Are Social Media The New Market?: © APR 2020 - IRE Journals - Volume 3 Issue 10 - ISSN: 2456-8880
Are Social Media The New Market?: © APR 2020 - IRE Journals - Volume 3 Issue 10 - ISSN: 2456-8880
Are Social Media The New Market?: © APR 2020 - IRE Journals - Volume 3 Issue 10 - ISSN: 2456-8880
Abstract- Social media nowadays is among the „best According to the Universal McCann’s Wave 3 report,
possibilities available‟ to an item to get in touch with released in mid-2008, [1] social media is rising and
potential customers. Community social networking does not seem to be stopping anytime soon. Among all
websites are the method to interact socially. These Internet users between the ages of 16 and 54 globally,
new media win the belief in of customers by linking the Wave 3 report suggests the following:
with them at a deeper level. Community online
marketing is the new mantra for several 394 million users watch video clips online
manufacturers since early a season ago. Promoters
are considering many different social media 346 million users read blogs
possibilities and beginning to apply new social
projects at a higher rate than ever before. 321 million users read personal blogs
Community online marketing and the companies 307 million users visit friends‟ social network profile
that utilize it have become more sophisticated. One
cannot afford to have no existence on the social
programs if the competitor is creating waves with its 303 million users share video clips
solutions and items. The blast of social media trend
is as amazing as that and the speed at which it is
202 million users manage profiles on social networks
improving is frustrating. International companies
have identified social media promotion as a potential 248 million users upload photos
promotion system, used them with enhancements to
power their marketing with social media promotion. 216 million users download video podcasts
This paper discusses about the ideas of social media
and social media promotion and other aspects like 215 million users download audio podcasts
the development and advantages, aspect and
importance of social media in promotion, social 184 million users start their own blogs
media promotion methods.
183 million users upload video clips
160 million users subscribe to RSS feeds
Social media, which relates to the sharing of
information, experiences, and perspectives throughout Social media penetration seems to be a continuing
community-oriented websites, is becoming trend.
increasingly significant in our online world. Thanks to
social media, the geographic walls that divide Social media marketing (sometimes referred to by its
individuals are crumbling, and new online acronym, SMM) connects service providers,
communities are emerging and growing. Some companies, and corporations with a broad audience of
examples of social media include blogs, forums, influencers and consumers. Using social media
message boards, picture- and video-sharing sites, user- marketing, companies can gain traffic, followers, and
generated sites, wikis, and podcasts. Each of these brand awareness and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
tools helps facilitate communication about ideas that
users are passionate about, and connects like-minded
individuals throughout the world.
About Social Media who connect with a business using social media
Social media websites and applications allow users influences the way other potential consumers perceive
create online communities to share content, such as the business's brand. For example, if a business that
videos, personal messages, pictures, ideas and other sells sporting goods connects mainly with consumers
information about themselves. Most forms of social in their 20s, other consumers are more likely to
media accept individual users as well as organizations, associate the brand with that particular age
such as businesses and nonprofit groups. A business's demographic.
social media profile may include links to its website,
contact information and pictures of products or II. WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING?
services the business offers.
Social media marketing is the use of social media
Marketing platforms to connect with your audience to build your
Businesses are constantly finding new ways to brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. This
implement their marketing strategies through social involves publishing great content on your social media
media. Prior to the development of social media profiles, listening to and engaging your followers,
platforms, businesses relied on fliers sent through the analyzing your results, and running social media
mail, television commercials and word of mouth. advertisements.
While these marketing tactics are still useful,
businesses can now use social media to instantly The major social media platforms (at the moment) are
inform consumers about sales, the arrival of new Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest,
products and exclusive promotions. Consumers can YouTube, and Snapchat.
connect with their favorite retailers online to stay
informed about new developments. There is also a range of social media management
tools that help businesses to get the most out of the
Communication social media platforms listed above. For example,
Social media also affects the way many retail Buffer is a platform of social media management tools,
businesses communicate with their customers. Instead which can help you, achieve success with your social
of calling the store, writing a letter or sending an email, media marketing. Whether you want to build a brand
many customers prefer to communicate with a or grow your business, we want to help you succeed.
business using its social media profile. Customers may
send private messages to the business, or they may Social media changed the way people communicate
post information publicly. Customers use social media greatly. People now just log on, write what’s on their
to provide both positive and negative feedback about mind and have the ability to share it with so many
products or customer service. If a customer posts this people simultaneously. Eventually, people realized
information online, it can affect the opinions of other these sites aren’t just for people trying to keep in touch
consumers who are connected to the business's profile. with family members who live far away or see how
It's important for small businesses, especially, to be high school friends are doing.
aware of reviews and other details posted online.
Responding quickly on Facebook or Twitter, for Marketing is Easier than One Realizes
example, to resolve a customer problem can actually Typically, a person dreads the marketing that’s
foster loyalty and improve the company's reputation. involved in beginning a new business. It’s often
expensive and time consuming for an individual.
Branding Social media affects the way customers
perceive a business's brand. Before social media With social media marketing, finding leads has never
became popular, most customers considered been so easy, quick, or cheap. Unless a person is
businesses to be impersonal entities. However, social utilizing a „pro” version of LinkedIn, it doesn’t cost
media opened up a new level of dialogue between a anything to market a business on social media if a
business and its consumers. The type of consumers person does it themselves. Posts get shared with
possibly hundreds or thousands at a time. It’s even
possible to target customers a business owner would III. 18 WAYS OF SOCIAL MEDIA
have never suspected would one day need his or her MARKETING
1. Social media posts drive targeted traffic.
Allows for Feedback Whatever your industry, segment and audience, a
One of the main drawbacks of traditional marketing substantial portion of your customers and leads are on
was that it was only a one-way street. A business social. A recent Pew Research Center study found that
owner never got to see how the prospective and current 68% of American adults are Facebook users. Among
customers felt about the business or their marketing 18 to 24-year-olds, 78% use Instagram and 45% are on
efforts. Now, social media allows people to view posts Twitter. Even among Americans 65 and older, 37%
and comment about the business. This helps a business are social media users.
change marketing efforts if they receive negative
feedback. Sites like Crib Supreme make it easy to get Having access to all those customers helps you boost
reviews on a product. Additionally, a person can traffic, particularly for new site content. When you
always ask followers to participate in polls or surveys post a new blog or update your homepage, it can take
to help guide the company in the right direction. a while to get traction with Google. That means very
few customers will know the new content is there until
Communicating With Customers Is Easy the next time they’re searching for your product or
Most people who have to ask a company a question service.
dread the thought of having to call the company.
Sometimes, it’s a long process. Social media has Social media posts provide an opportunity for the
changed the wait time. Now, customers ask a question, public to find your new web content and click through
and the company may respond by typing up a to your site. And because those posts will primarily
response. The response isn’t always immediate for the show up in the feeds of followers and people interested
customer, but it saves hassle, especially for issues that in your product, that traffic is typically very targeted.
aren’t urgent. It won’t just boost your traffic numbers — it will bring
in the type of visitors you want to attract.
It’s All Digital
The paper trail of flyers and other miscellaneous ad The traffic benefits of social media marketing can be
campaigns is huge. People get a great deal of dramatic. We’ve seen a single link on Reddit drive
marketing pieces in the mail, and they’re immediately over 20,000 visitors in one weekend, and Stumble
tossed in the trash to prevent clutter. upon links (R.I.P.) increase daily page views from
single digits to hundreds. Who wouldn’t want to
Targeting Consumers More Effectively capitalize on that?
A majority of people are no longer searching through
phone books to find a business to complete their 2. Using social media for business boosts your
project or for a location that sells a product they need. site’s SEO. Search engine crawlers know which pages
They’re immediately going online and typing in what are consistently earning traffic and which are just
they need on Google. If both the business‟ site and floating out there, forgotten and ignored. Although
social media pages come up in the search results, it your killer content strategy is the most important
gives a business a stronger online presence. Therefore, factor in your search rankings, driving traffic to your
they’re more likely to get the consumers. optimized pages will cause them to climb much faster.
Social media has changed marketing, whether for A lot of times, this can be as simple as re-sharing
better or worse. It’s making it simpler for businesses evergreen content (of course, in addition to sharing
to connect with people. Likewise, it’s making it easier your new content when it goes live). We recommend
for people to connect with businesses. each post be re-shared once a month — a task that
doesn’t have to be as time-intensive as you might
think. With Facebooks scheduling tool or Hootsuite
(for Twitter), you can set the entire month all at once not marketing machines. That can be a challenge when
and you’re done. you’re first developing your social media marketing
strategy. A lot of companies instinctively take a hard
3. Social media can increase your reach via sell approach, inundating their followers with discount
quoted experts. This is one of our very favourite offer codes, new product announcements and
benefits of social media marketing. Let’s say you used customer reviews. Then, when the account only brings
HARO to find relevant experts for your latest blog in modest traffic gains, they assume social just isn’t a
post. Perhaps you quoted someone with a killer social good fit for their brand.
media presence. Of course, you’re going to email them
a link to the post when it goes live and encourage them But customers don’t want to be pitched to — they want
to share it, but leveraging your own social media authentic engagement. When you stop seeing social as
channels will help you go the extra mile here. a way to pitch your customers and start seeing it as a
way to connect with them, it can transform your brand.
Digital Marketing Training Packages You help customers by answering their questions,
In your tweet and Facebook post sharing your new entertaining and informing them with relevant content
content, be sure to tag the experts you quoted so they and even forming bonds over shared interests.
see it pop up in their notifications. Doing so makes it
far more likely your source will share or retweet the 6. Social media ads allow targeting and
link to their thousands (or tens of thousands) of retargeting. Why advertise on social media? Because
followers, which drives traffic back to your website. social media platforms offer highly targeted ads,
It’s a win-win all around. which can be customized around your customers‟
needs. Facebook ads, for example, can target
Social Media Is THE BEST Tool to Connect with (& customers by factors like age, location, education
Learn From!) Consumers & Industry Leaders 18 level, industry and even user behavior — e.g. the pages
Reasons Why Your Business NEEDS Social Media a user has liked. Using an ads management tool like
Marketing HubSpot will give you even more insights into your ad
campaigns. Connecting your ads to a CRM will allow
4. Social media marketing helps you understand you to see exactly which ads are turning prospects into
your audience. Part of what makes social channels like customers.
Twitter and Instagram effective marketing tools is the
interaction you have with your customer base. By Pro Tip: Install a Facebook pixel on your website to
reading their tweets and status updates, you’ll gain track how your ads affect customer behavior, and
insights into their daily lives and consumer behaviors, retarget your ads accordingly. Over time, Facebook
and answer questions such as: will learn which users are more likely to click your link
or buy a product, delivering your ads to the people
What products are they buying and why? What most likely to convert into solid leads and sales.
hobbies do they have? What kinds of posts do they
love to share? What websites do they visit? These 7. Social media can help you get noticed at
insights have obvious marketing benefits. When you events and earn media coverage. Whatever metric you
understand your customers, you can write better use to measure the success of an event, it will always
content and more compelling posts, which leads to demand effective promotion. And that promotion
more traffic. But the benefits can sometimes go far always benefits from an active social media presence
beyond marketing, helping you identify customer pain
points, improve sales conversions and even refine your 8. Social media is key to customer service
product strategy. Quick customer response time isn’t optional anymore.
If there’s a problem with your product or service, your
5. An active social media presence builds customers expect you to solve it right away.
relationships with your audience. Consumers see
Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as social networks, Few companies are meeting those expectations.
A Sprout Social study found that customers want It’s a lot easier than you think, because most brands
responses to social media companies within four aren’t doing it right.
hours, yet the average response time is 10 hours.
Bigger brands may have sophisticated social media
9. A strong social media presence builds brand presences, but SMEs rarely do. They start a few social
loyalty. A report published by Texas Tech University media channels because it’s cheap, and it’s what
found that brands with active social media profiles everyone else does. Without investing in social media
have more loyal customers. It’s easy to understand strategy, however, they rarely make a big impact. They
why: when you’re engaging the public on social post irregularly, rarely engage with followers and
media, you’re building connection and rapport. You’re don’t develop a sophisticated voice. Social media
taking the time to provide your followers with useful remains essentially just a way for them to throw ads at
information, help and entertainment, without asking customers now and then. And when that strategy
for anything in return. doesn’t yield results, they put even less effort into it.
That shows customers you value them, not just as a The truth is, posting to social media because you think
source of revenue, but as people. Customers will begin you’re supposed to post will get you nowhere. You’re
to see you as an entity that cares about them, and has better off with one really good social media channel
values, personality and vision. And in a competitive than your competitor is with four semi- abandoned
market, that can make a huge difference. ones. If you take the time to develop your voice and
strategy, post regularly and respond to messages and
10. Social media is the perfect addition to your comments promptly, you can build a following your
PR strategy. lazy competitors can’t possibly match
— even if they’ve been on social for years longer than
Press releases are an important part of any marketing you have.
strategy, especially when you’re launching a new
product or making a huge change in your company, 12. The social media marketing arena is a (fairly)
but most people get the distribution part terribly level playing field. Everyone can start a social media
wrong. If what you’re accustomed to is writing a press account for free, and most SMEs can dedicate either
release and sending it out on PR Web, you’re wasting the time to maintain a social media channel, or the
your money. budget to outsource social media marketing.
Traditional press release distribution services are Big brands do have some obvious advantages: better
incredibly overrated. Social media, on the other hand, name recognition, bigger budgets that let them put
provides you with a space where you can reach your together slick posts across multiple channels, and (in
target audience in a more personal, conversational general) more influencers who already want to engage
way. And if your customers have questions, they can with their brand.
ask you right then and there.
But SMEs have one big built-in social media
11. Your competition is already social. The advantage most big brands don’t: authenticity. If
crowded world of social media branding can feel very you’re an entrepreneur with an inspiring story, a local
intimidating. Most brands have at least a token social company with ties to your community or an
media presence, and in some industries, multiple underground brand offering something new and
channels is the norm. For example, 91% of retail exciting to early adopters, that can resonate with
brands are using at least two social media platforms. consumers — even if you don’t have a massive ad
So, what hope do you have of getting your brand budget.
noticed on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?
Ultimately, you don’t have to beat all your competitors
at their own game to win on social media. You just
need to find a way to connect with your own market in
a way that builds your own brand. If you’ve got a good 15. You can find potential customers who don’t
team and a strong brand voice, backed up by a solid already know your brand. Social media marketing
product, that’s something you can do. enables you to search out customers looking for
information related to your product — even if they
13. When it comes to news jacking, social media aren’t familiar with your company.
is king. In our media-saturated culture, it’s hard to tell
when fate will throw a great opportunity at your brand. For example, on Twitter, you can use Hootsuite to set
Sometimes your brand gets mentioned on a cable TV up streams, following specific keywords related to
show, or tweeted about by an influencer. Other times, your industry or products. When you spot people
there’s a news story, meme, or pop- culture tweeting about those products, you can direct them to
phenomenon that fits perfectly with your branding. your site, or explain how your product can address
their needs.
If you can jump in and engage with the story while
everyone is paying attention, it can lead to viral posts, This strategy can also be valuable for customers, who
traffic boosts, press coverage and greater visibility for tweet about your brand, but may not be familiar with
your brand. This strategy, known as news jacking, a new product or use case. By reaching out to them
works best, if you get your voice out there while it’s with new information, you can not only influence sales
still breaking news. If you join in too late, you’ll just decision, but also show customers how your brand is
look like another company trying to ride the trend. growing to better meet their needs.
To be one of the first voices out there, you need an 16. Social media marketing establishes you as an
active social media team. Not only will that enable you authority in your industry. From joining Facebook
to track and react quickly to current events, it will also groups to answering Quora questions, social media
ensure your message gets out, so that reporters, provides ample opportunities to demonstrate your
influencers and followers see your take while the story expertise. By answering questions, giving advice and
is still hot. sharing relevant information, you can show your
14. Social media marketing will get you more
sales. So, why is social media marketing important for If you use this strategy regularly, it can greatly
your business? Because it will get you more sales increase your brand’s reach. Your answers to common
Period. questions will come up in Google search, as well as in
particular social channels. Other users will start to
Did you know that 70% of business-to-consumer retweet or share to your posts or refer friends and
marketers have acquired customers through colleagues to your social media team when they have
Facebook? Or that 84% of CEOs and VPs say they use questions. And new leads, impressed with your helpful
social media to help make purchasing decisions? information, will be more likely to visit your site and
purchase your products.
Not surprisingly, when you stay in front of your
customer base, they’re more likely to buy from you All without ever asking anyone to buy!
when they need the products you sell, but social media
marketing does far more than increase brand presence. 17. The ROI on social media ads is unbeatable.
You can influence customer buying decisions at Social Media Signs Illustration Design
multiple points along the sales funnel, from
amplifying the reach of white papers and blogs By boosting the right social media posts, you can bring
targeting top of funnel, to answering customer in a lot of traffic at a fraction of the cost of targeted
questions and addressing pain points, to incentivizing Google ads. As of 2018, the average Google Ad Words
buyers with coupon codes. We even think it’s crucial cost per click varied from $1.20 for travel and tourism,
for real estate agents to get on social media — and stay to $5.27 for education and employment. Depending on