Lawrence F. Kahn
Prepared for
June 1979
Lawrence F. Kahn
School of Civil Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
June 1979
Final Report
Prepared for
1.1 Purpose 1
1.2 Scope 1
1.3 Background
2.1 Design Philosophy 7
2.2 Specimen Design 9
2.3 Specimen Construction 9
2.4 Test Set-up and Instrumentation 21
2.5 Test Procedure 21
3.1 Load-Deflection Response 29
3.2 Physical Observations 35
3.3 Moment-Curvature Response 38
3.4 Strain Observations 45
3.5 Energy Dissipation 52
4.1 Quantitative Analysis 55
4.2 QualitativeAnalysis 59
4.3 Limits of Findings 61
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Background
forces. Other studies have investigated the adequacy of the repair of
concrete structures after being damaged by earthquake type loading (5,
Results from repaired specimens tend to show that the repaired
structures respond with similar strength and in the same manner as the
original specimen; although, significant differences can occur (13).
The joint ASCE-ACI Task Committee 426 (16) defined the basic
mechanisms of shear transfer and failure criteria for reinforced concrete
columns. The most prevalent mechanisms are shear transfer by concrete
shear stress which occurs in uncracked members. or portions of structural
members, interface shear transfer which is stress along a diagonal ten-
sion crack and is called aggregate interlock, dowel shear which is shear
resisted by longitudinal reinforcement, and shear reinforcement.
Under repeated and reversed loadings the Committee states that
deterioration of the first three mechanisms will occur rapidly and that
only by employing closely spaced stirrups will splitting along the long-
itudinal reinforcement be restrained. Therefore, dowel action and shear
reinforcement will account for the full shear transfer. However, since
dowel action is dependent on shear reinforcement, the stirrups should
provide for the full shear in beams and columns.
Vallenas, Bertero, and Popov (19) investigated column cores confined
by rectangular hoops and loaded axially. A total of 14 reinforced
specimens were tested varying the effects of 3 parameters, concrete
cover, lateral reinforcement, and longitudinal reinforcement.
The first group consisted of two plain 20 in. long by 10 in. square
concrete columns which underwent a relatively brittle type of failure
with a large diagonal crack opening suddenly.
The second group of six specimens tested were confined concrete
columns with no longitudinal reinforcment, 3 with cover and 3 without.
The confinement was obtained by using plain #7 wire at 1.33"c/c spacing.
This lateral reinforcement did not rupture at failure, instead the hooked
ends slipped out of the concrete showing a need to use deformed bars for
better anchorage. The specimens with cover had a slight increase in max-
imum load before cracking than those without cover.
The third group of specimens tested were similar to the 2nd group,
with the addition of 8 4#6 longitudinal bars. As in the above group,
3 columns had cover and 3 did not. In both these cases an increase in
concrete strength was obtained with failure occurring from buckling
of the longitudinal reinforcement and rupture of the stirrups.
The confinement of the test specimens produced an increased strength
of 13% when compared to the plain specimens. It was also noted that the
Uniform Building code (UBC, 18) and American Concrete Institute (ACI-318-77,3)
equations for ratio of confining steel can be combined and this equation
can be used for any type of confinement system by varying the confinement
effectiveness ratio for different types of confinement and materials.
Bertero and Popov (4) investigated the hysteric behavior of re-
inforced concrete beams subjected to high and low shear stresses. They
suggested that this deteriorating behavior can be improved by using a
closer spacing of stirrups and increasing the are of compression
Wight and Sozen (20) investigated the hysteric behavior of 12 re-
inforced concrete columns subjected to large shear reversals. The spec-
imens represented a column between the points of contraflexure above
and below a story level. The principal variables of the test were the
amount of axial load, the transverse reinforcement ratio, and the re-
quired deflection ductility (total deflection divided by yield deflection)
for each cycle. A. comparison was made between specimens with and without
an axial load using the same transverse reinforcement ratio; the specimens
without an axial load suffered a more rapid decrease in strength with
each complete cycle of load reversals. The specimens with axial loads
had higher yield and ultimate shear capacities. Additional results
from the tests indicate that the shear capacity of the member should
be based on the shear capacity of the column core confined with closely
spaced stirrups.
Lee (13) tested beam-column subassemblages subjected to earthquake
type loading. The main variable between two types of models was the
amount of transverse reinforcement in the joint. The first design was
in accordance with the ACI 318-71 code for nonseismic areas. This
was assumed to represent an existing structure which was designed with-
out considering seismic loading. The second design was in accordance
with ACE 318-71 including "Appendix A" for the design of ductile moment-
resisting space frames. The testing included virgin & repaired specimens
of both types. Results from these experiments demonstrated that epoxy
injection and removal and replacement techniques of repair can effect-
ively restore the stiffness, strength and energy dissipation capacity
of beam-columns. The repaired specimens were found to be stronger than
the original specimens at the same deflection level due to the strain
hardening of reinforcement and to the higher strength repair materials.
Because of the specimens increased strength, the beam to column joint
is usually stressed to a higher level, thus creating the possibility
of damage moving from the beam to the unrepaired joint. Also, Lee
concluded that stirrups should be designed to carry all of the shear
force at the points of maximum moments.
A comprehensive collection of the most recent literature presented
on the earthquake repair and strengthening of structures was given at
the 6th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. A few of the ex-
perimental programs pertaining to reinforced concrete members are out-
lined below.
Gulkan (7) tested two three-fourths size beam-column connections
which were subjected to reversed cycle deflections of double curvature
before and after repair. The columns were loaded axially while the
beams were loaded in reversed shear to produce the double curvature.
The only difference between the two specimens was the lack of the beam
stub representing an out-of-plane beam framing into the joint. After
failure of the virgin specimens, the original shell of the column was
chipped off and replaced with more longitudinal and transverse rein-
forcement and concrete cast around the original core. This repair
technique improved the strength of the column considerably but forced
failure into the joint core.
Higashi and Kokusho (10) investigated strengthening methods of
existing reinforced concrete buildings. Three experimental test pro-
cedures were conducted with respect to these methods.
In the first test a comparison was made between a monolithic shear
wall cast with a rigid frame and a rigid frame strengthened by a shear
wall poured under pressure. Results from the above test show remark-
able increases in the strengthened frame to a degree almost equal to the
monolithic shear wall. Rigidity and lateral capacity were increased
substantially under large deflections. Although the behavior under
working loads were similar, the mode of failure between the two speci-
mens was different.
The second test procedure consisted of strengthening columns by
the addition of wing walls at the sides of the existing columns. The
most substantial increase in rigidities and strengths occurred when the
wall reinforcements were welded to the hoops in the columns before
the walls were cast. Other methods of fastening the wing walls (steel
anchor pieces, mprilar grouting, etc.) did not show significant strength
In the third test two specimens were compared; (1) an existing
reinforced concrete column, and (2) the same column in (1) with welded
wire fabric wrapped around the column and mortar poured in place. The
column in (2) had gaps at both ends to prohibit spalling of the column
at the face of the joint. The results indicated that (2) showed def-
inite increase in the ductility and deformation capacities under re-
versed cyclic loading. Due to the additional reinforcement, the con-
finement area of the column was increased and therefore, the ultimate
capacity of the existing column was guaranteed.
Freeman (6) described motification of an existing hospital facility
to satisfy the new Veterans Administration (VA) seismic design criteria.
Since the new criteria was more severe than the original, a response
spectrum modal analysis was made with the aid of a digital computer
program. The output data provided the force distribution to the members
for there modes of vibration.
Several strengthening modification schemes were evaluated for their
feasibility and economic application. The proposed scheme was a comb-
ination of a shear wall and rigid reinforced concrete frame placed
around ther perimeter of the 15-story tower structure. The shear walls
were cast on the existing mat foundation at the corners of the tower and
extend its full height. Peir like columns were then cast at the present
exterior column lines to form the rigid frame. A majority of the lateral
force resisting capacity has been offered by the shear walls, but the
frame system reduced the buildup of overturning moments at the base of
the shear walls to produce a ductile seismic resistant structure.
Strengthening has been accomplished along with the repair of
structures. The repair of the Mene Grande Building, Caracas, Venezuela,
after the earthquake of July 29, 1967, included the placement of additional
transverse reinforcement in the columns (8).
The repair of the Holy Cross Hospital after the San Fernando Earth-
quake included the strengthening of some columns (17). In locations
where the columns had failed, damaged concrete was removed, and new ties
were placed. Gunite was then shot in place. Kajfasz (12) found that
concrete beams could be adequately strengthened in shear by epoxy bonding
steel stirrups to the exterior of the beams.
The past research has shown that reinforced concrete columns do
fail in shear under earthquake forces and that rapid deterioration of
strength may occur if insufficient shear reinforcement is present. Yet,
little research has been done to determine what methods may be used to
strengthen the shear resistance of existing columns and what the adequacy
of those methods might be. This experimental program examined some
appropriate strengthening methods to determine their potential for improving
the earthquake resistance of existing columns.
Lateral load -z
Axial Load -----
Face of joint
Simple supports
'-10"x10" square column
Figure 2.1 Column test specimen under axial load and flexed
in single curvature.
the deflection at the column-block joint.
The specimen was symmetric about the center line, and in the elas-
tic range the deflections were also symmetric. Therefore, each half
of the specimen represented the upper half of this hypothetical first
story column. The specimen was designed to be typical of reinforced
concrete columns, but it was not conceived to model all possible var-
iables. The purpose of the tests was to develop a qualitative under-
standing of these simple strengthening techniques rather than to explore
the range of parameters affecting reinforced concrete column response.
Table 2.1 Material Properties
2 6470 6220 56,800 93,700
No. 2 bar
3 6350 6390 56 , 800 66,900
4 6470 6130 56,800 U-clamps
' - 0"
anr-11.••• ■
5 @ 10" = 4'-4" 1 "
Figure 2.3 Typical form for column specimens.
Figure 2.4 Reinforcing bar cage.
Figure 2.6 Casting column specimens. Figure 2.7 Tightening banding around Specimen 2.
tension decreased, a gap ranging from 1/8 in. to 3/8 in. occurred be-
tween the band and the column; although the bands remained tight around
the corners*.
The first band next to the joint was spaced 1 in. clear from the
joint. The other bands were spaced on 4 in. centers over a distance of
40 in. on each side of the joint. The gap beneath each band was packed
with a non-shrink grout (Embeco 636 by Master Builders) to assure con-
finement.(Figure 2.9).
Specimen 3 was strengthened with a rectangular spiral. A plain
1/4-in. diameter steel rod was hammered around the column to form a spiral
with a 1 1/16 in. pitch. A starting loop (zero pitch) was placed within
1/2 in. of the joint. For ease of construction, straight 10 ft. lengths
of the rod were used to form the spiral. After one 10 ft. length had
been wrapped, the next length was lap welded to the end of the existing
spiral (Fiugre 2.10). A lap weld of 4 in. was used; it was calculated
that this length would develop the yield strength of the rod.
Gaps between the spiral and the column were as large as 1/16 in.
These gaps and the space between the rods was filled with a Portland
cement grout made of equal parts sand and cement and sufficient water
to provide and workable mortar. (Figure 2.11). The column was thoroughly
wetted prior to applying the mortar.
Specimen 4 was strengthened with U-shaped clamps. The clamps
were made of 2-in. x 5/16 in. hot rolled steel bar cut 10 in. long
which was fillet welded to A36 steel angle 5 in. x 3 in. x 5/16 which
was cut 2 1/4 in. wide (Figure 2.12). The angle had a lower yield
stress than the bar; so the angle was cut wider than the 2 in. bar so
that the total yield force of the angle and bar would be equal.
Holes of 13/16 in. diameter were drilled in the 3-in. outstanding
legs of the U-clamps for A325 3/4-in. diameter bolts. It was calculated
that the yield force of the bolt was greater than the yield force of
either side of the clamp.
* The author originally desired that the bands remain tensioned, but
the lever device required about a one-half inch gap beneath the band.
As the device was removed, this space permitted the band to slacken.
Figure 2.8 Crimping metal clips to secure banding hoop.
Figure 2.9 Specimen 2 banding showing clips and non-shrink grout paCked
beneath the bands. Photograph taken after deflection
sequence was completed.
Figure 2.10 Hammering No. 2 bar around Specimen 3. Note lap
Once fabricated the U-clamps were easily secured around the columns
and bolted together. The clamps fit tight and required gentle hammering
to seat them. The first clamp was spaced 1-in. clear from the joint,
while the remaining clamps were spaced on 4 1/4 in. centers over a
40 in. distance (Figure 2.13).
2.3.3 Materials
Figure 2.12 U-clamps bolted on Specimen 4.
• 1
- • 4••••••••.
r- I
11, 7-1
- 11,1.1
-00 ?N gra
till, It 11111111
2.4 Test Set-up and Instrumentation
Reinforcing bar strain measurements were taken with standard 1/4 in.
electrical resistance strain gages. The gages were located at the
center of the joint and at approximately one inch from the face of
the joint on the main reinforcement (Figure 2.14). Strain gages also
were placed on the first column tie from the face of the joint. The
gages were bonded to a machined suface of the steel reinforcing bar
with a two part adhesive, M-bond 200. An epoxy resin coating was used
as a final step to protect the gages against impact during casting
(Figure 2.5). Also, strain gages were bonded to the near and far sides
of the first strengthening technique from the face of the joint on
Specimens 2 and 4 (Figure 2.15).
Figure 2.13 and 2.16 illustrate the test set up. The axial load
cell was positioned at the right end of the specimen while the load was
applied by a hydraulic loading ram on the left end of each specimen.
The lateral load was applied at the center of the joint and monitored
by a strain gage load cell which was used for both downward and upward
loading. Lateral deflection measurements were taken at the edge of
the center block adjacent to the column and at 10 in. from the face
of the joint.
- Strain Gages on Main Reinforcement
(I) - Strain Gages on No. 4 Ties
Lateral force hydraulic jack
Dial gage atioint face
Dial gage 10" from joint
'Lateral force load-cell
Axial force hydraulic jack
yield (A ) was calculated. The maximum deflection of the first three
cycles was equal to one-half this calculated A value. The maximum
deflection of the fourth cycle was to the actual yield deflection level
of the specimen. During loading the strain on the tension bars was
constantly monitored. When the yield strain was detected, the deflection
was continued to the nearest 0.05 in. level for ease of testing. The
next three cycles (cycles four through six) were to this actual A level.
Thereafter followed three cycles to twice the A level and three cycles
to four times the A level. The maximum deflection in a cycle (A) was
divided by A to give a ductility ratio A/A . Each deflection cycle
required 15 to 30 minutes.
(sdpi) mays
(sd!1) Joaqs
0 O
(Sdp1) Mail S1--
0 0
s d 1.1 ) abaLIS
Table 3.1 Load-Deflection Data
Figure 3.5 Specimen 1 after three cycles to yield deflection.
Figure 3.7 Specimen 1 after failure.
Figure 3.8
Specimen 2 at +2.5 in. deflection.
Specimen 1 as the lateral load was reduced to zero. Reversed cycle
deflection forced much of the fractured concrete to fall from the column.
Specimen 2 with the packaging bands for strengthening showed no
dramatic events during the entire deflection sequence. Only a single
set of diagonal cracks were observed; these were small and crossed
about 6 in. from the joint. Figure 3.8 shows Specimen 2 at the maximum
+2.5 in. deflection.
Specimen 3, reinforced with the No. 2 bar rectangular spiral,
again showed no significant cracking or spalling during the test. Figure
3.9 shows Specimen 3 after the deflection sequence. Some mortar cracked
and spalled from between the spirals; the concrete under the mortar
appeared undamaged. The figure illustrates that some concrete on the
joint face had crushed and spalled.
A set of crossing diagonal cracks was evident in Specimen 4 as
shown in Figure 3.10, when the column was at a deflection of -1.2 in.
The cracks crossed at the center of the second clamp from the joint. As
deflections were increased, these cracks did not widen. Specimen 4
demonstrated no spalling or major cracking during deflections to 4-Ay
(Figure 3.11). Crushing of the concrete was observed under the clamp
nearest the joint during the maximum deflection cycles (Figure 3.12).
Figure 3.9 Specimen 3 after test sequence.
1 0
(.7 _
a_ c)
Di 1
1 _0 08 -0
1 .06 -004 -b.02 OGO 0•02 004
plot for Specimen 1 shows almost immediate failure at curvatures beyond
the elastic range. The most important observation in the plots for
Specimens 2, 3 and 4 is that the moment continued to increase at curv-
atures between 0.02 radian and 0.04 radian during the first cycle to
the maximum deflection. This increasing moment corresponds to the de-
creasing lateral load at large deflections mentioned in Section 3.1
above. Although the P-A effect was evident, the moment capacity of the
columns was stable and slightly increasing.
Figure 3.17 Specimen 1, average strain on bottom No. 7 bars, 1-in. from joint
for deflection cycles 1 and 4.
Figure 3.18 Specimen 2, average strain on bottom No. 7 bars, 1-in. from joint
for deflection cycles 1, 4, and 7.
-0.24 -0.18 - 10.08 0.00 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32
STRAIN (IN./IN.) *10 -2
Figure 3.19 Specimen 3, average strain on bottom No. 7 bars, 1-in. from joint
for deflection cycles 1, 4, and 7.
CD _
c-N 1 1 1 1 1
1 i
-0.08 0.00 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.40
STRAIN (IN./IN.) x10 -2
Figure 3.20 Specimen 4, average strain on bottom No. 7 bars, 1-in. from joint
for deflection cycles 1, 4, and 7.
-0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
STRAIN (IN./IN.) x10 -3
Figure 3.21 Specimen 2, strain on packaging band next to joint for deflection
cycles 1, 4, and 7.
0 ).
-0.33 -0.25 - .17 -0.09 -0.01 0.07 0 15 0.23
STRAIN (IN./IN.) x10 -4
Figure 3.22 Specimen 4, strain on U-clamp next to joint for deflection
cycles 1, 4, and 7.
strain in the first U-clamp. Observations of the second U-clamp and
bolt did not indicate any yielding. The second clamp had added flex-
ibility across the crack because of the bending of the outstanding legs.
The bending of these legs reduced the stiffness and effective confining
capacity of the clamp.
o o #1
A A #2
6. 9 12
Figure 3.23 Cummulative dissipated energy.
Table 4,2 Shear and Confinement
Specimen/Technique V V A A A actual
c s V max sh sh sh
average required actual A req'd
(kips) (kips) (kips) (sq. in.) (sq. in.)
* V for Specimen 2
max = 43
(2 bands)(.18 in 2 /band)(29,000 ksi)
columns was given in ACI 318-77 Appendix A (3) as the following
l p s
h s h
A =
sh 2
where A = area of transverse hoop bar (one leg), in.
1 = maximum unsupported length of rectangular hoop. In
this case 1 was taken as 10 in., the column dimension.
s = center-to-center spacing of hoops which was 4.0 in. for
the bands, 1.1 in. for the No. 2 spiral, and 4.25 in.
for the U-clamp.
Ag ft
p s = 0.45 (AgA - 1) c
idemonstrated by Specimens 2 and 3.
It must be remembered that these strengthening techniques con-
fined the whole column and not just the core area bordered by the main
reinforcement. Typical hoops used for new construction would confine
only the core area. An explanation for the fact that less than the
required Ash satisfactorily confined the concrete is that by confining
the compression zone the wrappings peiiiiitted V to be effective and
increased the failure strain of the concrete. Confining hoops within
a column only act after the cover has spalled and when the column has
a much reduced section. The area of hoops (A required) are then
designed to provide the strength lost by the spalling (16). The
strengthening techniques do not need to provide for lost material.
Therefore, the requirements for confinement related to exterior
strengthening of existing columns is different than the need for
confinement in new designs.
Furthermore, the rectangular spiral of Specimen 3 utilized plain
No. 2 bar. The current code (3) requires that the minimum size hoop
be a No. 3 bar. The No. 2 spiral perfoLmed well; no bulging was noticed.
For columns larger than 10 in. x 10 in., a larger diameter bar may be
required; but for the small size column tested, the 1/4-in. diameter
bar for the spiral was satisfactory.
From the above the author concluded that the requirements
in ACI 318-77 are not directly applicable to retrofit of exising
structures. Modified requirements for repair and strengthening
are needed.
elastic deflection cycles. The strengthened columns demonstrated
much greater ductility than the unstrengthered column. The response
of Specimens 2, 3 and 4 is that desired for earthquake resistance, for
it sustains lateral loads over inelastic deformations and dissipates
seismic energy without severe structural degradation.
Because the type of strengthening did not affect the ductile
response, the choice of strenghtening technique would depend upon
constructability, ease of application in an occuppied building and
cost. This research did not investigate all possible strengthening
techniques nor the cost of large scale application of the three types
studied. But the author did gain an appreciation for the construction
of each.
The U-clamp technique was the easiest to apply to the column
and would be the cleanest to work with in an occuppied building.
Fabricating the U-clamps in the machine shop required considerable
time, and in actual application this fabrication would be more expen-
sive than the banding technique (Specimen 2). But the shop-time was
compensated for by the short time required in the field bolting
application of the clamps.
The packaging bands were applied easily to Specimen 2, but such
banding would be slightly more difficult to a column in a vertical
orientation. Grouting beneath the bands was the time consuming part
of the construction. Such dry-pack work would be somewhat messy in
an existing structure. From the observations made during the test,
the author believes that the grouting under the bands was necessary
to provide confinement.
The rectangular spiral was the most difficult to apply. The
wrapping and plastering would create more disturbance in an occuppied
structure than created by the other two techniques. Use of larger than
the 1/4-in. diameter rod would make fabricating the rectangular spiral
difficult. If provisions of ACI 318-77 were followed, a No. 3 bar
would be the minimum size required.
Use of any of the techniques seems to provide an economic alternative
to placing No. 3 or No. 4 hoops around the column and casting concrete
or applying shotcrete. Shotcrete and cast-in-place concrete disrupt
the use of an occuppied structure and require extensive clean-up.
After application of any strengthening technique, the column
would be covered with an architectural finish or surrounded with
gypsum board or paneling.
Average 1 Test
Average 2 Tests
*** Average 3 Tests
.2 % Offset Line
.10 .15
Figure A.1 - Average Stress-Strain Curve for No. 7 Reinforcing Steel Bar
100.0 -
.2 % Offset Line
.04 .6 8 .12 . i6
Figure A.3 - Average Stress-Strain Curve for No. 4 Reinforcing Steel Bar
Figure A.4 - Cup-Cone Fracture of No. 4 Reinforcing Bar Specimen
Ultimate Stress
80.0 —
1-1 60.0—
Figure A.5 - Average Stress-Strain Curve for No. 3 Reinforcing Steel Bar
Figure A.6 - Cup-Cone Fracture of No. 3 Reinforcing Bar Specimen
% Offset Line
40. 0 I
U) 1
.01 .02 .03
After 28 days had elapsed, three fog cured cylinders were capped
with liquid sulfur and positioned in a standard cylindrical compress-
ometer. This apparatus, was equipped with a ten-inch gage length and
deflection dial accurate to 1/1000 inch.
Stress and strain values for the first set of three cylinders
were averaged to produce the graph in Figure A.9. The modulus of
elasticity was found using the ASTM recommended equation (5):
E = (S -S )/(E -.00005)
2 1 2
where S and E are stress and strain values at 40 percent of the ul-
2 2
timate stress, while S is the stress corresponding to .00005 inches
per inch strain.
Figure A.10 is the average stress-strain curve for the three
cylinders cast for the second set of columns, Number 2 and 4. The
modulus of elasticity was computed as previously described.
All six cylinders fractured to produce the usual cone configura-
tion. The nominal compressive strength of 6000 psi was much higher
than the 4000 psi requested of the commercial ready-mix distributor.
_5.0 -
2.0 —
1.0 T
.0005 .0010 .0015 .0020 .0025
4.0 —
3. 0 -
2.0 —
1. 0 --
.00075 .00150 .00225 .00300
a = (2P)/(TrdL)
* Average 1 Test
** Average 2 Tests
7 0. 0
.2 % Offset Line
30 .0
10. 0
Figure k,11 - Average Stress-Strain Curve for Cold Drawn No. 2 Bar
Figure A.12 - Cup-Cone Fracture of Cold Drawn No. 2 Reinforcing Bar
3.3.2 U-Clamps
Figure A.13 - Welded Components of the Second Strengthening Technique
.2 % Offset Line
.100 .1 15 0
Figure A.14 - Average Stress-Strain Curve for 10 x 2 x 5/16 inch Flat Plate
Figure A.15 - Ductile Fracture of a Flat Plate Specimen
.2 % Offset Line
Figure A.18 - Necking of a Packaging Band Specimen
Figure A.19 - Rupture of a Packaging Band Specimen
120. _
Ultimate Stress
.2 % Offset Line
40. 0_
10. Higashi, Y., and Kokusho, S., "The Strengthening Methods of Existing
Reinforced Concrete Buildings", Proceedings of the U.S. - Japan
Cooperative Research Program in Earthquake Engineering with Emphasis on
the Safety of School Buildings, Honolulu, Hawaii, August, 1975.
13. Lee, D.L.N., "Original and Repaired Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column
Subassemblages Subjected to Earthquake Type Loading", Ph.D. Thesis,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April, 1976.
14. Mahin, S., Bertero, V.V., Atalay, M.B., and Rea, D., "Rate of Loading
Effects on Uncracked and Repaired Reinforced Concrete Members", Earth-
quake Engineering Research Center Report No. EERC 72-9, University
of California, Berkeley, December, 1972.
19. Vallenas, J., Bertero V.V., and Popov, E., "Concrete Confined by
Rectangular Hoops and Subjected to Axial Loads",UCB/EERC-77/13,
Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California
Berkeley, August, 1977 (NTIS Accession No. PB275165).
20. Wight, J.K., and Sozen, M.A., "Strength Decay of RC Columns Under
Shear Reversals", Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 101,
No. ST5, May, 1975, pp. 1053-1065.