2. Planning of Lifting Operation 5

2.1 Risk Assessment 5
2.2 Lifting Plan 7
2.3 Changes to Lifting Plan 7

3. Roles and Responsibilities of Relevant Personnel 9

3.1 Responsible Person 9
3.2 Lifting Supervisor 9
3.3 Lorry Crane Operator 10
3.4 Rigger 10
3.5 Signalman 10
3.6 Combination of Roles 11

4. Common Hazards 12

5. Set-up of Lorry Cranes 14

5.1 Ground Conditions 14
5.2 Deployment of Outriggers 14
5.3 Clearance 16
5.4 Public Roads 16
5.5 Adverse Weather Conditions 16
5.6 Test-lift 17

6. Safe Operation of Lorry Cranes 18

6.1 Rated Capacity 18
6.2 Lifting Near Personnel or Members of Public 19
6.3 Health 19
6.4 Security 20
6.5 Safe Use of Remote Controls 20
6.6 Other Safety Considerations During Lorry Crane Operation 21
6.6.1 Leaving a Lorry Crane 21
6.6.2 Demobilising a Lorry Crane 21

7. Safety Devices 23
7.1 Audio Warning System 23
7.2 Stability Control System 24
7.3 Emergency Stop button 24

8. Maintenance 25
8.1 Maintenance of Lorry Cranes 25
8.2 Proper Storage of Lifting Gears 25

9. References 27

10. Acknowledgements 28

Annex 1: Sample Lifting Plan 29

Annex 2: Sample Lorry Crane Pre-Use Checklist 32

1. Introduction

The use of lorry cranes, otherwise referred to as Lorry Loaders in the Workplace Safety and
Health (Operation of Cranes) Regulations, is a familiar sight in Singapore. They are deployed
extensively by the logistics and transportation, construction and landscape, marine, hospitality
and entertainment sectors (non-exhaustive). Lorry cranes are preferred due to the shorter set-
up time, lower costs and ease of mobility in comparison with other types of mobile cranes.

As the use of lorry cranes has become more prevalent, there has been a significant increase in
dangerous occurrences involving lorry cranes over the past few years. Some causes (direct or
indirect) of these dangerous occurrences are improper deployment of outriggers, failure of the
ground, mechanical failure and unsafe operations. Similar to other lifting machines, the use of
lorry cranes for lifting operations can be potentially hazardous if not carried out properly.

1.1 Scope
These guidelines aims to raise the workplace safety and health (WSH) awareness of all relevant
stakeholders such as owners, users and operators. It covers the planning these guidelines
will cover the planning, roles and responsibilities, relevant hazards, set-up, operation and
maintenance aspects of lorry cranes.

1.2 Relevant Legislation

Some relevant legislation (non-exhaustive) with regards to the use of lorry cranes are:

S/No Agency Legislation What it covers

1. Ministry of Workplace • Workplace Safety and Health obligations

Manpower Safety and of relevant stakeholders such as occupiers,
Health Act principals, employers and employees.
(Chapter • Covers all workplaces unless exempted.
2. Ministry of Workplace • Workplace Safety and Health obligations
Manpower Safety and of relevant stakeholders with regards to
Health operation of cranes.
(Operation • The relevant stakeholders include personnel
of Cranes) such as the responsible person, lifting
Regulations supervisor, crane operator, rigger and
2011 signalman.
3. Land Street Works • Power to control works on public streets.
Transport (Works on • Application and approval to work on
Authority Public Streets) public streets for any person other than the
Regulations Authority.
4. Land Road Traffic • Power to place traffic signs on public streets.
• The relevant stakeholders include personnel
of Cranes) such as the responsible person, lifting
Regulations supervisor, crane operator, rigger and
2011 signalman.
3. Land Street Works • Power to control works on public streets.
Transport (Works on • Application and approval to work on
Authority Public Streets) public streets for any person other than the
Regulations Authority.

4. Land Road Traffic • Power to place traffic signs on public streets.

Transport Act (Chapter • Provisions to the use of highways.
Authority 276)
• Prescribed traffic signs placed on or near any
Table 1: Legislation relevant to use of lorry cranes

2. Planning of Lifting Operation

To ensure all lifting operations are carried out safely, careful planning must be done. This
• Conducting a Risk Assessment;
• Preparing a Lifting Plan;
• Identifying changes to the Lifting Plan;
• Communicating the Lifting Plan to all relevant personnel; and
• Reviewing the Lifting Plan before the lifting operation and incorporating any changing

These activities are explained in the sections below.

2.1 Risk Assessment

Under the Workplace Safety and Health (Risk Management) Regulations, every workplace must
conduct a Risk Assessment (RA) for all work activities. Workplace risks can be assessed in three
simple steps:

STEP 1: Hazard Identification

Determine hazards associated with the activity of each work process, along with the potential
accidents or ill-health that could result from these hazards. Person(s) who may be at risk as a
result of being exposed to these hazards can also be identified.

STEP 2: Risk Evaluation

Estimate the risk levels of the identified hazards and their acceptability on:
• the severity of the hazard; and
• the likelihood of the incident

STEP 3: Risk Control

Based on the outcome of the risk evaluation in STEP 2, risk controls should then be selected to
reduce or confine the identified risk to an acceptable level.

These risk controls should be effective yet practicable. To control hazards and reduce risks,
control measures should be observed in accordance with the Hierarchy of Control (See Figure

Hierarchy of Control
The type of control measures in the Hierarchy of Control are ranked in order of effectiveness. As
far as possible, priority should be given to upstream risk control measures.







Figure 1: The Hierarchy of Control

It may be necessary to use more than one risk control measure to reduce risks to the lowest
possible level if a single measure is insufficient. For example, engineering controls such as using
safer equipment, can be implemented together with administrative controls, for instance,
training and Safe Work Procedures, to reduce a workplace risk.

Elimination of risk refers to the removal of the worker’s exposure to the hazards, effectively
making all identified possible accidents and ill-health impossible. As elimination is the most
effective method of risk control, it should be attempted first. Once the risk is eliminated, it will
not appear in subsequent risk assessment forms.

This involves replacing a hazard with one that presents a lower risk.

Engineering Controls
Engineering controls are physical means that limit the hazard. These include structural changes
to the work environment or work processes.

Administrative Controls
These controls reduce or eliminate exposure to a hazard by adhering to procedures or
instructions. Documentation should emphasise all steps in the work processes and controls
needed for work activities to be carried out safely.

Personal Protective Equipment

Proper use of PPE can keep workers safe at work. However, PPE should only be used in addition
to other control measures (e.g. engineering control measures) or when all other measures are
not feasible or practical. For PPE to be effective, it must always be properly worn when the user
is exposed to the hazards. The PPE must also fit the user correctly, and kept cleaned and stored
in an appropriate place when not in use.

For more information on risk management and risk assessment, refer to the Code of Practice on
Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Risk Management.

2.2 Lifting Plan

A Lifting Plan should be developed based on the consideration of factors that can affect the
safety of any lifting operation. The factors can be broadly classified as:
• Machine - Selection of appropriate lifting equipment for the job as well as the integrity of
the equipment to perform the job;
• Material - Load that is intended to be lifted;
• Medium - Environment in which the lifting operation is to be carried out, which includes the
setting up and stability of the equipment;
• Man - Competency, roles and responsibilities of personnel involved in the lifting operation;
• Method - Planning and procedures to be adopted for the lifting operation.

To provide guidance, a sample Lifting Plan is provided in Annex 1. The template lists the
following key elements that should be included:
• Details of the load;
• Details of the lifting equipment such as lifting machine and lifting gears to be used;
• Means of communications;
• Personnel involved in the lifting operation;
• Physical and environmental considerations;
• Sequence/ special precautions; and
• Sketch of the zone of operation.

The elements recommended in the sample Lifting Plan are non-exhaustive and personnel
involved in planning lifting operation must consider factors that are unique to the situation;
particularly for more complex lifting operations.

2.3 Changes to Lifting Plan

The Lifting Plan is developed based on a pre-determined set of parameters and considerations.
Any significant changes should result in a temporary stoppage prior to or during the lifting
operation. A review of the Lifting Plan would then be required. Review the Lifting Plan if the
following scenarios occur:
• Changes to the type and capacity of lifting equipment used;
• Changes to the sequence of operations;
• Changes requiring reconfiguration of the crane;

• Changes in the rigging details which could result in a reduction in rigging strength or
significant increase in rigging weight;
• Changes in surrounding environment such as sudden presence of a temporary structure
obstructing the operation; and
• Changes in the weather and environmental conditions which have an adverse impact to
the lifting operation.

3. Roles and Responsibilities of
Relevant Personnel

3.1 Responsible Person

The responsible person in relation to lorry crane operations refers to either the employer of the
lorry crane operator or a principal who is directing the manner of work.

The roles and responsibilities of the responsible person should include but not limited to:
• Establish and implement a lifting plan. Ensure that the lifting plan is available for inspection
when required;
• Appoint competent lorry crane operators and ensure that they are adequately trained or
re-trained before executing any lorry crane operations; and
• Ensure competent lifting supervisors, rigger and signal man are appointed before any lorry
crane operations.

The relevant training courses that the stakeholders should attend are:

S/No Role Relevant Courses

1. Lifting Supervisor • WSQ Supervise Safe Lifting Operations
2. Lorry Crane Operator • WSQ Operate Lorry Crane (5 years validity)
3. Rigger and • WSQ Perform Rigger and Signalman Tasks
Table 2: List of relevant courses

3.2 Lifting Supervisor

The roles and responsibilities of the appointed lifting supervisor should include but not limited
• Coordinating all lifting activities in accordance with the Lifting Plan;
• Briefing all lifting team members on the Lifting Plan, safe lifting procedures and Risk
• Ensuring that only authorised and competent lorry crane operators, appointed riggers and
appointed signalmen participate in any lifting operation;
• Ensuring that the ground conditions are safe for any lifting operation to be performed;
• Being present during all lifting operations to ensure that the lift is carried out in accordance
with the lifting plan;

• Keeping within his/her sight and view of all lifting operations; and
• Taking suitable measures to rectify any unsafe conditions to ensure the lifting operation can
be conducted safely.

3.3 Lorry Crane Operator

The roles and responsibilities of the appointed lorry crane operator should include but not
limited to:
• Carrying out the lifting operation in accordance with the Lifting Plan;
• Inspecting the lorry crane prior to use to check for abnormalities;
• Checking that all safety devices (e.g. limit switches) are functioning properly;
• Visually ensuring that the ground is stable and the surrounding is free from any structures
or materials that may obstruct the lifting operation;
• Ensuring that any outrigger is fully extended and secured when required;
• Carrying out the lifting operation only when a lifting supervisor is present on site;
• Disengaging from any manoeuvre that is dangerous;
• Monitoring environmental effects such as thunderstorms and strong winds that will affect
the lifting operation;
• Reporting any defects immediately to the lifting supervisor, and recording such defects in
maintenance log records;
• Stopping the lift whenever unsafe situations occur; and
• Checking the crane wire rope (where applicable) to ensure it is still safe for use.

3.4 Rigger
The roles and responsibilities of the appointed rigger should include but not limited to:
• Ensuring all slings, webbings, shackles and other lifting gears used to rig the load are within
the Safe Working Load (SWL) of the lift, in good condition and duly certified;
• Ensuring that the load is rigged up in a such a manner that it is stable, balanced (i.e. centre
of gravity beneath the hook) and secured (i.e. no loose items);
• Ensuring that the lorry crane operator has been informed of the weight of the load;
• Establishing tag lines to control the load as it is being manoeuvred; and
• Reporting any defect in the lifting/rigging materials to the lifting supervisor.

3.5 Signalman
The roles and responsibilities of the appointed signalman should include but not limited to:
• Ensuring the load is correctly rigged up prior to giving signals to commence the lift;
• Giving correct and clear hand signals to the lorry crane operator to manoeuvre the load
• Ensuring communication is maintained with the lorry crane operator throughout the lift in

accordance with the lifting plan;
• Ensuring the lift is controlled throughout the duration of the operation;

any hazards during the manoeuvre;
• Maintaining his/her position so as to ensure line of sight during the controlled phase of the
lift and to ensure this position is free of danger; and
• Refraining from handling load/rigging simultaneously when giving signals to the crane

3.6 Combination of Roles

Role combination may take place after evaluating the site-specific risks of the lifting operation
by the responsible person and the lifting supervisor. It should be authorised and detailed in
the lifting plan. In this process, there should not be any role conflict and the lifting team must
be able to proceed with the operation safely.

The responsible person should ensure that :

1. The person undertaking all the combined roles to be appointed, trained and competent
for each role; and
2. Other relevant factors (non-exhaustive) such as type and size of load and the ability for
a single person to also perform rigging in a safe manner are adequately considered.

All relevant stakeholders of the lifting operation must be consulted and agree with any
proposed role combination before the commencement of the lifting operation. The onus will
be on the Responsible Person to make the final decision for adopting any combination
of roles.

4. Common Hazards

Table 3 below shows some of the common hazards:

S/No Hazard Consequence Illustration

1. Outriggers not Improper/partial
fully extended/ deployment of
deployed outriggers which
properly may result in the
toppling of lorry
crane due to

2. Overloading Overloading
or poor or poor
maintenance maintenance
of the lorry
crane can lead
to structural
or mechanical

S/No Hazard Consequence Relevant Photos
3. Improper With improper
deployment of deployment,
outriggers on outriggers might
unsafe ground punch through
conditions the soft ground
or foundation
with inadequate
strength. This
can result in the
toppling the
lorry crane.

4. Carrying Lifting over

out lifting human and
operations over property is
human and hazardous. Any
property failure in the
lifting operation
can lead to
potential fatality
and property

5. Use of faulty Using faulty

lifting gears lifting gears or
or improper improper rigging
rigging can lead to
potential fatality
and property

Table 3: Common hazards of lorry cranes

5. Set-up of Lorry Cranes

5.1 Ground Conditions

The ground on which the lorry crane is being set up must be able to handle the forces being
imposed. Therefore, a pre-operational assessment of the ground conditions should be done
to ensure that the ground has sufficient load bearing capacity. This operational assessment
should be made by a competent person, taking into consideration relevant information (e.g.
maximum vertical load per stabiliser) provided by the manufacturer and load details.

5.2 Deployment of Outriggers

The term “outriggers” refers to the stabilising system and includes the outrigger arms and
vertical stabiliser legs. The main function of the outrigger is to improve the stability of the
crane and vehicle during the lifting operation.

As required by Regulations 16(c) of the Workplace

Safety and Health (Operation of Cranes) Regulations, it
shall be the duty of the crane operator to ensure that,
when required, any outrigger must be fully extended
and properly secured. The proper deployment of the
outriggers can provide the necessary stability and
balance when operating the lorry crane. Exceptions for
full extension of outriggers can be considered for lorry
cranes that are installed with a stability control system
(refer to section 7.2) or other equally effective means. Figure 2: Fully extended outriggers

In addition to being full extended, outriggers should not be set up on the following surfaces
• Grassy patch
• Manhole cover
• Drain grating
• Excavated trench
• Cemented footpath
• Soft or sandy ground

Grassy Patch Manhole Cover Drain Grating

Figure 3: Locations where outriggers should NOT rest on

Some do’s and don’ts of setting up outriggers are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Do’s and don’ts of setting up outriggers

If the pre-operation assessment of the ground

conditions reveals that the ground has insufficient load
bearing capacity, additional measures should then be
put in place before setting up the lorry crane. These
measures can include using stabiliser pads to spread
the applied forces. Details of any foundation or load
spreading arrangements should be documented and
well communicated to the lifting team.

Figure 5: An outrigger sitting on a

stabiliser pad

5.3 Clearance
The chosen location for the set-up must have adequate space for the lorry crane to move into
position, set up and operate. To minimise the presence of any trapping hazards or damage
done to any property, there should also be sufficient clearance between the lorry crane and
surrounding objects/structures/buildings.

5.4 Public Roads

When carrying works on public roads using lorry cranes, the requirements stated by the Street
Works Act and the Road Traffic Act must be adhered to. Reference should always be made to
• Code of Practice for Works on Public Streets
• Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone

When lorry cranes travel on public roads:

• Always observe the vertical height clearance of structures (e.g. overhead bridges) and
ensure that there is sufficient clearance;
• Ensure that the crane boom is fully stowed. Do not disable or bypass the boom stowing
limit switch;
• Always keep within the speed limit of the road.

For more information on traffic safety management and safety tips for vehicles travelling on
the road, refer to the Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines on Workplace Traffic Safety

5.5 Adverse Weather Conditions

Singapore has two monsoon periods — December to March and June to September, and
two inter-monsoon periods — April to May and October to November. During the monsoon
seasons, heavy rainfall, strong winds and thunder are expected. Therefore, it is recommended
to put in place preventive measures to mitigate risks such as strong winds and lightning, posed
by such adverse weather conditions, such as:
• Check the weather forecast at the National Environment Agency’s website before starting
outdoor works;
• Stop all outdoor works and stay under a safe shelter when adverse weather approaches and
have an appointed person to monitor the weather conditions.

5.6 Test-lift
Before doing the actual lift, the operator should carry out a test-lift by lifting the load slightly
off the ground and stopping to observe for any abnormalities. This is a critical step that all
operators must observe, as it can confirm the stability of the load and ensure no overloading.

6. Safe Operation of Lorry Cranes

6.1 Rated Capacity

The rated capacity of a lorry crane is the load that the crane is designed to lift for a given
configuration or position of load.

The rated capacity should be determined based on the following factors (non-exhaustive):
• The crane manufacturer’s rated capacity for a particular outrigger size and configuration;
• Type of lorry chassis fitted with the crane structure;
• Method of mounting the crane to the lorry chassis;
• Stability tipping factor chosen for the crane-lorry combination; and
• Presence of derated capacity zones.

Other factors that can influence the rated capacity during operations are:

Factors Action
Tire pressure Ensure that tires are inflated according to
manufacturer’s recommendation.
Wind load Be cautious when lifting large objects during strong
winds. Use taglines or stop lifting operation when
Operation manner of crane Operate the crane smoothly as far as possible. Do not
jerk or start/stop the crane abruptly.
Load level of lorry A loaded lorry can make the lorry more stable.
Extension of outriggers Extend outriggers fully.
Surface or ground quality Ensure that the lorry is on solid, stable and level ground.
Weight of sling accessories Always take into consideration the weight of any lifting
beam, slings or accessories plus the load to be lifted.

Table 4: Other factors that can influence rated capacity

The rated capacity of a lorry crane is the load that the crane is designed to lift for a given
configuration or position of load.

Before the start of any operation, an operator should refer to the manufacturer’s load chart
and the Ministry of Manpower’s “Certificate of Test/Thorough Visual Examination of Lifting

Equipment” for the crane’s SWL as tested by the Authorised Examiner.

6.2 Lifting Near Personnel or Members of Public

When loads are lifted near persons (e.g. workers or members of public), appropriate risk
control measures must be put in place, e.g. demarcating the lifting zone and ensuring that no
unauthorised personnel enter the zone while the lifting operation is in progress.

Figure 6: Demarcation of lifting zone

The load should not be lifted or suspended over any person. When personnel are required to
enter the lifting zone during a lifting operation, the operator must be informed of their presence
through voice or visual contact.

6.3 Health
As stated in Section 7(2) of the Workplace Safety and Health (Operation of Cranes) Regulations,
a registered crane operator may be required to produce a medical certificate to certify that he/
she is medically fit to operate a mobile or tower crane. Although lorry crane operators are not
required to be registered crane operators, it is recommended for them to undergo periodic
medical examinations to identify early signs of ill-health or other personal health risks such
as diabetes. Intervention programmes can then be put in place to manage the ill-health to
prevent further health risks downstream.

Other health-related hazards such as fatigue and ergonomics should also be identified in
the risk assessment and appropriate control measures put in place. Such hazards can impair
judgement and result in catastrophic accidents.

6.4 Security
Records (e.g. log books) documenting the use of lorry cranes should be well kept to prevent
any unauthorised use of equipment. Untrained and/or unauthorised personnel must not be
allowed to use lorry cranes as it can be extremely hazardous.

Where a lorry crane is equipped with a remote control, care should be taken to ensure that the
key to the remote control is removed when not in use. If the remote control is not used for an
extended period, it should be kept in a secure location accessible only by authorised personnel.

Figure 7: Remote control Figure 8: Keys to activate remote control

6.5 Safe Use of Remote Controls

Remote controls provide advantages such as flexible positioning, which enable the operator to
have a better view of the lifting operation. It also allows the operator to stay in a safer position
away from moving parts and possible falling debris.

However, remote controls could be hazardous if they are not used safely or as recommended by
the manufacturer. Some preventive measures to be taken while operating a lorry crane using
a remote control are:
• All operational and functional checks involving the use of a remote control for a lorry crane
should be conducted as part of the daily pre-use inspection. Always activate the various
control buttons/levers and emergency stop button to check they are functioning properly.
• Always use the neck strap provided correctly. This frees both hands for rigging and getting
up and down the lorry crane. It also prevents the remote control from getting damaged or
lost. To prevent accidental operation of the lorry crane, the strap should also be worn before
switching on the remote control.
• Always ensure the remote control is fully charged and a spare battery is available.
• The operator should be aware of the operating environment and position him/herself to
ensure clear view of the load, lorry, crane and its intended path at all times.
• Do not use the remote control while walking and operating a lorry crane at the same time
as it is very dangerous. If there is a need to re-position, the operator should deactivate the

remote control before moving to the new location.
• The remote control should always be deactivated when not in use as the consequences of
accidently operating the crane could be fatal.
• Never stand or walk underneath the crane boom or the load while lifting.
• Never stand between the load and the lorry crane or a fixed structure.
• Never stand too near to the load.
• Always isolate the controller using the emergency stop button if there are no lifting
operations to be done.

6.6 Other Safety Considerations During Lorry Crane

A lorry crane should only be used in accordance to the manufacturer’s design and
recommendations. Other safety recommendations that should be adopted are:

6.6.1 Leaving a Lorry Crane

If the operator has to leave the lorry crane during a lifting operation for any reason, he should:
1. Land the load (if boom has a load attached)
2. Put all controls in the ‘off’ or ‘neutral’ position
3. Secure both the crane boom and the lorry against accidental travel
4. Stop the engine
5. Ensure the remote control (if any) is kept securely
6. Lock the cabin door.

6.6.2 Demobilising a Lorry Crane

At the end of an operation and before moving off, the operator should ensure that:
1. The crane boom is properly stowed (see Figure 9)
2. All outriggers are retracted back to stowed position
3. All remaining loads on the lorry are properly secured
4. No loose items are protruding beyond the lorry crane
5. Power take-off is disengaged
6. Parking brake is not released until all the above procedures are completed.

Crane boom fully stowed (home position) Crane boom rested on deck

Figure 9: Proper stowage of crane boom

Below are some other additional safety considerations to take note of:
• No lifting over cabin unless specially designed for or approved by the manufacturer.
• Tyres should not be off the ground.
• No pulling or dragging of any load.
• During lifting operations, the boom should not be lowered below ground level.
• Lifting into buildings or higher levels is possible with lorry crane attachments approved by
manufacturers. Proper planning and training must be conducted for the lifting team.
• The load should be free to be lifted and not fixed or attached to other structures.
• Do not lift or swing load over any person.
• Do not use the crane boom to create a downward movement or force.
• Always operate the crane by standing at suitable locations where the load can be seen
• Do not leave a load suspended when the operator is not around.
• If a winch is mounted to the boom and used for lifting, do not exceed the winch or winch
line capacity.
• Watch out for any change in stability as the load is extended. For example, the operator
must always keep an eye on the outriggers and stabiliser pad during the lifting operation.

7. Safety Devices

7.1 Audio Warning System

For cranes which can be fully stowed, a limit switch is to be installed at the base of the crane and
linked to an audio buzzer in the driver’s cabin.

When the crane boom is fully stowed, it will rest on a mechanical lever of the limit switch. When
is it not fully stowed, the lever is lifted and this triggers an audio warning to the driver.

For crane booms which cannot be fully stowed, an angle sensor can be installed on the inner
boom instead of a limit switch. This sensor will alert drivers when the crane is not fully stowed
and is above its maximum stowed height.

There are two types of audio warning systems to alert the driver when the crane is not properly

Limit Switch Audio Warning System

A limit switch audio warning system consists of a mechanical lever switch linked to an audio
buzzer in the driver’s cabin. The limit switch is installed at the base of the crane (or home
position) and the crane boom rests on a lever of the limit switch when the crane boom is fully
stowed. When it is not fully stowed, the mechanical lever will be lifted, and the buzzer in the
driver’s cabin will be activated to warn the driver that the crane is not fully stowed.

Angle Sensor Audio Warning System

An angle sensor audio warning system consists of an angle sensor linked to a warning buzzer in
the driver’s cabin. The angle sensor could be installed on the inner crane boom and measures
the angle of the inner crane boom. When the crane is raised above its maximum stowed height,
the buzzer in the driver’s cabin will be activated to remind the driver to lower the crane boom
adequately before moving off.

Figure 10: Angle sensor

7.2 Stability Control System
If the lorry crane needs to be deployed in restricted areas where the outriggers cannot be fully
extended, the lorry crane must be installed with a manufacturer approved stability control
system (SCS - with reference from BS EN12999:2011+A1:2012 Cranes – Loader Cranes) or an
equivalent system which ensure the stability of the lorry crane during the lifting operation.

The stability control system includes the Rated Capacity Limiter. This monitors the position of
the stabilisers and limits the lifting capacity according to the stabilisers’ deployment.

The stability control system also calculates in real time on the permissible working range for
any slewing angle of the boom system and for any stabiliser situation. It will stop the crane at
non-working range to prevent any overloading or toppling.

7.3 Emergency Stop Button

The emergency stop button cuts off crane operations
during an emergency. It should be located near the
control panel or at other locations which are easily
accessible. All operators must know where is the button

Figure 11: Emergency stop button

8. Maintenance

8.1 Maintenance of Lorry Cranes

A lorry crane that is not properly maintained can pose a danger to personnel working in its
vicinity. Organisations should ensure that lorry cranes are in a condition for safe operation.
Proper maintenance should be done at suitable intervals. The lorry crane operator should also
perform daily checks on the crane before operating it. Serious accidents may happen if the
checks are not conducted properly, as the equipment could fail at a critical moment.

Planned maintenance regime

The maintenance regime of the lorry crane should be planned and followed closely to the
manufacturer’s recommendation. A well-maintained lorry crane is more likely to work better
and last longer. As maintenance requirements and regimes vary widely from one lorry crane to
another, the manufacturer should provide advice or information pertaining to its maintenance
schedule and requirements.

Follow the manufacturer’s servicing schedule and conditions to ensure the validity of the
equipment’s warranty.

Pre-use check
Conducting a pre-use check is a simple and useful way to spot potential risks or defects before
lorry cranes are being operated. Companies should have in place a system of routine checks to
ensure that lorry cranes are in good working condition at the start of each work day or shift. A
sample Pre-Use Checklist for Lorry Cranes can be found in Annex 2.

8.2 Proper Storage of Lifting Gears

Ensure all lifting gears (e.g. slings, webbings, shackles and chains) are within the SWL of the
lift, in good condition and meet the requirements stated in regulation 20 of the Workplace
Safety and Health (General Provisions) Regulations. To ensure that the lifting gears are in good
condition, it is important that they are kept in proper storage areas. The following are some
considerations for proper storage:
• A clean, dry and well-ventilated place
• Away from the ground or floor
• Away from direct sunlight, UV light and fluorescent light
• Away from sources of ignition
• Away from atmospheric or liquid chemicals
• Away from the possibility of mechanical damage

Figure 12: Example of proper storage area for lifting gears

Seek further advice from the manufacturer of the lifting gears on their care and storage if

9. References

1. Workplace Safety and Health Act (Chapter 354A)

2. Workplace Safety and Health (Risk Management) Regulations
3. Workplace Safety and Health (General Provisions) Regulations
4. Workplace Safety and Health (Operation of Cranes) Regulations
5. Ministry of Manpower Circular – Revised Statutory Examination Requirements for Lorry
6. BS EN 12999:2011 +A1:2012 – Cranes – Loader cranes
7. ISO 15442:2012 – Cranes – Safety requirements for loader cranes
8. CPA – ALLMI Best Practices Guide for Safe Use of Lorry Loaders
9. SS 536:2008 – Code of practice for the safe use of mobile cranes
10. SS 343: 2014 Specification for Lifting Gear – Part 1: Wire rope slings, Part 2: Hooks, Part 3:
11. Code of Practice on Safe Lifting Operations in the Workplaces
12. Code of Practice on Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Risk Management
13. WSH Council’s Guidebook for Lifting Supervisors
14. Worker’s Safety Handbook for Lorry Crane Operator
15. Worker’s Safety Handbook for Rigger and Signalman
16. WSH Council’s 6 Basic WSH Rules for Lifting Operations
17. Land Transport Authority – Code of Practice for Works on Public Streets
18. Land Transport Authority – Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone
19. Land Transport Authority News Release – Measures to Improve Safety of Over-height

10. Acknowledgements

The WSH Council and Ministry of Manpower would like to thank the WSH Council (Lorry Crane)
Working Group and the WSH Council (National Crane Safety) Taskforce for their valuable
assistance, involvement and contribution to this publication.

Composition of the WSH Council (Lorry Crane) Working Group:

S/N Member Organisation

1. Er Chua Cheng Hoon (Chairman) Wee Hur Construction Pte Ltd
2. Mr James Soh Cargotec CHS Pte Ltd
3. Mr Heng Chien Lung Wong Fong Engineering Works (1988) Pte
4. Mr Erwin Ng Sun-Pacific Equipments Pte Ltd
5. Mr Frankie Tan Singapore Cranes Association
6. Mr Yeo Kim Hock Singapore Contractors Association Limited
7. Er Leslie Tay Institution of Engineers, Singapore
8. Mr Lee Ngee Hock David Land Transport Authority
9. Mr Chia Chee Yong Ministry of Manpower
10. Mr Daing Fuzail Ministry of Manpower
11. Mr Royston Lim Workplace Safety and Health Council
12. Mr Muhammad Hafiz Workplace Safety and Health Council

The WSH Council would like to thank Megafab Engineering Pte Ltd for their valuable assistance
with the images used in this Guidelines.

Annex 1: Sample Lifting Plan

1. General

Location of lifting
Contractor carrying out Date / Time of lifting
the lifting operation operation
Validity Period of
lifting operation

2. Details of the Load/s

Description of load/s
Overall dimensions
Weight of load Kg / Known weight Estimated weight
Centre of gravity Obvious Estimated Determined by drawing

3. Details of the Lifting Equipment / Lifting Gears

Type of lifting
Maximum SWL as
certified on the LM cert
Max boom / Jib Length m Fly jib /
Intended load radius SWL at this
(Distant between the load and the crane) radius
Type of lifting gears (Slings / webbing / chains / shackles / spreader beam / receptacle)

Combined weight of the Certification of Yes

lifting gears Kg / tonne lifting gears No

4. Means of Communications

Can the operator see the loading and unloading point for the load from his position?
Yes No
What are the means of communication between the lifting crew?
Standard hand signals Radio Others ___________________

5. Personnel Involved In Lifting Operation

Position Name Qualification /Experience

Site Supervisor
Lifting Supervisor
Lorry Crane Operator
Others (Please state)

6. Physical and Environmental Consideration (please include any details in the space
Ground conditions: Is the ground made safe (e.g. placing steel plate)? Yes
___________________________________________ No
Are the outriggers fully extended? Yes
___________________________________________ No
Obstacles: Are there any overhead obstacles such as power Yes
lines? No
Are there nearby buildings or structure, equipment Yes
or stacked materials that may obstruct lifting No
operation from being carried out safely?
Lighting: Is the lighting condition adequate? Yes
___________________________________________ No
Demarcation: Has the zone of operation been barricaded (with Yes
warning signs and tapes) to prevent unauthorised No

Environment: Do not proceed with the lifting operation under the following
Thunderstorm and lightning strikes in the area. The grzound
condition must be checked after a thunderstorm.
Strong winds that may sway the suspended load.
Others circumstances (Please specify).

7. Sequence / Special Precautions 8. Sketch of the zone of operation:

(It is recommended to include the initial location, final
location and path of the load. It is also important to indicate
any obstructions or equipment that may obstruct the lifting

Environment: Do not proceed with the lifting operation under the Yes
Applied by: Date:
following circumstances: No
 Thunderstorm and lightning strikes in the area.
Name: Time:
The ground condition must be checked after a
Prepared by: Date: load.
 Strong winds that may sway the suspended
 Others circumstances (Please specify).
Name: Time:
Assessed by: Date:

Name: Time:

Approved by: Date:

Name: Time:

1. This is only a sample lifting plan/permit-to-work, and is by no means comprehensive. Users
are recommended to include key critical document and information such as load capacity
chart, range diagram, rigging method, sling angle etc to ensure safe lifting operations.
2. Further guidance can be obtained from the following collaterals:
• Guidebook for Lifting Supervisors
• Crane Operator’s Handbook
• Riggers and Signalmen’s Handbook
Annex 2: Sample Lorry Crane Pre-Use
Vehicle Registration Number : _________________________
Lifting Machine Number : _________________________
Crane Operator : _________________________
Date and Time Inspected : _________________________

S/No Items to be checked Yes No NA Remarks

Document and procedure checks
1. Check the load chart for safe lifting
parameters for e.g. the maximum
allowable SWL corresponding to the
boom length.
2. Check the validity of the certificates
for the lorry crane and lifting gear
used. (i.e. Lifting Machine and Lifting
Gear certificates.
3. Check that the crane operating
manual and operation log book are in
the vehicle cabin. Familiarise with the
operation and safety aspects of the
specific lorry crane.
4. Check with Responsible Person* on
the details of the Lifting Plan and Safe
Work Procedure established for the
lifting operation.
Physical checks on lorry crane
1 Check the crane structure is in good
condition and there are no physical

2 Check load bearing components

such as telescopic boom, boom
accessories, hooks, and safety catch
are in good working condition.

3 Check hoisting mechanism is in good
working condition.

4 Check engine and hydraulic system

are in good working condition. Ensure
that there are no hydraulic leaks and/
or damages.

5 Check fluids such as hydraulic oil,

engine oil, cooling water, battery
water and clutch oil are topped
up according to manufacturer’s

6 Check the condition of all wheels, tire

pressure and the proper functioning
of all brakes.

7 The outriggers system is free from


8 No other physical damages or

abnormal noise.

9 Check that lifting gears to be used are

in good working condition.

Functional checks on crane

1 The following are in good working

1a Limit switches

1b Boom stow limit switch

1c Angle sensor limit switch

1d Control levers

1e Emergency stop switch

1f Remote control

1g All boom cylinders

1h Slewing function

1i Power Take-off

1j Stability Control System (SCS) – where


1k Outrigger (including stabiliser leg) 33

1j Stability control system (where

1k Outrigger (including stabiliser leg)

1l Overload protection device (where


2 No other physical damages or

abnormal noise

If you answer “No” for any of the above, state the condition(s) and its respective corrective
actions in the remarks column. Stop all lifting operations and report to the Lifting Supervisor or
the Responsible Person immediately.

* “Responsible Person”, in relation to a workplace where a crane is, or is to be, operated by a person means —
(a) the employer of the person; or
(b) the principal under whose direction the person operates the crane;

Published in January 2020 by the Workplace
Safety and Health Council in collaboration with
the Ministry of Manpower.

All rights reserved. This publication may not be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, in whole or in part, without prior written
permission. The information provided in this
publication is accurate at the time of printing.
All cases shared in this publication are meant for
learning purposes only. The learning points for
each case are not exhaustive and should not be
taken to encapsulate all the responsibilities and
obligations of the user of this publication under
the law. The Workplace Safety and Health Council
does not accept any liability or responsibility to any
party for losses or damage arising from following
this publication.

This publication is available at

Contact us at [email protected]


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