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An easy explanation of Arabic Grammar with

the words & verses of Qur’aan


All praise is for Allaah. We praise Him, seek His help and forgiveness. We
seek refuge in Allaah from the evils of ourselves and the evils of our actions. I
bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah & I bear
witness that Muhammad ‫ﻡ‬َ ‫ﺴﱠﻠ‬
 ‫ﻪ ﻭ‬ ‫ﷲ ﻋﻠﻴ‬
ُ ‫ ﺼﻠﱠﻰ ﺍ‬is His servant and Messenger.

Undoubtedly the more one knows about the Qur'aan, the closer he will feel it
in his heart & mind. The heart attains real life when it is joined with the
Qur'aan. It is the Book which contains the teachings that the believer needs,
to know his Lord and to worship Him. It is the light that guides the
person. And it is the source of the Muslim’s dignity, honor and happiness in
both this life and the Hereafter.
Allah has said,

〈 $—èŠÏΗsd ãøΒF{$# °! ≅t/ 3 4’sAöθyϑø9$# ϵÎ/ tΛÍj>ä. ÷ρr& ÞÚö‘F{$# ϵÎ/ ôMyèÏeÜè% ÷ρr& ãΑ$t6Åfø9$# ϵÎ/ ôNuŽÉiß™ $ZΡ#uöè% ¨βr& öθs9uρ 

“If there were a Quran with which mountains were moved, or the earth
were cloven asunder, or the dead were made to speak, (this would be
the one). But truly the Command is with Allah in all things.”

The Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 3Alayhi wassallam) said, “The

superiority of the speech of Allah over all other speech is like the superiority
of Allah over His creation.”

When a person realizes the superiority of the Qur'aan he will be moved to

fulfill his obligations towards it. First and foremost a Muslim must have a
strong love for the Qur'aan. But this love is not simply at a theoretical
level. It must be exhibited by one’s actions towards the Qur'aan. This
would include reading, studying, memorizing, defending and acting in
accordance with the Qur'aan.

Knowledge of the Arabic language is indispensable for the purpose of

understanding and comprehending the Qur'aan. The Qur'aan embodies
linguistic and literary beauty which exceeds anything of human origin.
Although it has been translated into many languages, these translations

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cannot replace the original language as a language of worship, which
continues to be Arabic for all Muslims, native speakers or otherwise. It must
be clearly understood that reading the translation is, at best, a poor
substitute for learning the Qur'aanic language. One cannot understand the
exact meaning and the spirit of the Qur'aan without understanding it’s text.

It is implicit that anyone professing Islam cannot ignore the role Arabic plays
in his faith. It is important for the learner to know that the Arabic language is
easy to learn as it is a highly sophisticated language based on a very refined
and systematic set of rules and patterns. This fact is confirmed by Allah in
the following verse:

〈 ∩⊇∠∪ 9Ï.£‰–Β ÏΒ ö≅yγsù ͍ø.Ïe%#Ï9 tβ#uöà)ø9$# $tΡöŽœ£o„ ô‰s)s9uρ 

“And we have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember,
then is there any that will remember (and receive admonition).”

Nevertheless, it does require consistent effort, sincerity and commitment, to

attain this most important treasure of knowledge.

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 These lessons are for students who can read and write Arabic.
 The lessons are prepared in a way to give the basic grammar rules
at the beginning & take students gradually to the advance level.
 We will use the real script of the Qur’aan while explaining the
lessons (as it is in Mus-haf of Madeenah). Therefore it is important
to know the differences between the script of Qur’aan & the
standard Arabic, so that you can follow the lessons easily & benefit
from the information.
 For the first few lessons we will be using both scripts till you get
used to it.
 In order to fully benefit, we recommend you to start from the first lesson
of this course and study each lesson carefully, before you move to the
next lesson.
 The lessons are explained with examples from the Qur’aan. The
verses/part of verses are written on a separate page. You should know
& learn the meaning of each word as the lessons are going to built up
one on the other.
 This will be a complete course insha’Allaah, consisting of
structured lessons explaining the grammatical rules of Arabic.
 We will be putting detailed notes of every important rule for
advanced students on the site =‫@ء ا‬A ‫إن‬.
 If you have any question you are most welcome to ask on the site
(www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com) or by our email
([email protected]).

BarakAllaahu feekum

Updated on Friday 10th Rabee3-uth-thaanee 1431 - 26th February 2010

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Introductory The Qur'aan script symbols
Lesson 1- The Marks

QUR'AAN a. Fat-hah ( َ ) as on ‫ ﺏ‬in 〈 ö≅t/ 

SCRIPT b. Dammah ( ُ ) as on ‫ ﻡ‬in 〈 8u‘$t6ãΒ 

c. Kasrah ( ِ ): as under ‫ ﻡ‬in 〈 ôÏΒ 

d. Sukoon (ô ): as on ( ‫ ) ﻥ‬in 〈 ôÏΒ In standard Arabic Sukoon is ( ْ )

e. Shaddah ( ّ ): with Fat-hah (¨ ) as on (‫ ) ﺯ‬in 〈 βθçG÷ƒ¨“9$#uρ ،

with Dammah (– ): as on ( ‫ ) ﻥ‬in 〈 ÷ ßϑtƒ ،

or with Kasrah ( Ïn ) as on ‫ ﺕ‬in 〈ÏnG9$#uρ.

In standard Arabic you will find Shaddah with Kasrah together on the top (‫) ﱢ‬

2- The Tanween:

a. Tanween Fat-hah ( ¸ ): 〈 $¸‹ÏÜs9 ، 〈 ZπyϑÏ=ó¡–Β ,

b. Tanween Dammah ( í ) or ( Ö ): 〈 íô_r&  ،〈 Ö‘θàxî

c. Tanween Kasrah ( ٍ ): 〈 ;οuyϑrO ، 〈 >!$yϑy™

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3- The letters written smaller than usual:

They are pronounced like the normal ones.

a. Small Alif ‫ﻴﺭ ﹲﺓ‬ ‫) ¨ ( ﺃَﻝِ ﹲ‬: as in

 ‫ﻐ‬ ‫ﻑ ﺼ‬ 〈 Å7Ï=≈tΒ = ‫ﻙ‬
 ‫ﻤ ِﺎﻝ‬ (maalik),

〈3“uθø)s? = ‫ﻭﻯ‬
 ‫( ﹶﺘ ﹾﻘ‬taqwaa) (This one is Alif Maqsoorah we mentioned
before in "reading and writing skills" book in page 15)

b. Small Yaa' ‫ﻴﺭ ﹲﺓ‬

 ‫ﻐ‬ ‫ﺼ‬ ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ ( ﻴ‬ ): as in 〈 z↵Íh‹Î;¨Ζ9$# = ‫ﻴﻴﻥ‬
 ‫ﺍﻝﻨﱠﺒﹺ‬ (an-nabiyyeen),

〈ϵÎ7ù=s%  = ‫ﻪ‬ ‫ﹶﻗ ﹾﻠ ﹺﺒ‬ (qalbihee: if we continue reading, qalbih: if we pause.)

(Notice that this small Yaa' at the end of the word after a Haa', is not
written in the standard Arabic but we still pronounce it)

c. Small waaw ‫ﻴﺭ ﹲﺓ‬

 ‫ﻐ‬ ‫ ﺼ‬‫ﺍﻭ‬‫) … ( ﻭ‬: as in 〈yŠ…ãρ#yŠ = ‫ﺩﺍﻭﻭﺩ‬ (Dawood),

〈…çµç6ù=s% = ‫ﻪ‬ ‫ﹶﻗﻠﹾﺒ‬ (qalbuhoo: if we continue reading, qalbuh: if we pause.)

(Notice that this small Waaw at the end of the word after a Haa', is not
written in the standard Arabic but we still pronounce it.)

d. Small noon ‫ﻴﺭ ﹲﺓ‬

 ‫ﻐ‬ ‫ﺼ‬ ‫ ( ﻨﹸﻭﻥ‬G ): as in 〈 Å√GçΡ  = ‫ﺠﻲ‬
‫ﹸﻨﻨﹾ ﹺ‬ (nunjee)

e. Letter Alif on the top of letter Waaw: as in 〈 äο4θn=¢Á9$#  = ‫ﻼﺓ‬

‫ ﹸ‬‫ﺍﻝﺼ‬
(as-salaah) (We read Alif and eliminate the sound of the Waaw)

f. Letter Seen on the top of letter Saad 〈 äÝ+Áö6tƒ  = ‫ﻁ‬

‫ ﹸ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺒ‬‫( ﻴ‬yabsut)
(We read Seen and eliminate the sound of the Saad)

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4- The Small Zero ( ' )

Sometimes found on the letters Alif, waaw and Yaa', means that these
letters should not be pronounced at all.

As in 〈 7‰‹& ÷ƒr'Î/ (bi'ayd)، 〈 y7Í×‾≈s9'ρé&  (ulaa'ika) ،〈 #( θä9$s% (qaaloo)

5- The big zero ( O$ )

Always over Alif at the end of the word 〈 O$tΡr&  and sometimes over some

others Alifs coming also at the end of the word.

We pronounce the Alif when we pause on that word, and we eliminate it,
if we continue.

In standard Arabic there is nothing on the top of such Alif

〈 O$tΡr&  = ‫ ﺃﻨﹶﺎ‬if we continue we say: (ana) with short vowel Fat-hah and if we

pause, we say: (anaa)

6- The Maddah (! ) Sometimes found over the long vowels: Alif, waaw

and Yaa'. It means that the long vowel has to be longer than usual.

〈 >!$yϑy™  (samaaaa'), 〈 ôMt↔ÿ‹Å™  (seeee'at), 〈 uûθß™  (soooo').

In standard Arabic this mark comes only on Alif (‫ ) ﺁ‬equals to ( ‫ﺍ‬+‫)ﺀ‬,

In the Qur'aan ( ‫ﺍ‬+‫ﺍ( = )ﺀ‬‫)ﺀ‬. Ex. 〈z tΒ#u  = ‫ﻥ‬

 ‫' ﺁﻤ‬aamana.

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6- Pausing Symbols
These are written to achieve a correct pause when reading The Qur'aan.
A wrong pause can change the meaning of the verse.

a. Compulsory stop ( ¢ ) 〈 $—èŠÏϑy_ ¬! n﨓Ïèø9$# ¨βÎ) ¢ óΟßγä9öθs% y7Ρâ“øts† Ÿωuρ 

b. Permissible stop ( 4 ) 〈 $\/#uθrO ֎öyz uθèδ 4 Èd,utù:$# ¬! èπu‹≈s9uθø9$# y7Ï9$uΖèδ 

c. Permissible stop but it is preferable to continue ( ( ).

〈 ôMt6|¡x. $tΒ $yγs9 ( ôMn=yz ô‰s% ×π¨Βé& y7ù=Ï? 

d. Permissible to continue but preferable to stop. ( 3 )

〈 7ŽÅÁt/ ª!$#uρ 3 «!$# y‰ΨÏã ìM≈y_u‘yŠ öΝèδ 

e. Stop at either of these two places but not at both. ( ¡ ¡ )

〈 zŠÉ)−Fßϑù=Ïj9 “Y‰èδ ¡ ϵ‹Ïù ¡ |=÷ƒu‘ Ÿω Ü=≈tGÅ6ø9$# y7Ï9¨sŒ 

d. The breathless pause ( 2 ) : Stop at the letter without taking a fresh

breath, then continue the recitation.

〈 5−#u‘ 2 ôtΒ Ÿ≅ŠÏ%uρ 

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7- Hamzat-ul-wasl ‫ل‬
 ‫ﻭ‬ ‫ﺯ ﹸﺓ ﹾﺍﻝ‬ ‫ﻤ‬‫ﻫ‬
In the Qur'aanic script it is written ( $# )

In the standard Arabic it is written as ( ‫ ) ﺍ‬with no mark on the top. Ex. ‫ﺯ ﹶﺓ‬ ‫ﺍﻝﻌ‬

Ex. 〈 n﨓Ïèø9$# ¨βÎ)  = ‫ﺯ ﹶﺓ‬ ‫ ﺍﻝﹾﻌ‬‫ﺇِﻥ‬ ('inna-l-3izzah)

Revise the rules of Hamzat-ul-wasl in "reading and writing skills" book in

page 37

8- The small Meem in full form coming over letter noon

It is a Sukoon but it is written in that form due to the rules of reading

Ex. 〈 ω÷èt/ .ÏΒ  = ‫ﺩ‬ ‫ﻌ‬ ‫ﺒ‬ ‫ﻥ‬

 ‫ﻤ‬ (min ba3d)

9- The small Meem in full form coming sometimes with Tanween

You treat it as a normal Tanween.

Ex. 〈 ŽÖ ÅÁ/t ì
7 ‹Ïϑ™
y  = ‫ﻴﺭ‬
 ‫ﺼ‬ ‫ﺒ‬ ‫ﻴﻊ‬
 ‫ﺴﻤ‬
 (samee3un baseer)

This is also written as shown due to the rules of reading Qur'aan.

10- Letter Yaa' in the full form at the end of the word
In the Qur'aanic script it is written without dots under it.

In the standard Arabic it is written as ‫ ﻱ‬with two dots below

Ex. 〈 ’Îû  =‫ﻓﻲ‬ (fee) ، 〈‘ “Èθs)ø9$#  = ‫ﻱ‬

 ‫( ﺍﻝﹾ ﹶﻘ ﹺﻭ‬al-qawiyy)

11- The letters that are free of any mark, and are not long vowels,
their mark is considered Sukoon.

| èy /nÎ >ŽÎ Ñ
x $Á
〈8 ô $#  = ‫ﻙ‬
 ‫ﺼﺎ‬‫ ﹺﺒﻌ‬‫ ﹺﺭﺏ‬‫ﺍﻀ‬ ('idrib bi3asaak)

〈 /œ3)è=øƒwΥ  = ‫ﻡ‬ ‫ﺨﹸﻠ ﹾﻘ ﹸﻜ‬

‫( ﹶﻨ ﹾ‬nakhluqkum)، 〈 z≈|¡ΡM}$#= ‫ﺴﺎﻥ‬
 ‫( ﺍﻹِﻨﹾ‬al-insaan)

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Important note:
| èy /nÎ is due to
x $Á
The shaddah you see at the beginning of the word, in 8

the Tajweed rules, as the last ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ ﺒ‬in the word >ŽÎ Ñ
ô #$ merged in the

| èy /nÎ ). But if you start with 8$Á

x $Á
second (at the beginning of 8 | èy /nÎ you

start with ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ﺒ‬ with kasrah only, because an Arabic word never starts with

Learn Tajweed!

The scholars agree that reading Qur’aan with Tajweed (by applying the
Tajweed rules of Qur’aan) is an individual obligation (Fard 3ayn) upon
every Muslim.

And of the proofs that the scholars bring to show that obligation is that
Allaah says in the Qur’aan:

9:;<=‫¸ 〈 ا‬ξ‹Ï?ös?t β#uöà)ø9$#È≅Ïo?u‘uρ

"And recite the Qur’an (aloud) in a (slow and melodious) style (tarteelaa)"

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‫ﺫﹶﻜﱠﺭ‬‫ ﻤ‬‫ﻔﹾﺭﺩ‬‫ﻤ‬


Phrases of the lesson

A one god. ‫ﺩ‬ ‫ﺍﺤ‬

 ‫ﻭ‬ ‫ﻪ‬ ‫ِﺇﹶﻝ‬ 〈 Ó‰Ïn¨uρ ×µ≈s9Î)  1

He is Allaah, The Creator ‫ﻕ‬

‫ ﺍﷲُ ﺍﻝﹾﺨﹶﺎﻝِ ﹸ‬‫ﻭ‬‫ﻫ‬ 〈 ß,Ï=≈y‚ø9$# ª!$# uθèδ  2

It is a glorious Qur'aan ‫ﻴﺩ‬

‫ﺠ‬ ‫ﻤ ﹺ‬ ‫ﺁﻥ‬
 ‫ ﻗﹸﺭ‬‫ﻭ‬‫ﻫ‬ 〈 Ó‰‹Åg¤Χ ×β#uöè% uθèδ  3

And he is a believer ‫ﻥ‬

 ‫ﻤ‬ ‫ﻤﺅ‬
ْ ‫ﻭ‬ ‫ﻫ‬ ‫ﻭ‬ 〈 Ñ∅ÏΒ÷σãΒ uθèδuρ  4

This is a path ‫ﺍﻁ‬

‫ ﹲ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﺫﹶﺍ ﺼ‬‫ﻫ‬ 〈 ÔÞ¨uŽÅÀ #x‹≈yδ  5

This is a straight path ‫ﻴﻡ‬

 ‫ﻘ‬ ‫ﺘﹶ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺍﻁﹲ ﻤ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﺫﹶﺍ ﺼ‬‫ 〈 ﻫ‬ÒΟŠÉ)tGó¡–Β ÔÞ¨uŽÅÀ #x‹≈yδ  6

That is the book ‫ﺎﺏ‬

 ‫ﻜ ﹶﺘ‬ ‫ﻙ ﹾﺍﻝ‬
 ‫ﹶﺫِﻝ‬ 〈 Ü=≈tGÅ6ø9$# y7Ï9¨sŒ  7

About the great news ‫ﻴﻡ‬

‫ ﹺ‬‫ﻅ‬‫ﺈِ ﺍﻝﹾﻌ‬‫ﻥﹺ ﺍﻝﻨﱠﺒ‬‫ ∪⊄∩ 〈 ﻋ‬ÉΟ‹Ïàyèø9$# Î*t6¨Ζ9$# Çtã  8

A big torment ‫ﻴﺭﺍ‬

 ‫ﺎ ﻜﹶﺒﹺ‬‫ﺫﹶﺍﺒ‬‫ﻋ‬ 〈 #[ŽÎ7Ÿ2 $\/#x‹tã  9

‫ﺒﹺ ﹺ‬‫ﺘﹶﺎﺏﹺ ﺍﻝﹾﻤ‬‫ﺍﻝﹾﻜ‬‫ﻭ‬ 〈 ÈÎ7ßϑø9$# É=≈tGÅ3ø9$#uρ 
By the clear book
(i.e., Qur'aan)

• It is very important to know that these are only parts of verses,

not the complete ones.

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Writing rules:

- The word ‫ ﺇِﻝﹶﻪ‬in line 1: is written in the standard Arabic without the
long vowel Alif after Laam, but we still pronounce it ('ilaah).

- The word ‫ﺫﹶﺍ‬‫ ﻫ‬in line 5: is written in the standard Arabic without the

long vowel Alif after Haa', but we still pronounce it (haadhaa).

- The word ‫ ﺫﹶﻝِﻙ‬in line 7: is written in the standard Arabic without the

long vowel Alif after Dhaal, but we still pronounce it (dhaalik).

In Arabic: there are two genders: Masculine ‫ﺭ‬

 ‫ﻤﺫﹶ ﱠﻜ‬ and Feminine ‫ﺅَﻨﱠﺙﹲ‬‫ﻤ‬

Masculine Nouns

‫ ﹲ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﺼ‬ ‫ﺎﺏ‬
 ‫ﻜ ﹶﺘ‬ ‫ل‬
ٌ‫ﺠ‬ ‫ﺭ‬
a path a book a man
1- The articles a & an do not exist in Arabic.
2- The Tanween ‫ ﹶﺘﻨﹾﻭﹺﻴﻥ‬at the end of the noun shows that this word is

 ‫ﻜ ﹶﺘ‬ ‫ﻭ‬‫ﻫ‬
‫ﻡ‬‫ﻭ‬‫ﻙ ﻴ‬
 ‫ﹶﺫِﻝ‬ ‫ﺎﺏ‬
 ‫ﻜ ﹶﺘ‬ ‫ﺫﹶﺍ‬‫ﻫ‬ It is a book
That is a day This is a book ‫ل‬
ٌ‫ﺠ‬ ‫ﺭ‬ ‫ﻭ‬‫ﻫ‬
He is a man

1- There is no word in Arabic similar to the English "it" we use ‫ﻭ‬‫ ﻫ‬for a
masculine human, animal, object or idea...
2- We do not need the word "is" (am, are …) to form a complete sentence
in Arabic.

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3- When the word is masculine ‫ﺭ‬ ‫ﻤﺫﹶ ﱠﻜ‬ : the pronoun ‫ﻴﺭ‬
 ‫ﻤ‬‫ﺍﻝﻀ‬, the
demonstrative ‫ﺓ‬ ‫ﺎﺭ‬
 ‫ﺸ‬
‫ ﺍﻹِ ﹶ‬‫ﻡ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﺍ‬are masculine ‫ﺭ‬ ‫ﻤﺫﹶ ﱠﻜ‬ as well.

 ‫ﻤﺅْﻤ‬ ‫ﺍﻝﹾ‬ ‫ﻭﺭ‬
 ‫ﺍﻝﻨﱡ‬ ‫ﻥ‬
 ‫ﺭﺁ‬ ‫ﺍﻝﹾ ﹸﻘ‬
the believer the light the Qur'aan


- Adding "‫ "ﺍل‬at the beginning of nouns makes it definite.

- When a word has (‫ )ﺍﻝـ‬it can never have Tanween ‫ل( ﺘﹶﻨﹾﻭﹺﻴﻥ‬
 ‫ﺍﻝﺭ‬
 )

The word Qur'aan in Arabic literally means recitation

or something that is continuously recited.

‫ﺒﹺ ﹺ‬‫ﺘﹶﺎﺏﹺ ﺍﻝﹾﻤ‬‫ﺍﻝﹾﻜ‬ ‫ﻴﻡ‬
‫ ﹺ‬‫ﻅ‬‫ﺈِ ﺍﻝﹾﻌ‬‫ﺍﻝﻨﱠﺒ‬ ‫ﻴﻡ‬
 ‫ﻘ‬ ‫ﺘﹶ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺭﺍﻁﹲ ﻤ‬‫ﺼ‬ ‫ﻴﺭﺍ‬
 ‫ﺍﺒﺎ ﻜﹶﺒﹺ‬ ‫ﻋ ﹶﺫ‬
 ‫ﺩ‬ ‫ﺍﺤ‬
 ‫ﻭ‬ ‫ﻪ‬ ‫ِﺇﹶﻝ‬
the clear book the great news a straight path a big torment one God


The Adjective ‫ﺍﻝﺼﻔﹶﺔﹸ‬

- In line 1 the noun ‫ ﺇِﻝﹶﻪ‬has an adjective ‫ﺩ‬ ‫ﺍﺤ‬
 ‫ﻭ‬
- In line 8 the noun ِ‫ﺈ‬‫ ﺍﻝﻨﱠﺒ‬has an adjective ‫ﻴﻡ‬
‫ ﹺ‬‫ﻅ‬‫ﺍﻝﹾﻌ‬
- In Arabic, the adjective follows its noun and must agree with it:

in gender (masculine ‫ﺭ‬ ‫ﻤﺫﹶ ﱠﻜ‬ ، feminine ‫ﺙ‬

‫ﻤ َﺅ ﱠﻨ ﹲ‬ ), in number (singular ‫ﺩ‬ ‫ﺭ‬ ‫ﻤ ﹾﻔ‬ ,
dual ‫ﻤ ﹶﺜ ﱠﻨﻰ‬ , plural ‫ﻊ‬ ‫ﻤ‬ ‫ﺠ‬
 ) , in form (definite ‫ﺭﹺ ﹶﻓ ﹲﺔ‬‫ﻤﻌ‬ or indefinite ‫ﺭ ﹲﺓ‬ ‫ﻜ‬ ‫ ) ﹶﻨ‬and
in case (mark of the last letter).
- Look at the examples in page 9, you will see clearly the relation
between the noun and the adjective following it.

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Important Grammatical terms to learn *


Masculine ‫ﺫﹶﻜﱠﺭ‬‫ﻤ‬ m.

Feminine ‫ﻤ َﺅ ﱠﻨﺙ‬ f.

Singular ‫ﺩ‬ ‫ﺭ‬ ‫ﻤ ﹾﻔ‬ s.

Dual ‫ﻤ ﹶﺜ ﱠﻨﻰ‬ d.

Plural ‫ﻊ‬ ‫ﻤ‬ ‫ﺠ‬

 p.

Definite ‫ﺭﹺ ﹶﻓ ﹲﺔ‬‫ﻤﻌ‬ def.

Indefinite ‫ﺭ ﹲﺓ‬ ‫ﻜ‬ ‫ﹶﻨ‬ indef.

Pronoun ‫ﻴﺭ‬
 ‫ﻤ‬‫ﺍﻝﻀ‬ pron.

Demonstrative ‫ﺓ‬ ‫ﺎﺭ‬

 ‫ﺸ‬
‫ ﺍﻹِ ﹶ‬‫ﻡ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺍ‬ demons.

*You must learn these terms as after few lessons we will be using
the Arabic term only

Letter Waaw:

In line 4: ‫ﻭ‬ means 'and'

In line 10: ‫ ﻭ‬means 'By' for making an oath. ‫ﺎﺏ‬

‫ﻜ ﹶﺘ ﹺ‬ ‫ﻭ ﹾﺍﻝ‬ (by the book)

We call it Waaw of oath (Waaw Al-Qasam) ‫ﺴﹺﻡ‬

 ‫ ﺍﻝﹾﻘﹶ‬‫ﺍﻭ‬‫ ﻭ‬. It is known by

the kasrah at the end of the word following it. Ex. ِ ‫ﻭ‬ (by Allaah).

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‫ﻴﺒ ﹲ‬
 ‫ﺩ ﹺﺭ‬ ‫ﹶﺘ‬
1- Complete m. / f. * ‫ﻠﻲ‬‫ﻤ‬ ‫ َﺃ ﹾﻜ‬/ ‫ل‬
ْ ‫ﻤ‬ ‫ َﺃ ﹾﻜ‬-١

 Def. ‫ﻓﺔ‬
‫ﺭﹺ ﹲ‬‫ﻤﻌ‬ Indef. ‫ﺭ ﹲﺓ‬
 ‫ﻨﹶﻜ‬

The meaning in English (No Tanween) (with Tanween)

The straight ‫ﻴﻡ‬
 ِ‫ﺘﹶﻘ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺍﻝﹾﻤ‬ ‫ﻴﻡ‬
 ‫ﻘ‬ ‫ﺘﹶ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﻤ‬
‫ﺍﻝﹾﺨﹶﺎﻝِ ﹸ‬
‫ﺍﺒﺎ‬ ‫ﻋ ﹶﺫ‬

 ‫ﻤ‬ ْ‫ﻤﺅ‬ ‫ﹾﺍﻝ‬
 ‫ﻜ ﹶﺘ‬
‫ﺒﹺ ﹺ‬‫ﺍﻝﹾﻤ‬
 ‫ﻅ‬ ‫ﻋ‬
‫ﺠ‬ ‫ ﹺ‬‫ﺍﻝﹾﻤ‬

2- Translate m. / f. to Arabic ‫ﺔ‬ ‫ﻴ‬ ‫ﺒﹺ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻲ ﺇِﻝﹶﻰ ﺍﻝﹾﻌ‬‫ﺠﹺﻤ‬‫ ﺘﹶﺭ‬/ ‫ﻡ‬ ‫ﺠ‬
‫ﺭ ﹺ‬ ‫ ﹶﺘ‬-٢
1- A believing Prophet. ……………………………….

2- This is a book. ……………………………….

3- The straight path. ……………………………….

4- That is a clear Qur'aan. ……………………………….

*A command verb in Arabic changes after the gender of the person that
is why we wrote m. and f.

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3 - Complete m. / f. ‫ﻠﻲ‬‫ﻤ‬ ‫ َﺃ ﹾﻜ‬/ ‫ل‬
ْ ‫ﻤ‬ ‫ َﺃ ﹾﻜ‬-٣

‫ ﹺ‬‫ ﺍﻷﺨ‬‫ﻑ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻜﹶﺔﹸ ﺍﻝﹾﺤ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﺤ‬ ‫ ﹺﺭ ﹶﻓ ﹲﺔ‬‫ﻤﻌ‬ ‫ﻭ‬ ‫ﺓﹲ َﺃ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻨﹶﻜ‬ ‫ﺩ‬ ‫ﺩ‬‫ﺍﻝﹾﻌ‬ ‫ﻉ‬
 ‫ﺍﻝﻨﻭ‬
Def. Or indef. Gender
Mark of last letter Number

‫ ﹸﺔ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﻀ‬ ‫ﺭﹺ ﹶﻓ ﹲﺔ‬‫ﻤﻌ‬ ‫ﺩ‬ ‫ﺭ‬ ‫ﻤ ﹾﻔ‬ ‫ﺭ‬ ‫ﻤﺫﹶ ﱠﻜ‬ ‫ﻴﻡ‬
 ‫ﻭل ﹾﺍﻝﻜﹶﺭﹺ‬
ُ ‫ﺴ‬ ‫ﺍﻝﺭ‬
The noble messenger

‫ﻭل ﹾﺍﻝﻜﹶﺭﹺ ﹺ‬
ِ ‫ﺴ‬ ‫ﺍﻝﺭ‬

 ‫ﻭل ﹾﺍﻝﻜﹶﺭﹺ‬
َ ‫ﺴ‬ ‫ﺍﻝﺭ‬

‫ﻤ ﹴ‬ ْ‫ﻤﺅ‬ ‫ﺩ‬ ‫ﺒ‬ ‫ﻋ‬

A believing servant
‫ﻤ ﹰﻨﺎ‬ ‫ﻤ ْﺅ‬ ‫ﺩﺍ‬ ‫ﺒ‬ ‫ﻋ‬

 ‫ﻤ‬ ‫ﻤ ْﺅ‬ ‫ﺩ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﻋ‬

‫ﺍﻜ ﹸﺘ ﹺﺒﻲ‬
‫ ﹾ‬/‫ﺏ‬
 ‫ﺍﻜ ﹸﺘ‬
‫ﻑﻭ ﹾ‬
 ‫ﺭ‬‫ﺭﹺ ﺤ‬‫ﻠﻰ ﺁﺨ‬‫ﻜﹶﺔﹶ ﻋ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻲ ﺍﻝﺤ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ ﻀ‬/ ‫ﻊ‬‫ﺔ ﻭﻀ‬ ‫ﻔﹶ‬‫ﻲ ﺒﹺﺼ‬‫ﻠ‬‫ ﺃﻜﹾﻤ‬/ ‫ل‬
ْ ‫ﻤ‬ ‫ – َﺃ ﹾﻜ‬٤
‫ﻌ ﹶﻨﻰ‬ ‫ﻤ‬ ‫ﹾﺍﻝ‬

4- Complete m./f. with an adjective , put m./f. the mark on the last
letter and write m./f. the meaning

.............. ‫ﺩ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ ﻋ‬-٢ ............. ‫ﺍﻁﺎ‬

‫ ﹰ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ ﺼ‬-١

........... ‫ﺎﺏ‬
 ‫ﻜ ﹶﺘ‬ ‫ ﹾﺍﻝ‬-٤ ............... ‫ﻭل‬
ٍ ‫ﺴ‬ ‫ ﺭ‬-٣

...............‫ﻡ‬‫ﻭ‬‫ ﻴ‬-٦ .............. ‫ل‬

ُ‫ﺠ‬ ‫ ﺍﻝﺭ‬-٥

The correct answers will be provided at the beginning of following

lesson ‫ﺍﷲ‬
ُ ‫ ﺸﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺇﻥ‬

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1- Complete (m./f.) ‫ أَ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ‬/ ‫ أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل‬-١

‫اﻝﻤ ْﻌَﻨﻰ‬ ٌ‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓﺔ‬ Indef. ٌ‫َﻨ ِﻜرة‬
َ Def.
The meaning in English (No Tanween) (with Tanween)

‫ﻴم‬ ِ ِ َ‫اْﻝﻤﺴﺘ‬ ِ
ُ ◌‫ق‬ ‫ﻴم‬
ٌ ‫ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﻘ‬
The straight
ُ ِ‫اْﻝ َﺨﺎﻝ‬
‫ق‬ ٌ ِ‫َﺨﺎﻝ‬
The creator

The torment ‫اب‬

َ ‫اْﻝ َﻌ َذ‬ ‫َﻋ َذ ًاﺒﺎ‬
The believer ‫اْﻝ ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤ َن‬ ‫ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤًﻨﺎ‬
‫ﺎب‬ ِ ٌ َ‫ِﻜﺘ‬
ُ َ‫اْﻝﻜﺘ‬ ‫ﺎب‬
The book

The clear ِ ِ‫اْﻝ ُﻤﺒ‬

‫ﻴن‬ ٍ ِ‫ُﻤﺒ‬
‫ﻴم‬ ِ ِ
َ ‫اْﻝ َﻌظ‬ ‫ﻴﻤﺎ‬
ً ‫َﻋظ‬
The great

ُ ‫اْﻝ َﻤ ِﺠ‬
‫ﻴد‬ ٌ ‫َﻤ ِﺠ‬
The glorious

2- Translate (m./f.) to Arabic ‫ﻴ ِﺔ‬ِ‫ ﺘَْرِﺠ ِﻤﻲ إِﻝَﻰ اْﻝ َﻌ َرﺒ‬/ ‫ ﺘَْرِﺠ ْم‬-٢
1- A believing Prophet. ‫َر ُﺴو ٌل ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤ ٌن‬
2- This is a book. ٌ َ‫َﻫ َذا ِﻜﺘ‬
‫ﻴم‬ ِ
3- The straight path.
ُ ‫اﻝﺼ َارطُ اْﻝ ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﻘ‬ 
4- That is a clear Qur'aan. ٌ ِ‫آن ُﻤﺒ‬
‫ﻴن‬ ٌ ‫َذﻝِ َك ﻗُ ْر‬

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3 - Complete (m./ f.) ‫ أَ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ‬/ ‫ أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل‬-٣

ِ ‫ف‬
ِ ‫اﻷﺨ‬
‫ﻴر‬ ِ ‫ﺤرَﻜﺔُ اْﻝﺤر‬ ٌ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرةٌ أ َْو َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَﺔ‬ ‫اْﻝ َﻌ َد ُد‬ ُ‫ﻨ ْوع‬‫اﻝ‬
َْ ََ
Def. Or indef. Number Gender
Mark of last letter

ُ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
َ ٌ‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَﺔ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ﻜٌر‬ ‫ُﻤ َذ‬ ُ ‫اﻝر ُﺴو ُل اْﻝ َﻜ ِر‬
‫ﻴم‬ 
The noble Prophet

ٌ‫َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬ ٌ‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَﺔ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ﻜٌر‬ ‫ُﻤ َذ‬ ‫ول اْﻝ َﻜ ِر ِﻴم‬
ِ ‫اﻝرﺴ‬

ٌ‫ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬ ٌ‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَﺔ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ﻜٌر‬ ‫ُﻤ َذ‬ َ ‫اﻝر ُﺴو َل اْﻝ َﻜ ِر‬
‫ﻴم‬ 

‫َﻋ ْﺒ ٍد ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤ ٍن‬
ُ ‫ﺘَْﻨ ِو‬
‫ﻴن َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬ ٌ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرة‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ﻜٌر‬ ‫ُﻤ َذ‬
A believing servant
‫ﻴن ﻓَﺘْ َﺤ ٍﺔ‬
ُ ‫ﺘَْﻨ ِو‬ ٌ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرة‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ﻜٌر‬ ‫ُﻤ َذ‬ ‫َﻋ ْﺒ ًدا ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤًﻨﺎ‬
‫ﻤ ٍﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
َ ‫ﻴن‬ ُ ‫ﺘَْﻨ ِو‬ ٌ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرة‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ﻜٌر‬ ‫ُﻤ َذ‬ ‫َﻋ ْﺒ ٌد ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤ ٌن‬

ٍ ‫آﺨ ِر ﺤر‬
‫ف وا ْﻜﺘُﺒِﻲ اْﻝ َﻤ ْﻌَﻨﻰ‬ ِ ‫ ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜﺔَ ﻋﻠﻰ‬/ ‫ﺼﻔَ ٍﺔ وﻀﻊ‬
ِ ِ‫ أ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ ﺒ‬/ ‫ – أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل‬٤
َْ َ ََ َ َْ
4- Complete (m./f.) with an adjective, put (m./f.) the mark on the last letter and
write (m./f.) the meaning
one servant ‫اﺤ ٍد‬
َ‫ َﻋ ْﺒ ٍد‬-٢ a straight path ‫ﻴﻤﺎ‬ ِ
ً ‫طﺎ ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﻘ‬ ً ‫ﺼ َار‬ِ -١

َ ‫ﺎب اْﻝ َﻤ ِﺠ‬

‫ﻴد‬ ِ ‫ول َﻜ ِر ٍﻴم‬ ٍ ‫ رﺴ‬-٣
the glorious book َ َ‫ اْﻝﻜﺘ‬-٤ a noble Prophet َُ
‫ﻴم‬ ِ ‫اﻝر ُﺠ ُل اْﻝ ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤ ُن‬
a great day ٌ ‫ َﻴ ْوٌم َﻋظ‬-٦ a believing man  -٥
You can use any adjective that gives a correct meaning, it should just follows the noun as
explained before.

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 14

ٌ ‫ﻨ‬‫رد ُﻤ َؤ‬
‫ث‬ ٌ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ‬

Phrases of the lesson

‫اﻤ َرأةً ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤَﻨ ًﺔ‬ 〈 ºπsΨÏΒ÷σ–Β Zοr&z÷ö∆$#uρ 

And a believing
woman ْ ‫َو‬ 1

In a lofty Paradise ‫ﻨ ٍﺔ َﻋﺎﻝَِﻴ ٍﺔ‬‫ِﻓﻲ َﺠ‬ 〈 7πuŠÏ9%tæ >π¨Ψy_ ’Îû  2

It is a snake ٌ‫ﻴﺔ‬‫ِﻫ َﻲ َﺤ‬ 〈 ×π¨Šxm }‘Ïδ  3

‫اﻵﺨ َرةَ ِﻫﻲ َد ُار اْﻝﻘَ َرِار‬

ِ 〈 Í‘#us)ø9$# â‘#yŠ }‘Ïδ nοu½zFψ$# 
The hereafter, it is the
home of residence* َ
This is the worldly life ‫د ْﻨَﻴﺎ‬ ‫َﻫ ِذ ِﻩ اْﻝ َﺤﻴﺎةُ اﻝ‬ 〈 $u‹÷Ρ‘‰9$# äο4θu‹ysø9$# ÏνÉ‹≈yδ  5

This is the fire ‫ﻨ ُﺎر‬‫َﻫ ِذ ِﻩ اﻝ‬ 〈 â‘$¨Ψ9$# ÏνÉ‹≈yδ  6

This is the tree َ‫ﺸ َﺠ َرة‬ ‫َﻫ ِذ ِﻩ اﻝ‬ 〈 nοuyf¤±9$# ÏνÉ‹≈yδ  7

This is the she-camel ِ ُ‫ﻫ ِذ ِﻩ ﻨﺎﻗَﺔ‬

‫اﷲ‬ 〈 «!$# èπs%$tΡ ÏνÉ‹≈yδ 
of Allaah َ َ 8

The wife of Noah and ٍ ُ‫ 〈 اﻤ أرَةََ ُﻨو ٍح واﻤ أرَةَ ﻝ‬7Þθä9 |Nr&uøΒ$#uρ 8yθçΡ |Nr&uøΒ$#
the wife of Lot َْ َ َْ 9

An evident sign ً‫ﻨﺔ‬َ‫َآﻴﺔً َﺒﻴ‬ 〈 ZπsΨÉit/ Oπtƒ#u  10

ِ ‫ﺸ ْﻤ‬ ‫واﻝ‬
‫س‬ 〈 ħ÷Κ¤±9$#uρ  11
By the sun

*We are giving the literal meaning of the words in the translation as much as possible, to
help you to learn more vocabulary.

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 15

- In line 5: The word ‫ َﻫ ِذ ِﻩ‬is written in the standard Arabic without the long

ٌ ِ‫ أَﻝ‬after Haa' ‫ َﻫﺎء‬, but we still pronounce it (haadhihi).

vowel Alif ‫ف‬

- In line 1: the word 〈 ºπsΨÏΒ÷σ–Β in the Qur'aan script column starts with

Shaddah ٌ‫دة‬ ‫ َﺸ‬due the Tajweed rules only (The way to read Qur'aan).
An Arabic word never starts with Shaddah ٌ‫دة‬ ‫ﺸ‬
َ .

ِ ‫ﻌ ِر‬‫اﻝـ اﻝﺘ‬, the Hamzah ‫ َﻫﻤ َزة‬is

(‫ا‬+‫ )ء‬come after Al At-ta3reef ‫ﻴف‬
- In line 4: if ْ ْ

then written between the Laam ‫ ﻻم‬and the Alif ‫ أَﻝِف‬as in 〈 οu½zFψ$# 

- In line 1: the word〈 Zοr&z÷ö∆$# means (woman) and is written with

Taa' Marbootah ٌ‫ﺎء َﻤ ْرُﺒوطَﺔ‬

ٌ َ‫ ﺘ‬at the end. In line 9: the word 〈 |Nr&uøΒ$#

means: wife of …, it is written with letter Taa' ‫ ﺘَﺎء‬at the end (This is how
you will find it in The Qur'aan whenever it means: wife of …).
In the standard Arabic, it is written in both cases with Taa' Marbootah

َ ‫ﺎء َﻤ ْرُﺒو‬
ٌ َ‫ ﺘ‬at the end. َ‫اﻤ َأرَة‬

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 16

How to start with Hamzatu-l-wasl ‫ﺼ ِل‬

ْ ‫ َﻫ ْﻤ َزةُ ا ْﻝ َو‬as no vowel is written
with it?

Usually you will not find any vowel written with Hamzatu-l-wasl ‫ﺼ ِل‬ْ ‫ َﻫ ْﻤ َزةُ اْﻝ َو‬.
If you start with it, you should know the relevant vowel it has, to be able to
read it properly. These notes will help you:

ِ ‫ﻌ ِر‬‫اﻝـ اﻝﺘ‬
a. In ْ (Al of definition)

ِ with
It comes with Fat-hah ‫ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬. E.g. in line 4: you start with the word ‫اﻵﺨ َرة‬

Fat-hah ‫( ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬al-'aakhirah)

b. In seven particular nouns: Hamzatu-l-wasl ‫ﺼ ِل‬

ْ ‫ َﻫ ْﻤ َزةُ اْﻝ َو‬will come with
Kasrah ‫ َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬, these nouns are:

ِ َ‫اﺜَْﻨﺘ‬
‫ﺎن‬ ِ ‫اﺜَْﻨ‬
‫ﺎن‬ ُ‫اﻤ َأرَة‬
ْ ‫اﻤ ُرُؤ‬
ْ ُ‫ْاﺒَﻨﺔ‬ ‫ْاﺒ ُن‬ ‫اﺴ ُم‬
'ithnataan 'ithnaan 'imra'ah 'imru' 'ibnah 'ibn 'ism
two f. two m. woman man daughter son name
c- In all other cases:
You look at the 3rd letter of the word:
َ : Hamzatu-l-wasl ‫ﺼ ِل‬
- If it has Dammah ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ ْ ‫ َﻫ ْﻤ َزةُ اْﻝ َو‬will have Dammah ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
َ as
well. Ex. ‫ب‬
ْ ُ‫ا ْﻜﺘ‬ ('uktub) because the letter Taa'(3rd letter) has Dammah ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
- If it has Fat-hah ‫ ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬or Kasrah ‫ َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬: Hamzatu-l-wasl ‫ﺼ ِل‬
ْ ‫ َﻫ ْﻤ َزةُ اْﻝ َو‬will have
Kasrah ‫ﺴ َرة‬
ْ ‫ َﻜ‬.
Ex. ‫'( ِا ْﻓﺘَ ْﺢ‬iftah) because the letter Taa' (3rd letter) has Fat-hah ‫ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬

ُ‫ﺎﻤﺔ‬ ِ
َ َ‫ا ْﺴﺘﻘ‬ ('istiqamah) because the letter Taa' (3rd letter) has kasrah ‫ َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬.

(Fat-hah ‫ ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬comes with "Al of definition", Kasrah ‫ َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬comes with the Seven
Nouns and if the 3rd letter of the other words has Fat-hah ‫ ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬or kasrah ‫َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬
and Dammah comes if the 3rd letter of the other words has Dammah ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
َ )
www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 17
Feminine Nouns

ٌ‫َآﻴﺔ‬ ٌ‫ْاﺒَﻨﺔ‬ ٌ‫ﻨﺔ‬‫َﺠ‬

a sign/verse a daughter a paradise

ُ‫اْﻝ َﺤَﻴﺎة‬ ُ‫ﻴﺔ‬‫اْﻝ َﺤ‬ ُ‫ﺸ َﺠ َرة‬ ‫اْﻝ‬

The life The snake The tree

ٌ‫ِﻫ َﻲ ﻨﺎﻗَﺔ‬
َ ‫ﺘِْﻠ‬
ٌ‫ك ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤَﻨﺔ‬ ٌ‫َﻫ ِذ ِﻩ َﺸ َﺠ َرة‬ It is a she-camel
That is a (f.) believer This is a tree
ْ ‫ﻲ‬
ٌ‫اﻤ َرأة‬ َ ‫ﻫ‬
She is a woman


1- There is no word in Arabic similar to the English "it" we use ‫ ِﻫ َﻲ‬for a

feminine human, animal, object or idea...
2- When the word is feminine ٌ ‫ﻨ‬‫ ُﻤ َؤ‬: the pronoun ‫ﻀ ِﻤ ُﻴر‬
‫ث‬  ‫اﻝ‬, the
ِ َ ‫اﻹ َﺸ‬
ِ ‫اﺴم‬
demonstrative ‫ﺎرة‬
ُ ْ are feminine ‫ﻨث‬‫ ُﻤ َؤ‬as well.

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 18
How to recognize the feminine?

1. The Taa' Marbootah ٌ‫ﻤ ْرُﺒوطَﺔ‬

َ ‫ﺎء‬
ٌ َ‫ ﺘ‬in singular words in most of cases, is a
sign that this word is feminine. See line 1,2,3,4,5,8,10.
2. Some plural words can have Taa' Marbootah ٌ‫طﺔ‬
َ ‫ﻤ ْرُﺒو‬ َ ‫ﺎء‬
ٌ َ‫ ﺘ‬but they are
not feminine. (Will have special lessons for plural ُ‫ﺎء اﷲ‬
َ ‫إن َﺸ‬ْ)
3. There are some feminine words which do not end with
Taa' Marbootah ‫ﺎء َﻤ ْرُﺒوطَ ٌﺔ‬
ٌ َ‫ ﺘ‬like:
1- Words which refer to females:

ٌ ‫ﺒِْﻨ‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
ٌ ‫ُﺨ‬
ْ‫أ‬ ‫م‬ ُ‫أ‬
girl/daughter sister mother

2- Parts of the body which occur in pairs are usually feminine:

‫ﻗَ َد ٌم‬ ‫َﻴ ٌد‬ ‫أُ ُذ ٌن‬ ‫َﻋ ْﻴ ٌن‬

foot hand ear eye/spring

3- Other words which have to be learnt individually:

ٌ ‫َﺴ‬ ‫ُد ْﻨَﻴﺎ‬ ‫َﻨ ْﻔ ٌس‬ ‫َﺴﺒِﻴ ٌل‬ ‫َد ٌار‬ *‫ﻨ ُم‬َ‫َﺠﻬ‬ ‫ض َﺸ ْﻤ ٌس‬
ٌ ‫ْأر‬ ‫َﻨ ٌﺎر‬
sky/ world/ soul/ way house proper name sun earth/ fire
heaven self of the hell land

Ex. In line 6 the word ‫ﻨ ُﺎر‬‫ اﻝ‬is feminine so the demons. ‫ َﻫ ِذ ِﻩ‬is also feminine.

*Feminine proper names in Arabic cannot have Tanween.

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 19
The Adjective (as-sifah) ‫اﻝﺼﻔَ ُﺔ‬

ً‫ﻨﺔ‬َ‫َآﻴﺔً َﺒﻴ‬ ‫د ْﻨَﻴﺎ‬ ‫اْﻝ َﺤَﻴﺎةُ اﻝ‬ ‫ﻨ ٍﺔ َﻋﺎﻝَِﻴ ٍﺔ‬‫َﺠ‬ ً‫اﻤ َرأةً ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤَﻨﺔ‬
an evident sign the worldly life a lofty paradise a believing woman

ُ‫اْﻝ َﻌ ْﻴ ُن اْﻝ َﺠ ِﺎرَﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﻴﻤ ِﺔ‬ ِ

َ ‫م اْﻝ َﻌظ‬ُ‫اﻷ‬
ٍ َ ِ‫ض َﻜﺒ‬
‫ﻴرة‬ ٍ ‫أ َْر‬ ٌ‫ﺎء َﻋﺎﻝَِﻴﺔ‬
ٌ ‫َﺴ َﻤ‬
the running spring the great mother a big earth a lofty/high sky

- Look at the examples; you will see clearly the relation between the
noun and the adjective following it, as explained in lesson 1.

- In line 5: the word ِ but cannot have a Dammah

‫د ْﻨَﻴﺎ‬ ‫ اﻝ‬is a Sifah ٌ‫ﺼﻔَﺔ‬
‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
َ as her noun does, because it ends with the long vowel Alif (we
cannot add any vowel to Alif‫)أﻝِف‬. We say that the Dammah ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
َ in that
case is estimated or Muqaddarah ٌ‫درة‬ َ‫ﻤﻘ‬
َ ُ
(This will be explained later ‫ﺎء اﷲ‬
ُ َ ‫إن َﺸ‬

- In the examples above the words: ٍ ‫ أ َْر‬،‫ﺎء‬

‫ اْﻝ َﻌ ْﻴ ُن‬،‫م‬ُ‫ اﻷ‬،‫ض‬ ٌ ‫ َﺴ َﻤ‬are feminine
that do not end with Taa' Marbootah ٌ‫ﺎء ﻤ ْرُﺒوطَﺔ‬
َ ٌ َ‫ﺘ‬, but the adjectives
following them ُ‫ﺎرَﻴﺔ‬ ِ ‫اْﻝ َﺠ‬،‫ﻴﻤ ِﺔ‬ ِ ٍ ِ ِ
َ ‫اْﻝ َﻌظ‬، ‫ َﻜﺒ َﻴرة‬،ٌ‫ َﻋﺎﻝَﻴﺔ‬end with Taa' Marbootah ‫ﺎء‬ ٌ َ‫ﺘ‬
ٌ‫ َﻤ ْرُﺒوطَﺔ‬as usual.

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 20
‫ﺎت‬ َ ‫ﺘَ ْد ِر‬
ٌ ‫ﻴﺒ‬
Exercises 1- Complete (m./f.) ‫ أَ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ‬/ ‫ أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل‬-١

‫اﻝﻤ ْﻌ َﻨﻰ‬
َ Def. ‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓ ٌﺔ‬ Indef. ٌ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرة‬
The fire ‫ﻨ ُﺎر‬‫اﻝ‬ ‫َﻨ ٌﺎر‬

ُ‫ﻴﺔ‬‫اْﻝ َﺤ‬
‫ﺤﻴ ٍﺎة‬
‫د ْﻨَﻴﺎ‬ ‫اﻝ‬

ً‫َﺸ َﺠ َرة‬
ِ ِ‫اْﻝ ُﻤﺒ‬
‫َﻨﺎﻗَ ٍﺔ‬
ِ ‫ﻨ ْﻔ‬‫اﻝ‬
ً ‫أ َْر‬

2- Translate (m./f.) to Arabic ‫ﻴ ِﺔ‬ِ‫ ﺘَْر ِﺠ ِﻤﻲ إِﻝَﻰ اْﻝ َﻌ َرﺒ‬/ ‫ ﺘَْر ِﺠ ْم‬-٢

1- A believing girl. .

2- This is a hand. .

3- The evident sign. .

4- That is a great tree. .

5- The wife of Lot. .

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 21
‫)‪3 - Complete (m./f.‬‬ ‫‪ -٣‬أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل ‪ /‬أَ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ‬

‫ف ِ‬
‫اﻷﺨ ِ‬
‫ﻴر‬ ‫ﺤرَﻜ ُﺔ ا ْﻝﺤر ِ‬ ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرةٌ أ َْو َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَ ٌﺔ‬ ‫ا ْﻝ َﻌ َد ُد‬ ‫اﻝ ‪‬ﻨ ْوعُ‬
‫َْ‬ ‫ََ‬
‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَﺔٌ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‬
‫َ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َؤ‪‬ﻨ ٌ‬
‫ث‬ ‫اﻝ‪‬ﻨ ُﺎر اْﻝ َﻌظ َ‬
‫اﻝ‪‬ﻨ ْﻔ َس اْﻝ ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤَﻨﺔَ‬
‫اﻝ‪‬ﻨﺎﻗَ ِﺔ اْﻝ َﻜﺒِ َ ِ‬
‫َﻋ ْﻴ ٍن َﺠ ِﺎرَﻴ ٍﺔ‬

‫أُ ‪‬ﻤﺔٌ ُﻤ ْﺴﻠِ َﻤﺔٌ‬

‫‪A (f.) muslim nation‬‬

‫َﺠ‪‬ﻨﺔً َﻋﺎﻝَِﻴﺔً‬

‫ب ‪ /‬ا ْﻜﺘُﺒِﻲ اْﻝ َﻤ ْﻌَﻨﻰ‬ ‫آﺨ ِر ﺤر ٍ‬

‫ف وا ْﻜﺘُ ْ‬ ‫ﺼﻔَ ٍﺔ وﻀﻊ ‪ /‬ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜﺔَ ﻋﻠﻰ ِ‬
‫‪ – ٤‬أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل ‪ /‬أ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ ﺒِ ِ‬
‫َْ‬ ‫ََ َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َْ‬
‫‪4- Complete (m. /f.) with an adjective, put (m./f.) the mark on the‬‬
‫‪last letter and write (m./f.) the meaning.‬‬

‫‪ -٢‬اﻷُ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ ‪..............‬‬ ‫‪ -١‬اْﻝَﻴ َد ‪.............‬‬

‫‪ -٤‬اﻝ ‪‬ﺸ ْﻤ ِ‬
‫س ‪...........‬‬ ‫‪َ -٣‬آﻴ ٍﺔ ‪...............‬‬

‫اب ‪...............‬‬
‫‪ -٦‬اْﻝ َﻌ َذ َ‬ ‫اﻤ َرٍأة ‪..............‬‬
‫‪ْ -٥‬‬

‫‪ -٨‬اﻝ ‪‬د ُار ‪.................‬‬ ‫اﻻﺒ َن ‪.............‬‬

‫‪ْ -٧‬‬

‫‪www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com‬‬ ‫‪Page 22‬‬

‫‪5 - Complete (m./f.) the table‬‬ ‫‪ -٥‬أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل ‪ /‬أَ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ اْﻝ َﺠ ْد َو َل‬

‫اْﻝ َﻜﻠِ َﻤﺔُ‬

‫اْﻝ َﻤ ْﻌَﻨﻰ‬ ‫ك‪ ،‬ﺘِْﻠ َ‬
‫ك(‬ ‫) َذﻝِ َ‬ ‫) ُﻫ َو‪ِ ،‬ﻫ َﻲ( ) َﻫ َذا‪َ ،‬ﻫ ِذ ِﻩ(‬
‫‪The word‬‬
‫‪Path‬‬ ‫ﺼ َارطٌ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َذﻝِ َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫َﻫ َذا‬ ‫ُﻫ َو‬
‫اﻝﻌ ْﺒ َد‬
‫ِا ْﻤ َأرَةً‬
‫َﺠﻬَ‪‬ﻨ ُم‬
‫اﻝﻘَ َد َم‬
‫س‬‫َﻨ ْﻔ ٍ‬

‫َﻤ ِﺠ ً‬
‫َﻴ ْو ًﻤﺎ‬
‫اﻝﺒﻘَ َرةُ‬
‫ﺒﺘﺎء َﻤ ْرُﺒوطَ ٍﺔ‬
‫ﺎت ﻤؤ‪‬ﻨﺜَ ٍﺔ ﺘَْﻨﺘَ ِﻬﻲ ٍ‬
‫ِ ٍ‬
‫ب ‪ /‬ا ْﻜﺘُﺒِﻲ َﺨ ْﻤ َس َﻜﻠ َﻤ ُ َ‬
‫‪ -٦‬ا ْﻜﺘُ ْ‬
‫‪6- Write (m. /f.) 5 feminine words which end with Taa' Marbootah‬‬

‫‪………………..‬‬ ‫…………………‬ ‫…………………‬

‫‪………………..‬‬ ‫………………‬

‫ﺒﺘﺎء َﻤ ْرُﺒوطَ ٍﺔ‬

‫ﺎت ﻤؤ‪‬ﻨﺜَ ٍﺔ ﻻ ﺘَْﻨﺘَ ِﻬﻲ ٍ‬
‫ِ ٍ‬
‫ب ‪ /‬ا ْﻜﺘُﺒِﻲ َﺨ ْﻤ َس َﻜﻠ َﻤ ُ َ‬
‫‪ -٧‬ا ْﻜﺘُ ْ‬
‫‪7- Write (m. /f.) 5 feminine words which do not end with‬‬
‫‪Taa' Marbootah‬‬

‫‪………………..‬‬ ‫…………………‬ ‫‪………………….‬‬

‫‪………………..‬‬ ‫…………………‬

‫‪www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com‬‬ ‫‪Page 23‬‬

‫اﻝرِﺤ ِﻴم‬
 ‫اﻝر ْﺤ َﻤ ِن‬
 ‫اﷲ‬ِ ‫ﺒِﺴِم‬

1- Complete (m./f.) ‫ أَ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ‬/ ‫ أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل‬-١

‫اﻝﻤ ْﻌ َﻨﻰ‬ ‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓ ٌﺔ‬ Indef. ٌ‫َﻨ ِﻜرة‬
َ Def.
The fire ‫ﻨ ُﺎر‬‫اﻝ‬ ‫َﻨ ٌﺎر‬
The snake
ُ‫ﻴﺔ‬‫اْﻝ َﺤ‬ ٌ‫ﻴﺔ‬‫َﺤ‬
The life ‫اْﻝ َﺤَﻴ ِﺎة‬ ‫ﺤﻴ ٍﺎة‬
The world ‫د ْﻨَﻴﺎ‬ ‫اﻝ‬ ‫ُد ْﻨَﻴﺎ‬

َ‫ﺸ َﺠ َرة‬ ‫اﻝ‬ ً‫َﺸ َﺠ َرة‬

The tree

The clear ِ ِ‫اْﻝ ُﻤﺒ‬

‫ﻴن‬ ٍ ِ‫ُﻤﺒ‬
The she-camel ‫ﻨﺎﻗَ ِﺔ‬‫اﻝ‬ ‫َﻨﺎﻗَ ٍﺔ‬
The self ِ ‫ﻨ ْﻔ‬‫اﻝ‬
‫س‬ ٍ ‫َﻨ ْﻔ‬
The earth ‫ض‬
َ ‫اﻷ َْر‬ ‫ﻀﺎ‬
ً ‫أ َْر‬

2- Translate (m./f.) to Arabic ‫ﻴ ِﺔ‬ِ‫ ﺘَْر ِﺠ ِﻤﻲ إِﻝَﻰ اْﻝ َﻌ َرﺒ‬/ ‫ ﺘَْر ِﺠ ْم‬-٢
1- A believing girl. ٌ‫ت ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤَﻨﺔ‬ ٌ ‫ﺒِْﻨ‬
2- This is a hand. ‫َﻫ ِذ ِﻩ َﻴ ٌد‬
3- The evident sign. ُ‫ﻨﺔ‬َ‫اﻵﻴﺔُ اْﻝَﺒﻴ‬َ
ٌ‫ﻴﻤﺔ‬ ِ َ ‫ﺘِْﻠ‬
4- That is a great tree.
َ ‫ك َﺸ َﺠ َرةٌ َﻋظ‬
ٍ ُ‫ َزوﺠﺔُ ﻝ‬/‫ﻝوط‬
‫وط‬ ٍ ُ‫ِاﻤرأة‬
5- The wife of Lot. َْ َْ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 24
‫)‪3 - Complete (m./f.‬‬ ‫‪ -٣‬أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل ‪ /‬أَ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ‬

‫ف ِ‬
‫اﻷﺨ ِ‬
‫ﻴر‬ ‫ﺤرَﻜ ُﺔ ا ْﻝﺤر ِ‬ ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرةٌ أ َْو َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَ ٌﺔ‬ ‫ا ْﻝ َﻌ َد ُد‬ ‫اﻝ ‪‬ﻨ ْوعُ‬
‫َْ‬ ‫ََ‬
‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَﺔٌ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‬
‫َ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َؤ‪‬ﻨ ٌ‬
‫ث‬ ‫اﻝ‪‬ﻨ ُﺎر اْﻝ َﻌظ َ‬
‫ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔٌ‬ ‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَﺔٌ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َؤ‪‬ﻨ ٌ‬
‫ث‬ ‫اﻝ‪‬ﻨ ْﻔ َس اْﻝ ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤَﻨﺔَ‬

‫َﻜ ْﺴ َرةٌ‬ ‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَﺔٌ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َؤ‪‬ﻨ ٌ‬

‫ث‬ ‫اﻝ‪‬ﻨﺎﻗَ ِﺔ اْﻝ َﻜﺒِ َ ِ‬
‫ﻴن َﻜ ْﺴ َ ٍرة‬
‫ﺘَْﻨ ِو ُ‬ ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرةٌ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َؤ‪‬ﻨ ٌ‬
‫ث‬ ‫َﻋ ْﻴ ٍن َﺠ ِﺎرَﻴ ٍﺔ‬

‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤ ٍﺔ‬ ‫أُ ‪‬ﻤﺔٌ ُﻤ ْﺴﻠِ َﻤﺔٌ‬

‫ﺘَْﻨ ِو ُ‬
‫ﻴن َ‬ ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرةٌ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َؤ‪‬ﻨ ٌ‬
‫‪A muslim nation‬‬

‫ﻴن ﻓَﺘْ َﺤ ٍﺔ‬

‫ﺘَْﻨ ِو ُ‬ ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرةٌ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َؤ‪‬ﻨ ٌ‬
‫ث‬ ‫َﺠ‪‬ﻨﺔً َﻋﺎﻝَِﻴﺔً‬

‫ب ‪ /‬ا ْﻜﺘُﺒِﻲ اْﻝ َﻤ ْﻌَﻨﻰ‬ ‫آﺨ ِر ﺤر ٍ‬

‫ف وا ْﻜﺘُ ْ‬ ‫ﺼﻔَ ٍﺔ وﻀﻊ ‪ /‬ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜﺔَ ﻋﻠﻰ ِ‬
‫‪ – ٤‬أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل ‪ /‬أ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ ﺒِ ِ‬
‫َْ‬ ‫ََ َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َْ‬
‫‪4- Complete (m. /f.) with an adjective, put (m./f.) the mark on the last‬‬
‫‪letter and write (m./f.) the meaning.‬‬

‫‪The believing nation‬‬ ‫‪ -٢‬اﻷُ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ اْﻝ ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤَﻨﺔُ‬ ‫‪The big hand‬‬ ‫اْﻝَﻴ َد اْﻝ َﻜﺒِ َﻴرةَ‬ ‫‪-١‬‬
‫‪The high sun‬‬ ‫س اْﻝ َﻌﺎﻝَِﻴ ِﺔ‬ ‫‪ -٤‬اﻝ ‪‬ﺸ ْﻤ ِ‬ ‫‪A great sign‬‬ ‫ﻴﻤ ٍﺔ‬ ‫ٍ ِ‬
‫َآﻴﺔ َﻋظ َ‬ ‫‪-٣‬‬
‫ﻴم‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫اﻤ َرٍأة ُﻤ ْﺴﻠِ َﻤ ٍﺔ‬
‫‪The great torment‬‬
‫اب اْﻝ َﻌظ َ‬ ‫‪ -٦‬اْﻝ َﻌ َذ َ‬ ‫‪A muslim woman‬‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫‪-٥‬‬
‫اﻵﺨ َرةُ*‬‫‪ -٨‬اﻝ ‪‬دار ِ‬ ‫اﻻﺒ َن اْﻝ َﻜﺒِ َﻴر‬‫ْ‬ ‫‪-٧‬‬
‫‪The last home‬‬
‫ُ‬ ‫‪The big son‬‬

‫‪ِ can mean the Hereafter and also can mean (the last) if used as‬‬
‫اﻵﺨ َرةُ *‬
‫‪an adjective.‬‬

‫‪www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com‬‬ ‫‪Page 25‬‬

‫‪5 - Complete (m./f.) the table‬‬ ‫‪ -٥‬أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل ‪ /‬أَ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ اْﻝ َﺠ ْد َو َل‬
‫اْﻝ َﻜﻠِ َﻤﺔُ‬
‫اْﻝ َﻤ ْﻌَﻨﻰ‬ ‫ك‪ ،‬ﺘِْﻠ َ‬
‫ك(‬ ‫) َذﻝِ َ‬ ‫) ُﻫ َو‪ِ ،‬ﻫ َﻲ( ) َﻫ َذا‪َ ،‬ﻫ ِذ ِﻩ(‬
‫‪The word‬‬
‫‪Path‬‬ ‫ﺼ َارطٌ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َذﻝِ َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫َﻫ َذا‬ ‫ُﻫ َو‬
‫‪The servant‬‬ ‫اﻝﻌ ْﺒ َد‬
‫َ‬ ‫َذﻝِ َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫َﻫ َذا‬ ‫ُﻫ َو‬
‫‪woman‬‬ ‫ِا ْﻤ َأرَةً‬ ‫ﺘِْﻠ َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫َﻫ ِذ ِﻩ‬ ‫ِﻫ َﻲ‬
‫‪Jahannam‬‬ ‫َﺠﻬَ‪‬ﻨ ُم‬ ‫ﺘِْﻠ َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫َﻫ ِذ ِﻩ‬ ‫ِﻫ َﻲ‬
‫‪The foot‬‬ ‫اﻝﻘَ َد َم‬ ‫ﺘِْﻠ َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫َﻫ ِذ ِﻩ‬ ‫ِﻫ َﻲ‬
‫‪The soul‬‬ ‫س‬‫َﻨ ْﻔ ٍ‬ ‫ﺘِْﻠ َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫َﻫ ِذ ِﻩ‬ ‫ِﻫ َﻲ‬
‫‪Glorious‬‬ ‫َﻤ ِﺠ ً‬
‫ﻴدا‬ ‫َذﻝِ َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫َﻫ َذا‬ ‫ُﻫ َو‬
‫‪Day‬‬ ‫َﻴ ْو ًﻤﺎ‬ ‫َذﻝِ َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫َﻫ َذا‬ ‫ُﻫ َو‬
‫‪Life‬‬ ‫َﺤَﻴﺎةٌ‬ ‫ﺘِْﻠ َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫َﻫ ِذ ِﻩ‬ ‫ِﻫ َﻲ‬
‫‪The cow‬‬ ‫اﻝﺒﻘَ َرةُ‬
‫َ‬ ‫ﺘِْﻠ َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫َﻫ ِذ ِﻩ‬ ‫ِﻫ َﻲ‬

‫ط ٍﺔ‬ ‫ﺎت ﻤؤ‪‬ﻨﺜَ ٍﺔ ﺘَْﻨﺘَ ِﻬﻲ ٍ‬

‫ﺒﺘﺎء َﻤ ْرُﺒو َ‬ ‫ِ ٍ‬
‫ب ‪ /‬ا ْﻜﺘُﺒِﻲ َﺨ ْﻤ َس َﻜﻠ َﻤ ُ َ‬
‫‪ -٦‬ا ْﻜﺘُ ْ‬
‫‪6- Write (m. /f.) 5 feminine words which end with Taa' Marbootah‬‬

‫اﻻﺒَﻨﺔُ‬ ‫اﻝﺒﻘَ َرةُ – َﺤَﻴﺎةٌ – اﻝ ‪‬ﺸ َﺠ َرةُ – َ‬

‫اﻵﻴﺔُ ‪ْ -‬‬ ‫َ‬

‫ﺒﺘﺎء َﻤ ْرُﺒوطَ ٍﺔ‬

‫ﺎت ﻤؤ‪‬ﻨﺜَ ٍﺔ َﻻ ﺘَْﻨﺘَ ِﻬﻲ ٍ‬
‫ِ ٍ‬
‫ب ‪ /‬ا ْﻜﺘُﺒِﻲ َﺨ ْﻤ َس َﻜﻠ َﻤ ُ َ‬
‫‪ -٧‬ا ْﻜﺘُ ْ‬
‫'‪7- Write (m. /f.) 5 feminine words which do not end with Taa‬‬
‫اﻝ‪‬ﻨ ْﻔ ُس – اﻷُ ُذ ُن – اﻝ‪‬ﻨ ُﺎر – أُ ‪‬م ‪َ -‬ﻋ ْﻴ ٌن‬

‫‪www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com‬‬ ‫‪Page 26‬‬


‫اب اْﻝ ُﻤ ْﻔ َرِد‬

ُ ‫إِ ْﻋ َر‬
of the

Phrases of the lesson

‫ﺸﻲ ٍء‬  ُ ِ‫اﷲ َﺨﺎﻝ‬ 〈 &óx« Èe≅ä. ß,Ï=≈yz ª!$# 

Allaah is Creator of
ْ ‫ق ُﻜل‬
everything ُ

ٌ ‫د ْﻨَﻴﺎ ﻝَ ِﻌ‬ ‫اْﻝ َﺤَﻴﺎةُ اﻝ‬ 〈 Ò=Ïès9 $u‹÷Ρ‘‰9$# äο4θuŠysø9$# 

The worldly life is a
play ‫ب‬ 2

He is a God. ٌ‫ُﻫ َو إِﻝَﻪ‬ 〈 ×µ≈s9Î) uθèδ  3

ِ ‫ﻫو ِإﻝَﻪٌ و‬
‫اﺤ ٌد‬ 〈 Ó‰Ïn¨uρ ×µ≈s9Î) uθèδ 
َ َُ 4
He is a one God.

That is a nation. َ ‫ﺘِْﻠ‬

ٌ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ُ‫ك أ‬ 〈 ×π¨Βé& y7ù=Ï?  5

He said, Ibrahim.
‫ﻴم‬ ِ ِ 〈 ãΝ↵Ïδ¨uö/Î) tΑ$s% 
(Ibrahim said) ُ ‫ﻗَﺎ َل إ ْﺒ َراﻫ‬ 6

‫َﻋﻠِ َم‬ 〈 ª!$# zΝÏ=tæ 

He knew, Allaah.
(Allaah knew) ُ‫اﷲ‬ 7

ْ ‫َﻋﻠِ َﻤ‬ 〈 Ó§øtΡ ôMyϑÏ=tã 

It knew, a soul.
(a soul knew) ‫ت َﻨ ْﻔ ٌس‬ 8

Muhammad is the ِ ‫ﻤ ٌد رﺴو ُل‬ ‫ﻤﺤ‬

‫اﷲ‬ 〈 «!$# ãΑθß™§‘ Ó‰£ϑut’Χ 
messenger of Allaah َُ َُ 9

In the religion of ِ ‫ﻴن‬

‫اﷲ‬ ِ ‫ِﻓﻲ ِد‬ 〈 «!$# ÇƒÏŠ ’Îû  10

From one soul ‫اﺤ َد ٍة‬

ِ‫سو‬ ٍ ِ
َ ‫ﻤ ْن َﻨ ْﻔ‬
〈 ;οy‰Ïn¨uρ <§ø‾Ρ ÏiΒ  11

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 27

- In line 2: The word 〈ã ο4θuŠysø9$# has Small Alif ٌ‫ﺼ ِﻐﻴرة‬

َ ٌ ِ‫ أَﻝ‬over Waaw‫واو‬
This means that the waaw ‫ واو‬should not be pronounced.
In the standard Arabic, it is written only with Alif ‫)اْﻝ َﺤَﻴﺎةُ ( أَﻝِف‬

- In line 6: The word 〈 ãΝ↵Ïδ¨uö/Î)  has Small Yaa' ٌ‫ﺼ ِﻐﻴرة‬

َ ‫ﺎء‬
ٌ ‫ ( َﻴ‬ ) after
َ Haa'

‫ َﻫﺎء‬.

‫ﺎء‬ ِ ِ
In the standard Arabic, it is written as a normal Yaa' ٌ ‫ﻴم( َﻴ‬
ُ ‫)إ ْﺒ َراﻫ‬

- In line 11: the word 〈 ÏiΒ does not have mark on the letter Noon. This

means that the mark should be a Sukoon as written in the standard

Arabic. ِ
(‫)ﻤ ْن‬
For more examples read the file (Qur'aan script)

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 28
Advise for this lesson:
This lesson might be totally new for many of you, we would advise you
to read it thoroughly till the end then go back and read it once again.
Do not try to learn any new word now; the most important thing is to
understand the idea.

When you understand the lesson, start doing the exercises.

The page you need for answering each exercise is mentioned there.
If you are able to do the exercises, this means you got the idea.

Remember that the Prophet ‫ َم‬‫ﺴﻠ‬ ِ

َ ‫ﻰ اﷲُ َﻋﻠَ ْﻴﻪ َو‬‫ﺼﻠ‬
َ said:
‫اﻹﻤﺎم ُﻤ ْﺴﻠِ ٌم‬ ِ ِ ‫ و‬،‫ك‬
ُ ُ‫اﺴﺘَﻌ ْن ﺒِﺎﷲ َوﻻ ﺘَ ْﻌ َﺠ ْز" َرواﻩ‬
ْ ْ ‫"اﺤ ِر‬
َ ‫ص َﻋﻠَﻰ َﻤﺎ َﻴ ْﻨﻔَ ُﻌ‬ ْ
"Seek what benefits you, and seek help only from Allah and do not lose
heart." By Imaam Muslim.

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 29
‫اﻻﺴِم اْﻝ ُﻤ ْﻔ َرِد‬
ْ ‫اب‬ُ ‫إِ ْﻋ َر‬
Conjugation of the singular nouns

Conjugation ‫اب‬
ٌ ‫إﻋ َر‬
ْ means: the change of the end of Arabic words, when its
role (position) in the sentence changes.
In this lesson we answer the question:
Why does the same word appear with different marks with the last letter?

Kasrah ٌ‫ﺴ َرة‬

ْ ‫َﻜ‬ Fat-hah ‫ﻓَﺘْ َﺤ ٌﺔ‬ Dammah ‫ﻤ ٌﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
ِ ‫اﻝﺼر‬/
‫اط‬  ‫اط‬ ٍ ‫ﺼر‬ ِ ‫ط‬
َ ‫اﻝﺼ َار‬/‫ﺎ‬
 ‫ط‬ ً ‫ﺼ ار‬ ِ ُ‫اﻝﺼ َارط‬/
 ٌ‫ﺼ ارط‬ ِ
In the conjugation we treat Dammah ٌ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
َ and Tanween Dammah the same
way, we call them both (Dammah). And the same for Fat-hah ٌ‫ ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬and
Kasrah. ٌ‫َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬

The ending of an Arabic word changes with the position of that word in the
sentence. Every few positions are classified under a Case. The scholars of
Grammar already decided the available positions under each case.
For Example:
Mark of the last
The Cases Examples for positions under different letter of singular
َ ‫)اْﻝ‬ cases nouns, if they are
in that case.
First noun in a sentence :ٌ‫ُﻤ ْﺒﺘَ َدأ‬

ٌ‫َﻤ ْرﻓُوع‬ Information about the ٌ‫ُﻤ ْﺒﺘَ َدأ‬ :‫َﺨَﺒٌر‬ ٌ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
Doer of the verb ِ
:‫ﻓﺎﻋ ٌل‬
Object :‫َﻤ ْﻔ ُﻌو ٌل ﺒِ ِﻪ‬
ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ُ ‫َﻤ ْﻨ‬ A noun that shows the time or :‫ف‬ٌ ‫ظَ ْر‬ ٌ‫ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬
the place
ٍ ‫اﺴ ٌم َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬
Noun after preposition :‫ور‬ ْ
ٌ ‫َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬ ٌ‫َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬
Noun showing the possessor :‫ﻀﺎف إﻝَ ْﻴ ِﻪ‬
ٌ ‫ُﻤ‬
All this will be explained in details later ‫ﺸﺎء اﷲ‬
َ ‫إن‬
www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 30
The Cases are normally translated in English as: Nominative for ٌ‫ﻤ ْرﻓُوع‬,
Accusative for ‫وب‬
ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ُ ‫ َﻤ ْﻨ‬and Genitive for‫ور‬
ٌ ‫ َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬, but in our lessons we will
not use the translation as these cases have no similarity in English. It was
only a way to give English terms to them, we prefer to use the Arabic
terms directly.

The idea of cases is similar to a building with three floors, where

people doing different jobs are living

3st floor Barber Carpenter Cook

2st floor Accountant Teacher Secretary

1st floor Engineer Artist Doctor

Notice that the people in the first floor have different jobs but they all
live at the same floor and have a green apartment.

The jobs are the Positions.

The floors are the Cases.

The colors are the marks.

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 31
To understand these positions that come under the different cases, we need
to know the types of Arabic word and the type of sentences.

A-The types of Arabic word:

The Arabic word can be: A noun, a verb or a particle.
The Arabic Word ُ‫ﻴﺔ‬ِ‫اْﻝ َﻜﻠِ َﻤﺔُ اْﻝ َﻌ َرﺒ‬

Particle ‫ف‬
ٌ ‫َﺤ ْر‬ Verb ‫ِﻓ ْﻌ ٌل‬ Noun ‫ِا ْﺴ ٌم‬
Preposition :‫ر‬ ‫ف َﺠ‬
ُ ‫َﺤ ْر‬ Past tense ِ
‫اﻝﻤﺎﻀﻲ‬ ‫ا ْﻝ ِﻔ ْﻌ ٌل‬ Human ٌ ‫إِ ْﻨ‬
..‫ إﻝﻰ‬،‫ َﻋﻠﻰ‬،‫ِﻓﻲ‬
Conjunction ٍ ‫ط‬
:‫ف‬ ْ ‫ف َﻋ‬
ُ ‫َﺤ ْر‬ Present
ِ ‫ا ْﻝ ِﻔ ْﻌ ٌل ا ْﻝ ُﻤ‬
ٌ‫ﻀﺎرع‬ Animal ‫ان‬
ٌ ‫َﺤَﻴو‬
..‫ ﻓـ‬،‫م‬ُ‫ ﺜ‬،‫ أو‬،‫و‬ tense

‫ِﻓ ْﻌ ُل اﻷ َْﻤ ِر‬

‫ ﻻ‬:‫ف َﻨ ْﻔ ٍﻲ‬
ُ ‫َﺤ ْر‬ Command Solid ‫ﺎد‬
ٌ ‫َﺠ َﻤ‬
Calling Particle ٍ ِ‫ف ﻨ‬
‫ ﻴﺎ‬:‫داء‬ ُ ‫َﺤ ْر‬ Plant ‫ﺎت‬
ٌ ‫َﻨَﺒ‬
Etc. Place ‫ﺎن‬
ٌ ‫َﻤ َﻜ‬
Time ‫ﺎن‬
ٌ ‫َزَﻤ‬
Adjective ِ
‫ﻴر‬ ِ
Pronoun ٌ ‫ﻀﻤ‬ َ
‫ﺸﺎرٍة‬ ِ ْ
trative َ ‫اﺴ ُم إ‬
‫ﺼو ٌل‬
ُ ‫اﺴ ٌم َﻤ ْو‬

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 32
B- The type of sentences:
(1) (2)

ُ‫ﻴﺔ‬ِ‫اْﻝ ُﺠ ْﻤﻠَﺔُ اْﻝ ِﻔ ْﻌﻠ‬ ُ‫ﻴﺔ‬‫اﻻﺴ ِﻤ‬

ْ ُ‫اْﻝ ُﺠ ْﻤﻠَﺔ‬
The Verbal Sentence The Nominal Sentence
a- Starts with a verb. a- Starts with a noun.
b- It has two main parts: b- It has two main parts:

ِ َ‫ ﻓ‬+ ‫ِﻓﻌ ٌل‬

‫ﺎﻋ ٌل‬ ‫ َﺨ َﺒٌر‬+ ٌ‫ُﻤ ْﺒﺘَ َدأ‬
the doer + the verb information + first noun in

ْ ‫ﻨ‬‫ﺎء اﻝ‬
‫ﺼ ُر‬ َ ‫َﺠ‬
a sentence
ٌ ‫ﺎب ُﻤَﺒ َﺎر‬ ِ
(It came, the victory) ُ َ‫اْﻝﻜﺘ‬
The victory came The book is blessed
‫ﻲ اْﻝ ُﻤ ْﺴﻠِ ُم‬‫ﺼﻠ‬
َ ‫ُﻴ‬ ‫ﻴم‬ ِ
ٌ ‫اﷲُ َرﺤ‬
(He prays, the muslim) Allaah is Gracious

ٌ ‫َﻫ َذا ِﻜ‬

The muslim prays

Notice that the verb came This is a book

ٌ ‫ِﻫ َﻲ ﺒِْﻨ‬
before the doer. This cannot
be in the English language
She is a girl

After this brief introduction, we can start explaining the different positions
of the singular nouns and answer the question: What makes the last mark
of the same noun change?

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 33
1- In ُ‫ ا ْﻝ َﻤرﻓُوع‬case
There are 6 positions classified under this case but we will study them
gradually in the upcoming lessons.
In this lesson we will learn only 3 of them:

Position 1 ِ َ‫ا ْﻝﻔ‬

‫ﺎﻋ ُل‬
It is the one who does the verb (doer)

‫ﻴم‬ ِ ِ
In line 6
ُ ‫ﻗَﺎ َل إ ْﺒ َراﻫ‬
َ َ‫ ﻗ‬is a verb, it means: he said. The word ‫اﻫﻴم‬ ِ ‫ ْإﺒر‬is a noun
The word
that shows the one who said. So ‫اﻫﻴم‬ ِ ‫ ْإﺒر‬is ‫ﺎﻋ ُل‬
ِ َ‫ اْﻝﻔ‬. And ‫ﺎﻋ ُل‬
ِ َ‫ ﻓ‬is one of the
positions that comes under the case ٌ‫ ﻤ ْرﻓُوع‬, then the end of the word
‫ﻴم‬ ِ
ُ ‫ ْإﺒراﻫ‬should be a Dammah ٌ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
َ .

There is a special way to say the previous explanation in brief, we say:

(Qaala: Past tense verb) ٍ

.‫ﻤﺎض‬ ‫ ِﻓ ْﻌ ٌل‬:‫ﻗَﺎ َل‬

 ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ‬

*.ُ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ ِ
َ ‫ ﻓﺎﻋ ٌل َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ‬:‫ﻴم‬
ُ ‫ْإﺒ َراﻫ‬
(Ibraaheem: doer in the case of ‫ ﻤ ْرﻓُوع‬and the mark for ٌ‫ رْﻓﻊ‬is Dammah)
َ َ
*We don’t ask you to learn/memorize this sentence/way for conjugation. Just copy
this form/way in the exercises; with the time ‫ﺸﺎء اﷲ‬
َ ‫ إن‬you will learn it by heart.

In line 7: ُ‫َﻋﻠ َم اﷲ‬
(He knew) ٍ
.‫ﻤﺎض‬ ‫ ِﻓ ْﻌ ٌل‬:‫َﻋﻠِ َم‬
 ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ‬
.ُ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ ِ ِ
َ ‫ ﻝَ ْﻔظُ اْﻝ َﺠﻼﻝَﺔ ﻓﺎﻋ ٌل َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ‬:ُ‫اﷲ‬
When we do conjugation of the word ُ‫اﷲ‬, we say at the beginning (The
word of majesty is…. …‫) ﻝَ ْﻔظُ اْﻝ َﺠﻼﻝَﺔ‬
www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 34
Position 2 ُ‫ا ْﻝ ُﻤ ْﺒﺘَدأ‬
It is the first noun in a nominal sentence ٌ‫ﻴﺔ‬‫اﺴ ِﻤ‬
ْ ٌ‫ُﺠ ْﻤﻠَﺔ‬

In line 9: ‫ﺴو ٌل‬

ُ ‫ﻤ ٌد َر‬ ‫ُﻤ َﺤ‬
The word ‫ﻤد‬ ‫ ُﻤ َﺤ‬is a proper noun, which came at the beginning of a
sentence. So ‫ﻤد‬ ‫ ُﻤ َﺤ‬is ُ‫اْﻝ ُﻤ ْﺒﺘَ َدأ‬. And ُ‫اْﻝ ُﻤ ْﺒﺘَ َدأ‬ is one of the positions that

comes under the case ٌ‫ﻤ ْرﻓُوع‬, then the end of the word ‫ﻤ ٌد‬ ‫ ُﻤ َﺤ‬should be a
Dammah ٌ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
َ (we said before that in conjugation, Dammah and
Tanween Dammah are same). We say:

 ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ‬

.ُ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ َ ‫ ُﻤ ْﺒﺘَ َدأٌ َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ‬:‫ﻤ ٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َﺤ‬

Position 3 ‫ا ْﻝ َﺨ َﺒٌر‬
It is the information given about ‫اْﻝﻤ ْﺒﺘَدأ‬. It is whatever, that comes after is
or are in English.

Muhammad is a messenger ‫ﺴو ُل‬

ُ ‫ﻤ ٌد َر‬ ‫ُﻤ َﺤ‬
 ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ‬
.ُ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ َ ‫ َﺨَﺒٌر َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ‬:‫َر ُﺴو ُل‬
The word ‫ َر ُﺴول‬is the answer of the question: What about Muhammad?
It is ‫اﻝﺨ َﺒٌر‬
َ or the information we give for ُ‫اﻝﻤ ْﺒﺘَ َدأ‬.
َ is one of the positions that comes under the case ٌ‫ َﻤ ْرﻓُوع‬, then the
end of the word ‫ل‬ ُ ‫ َر ُﺴو‬should be a Dammah ٌ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
The word ‫ ُر ُﺴو ُل‬here is not an adjective as it does not agree with the
noun: it is indefinite and the word ‫ﻤ ٌد‬ ‫ﺤ‬َ ‫ ُﻤ‬in definite (proper noun)

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in line 1 ُ ِ‫اﷲُ َﺨﺎﻝ‬
 ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ‬
.ُ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ ِ
َ ‫ ﻝَ ْﻔظُ اْﻝ َﺠﻼﻝَﺔ ُﻤ ْﺒﺘَ َدأٌ َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ‬:ُ‫اﷲ‬
.ُ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ‬
َ ‫ َﺨَﺒٌر َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ‬:‫ق‬ ُ ِ‫َﺨﺎﻝ‬

To be continued in lesson 4 ‫اﷲ‬ ‫إن ﺸﺎء‬

Important comment

‫ َر ُﺴو ُل‬in line 8 and the word ‫ﻴن‬ ِ

You might ask why the word ُ ‫ د‬in line 9, do
not have Tanween?

‫ﻴن‬ ِ
The two words ُ ‫ د‬،‫ َر ُﺴو ُل‬are not indefinite anymore, because they were
made definite when followed by a definite word (‫ )اﷲ‬which shows the
possessor ‫إﻝَ ْﻴ ِﻪ‬ ‫ﻀﺎف‬
ٌ ‫ُﻤ‬

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 36
‫ﻴ ِﺔ؟‬‫ﺎﺴ‬
ِ ‫ﻴ ِﺔ اْﻝ ِﻘﻴ‬ِ‫ﺎت ِﻓﻲ اْﻝﻌرﺒ‬
ُ ‫ب َﻫ ِذﻩ اْﻝ َﻜﻠِ َﻤ‬
‫ﺎت‬ َ ‫ﺘَ ْد ِر‬
ٌ ‫ﻴﺒ‬ َ ََ ْ َ‫ف ﺘُ ْﻜﺘ‬
َ ‫ َﻜ ْﻴ‬-١
Exercises 1- How these words are written in the standard Arabic?

ِ ‫ﻴﺔُ اْﻝ ِﻘﻴ‬ِ‫اْﻝﻌرﺒ‬

ُ‫ﻴﺔ‬‫ﺎﺴ‬ ِ ‫َر ْﺴ ُم اْﻝﻘُْر‬
َ ََ
Standard Arabic Qur'aanic script







2- Complete (m. /f.) ‫ أ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ‬/ ‫ أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل‬-٢

‫اْﻝ َﻤ ْﻌَﻨﻰ‬ The Case ُ‫ﺤﺎﻝَﺔ‬

َ ‫اْﻝ‬
ٌ‫َﻤ ْرﻓُوع‬ ُ‫اْﻝ َﺤَﻴﺎة‬
The life

‫ﻴﻤﺎ‬ ِ
ً ‫ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﻘ‬
َ ‫َﻤ ِﺠ‬
ٍ ِ‫َﻜﺒ‬

‫َد ٍار‬
ِ ‫ﺸ ْﻤ‬ ‫اﻝ‬

ً‫َﺸ َﺠ َرة‬
(Use the table in page 30 to complete)

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3 - Complete (m./f.) ‫ أَ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ‬/ ‫ أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل‬-٣

‫ل‬ ‫ا ْﻝ َﻤ َﺤ‬ ِ ‫ﺤرَﻜ ُﺔ ا ْﻝﺤر‬

‫ف‬ َْ ََ ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرةٌ أ َْو َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَ ٌﺔ‬
ِ ‫اﻷ‬
‫ا ْﻝ َﻌ َد ُد‬ ُ‫ﻨ ْوع‬ ‫اﻝ‬
The case
ِ ‫َﺨ‬
ٌ‫َﻤ ْرﻓُوع‬ ُ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
َ ٌ‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَﺔ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ٌ ‫ﻨ‬‫ُﻤ َؤ‬
‫ث‬ ‫ﻨ ُﺎر‬‫اﻝ‬

َ‫اْﻝ ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤَﻨﺔ‬
‫ﻴم‬ ِ ِ
ُ ‫إ ْﺒ َراﻫ‬
‫اﺤ َد ٍة‬
‫َر ُﺴو ُل‬
ٍ ‫َﻨ‬

‫ِد ًﻴﻨﺎ‬
(Use page 30 to complete)

ٍ ‫آﺨ ِر ﺤر‬
‫ف‬ ِ ‫ ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜﺔَ ﻋﻠﻰ‬/ ‫ – ﻀﻊ‬٤
َْ َ ََ َ َْ
4- Put (m. /f.) the mark on the last letter of the word

The paradise is lofty ‫ﻨﺔ َﻋﺎﻝَِﻴﺔ‬‫اْﻝ َﺠ‬

Allaah is Great ‫اﷲ َﻋ ِظﻴم‬
The path is straight ‫راط ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَِﻘﻴم‬
َ ‫اﻝﺼ‬
The prophet said ‫اﻝر ُﺴول‬
 ‫ﻗﺎ َل‬
The man knew  ‫َﻋِﻠ َم‬
‫اﻝر ُﺠل‬
(Use page 34 & 35)

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ِ ‫ ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜ‬/ ‫ﻴ ِﺔ وﻀﻊ‬ِ‫ ﺘَر ِﺠ ِﻤﻲ إِﻝَﻰ اْﻝﻌرﺒ‬/ ‫ ﺘَر ِﺠم‬-٥
‫ﺎت‬ ََ َ َْ ََ ْ ْ ْ
5- Translate (m./f.) to Arabic and put (m./f.) the marks

1- Allaah said 222222222222.

2- The news is great 222222222222.

3- The tree is big 222222222222.

4- The God is one 222222222222.

5- The sky is high 222222222222.

ِ ‫َﻋ ِرﺒِﻲ اْﻝ َﻜﻠِﻤ‬

‫ﺎت‬ ْ ‫َﻋ ِر‬
ْ ‫أ‬/‫ب‬ ْ ‫ أ‬-٦
6- Conjugate (m./f.) the words َ

‫ﻴم‬ ِ
ُ ‫ﻗَﺎ َل ْإﺒ َارﻫ‬
ٍ ‫ ِﻓ ْﻌ ٌل َﻤ‬:‫ﻗَﺎ َل‬
............................... :‫ﻴم‬ ِ ِ
ُ ‫إ ْﺒ َراﻫ‬

‫ﻴم‬ ِ ُ ‫ا ْﻝﻘُر‬
ٌ ‫آن َﻋظ‬ ْ
.............................. :‫آن‬
ُ ‫اْﻝﻘُْر‬
............................... :‫ﻴم‬ ِ
ٌ ‫َﻋظ‬

‫م ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤ َﻨ ٌﺔ‬ ُ‫اﻷ‬
.................................. :‫م‬ ‫اﻷ‬
................................. :ٌ‫ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤَﻨﺔ‬
(Use page 33&35 to complete) (Just copy the pattern from the lesson)

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Qur'aanic Arabic

‫اﻝر ِﺤ ِﻴم‬
 ‫اﻝر ْﺤ َﻤ ِن‬
 ‫اﷲ‬ِ ‫ﺒِﺴِم‬

‫ﻴ ِﺔ؟‬‫ﺎﺴ‬
ِ ‫ﻴ ِﺔ اْﻝ ِﻘﻴ‬ِ‫ﺎت ِﻓﻲ اْﻝﻌرﺒ‬
َ ََ ُ ‫ب َﻫ ِذﻩ اْﻝ َﻜﻠِ َﻤ‬
ْ َ‫ف ﺘُ ْﻜﺘ‬
َ ‫ َﻜ ْﻴ‬-١
1- How these words are written in the standard Arabic?
ِ ‫ﻴﺔُ اْﻝ ِﻘﻴ‬ِ‫اْﻝﻌرﺒ‬
ُ‫ﻴﺔ‬‫ﺎﺴ‬ ِ ‫َر ْﺴ ُم اْﻝﻘُْر‬
َ ََ
Qur'aanic script
ٌ‫إَﻝَﻪ‬ ×µ≈s9Î)
‫اﺤ ٌد‬ Ó‰Ïn¨uρ
ٌ ‫ﻗُْر‬ ×β#uöè%

‫ﺎب‬ ِ
ُ َ‫اْﻝﻜﺘ‬ Ü=≈tGÅ6ø9$#

ُ‫اْﻝ َﺤَﻴﺎة‬ äο4θu‹ysø9$#

َ‫اﻤ َأرَة‬
ْ |Nr&uøΒ$#
ً‫َآﻴﺔ‬ Oπtƒ#u
2- Complete (m. /f.) ‫ أ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ‬/ ‫ أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل‬-٢
‫ا ْﻝ َﻤ ْﻌ َﻨﻰ‬ ‫ا ْﻝ َﺤﺎﻝَ ُﺔ‬ ‫ا ْﻝ َﻜﻠِ َﻤ ُﺔ‬
ٌ‫َﻤ ْرﻓُوع‬ ُ‫اْﻝ َﺤَﻴﺎة‬
The life

ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ ِ
ُ ‫َﻤ ْﻨ‬ ‫ﻴﻤﺎ‬ً ‫ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﻘ‬

ٌ‫َﻤ ْرﻓُوع‬ ٌ‫ﻴدة‬ َ ‫َﻤ ِﺠ‬


‫ور‬ٌ ‫َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬ ٍ ِ‫َﻜﺒ‬
ٌ ‫َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬ ‫َد ٍار‬
The sun
ٌ ‫َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬ ‫س‬ِ ‫ﺸ ْﻤ‬ ‫اﻝ‬
ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ ُ ‫َﻤ ْﻨ‬ ً‫َﺸ َﺠ َرة‬

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‫‪Qur'aanic Arabic‬‬

‫)‪3 - Complete (m./f.‬‬ ‫‪-٣‬أَ ْﻜ ِﻤ ْل ‪ /‬أَ ْﻜ ِﻤﻠِﻲ‬

‫اْﻝ َﻤ َﺤ ‪‬ل‬ ‫ﺤرَﻜﺔُ اْﻝﺤر ِ‬
‫ف‬ ‫َْ‬ ‫ََ‬
‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرةٌ أ َْو َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَﺔٌ‬ ‫اْﻝ َﻌ َد ُد‬ ‫اﻝ‪‬ﻨ ْوعُ‬
‫‪The case‬‬
‫ﻴر‬ ‫اﻷ ِ‬
‫َﺨ ِ‬

‫َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ‬ ‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‬

‫َ‬ ‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَﺔٌ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َؤ‪‬ﻨ ٌ‬
‫ث‬ ‫اﻝ‪‬ﻨ ُﺎر‬

‫ﺼ ٌ‬‫َﻤ ْﻨ ُ‬ ‫ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔٌ‬ ‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَﺔٌ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َؤ‪‬ﻨ ٌ‬
‫ث‬ ‫اْﻝ ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤَﻨﺔَ‬
‫َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ‬ ‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‬ ‫َﻤ ْﻌ ِرﻓَﺔٌ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َذ ‪‬ﻜٌر‬ ‫ﻴم‬ ‫ِ ِ‬
‫َ‬ ‫إ ْﺒ َراﻫ ُ‬
‫َﻤ ْﺠ ُر ٌ‬ ‫َﻜ ْﺴ َرةٌ‬ ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرةٌ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َؤ‪‬ﻨ ٌ‬
‫ث‬ ‫اﺤ َد ٍة‬
‫َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ‬ ‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‬
‫َ‬ ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرةٌ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َذ ‪‬ﻜٌر‬ ‫َر ُﺴو ُل‬

‫َﻤ ْﺠ ُر ٌ‬ ‫َﻜ ْﺴ َرةٌ‬ ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرةٌ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َؤ‪‬ﻨ ٌ‬
‫ث‬ ‫َﻨ ٍ‬

‫ﺼ ٌ‬‫َﻤ ْﻨ ُ‬ ‫ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔٌ‬ ‫َﻨ ِﻜ َرةٌ‬ ‫ُﻤ ْﻔ َرٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َذ ‪‬ﻜٌر‬ ‫ِد ًﻴﻨﺎ‬

‫آﺨ ِر ﺤر ٍ‬
‫ف‬ ‫‪ – ٤‬ﻀﻊ ‪ /‬ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜﺔَ ﻋﻠﻰ ِ‬
‫َْ‬ ‫ََ َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َْ‬
‫‪4- Put (m. /f.) the mark on the last letter of the word‬‬
‫‪The paradise is lofty‬‬ ‫اْﻝ َﺠ‪‬ﻨﺔُ َﻋﺎﻝَِﻴﺔٌ‬

‫ﻴم‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اﷲُ َﻋظ ٌ‬
‫‪Allaah is Great‬‬

‫ﻴم‬ ‫ِ‬
‫‪‬رطُ ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﻘ ٌ‬
‫اﻝﺼ َا‬
‫‪The path is straight‬‬

‫‪The prophet said‬‬ ‫اﻝر ُﺴو ُل‬

‫ﻗﺎ َل ‪‬‬
‫‪The man knew‬‬ ‫َﻋﻠِ َم ‪‬‬
‫اﻝر ُﺠ ُل‬

‫‪www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com‬‬ ‫‪Page 41‬‬

‫‪Qur'aanic Arabic‬‬

‫‪ -٥‬ﺘَر ِﺠم ‪ /‬ﺘَر ِﺠ ِﻤﻲ إِﻝَﻰ اْﻝﻌرﺒِ‪‬ﻴ ِﺔ وﻀﻊ ‪ /‬ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜ ِ‬
‫ﺎت‬ ‫ََ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َْ‬ ‫ََ‬ ‫ْ ْ ْ‬
‫‪5- Translate (m./f.) to Arabic and put (m./f.) the marks‬‬
‫‪1- Allaah said‬‬
‫ﻗَﺎ َل اﷲُ‬
‫‪2- The news is great‬‬
‫اﻝ‪‬ﻨَﺒﺄُ َﻋظ ٌ‬

‫‪3- The tree is big‬‬ ‫اﻝ ‪‬ﺸ َﺠ َرةُ َﻜﺒِ َﻴرةٌ‬

‫اﻹﻝَﻪ و ِ‬
‫اﺤ ٌد‬
‫‪4- The God is one‬‬
‫‪5- The sky is high‬‬ ‫ﺎء َﻋﺎﻝَِﻴﺔٌ‬
‫‪‬ﻤ ُ‬
‫اﻝﺴ َ‬

‫َﻋ ِرﺒِﻲ اْﻝ َﻜﻠِﻤ ِ‬

‫ﺎت‬ ‫ب‪/‬أ ْ‬ ‫َﻋ ِر ْ‬ ‫‪ -٦‬أ ْ‬
‫‪6- Conjugate (m./f.) the words‬‬ ‫َ‬
‫ﻴم‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ﻗَﺎ َل ْإﺒ َراﻫ ُ‬
‫ﻴم‪:‬‬ ‫ِ ِ‬ ‫ﻗَﺎ َل‪ِ :‬ﻓ ْﻌ ٌل َﻤ ٍ‬
‫إ ْﺒ َراﻫ ُ‬ ‫ﺎض‪.‬‬
‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‪.‬‬‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ ‪‬‬
‫ﻓﺎﻋ ٌل َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ َ‬
‫ﻴم‬ ‫ِ‬
‫آن َﻋظ ٌ‬ ‫اْﻝﻘُْر ُ‬
‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ ‪‬‬
‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‪.‬‬ ‫آن‪ُ :‬ﻤ ْﺒﺘَ َدأٌ َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ َ‬ ‫اْﻝﻘُْر ُ‬
‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ ‪‬‬
‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‪.‬‬ ‫ﻴم‪َ :‬ﺨَﺒٌر َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ َ‬
‫َﻋظ ٌ‬
‫اﻷُ‪‬م ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤَﻨﺔٌ‬
‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ ‪‬‬
‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‪.‬‬ ‫اﻷ ‪‬م‪ُ :‬ﻤ ْﺒﺘَ َدأٌ َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ َ‬
‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‪.‬‬‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ ‪‬‬
‫ُﻤ ْؤﻤَﻨﺔٌ‪َ :‬ﺨَﺒٌر َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ َ‬

‫‪www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com‬‬ ‫‪Page 42‬‬

Qur'aanic Arabic


‫اب اْﻝ ُﻤ ْﻔ َرِد‬

ُ ‫إِ ْﻋ َر‬
of the
Phrases of the lesson

Allaah sent a messenger ً‫ث اﷲُ َر ُﺴوﻻ‬

َ ‫َﺒ َﻌ‬ 〈 »ωθß™u‘ ª!$# y]yèt/  1

And Allaah spoke to

‫وﺴﻰ‬  〈 4y›θãΒ ª!$# zΝ‾=x.uρ 
Moosa (Moses) َ ‫َو َﻜﻠ َم اﷲُ ُﻤ‬ 2

And they said: Arrahmaan (The  ‫ َﺨ َذ‬‫وﻗَﺎﻝُوا اﺘ‬

‫اﻝر ْﺤ َﻤﺎ ُن‬
Most Gracious) has taken 〈#V$s!uρ ß≈uΗ÷q§9$# x‹sƒªB$# (#θä9$s%uρ 3
(begotten) a son ‫َوﻝَ ًدا‬
(He) created the human ‫ﺴﺎن‬
َ ‫اﻹﻨ‬
ْ ‫ق‬
َ َ‫َﺨﻠ‬ 〈 ∩⊂∪ z≈|¡ΣM}$# t,n=yz  4
Indeed Allaah is
‫ﻴم‬ ِ  〈 íΟŠÏ=tæ ©!$# āχÎ) 
All-Knowing. ٌ ‫إن اﷲَ َﻋﻠ‬ 5

Indeed the Hour is coming ٌ‫ﺎﻋﺔَ آﺘَِﻴﺔ‬

َ ‫ن اﻝﺴ‬ ِ‫إ‬ 〈 îπuŠÏ?#u sπtã$¡¡9$# ¨βÎ)  6

ِ ‫ﺸ ْﻤ‬ ‫ﻗَْﺒ َل طُﻠُوِع اﻝ‬

‫س‬ Ÿ≅ö6s%uρ ħôϑ¤±9$# Æíθè=èÛ Ÿ≅ö6s% 
Before the rising of the sun
and before the setting ِ ‫وﻗَْﺒ َل اْﻝ ُﻐر‬
‫وب‬ 〈 É>ρãäóø9$#
ُ َ
after hardship, a relief ‫َﺒ ْﻌ َد ُﻋ ْﺴ ٍر ُﻴ ْﺴ ًار‬ 〈 #[Žô£ç„ 9Žô£ãã y‰÷èt/ 8

‫ﺸ َﺠ َ ِرة‬ ‫ت اﻝ‬ 〈 Ïοuyf¤±9$# |MøtrB 

under the tree َ ‫ﺘَ ْﺤ‬ 9

a torment over the torment ِ ‫ق اْﻝ َﻌ َذ‬

‫اب‬ َ ‫َﻋ َذ ًاﺒﺎ ﻓَ ْو‬ 〈 É>#x‹yèø9$# s−öθsù $\/#x‹tã 10

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Qur'aanic Arabic


- The word ‫اﻝر ْﺤ َﻤﺎ ُن‬

 in line 3: is written in the standard Arabic with the long
vowel Alif after Meem ‫ ِﻤﻴم‬as in the Quranic script, except in the phrase

”‫ر ِﺤﻴِم‬‫ر ْﺤ َﻤ ِن اﻝ‬‫ﷲ اﻝ‬

ِ ‫“ ِﺒﺴِم ا‬
It is written without the Alif but we still pronounce it (Arrahmaan).


In line 1 the word 〈ª!$# is starting with Hamzat-ul-Wasl ‫ﺼ ِل‬

ْ ‫اﻝو‬ َ ُ‫َﻫ ْﻤ َزة‬
This Hamzah is pronounced only at the beginning of the speech, i.e. when
no other speech sound has been pronounced immediately before it;
otherwise, it is silent. (see the beginners 2 section)
- If we start with the word ‫اﷲ‬, we say: Allaah. (we hear the sound of
Hamzah at the beginning.
- If we connect the word before it:َ ‫ َﺒ َﻌ‬to the word ُ‫اﷲ‬, we say:
ba3atha-llaah. (we connect the thaa' ‫ ﺜﺎء‬of ba3atha to the letter Laam ‫ﻻم‬
of the word (Allaah) and the Hamzah is omitted.

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Qur'aanic Arabic

Advise for this lesson:

The best way to learn is to teach.

You need to teach what you learn to others

This will make you understand better what you learn and you will never
forget inshaa'Allaah.
Brothers and sisters:
Have sincere intention to please you Lord and get a great reward with
َ‫ﻨ ْﻤﻠَﺔ‬‫ﻰ اﻝ‬‫ض َﺤﺘ‬
ِ ‫ات واﻷَْر‬ِ ‫ﺴﻤﺎو‬ ‫إن اﷲ وﻤﻼﺌِ َﻜﺘَﻪ وأَ ْﻫ َل اﻝ‬ ِ ‫ﻗﺎ َل رﺴو ُل‬
 ‫ﻰ اﷲ ﻋﻠَ ْﻴ ِﻪ‬‫اﷲ ﺼﻠ‬
ََ ُ َ َ  " :‫وﺴﻠ َم‬ َ َ ُ َ َُ
 ‫ْرِﻤ ِذ‬‫اﻝﺨ ْﻴ َر" َرَواﻩُ اﻝﺘ‬
‫ي‬ َ ‫ﺎس‬ِ ‫ﻨ‬‫ِم اﻝ‬‫ون َﻋﻠَﻰ ُﻤ َﻌﻠ‬  ‫وت ﻝَﻴ‬
َ ‫ﺼﻠ‬
َ ُ َ ‫اﻝﺤ‬ ُ ‫ﻰ‬‫وﺤﺘ‬
َ ‫ﻓﻲ ُﺠ ْﺤ ِرﻫﺎ‬
The messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)
said: “Allah, the angels, the inhabitants of heaven and earth, even the
ant in its hole and even the fish in the sea, send blessings upon the
one who teaches the people good.”
Narrated by Al-Tirmidhiy

But what I know is very little!

‫ي‬ ِ ‫ﻨﻲ َوﻝَ ْو آﻴﺔً" َرَواﻩُ ا ْﻝ ُﺒ َﺨ‬‫ ُﻐوا َﻋ‬‫ َ"ﺒﻠ‬:‫ َم‬‫وﺴﻠ‬
 ‫ﺎر‬ ِ  ‫ﻲ‬ ِ‫ﻨﺒ‬‫ﻗﺎ َل اﻝ‬
َ ‫ﺼﻠﻰ اﷲُ َﻋﻠَ ْﻴﻪ‬
The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:
“Convey from me, even if it is a verse.” Narrated by Al-Bukhaariy

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Qur'aanic Arabic

2- In ‫ﺼوب‬
ُ ‫ اْﻝ َﻤ ْﻨ‬case
There are 11 positions classified under this case but we will study them
gradually in the upcoming lessons
ُ‫ﺸﺎء اﷲ‬
َ ‫إن‬ْ
In this lesson we will learn only 3 of them:

Position 1 ‫اْﻝ َﻤ ْﻔ ُﻌو ُل ﺒِ ِﻪ‬

The object of the verb
In line 1 ‫ﺴ ًوﻻ‬
ُ ‫ث اﷲُ َر‬
َ ‫َﺒ َﻌ‬
The word ‫ث‬ َ ‫ َﺒ َﻌ‬is a verb, the word ُ‫ اﷲ‬is ‫ﺎﻋ ُل‬ ِ َ‫ اْﻝﻔ‬and the word ً‫ رﺴوﻻ‬is the object
‫ َﻤ ْﻔ ُﻌو ٌل ﺒِ ِﻪ‬. And the object ‫ َﻤ ْﻔ ُﻌو ٌل ﺒِ ِﻪ‬is one of the positions that comes under the
case ‫ﺼوب‬ ُ ‫ َﻤ ْﻨ‬, then the end of the word ً‫ َر ُﺴوﻻ‬should be a Fat-hah ٌ‫ ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬. We
(he sent) ٍ
.‫ﻤﺎض‬ ‫ ِﻓ ْﻌ ٌل‬:‫ث‬َ ‫َﺒ َﻌ‬
 ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ‬
.ُ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ ِ ِ
َ ‫ ﻝَ ْﻔظُ اْﻝ َﺠﻼﻝَﺔ ﻓﺎﻋ ٌل َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ‬:ُ‫اﷲ‬
.ُ‫ﺼﺒِ ِﻪ اْﻝﻔَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬
ْ ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﻨ‬
َ ‫وب َو َﻋ‬ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ ِ
ُ ‫ َﻤ ْﻔ ُﻌو ٌل ﺒِﻪ َﻤ ْﻨ‬:‫َر ُﺴوًﻻ‬
(Rasoolaa: object in the case of ‫ﺼوب‬
ُ ‫ ﻤ ْﻨ‬and the mark for ‫ب‬
ُ‫ﺼ‬ْ ‫ َﻨ‬is Fat-hah)

In line 2 : ‫وﺴﻰ‬َ ‫ َم اﷲُ ُﻤ‬‫َﻜﻠ‬

(he spoke) ٍ
.‫ﻤﺎض‬ ‫ ِﻓ ْﻌ ٌل‬:‫ َم‬‫َﻜﻠ‬
 ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ‬
.ُ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ ِ ِ
َ ‫ ﻝَ ْﻔظُ اْﻝ َﺠﻼﻝَﺔ ﻓﺎﻋ ٌل َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ‬:ُ‫اﷲ‬
ِ ‫وب وﻋﻼﻤﺔُ َﻨ‬ ِ
َ ُ َ ْ‫ﺼﺒِﻪ اْﻝﻔَﺘ‬
(estimated Fat-hah) .ُ‫درة‬ َ‫ﺤﺔُ اْﻝﻤﻘ‬ ْ َ ََ ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ ُ ‫ َﻤ ْﻔ ُﻌو ٌل ﺒِﻪ َﻤ ْﻨ‬:‫وﺴﻰ‬ َ ‫ُﻤ‬
‫وﺴﻰ‬ ِ ِ
The word َ ‫ ُﻤ‬ends with ‫أَﻝف‬, it is not possible to put any mark over ‫أَﻝف‬, so
we say it has an estimated mark ٌ‫درة‬ َ‫ﻤﻘ‬
َ ُ ٌ‫َﺤ َرَﻜﺔ‬

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ِ ‫ اْﻝ‬and the ‫ ﻤ ْﻔﻌو ٌل ﺒِ ِﻪ‬in line 3? Notice the marks

‫ﻔﺎﻋ ُل‬
Now you can say what is ُ َ
at the end of the word not only the meaning.

……………………. ……………………..

Important comment:
In line 4 ‫ﺴﺎن‬
َ ‫ق اﻹ ْﻨ‬
َ َ‫َﺨﻠ‬
The verb ‫ق‬َ َ‫ َﺨﻠ‬means (he created) even if no pronoun is being written, and
without a clear ‫ﺎﻋل‬ِ َ‫ ﻓ‬following it. We call the pronoun (he) in this case: Hidden
pronoun ‫ﻀ ِﻤ ٌﻴر ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﺘٌِر‬
َ (will be explained with the conjugation of verb).

The word following the verb in this line ‫ﺎن‬

َ ‫اﻹﻨ َﺴ‬
ْ has a Fat-hah ٌ‫ ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬at the end
and this is a strong proof that it is not ‫ﺎﻋ ُل‬ِ َ‫ﺎﻋ ُل( اﻝﻔ‬
ِ َ‫ اْﻝﻔ‬should have Dammah); It
is the created thing or the object ‫ل ﺒِ ِﻪ‬
ٌ ‫ َﻤ ْﻔ ُﻌو‬and for that it has a Fat-hah ٌ‫ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬
at the end.
(he created) ٍ
.‫ﻤﺎض‬ ‫ ِﻓ ْﻌ ٌل‬:‫ق‬َ َ‫َﺨﻠ‬
(The doer‫ل‬ ِ َ‫ اْﻝﻔ‬is a hidden pronoun)
ُ ‫ﺎﻋ‬ (‫ﻀ ِﻤ ٌﻴر ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﺘٌِر‬ ِ
َ ‫)اْﻝﻔَﺎﻋ ُل‬
.ُ‫ﺼﺒِ ِﻪ اْﻝﻔَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬
ْ ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﻨ‬
َ ‫وب َو َﻋ‬
ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ ِ
ُ ‫ َﻤ ْﻔ ُﻌو ٌل ﺒِﻪ َﻤ ْﻨ‬:‫ﺎن‬َ ‫اﻹﻨ َﺴ‬

Position 2  ‫اﺴ ُم‬

*‫إن‬ ْ
The noun coming after the particle ‫ن‬ ِ‫إ‬
‫ﻴم‬ ِ 
In line 5: ٌ ‫إن اﷲَ َﻋﻠ‬
 (Indeed) was (‫ﻴم‬
‫إن‬ ِ
This sentence without ٌ ‫)اﷲُ َﻋﻠ‬, a complete nominative
َ ‫ ُﻤ ْﺒﺘَ َدأٌ َو‬. When ‫ن‬ ‫ ِإ‬came before this nominative sentence,
sentence formed of ‫ﺨ َﺒٌر‬

It caused a change to ُ‫ اْﻝﻤ ْﺒﺘَ َدأ‬in two things:

1- The name of ُ‫ اْﻝﻤ ْﺒﺘَ َدأ‬changed to be: (The name of ‫ن‬ ِ‫)إ‬ ‫ن‬ ِ‫اﺴ ُم إ‬

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Qur'aanic Arabic

2- The case changed from ٌ‫ ﻤ ْرﻓُوع‬to ‫وب‬

ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ُ ‫ َﻤ ْﻨ‬and the mark at the end changed
from Dammah ٌ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ َ to Fat-hah ٌ‫ن اﷲَ( ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬ ِ‫)إ‬.
What about ‫ﺨ َﺒر‬
َ ‫?اْﻝ‬
Only, its name changed to (Information of ‫إن‬ ‫ن‬ ِ‫ َﺨَﺒ ُر إ‬but the mark at the end
remain Dammah ٌ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬


We say:
‫ﺼب‬ .‫ﺼ ٍب‬ ٍ ِ ُ ‫ ﺤر‬:‫ن‬ ِ‫إ‬
(Particle of emphasis and cause ْ ‫)َﻨ‬ ْ ‫ف ﺘَ ْوﻜﻴد َوَﻨ‬ َْ
.ُ‫ﺼﺒِ ِﻪ اْﻝﻔَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬
ْ ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﻨ‬
َ ‫وب َو َﻋ‬ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ ُ ‫ن َﻤ ْﻨ‬ ِ‫اﺴ ُم إ‬
ْ ‫ ﻝَ ْﻔظُ اْﻝ َﺠﻼﻝَﺔ‬:َ‫اﷲ‬
 ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ‬
.ُ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ ِ
َ ‫ن َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ‬ ‫ َﺨَﺒ ُر إ‬:‫ﻴم‬
ٌ ‫َﻋﻠ‬

ِ ‫ﺴﺎﻋ َﺔ‬
In line 6: ‫آﺘ َﻴ ٌﺔ‬ َ  ‫ن اﻝ‬ ِ‫إ‬

‫ﺼب‬ ‫ﺼ ٍب‬ ٍ ِ ُ ‫ ﺤر‬:‫ن‬ ِ‫إ‬

(Particle of emphasis and cause ْ ‫)َﻨ‬ ْ ‫ف ﺘَ ْوﻜﻴد َوَﻨ‬ َْ
.ُ‫ﺼﺒِ ِﻪ اْﻝﻔَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬
ْ ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﻨ‬
َ ‫وب َو َﻋ‬ ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ ُ ‫ن َﻤ ْﻨ‬ ِ‫اﺴ ُم إ‬
ْ :َ‫ﺎﻋﺔ‬َ ‫اﻝﺴ‬
.ُ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ‬ ِ ِ
َ ‫ن َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ‬ ‫ َﺨَﺒ ُر إ‬:ٌ‫آﺘَﻴﺔ‬
*(‫ن‬ ِ‫ )إ‬has Shaddah and Fat-hah on ‫ن‬ . Do not confuse with ‫ إِ ْن‬with Sukoon

on ‫ ن‬. This last one does cause any changes in the nouns.

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Qur'aanic Arabic

Position 3 ُ ‫ ْر‬‫اﻝظ‬
It is translated in some books to (Adverb) and in others (Accusative of time
and place), but we prefer here to use the Arabic term ‫ف‬ُ ‫ظ ْر‬َ
-There are two types of ‫ف‬ ُ ‫ظَ ْر‬: ‫ﺎن‬  ‫ف‬
ِ ‫اﻝزَﻤ‬ ُ ‫( ظَ ْر‬of time) -‫ﺎن‬ ِ ‫ف اْﻝ َﻤ َﻜ‬
ُ ‫( ظَ ْر‬of place)
‫ﺎن‬  ‫ف‬
ِ ‫اﻝزَﻤ‬ ُ ‫ظَ ْر‬ ِ ‫ف ا ْﻝ َﻤ َﻜ‬
‫ﺎن‬ ُ ‫ظَ ْر‬
before ‫ﻗَْﺒ َل‬ over ‫ق‬
َ ‫ﻓَ ْو‬
after ‫َﺒ ْﻌ َد‬ under ‫ت‬
َ ‫ﺘَ ْﺤ‬
On the morning ‫ﺎر‬
‫َﻨﻬَ ًا‬ in front ‫ﺎم‬
َ ‫َﻤ‬ َ‫أ‬
At night ‫ﻝَْﻴﻼ‬ at ‫ِﻋ ْﻨ َد‬
At noon ‫ظُ ْﻬ ًار‬ behind ‫ف‬
َ ‫ﺨْﻠ‬/
َ ‫اء‬ َ ‫َوَر‬
In the afternoon ‫ﺼ ًار‬ْ ‫َﻋ‬ around ‫َﺤ ْو َل‬
‫ﺸﺎء‬ ِ
In the evening
ً ‫ﻋ‬ between ‫َﺒ ْﻴ َن‬
- These are only some examples of the ‫ظ ْرف‬
- Many of them can be used for both: show time and show place
Ex. ‫ﻗَْﺒ َل اْﻝَﺒ ْﻴ ِت‬ before the house (place ‫ ) َﻤ َﻜﺎن‬- ‫ْﻴ ِل‬‫ ﻗَْﺒ َل اﻝﻠ‬before the night
(time ‫) َزﻤﺎن‬.
- The ‫ف‬
ُ ‫ ظَ ْر‬is in the case of ‫وب‬
ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ُ ‫ َﻤ ْﻨ‬and has Fat-hah ٌ‫ ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬at the end,
except if a preposition precedes it, it will have Kasrah ٌ‫ﺴرة‬
َ ْ ‫( َﻜ‬we will come
across this, in the next lesson)

In line 7: .ُ‫ﺼﺒِ ِﻪ اْﻝﻔَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬

ْ ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﻨ‬
َ ‫وب َو َﻋ‬
ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ ٍ ‫ف َزَﻤ‬
ُ ‫ﺎن َﻤ ْﻨ‬ ُ ‫ظ ْر‬
َ :‫ﻗَْﺒ َل‬
In line 8: .ُ‫ﺼﺒِ ِﻪ اْﻝﻔَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬ْ ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﻨ‬
َ ‫وب َو َﻋ‬
ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ ٍ ‫ف َﻤ‬
ُ ‫ﻜﺎن َﻤ ْﻨ‬ ُ ‫ ظَ ْر‬:‫َﺒ ْﻌ َد‬
In line 9: .ُ‫ﺼﺒِ ِﻪ اْﻝﻔَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬
ْ ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﻨ‬
َ ‫وب َو َﻋ‬
ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ ٍ ‫ف َﻤ‬
ُ ‫ﻜﺎن َﻤ ْﻨ‬ ُ ‫ظ ْر‬
َ :‫ت‬ َ ‫ﺘَ ْﺤ‬

To be continued in lesson 5 ‫إن ﺸﺎء اﷲ‬

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‫‪Qur'aanic Arabic‬‬

‫ﺎت‬ ‫ﺘَ ْد ِر َ‬
‫ﻴﺒ ٌ‬
‫‪Exercises‬‬ ‫ﺎت اﻝﺘ‪‬ﺎﻝَِﻴﺔُ؟‬
‫‪ -١‬ﻤﺎ ﻤﻌَﻨﻰ اْﻝﻤﺼطَﻠَﺤ ِ‬
‫ُ ْ َ‬ ‫َ َْ‬
‫?‪1– What is the meaning of the following terms‬‬

‫اْﻝ َﻤ ْﻌَﻨﻰ‬ ‫‪The term‬‬ ‫ﺼطَﻠَ ُﺢ‬

‫اْﻝ ُﻤ ْ‬
‫ف‬‫َﺤ ْر ٌ‬
‫ِﻓ ْﻌ ُل‬
‫ﻤﺎض‬ ‫ِﻓ ْﻌ ٌل‬
‫ﻓَ ِ‬
‫ﺎﻋ ُل‬
‫َﻤ ْﻔ ُﻌو ٌل ﺒِ ِﻪ‬
‫ُﻤ ْﺒﺘَدأٌ‬
‫اﺴ ُم إِ ‪‬ن‬
‫اﺴ ُم إِ ‪‬ن‬
‫ف َزَﻤ ٍ‬
‫ﺎن‬ ‫ظَ ْر ُ‬
‫ف َﻤ َﻜ ٍ‬
‫ﺎن‬ ‫ظ ْر ُ‬
‫‪2-‬‬ ‫ﺎت اﻝﺘ‪‬ﺎﻝَِﻴ ِﺔ؟ َوﻝِ َﻤﺎ َذا؟‬
‫‪ -٢‬ﻤﺎ ﺤرَﻜﺔُ َﻫﻤ َ ِزة اْﻝوﺼ ِل ِﻓﻲ اْﻝ َﻜﻠِﻤ ِ‬
‫َ‬ ‫ْ َ ْ‬ ‫ََ‬
‫?‪What is the mark for Hamzatu-l-wasl in the following words? And why‬‬

‫‪The reason‬‬ ‫ب‬

‫اﻝﺴَ‪‬ﺒ ُ‬ ‫اْﻝ َﺤ َرَﻜﺔُ‬ ‫اْﻝ َﻜﻠِ َﻤﺔُ‬
‫ْاﺒ ٌن‬
‫اﺜَْﻨ ِ‬
‫اﻝر ْﺤ ُ‬
‫ا ْﻜﺘُ ْ‬
‫ا ْﻗ َْأر‬

‫‪www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com‬‬ ‫‪Page 50‬‬

Qur'aanic Arabic

3 – True or false and why? ‫طﺄٌ وﻝِ َﻤﺎذا؟‬

َ ‫اب أ َْم َﺨ‬
ٌ ‫ﺼ َو‬
َ -٣

a. The word ‫ض‬ ٌ ‫ﻨ‬‫ﻤ َؤ‬

ُ ‫ أ َْر‬is ‫ث‬ ُ
b.〈 ÔÞ¨uŽÅÀ #x‹≈yδ in stand. Arabic

is written ٌ‫رط‬
‫ﺼا‬ِ ‫ﻫﺎ َذا‬
c. The mark for Hamzatu-l-wasl
in the word ‫ اﷲ‬is ٌ‫ﺤﺔ‬
َ ْ‫ﻓَﺘ‬
ٌ ‫ َﺒ ْﻴ‬is ٌ‫َﻨ ِﻜرة‬
d. The word ‫ت‬
f. The word ‫ اْﻝ َﻜ ِرﻴم‬in
(‫ل اْﻝ َﻜ ِرﻴم‬
ُ ‫اﻝر ُﺴو‬ ِ
 ) is ٌ‫ﺼﻔَﺔ‬
f. The word ٌ‫ آﺘَِﻴﺔ‬in (ٌ‫ﺎﻋﺔُ آﺘَِﻴﺔ‬
َ ‫)اﻝﺴ‬
is ‫ﺨ َﺒر‬
‫ ﺘَْر ِﺠ ِﻤﻲ‬/‫م ﺘَْر ِﺠ ْم‬ُ‫ف ﺜ‬
ٍ ‫آﺨ ِر ﺤر‬
ِ ‫ ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜﺔَ ﻋﻠﻰ‬/ ‫ – ﻀﻊ‬٤
َ ََ َ َْ
4- Put (m. /f.) the mark on the last letter of the word then translate(m./f.)

……………………….. ِ ‫ث اﷲ ْإﺒر‬
‫اﻫﻴم‬ َ ‫َﺒ َﻌ‬
……………………….. ‫ﺸ ْﻤس‬ ‫ق اﷲ اﻝ‬ َ َ‫َﺨﻠ‬
‫ﺼ ِر‬ 
ْ ‫اﻝظ ْﻬر ﻗَْﺒل اْﻝ َﻌ‬

َ ‫ن‬ ‫ِإ‬
‫ﻨﺔ‬َ‫اﻵﻴﺔ َﺒﻴ‬

………………………… ‫ﻨﺎﻗَﺔ َﻜﺒِ َﻴرة‬‫ن اﻝ‬ ِ‫إ‬

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ِ ‫ ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜ‬/ ‫ﻴ ِﺔ وﻀﻊ‬ِ‫ ﺘَر ِﺠ ِﻤﻲ إِﻝَﻰ اْﻝﻌرﺒ‬/ ‫ ﺘَر ِﺠم‬-٥

‫ﺎت‬ ََ َ َْ ََ ْ ْ ْ
5- Translate (m./f.) to Arabic and put (m./f.) the marks

1- Allaah is a Creator .............

2- Indeed Allaah is Great .............

3- The relief after the hardship .............

4- Indeed The God is one .............

5- (He) created the tree .............

ِ ‫َﻋ ِرﺒِﻲ اْﻝ َﻜﻠِﻤ‬

‫ﺎت‬ ْ ‫َﻋ ِر‬
ْ‫أ‬/‫ب‬ ْ ‫ أ‬-٦
6- Conjugate (m./f.) the words َ
‫ﻤ ٌد‬ ‫ﻗَﺎ َل ُﻤ َﺤ‬
................................ :‫ﻗَﺎ َل‬
............................... :‫ﻤ ٌد‬ ‫ُﻤ َﺤ‬

َ ‫ث اﷲُ ُﻤ‬
َ ‫َﺒ َﻌ‬
: .............................. :‫ث‬َ ‫َﺒ َﻌ‬
............................... :ُ‫اﷲ‬
............................... :‫وﺴﻰ‬
َ ‫ُﻤ‬
‫ﻴم‬ ِ ‫ِإ َن اﻝﺼ َا‬
ٌ ‫ط ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﻘ‬
َ ‫ر‬
‫ﺼ ٍب‬ ٍ ِ ُ ‫ ﺤر‬:‫ن‬ ِ‫إ‬
ْ ‫ف ﺘَ ْوﻜﻴد َوَﻨ‬ َْ
................................. :‫ط‬
َ ‫ر‬
‫اﻝﺼ َا‬
................................. :‫ﻴم‬ ِ
ٌ ‫ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﻘ‬
ِ ‫ِﻋ ْﻨ َد‬
................................ :‫ِﻋ ْﻨ َد‬

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Qur'aanic Arabic

‫اﻝر ِﺤ ِﻴم‬
 ‫اﻝر ْﺤ َﻤ ِن‬
 ‫اﷲ‬ِ ‫ﺒِﺴِم‬
‫ﺎﻝَِﻴ ِﺔ؟‬‫ﺎت اﻝﺘ‬
ِ ‫طﻠَﺤ‬
َ َ‫ﺼ‬ْ ‫ َﻤﺎ َﻤ ْﻌَﻨﻰ اْﻝ ُﻤ‬-١
1– What is the meaning of the following terms?
‫اْﻝ َﻤ ْﻌَﻨﻰ‬ The term ‫طﻠَ ُﺢ‬
َ‫ﺼ‬ْ ‫اْﻝ ُﻤ‬
Letter/Particle ‫ف‬ٌ ‫َﺤ ْر‬
Verb ‫ِﻓ ْﻌ ُل‬
Past tense verb ٍ
‫ﻤﺎض‬ ‫ِﻓ ْﻌ ٌل‬
The one who did the verb (should come after the verb) ِ َ‫ﻓ‬
‫ﺎﻋ ُل‬
The direct object ‫َﻤ ْﻔ ُﻌو ٌل ﺒِ ِﻪ‬
The first noun in a nominal sentence ٌ‫ُﻤ ْﺒﺘَدأ‬
It is the information given about ‫اْﻝﻤ ْﺒﺘَدأ‬ ‫َﺨَﺒٌر‬
The noun after the particle ‫ن‬ ِ‫إ‬ ‫ن‬ ِ‫اﺴ ُم إ‬
It is the information given, about a ‫ ﻤ ْﺒﺘَدأ‬preceded by ‫ن‬ ِ‫إ‬ ‫ن‬ ِ‫َﺨَﺒ ُر إ‬
It is a noun showing the time ٍ ‫ف َزَﻤ‬
‫ﺎن‬ ُ ‫ظ ْر‬َ
It is a noun showing the place ٍ ‫ف َﻤ َﻜ‬
‫ﺎن‬ ُ ‫ظَ ْر‬
‫ﺎﻝَِﻴ ِﺔ؟ َوﻝِ َﻤﺎ َذا؟‬‫ﺎت اﻝﺘ‬
ِ ‫ ﻤﺎ ﺤرَﻜﺔُ َﻫﻤ َ ِزة اْﻝوﺼ ِل ِﻓﻲ اْﻝ َﻜﻠِﻤ‬-٢
َ ْ َ ْ ََ
2- What is the mark for Hamzatu-l-wasl in the following words? And why?

The reason ‫ب‬

ُ ‫ﺒ‬َ‫اﻝﺴ‬ ُ‫اْﻝ َﺤ َرَﻜﺔ‬ ُ‫اْﻝ َﻜﻠِ َﻤﺔ‬
ٌ‫َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬ ‫ْاﺒ ٌن‬
One of the seven nouns

One of the seven nouns

ٌ‫َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬ ِ ‫اﺜَْﻨ‬
Starts with ‫ ال‬of Definition ٌ‫ﻓَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬ ‫ﻤن‬
ُ ‫اﻝر ْﺤ‬

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3rd letter has Dammah (see page 17 in lesson2)

ٌ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ َ ‫ب‬
ْ ُ‫ا ْﻜﺘ‬
3rd letter has Fat-hah
ٌ‫َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬ ‫ا ْﻗ َْأر‬

3 – True or false and why? ‫طﺄٌ وﻝِ َﻤﺎذا؟‬

َ ‫اب أ َْم َﺨ‬
ٌ ‫ﺼ َو‬
َ -٣
a. The word ‫ض‬ ٌ ‫ﻨ‬‫ﻤ َؤ‬
ُ ‫ أ َْر‬is ‫ث‬
True, the Arabs treat it as feminine
ُ word

b.〈 ÔÞ¨uŽÅÀ #x‹≈yδ in stand. Arabic َ is written without ‫أَﻝِف‬

False, ‫ﻫ َذا‬

is written ٌ‫رط‬
‫ﺼا‬ِ ‫ﻫﺎ َذا‬ after ‫ﻫ َذا( ﻫﺎء‬
c. The mark for Hamzatu-l-wasl in True this word is treated as those
the word ‫ اﷲ‬is ٌ‫ﺤﺔ‬
َ ْ‫ﻓَﺘ‬ starting with ‫ال‬
ٌ ‫ َﺒ ْﻴ‬is ٌ‫َﻨ ِﻜرة‬
d. The word ‫ت‬
True, it has Tanween
f. The word ‫ اْﻝ َﻜ ِرﻴم‬in
True, It follows the noun in everything
(‫ل اْﻝ َﻜ ِرﻴم‬
ُ ‫اﻝر ُﺴو‬ ِ
 ) is ٌ‫ﺼﻔَﺔ‬
f. The word ٌ‫ آﺘَِﻴﺔ‬in (ٌ‫ﺎﻋﺔُ آﺘَِﻴﺔ‬
َ ‫)اﻝﺴ‬
True, it gives information about the
is ‫ﺨ َﺒٌر‬ َ
‫ ﺘَْر ِﺠ ِﻤﻲ‬/‫م ﺘَْر ِﺠ ْم‬ُ‫ف ﺜ‬
ٍ ‫آﺨ ِر ﺤر‬
ِ ‫ ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜﺔَ ﻋﻠﻰ‬/ ‫ – ﻀﻊ‬٤
َ ََ َ َْ
4- Put (m. /f.) the mark on the last letter of the word then translate(m./f.)

‫ﻴم‬ ِ
َ ‫ث اﷲُ ْإﺒ َراﻫ‬
َ ‫َﺒ َﻌ‬
(He) sent, Allaah Ibraaheem
(Allaah sent Abraham)
(He) created, Allaah the sun
‫ﺸ ْﻤ َس‬ ‫ق اﷲُ اﻝ‬
َ َ‫َﺨﻠ‬
(Allaah created the sun)

‫ﺼ ِر‬ 
ْ ‫اﻝظ ْﻬ ُر ﻗَْﺒ َل اْﻝ َﻌ‬
The noon is before the afternoon

َ ‫ن‬ ِ‫إ‬
ٌ‫ﻨﺔ‬َ‫اﻵﻴﺔَ َﺒﻴ‬
Indeed the sign is evident

ٌ‫ﻨﺎﻗَﺔَ َﻜﺒِ َﻴرة‬‫ن اﻝ‬ ِ‫إ‬

Indeed the she-camel is big

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‫‪Qur'aanic Arabic‬‬

‫‪ -٥‬ﺘَر ِﺠم ‪ /‬ﺘَر ِﺠ ِﻤﻲ إِﻝَﻰ اْﻝﻌرﺒِ‪‬ﻴ ِﺔ وﻀﻊ ‪ /‬ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜ ِ‬
‫ﺎت‬ ‫ََ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َْ‬ ‫ََ‬ ‫ْ ْ ْ‬
‫‪5- Translate (m./f.) to Arabic and put (m./f.) the marks‬‬
‫‪1- Allaah is a Creator‬‬ ‫اﻝﻠ‪‬ﻪُ َﺨﺎﻝِ ٌ‬
‫‪2- Indeed Allaah is Great‬‬
‫إِ ‪‬ن اﷲَ َﻋظ ٌ‬

‫‪3- The relief after the hardship‬‬ ‫اْﻝُﻴ ْﺴ ُر َﺒ ْﻌ َد اْﻝ ُﻌ ْﺴ ِر‬

‫إِ ‪‬ن اﻹﻝَﻪ و ِ‬
‫اﺤ ٌد‬
‫‪4- Indeed The God is one‬‬
‫‪5- (He) created the tree‬‬ ‫ق اﻝ ‪‬ﺸ َﺠ َرةَ‬
‫َﺨﻠَ َ‬
‫َﻋ ِرﺒِﻲ اْﻝ َﻜﻠِﻤ ِ‬
‫ﺎت‬ ‫ب‪/‬أْ‬ ‫َﻋ ِر ْ‬
‫‪ -٦‬أ ْ‬
‫‪6- Conjugate (m./f.) the words‬‬ ‫َ‬
‫ﻗَﺎ َل ُﻤ َﺤ ‪‬ﻤ ٌد‬
‫ﻗَﺎ َل‪ِ :‬ﻓ ْﻌ ٌل َﻤ ٍ‬
‫ُﻤ َﺤ ‪‬ﻤ ٌد‪:‬‬
‫ﺘرﺠﻤﺔ اﻝﻤﻌﺎﻨﻲ‪) :‬ﻤﺤﻤد ﺘﻘﻲ اﻝدﻴن وﻤﺤﻤد ﻤﺤﺴن ﺨﺎن(‬
‫ث اﷲُ ُﻤ َ‬ ‫َﺒ َﻌ َ‬
‫ث‪ِ :‬ﻓ ْﻌ ٌل َﻤ ٍ‬
‫ﺎض‪.‬‬ ‫َﺒ َﻌ َ‬
‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‪.‬‬‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ ‪‬‬ ‫ِ ِ‬
‫اﷲُ‪ :‬ﻝَ ْﻔظُ اْﻝ َﺠﻼﻝَﺔ ﻓﺎﻋ ٌل َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ َ‬
‫ﺼﺒِ ِﻪ اْﻝﻔَﺘْ َﺤﺔُ اْﻝ ُﻤﻘَ ‪‬د َرةُ‪.‬‬
‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﻨ ْ‬ ‫وب َو َﻋ َ‬ ‫ﺼ ٌ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫وﺴﻰ‪َ :‬ﻤ ْﻔ ُﻌو ٌل ﺒِﻪ َﻤ ْﻨ ُ‬ ‫ُﻤ َ‬
‫ﻴم‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫إِ ‪‬ن اﻝﺼ َا‬
‫ط ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﻘ ٌ‬
‫‪‬ر َ‬
‫ﺼ ٍب‪.‬‬ ‫إِ ‪‬ن‪ :‬ﺤر ُ ِ ٍ‬
‫ف ﺘَ ْوﻜﻴد َوَﻨ ْ‬ ‫َْ‬
‫ﺼﺒِ ِﻪ اْﻝﻔَﺘْ َﺤﺔُ‪.‬‬‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﻨ ْ‬
‫وب َو َﻋ َ‬‫ﺼ ٌ‬ ‫اﺴ ُم إِ ‪‬ن َﻤ ْﻨ ُ‬
‫‪‬رطَ‪ْ :‬‬ ‫اﻝﺼ َا‬
‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‪.‬‬‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ ‪‬‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﻘ ٌﻴم‪َ :‬ﺨَﺒ ُر إ ‪‬ن َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ َ‬
‫ِﻋ ْﻨ َد ِ‬
‫ﺼﺒِ ِﻪ اْﻝﻔَﺘْ َﺤﺔُ‬
‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﻨ ْ‬
‫وب َو َﻋ َ‬
‫ﺼ ٌ‬‫ﻜﺎن َﻤ ْﻨ ُ‬ ‫ِﻋ ْﻨ َد‪ :‬ظَ ْر ُ‬
‫ف َﻤ ٍ‬

‫‪www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com‬‬ ‫‪Page 55‬‬

Qur'aanic Arabic

‫اب اْﻝ ُﻤ ْﻔ َرِد‬

ُ ‫إِ ْﻋ َر‬
of the Phrases of the lesson
In a lofty paradise ‫ﻨ ٍﺔ َﻋﺎﻝَِﻴ ٍﺔ‬‫ِﻓﻲ َﺠ‬ 〈 ∩⊇⊃∪ 7πu‹Ï9%tæ >π¨Ζy_ ’Îû  ١
From the evil of the
ِ ‫ر اْﻝو ْﺴو‬‫ِﻤ ْن َﺸ‬
‫اس‬ 〈 Ĩ#uθó™uθø9$# Íhx© ÏΒ  ٢
whisperer (the devil) َ َ

‫ط َﻌ ِﺎم‬  ‫َوﻻ َﻴ ُﺤ‬ ÏΘ$yèsÛ 4’n?tã ÷Ùçts† Ÿωuρ

And urges not on the َ ‫ض َﻋﻠَﻰ‬
feeding of the poor
ِ ‫اْﻝ ِﻤ ْﺴ ِﻜ‬
‫ﻴن‬ 〈ÈÅ3ó¡Ïϑø9$#

‫اط اْﻝ َﺠ ِﺤ ِﻴم‬

ِ ‫ﺼر‬ِ
َ ‫إِﻝَﻰ‬ 〈 ËΛÅspgù:$# ÅÞ¨uŽÅÀ 4’n<Î) 
To the path of the blazing
fire (the Hell) ٤

By Allaah ِ ‫و‬
‫اﷲ‬ 〈 «!$#uρ  ٥

Who has taught by the pen ‫ﺒِﺎْﻝ َﻘﻠَِم‬ ‫ َم‬‫ِذي َﻋﻠ‬‫اﻝ‬ 〈 ÉΟn=s)ø9$$Î/ zΟ‾=tæ “Ï%©!$#  ٦

Do not prostrate (you all) ِ ‫ﺸ ْﻤ‬ ‫ ﻻ ﺘَ ْﺴ ُﺠ ُدوا ﻝِﻠ‬Ÿωuρ ħôϑ¤±=Ï9 (#ρ߉àfó¡n@ Ÿω 

‫س َوﻻ‬
to the sun nor to the moon
‫ﻝِْﻠﻘَ َﻤ ِر‬ 〈 ͍yϑs)ù=Ï9

The praises be to Allaah ‫ ِﻪ‬‫اْﻝ َﺤ ْﻤ ُد ﻝِﻠ‬ 〈 ¬! ߉ôϑysø9$#  ٨

And the male is not like a  ‫وﻝَْﻴس‬
‫اﻝذ َﻜ ُر َﻜﺎﻷ ُْﻨﺜَﻰ‬ 〈 4s\ΡW{$%x. ãx.©%!$# }§øŠs9uρ  ٩
female َ َ
If (it) comes, the victory of ِ ‫إِ َذا ﺠﺎء ﻨﺼر‬
‫اﷲ‬ 〈 «!$# ãóÁtΡ u!$y_ #sŒÎ)  ١٠
Allaah ُْ َ َ َ

‫ﻲ‬ ِ‫ﻨﺒ‬‫ﺼ ْو ِت اﻝ‬ 〈 ÄcÉ<¨Ψ9$# ÅVöθ|¹ s−öθsù  ١١

Above the voice of the
prophet َ ‫ق‬
َ ‫ﻓَ ْو‬

ُ ‫ َﺤ ْر‬is written in red, and the ‫ﺎف إِﻝَ ْﻴ ِﻪ‬

The ‫ر‬ ‫ف ا ْﻝ َﺠ‬ ٌ ‫ﻀ‬َ ‫ ُﻤ‬is written in blue.

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Qur'aanic Arabic


- The word ‫َﻋﻠَﻰ‬ in line 3: is written in the standard Arabic without the small Alif

on the top of ٌ‫ﺼورة‬

ُ ‫ﻤ ْﻘ‬ َ ٌ ِ‫ )ى( أَﻝ‬as in the qur'aanic script 〈4’n?tã, but in both cases
َ ‫ف‬
we read it (3alaa)

- The word ‫إِﻝَﻰ‬ in line 4: is written in the standard Arabic without the small Alif

on the top of ٌ‫ﺼورة‬

ُ ‫ﻤ ْﻘ‬ َ ٌ ِ‫ )ى( أَﻝ‬as in the qur'aanic script 〈4’n<Î),
َ ‫ف‬ but in both cases

we read it ('ilaa)

Why the Alif in ‫ إِﻝَﻰ‬and ‫ َﻋﻠَﻰ‬is written in the form of Yaa'?

The reason is that, this Alif is originally a Yaa'.

- In line 6: we attached the preposition ‫ﺎء‬

ٌ ‫ َﺒ‬at the beginning of the
word ‫اْﻝ َﻘﻠٍَم‬. Notice that when attaching ‫ﺎء‬
ٌ ‫ َﺒ‬we kept ‫ﺼ ِل‬
ْ ‫)ﺒِﺎْﻝ َﻘﻠَم( َﻫ ْﻤ َزةُ اْﻝ َو‬
- In line 9: we attached the preposition ‫ﺎف‬
ٌ ‫ َﻜ‬at the beginning of the word
ٌ ‫ َﻜ‬we also kept ‫ﺼ ِل‬
‫اﻷ ُْﻨﺜَﻰ‬. Notice that when attaching ‫ﺎف‬ ْ ‫) َﻜﺎﻷ ُْﻨﺜَﻰ( َﻫ ْﻤ َزةُ اْﻝ َو‬
When we attach the prepositions ‫ﺎف‬ ٌ ‫ َﻜ‬،‫ﺎء‬
ٌ ‫ َﺒ‬to a noun starting with ‫ ال‬we keep
‫ﺼ ِل‬
ْ ‫َﻫ ْﻤ َزةُ اْﻝ َو‬
- But in line 7: when we attached the preposition ‫ﻻم‬
ٌ at the beginning of the
word ‫س‬ِ ‫ﺸ ْﻤ‬ ‫اﻝ‬. Notice that when attaching ‫ﻻم‬ ِ ْ ‫ َﻫﻤ َزةُ اْﻝو‬in the
ٌ we dropped‫ﺼل‬ َ ْ
writing (‫س‬ِ ‫ﺸ ْﻤ‬ ‫ )ﻝِﻠ‬and same for the word (‫)ﻝِﻠﻘَ َﻤ ِر‬
- In line 8: we attached the preposition ‫ﻻم‬ ٌ at the beginning of the word ُ‫اﷲ‬.
‫ﺼ ِل‬ ِ ِ
Notice that we dropped ْ ‫ َﻫ ْﻤ َزةُ اْﻝ َو‬in the writing ‫ﻝﻠﻪ‬ or 〈¬! (with two ‫ﻻم‬
ٌ not
three it is not allowed to have 3 similar letter following each other in a word,
so we drop one of them in writing).
- When we attach the prepositions ‫ﻻم‬
ٌ to a noun starting with ‫ ال‬we drop
‫ﺼ ِل‬
ْ ‫َﻫ ْﻤ َزةُ اْﻝ َو‬
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Qur'aanic Arabic

Advise for this lesson:

Study all your vocabulary this week

Next lesson will be a revision ُ‫ﺎء اﷲ‬

َ ‫ﺸ‬َ ‫ إِ ْن‬and our advice to you is that you
study all previous lessons and concentrate on your vocabulary. If any
one of you can make a glossary of words of all lessons and send it back
to us, we can add Arabic to it and upload it on the site.
We ask ‫ اﷲ‬to accept it as ‫رﻴ ٌﺔ‬
َ ‫ﺼ َدﻗ ٌﺔ َﺠﺎ‬
َ (continuous charity) from all of us.

ٍ َ‫طﻊ ﻋﻤﻠُ ُﻪ إِﻻ ِﻤ ْن ﺜ‬ َ ‫ "إِ َذا َﻤ‬:‫ َم‬‫وﺴﻠ‬ ِ ِ

:‫ﻼث‬ َ َ َ َ َ‫ﺎن ا ْﻨﻘ‬
ُ ‫ﺴ‬ َ ‫ﺎت اﻹ ْﻨ‬ َ ‫ﻰ اﷲُ َﻋﻠَ ْﻴﻪ‬‫ﺼﻠ‬ َ ‫ﺴو ُل اﷲ‬ ُ ‫ﻗﺎ َل َر‬
‫ﺴﻠِ ٌم‬ ِ ‫ أَو وﻝَ ٍد‬،‫ أَو ِﻋ ْﻠٍم ﻴ ْﻨﺘَﻔَﻊ ِﺒ ِﻪ‬،‫ﻗﺔ ﺠﺎرﻴ ٍﺔ‬
ْ ‫ َرَواﻩُ ُﻤ‬." ‫ﺼﺎﻝ ٍﺢ َﻴ ْد ُﻋو ﻝَ ُﻪ‬
َ َ ْ ُ ُ ْ َ َ ‫ﺼ َد‬
The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)
said, "When a man dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three:
a continuous charity, knowledge by which people derive benefit, pious
son who prays for him." Narrated by Muslim

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Qur'aanic Arabic

3- In ‫ﺠرور‬
ُ ‫ اْﻝ َﻤ‬case
There are only 2 positions classified under this case

Position 1 ‫ور‬
ٌ ‫اﺴ ٌم َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬
The noun after a preposition ‫ر‬‫ف َﺠ‬
ُ ‫َﺤ ْر‬

‫َو ُاو ا ْﻝﻘَ َﺴِم‬ ...‫ﻝِـ‬ ...‫َﻜـ‬ ...‫ﺒِـ‬ ‫ﻰ‬‫َﺤﺘ‬ ‫َﻋ ْن‬ ‫إِﻝَﻰ‬ ‫َﻋﻠَﻰ‬ ‫ِﻓﻲ‬ ‫ِﻤ ْن‬
Waaw for like with until about to On/ upon in from
of oath

The prepositions ‫ر‬‫وف اﻝ َﺠ‬

ُ ‫َﺤ ُر‬
- can have different meanings in different positions.
- are particles that have one form  ِ‫َﻤ ْﺒﻨ‬
ِ ‫ و‬،‫ َﻜـﺎﻷ ُْﻨﺜَﻰ‬،‫س‬
- can be of one letter only like: ‫اﷲ‬ ِ ‫ﺸ ْﻤ‬ ‫ ﻝِـﻠ‬،‫ﺒِـﺎْﻝ َﻘﻠَِم‬
- The noun coming after a preposition is called ‫ور‬ ِ
ٌ ‫ ا ْﺴ ٌم َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬and is in the case of
ٌ ‫ َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬. If a singular noun is in the case of ‫ور‬
ٌ ‫ َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬it will have Kasrah at the end.

In line 1 ‫ﻨ ٍﺔ َﻋﺎﻝِ َﻴ ٍﺔ‬ ‫ِﻓﻲ َﺠ‬

The word ‫ﻨ ٍﺔ‬‫ﺠ‬
َ is a singular noun which came after the preposition ‫ر‬‫ف َﺠ‬
ُ ‫)ﻓﻲ( َﺤ ْر‬
so it is ‫ور‬
ٌ ‫ﻤ ْﺠٌر‬َ ‫اﺴ ٌم‬
ْ and ‫ور‬
ٌ ‫اﺴ ٌم َﻤ ْﺠٌر‬
ْ falls under the case ‫ور‬
ٌ ‫ َﻤ ْﺠٌر‬and should have a
kasrah at the end. We say:
.‫ر‬‫ف َﺠ‬ ُ ‫ َﺤ ْر‬:‫ِﻓﻲ‬
.ُ‫رِﻩ اْﻝ َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﺠ‬ ٍ
َ ‫ور َو َﻋ‬ ْ :‫ﻨﺔ‬‫َﺠ‬
ٌ ‫اﺴ ٌم َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬
.ُ‫رﻫﺎ اْﻝ َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﺠ‬ ِ ٍِ
َ ‫ورةٌ َو َﻋ‬
َ ‫ ﺼﻔَﺔٌ َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬:‫َﻋﺎﻝَﻴﺔ‬

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Qur'aanic Arabic

In line 6 ‫ َم ِﺒﺎ ْﻝ َﻘﻠَِم‬‫َﻋﻠ‬

The word ‫ اْﻝ َﻘﻠَِم‬is a noun which came after the preposition ‫ر‬ ‫ﺠ‬ َ ‫ف‬ُ ‫ﺎء( َﺤ ْر‬ ٌ ‫)ﺒ‬َ , so it is
ٌ ‫اﺴ ٌم َﻤ ْﺠٌر‬
ْ and ‫ور‬ٌ ‫اﺴ ٌم َﻤ ْﺠٌر‬
ْ falls under the case ‫ور‬
ٌ ‫ َﻤ ْﺠٌر‬and should have a kasrah
at the end. We say:
ٍ ‫ ِﻓ ْﻌ ٌل َﻤ‬:‫ َم‬‫َﻋﻠ‬
(The doer‫ل‬ ِ َ‫ اْﻝﻔ‬is a hidden pronoun)
ُ ‫ﺎﻋ‬ (‫ﻀ ِﻤ ٌﻴر ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﺘٌِر‬ ِ
َ ‫)اْﻝﻔَﺎﻋ ُل‬
‫ر‬‫ف َﺠ‬ ُ ‫ َﺤ ْر‬:‫ﺎء‬
ٌ ‫َﺒ‬
.ُ‫رِﻩ اْﻝ َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﺠ‬ ِ
َ ‫ور َو َﻋ‬ ٌ ‫اﺴ ٌم َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬
ْ :‫اْﻝ َﻘﻠَم‬
Notice the Kasrah at the end of all words, coming after prepositions in page 40.

Position 2 ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴ ِﻪ‬

ٌ ‫ﻀ‬َ ‫ُﻤ‬
1- The noun that shows the possessor (comes after of)
Ex. ‫ﻤ ٍد‬ ‫ﺎب ُﻤ َﺤ‬ ِ
ُ َ‫( ﻜﺘ‬the book of Muhammad)
- ‫ﻤ ٍد‬ ‫ ُﻤ َﺤ‬is the possessor of the book, it is ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴ ِﻪ‬
ٌ ‫ﻀ‬َ ‫( ُﻤ‬linguistically it means
the word that, another is added to it)
- Usually the possession is formed of a noun without ‫ال‬, followed by a

definite noun: Proper noun or a word with ‫ال‬. (in few cases we can see
the ‫ﺎف إِﻝَ ْﻴ ِﻪ‬
ٌ ‫ﻀ‬ ٍ
َ ‫ ُﻤ‬indefinite noun, ex. ‫ﺎب َوﻝَد‬
ُ َ‫ ﻜﺘ‬book of a boy)
- The word that comes before ‫ﺎف إِﻝَ ْﻴ ِﻪ‬ ٌ ‫ﻀ‬ َ ‫ ُﻤ‬cannot have Tanween ‫ﺎب‬
ُ َ‫ ﻜﺘ‬not
ٌ َ‫ ِﻜﺘ‬.
- Notice that we translate it (The book of Muhammad) because the first
noun became definite after being added to a definite. (we know that this
book is for Muhammad)
- The word ‫ﻤ ٍد‬ ‫ ُﻤ َﺤ‬here shows the possessor ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴ ِﻪ‬
ٌ ‫ﻀ‬ ِ ٌ ‫ﻤﻀ‬
َ ‫ ُﻤ‬, The ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴﻪ‬ َ ُ
falls in the case of ‫ور‬ ٌ ‫ َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬and should have a kasrah at the end.
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Qur'aanic Arabic

- See the construction of possession in the phrases in page 40:

ِ ‫ﻨﺼر‬
‫اﷲ‬ ‫اط اْﻝ َﺠ ِﺤ ِﻴم‬
ِ ‫ﺼر‬ ِ ِ ‫طﻌ ِﺎم اْﻝ ِﻤ‬
ِ ‫ﺴﻜ‬
‫ﻴن‬ ِ ‫ر اْﻝو ْﺴو‬ ‫َﺸ‬
ُْ َ َ ََ َ َ
The victory of The path of the The feeding of The evil of the
Allaah Hell the poor whisperer

In line 2 ِ ‫ﺴ َو‬
‫اس‬ َ ‫ِﻤ ْن‬
ْ ‫ر ا ْﻝ َو‬‫ﺸ‬
The word ‫اس‬ ِ ‫ اْﻝو ْﺴو‬here shows the possessor ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴ ِﻪ‬
ٌ ‫ﻀ‬ ِ ٌ ‫ﻤﻀ‬
َ ‫ ُﻤ‬, The ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴﻪ‬ َ ُ
َ َ
falls under the case of ‫ور‬ ٌ ‫ َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬and should have a kasrah at the end.
.‫ر‬‫ف َﺠ‬ ُ ‫ َﺤ ْر‬:‫ِﻤ ْن‬
.ُ‫رِﻩ اْﻝ َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﺠ‬
َ ‫ور َو َﻋ‬ٌ ‫اﺴ ٌم َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬
ْ :‫ر‬‫َﺸ‬
.ُ‫رِﻩ اْﻝ َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﺠ‬ ِ ٌ ‫ ﻤﻀ‬:‫اس‬
َ ‫ور َو َﻋ‬ ٌ ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴﻪ َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬ َ ُ ِ ‫اْﻝ َو ْﺴ َو‬

ِ ‫ﺠﺎء َﻨﺼر‬
In line 10
ُْ َ َ
ٍ ‫ ِﻓ ْﻌ ٌل َﻤ‬:‫ﺎء‬
‫ﺎض‬ َ ‫َﺠ‬
 ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ‬
.ُ‫ﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﻀ‬ ِ
َ ‫ ﻓَﺎﻋ ٌل َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ‬:‫ﺼ ُر‬
ْ ‫َﻨ‬
.ُ‫رِﻩ اْﻝ َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﺠ‬ ِ ٌ ‫ ﻝَ ْﻔظُ اْﻝﺠﻼﻝَ ِﺔ ﻤﻀ‬:‫اﷲ‬ ِ
ٌ ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴﻪ َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬
َ ‫ور َو َﻋ‬ َ ُ َ

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2- The noun that come after ‫ف‬

ٌ ‫ظَ ْر‬
In line 11 ‫ﻲ‬ ‫ﻨ ِﺒ‬ ‫ﺼ ْو ِت اﻝ‬
َ ‫ق‬
َ ‫ﻓَ ْو‬
The word ‫ت‬ ِ ‫ ﺼو‬is a singular noun which came after the ‫ف‬
ٌ ‫ق( ظَ ْر‬
َ ‫ )ﻓَ ْو‬so it is
‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴ ِﻪ‬
ٌ ‫ﻀ‬ ِ ٌ ‫ ﻤﻀ‬falls under the case ‫ ﻤ ْﺠرور‬and should have a
َ ‫ ُﻤ‬, The ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴﻪ‬ َ ُ ٌ ٌ َ
kasrah at the end.
The word ‫ﻲ‬ ِ‫ﻨﺒ‬‫ اﻝ‬shows the possessor ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴ ِﻪ‬ ٌ ‫ﻀ‬ ِ ٌ ‫ ﻤﻀ‬falls under the
َ ‫ ُﻤ‬, The ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴﻪ‬ َ ُ
case of ‫ور‬
ٌ ‫ َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬and should have a kasrah at the end.
.ُ‫ﺼﺒِ ِﻪ اْﻝﻔَﺘْ َﺤﺔ‬ ْ ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﻨ‬
َ ‫وب َو َﻋ‬
ٌ ‫ﺼ‬ ُ ‫ﻜﺎن َﻤ ْﻨ‬ٍ ‫ف َﻤ‬ُ ‫ ظَ ْر‬:‫ق‬
َ ‫ﻓَ ْو‬
.ُ‫رِﻩ اْﻝ َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﺠ‬ ِ ٌ ‫ ﻤﻀ‬:‫ﺼو ِت‬
ٌ ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴﻪ َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬
َ ‫ور َو َﻋ‬ َ ُ َْ
.ُ‫رِﻩ اْﻝ َﻜ ْﺴ َرة‬‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﺠ‬ ِ ٌ ‫ ﻤﻀ‬:‫ﻲ‬ ِ‫ﻨﺒ‬‫اﻝ‬
َ ‫ور َو َﻋ‬ٌ ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴﻪ َﻤ ْﺠ ُر‬ َ ُ
There are Two ‫ﺎف إِﻝَ ْﻴ ِﻪ‬
ٌ ‫ﻀ‬َ ‫ ُﻤ‬following each other in this phrase.

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‫‪Qur'aanic Arabic‬‬

‫ﺎت‬ ‫ﺘَ ْد ِر َ‬
‫ﻴﺒ ٌ‬
‫ﺎء اﻝﺘ‪‬ﺎﻝَِﻴ ِﺔ‬
‫ف اْﻝﺠ‪‬ر إِﻝَﻰ اﻷَﺴﻤ ِ‬
‫َْ‬ ‫ﺤرْو َ َ‬
‫َﻀ ْ ِ ِ‬
‫ف‪/‬أَﻀﻴﻔﻲ ُ‬
‫‪ -١‬أ ِ‬
‫‪1– Add (m. /f.) the prepositions to the following nouns‬‬

‫وف اْﻝ َﺠ‪‬ر‬

‫ُﺤ ُر ُ‬ ‫اﻻﺴ ُم‬
‫اﻝﻼم )ﻝـ‪(...‬‬
‫ُ‬ ‫ﺎف ) َﻜـ‪(...‬‬‫اْﻝ َﻜ ُ‬ ‫ﺎء )ﺒـ‪(...‬‬‫اْﻝَﺒ ُ‬
‫ﺒِ َﻌ َذ ٍ‬
‫اب‬ ‫َﻋ َذ ٍ‬
‫اْﻝَﻴ ْوِم‬
‫اﻷ َْر ِ‬
‫ُد ْﻨَﻴﺎ‬
‫اْﻝ ُﻐر ِ‬
‫وب‬ ‫ُ‬

‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴ ِﻪ َوﺘَْر ِﺠ ْم ‪/‬ﺘَْر ِﺠ ِﻤﻲ‬

‫ﻀ ُ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫‪ -٢‬ﻀﻊ‪ِ /‬‬
‫ﻀﻌﻲ َداﺌ َرةً َﺤ ْو َل اْﻝ ُﻤ َ‬
‫َْ َ‬

‫‪2- Circle the‬‬ ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴ ِﻪ‬

‫ﻀ ٌ‬‫)‪ُ and translate (m. /f.‬ﻤ َ‬

‫‪111111111111.‬‬ ‫اْﻝ َﺠ‪‬ﻨﺔُ َد ُار اْﻝ ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤ ِن‬ ‫‪-١‬‬

‫ﻤﺤ ‪‬ﻤ ٌد رﺴو ُل ِ‬
‫اﷲ‬ ‫‪-٢‬‬
‫َُ َُ‬
‫‪111111111111.‬‬ ‫ق اﻝﻘَ َﻤ ِر‬ ‫اﷲُ َﺨﺎﻝِ ُ‬ ‫‪-٣‬‬
‫‪111111111111.‬‬ ‫اﻝﻠ‪‬ﻴ ُل َﺒ ْﻌ َد اﻝ‪‬ﻨﻬَ ِﺎر‬ ‫‪-٤‬‬
‫‪111111111111.‬‬ ‫ﻴر‬‫اب اﷲ َﻜﺒِ ٌ‬ ‫َﻋ َذ ُ‬ ‫‪-٥‬‬

‫‪www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com‬‬ ‫‪Page 63‬‬

Qur'aanic Arabic

ٍ ‫آﺨ ِر ﺤر‬
‫ف‬ ِ ‫ ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜﺔَ ﻋﻠﻰ‬/ ‫ – ﻀﻊ‬٣
َْ َ ََ َ َْ
3- Put (m. /f.) the mark on the last letter of the word

He came, the messenger of Allaah

‫ﺎء َر ُﺴول اﷲ‬
َ ‫َﺠ‬
( the messenger of Allaah came)

The Qur'aan is the book of Allaah ‫اْﻝﻘُْرآن ِﻜﺘَﺎب اﷲ‬

‫ﻴﻤﺔ‬ ِ ِ
The fire of the Hereafter is great
َ ‫َﻨﺎر اﻵﺨ َرة َﻋظ‬

‫ﻼة َﺒ ْﻌد اﻷَ َذان‬‫إِ ّن اﻝﺼ‬

Indeed the prayer after the call
(for prayer)

The religion of Allaah is great ‫ِدﻴن اﷲ َﻋ ِظﻴم‬

ِ ‫ ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜ‬/ ‫ﻴ ِﺔ وﻀﻊ‬ِ‫ ﺘَر ِﺠ ِﻤﻲ إِﻝَﻰ اْﻝﻌرﺒ‬/ ‫ ﺘَر ِﺠم‬-٤

‫ﺎت‬ ََ َ َْ ََ ْ ْ ْ
4- Translate (m./f.) to Arabic and put (m./f.) the marks

1- Nooh is the prophet of Allaah 111111111111.

2- Indeed the soul of the believer

is noble

3- The big tree behind the house 111111111111.

4- The path of paradise is one 111111111111.

5- The Islaam is like the light 111111111111.

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ِ ‫َﻋ ِرﺒِﻲ اْﻝ َﻜﻠِﻤ‬

‫ﺎت‬ ْ ‫َﻋ ِر‬
ْ‫أ‬/‫ب‬ ْ ‫ أ‬-٥
5- Conjugate (m./f.) the words َ
ِ ‫ﺸ ْﻤ‬ ‫َﺴ َﺠ َد اْﻝ َﻜ ِﺎﻓ ُر ﻝﻠ‬
(he prostrated) ٍ ‫ ِﻓ ْﻌ ٌل َﻤ‬:‫َﺴ َﺠ َد‬
............................... :‫اْﻝ َﻜ ِﺎﻓ ُر‬
.............................. :‫اﻝﻼم‬ ُ
ِ ‫ﺸ ْﻤ‬ ‫اﻝ‬
.............................. :‫س‬

‫اﻝر ُﺠ ُل ِﻤ َن اْﻝ َﻤ ِد َﻴﻨ ِﺔ‬

 ‫ﺎء‬َ ‫َﺠ‬
.............................. :‫ﺎء‬ َ ‫َﺠ‬
............................... :‫اﻝر ُﺠ ُل‬ 
............................... :*‫ِﻤ َن‬
.............................. :‫اْﻝ َﻤ ِد َﻴﻨ ِﺔ‬
ِ ‫ِﻋ ْﻨ َد‬
................................ :‫ِﻋ ْﻨ َد‬
................................. :‫اﷲ‬ِ

*The preposition ‫ ِﻤ ْن‬in this examples has a Fat-hah ‫ ِﻤ َن‬at the end this is because
‫ﺼ ِل‬
ْ ‫ َﻫ ْﻤ َزةُ اْﻝ َو‬came after it. We still treat is a normal preposition

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‫اﻝر ِﺤ ِﻴم‬
 ‫اﻝر ْﺤ َﻤ ِن‬
 ‫اﷲ‬ِ ‫ﺒِﺴِم‬
Answers for lesson 5

‫ﺎﻝَِﻴ ِﺔ‬‫ﺎء اﻝﺘ‬

ِ ‫ر إِﻝَﻰ اﻷَﺴﻤ‬‫ف اْﻝﺠ‬
ِ ِ ْ ‫َﻀ‬
َ َ ‫أَﻀﻴﻔﻲ ُﺤ ُرْو‬/‫ف‬
ِ ‫أ‬ -١
1– Add (m. /f.) the prepositions to the following nouns
‫ر‬‫وف اْﻝ َﺠ‬
ُ ‫ُﺤ ُر‬ ‫اﻻﺴ ُم‬
(...ِ‫اﻝﻼم )ﻝـ‬ ُ (...‫ﺎف ) َﻜـ‬ ُ ‫اْﻝ َﻜ‬ (...‫ﺎء )ﺒِـ‬
ُ ‫اْﻝَﺒ‬
ٍ ‫ﻝِ َﻌ َذ‬
‫اب‬ ٍ ‫َﻜ َﻌ َذ‬
‫اب‬ ٍ ‫ﺒِ َﻌ َذ‬
‫اب‬ ٍ ‫َﻋ َذ‬
‫ﻝِْﻠَﻴ ْوِم‬ ‫َﻜﺎْﻝَﻴ ْوِم‬ ‫ﺒِﺎْﻝَﻴ ْوِم‬ ‫اْﻝَﻴ ْوِم‬
‫ض‬ِ ‫ﻝِﻸ َْر‬ ِ ‫َﻜﺎﻷ َْر‬
‫ض‬ ِ ‫ﺒِﺎﻷ َْر‬
‫ض‬ ِ ‫اﻷ َْر‬
‫ِﻝ ُد ْﻨَﻴﺎ‬ ‫َﻜ ُد ْﻨَﻴﺎ‬ ‫ﺒِ ُد ْﻨَﻴﺎ‬ ‫ُد ْﻨَﻴﺎ‬
ِ ‫ﻝِْﻠ ُﻐر‬
‫وب‬ ِ ‫َﻜﺎْﻝ ُﻐر‬
‫وب‬ ِ ‫ﺒِﺎْﻝ ُﻐر‬
‫وب‬ ِ ‫اْﻝ ُﻐر‬
ُ ُ ُ ُ

‫ ﺘَْر ِﺠ ِﻤﻲ‬/‫َوﺘَْر ِﺠ ْم‬

‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴ ِﻪ‬ُ ‫ﻀ‬ ِ ِ /‫ ﻀﻊ‬-٢
َ ‫ﻀﻌﻲ َداﺌ َرةً َﺤ ْو َل اْﻝ ُﻤ‬
َ َْ
2- Circle the ‫ﺎف إِﻝَ ْﻴ ِﻪ‬
ٌ ‫ﻀ‬َ ‫ ُﻤ‬and translate (m. /f.)

The paradise is the home of the believer. ‫ﻨﺔُ َد ُار اْﻝ ُﻤ ْؤ ِﻤ ِن‬‫اْﻝ َﺠ‬ -١
ِ ‫ﻤ ٌد رﺴو ُل‬ ‫ﻤﺤ‬
‫اﷲ‬ -٢
Muhammad is the messenger of Allaah.
َُ َُ
Allaah is the creator of the moon. ‫ق اﻝﻘَ َﻤ ِر‬ُ ِ‫اﷲُ َﺨﺎﻝ‬ -٣
The night is after the day. ‫ﻨﻬَ ِﺎر‬‫ﻴ ُل َﺒ ْﻌ َد اﻝ‬‫اﻝﻠ‬ -٤
ِ ‫ ﻋ َذاب‬-٥
‫اﷲ َﻜﺒِ ٌﻴر‬
The torment of Allaah is big. ُ َ

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ٍ ‫آﺨ ِر ﺤر‬
‫ف‬ ِ ‫ ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜﺔَ ﻋﻠﻰ‬/ ‫ – ﻀﻊ‬٣
َْ َ ََ َ َْ
3- Put (m. /f.) the mark on the last letter of the word

He came, the messenger of Allaah ِ ‫ﺠﺎء رﺴو ُل‬

( the messenger of Allaah came) ََُ َ

ِ ‫اْﻝﻘُرآن ِﻜﺘَﺎب‬
The Qur'aan is the book of Allaah ُ ُ ْ

ٌ‫ﻴﻤﺔ‬ ِ ِِ
The fire of the Hereafter is great
َ ‫َﻨ ُﺎر اﻵﺨ َرة َﻋظ‬
Indeed the prayer is after the call
ِ ‫ﻼةَ َﺒ ْﻌ َد اﻷَ َذ‬‫ن اﻝﺼ‬ ِ‫إ‬
(for prayer)

‫ﻴم‬ ِ ِ ِ
ٌ ‫ﻴن اﷲ َﻋظ‬
ُ ‫د‬
The religion of Allaah is great

ِ ‫ ﻀ ِﻌﻲ اﻝﺤرَﻜ‬/ ‫ﻴ ِﺔ وﻀﻊ‬ِ‫ ﺘَر ِﺠ ِﻤﻲ إِﻝَﻰ اْﻝﻌرﺒ‬/ ‫ ﺘَر ِﺠم‬-٤

‫ﺎت‬ ََ َ َْ ََ ْ ْ ْ
4- Translate (m./f.) to Arabic and put (m./f.) the marks

ِ ‫ﻲ‬ ِ‫ﻨوح ﻨﺒ‬

1- Nooh is the prophet of Allaah َ ٌ ُ
ِ ِ
َ ‫ن َﻨ ْﻔ َس اْﻝ ُﻤ ْؤﻤ ِن َﻜ ِر‬ ‫إ‬
2- Indeed the soul of the believer
is noble ٌ‫ﻴﻤﺔ‬
‫ف اْﻝَﺒ ْﻴ ِت‬
َ ‫ﺸ َﺠ َرةُ اْﻝ َﻜﺒِ َﻴرةُ َﺨْﻠ‬ ‫اﻝ‬
3- The big tree is behind the
ِ ‫ﻨ ِﺔ و‬‫ﺼ ارطُ اْﻝﺠ‬
‫اﺤ ٌد‬ ِ
4- The path of paradise is one
َ َ َ
‫ور‬ِ ‫ﻨ‬‫ﻼم َﻜﺎﻝ‬ ِ
5- The Islaam is like the light ُ ‫اﻹ ْﺴ‬
ِ ‫ﻨ‬‫ﻼم ِﻤ ْﺜ ُل اﻝ‬
‫ور‬ ِ
ُ ‫ اﻹ ْﺴ‬or

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‫‪Qur'aanic Arabic‬‬ ‫‪Understand the Qur’aan‬‬

‫َﻋ ِرﺒِﻲ اْﻝ َﻜﻠِﻤ ِ‬

‫ﺎت‬ ‫َﻋ ِر ْ‬
‫ب‪/‬أْ‬ ‫‪ -٥‬أ ْ‬
‫‪5- Conjugate (m./f.) the words‬‬

‫س‬‫ﺸ ْﻤ ِ‬‫ﺎﻓ ُر ﻝﻠ ‪‬‬ ‫ﺴﺠ َد ا ْﻝ َﻜ ِ‬

‫)‪(he prostrated‬‬ ‫َﺴ َﺠ َد‪ِ :‬ﻓ ْﻌ ٌل َﻤ ٍ‬
‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‪.‬‬ ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ ‪‬‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اْﻝ َﻜﺎﻓ ُر‪ :‬ﻓَﺎﻋ ٌل َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ َ‬
‫ف َﺠ‪‬ر‬ ‫اﻝﻼم‪َ :‬ﺤ ْر ُ‬ ‫ُ‬
‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﺠ‪‬رِﻩ اْﻝ َﻜ ْﺴ َرةُ‪.‬‬
‫ور َو َﻋ َ‬
‫اﺴ ٌم َﻤ ْﺠ ُر ٌ‬
‫س‪ْ :‬‬ ‫اﻝ ‪‬ﺸ ْﻤ ِ‬

‫اﻝر ُﺠ ُل ِﻤ َن ا ْﻝ َﻤ ِدﻴ َﻨ ِﺔ‬

‫ﺎء ‪‬‬‫َﺠ َ‬
‫ﺎء‪ِ :‬ﻓ ْﻌ ٌل َﻤ ٍ‬
‫ﺎض‬ ‫َﺠ َ‬
‫ﻀ ‪‬ﻤﺔُ‪.‬‬ ‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َرْﻓ ِﻌ ِﻪ اﻝ ‪‬‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اﻝر ُﺠ ُل‪ :‬ﻓَﺎﻋ ٌل َﻤ ْرﻓُوعٌ َو َﻋ َ‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ف َﺠ‪‬ر‬ ‫ِﻤ َن‪َ :‬ﺤ ْر ُ‬
‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﺠ‪‬رِﻩ اْﻝ َﻜ ْﺴ َرةُ‪.‬‬ ‫ِ ِ‬
‫ور َو َﻋ َ‬ ‫اﺴ ٌم َﻤ ْﺠ ُر ٌ‬‫اْﻝ َﻤد َﻴﻨﺔ‪ْ :‬‬

‫ِﻋ ْﻨ َد ِ‬
‫ﺼﺒِ ِﻪ اْﻝﻔَﺘْ َﺤﺔُ‪.‬‬
‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﻨ ْ‬
‫وب َو َﻋ َ‬ ‫ﺼ ٌ‬ ‫ف َﻤ ٍ‬
‫ﻜﺎن َﻤ ْﻨ ُ‬ ‫ِﻋ ْﻨ َد‪ :‬ظَ ْر ُ‬
‫ﻼﻤﺔُ َﺠ‪‬رِﻩ اْﻝ َﻜ ْﺴ َرةُ‪.‬‬ ‫اﷲ‪ :‬ﻝَ ْﻔظُ اْﻝﺠﻼﻝَ ِﺔ ﻤﻀ ٌ ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ور َو َﻋ َ‬ ‫ﺎف إِﻝَْﻴﻪ َﻤ ْﺠ ُر ٌ‬ ‫ُ َ‬ ‫َ‬

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