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We hereby tender our offer to purchase your property with the following description, terms and
conditions, on an “AS IS WHERE IS BASIS”:

My Offer Price Is: PESOS: ______________________________________________________

TCT/CCT No(s):__________________ Lot Area in sqm. : _______________ Floor Area in sqm.:___________________

Location: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Improvement(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Terms of Payment:


1. Reservation Fee: PESOS: One Hundred Thousand Pesos

(Php 100,000);

2. Downpayment:PESOS:____________________________________________________________
(Php_______________________) to be paid on or before___________________________________;

3. Balance: PESOS: _________________________________________________________________________

(Php_______________________) payable thru bank financing.

Enclosed herewith is the amount of __________________________________________________________in

cash/check as my reservation money to show my earnest desire to negotiate in purchasing your

This Offer to Buy shall be effective for a period of thirty (30) calendar days only and is still subject
to your approval. Should this offer be accepted, my reservation/ earnest money shall form part of
the total purchase price; otherwise, the same shall be refunded to us in full and without any
interest. However, in case our offer is accepted, and for whatever reason, we failed to comply with
the terms and conditions hereof, then you are empowered to forfeit the full amount of my deposit
as and by way of liquidated damages and opportunity loss.

We are fully aware that for real estate transaction(s):, Documentary Stamp Tax, notarial fees,
registration fee, transfer fee, real estate tax and other government assessments and all other
transfer related fees, shall be for our exclusive account.

We hereby acknowledge that this property was offered to us by ELLE BUENA.

We trust that you will find our offer acceptable. Thank you.

Yours truly,

Signature over Printed Name
Tel. No.:___________________________
Email Address:___________________

Offered by: Acknowledge by:

_______________________________ _______________________________
PRC REG NO. __________ Signature of Seller

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