2Q Les3 MS
2Q Les3 MS
2Q Les3 MS
A. Preliminary Activities
Opening Prayer
B. Drill/Motivation
The teacher will let the students play the Picture Quiz Game. Each item is composed of two
or more pictures and the students are going to reveal the name of those.
A. Activity
Department of Education
Division of Camarines Sur
Sta. Cruz, Calabanga Camarines Sur
S/Y: 2022 – 2023
The students will be divided into nine groups. Each group will discuss about the buttons found
in the particular assigned to them.
Group 1 = Office Button Group 6 = Slide Show Tab
Group 2 = Home Tab Group 7 = Review Tab
Group 3 = Insert Tab Group 8 = View Tab
Group 4 = Design Tab Group 9 = Format Tab
Group 5 = Animations Tab
A reporter will represent his/her group in discussing their output to the big group
B. Analysis
The teacher will ask the students of the following questions:
1. What do you notice about the buttons I gave you?
2. What is the importance of those buttons?
3. What is the purpose of MS PowerPoint?
4. How is MS PowerPoint useful to students?
5. How significant MS PowerPoint in our daily living?
C. Abstraction
The teacher will discuss and perform the use of the buttons of MS PowerPoint.
D. Application
Form dyads then create a simple Power Point Presentation about the recent activity/ies. Utilize
at least 10 functions in MS Power Point.
E. Generalization
The teacher will ask the students to answer or do the following:
What is the use of MS Power Point?
What are the buttons found in each tab of MS Power Point and what are their
F. Evaluation
The teacher will give a short quiz.
G. Assignment
The teacher will assign an activity at home entitled “All About Me.” This PowerPoint activity
is a presentation that describes you, your family, and anything else you want to talk about yourself.
REQUIREMENTS: Must have a title slide and a conclusion slide. There must be at least 15
body slides. This means the presentation must have a minimum of 17 slides in total. May use more if
Prepared by:
MT-I/OIC Head, TLE Dept.
Noted by: