Cognitive Remediation For Brain Injury and - Marvin H Podd
Cognitive Remediation For Brain Injury and - Marvin H Podd
Cognitive Remediation For Brain Injury and - Marvin H Podd
Cognitive Remediation
for Brain Injury
and Neurological Illness
Real Life Changes
Marvin H. Podd
National Naval Medical Center
4400 East-West Highway Suite 715
Bethesda, MD 20814
e-mail: [email protected]
The idea of treating the symptoms of brain damage is not new. However, with the
advent of Luria’s theory (1948, 1966) of brain functioning and his descriptions of
its application to remediation of deficits (Luria 1948, 1963) a different approach to
treatment became available. With the advent of the microcomputer a more sys-
tematic, reliable and objective tool could be used to pursue an approach to
teaching compensatory mechanisms. The use of cognitive remediation techniques
was initially embraced by neuropsychologists and a number of programs,
including those employing microcomputers, flourished. However, difficulties with
doing well-controlled studies in the clinical setting along with the publication of a
well-controlled study that did not support the efficacy of the treatment led neu-
ropsychologists to become very skeptical. To this day, the majority of brain injury
treatment programs in this country focus on the use of prosthetic devices (e.g.,
keeping a memory log, structuring the day by using a calendar, setting an alarm
watch for the time medication is due) rather than helping individuals to use intact
brain functions to compensate for deficits. My experience over the past 25 years in
the field has been that patients’ self-esteem and feeling that they have some control
over their lives are more greatly enhanced when they feel that they, themselves,
have dealt with their cognitive problems rather than resorting to external mecha-
nisms. In essence, cognitive remediation can provide a normalizing function for
both the patient who uses his brain instead of a prosthetic device and for those who
interact with the patient and do not observe his compensatory devices. Further,
compensatory mechanisms can, at times, serve as basis for a program that restores
the ‘‘lost’’ function while prosthetic devices cannot.
The purpose of this book is to help the reader learn more about cognitive
remediation and how to develop an effective and efficacious program for patients.
After presenting a history of the development of cognitive remediation and the
current status of research in the area, the next chapter endeavors to teach treatment
planning. Treatment planning is addressed through proper neuropsychological
testing and evaluation, with an emphasis on Luria’s concepts of alternate func-
tional systems and double dissociation. Brain recovery following the acute stage
and the various underlying mechanisms are reviewed. The use of learning theory
viii Preface
I would like to acknowledge the help and support of several people from both the
public and private sectors who have made this book possible. Dr. Charles Golden
was an early mentor who introduced me to the work of Alexander Luria and the
Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery. This work opened the door to eval-
uating patients in a way that permitted construction of cognitive remediation
programs and informed the basis of my own remediation software, NeurXercise.
Dr. Golden was very supportive and encouraging, referring patients for evaluation
and follow up treatment. He also encouraged his University colleagues to conduct
research with my cognitive remediation software. This eventuated in a doctoral
dissertation and a convention poster cited in this volume. Additional help in
developing my neuropsychological knowledge came from Drs. Robert Sbordone
and Arnold Purisch. Their ideas and insights inspired my thinking about inter-
preting the meaning of many of the test findings and their implications for
I owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Mary Ann Krehbiel, Mrs. Angelique Moran, PO
Stephanie Smestad, PO Aaron Treloar and PO Brian Smith who provided me with
insights based on their work using the cognitive remediation software. They also
provided pre-and/or post-testing on many of the patients treated, some of whom
are cited in this book. Dr. Joseph Miller, who ran the EEG lab, facilitated many of
our patients getting P300 evoked potentials. Dr. Joseph Boschulte referred from
his psychiatric practice many patients who had neurological complications and
Dr. William Lightfoot, neurologist, identified many patients who would benefit
from cognitive remediation.
Dr. Dennis Reeves introduced me to ANAM, a test I used in evaluating many of
the cognitive remediation patients. Also, I would like to thank Dr. Sharat Jain who
read over an early draft of the book and provided helpful comments and strong
encouragement. Finally, I appreciate Dr. Erik Getka’s review of the most recent
version of this book and for his helpful editorial suggestions.
3 Treatment Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Mechanisms of Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Compensatory Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Restitutional Strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
xii Contents
Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Verbal Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Visual Nonverbal Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Facial Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Delayed Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Method of Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Executive Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Set Shifting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Problem Solving: Reasoning and Convergent/Divergent
Thinking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Problem Solving: Planning Ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Impulse Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Judgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Daily Living Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6 A NeurXercise Casebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Etiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Head Trauma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Head Trauma Symptoms and Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Blast Injuries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Blast Injury Symptoms and Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Stroke Symptoms and Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Neurosurgical Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Neurosurgical Symptoms and Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Subcortical Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Subcortical Symptoms and Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Co-morbid Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Symptoms and Mechanisms in Co-morbid Conditions . . . . . . . . 93
Cognitive Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Attention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Treatment of Attention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Executive Functioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Treatment of Executive Dysfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Treatment of Memory Deficits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Subpopulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Geriatrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Contents xiii
7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Appendix A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Appendix B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Appendix C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Appendix D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Appendix E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Appendix F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Appendix G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Appendix H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Appendix I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Appendix J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Appendix K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Appendix L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Appendix M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Appendix N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Chapter 1
History of Cognitive Remediation
Scientific understanding of how the brain functions dates back to the late nineteenth
century. In 1861, Broca had a patient who lost the ability to express himself and on
post mortem was found to have a lesion in the anterior frontal region of the brain.
Several more cases were later reported by Broca (1865) with the same finding.
The lesioned region was assumed to be the seat of expressive language. Wernicke
(1874) found a ‘‘receptive language center’’ in the posterior region of the brain.
These findings led to a resurgence of the position promulgated during the previous
century by Gall. This has become known as a localizationist or pluripotentialist
view of the brain, i.e., the brain was thought to have specialized regions for
each behavioral function. Additional support for this position existed with the
demonstration that sensory and motor strips contained specific areas that corre-
spond to feeling and movement in particular areas of the body. This localizationist
view was challenged by Lashley (1938) and others who believed in mass action or
equipotentiality of the brain, i.e., all regions of the brain performed the same
functions and that degree of deficit was related to amount of tissue lost rather than
location of the damaged tissue.
An equipotentialist, Goldstein (1939), studied brain injured soldiers during
World War I and found symptoms of perseveration, inability to anticipate future
consequences, figure-ground problems, and loss of abstract reasoning. He believed
that loss of the ability to abstract was the hallmark of brain damage. He further
believed the cause of this loss was the emotional shock and anxiety connected with
loss of brain tissue or reduced function secondary to tissue compromise in the brain.
He concluded that treatment should comprise psychotherapy aimed at reducing the
emotional reactions to brain damage while permitting the rest of the brain to
compensate for disruption of function. The student of functional neuroanatomy may
recognize that the symptoms described by Goldstein are classical signs of frontal
lobe impairment. This is not a surprise as most of the patients Goldstein saw had
sustained frontal head wounds during the war. Thus, Goldstein made some very
important early observations about the role of the frontal lobes, but his equipo-
tentialist ‘‘blinders’’ prevented him from seeing the findings for what they actually
were. It remained for Alexander Luria to clarify the nature of brain functioning and
identify the roles and functions of various brain regions and the critical role played
by interactive functional systems or what are now referred to as neural networks.
During World War II Luria saw most of the brain-injured soldiers in Russia as
they were sent to the Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery in Moscow where he was
affiliated. He had worked with Pavlov and Vygotsky and was highly respected in
Russian scientific circles. He developed a theory of brain functioning (Luria 1948,
1966, 1973) that bridged the gap between equipotentialism and pluripotentialism.
He acknowledged that there were regions of the brain that were involved in
specific functions, but that it was also true that the brain was capable of sponta-
neously reorganizing such that a different area could take over the function of a
damaged region. A major contribution was that behavior was the product of
functional systems or the interaction of diverse brain areas. Damage to any area
involved in a specific functional system could reduce effective functioning in the
target behavior without disrupting the function altogether (consistent with the
observations of the equipotentialists). Further, one could detect the region of
dysfunction (consistent with the pluriopotentialists) by assessing the way the target
behavior was disrupted. For example, when short-term memory is disrupted, is the
impairment for auditory, visual, tactile, and/or kinesthetic material? This would be
critical as the temporal lobe processes auditory material, the occipital lobe pro-
cesses visual stimuli, the parietal lobe processes tactile material, and the posterior
parietal region processes kinesthetic material. In addition, use of alternate func-
tional systems could be taught when the cause of the damage was analyzed. Thus,
if the memory problem was auditory, while visual and kinesthetic systems were
intact, the patient could be taught to learn and remember using the intact
modalities rather than the premorbidly preferred modality. Similarly, arithmetic
problems could be analyzed to determine if they were due to not understanding the
meaning of numbers, loss of calculation ability, or problems with the spatial aspect
of arithmetic. In his evaluations Luria used a system of double dissociation. This
involved presentation of the same tasks with single differences, usually in the input
or output modality. Thus, one might read a question before answering it, hear the
question without reading it, answer the question verbally, or point to the correct
answer. Through a series of such questions and tasks Luria was able to determine
which modalities or skills were impaired and therefore which parts of the brain
were compromised. Once Luria’s system of double dissociation was employed to
determine the regions of the brain and the specific behaviors that were disrupted
and intact, a treatment plan could be devised to develop and teach alternate
functional systems (Luria 1948, 1963).
Although Luria published his theory and findings during and shortly after
World War II, they were not translated into English for another 15–20 years.
American neuropsychologists dismissed Luria’s work because it could not be
tested empirically, as his tests by definition were individualized rather than stan-
dardized and therefore were not subject to the group research designs these psy-
chologists demanded for tests of scientific validity. When a standardized battery
was developed to allow for this type of research, this group criticized the test as not
1 History of Cognitive Remediation 3
replaced by others in order to determine those that are functional and those that are
not. An alternate functional system is then identified that permits the task to be
accomplished by using an intact system rather than the previously used one that is
now dysfunctional. For example, the same question might be asked (auditory
input), then be presented in writing (visual input) and the answer might be given
verbally (expressive language output) and by pointing (motor output). If the
question can be answered in one input modality but not the other, the patient may
have a deficit in the modality in which he/she performed inadequately. If the
patient cannot answer the question regardless of modality, the problem may lie in
the cognitive domain of the question (e.g., reasoning, memory). Similarly, if the
patient responds correctly in one output channel but not the other, the evaluator
must consider the possibility that there is a deficit in that channel. If neither
channel yields a correct response, the possibility must be considered that the
cognitive domain is impaired. In each instance the incorrect response suggests a
hypothesis to be tested with additional items that will eventually lead to the
conclusion of the actual deficits requiring remediation. This is the approach
described by Luria (1963, 1973, 1980) and incorporated into the Luria-Nebraska
Neuropsychological Battery (Golden et al. 1979, 1995).
The rest of the chapter will be devoted to outlining the cognitive domains
usually assessed by neuropsychologists and the tests most often used to assess
those domains. Further, sub groupings under each larger domain will be identified
and the tests sensitive to them will be described and discussed.
Cognitive Domains
There are a number of major cognitive domains that should be assessed in deter-
mining what skills need remediation. Attention and concentration are important
domains that need careful evaluation. Tests should be given that assess focused,
sustained, alternating, selective, and divided attention. Processing speed should also
be assessed. Rhythm and pitch perception are likewise usually examined. Another
domain is sensorimotor functioning. This includes fine and gross motor ability and
speed, graphesthesia (identification of information traced on the skin), and stere-
ognosis (identification of objects by touch). The domain of visual perception
includes visual naming and spatial ability. Constructional praxis is an area related to
visual perception and sensorimotor functioning and involves organizing ‘‘elements
in correct spatial relationships so that they form an entity’’ (Benton and Tranel
1993). This includes ability to draw or in some other way construct an object or
design. Language should also be assessed in a neuropsychological battery. This
includes expressive and receptive speech. Memory should be evaluated for verbal
and nonverbal material on an immediate and delayed basis. Auditory, visual, and
motor input and output channels should be assessed. Simple and complex infor-
mation and long and short delays should be explored when evaluating memory.
Intellectual functioning should be tested for verbal and nonverbal materials.
Cognitive Domains 7
Premorbid IQ and academic performance are very helpful in determining the degree
to which the current functioning is below expectation. Auditory, visual, and motor
input and output channels should be assessed on intelligence measures. Executive
functions include problem solving, convergent/divergent thinking, ability to shift
set, multitasking, generation and testing of hypotheses, ability to perform novel
tasks, impulse control, and use of good judgment.
Some tests that tap into the cognitive domains and their various subdivisions
follow. These will be described in terms of input–output characteristics to help the
evaluator to think about which tests to use for a specific assessment. Using a
variety of modalities for input and output allows for double dissociation and better,
more specific, treatment planning. Appendices A-I summarize the salient char-
acteristics of each test to help in making the double dissociations necessary for
treatment planning.
Focused Attention
Ability to briefly focus one’s attention is assessed with a variety of tasks. Auditory
focused attention can be assessed with Digit Span Forward from the Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale-Third or Fourth Edition (WAIS III, WAIS IV) or the
Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition (WMS III), the 0-second delay condition
on Auditory Consonant Trigrams, the Rhythm Scale and Word Repetition Factor
Scale of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (LNNB), the Seashore
Rhythm Scale and Speech Sounds Perception Test from the Halstead-Reitan
Neuropsychological Battery (HRNB), and the Token Test. Auditory input is
numerical on Digits Forward, tonal on LNNB Rhythm and Seashore Rhythm, and
verbal on Auditory Consonant Trigrams, the Token Test, Word Repetition Factor
Scale, and Speech Sounds. Output is verbal on Digit Span, Trigrams, most of
LNNB Rhythm, Seashore Rhythm, and Word Repetition. Output is motoric for
Speech Sounds (i.e., underlining the correct answer in a multiple choice format.),
Token Test (carrying out the verbal command) and a few LNNB Rhythm items
(i.e., tapping of rhythms).
Visual focused attention can be assessed with Spatial Span Forward from the
WMS III, the sample trial of the Trail Making Test (Part A), and the Word and
Color trials of the Stroop Color and Word Test. Spatial Span is a visual-nonverbal
analog to Digit Span. Input is visual and output is motoric. The sample trial of Trails
A is brief enough to be a good measure of focused attention. Input is visual and
output is motoric. The Stroop trials usually take about a minute and as such, have
focused and sustained attention elements. Reading each word requires focused
attention and continuously performing the task for approximately a minute requires
sustained attention for that period of time. The color trial is visual-nonverbal input
with a verbal output. The word trial is visual–verbal input with verbal output.
8 2 The Role of Assessment in Treatment Planning
Sustained Attention
Keeping one’s attention focused for a longer time is tapped by the Conner’s
Continuous Performance Test, the Running Memory subtest of the 1990s version
of Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metric (ANAM) and the current
version of ARES, Visual Search and Attention Test (VSAT), the Paced Auditory
Serial Addition Test (PASAT), and the Color and Word trials of the Stroop. Input
is visual for all but the PASAT, which is auditory. Output is motoric on all but the
PASAT, which is verbal. Visual input is verbal on the Conner’s, ANAM, ARES,
and Stroop Word. Visual input is colors on Stroop Color and VSAT. Auditory
input is numeric on PASAT.
Visual sustained attention is assessed for about 15 min on the Conner’s and
about 5 min on ANAM and ARES. These are computer administered and scores
are saved in patient files. The Stroop and VSAT assess visual sustained attention
for about a minute. Auditory sustained attention is assessed on PASAT. Fifty
(Levin modification of the PASAT) or sixty numbers (Gronwall’s original test) are
presented at a rate of 2.4 seconds between stimuli on the first trial, 2.0 seconds on
the second trial, 1.6 seconds on the third trial, and 1.2 seconds on the fourth trial.
Thus, auditory sustained attention is evaluated over approximately a minute or
two. Processing speed plays a major role on this test.
Alternating Attention
The ability to shift attention between tasks is assessed on the Trail Making Test
(Part B), ANAM and ARES Running Memory, Conner’s CPT, LNNB items (e.g.,
alternating tapping patterns with right and left hand, alternating motor movements
of right and left hand, copying alternating figure), and letter cancelation tasks with
target shifting every other line. Input is visual for Trails B, ANAM, ARES, the
Conner’s CPT, letter cancelation and LNNB items. Input is auditory on an LNNB
item requiring tapping of rhythm played on a tape recorder. Output is motoric on
all of the above tests. Stimuli are verbal on ANAM, ARES, the Conner’s and most
cancelation tasks. They are verbal and numeric on Trails B. Stimuli are nonverbal
on the LNNB items. Specifically, they are hand movements, tapping patterns, and
copying drawings.
Divided Attention
the individual has to multitask is varied over three time periods. Each three-letter
combination is accompanied by a designated number from which the subject must
count backwards by threes and by a delay period that must elapse before having to
repeat the trigram (9, 18, or 36 seconds).
Digits Backwards involves holding the digits in mind while trying to repeat
them in reverse order. Spatial Span Backwards requires the subject to remember
the sequence that the evaluator pointed to while trying to point to the stimuli in
reverse order. Both Spans require maintenance of the forward sequence in order to
perform the string in reverse order.
Selective Attention
This involves screening out irrelevant stimuli and attending to the designated
target. Letter cancelation tasks require selective attention, especially when they
include complexities such as canceling the target letter only when preceded or
followed by a specific letter. Unintentionally, the Speech Sounds Perception Test
is so poorly recorded that it provides a selective attention element. The same is
true of the old LNNB Rhythm tape, which has been subsequently re-recorded.
Letter cancelation involves visual input and motor output. Speech Sounds and
LNNB Rhythm involve auditory input. Output is motor for Speech Sounds and
verbal/motor for LNNB Rhythm.
Processing Speed
Speed of performance and reaction time are measures of processing speed. Tests
that measure this include Stroop, PASAT, the Conner’s, ANAM and ARES
Running Memory, LNNB Speed scale, letter cancelation tests, and Trails A. Input
is visual for all but PASAT (auditory) and LNNB. The LNNB includes processing
speed in the motor, tactile, visual, verbal-expressive, and mathematical calculation
domains. The raw score is converted into a T score so as to be comparable to all
other scales on the LNNB. It is especially useful to compare this score to the
‘‘power’’ score, which is accuracy on the same items as are assessed for speed.
(WAIS III) and Picture Completion from WAIS III and IV require careful scan-
ning for important details. Items on the LNNB have visual scanning components
(e.g., description of pictures, quickly reading a paragraph, identifying specific
themes depicted, attending to visual details to help in correct visual sequencing.)
Digit Symbol on WAIS III and Coding on WAIS IV, like all hand–eye coordi-
nation tests, have a scanning component.
Input is obviously always visual. As previously mentioned, output is motoric on
Trails and VSAT. It is also motoric on Digit Symbol, Coding, and the Picture
Arrangement items of the Luria and WAIS III and/or IV. Output for other visual
scanning items on the LNNB and Picture Completion is verbal.
Spatial Organization
Orientation in space is assessed on the Tactile Performance Test (TPT). This test is
given while the subject is blindfolded and he/she must place the shapes in the
proper slots with the proper orientations through the tactile and motor modes.
Grooved Pegboard requires the proper spatial orientation of the pegs in order for
them to be placed onto the board. Clock drawings require proper spatial placement
of the hands of the clock to designate the time requested. The Hooper Visual
Organization Test presents pictures that have been cut into pieces and placed in
different spatial orientations. The subject is to identify the depicted object by
reorienting the pieces mentally. The LNNB has items that necessitate imposing
three dimensions on two-dimensional pictures, and mentally rotating squares to
match a target. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices requires identification of the
correct piece of an abstract puzzle-like design containing spatially variant lines.
Porteus Mazes require finding one’s way through mazes presented on paper. WAIS
III and IV Block Design and WAIS III Object Assembly also require intact spatial
organization for rapid, correct performance.
The TPT involves tactile input and motor output. There is an incidental memory
portion of the test that requires the patient to make a drawing of the board with the
correct spatial placement of the various figures. Grooved Pegboard has a visual
input and motor/spatial output. The Hooper has visual input and verbal output.
Clock drawings have a verbal input (the instruction) and a motor/spatial output.
The LNNB items have a visual input and verbal output. Matrices, Mazes, Block
Design, and Object Assembly have a visual input and motoric output (pointing to
the correct piece, tracing with a pencil the path through the maze, constructing the
depicted design, putting the pieces of the puzzle together).
This involves the ability to perceive and produce differences in auditory pitch and
rhythmic patterns. The Seashore Rhythm Test from the HRNB and the Rhythm
Scale from the LNNB are the best known and most widely used measures of this
Cognitive Domains 11
aspect of perception. The Seashore requires comparisons of tonal patterns and the
subject must determine whether the two patterns played on a tape recorder are the
same or different. There are similar items on the LNNB but it also includes a wider
range of items to assess the target skills. These include tapping rhythms, identifying
which tones are higher in pitch, reproducing relative differences in pitches, and
singing melodies.
Input is auditory for both Rhythm scales. For the Seashore the input is always
tonal patterns. For the LNNB it may be tonal, tapped rhythms, or verbal instruc-
tions. Output is verbal for the Seashore. Output varies for the LNNB. Some items
include verbal/vocal output. The verbal/vocal output may be tonal productions or
words. Other output may be motoric (e.g., tapping rhythms) or verbal (e.g.,
reporting the higher pitch).
Sensorimotor Skill
The LNNB Motor scale includes factors for fine motor speed and drawing speed,
oral praxis, kinesthesis-based movement, and spatial-based movement, as well as
gross motor items. Tasks involve hand and finger movements, arm movement, oral
motor performance, manual motor speed, and copying/drawing. Drawings will be
discussed under the constructional praxis section. Perdue Pegboard and Grooved
Pegboard are fine motor skill and speed tests. There is a gross motor aspect to the
Tactile Performance Test (TPT) from the HRNB. Finger oscillation is a fine motor
speed test and strength of grip is a gross motor strength task, both from the HRNB.
Output is motoric on all tests. Input on the LNNB Motor scale is usually audi-
tory-verbal or visual-nonverbal. The pegboard tests, finger oscillation, and grip
strength have auditory-verbal input (instructions). The TPT utilizes tactile input.
Sensory Perception
The HRNB Sensory Perception Examination evaluates finger, hand and face
sensation, hearing and auditory perception, and visual fields. Bilateral stimulation
helps identify suppressions, which are indicative of lateralized brain damage. The
LNNB Tactile scale includes sensory perception of the hands to sharp/dull and
hard/soft stimulation, finger sensation discrimination, graphesthesia, and
On the Sensory Perception Exam input is usually tactile but there are items that
have auditory or visual input. Output is usually verbal. The LNNB Tactile scale
involves tactile input. Output is verbal or motor. The LNNB Motor scale includes
some tactile input items.
12 2 The Role of Assessment in Treatment Planning
This involves tactile identification of stimuli. The TPT requires the blindfolded
subject to place large wooden shapes into openings of the same shape on a board.
The Sensory Perception Examination has small plastic shapes for tactile identifi-
cation. The Tactile scale on the LNNB uses common objects encountered in daily
life that are to be identified by the blindfolded subject.
Input is always tactile. Output is motoric on TPT and verbal on Sensory Per-
ception and LNNB.
Constructional Praxis
Expressive Speech
be provided if the individual fails to correctly name the object in the drawing. The
task on the COWAT is to verbally generate as many words beginning with a
prescribed letter over a designated period of time. The Thurstone is a similar task
except that the individual writes the words rather than saying them.
Output is verbal on all but the Thurstone, which is motoric. Input on LNNB and
Aphasia Screening is audioverbal or visual. Input on Boston Naming is visual
while it is audioverbal for COWAT and the Thurstone.
Receptive Speech
Memory may be subdivided in a number of different ways. One may consider the
input channel. For example, there is the verbal–nonverbal dimension and sensory
input channel (e.g., auditory, visual, tactile). One may consider immediate and
delayed memory. Delayed memory may be subdivided into short-term or long-
term and may involve seconds, minutes, hours, or years of delay. The character-
istics of the material to be retrieved may be considered. There is contextual (e.g., a
story or meaningful association) versus noncontextual material (e.g., a list of
unrelated words or nonsense sounds). Declarative and procedural memory refer to
conscious and unconscious processes, respectively (conscious recall of learned
material like who wrote a certain book versus overlearned, automatic behaviors
like driving). Semantic memory may be contrasted with episodic memory even
though both are declarative. Episodic memory refers to retrieving information
about one’s life while semantic memory refers to knowledge about the world
outside of oneself. Depending on the question and patient any of these distinctions
may be useful, even though they often overlap with each other. Finally, method of
access (e.g., free recall, cued recall, recognition) is salient in determining the stage
14 2 The Role of Assessment in Treatment Planning
Verbal Memory
Logical Memory I from the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS III and IV) comprises
stories read aloud to the examinee by the tester. It is contextual, declarative,
semantic, and involves immediate memory. Logical Memory II is the retrieval of
information included in that story after 30 minutes (i.e., delayed memory). The
LNNB contains a story for immediate and delayed recall (15 minutes).
List learning can be assessed on the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-
II), Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT), Cued Selective Reminding Test,
the LNNB and the WMS III/IV. Each has an immediate memory component, a
learning component (except for WMS IV), and a delay (30 min for all but the
LNNB which has a 15-min delay). Only the CVLT-II provides context (words can
be categorized) whereas the others are noncontextual. There are 16 words on the
CVLT-II and Selective Reminding, 15 words on the AVLT, 12 words on the
WMS III/IV Word List, and 7 words on the LNNB. All are declarative and
Verbal Paired Associates is a WMS III/IV subtest in which the examinee learns
word pairings. Memory under interference conditions is assessed by Auditory
Consonant Trigrams and LNNB. A distraction is interpolated between stimulus
and response on these tests. Trigrams require the examinee to count backwards by
3’s while attempting to retain the three letters he/she was asked to remember. On
the LNNB two sets of stimuli are read and the subject is asked to repeat the first
one and then the second one. This procedure allows for evaluation of retroactive
and proactive interference effects. AVLT and CVLT interference trials also
examine proactive and retroactive interference. Interference trials involve the
presentation of a second list after the first list has been practiced several times.
Following this, the examinee is asked to recall the items on this second list.
Immediately thereafter, he/she is asked to recall the words from the first list.
Delayed memory is assessed on the LNNB for 15 minutes to 3 hours of delay.
Trigram delays are 9, 18, and 36 seconds. The other tests have a 30-minutes delay.
Input is audioverbal in all instances. It also includes visual and spatial input on
Selective Reminding. Output is vocal on all of the above verbal memory tests.
Nonverbal Memory
These tests include tactile, visual, and spatial learning and retrieval. The TPT has
two memory measures. Following learning with each hand separately and both
hands together, the examinee is asked to draw the form board and the shapes that
were on it. The client is scored for the number of forms recalled and correct spatial
Cognitive Domains 15
placement. There is an LNNB item that asks for recall of shapes that had been felt
during the stereognosis item.
Visual memory is tapped by the Rey Complex Figure, Visual Reproduction I
and II from the WMS III/IV, and the Luria Complex Figure. The Luria figure is the
least complex, WMS figures are moderately complex, and Rey is highly complex.
Patients may do well on the simple and moderately complex figures and poorly on
the highly complex one. This is an important double dissociation to make. The
degree of visual memory deficits, when it is likely to be a problem, and the
underlying nature of the deficits may all be examined by using the three figures. To
minimize interference effects, the tests should be given as far apart from each other
as possible, even on separate days if that is feasible.
The LNNB contains visual memory items for immediate and delayed response.
Figural Memory and Visual Paired Associates are WMS-R subtests. The former is
a recognition test and the latter is a figure–color learning paradigm.
The tactile modality serves as input for TPT and the LNNB stereognosis recall
item. Output is motoric for TPT recall and verbal for LNNB. The complex figures
involve visual input and motoric output. LNNB visual memory items have motoric
and verbal output channels. Output for Figural Memory is motoric and for Visual
Paired Associates it is verbal.
Intellectual Functioning
Academic Functioning
Executive Functions
Set Shifting
Once the subject has determined a correct course of action, the action is followed
until feedback suggests that a new course is required. In Luria’s terms, there has
been programming until the program is no longer verified as correct. At that time
the individual must shift set and try a new response and generate new hypotheses
until a new correct solution is verified. This is one type of set shifting task and it
will be the first discussed.
The Category Test from the HRNB presents a target and four choices from
which the subject must choose the correct answer. The patient keeps generating
answers consistent with the principle determined to produce correct feedback.
18 2 The Role of Assessment in Treatment Planning
At some point the principle changes and the subject has to shift set in order to
determine what the new principle will be that will generate positive feedback. The
testee is provided with constant reminders that the principle may change. In
contrast, the Wisconsin Card Sort does not cue the examinee that the principle may
change. Thus, this test places a greater emphasis on ability to shift set with
minimal feedback and direction, other than the information regarding correctness
of the response. Input is visual and output motoric on both tests.
Another type of task that requires shifting of set is one in which the individual
must alternate between two tasks that are usually otherwise performed singly. The
best example of this is the Trail Making Test (Part B). The examinee is used to
counting by 1’s and reciting the alphabet, but on this task, the testee must alternate
between connecting numbers to connecting letters scattered on a page. Thus, the
subject connects 1 to A to 2 to B, etc. The set must be shifted from numbers to
letters back to numbers. Input and output are discussed under ‘‘Alternating
Attention’’. Another example is ‘‘knock, slap, chop’’ in which the subject
sequentially performs these three movements repeatedly, shifting from knock to
slap to chop and repeating the pattern. Input is audioverbal while output is motoric.
On LNNB the examinee is asked to repetitively ‘‘show your teeth, stick out your
tongue and place your tongue between your lower teeth and lower lip.’’
Audioverbal input followed by visual input (demonstration) is paired with oral-
motor output.
A third type of set shifting involves performing a familiar task in a novel way.
That is, the individual must shift set from the usual expected response to a different
response. This will be discussed under Novelty.
Two set shifting tests that require novel responses are the Stroop Color Word
Interference trial and the PASAT. The Interference trial of the Stroop presents
color words (e.g., ‘‘red’’, ‘‘green’’) in a different color ink from the color word. The
task is to rapidly name the color of the ink for the list of one hundred words and
inhibit the customary response of reading the words. The PASAT requires the
individual to shift from adding the number on the tape to the sum the examinee has
just determined and named. Instead, the subject must add the new number to the
last number heard on the tape before the examinee named out loud the sum of the
previous two numbers. For example, if the numbers on the tape were 3, 8, 7, the
subject would respond 11 (3+8), 15 (8+7). The temptation would be to give the
second answer as ‘‘18’’ because the subject had just said ‘‘11’’ prior to hearing the
next number ‘‘7’’. Input is visual for Stroop and output is verbal. For PASAT, input
is auditory with verbal-numeric output.
Another type of novel task is one requiring the subject to generate responses
according to a specific set of rules or constraints. The Ruff Figural Fluency Test is
a good example. The individual has to draw nonsense designs that are different
from each other and not like known designs. Input is verbal, output is motoric.
Cognitive Domains 19
Problem Solving
This includes divergent and convergent thinking, inductive and deductive rea-
soning, planning ahead, and ability to draw inferences. Divergent and convergent
thinking are inherent in Categories and Wisconsin Card Sort. The quantitative
portion of the SILS and proverbs from the LNNB involve inductive reasoning
while Block Design involves deductive reasoning. Tower of Hanoi and Porteus
Mazes require planning ahead. Inferences are drawn from pictorial representations
on Picture Arrangement from the WAIS III. Attention to subtle cues is necessary
to determine the theme and correct sequence of the pictures to make a logical
story. The LNNB picture sequences and picture description items involve infer-
ential reasoning as well. Input is visual for all tests except LNNB proverbs, which
has some auditory items as well as visual ones. Output is motoric for all but LNNB
proverbs and picture descriptions, which are verbal.
Impulse Control
Social judgment and ability to make reasonable decisions can be examined. Tests
involving social judgment include Comprehension from WAIS III and IV and
Picture Arrangement from WAIS III. The former is a verbal measure of knowledge
of social expectations while the latter is a nonverbal measure applying social
20 2 The Role of Assessment in Treatment Planning
knowledge and judgment. The picture sequences on LNNB require knowledge and
application of social situations and humor. Reasonable decisions are assessed on
LNNB list-learning when the individual has to make an estimate of his next
performance based on his previous one. Comprehension is presented in the au-
dioverbal channel and output is verbal. Picture Arrangement has visual input and
motor output. LNNB picture sequences are visually presented with motor output.
Performance estimate on the LNNB word list involves audioverbal feedback as
input and the verbal estimate as output.
Chapter 3
Treatment Strategies
Following brain injury there is an acute phase during which the brain undergoes
reorganization and changes that permit it to recover from the initial effects of the
injury. Most brain injuries lead to cognitive disruption but some or all of the
functioning returns to normal by the end of the acute phase of mild traumatic brain
injury (mTBI). For example, Alexander (1995) reports that the typical uncom-
plicated traumatic brain injury cases recover in 6–12 weeks and 85–90% of mild
traumatic brain injury patients return to normal functioning within a year
following injury. At 3 months post-injury ‘‘neurologic recovery is substantial’’ and
most of these have shown significant improvement or recovery by 6–9 months
post-injury. Kashluba et al. (2008) found that about 20% of 110 consecutively
admitted patients reported persistent symptoms at 3 months post injury. The
observation that at least 10% of mTBI patients have sequelae beyond the acute
phase has been made in studies with large numbers of subjects [von Wild (2008)
with 5,000 cases and Christensen et al. (2009) using a population-based cohort of
1.6 million individuals]. In a meta-analysis of 39 studies involving 1,463 cases of
mild traumatic brain injured individuals and 1,191 controls, Vanderploeg et al.
(2009) concluded that mTBI, ‘‘even in the chronic phase years post injury’’, is not
benign and is associated with headaches, sleep problems and memory difficulties
and can complicate or prolong recovery from other conditions. Belanger et al.
(2005) found no residual neuropsychological impairment in unselected or pro-
spective samples of mTBI patients, but they found that clinic-based samples had
greater cognitive sequelae at 3 months or longer post injury. In another study
(Vanderploeg et al. 2005) mTBI patients who had suffered their injuries an average
of 8 years earlier were compared to matched control groups. While no significant
differences were found across 15 measures on a standard neuropsychological
battery, significant subtle differences were found in attention and working memory.
All of these findings are consistent with the existence of a small subset of mTBI
patients who do not make a full recovery following the acute phase. However,
meta-analytic reviews have been cited as support for ‘‘no indication of permanent
impairment on neuropsychological testing by 3 months’’ (McCrae 2007). The
above summary suggests that this is an oversimplification and is not supported by
the research, as subtle differences were found. The meta-analytic conclusions cited
to suggest postacute effects of mTBI do not exist (e.g., Belanger et al. 2005;
Frencham et al. 2005) have been criticized by Pertab et al. (2009) who reanalyzed
the data from the Binder et al. (1997) meta-analysis and the Frencham et al. (2005)
meta-analysis by recategorizing according to mechanism of injury, diagnostic
criteria used, assessment tools used and whether symptomatic groups were con-
sidered separately. They demonstrated that clinically relevant information could be
obscured by meta-analytic procedures that combined data that was methodologi-
cally and statistically heterogeneous. Clinically significant and lasting effects for a
subset of neuropsychological measures were identified. In reviewing imaging and
neuronal biomarker studies along with postmortem findings of patients with per-
sistent post-concussive syndrome (symptoms persisting beyond 3 months post-
concussion) Bigler (2008) concluded that there was ‘‘indisputable evidence that
structural pathology can be present in mTBI’’. He also cites evidence that patients
with persistent post-concussive syndrome show functional imaging deficits when
the cognitive demand is increased although they did not show deficits at rest or
while performing less demanding cognitive tasks. Using diffusion tensor imaging
MacDonald et al. (2011) found that 6–12 months post injury 47 of 63 mTBI
patients had abnormal brain scans consistent with evolving injuries.
Stroke patients frequently return to premorbid functioning within 3-to-6 months
after the CVA and according to Wiederholt (1982) many make substantial
improvement within 3–4 weeks. For this reason, testing during the acute phase is
not necessarily useful for anything except documentation of deficits that may
spontaneously recover. Cognitive remediation is not necessarily helpful during the
acute phase of TBI or stroke as there is no way to clinically demonstrate that
the intervention was superior to simply waiting. The next section will discuss the
neurological mechanisms that could account for recovery during the acute phase.
This will be followed by the intervention strategies that may enhance the likeli-
hood of stimulating these mechanisms in the post-acute phase. The interventions
have been demonstrated to produce behavioral change in the direction of improved
cognitive functioning.
Mechanisms of Recovery
Katz (2005) and Hall et al. (2005) report cytoskeletal disruptions occuring in the
acute phase that make cells temporarily less functional.
Other mechanisms of recovery have been summarized in the literature (e.g.,
Almi and Finger 1992; Stein et al. 1995). Axonal regeneration refers to functional
regrowth at the site of the axonal injury. Collateral sprouting may also occur
following axonal injury. The area that has been damaged may no longer be
functional, but connections may sprout from another part of the axon and function
to pass information to neighboring cells in the brain.
Synaptic supersensitivity or denervation supersensitivity refers to reorganiza-
tion at the synapse such that areas specialized to bind with certain chemicals
become respecialized and provide additional binding sites for specific neuro-
transmitters. Information can thus be passed across the synapse even when less
neurotransmitter is released because of the brain damage. The additional sites
increase the likelihood that most of the limited amount of neurotransmitter
released will find a binding site and pass the information.
Diaschisis is a phenomenon of the acute phase following brain injury as are
biochemical induced neurotransmitter disruption and cytoskeletal disruption.
Sprouting and synaptic supersensitivity may occur during the acute and possibly
the postacute phase. It is in the postacute phase that cognitive remediation is
indicated. After residual deficits have been identified and alternate functional
systems have been constructed, treatment may proceed using compensatory
strategy development. Following successful compensation, restitutional strategies
may be undertaken in an effort to restore the original, premorbid functioning. The
underlying neurological mechanisms for restitution have yet to be definitely
identified but they may involve synaptic supersensitivity and/or sprouting that
have been potentiated by the restorative strategies.
Compensatory Strategies
circumvent the damaged link in the functional chain. Because of this, it is worth
considering the possibility of restoring the damaged functional system. This may be
possible through the use of restitutional strategies.
Restitutional Strategies
The basic premise requires the therapist to take the previously described treatment
process one step beyond compensation. After accomplishing an effective com-
pensatory strategy within a specific domain, this strategy is then used as a basis to
‘‘rebuild’’ the old, dysfunctional system. That is, following the successful devel-
opment of an alternate functional system, this method of compensation becomes
the basis for creating a system that allows for redevelopment of the old functional
I will provide a few examples to help clarify how this is accomplished. A
patient with an auditory verbal memory deficit is taught to use a visual imagery
strategy to recall verbal material. When this is done successfully, the patient
continues to do verbal memory exercises using the compensatory strategy, but
gradually introduces the auditory verbal mode as well. That is, he/she says the
word to be recalled in addition to making a visual image that will become a cue for
the word. Increasingly, the recitation of the word is emphasized while the visu-
alization is de-emphasized, tapered and eventually deleted from the memory
process. The same process is used in reverse order if the patient has a visual
memory deficit and has learned to compensate with verbal strategies. Patient report
and observation of others helps document the extent to which the patient is per-
forming at the premorbid level.
Visual–spatial deficits can be minimized by teaching executive strategies. For
example, if tracking and aiming are problems on Dartboard (described in the next
chapter), the patient can ‘‘solve the problem’’ and compensate by identifying the
spot on the screen from which the dart should be thrown. Thus, the patient focuses
on the spot and releases the dart when it comes into his view instead of tracking it.
When this is well-established, the patient focuses slightly before this spot and
tracks the briefest distance. Speed of the dart can also be slowed so that the task
can more easily be accomplished. The amount of distance to be tracked can be
increased gradually while the dart travels slowly and the required speed of tracking
is slow. As the patient improves, speed of the dart can be increased gradually. In
the final phase the patient is tracking and aiming at the normal speed with normal
performance. The patient and others can report on real-life tracking and spatial
functioning. Successful implementation of restitutional strategies will be exem-
plified in the NeurXercise Casebook section of this book.
The next chapter will provide a complete description of the cognitive reme-
diation program, NeurXercise, and the various compensatory and learning
mechanisms that can be utilized for effective treatment.
Chapter 4
Cognitive Remediation with NeurXercise
The Podd and Krehbiel study (2006) utilized the computer-assisted cognitive
remediation software, NeurXercise (Podd and Seelig 1989, 1994). This software
has been used successfully on post-acute patients with mild, mild/moderate and
severe head injuries, strokes, cerebrovascular disease, temporal lobectomies,
frontal resections, toxic exposure and subcortical disease (Podd et al. 1996; Podd
1998a, b, c, 2000; Podd and Seelig 1999). It was also shown to be efficacious in the
treatment of children with severe emotional disturbance and concomitant attention
deficit disorder (Garlaza et al. 1999). It has been used for compensation and
restitution training, which was discussed in the last chapter. The present chapter
presents a neuropsychological analysis of NeurXercise that parallels the format of
Chap. 2, assessment in treatment planning, and conveniently allows for identifi-
cation of exercises that will likely help in remediation based on the neuropsy-
chological testing results. The salient input–output characteristics of the exercises
are summarized in Appendices J through N.
NeurXercise is comprised of 30 multi-level game-like exercises falling into the
domains of attention/concentration, visual perception/spatial skill, memory, rea-
soning, judgment and daily living skills. The NeurXercise manual (Podd and
Seelig, 1994) identifies specific targets and the different exercises used to practice
the skills. These targets include focused, sustained, alternating and divided
attention, processing speed, visual-motor, visual-perceptual and visual spatial
abilities, immediate and delayed verbal and nonverbal memory, facial memory,
impulse control, abstract reasoning, and problem solving. The game-like exercises
have adjustable parameters so that the exercises can be individualized to meet the
level of ability at which the specific patient can function. Examples of this pro-
cedure will be presented in the casebook section of the book.
Once the treatment targets have been identified, several exercises are selected
that focus on each target while containing elements of the patient’s assessed
neuropsychological strengths. For example, if visual tracking and visual-spatial
skills are intact while attention is not, Dartboard, Space Probe and Run Silent
would be good choices for attention training as they have the tracking and spatial
components as part of the task. If a patient is assessed to have problems with
Focused Attention
The most elementary level of attention is focused attention. It requires the patient
to attend briefly to a stimulus and then respond. On a daily basis we are required to
use focused attention when we respond to simple questions (e.g., how are you?,
what’s up?, what time will you get home?), fill out forms requiring basic demo-
graphic information (e.g., name, age, address), and put the groceries in the right
place (e.g., the ice cream goes in the freezer not the cupboard). NeurXercise
contains four verbal focused attention exercises and three nonverbal ones.
Get Q (Level 1) is a verbal focused attention task. It requires the respondent to
press a key whenever a Q appears on screen. The appearance of letters is set at a
random,variable ratio and the inter-stimulus interval is programmable by the
trainer. Positive comments appear on the computer screen when the respondent is
accurate, and factual or humorous feedback appears when errors occur. The trainer
programs whether the trainee’s reaction time appears following every Q. The goal
is accurate responding at a speed comparable to that found among our unimpaired
sample. Thereafter, one may wish to work toward premorbid level if the trainee
functioned at a higher than average level. Input is visual-alphabetic and output is
Another verbal focused attention task in the NeurXercise software is Type It. It
presents a simple instruction and allows the respondent to decide when he/she is
ready to follow the single command. The respondent removes the command from
the screen when he/she is ready and then follows the direction. On Level 1 the
Attention and Concentration 27
commands are very simple and exercise the most basic focused attention, e.g.,
‘‘Type the number‘10 .’’ On Level 2 the instructions require one response with the
right hand and a different one with the left, or verbal responses preceded or
followed by manual ones. By Level 3 the trainee must perform mental operations
on the focused attention task, e.g., ‘‘Type your age plus 100 and type three kinds of
fruits.’’ Input is visual-verbal while output is usually motoric.
Nonverbal focused attention is practiced on Flasher, an exercise that presents
flashes of colored squares accompanied by a different tone and requires the trainee
to repeat the tonal sequence by clicking on the correct sequence of squares
immediately after hearing and seeing the stimulus. Parameters can be set to present
a random sequence of tone-color squares drawn from 2, 3 or 4 different stimuli.
Duration of the stimulus and choice of help screens are under the control of the
trainer. Help screens are alternate functional systems, including use of the color
name in lieu of the visual image of the color or the pitch of the tone, use of a
numbering code for each square, use of a letter to stand for each square (e.g., R=
red), or spatial recall in lieu of color or tone. Each strategy can be applied audi-
overbally or visually, according to the trainer’s recommendation based upon
neuropsychological testing results. Input is visual and auditory; output is motoric.
Space Probe allows the trainee to release a rocket that travels vertically until it
reaches a designated region, at which time the trainee clicks on a button to fire the
rocket. Each trial is under the trainee’s control and thus it is discrete and practices
focused attention. The trainer sets the speed of the rocket and sound effects may be
used to enhance motivation or disabled when they are felt to hamper function.
Amount of external guidance in determining the center of the target differentiates
the first from the second level. Input is visual and output is motoric.
Sustained Attention
Alternating Attention
Alternating attention requires the trainee to perform attentional shifts between two
different tasks. Attention is focused on one task followed by complete shift to
another task in alternating fashion. There is a sustained attentional factor built into
these tasks whenever they take more than a few seconds to complete. A routine
example might include beginning to write a paper for school, interrupting it to talk
with someone about your plans for the evening, agreeing to call them back to
continue the conversation, return to the paper for a while, shift back to the phone
call, etc. There are six verbal alternating attention exercises and two nonverbal
The verbal alternating attention tasks are Get Q (Levels 2 and 3) and Two in
One (Levels 1–4). The trainee must make different responses depending upon the
specific stimulus that appears on screen during Get Q. All levels of Two in One
require alternating between numbers and letters. Run Silent (Levels 3 and 4) are
the nonverbal alternating attention tasks. This will be discussed in the Perception
Divided Attention
attention. On the exercises below, alternating attention is also incorporated into the
divided attention tasks.
Double Trouble (Level 1) combines Get Q and Space Probe. The rocket drops
rapidly and continuously and the trainee must click on the FIRE button with the
mouse when the probe is within the target range, thus practicing visual-nonverbal
sustained attention. At the same time letters appear on screen and the trainee must
press the ENTER key for Qs and the space bar for all other letters. This aspect of
the task incorporates alternating attention. Get Q provides visual-verbal input and
Space Probe presents visual-nonverbal input. Both tasks require motor output and
must be performed simultaneously, practicing divided attention.
Double Trouble (Level 2) presents the trainee with pairs of tones while he/she is
engaged in Space Probe. Space Probe is presented identically on Level 1 and
Level 2. The tones are drawn from the four standard tones used in Flasher. The
trainee presses the ENTER key if the tones are identical and the space bar if they
are not. This aspect of the task incorporates alternating attention. Both exercises
(Space Probe and Flasher’s tones) have a motor output but there is an auditory
input from the tones as opposed to the visual input on Space Probe. Both exercises
are performed simultaneously.
Processing Speed
The rate at which the brain takes in and reacts to information is called processing
speed. Reaction time is sometimes used as an indicator. Evoked potential is a
neurological test that directly measures this variable that is frequently impacted by
brain injury. Ecologically, we observe if someone is ‘‘quick on the uptake’’,
responds quickly and even anticipatorily to situations, or can quickly balance a
checkbook. There are seven verbal processing speed exercises and seven non-
verbal ones.
The three levels of Get Q record reaction time, which is a reflection of pro-
cessing speed. The accuracy of the trainee’s response is important in determining
if the speed was due to rapid processing or impulsive reactivity. The scores in the
patient’s file identify accurate and inaccurate responses and the associated
response speeds. All four levels of Two in One provide a time to completion score
as well as number of errors. Processing speed is reflected in time to completion, as
the exercise does not terminate until correct responses have been given, analogous
to Trail Making. These constitute the verbal processing speed exercises.
Dartboard (Levels 1 and 2), when set to rapid speeds, requires quick pro-
cessing. This exercise will be discussed under the perception section. Invaders can
be set at three levels of difficulty, requiring increasingly rapid processing. This
exercise will also be discussed in detail under the perception section. Run Silent
(Levels 1 and 2) can program the ship and the plane to travel at faster speeds and
thereby create enhanced demands on nonverbal processing speed. This exercise
will be discussed under the perception section.
30 4 Cognitive Remediation with NeurXercise
Attending to visual movements, spatial location, and visual shifts involves visual
scanning and tracking. It is a major element on the Trail Making Test. It is an
element of routine eye examinations. In everyday life we track people walking or
running, we scan a book or newspaper, or keep an eye on a suspicious character.
There are three verbal exercises that include a scanning/tracking element and 12
nonverbal ones. Input is always visual and output is always motoric on these
The letters appear in random sectors of the computer screen on Get Q (Levels
1–3). This builds in a scanning requirement for these verbal exercises. If the
individual does not scan the screen efficiently, response time will be negatively
Both levels of Space Probe require the trainee to track the rocket until it reaches
the target range. Similarly, both levels of Dartboard place the same demand on the
respondent. Darts spontaneously and continuously run across the bottom of the
screen and must be tracked until they reach the target area when the trainee
‘‘throws’’ them up to the target. The score is determined on closeness to the
Tracking and scanning are required on the four levels of Run Silent. The trainee
fires a rocket from a moving ship toward a moving plane on Level 1, requiring
scanning and tracking of both transports. On Level 2 the moving plane drops a
bomb on the moving ship, with the same scanning and tracking requirements as
Level 1. Levels 3 and 4 require the trainee to alternate Level 1 and 2 tasks.
Invaders from the Fifth Dimension may be set at three increasingly rapid
speeds. The trainee tracks the movement of the missile, changes its direction to
move to an intercept course, and redirects it when the invader jumps to a different
place on the screen. On Bomber a plane is tracked and bombs released to hit a
target that is large at first but becomes increasingly small as the trainee is
Spatial Organization
Verbal Memory
There are six verbal memory exercises. Memory Game involves recalling letter
strings on Level 1 and increasingly long strings of words on Level 2. As the
subject sees more lists of words and the words become more similar (e.g., baseball
32 4 Cognitive Remediation with NeurXercise
and basketball, hat and cap), an interference factor is introduced. Trainees are
taught to code the letters into nonsense words on Level 1 and into a story or visual
image on Level 2. This has everyday application to coding and recall of verbal
material, e.g., items to get from the store or names of recording artists, such as
Mobey Grape or Ice T. Input is visual-verbal and output is motoric.
Foreign Intrigue involves recognition of letters on Level 2 and words on
Level 3. Thus, both levels present visual-verbal input and motor output. Shop-
ping List is based on the same paradigm and literature that the CVLT drew upon.
In fact, this exercise was actually developed independent of the CVLT and
before it was published. It will be discussed in detail under the Daily Living
section. Buying Power (Level 3) requires the trainee to recall the prices of goods
and services learned on Level 2. This is discussed in more detail in the Daily
Living section.
Facial Memory
Delayed Memory
There are six exercises for delayed memory. Concentration (Levels 1 and 2)
allows the trainee to repeat the same configuration he/she has just completed, thus
allowing for evaluation of learning and delayed recall of the information previ-
ously presented. The therapist can lengthen the stimulus–response delay interval
on Line Up (Levels 1, 2 and 3), thus introducing various levels of delayed memory.
Time Travel involves long-term memory, with delays spanning decades.
Method of Access
There are 11 exercises that use free recall. These are Memory Game (Levels 1 and 2),
Shopping List, Buying Power (Level 3), What’s My Name, Time Travel (Level 2), and
all levels of Flasher and Concentration. Recognition is involved in eight exercises. It
is practiced on all levels of Line Up and Foreign Intrigue, Level 1 of Detective and
Time Travel (Level 1). Symbol Memory allows for free recall and/or cued recall, as
the symbols from which the string is chosen are on the screen and can serve as cues.
34 4 Cognitive Remediation with NeurXercise
Executive Functions
Set Shifting
This is an executive function in which the subject must switch to a new or different
behavior from a previously learned behavior or one in which he/she is currently
engaged. Seven set shifting exercises are described under ‘‘Alternating Attention’’.
In addition, there are six other exercises that include this executive function.
Mission Decode requires set shifting several times during each level of the exer-
cise, as the principle upon which the correct answer is based changes from time to
time. The same is true for both levels of Detective. Input is visual and output
motoric for all levels of both exercises. Both levels of Double Trouble require
different responses to the stimuli that are presented and thus require the trainee to
shift set momentarily in order to make the proper response to each stimulus.
changes without warning and the patient must flexibly shift to generate another
concept that again will produce correct responses. Every miss moves a bomb one
step closer to detonation. Level 2 includes more difficult concepts than Level 1.
Spies also involves unannounced shifts in concept upon which the correct answer
is based. The stimuli are four faces and the ‘‘spy’’ or person who is different from
the others must be selected based on concepts that are at times abstract and at times
concrete. This involves a reasoning process. Input is visual and output motoric on
both Mission Decode and Spies.
There are 12 exercises that include a component of foresight for effective per-
formance. Strategy is a multi-dimensional tic-tac-toe game against the computer.
As previously discussed, the trainee must plan a strategy to win on all three levels
and anticipate the computer’s strategy on Level 3. Invaders, discussed under
perception, requires the trainee to formulate a strategic approach and be ready to
change course if the invader ‘‘makes a jump through hyperspace’’ to a different
location on the screen. Map Reading (Levels 1 and 2) requires the trainee to plan
the shortest route to a destination. It is discussed under Daily Living.
Body Language (Level 2) requires the trainee to anticipate the consequences of
different actions based upon cues from the target pictures (e.g., facial expressions,
muscular tension, body posture). Input is visual while output is motoric. On Level
3 of Run Silent, discussed under perception, the trainee must plan for the proper
trajectory, depending upon whether it is time to fire the rocket or drop the bomb.
Towers of Hanoi is a classic executive function task requiring planning and
foresight to move discs from one peg to another within prescribed constraints.
Specifically, four discs are arranged from largest to smallest on a peg and have to
be moved such that they are in the same order on a different peg. However, larger
pegs can not be placed on top of smaller pegs. The number of moves to reach the
correct solution is automatically recorded in the patient’s file. Success requires
advanced planning so that each move should be made based on anticipating how
this will meet the goal in the shortest number of moves.
Number Guesser (Levels 1 and 2) requires the trainee to use feedback from his/
her guesses to plan the next ‘‘guess.’’ On Level 1 the patient has to guess a number
between 1 and 100 and is given feedback using a revised range following the guess
(e.g., if the guess is ‘‘17’’ and the target is ‘‘50’’ then the new feedback is that the
number is ‘‘too small’’, suggesting the target lies between ‘‘18 and 100’’). On
Level 2 the trainee has to guess a four-digit number and is provided feedback as to
how many digits were in the ‘‘secret number’’ and how many were in the correct
position. The number of guesses to reach the correct answer is automatically
recorded in the patient’s file. Input is visual and output is motor-numeric. Hid in
the Grid is a spatial analog to Number Guesser. The trainee clicks the mouse on a
square within a grid and receives feedback as to direction in which the hidden
36 4 Cognitive Remediation with NeurXercise
object lies. The objective is to find the hidden object in as few guesses as possible.
Input is visual and output is motoric.
Impulse Control
There are 23 exercises with an impulse control element. Both levels of Mission
Decode and Detective require set shifting and avoidance of perseveration. Both
levels of Space Probe, described under Focused Attention, require the trainee to
wait while the rocket slowly descends. The trainee must not fire until the rocket
comes into the target range. On Get Q (Level 1), described under Attention, the
trainee must press a key when a Q appears but not when other letters appear on
screen. On Levels 2 and 3 the trainee must avoid the impulse to press the more
frequently correct key when the less frequently appearing target comes on screen.
Two in One requires overcoming the impulse to follow numbers with numbers and
letters with letters. On Level 2 there is a shift from two single digit-two single
letters repeated (e.g., 11AA22BB) to two double digit-two single letters repeated
(e.g., 1010JJ1111KK). The impulse is to continue to type as many key strokes for
numbers as letters when the requirement is to shift from that set. This may result in
typing ‘‘10JJ’’ instead of ‘‘1010JJ’’.
On Invaders, discussed under perception, the trainee must inhibit the impulse to
continue the planned approach to the target when the invader ‘‘jumps’’ and ‘‘leaves
behind a space mine’’ in the area previously occupied. Speed increases on each of
the three levels of Invaders, jumps increase at each level and rapid responding and
increased impulse control are required as the level increases.
On Run Silent (Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4), presented in perception, the trainee must
wait for the craft and its target to be properly aligned before firing. On Levels 3 and
4 the trainee must not give into the impulse to use the same alignment plan for firing
as was immediately used as the plan must alternate between different trajectories.
Body Language (Level 2) requires the trainee to carefully study all aspects of
the pictured individual before making a decision about how to proceed with
interpersonal interaction. Impulse control must be exercised if the patient is to
avoid making a social faux pas and causing problems for himself or the other
person. All three levels of Vocabulary require the trainee to guess a target word
based on clues. No guess should fail to meet all of the conditions set forth in the
clues. Such a failure would be suggestive of impulsivity.
There are two social judgment exercises that require reading emotions. Based on
facial expression, muscle tension and body posture, the patient must select which
of two emotions are being portrayed on screen when practicing Body Language
Executive Functions 37
(Level 1). On Level 2 the same evaluation of the affect portrayed is used as a basis
for decision-making. Feedback identifies some of the likely consequences for the
action chosen. Input is visual and output is motoric on both levels.
There are eight additional exercises that involve good judgment for decision
making. Hypothesis testing is practiced on all levels of Vocabulary, Mission
Decode, Detective and Spies.
Skills that are encountered in daily life are the subject addressed in these exercises.
Neuropsychologically, they are comprised of a combination of the skills already
described above. There are nine exercises in this module. Body Language (Level
1) teaches identification of emotional states through depicting facial and tensional
cues in the photographs presented. Level 2 requires the subject to draw inferences
and make decisions based upon the assessment of the emotional state of the
depicted individual. The ability to size up a social situation and make decisions
based upon this information is critical to social and occupational functioning.
Buying Power (Level 1) provides relearning of monetary denomination rela-
tionships for those who have had this knowledge disrupted. Level 2 teaches the
cost of goods and services, which is essential in encountering the world. Level 3
requires the subject to recall the cost of goods and services and calculate how
much change they would receive if they paid X amount of dollars.
What’s My Name teaches the peg-word system. Associations are learned to
common names and this is generalized to generating associations to any names.
The subject then sees faces and learns the name through visual association. For
example, if the association is ‘‘Sue-shoe’’, then when a face is named ‘‘Sue’’, the
trainee might picture a shoe on her ear and recall this ‘‘silly’’ image when he again
sees the face. The trainee then decodes the recalled image of a ‘‘shoe on her ear’’
and remembers her name is ‘‘Sue.’’ Remembering people’s names is an invaluable
skill in social and occupational situations. The peg-word technique has been used
successfully by memory experts for many years.
Shopping List teaches different strategies for recalling lists of items or lists of
companies. Strategies include categorization and alphabetical arrangement. This is
helpful when an individual has to recall a number of related or unrelated items and
will not be able to easily refer to a written list at the time that he/she is required to
produce the information.
Map Reading involves ability to ‘‘drive’’ from one spot on a map to a target
elsewhere on the map. Direction and ‘‘sharpness’’ of the turn are involved. Plan-
ning the shortest route and executing that plan are also aspects of the exercise.
Level 2 is a more complex route than Level 1.
After the treatment plan has been carried out, it is necessary to determine the
extent to which it has been successful. This is the topic of the next chapter.
Chapter 5
Treatment Generalization and Ecological
There are several different levels at which the efficacy of treatment can be
evaluated. If treatment is effective, we should be able to demonstrate it on many of
these. At the most concrete level we should be able to demonstrate that patients
improve on cognitive remediation tasks that were performed in the abnormal range
at baseline. Secondly, they should improve beyond chance level on neuropsy-
chological tests in the areas treated. Neurological measures should be examined
for improved neurophysiological functioning following treatment. Finally, and
most importantly, behavioral change should be demonstrated in the patient’s daily
functioning. Each of these methods will be examined and discussed in detail.
Tasks selected from NeurXercise for the treatment plan are those that fall outside
of normal limits at baseline. Expected performance is covered in the NeurXercise
manual (Podd and Seelig 1994) and updated data sets on selected exercises
gathered in 1999 and 2005–2006. The computerized cognitive remediation
program allows the trainer to track progress and demonstrate to the trainee
and others the patient’s steady progress and eventual accomplishment of the
goal on each exercise. This can be conveniently graphed using the data that is
automatically saved in the patient’s file.
For each target within each cognitive domain in the treatment plan the same
procedure may be followed. First, track the level and speed of improvement and
demonstrate that the preset goal has been reached. For example, it may take 12
trials on Get Q (Level 1) for the patient to score a median speed below 6 seconds.
On Level 2, which is more complicated, reaching this criterion for both Q’s and
not Q’s in 10 trials would suggest generalization from Level 1 and improved
performance on the more difficult task.
Changes on Re-testing
The pre-set criteria for each exercise in the treatment plan are determined by either
the normative data provided with NeurXercise, the performance recommended in
the NeurXercise manual, or individualized criteria for patients whose premorbid
functioning was lower or higher than ‘‘normal’’. When all criteria have been met or
the therapist feels that the patient is incapable of improving further, the neuro-
psychological testing battery should be repeated. Scores that improve by a stan-
dard deviation or more can be appropriately considered ‘‘true’’ change rather than
random fluctuation. Alternate forms of tests are preferable, when available. Some
tests have norms for first and second test administrations on the same form and
these norms are recommended for use when possible (e.g., Stuss et al., 1987).
In the LNNB manual Table 14 presents the T score changes from baseline that
represent significant differences at the 0.10, 0.05, and 0.01 levels for clinical
scales, summary scales, factor scales, localization scales, and lateralization scales.
Examine statistically significant changes from baseline to post-treatment testing.
Since the instruments used are sensitive to the cognitive skills that were identified
in the treatment plan, improvement should reflect enhanced cognitive functioning
in the target areas. The more tests that show improvement within a specific domain,
the more likely the results are reflecting improved cognitive functioning.
There should be little improvement in areas that were not treated unless the cause of
the dysfunction was a cognitive area treated rather than the apparent cause of the
deficit. For example, receptive language performance could improve dramatically
following attention training if the language difficulty was actually due to distract-
ibility. However, if due to true receptive language problems that were not addressed
in treatment, this would be an area expected to be relatively unchanged on repeat
testing. To the extent that this is so, it provides further evidence that positive change
occurs in target areas but not in those areas that were untreated. This is the premise
behind the multiple baseline method described by Golden et al. (1983).
Changes on Re-testing 41
Neurophysiological Change
Working with the patient’s neurologist can be very helpful in that neurological
tests can be given periodically as well as neuropsychological tests. Patients with
focused attention problems, as is frequently found in postconcussion syndrome,
might have abnormal P300 readings on the evoked potential. Remediation might
return these tracings to normal levels, demonstrating brain recovery through
cognitive remediation. Electroencephalography (e.g., QEEG) can also help track
neurophysiological changes.
Functional neuroimaging is another neurological tool that can be helpful in
evaluating cognitive remediation. Correlation between cognitive deficits and
abnormal imaging on PET, SPECT, or functional MRI can be examined. The
neuroimaging can constitute a pretreatment baseline against which to measure
changes following treatment. Changes at posttreatment can reflect neurological
improvement. Functional neuroimaging also opens extremely exciting possibili-
ties, such as identifying the neurological regions involved in the compensatory
systems that have been developed during the course of cognitive remediation or
the degree to which there is restoration of the old functional system when resti-
tution was a treatment goal.
Ecological Validity
The advantages of using case material as well as group research data have been
discussed by Golden et al. (1983) and Heilman (2002; Greiffenstein’s review and
discussion of Heilman’s book, 2003). Golden et al. propose a multiple baseline
approach to evaluating cases and demonstrating validity of treatment. The validity
is reflected in improvements in treated areas, whereas no improvements are
expected in untreated areas across multiple assessments. Heilman gives details of
cases that are instructive and indicative of the major elements of the disorders
studied. Earlier in this book I proposed a model that allows for multiple levels of
evaluation of treatment efficacy. The multiple baseline approach fits well with this
model. It also helps us to see the many subtle differences that exist among patients
within a general diagnostic group as well as highlighting the major elements of the
disorder as suggested by Heilman.
This chapter will present cases paralleling the approach presented in the earlier
chapters. The clinical circumstances and picture will be presented followed by
neuropsychological testing. The results of the testing will be the basis for treatment
planning. The exercises will be identified and baselines established to determine
which would be most helpful to the treatment. Progress on the exercises will be
presented followed by posttreatment testing for assessing neuropsychological test
Neurological test results will be examined when available. Finally, ecological
validity and generalization will be assessed through examination of changes in
patient symptoms, occupational functioning, social interaction, progress in medi-
cal compliance, etc. Following Heilman, a brief summary of what the cases
illustrate about the specific problems will be presented.
Graphic illustrations of data on many of the cases discussed herein are posted
on Springer’s free online resource at I have chosen to
include illustrations in the book that highlight different exercises, different levels
of the exercises, ways to organize the data for graphic presentation, types of
graphic presentation, multiple criteria for success, alternative compensatory and
restorative strategies, and multiple testing measures for assessing pretreatment and
Head Trauma
1 2 3
1 2
looking at a specific spot and throwing the dart when it arrived at the spot (instead
of tracking it to the spot, which would involve visual perception). Memory
exercises included Memory Game 2, Shopping List, and Concentration. Executive
functions were practiced on Run Silent 3, Number Guesser 2, Hid in the Grid,
Buying Power, Spies, Mission Decode, Detective, and Vocabulary.
Figure 6.1 shows that sustained and alternating attention improved from a
baseline of three errors to an average of 0.3 errors over two practice sessions
beyond the baseline measure. The baseline was a single measure while the next
two sessions comprised approximately ten measures each. She was able to perform
without error on three consecutive trials during the last session and thereby met the
criterion for completion of the exercise. On Level 2 there were only two of eight
trials on which she made non-ataxic errors, i.e., she committed no attentional
errors on the exercise during six of the eight times it was practiced. On Level 3 she
made no errors on seven of eight practice runs. Using counting as opposed to the
tracking strategy, she was able to make no more than one error half of the time she
practiced Run Silent Level 1. On only four of 17 practice runs did she make more
than two errors (baseline, with tracking, was 53 errors). Focused attention on
Dartboard 1 improved over two sessions (see Fig. 6.2). The version used was an
earlier version of the one currently in use and the number of points was appor-
tioned somewhat differently. On Level 2 she likewise showed dramatic
improvement over two sessions (see Fig. 6.3). Session 1 represents the baseline
score, session 2 is her homework score, and session 3 is the score she received
while working in front of the examiner.
46 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
List recall was practiced on Memory Game 2 and Shopping List. Figure 6.4
shows that she recalled 85% of the words at baseline on Memory Game 2 and
improved to 99% by the third attempt. At baseline, she required two attempts at
each list contained on Shopping List. However, 9 months later, after practicing list
learning strategies on Memory Game 2, she recalled all lists on the first exposure.
On Concentration her first two sessions employed visual strategies and she took
more than the targeted number of trials (below 30) to make all matches. There-
after, she named the items aloud and made significant progress by using this
auditory-verbal strategy (see Fig. 6.5), reaching the criterion for success by the
second session on which she practiced the new strategy.
Etiology 47
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. 6.7 AF executive functions: set shifting and reasoning on Mission Decode
The executive function of set shifting was practiced on Two in One (previously
discussed), Run Silent 3, Mission Decode, and Detective. On Run Silent 3 the
baseline score was 38 total errors. However, after practicing set shifting on Two in
One, there was a significant generalization and the number of errors dropped to five.
She approached zero errors by the sixth session, meeting the criterion of fewer than
two errors on both trajectories (see Fig. 6.6). Mission Decode and Detective
involved set shifting and reasoning/problem solving. Steady improvement was
noted on Mission Decode, with one lapse on the seventh time she practiced the task.
She met the criterion of not setting off the bomb twice in a row on trials eight and
nine (see Fig. 6.7). On Detective 1 she learned to shift set and reason by analogy,
such that she made no errors by Trial 6 (see Fig. 6.8). Figure 6.9 shows her per-
formance on the more difficult Level 2 of Detective. She made steady progress, with
one exception, until she committed no errors on the exercise. Reasoning was also
practiced on Spies, on which she had to identify the figure that was ‘‘different’’ from
the other three. Steady improvement can again be seen (Fig. 6.10).
Improved judgment based on attention to feedback was also practiced. Utili-
zation of feedback was inherent in the set shifting exercises discussed above.
Feedback on exercises that did not include set shifting was also undertaken. The
exercises included Number Guesser 2, Hid in the Grid, and Vocabulary. On
Number Guesser 2 (Fig. 6.11) she was eventually able to discover randomly
generated four-digit numbers in only eight guesses based on feedback provided
from her previous guesses. On Hid in the Grid she was initially unable to find the
randomly located object within five guesses, but with practice she met this
48 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4
criterion four times in a row. On the easiest level of Vocabulary she required two
or three clues per word and was able to correctly identify the words 50–87% of the
time. This improved to 100% accuracy without requesting additional clues. On the
intermediate level she required an average of two clues during the first practice
session and had 80% accuracy. By the next session she scored 100% accuracy and
required no clues beyond the initial ones provided. For each iteration of the
exercise the computer randomly selected target words from a large pool of stimuli.
Thus, skill generalization rather than memorization of specific stimuli accounted
for improvement.
Application and integration of the elementary skills taught above were prac-
ticed on Buying Power and What’s My Name. After memorizing the prices of
goods and services on Buying Power 2, she was asked to determine the amount of
change she should receive when paying specific amounts for particular goods and
services she had memorized. She began with only 50% accuracy but soon moved
to 100% accuracy. At baseline of What’s My Name she was unable to learn all of
the ‘‘peg word’’ prerequisites for the strategy taught, but after practice she learned
and applied them such that she was able to remember 9 out of 10 names when
confronted with the person’s face.
After 17 months of treatment the patient was readministered the LNNB.
Figure 6.12 graphically represents her pre- and post-test performance on LNNB.
Probability levels were drawn from Table 14 in the LNNB manual. Attention on
Clinical Scale 2 (C2) improved significantly from moderately impaired to mildly
impaired (p \ 0.05). Memory (C10) improved from moderately impaired to the
normal range (p \ 0.01). Improvement on the Intellectual Processes Scale (C11)
did not reach statistical significance. No treatment was provided for arithmetic
(C9) and motor functions (C1) and no statistically significant changes were seen
following the intervention. This underscored the validity of treatment effects as
described in the multiple baseline approach of Golden et al. The patient had been
seeing a speech therapist but at the retesting her scores actually got worse (C5 and
6). This may be anomalous as her speech was much better prior to and following
the post-treatment testing. Overall, brain impairment was slightly better (S4) and
compensation (S5), was slightly worse but neither of these changes reached
statistical significance.
50 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
1 2 3
Fig. 6.14 SB focused and sustained attention: Space Probe 2 (1,400 points)
Fig. 6.15 SB sustained and alternating attention and impulse control: Two in One 2
Fig. 6.16 SB sustained and alternating attention, mental manipulation and impulse control: Two
in One
Fig. 6.17 SB sustained attention and visual motor tracking: Dartboard 2 (10,000 points)
and impulse control. When mental manipulation was added to this task, speed and
accuracy remained normal over four trials (see Fig. 6.16).
Sustained attention on a fast moving visual-motor tracking task, Dartboard 2,
met or exceeded the goal of averaging more than 89 points on the last three
consecutive trials (see Fig. 6.17). The last five trials were undertaken 1 month after
the first four trials because of a 1-month lapse in treatment due to his work-related
travel. As can be seen in Fig. 6.17, his performance on trial 5 was equivalent to his
performance on the last trial the month before (trial 4). On a similar task that added
an alternating attention component, Run Silent 3, he achieved 100% accuracy on
both trajectories by the seventh practice trial (see Fig. 6.18).
Etiology 53
Fig. 6.18 SB alternating attention and visual motor tracking: Run Silent
Fig. 6.19 SB sustained and divided attention: Double Trouble 1 (10,000 points)
Fig. 6.20 SB sustained and divided attention: Double Trouble 2 (10,000 points)
The divided attention tasks were practiced to 10,000 points, adding a sustained
attention element to the multitasking exercises. His Double Trouble 1 performance
met the criterion in only two trials (see Fig. 6.19) while all scores met the criterion
on Double Trouble 2, reflecting generalization of multitasking ability (see
Fig. 6.20).
At this point his treatment was terminated and posttreatment testing was
scheduled. Estimated intellectual functioning on LNNB improved from low
average/average (IQ = 84–100) to average/above average (IQ = 94–110).
Whereas he had previously perseverated on AVLT due to ‘‘forgetting’’ he had said
the words, there was no perseveration following treatment. Other executive
functions remained normal. Auditory focused attention was superior both before
and after treatment. Visual attention on Stroop did not change, remaining average
for nonverbal material and impaired for verbal material. Sustained visual attention
54 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
Fig. 6.22 SB focused visual attention: pre and posttreatment ANAM reaction time performance
on the 1990s version of ANAM improved from the 12th percentile to the average
range by the second posttreatment trial (see Fig. 6.21). Simple reaction time on the
1990s version of ANAM (focused visual attention) improved from below average
(15–35th percentile) to average (41–44th percentile) for efficiency (see Fig. 6.22).
Visual scanning and attention to numbers on Trails A improved from the 75th to
the 86th percentile. Memory improved on AVLT in that he remembered what he
said and no longer perseverated. Table 6.1 demonstrates that after a 30 minute
delay AVLT recall improved from the 2nd percentile (impaired) to the 32nd
percentile (average) and delayed recognition improved from below average
(10–21st percentile) to average (54th percentile). Similarly, memory for designs on
WMS III improved from the 25th percentile to the 61st percentile and recognition
improved from the 75th percentile (average) to the 91st percentile (superior). Thus,
attention training improved AVLT and Visual Reproduction performance. Strat-
egies for story recall were not taught so, as expected, there was no change on
Logical Memory. Likewise, motor awkwardness was not addressed and remained a
problem on posttreatment testing. Again, the multiple baseline approach high-
lighted the efficacy of treatment in that targeted areas improved while non-targeted
areas did not.
Etiology 55
He was working full-time, enjoying his work, and was seen as a valuable
contributor. His functioning was seen as comparable to the level displayed prior to
the injury.
Another case of head trauma was WB, a 54-year-old woman who worked as an
administrator in a position of authority in which she directed and supervised staff
and her program. She was crossing the street when a speeding automobile hit her.
She reportedly spun on top of the vehicle, her head hit and broke the car’s
windshield, and she was then thrown 30 feet into the street. She was not moving or
breathing when the EMT arrived. She was unconscious for over 3 hours. Her first
memory following the accident was finding herself in the emergency room of the
hospital outside of which the accident had occurred. She had sustained a con-
cussion and basilar skull fracture for which she was hospitalized for a 5 day
observation. Symptoms included vertigo, loss of sense of smell, reduced sense of
taste, short-term memory problems and ‘‘foggy’’ thinking.
Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) revealed slow (delta) activity in
the left temporal area and excess delta, theta, and beta but minimal alpha waves.
Visual evoked responses had only one significant asymmetry while auditory
evoked responses had many significant deviations. The P300 wave revealed
minimal problems but ‘‘could be better developed’’. The pattern of low amplitude
electrical brain activity with eyes closed, increased slow activity and asymmetrical
fast activity were compatible with postconcussion and cognitive problems. She
was prescribed Ritalin and 2 months later Adderol was added to her regimen.
Neuropsychological testing was done 3 months postaccident. Results reflected
residual problems in processing, perseveration, conceptual distractibility and
flexibility, inferential reasoning, audioverbal encoding, and memory retrieval. It
was recommended by her neuropsychologist that she be referred for cognitive
remediation. She began this treatment 3 months after she had been tested, 6
months postinjury.
Her NeurXercise treatment plan addressed processing speed, attention, and
perseveration on Get Q, Two in One and Run Silent. Memory was addressed on
Memory Game Level 2, and Symbol Memory. Reasoning and set-shifting were
approached through Mission Decode, Detective, and Vocabulary.
After 6 months of work on attention/processing speed and perseveration, she
had improved enough to begin memory training in addition to continuing on
attention. She met the criterion for normal performance in both attention and
memory after two more months of training. She completed reasoning and set-
shifting in 1 month.
Focused visual attention on Get Q 1 was practiced six times. Only one of the
trials was outside of the normal range (see Fig. 6.23). Visual alternating attention
is graphed in Online Resource 2. These results indicated that speed for accurate
responding was improved to normal reaction time by the fifth session. The number
of errors was erratic over the first four sessions but she made no errors during the
fifth session (plotted on Online Resource 3). When the task was made more
complex by adding more difficult discrimination among Q and non-Q stimuli
(e.g., Q, O, G), she was able to keep her Q responses consistently within the range
56 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
1 2 3 4 5 6
of 0.60 seconds or less for Q (7 out of 8 sessions) and below 0.60 seconds for
non-Qs (see Online Resource 4). She consistently made errors by responding to Qs
as if they were similar looking letters. However, she did not respond to non-Qs as
if they were Qs (see Online Resource 5). Her processing speed, attention, and
freedom from perseveration were evident on the Get Q exercises.
After 2 months of working on the Get Q exercises, she returned to Two in One.
Figures 6.24 and 6.25 show her baseline compared to her performance after
working on Get Q. Generalization seemed to have taken place as she was well
within normal limits following Get Q training but not before practicing those
exercises. When a serial 3’s alternating task was added to the Two in One para-
digm (Levels 3 and 4), she had to work more but completed the task to criterion
during the same session that she did on the other levels of Two in One. Figure 6.26
shows that baseline and her first practice trial were slow. Trial 1 represents her
baseline score and the next 20 trials represent her work during a single session
Etiology 57
about 2 months after baseline and following Get Q training. Trials 2–8 are her
scores on Two in One Level 3 (all in normal range except for trial 2). The next
eight trials represent the switch to Level 4. While she did not do as well as on
Level 3 until she practiced for five trials, all scores were still within the normal
range. She was then switched back to Level 3. She did poorly for the first trial of
the switch and then returned to normal performance. She was switched to Level 4
again and she showed no deficit for three trials. Thus, processing speed, attention,
and freedom from perseveration (set-shifting) were maintained.
Run Silent Level 3 was next practiced. The first trial in Fig. 6.27 represents her
baseline and the next trial is her performance after two practice trials on Level 2 of
Run Silent. She clearly maintained attention, processing speed, and freedom from
perseveration (ability to alternate trajectories between targets).
She spent 6 months working on developing memory strategies to the point of
scoring at the expected normal ranges on the exercises. Reasoning was within
normal limits after working weekly on the exercises with the therapist over a
1-month period and at work daily during that time.
She was referred back to the neuropsychologist who had done the initial testing.
He found significant improvement in visual attention to detail and consistency of
visual–constructional reasoning. Visual processing was slightly more consistent
and visual–constructional reasoning was more consistently above average than it
had been prior to treatment. There was still some inefficiency on speeded tasks but
there was a significant improvement from baseline. Divided attention showed a
significant improvement, now being solidly average. Inferential reasoning in
unstructured situations was improved. There was significant improvement in rea-
soning flexibility, with only the subtlest evidence of residual problems. Areas not
58 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
targeted for treatment (e.g., auditory attention, tactile spatial recall, anosmia, and
graphomotor speed) were unchanged from established pretreatment levels.
She took charge of the amount of time she felt she could work based on her
performance in treatment. She returned to work (10 hours per week) after she had
been in treatment for 2 months. This was increased to 20 hours per week the next
month and 30 hours per week 5 months thereafter. She returned to full-time
employment the following month. She won back the respect and confidence of her
staff and her superiors, although both groups had expressed some concern about
her abilities when she first returned to work. She received superior job perfor-
mance ratings and had the full confidence and support of her staff. She continued
to work in her position for 4 years until her planned retirement. She and her
husband had been building a home near their families in another State and they
returned to that area and the new home upon her retirement.
It should be clear that attention, memory, and executive functions are frequently
impacted by head injury. All three were successfully addressed in the above cases
and demonstrated generalization to the patients’ lives at work, school, and in social
settings. Mild head injuries usually involve concussion and diffuse axonal injury.
More significant injuries, like those sustained by AF and SB, involve contusions
and serious lesions of specific brain structures and regions. Damage is usually
diffuse and bilateral in acceleration/deceleration injuries.
Blast Injuries
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
50 SUB
1 2 3
was offered no treatment for his cognitive problems, which did not demonstrate
improvement over time, he began to research possible interventions. He got his
physicians to make a referral for cognitive remediation 11 months after his blast
injury. He added hyperbaric treatment to his regimen during the course of the
cognitive remediation. Cognitive remediation treatment lasted 4 months and
he had a follow-up appointment 4 months after the conclusion of cognitive
remediation. He was still continuing his hyperbaric treatments at that time.
His treatment plan comprised the following. Focused attention/impulse control
was practiced on Get Q 1, and alternating attention was practiced on Get Q 2 and
Run Silent 3. Practice on visual attention required for Run Silent 3 was continued
on Dartboard 2 to 1,000 points at speeds of 5 and 10. Facial memory was practiced
on Line Up 2 and 3. Executive functions were practiced on Mission Decode 1 and
2 and Double Trouble 1 and 2.
His focused attention and impulse control improved from mildly impaired to
the normal range in only three practice trials (see Fig. 6.28). Figures 6.29 and 6.30
60 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
Average points
per throw
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 6.31 BI visual attention and tracking on Dartboard level 2 (1,000 pts, speed = 5)
90 Average points
85 per throw
1 5 9 13 17
Fig. 6.32 BI visual attention and tracking on Dartboard 2 (1,000 pts, speed = 10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
show that speed and consistency of alternating attention improved on Get Q 2 and
Run Silent 3, respectively. He was able to consistently score above the criterion of
90 points per throw on another visual attention task, Dartboard 2, at two different
tracking speeds (see Figs. 6.31 and 6.32).
Line Up 3 required identification of the target face from a line up of different
faces, including a different photograph of the target from the one originally shown.
In Fig. 6.33 it can be seen that his baseline was 60% correct. Between sessions 4
and 10 he dropped below 80% correct only twice. Matching to nonsample on Line
Up 2 was harder for him. Baseline performance was 42% correct but he improved
to 74% correct (see Fig. 6.34). Like Level 3, the targets changed randomly each
time the exercise was practiced so there was no memorization effect. At the
conclusion of treatment he was given the word list on Memory Game 2 for the first
time. Having practiced and improved attention and facial memory, he scored 92%
Executive functions were practiced on Mission Decode and Double Trouble.
Online Resource 6 demonstrates a major improvement in executive function from
baseline to the first trial on Mission Decode 1. He was able to meet the criterion of
not exploding before completing the series of problems on the last three trials of
Etiology 61
1 2 3 4
Mission Decode 2 (see Online Resource 7). Another exercise that involved
executive functioning was Double Trouble, which practiced divided attention/
multitasking. On Level 1 he practiced to 600 points per trial and was able to throw
the optimal number of darts on trials 2–4 and simultaneously respond to the letters
with one or no misses on the last two trials (see Online Resource 8). He had
difficulty with multitasking on Double Trouble 2 and aborted his first five attempts
at the exercise. Online Resource 9 tracks his completed trials and does not include
his initial or additional aborted trials. Practicing to 600 points, he was consistent in
averaging over 80 points per throw and correctly responding to the tones at the
same time. The criterion was then increased to 1,600 points, requiring him to
practice more than twice as long per trial. Figure 6.35 reflects that performance
was consistently excellent, exceeding 90 points per throw on six of seven trials and
generally at 100% correct notes. The criterion was then raised to 3,000 points per
trial and he scored 91 points per throw on average and 100% correct response to
notes. Thus, his multitasking became more accurate for a period that was five
times as long as the initial period required for him to perform.
Posttreatment testing revealed that attention improved on Letter Number
Sequencing from average to superior while Digit Symbol, Trails A, and Conners’
CPT remained average. Memory was superior on Logical Memory I and II. CVLT
II under cuing conditions demonstrated an improvement from 2 to 4 words more
that were retrieved spontaneously. Recognition on CVLT II improved from 13 out
of 16 words to 16 out of 16 words. Immediate and delayed recall on CVLT II did
not change from the average range. Executive functioning improved overall.
Abstract reasoning on Similarities improved from average to superior. Multi-
tasking on Auditory Consonant Trigrams was average, above average, and average
62 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
on the three trials before treatment but improved to superior, superior, and above
average, respectively, following treatment. Proactive Interference on CVLT II
improved from average to above average but retroactive interference remained
below average. Testing results suggested that there was some gain in all areas
targeted for treatment but several measures did not show improvement.
In terms of ecological validity, he and his wife reported that his memory was
much improved on a day-to-day basis. He could again express his thoughts
articulately most of the time. His processing speed was noted to have improved,
according to his wife and himself (this is consistent with PASAT score being
above average on the fastest, most demanding trial). A few months after treatment
terminated he was again able to handle high level briefs for hours at a time.
However, he then became depleted and suffered dizziness, confusion, fatigue, and
headaches. The depletion effect lasted 1–3 days. He experienced one such episode
during the treatment phase and at least two others after completing cognitive
remediation. A few months after the last episode he attended a week-long con-
ference and participated actively with little fatigue throughout the week. He had
returned to work on a part-time basis and thereafter resumed his profession full-
time. Thus, he made excellent improvement and this continued over time fol-
lowing formal treatment sessions.
ZW was a 23-year-old enlisted serviceman with a high school education and
reported grade point average of 2.5. He reported he was exposed to 50 IED blasts
over three deployments. He had three episodes of loss of consciousness. He was
screened about a year after his last loss of consciousness, and tested 1 month later
and then 4 months after that. He remained in cognitive remediation treatment for 5
months and stopped when his attention scores were consistently in the normal
range on NeurXercise. He dropped out of psychotherapy while he was still
symptomatic for sequelae of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Initial complaints included headaches, extreme fatigue, attention problems,
short-term memory loss, and insomnia. He reported blurred vision, tinnitus, sen-
sorimotor problems, language difficulty, and planning/organizing problems. Pre-
treatment testing revealed intellectual functioning to be below average, immediate
and delayed list memory to be impaired, and list learning was likewise impaired.
Immediate and delayed story memory was intact. Visual attention was impaired
while auditory attention was excellent. Executive functions, sensorimotor skills,
constructional ability, academic skills, and language were all intact.
Visual attention was targeted using Get Q, Two in One, Dartboard, and Run
Silent. Multitasking was targeted using Double Trouble. Memory was not targeted
pending the evaluation of change due to improved attention.
Focused and sustained visual attention and impulse control were practiced on
Get Q Level 1 and Dartboard. Visual alternating attention was practiced on Get Q
2 and Run Silent. Divided attention was practiced on Double Trouble. The baseline
of Get Q 1 was marred by impulsivity (errors at speeds too fast to have been
visually processed). His baseline was about 0.83 seconds whereas his target was
set for below 0.60 seconds without impulsive responding. After about a month of
practice he was averaging 0.65 seconds. He was highly variable thereafter,
Etiology 63
with median scores as good as 0.58 seconds and as slow as 0.72 seconds. He
finally completed the exercise averaging less than 0.50 seconds as his median
response speed. Baselines on Get Q 2 for visual alternating attention were slow
overall but also inaccurate due to occasional impulsive responding. By the second
treatment session (having practiced Get Q 1 for months), he was responding to
non-Qs within the target range but was still a little slow on Qs (median response
time was 0.66 seconds). The following session he was able to respond to Qs and
non-Qs faster than a median of 0.60 seconds for three consecutive iterations of the
exercise, each lasting about 5 minutes. Two weeks later he demonstrated excellent
performance when Get Q 1 was reintroduced to ensure that he had not lost ground
(he averaged less than 0.50 seconds per response). The following week he
demonstrated continuing improvement on Get Q 2 (about 0.45 seconds for Qs and
non-Qs for the last two practice iterations of that session).
The following week he began Two in One Level 1. Three of four practice trials
were faster than the mean for unimpaired individuals and the remaining trial was
within a standard deviation of the mean (baseline was more than a standard
deviation below the mean). Only one of three practice trials on Level 2 was outside
of the average range (his baseline was over three standard deviations below
average). Four more trials at Level 1 produced above average scores with no errors
on three of the trials and one error on the other. Level 3 was also practiced during
the same session and while baseline was more than a standard deviation below
average, he was close to the median on one trial and almost two standard devia-
tions above the mean on the second trial. The work on Get Q seemed to have
generalized to his performance on this second visual alternating attention task.
He scored in the normal range on Run Silent 1 and 2 and proceeded to Level 3
on which baseline scores from 4 months earlier were 31 and 65% accuracy for the
two trajectories. This jumped to 83 and 70%, followed by 82 and 91%, and finally
83 and 82%. The last two trials met the criterion of no more than two misses on
each trajectory. The following week he averaged over 90 points per throw on
Dartboard 1 and 2, meeting the criterion on that exercise. He next undertook
divided attention with Double Trouble. At baseline he scored 60 points per throw
and 60% correct letters on Level 1 and 56 points per throw with 57% correct notes
on Level 2. Having practiced the other attention exercises to criterion, he scored 85
points per throw and 100% correct letters at a faster than baseline pace on Level 1.
He was then administered the exercise at that faster, more demanding speed for
almost twice as long. He scored 84 points with 80% correct letters.
Following cognitive remediation of his attention problems he was retested. He
no longer reported fatigue, handwriting problems, or difficulty climbing stairs. He
continued to complain of the other problems he had described above. Some of
these appeared to be related to his emotional difficulties, the treatment for which he
had not completed.
Estimated level of intelligence on the Luria-Nebraska was below average pre
and posttreatment. The LNNB has two measures of effort and both indicated he was
making a reasonable effort on this neuropsychological battery. He received no
cognitive remediation on the areas tested by the intellectual scale of the LNNB.
64 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
Memory on AVLT was worse on the first presentation but over the five trials he
improved from the 2nd percentile in the pretreatment phase to the 13th percentile at
posttreatment testing. Immediate memory for the Luria story was within normal
limits both pre and posttreatment. Delayed memory on AVLT improved from the
2nd percentile to the 19th percentile and was borderline normal on the LNNB pre
and posttreatment. Story recall after 15 minutes was borderline normal both times
and memory for a design improved from three of 10 parts recalled in pretreatment
after a delay to five parts of ten recalled. Memory, which had not been directly
targeted, was still outside of normal limits but his score on all three trials of the
TOMM raised questions about his motivation to do well on visual memory tasks.
Visual attention, which was targeted and on which he performed well within normal
limits over the training, showed no improvement on retesting. Stroop and Trails A
remained Impaired while auditory attention measures remained unchanged (PA-
SAT was still superior and LNNB was still above average). Language scores
remained within normal limits but visual perception and spatial skills got worse
although no new event had intervened. While secondary gain could not be ruled out
as an explanation for the decrement in his visual and spatial performance, emotional
issues could also account for his ineffective and inconsistent performance.
He was placed on temporary medical retirement. He did not make any further
contact and it could not be determined how he fared after he left treatment.
GA was a 21-year-old high school graduate enlisted military serviceman who
sustained a blast injury with right parietal intracranial hemorrhage. He denied loss
of consciousness. He was hospitalized, found to have attention, memory and visual
spatial problems on screening, and was given a full neuropsychological testing
battery 3 months later. Complaints at the time of the full testing included hearing
problems and memory difficulties. He denied sensorimotor, visual, attention,
language, and executive problems.
On the LNNB only spelling and reading were outside of the normal range.
Focused auditory attention on LNNB was above average and sustained auditory
attention on PASAT was average, consistent with the results of the P300 auditory
evoked potential test administered by the Neurology department. However, visual
attention was far below average on Stroop (1–6th percentiles) and Trails A (8th
percentile). While immediate memory was within normal limits on LNNB, it was
at the 7th percentile on AVLT. Executive functioning was variable. Multitasking
on Auditory Consonant Trigrams was variable (9th, 45th, and 10th percentiles).
Freedom from interference was average on AVLT (34–37th percentiles) and
Stroop (50th percentile). Set-shifting on Trails B was far below expectancy (8th
percentile). Freedom from perseveration on PASAT was excellent. He was con-
crete when giving definitions, explaining proverbs, or responding to how things
were similar or different. He began cognitive remediation 6 months thereafter (9
months post injury).
Visual alternating attention was targeted with Get Q 2, Two in One, and Run
Silent. Executive functions were targeted with Double Trouble (multitasking).
On Get Q 2 responses to non-Qs were accurate and within normal limits but
variable and with errors on Qs during the baseline. Over the course of the first
Etiology 65
session, performance did not improve. He was unable to return for a month before
resuming treatment. Performance was usually within normal processing speed for Q
and non-Qs but always with errors during the first session upon his return. By the
end of the following session he had responded to Qs and non-Qs within expected
speeds and without errors for two consecutive iterations of the exercise. He was
then out for another month before returning to treatment. His baseline was within
normal limits on Two in One 1 but slow and marked with errors on Levels 2 and 3.
When he returned to treatment (2 months after the baseline had been collected), he
began with slight improvement in time and accuracy over baseline but after seven
trials had succeeded in demonstrating normal performance for accuracy and speed
on two consecutive trials. During that same session he began to work on Level 3. He
was accurate and demonstrated normal speed on the first two efforts he made on this
level and was felt to have succeeded, with apparent generalization from the pre-
vious level he had practiced. Baseline performance on Run Silent 3 was 62.5 and
40% accuracy on the two trajectories, respectively. On his very first attempt fol-
lowing success on Get Q and Two in One, his performance improved to 72.7 and
90.9%. The following session began with his having only one miss on each of the
trajectories, thus meeting the criterion that had been set for success.
Double Trouble was next presented to work on the executive skill of multi-
tasking. Speed of presentation was kept the same as the baseline speed but the
exercise was set to last almost twice as long as it had during baseline collection.
After 3 weeks Level 1 was consistently performed within normal limits (averaging
over 90 points per launch and not more than one error). After 2 weeks he was able
to consistently average over 90 points per launch and respond accurately to the
notes on Level 2. Thus, he had met the criteria for success on all exercises set for
his treatment plan and he was retested.
Spelling improved a full standard deviation back into the normal range on
LNNB, suggesting that attention rather than spelling problems were the etiology of
his poor pretreatment performance in this area. Reading remained impaired and
unchanged. While auditory attention on PASAT had been average on pretreatment
testing (48th percentile), it improved to the 73rd percentile, suggesting he was
much more efficient following treatment. Visual processing speed tested out worse
on Trails A (10 seconds slower) and Stroop (from 1–12th percentiles to 1–8th
percentiles). However, Trails B, which requires visual processing speed compli-
cated by alternating attention, showed improvement from 8th to 39th percentile.
Immediate memory on AVLT improved from 7th percentile to 21st percentile,
suggesting that attention had been part of the problem but not completely the cause
of his immediate memory difficulty. On executive functioning, multitasking was
targeted for treatment. Performance on Trigrams improved from 9–45th percen-
tiles to 31–44th percentiles. Set shifting improved on Trails B from the 8th to the
39th percentile. Freedom from interference had not been targeted and did not
improve. To evaluate the extent to which PTSD might be interfering with his
cognitive functioning, he was administered the PAI and DAPS. Both strongly
indicated he was still suffering the effects of PTSD even though he and his
psychotherapist felt he had made improvement in this area.
66 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
improved to the normal range on Level 2. After five sessions he performed in the
normal range on the more difficult Levels 3 and 4, which include the executive
function of mental operations as well as focused and alternating attention. He
reached criterion on Dartboard in two of six trials within a single session. The
following session he scored over 90 points on average for the first two practice
trials so the target was deemed met. He then began to work on Run Silent Level 3.
After two practice sessions he was still performing with much difficulty so training
began on Level 1, practicing only firing at the plane. He was accurate on only 50%
of his firings on the first trial but had only one miss in the next trial. He then
practiced Level 2, only dropping bombs. In three practice trials he was performing
accurately (2 misses out of 12 bombs dropped). He then returned to practice firing
on the plane again to ensure he could continue to do this accurately. In fact, he had
regressed and did not perform well initially. As he did better, he was switched to
the other trajectory and had problems again. After about 3 weeks he was able to
perform well with each trajectory by itself. He was then moved to Level 3 again.
After practicing Run Silent for a while he was able to improve his score on
Dartboard from a baseline average of 76 points per throw to 90 points per throw
(the target that had been set for him). He eventually could perform Run Silent with
only three misses on each trajectory. He then attempted to perform the same task
using a more complex and difficult approach that involved hitting the sub and
plane during the same pass instead of doing each consecutively. He was able to
succeed with five or six misses on this task that he had devised although I had not
thought it possible to perform the exercise this way.
He then began to work on memory with Memory Game Level 2. His baseline
was 36% recall of the words containing strings of three and four words. He
eventually improved to 75% correct for strings of five, six, and seven words, using
the strategies he was taught. The speed was slowed considerably so that he could
practice the strategies multiple times and then immediately retrieve the words. He
reached 100% retention. Once he could do this consistently, the exposure/practice
time was gradually reduced while working on his retaining the words.
Nonverbal memory was practiced on Symbol Memory. He was able to consis-
tently recall and recognize 5 out of 6 symbols by using the strategies he was taught
and occasionally he could recall all six symbols. Facial memory on Line Up Level
1 improved from 13 of 19 faces recalled to 18 of 19.
He had been tested prior to his leaving the area and 1 year after that. His
posttreatment scores on measures of attention were unchanged and still reflected
poor performance. Conners’ CPT showed the same 4 of 7 inattention measures to
be abnormal. Visual tracking and processing speed on Trails A improved 0.7
standard deviations but was still significantly impaired. Visual and nonverbal
attention and processing speed on Stroop remained below the 1st percentile.
RBANS remained impaired on the Attention subtest on both Forms A and B.
Impulsivity/perseveration on CPT reflected impulsivity on one of three measures
when pretreatment scores reflected no impulsivity. Card Sort perseveration scores
improved from below average (16th percentile) to the average range (58th per-
centile). Trails B was below the 1st percentile on both testings. One year later
68 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
attention on these measures was relatively unchanged. Trails A had improved from
below the 1st percentile to the 5th percentile. CPT reflected problems on five
inattention measures compared to four before and after treatment. Stroop remained
impaired as did the RBANS attention subtest. Impulsivity on Conners’ demon-
strated diminished functioning, from no impulsivity before treatment to 1 of 3
measures positive for impulsivity to all three measures positive for impulsivity.
Trails B improved from below the 1st percentile to the 1st percentile, not sug-
gesting much of an improvement. His ability to maintain his attention continued to
be affected by the interaction of PTSD, depression, and brain damage.
Immediate memory functioning on RBANS was impaired (below the 1st per-
centile) before and after treatment but improved to Borderline (5th percentile) 1
year post cognitive remediation. Delayed memory on RBANS, however, was
below the 1st percentile for all three evaluations. Delayed list memory on RBANS
was 0 of 10 recalled after treatment and 2 of 10 recalled 1 year later (on an
alternate form of RBANS). However, recognition memory after the delay was 8 of
20 after treatment and 17 of 20 a year later (using form A the year before and form
B on the 1 year follow-up). Thus, recognition memory had improved significantly
and the result suggested that encoding and consolidation were much better while
retrieval remained a problem. Story recall after the delay was essentially the same
(6 of 12 facts recalled versus 5 a year earlier). He forgot most of the complex
figure on RBANS the year before (earning 1 point out of 20), whereas he did
somewhat better in 1 year follow-up (5 points out of 20).
Intellectual functioning on WASI improved from Borderline to below average
following treatment and stayed at the below average level 1 year later. However,
performance was highly inconsistent and erratic, suggesting attentional problems
disrupted performance on different subtests on different occasions. For example,
Similarities scores varied from 7th percentile to 33rd percentile and back down to
16th percentile. Matrix Reasoning went from average to borderline and back to
Language was not treated during his cognitive remediation and his RBANS
Language subtest scores remained at the borderline level. His language was
addressed by speech therapy in the intervening year, but they did not see much in
the way of progress and his testing scores remained in the borderline range.
Constructional skills were untreated and remained in the impaired range on
RBANS throughout the three testings (Forms A, B, and A, respectively).
During the course of treatment his sense of humor returned, he became more
trusting, began to date a woman he fell in love with, and married and they decided
to buy a home out of state. He became less stubborn, more cognitively flexible and
hence more cooperative with treatment recommendations. His memory and
executive functioning improved to the point that he usually called if he could not
keep an appointment, in sharp contrast to the first several months of treatment
when he frequently missed without notification and could not remember where he
put the appointment reminder notices that he had. For almost the entire first year of
treatment he could not complete a session without experiencing a debilitating
headache. By the conclusion of treatment he was usually able to complete the
Etiology 69
The mechanisms involved in blast injury to the brain are thought to be quite different
from the acceleration/deceleration mechanism discussed in the head trauma section.
Some hypotheses include overpressure and shock waves. Neurological and cogni-
tive effects of blast injuries have not yet been characterized in the research literature.
However, the following represents my clinical experience with this population. In
the acute phase most patients exposed to blasts ‘‘appear’’ to have no cognitive
deficits and interact relatively normally with their doctors. However, formal neu-
ropsychological testing reveals that a portion of them perform abnormally, espe-
cially in the areas of visual–spatial functioning and word generation. Some also
show deficits in memory, attention, and executive functioning. These observations
are similar to those in the composite examples of blast injured individuals reported
by French et al. (2010). Many show significant improvement over the next few
months but some do not fully recover without intervention. The cases reviewed
herein suggested that the mildly impaired patients with postacute residual cognitive
problems responded well to cognitive remediation and were able to make significant
improvement in their daily lives. Problems that persisted into the postacute phase
were visual but not auditory attention, processing speed, and executive functions,
including multitasking. SP was by all definitions severely impaired, with 1 month
loss of consciousness and significant retrograde amnesia. He also had a complicated
picture that included embedded schrapnel and multiple neurosurgeries in addition to
blast exposure, PTSD, and pain. Nonetheless, he made great strides in his ability to
interact, develop a relationship and follow through with treatment recommenda-
tions. These real-life changes were in contrast to his failure to show meaningful
improvements on the neuropsychological measures and raised questions about the
interfering role of PTSD and pain when neurological functioning had perhaps shown
some improvement. All of the above cases had factors that complicated the picture
of blast injury, including physical and psychological problems, possible secondary
gain, and more than one type of neurological mechanism of injury (e.g., blast plus
PTSD and pain, HUMVEE rollover, or blunt head injury). Therefore, it is more
70 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
difficult to separate the blast effects from the effects of the concomitant problems. A
similar conclusion was drawn by MacDonald et al. (2011) who found multiple
mechanisms of injury in the blast-exposed soldiers they evaluated.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
reflects the accuracy of the above performance on the three sessions. Errors were
within normal limits on approximately one third of the trials on the first session and
approximately half of the second and third sessions. He was then instructed to
practice using both hands as his homework assignment (motor skill rehabilitation),
with the plan being to eventually achieve scores comparable to Figs. 6.36 and 6.37.
After practicing with both hands during the week and during the next session,
he was able to bring his scores into the range he had reached using his left hand
only. Advancing to Level 2 during that same session and using both hands he was
able to get one trial within normal speed out of 12 attempts. Only 5 of the 12 trials
were two standard deviations below normal speed. He practiced this exercise over
the next week. After an additional 2 weeks he scored within a standard deviation of
normal and most errors were motor control related rather than cognitive.
He then began Get Q Level 2. He was slow responding to Qs (median response
time of 0.85 seconds) but within normal limits responding to not-Qs (0.56 seconds).
He returned 2 weeks later and scored a median of 0.65 for Q and 0.61 for not-Q
(consistent on both targets, reflecting good alternating attention).
At this point he was begun on Run Silent. Accuracy was 33–50%. He was gone
for about a month before resuming, although he practiced on his laptop while he
was away. On his return he began the session with 66–83% accuracy and ended the
session with 9 hits out of 11 tries on the planes and 10 hits out of 11 tries on the
subs (82–91% accuracy). He then returned to Two in One Level 2 in this same
session and was able to score close to the mean for unimpaired individuals after
five practice sessions. All of the five practice sessions had been about one standard
deviation from the mean as had been his previous performance on this exercise,
but his improvement to near the mean thereafter reflected a significant improve-
ment in attention. He completed the session practicing Two in One Level 3.
72 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
When he returned the next week the answers to Level 3 had become automated
so he was switched to Level 4, a comparable serial 3’s task starting with 2B instead
of 1A. As expected, his score returned to the baseline demonstrated in the last
session before he memorized the sequence. He flipped back and forth during that
session until he could perform each level at the speed and accuracy of unimpaired
individuals without resorting to automatization. The interference effect of
switching between the two levels prevented automatization and this was noted in
his calculating aloud instead of quickly typing the responses. At this point the
attention training was deemed complete.
He next worked on executive functioning with Double Trouble. After two
sessions he was able to consistently average over 90 points per launch while
responding correctly to either all letters or all tone pairs while firing his rockets. He
returned in 2 weeks and completed Mission Decode on Level 1 and began Level 2.
The following week he got 20 of 40 correct on Level 2 and the week after that was
able to pass Level 2 with 36 out of 40 correct answers. During that same session he
passed Detective Level 1 with 17 out of 20 correct answers.
He returned for repeat neuropsychological testing with the following results.
Visual attention improved on Trails A from about the 34th percentile (T = 46) to
the upper end of the average range (72nd percentile). Digit Symbol-Coding was
unchanged. Auditory attention was essentially unchanged on Digit Span and Letter
Number Sequencing, remaining within normal limits. Spatial skills were re-eval-
uated on Block Design (no change from average) and Rey Complex Figure copy,
which was Impaired at pretreatment (2nd percentile) but within normal limits (35/
36 segments correct) at posttreatment. Visual Reproduction copy was superior
(95th percentile). Repeat testing on Grooved Pegboard revealed his right hand
performance improved from severely impaired below the 1st percentile (T = 17)
to below average (22nd percentile). Executive functioning was improved on Trails
B, from about the 18–19th percentile (T = 41) to 54th percentile. Abstract rea-
soning on Similarities improved from SS = 8 (25th percentile) to SS = 10 (50th
percentile). Memory and language were not treated with NeurXercise and there
were no changes from average on Immediate and Delayed Logical Memory and
Immediate Visual Reproduction. However, delayed Visual Reproduction improved
from above average to superior. For language, Boston Naming remained Bor-
derline/mildly impaired, Animal Fluency improved from the 9th percentile to the
18th percentile and there was little change on FAS (T = 36; 8th percentile versus
11th percentile). Thus, it appears that the changes in areas targeted were valid
indicators of the effectiveness of the specific treatments as there was little change
in the areas not targeted by the treatment.
Ecological validity was demonstrated by his spontaneously using the right hand
most of the time, his reports of finding his way around more easily (spatial
organization) and improved ability to pay attention. His wife, an occupational
therapist, felt he had made dramatic improvements since undertaking cognitive
remediation. He requested permission to make a copy of the program disk as he
found the exercises enjoyable and challenging and wished to continue to work with
them on his own.
Etiology 73
1 2
Residual symptoms are likely to be present and need remediation if recovery has
not taken place over the first 3–6 months post stroke. Symptoms will vary,
depending on the region affected by the cardiovascular accident. For example, CVA
had infarcts in the cerebellar, temporal, and occipital regions, leading to symptoms
affecting balance, motor control, and spatial organization. Attention and executive
problems suggested that there was also likely some frontal lobe compromise.
Neurosurgical Intervention
every time the exercise was practiced so that memorizing the correct answer did
not become an issue. Online Resource 11 shows that at pretreatment baseline he
recognized 60% of the targets when presented with different poses from the target
pose. Following treatment he was 98% accurate. Remembering name–face pair-
ings on What’s My Name improved from 40% at pretreatment to 90% following
practice using the peg-word system (Online Resource 12).
Reasoning was approached through Vocabulary, Number Guesser 2, Mission
Decode and Detective. Online Resource 13 demonstrates that guessing words
based on clues improved from 40% at baseline to 100% following training.
Generating guesses and utilizing feedback to improve performance and derive
correct solutions on Number Guesser 2 showed significant improvement with
treatment (Fig. 6.39), from an average of 11 guesses to an average of five guesses.
Target numbers were always different for every presentation. Therefore,
improvement could only occur by learning a reasoning process and not by
memorizing previous answers. Performance on Mission Decode (Online Resource
14) improved from 10% correct to 100% correct answers. Detective (Online
Resource 15) improved from 60 to 100% accuracy.
Table 6.2 summarizes pretreatment and posttreatment performance on neuro-
psychological testing. Attention/processing speed improved on Digit Span, Spatial
Span, PASAT, and Trail Making. Distractibility on list learning during and fol-
lowing the second list showed significant improvement. Memory improved on list
learning for immediate and 30 minute delayed conditions. Reasoning improved
slightly on Comprehension and dramatically on Similarities.
When he entered treatment, he reported that his deficits negatively impacted his
work by as much as 50%. Following treatment he reported that his boss was
pleased with his work and the patient felt that the negative impact on his work was
dramatically reduced. He and his wife felt that he was functioning in all areas far
better than he had been prior to treatment. They also agreed that while he was not
functioning as well as he had been prior to the surgery, he was close to that level
and far better than he had been for the previous 9 years.
Another case, RU, developed intractable seizures at age four and had significant
learning problems throughout school. At age 33 he had a partial left temporal
lobectomy. Frequency of partial complex seizures dropped from 1 or 2 per month
Etiology 75
to 1 or 2 per year. At this point he moved out of his parents’ house and into an
Epilepsy Foundation sponsored house. He took classes and placement exams for
the GED. He was concurrently treated for depression with medication and psy-
chotherapy. He nonetheless failed on two separate occasions to pass all parts of the
GED. At this point he sought cognitive remediation.
Neuropsychological testing revealed attention, processing speed and memory
were impaired. Trails A was below the 10th percentile. Trails B was within normal
limits (35th percentile). List learning on the Memory Assessment Scales (MAS; 12
words)) was 38 words, cued recall was nine words, and list recognition was 11
words. FAS was at the 50th percentile.
Alternating attention (set shifting), processing speed and complex mental
tracking on Two in One Level 3 is shown in Fig. 6.40. At baseline he was four
standard deviations below the normative sample. He did even worse over the first
two training trials. However, thereafter he was able to show substantial
improvement (two standard deviations below normal.) Processing speed and
ability to shift set on Run Silent Level 3 improved from a 55% hit rate to almost
80% (see Online Resource 16).
Memory strategies for verbal material were taught on Memory Game Level 2.
The first month of training yielded an average of 35 words retained from the list
whereas by the end of the second month he had almost doubled his performance (see
Fig. 6.41). Memory strategies for nonverbal material were addressed on Symbol
Memory. His average performance on session 1 was under 60% correct recall of the
symbols. However, he recalled an average of 90% by the end of the second session.
At this point repeat neuropsychological testing was undertaken. Attention
training seemed to have helped on Trails A and B (see Fig. 6.42). Trails A improved
76 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
1 2 3 4
and found his own apartment in the community. He passed the GED exam. He
began to attend a community college and took three courses in his first semester.
He passed two of these and got an incomplete on the third because he had not
completed all of the assignments. He subsequently did so and passed this course as
well. He continued to attend an epilepsy support group and was contracted to
create the logo for the newsletter and sweatshirts, as art and cartooning was his
field of interest and study. He then entered into a business arrangement as a partner
for a new start-up company.
Subcortical Disorders
Fig. 6.43 CG alternating attention, impulse control and perceptual accuracy: errors on Get Q 3
Fig. 6.44 CG alternating attention, impulse control, and perceptual accuracy: reaction time on
Get Q 3
than usually seen in patients treated with NeurXercise. She then began to exper-
iment with a treatment she had seen on TV that purportedly helped patients with
MS. This involved controlled bee stings, the body’s reaction to which purportedly
reduced MS symptoms. Her motor and processing speed increased almost
immediately. She continued to show improved performance within and between
sessions, at a level similar to that seen with most patients. Online Resource 20
reflects that her accuracy was always within normal limits over nine sessions on
Get Q Level 2. Alternating attention speed was normal (below 0.60 seconds) for Q
and non-Q targets in two of the last three sessions (see Online Resource 21). Get Q
3 added more of a perceptual and impulse-control demand while performing
essentially the same alternating attention task as Get Q 2. Figures 6.43 and 6.44
reflect that she was able to perform the task accurately and at the same reaction
time as Get Q 2 for non-Q stimuli but she was a little slower on Q stimuli.
Alternating attention training continued on Level 2 of Two in One. She was
highly variable in her accuracy, but was within normal limits on the last six trials
(see Online Resource 22). Speed was excellent (only one session fell below the
mean obtained by a normal sample). By the end of the training on Level 2 she was
responding two standard deviations above the mean (see Online Resource 23).
Levels 3 and 4 of Two in One added a mental manipulation component to the
Level 2 task. Thus, spatial and executive functions were required in addition to
alternating attention. Her performance on Levels 3 and 4 are depicted in Online
Resources 24 and 25. Except for the first trial, all trials were within normal limits
Etiology 79
Table 6.3 Changes in attention, memory, compensation, impairment, processing speed, and IQ
in CG
Luria-Nebraska (CL = 54)
55 Mo post 35 36 38 54 61 115
64 Mo post 31 43 41 42 52 122
for accuracy on Level 3. Similarly, she completed the task within a normal time
frame, except for that first trial. Shifting to Level 4 to ensure that she was prac-
ticing the mental task and not responding to overlearned and memorized answers
revealed that she was indeed performing the functions. The first trial was about one
standard deviation below the mean but all subsequent trials were one to two
standard deviations above the mean.
Continuing with visual spatial demands but now within the context of a sus-
tained attention task, she reached the criterion by session four of Dartboard 2 and
sustained this level of performance until the task was discontinued after session
seven (see Online Resource 26). A visual spatial task that required sustained
attention, rapid processing, and planning ahead was Invaders 3. Online Resource
27 demonstrates that she sustained her attention for a brief time (6 stimuli) on the
first session and earned 360 points on average. However, by the end of training she
was sustaining her attention for more than 40 stimuli and averaged more than 100
points higher than her initial score.
Multitasking was practiced on Double Trouble, an exercise that requires the
simultaneous performance of two visual motor tasks. She practiced four trials with
the criterion set at 600 points. By trial three she obtained an average score on one
of the two tasks and by trial four she was above average on both tasks (see Online
Resource 28). The criterion was then increased to 1,000 points. She performed
within the average range on both tasks for three consecutive trials (see Online
Resource 29). The criterion was then raised to 2,000 points. She continued with the
same level of success over this increased amount of time (see Online Resource 30).
When the second task to be completed was changed (Level 2), there was no change
in her ability to master two tasks simultaneously (see Online Resource 31). In fact,
she maintained excellent accuracy on one task (average score per rocket launched
exceeded 90) while performing near or at the very best obtainable performance on
the second task. She was then shifted back to level 1 and she demonstrated a
continued high level of divided attention (see Online Resource 32).
Posttreatment neuropsychological testing revealed increase in measured IQ
from above average to superior (Table 6.3). Motor and processing speed on the
same table improved from mildly impaired to within normal limits and overall
brain impairment improved from borderline impaired to well within normal limits
80 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
Table 6.4 Changes in attention, processing speed, and executive functioning on PASAT in CG
PASAT errors (levin modification)
55 Mo post onset 12 17 23 32 84 (-1.3 SD)
64 Mo post onset 3 14 23 30 70 (+1.2 SD)
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
Memory Game 2 at baseline but 95% of the words by the end of treatment. His
recall of symbols at baseline was 50% but reached 97% by the end of training
(Online Resource 36). Similarly, facial recognition on Line Up 3 improved from
55% accuracy to 95%. At this point repeat testing was undertaken.
In terms of processing speed (Table 6.7) the percentage of PASAT errors was
calculated because two different versions of the test were used to reduce practice
effects. He improved from 57% errors to 37% errors. On WMS III the Processing
Speed Index improved from 93 to 99. These appeared to represent consistent,
modest improvement in an area frequently associated with MS deficit and dis-
ability (Christodoulou 2005; Denney et al. 2005). Further, neuropsychological
testing studies of MS patients (Filley et al. 1990; Julian 2007) have found a steady
downward trend. This suggested that benefit derived may be much greater than it
at first appeared. At the very least, he did not become more impaired on the tests as
his cohort did.
Similar to processing speed, Christodoulou (2005) reports that learning and recall
of information are typically impaired in patients with MS and Filley et al. (1990)
observed a downward trend in memory functioning. However, with treatment, the
patient improved in this area. Table 6.7 reveals that verbal memory improved from
average to above average on stories and paired associates. Facial memory did not
Etiology 83
improve over baseline and may represent a statistically insignificant decrease on one
measure and a similarly insignificant increase on the other. The final scores on the
table reflected that he had become more depressed over the course of treatment
although he showed improvement or lack of significant decline on neuropsycho-
logical testing.
At termination he reported greater efficiency at work. He also started his own
computer consulting business. There are several factors that support the conclusion
that cognitive changes on testing and behavioral improvement in daily functioning
were likely due to the intervention. First, his steroid dosage had remained constant
throughout treatment so it could not account for the changes. Second, spontaneous
recovery or improvement would not be expected 2 years following his being diag-
nosed. Third, when compared to individuals similarly diagnosed with MS of the
exacerbation-remission type who were his age, he showed improvement or no change
over the same elapsed time period that they declined. Lastly, his depression worsened
from mild to moderate/severe on the Beck, which suggested that emotional issues
were not a major contributor to his cognitive problems or improvement. This leaves
cognitive remediation as the most likely cause for his improved level of functioning.
These positive effects of cognitive remediation with an MS patient are similar to
those obtained in a case report by Caruso and Ash (2007) who used a similar cog-
nitive remediation approach developing compensatory and restorative strategies.
The case of RB involved subcortical damage caused by head trauma. RB was a
21-year-old high school educated man who worked in the military honor guard
until he was in an automobile accident that resulted in a moderate brain injury. He
had a brief loss of consciousness and a posttraumatic amnesia of 12 hours. MRI
revealed hemorrhage of the left precentral paramedian subcortex. He was treated
in a brain rehabilitation program and 1 year later follow-up neuropsychological
testing revealed residual attentional problems and mild dysphoria. He also suffered
back and knee injuries from the accident. His assignment was changed from the
prestigious honor guard to ‘‘helper’’ in a clinic, which usually entailed answering
phones, running errands, and covering for people when they went to lunch.
Two years post injury he was again tested and found to have residual attention,
learning, and memory problems. His job remained ‘‘helper’’ in the clinic. At this
point cognitive remediation was initiated. Attention and executive functioning
were targeted while learning and memory were not addressed in order to determine
whether attentional deficits accounted for the problems in these other areas.
Focused and sustained attention were practiced over the course of three sessions
on Level 1 of Get Q. Response time improved from impaired to normal (see
Fig. 6.47). Speed of sustained and alternating attention on Get Q 2 improved from
impaired to normal over the course of three sessions (see Fig. 6.48). Accuracy
remained unimpaired over all sessions. Generalization of training in sustained and
alternating attention was seen in his performance on Two in One in which criterion
was reached in only three trials within a single session. This was true for Level 1,
in which accuracy was good and speed improved to normal (see Fig. 6.49) and
Level 2, in which speed and accuracy improved to normal over three trials within a
single session (see Fig. 6.50).
84 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
Fig. 6.49 RB sustained and alternating attention: speed on Two in One level 1
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
remained at 19th percentile and Short-Delay went from 1st percentile to 2nd
percentile, see Fig. 6.55). Delayed memory after 30 minutes was likewise
impaired and unchanged (\1st percentile to 1st percentile for recall and \ 1st
percentile to 4th percentile for recognition, see Fig. 6.55). After delays of 15
minutes, recall was still impaired on LNNB for tactile memory and a seven-word
list (he remembered two of seven words after treatment compared to one of
seven words before treatment).
Learning deficits may have been due to attentional problems as they seem to
have improved following remediation. However, memory problems remained,
suggesting that attention was not the underlying cause of the memory deficits
and that they would need to be addressed independently if he were to improve in
this area. The retesting suggested that significant improvement occurred in the
areas treated but that no meaningful improvement occurred in the untreated area.
He reported that he was liked at work and they were pleased with his perfor-
mance. He no longer got irritated and angry with the staff or the job, although this
was a problem in the early phases of treatment. Perhaps, improvement in this area
was due to enhanced self-esteem as he saw his functioning improve.
88 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
As can readily be seen from the above cases of subcortical disorder, the areas of
balance, motor strength and control, processing speed, and attention are most
likely to be affected and not show spontaneous recovery. Executive functions and
many types of memory rely on higher cognitive abilities mediated by cortical
regions and therefore tend to be less affected and more easily remediated when
they are found in subcortical disorders. Depression, irritability/explosiveness, and
self-esteem/self-image issues are common in this group. This may be due to dis-
ruption in the limbic system, amygdala–hippocampal complex dysfunction, and/or
psychological response to cognitive and behavioral deficits.
Co-morbid Conditions
about one standard deviation below normal and finished the second session within
normal limits for both speed and accuracy (Online Resource 50). On Two in One
3/4, which required mental arithmetic to complete the alternating attention task, he
completed the first session about two standard deviations slower than the norm.
However, by the end of the second session his speed was only slightly slower than
the norm (less than a standard deviation below the mean; see Online Resource 51)
and accuracy was within normal limits (Online Resource 52). By the end of the
third session speed was at the mean of the normal group and he committed no
errors (Online Resources 51 and 52).
He practiced 17–19 trials per session on Dartboard Level 2. Online Resource 53
demonstrates a steady improvement over three sessions. He met the criterion of at
least two consecutive trials of 90 points or higher. In fact, the last three trials of
session 3 all exceeded 90 points per throw over the course of reaching 2,000 points
at a speed set to 10.
We then turned to remediating his memory deficits. Initially, he had difficulty
with Memory Game 2. He was instructed in compensatory strategies using the
auditory mode. His best performance during session 1 was 23 correct out of 31
words. However, on session 2 he got 58 out of 58 words. He practiced the strat-
egies on Shopping List and was eventually able to get 37 of the 39 items. Facial
memory on Line Up Level 3 (Online Resource 54) improved from a baseline of 12
correct (60% accuracy) to 19 correct (95% accuracy) over three practice sessions.
Memorization was not an issue as the target faces changed on each trial and the
response choices were different poses of the target individual and people with
common features to the target.
Executive functions of reasoning, judgment, and set shifting were addressed
with Detective. On Level 1 he identified the correct analogy 19 out of 21 times
whereas his baseline had been 13 (see Online Resource 55). He had no difficulty
with the verbal analog (24 out of 25 compared to a baseline of 19; see Online
Resource 55), suggesting that the previous set shifting exercises (e.g., Get Q 2,
Two in One 1, 2, 3 and 4) had led to generalization and remediation of set shifting.
The next executive functioning exercise attempted was Mission Decode, a problem
solving and set-shifting task (Online Resource 56). At baseline, he ‘‘blew up’’ after
35 problems on the simplest level (29 correct answers and 6 errors) whereas
following set shifting training, he completed the task without ‘‘blowing up’’ (60 of
64 problems correctly solved). He ‘‘blew up’’ after he solved 34 of the 40 problems
(85% correct) on the most difficult level. That is, he solved 34 of the 39 he had
seen and there were a total of 40 problems comprising the exercise. Number
Guesser Level 2, which required hypothesis generation and use of feedback was
the last executive function task. His score was highly variable throughout the
exercise but never outside of the criterion for successful performance set forth in
the NeurXercise manual.
Repeat neuropsychological testing reflected improvement in verbal learning,
memory, and freedom from distractibility. No change was noted in executive
functioning on the tests. Figure 6.56 demonstrates that his initial performance in
verbal learning was poor prior to remediation but improved significantly following
90 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
Ecologically valid changes were observed. He and his wife felt he was
attending, processing, and remembering better. He successfully made several
speeches at scientific conventions. He appeared on a TV special with other sci-
entists in his area of expertise and articulately discussed his theories and research
(he provided me with a copy of the videotape). Finally, he applied for and received
a research grant that had eluded him for years, even prior to his stroke.
Another complex case of co-morbid conditions was that of JP, a 34-year-old
man who contracted Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at age 14. He developed
leukoencephalopathy, secondary to radiation and chemotherapy. In addition, he
developed Bells Palsy and Herpes Zoster/Shingles, secondary to medication
treatment. At age 28 he developed spinal meningitis. He was placed in nursing
homes and rehabilitation facilities over the next year-and-a-half and received
Occupational, Physical, and Speech Therapies. He was responding to the treat-
ments when he suddenly became lethargic and was diagnosed with Syndrome of
Inappropriate Diuretic Hormone. He was placed in a nursing home for the next
year. He then received an operation that improved his mental status. He improved
over the next 3 years and was then referred for cognitive remediation to help with
his impulsivity, attention, perceptual/spatial ability, and reasoning processes. The
patient was wheelchair bound, had little motion in his hands and spoke breathily
and inarticulately.
Baseline neuropsychological testing with the LNNB revealed significant overall
brain impairment with little evidence of compensation. There were significant
problems with manual motor skills, tactile perception, arithmetic calculations,
memory, and intellectual processing. There was moderate impairment in the areas
of visual perception, spatial abilities, receptive language, and reading. His scores
were mildly impaired on focused auditory attention and expressive language.
Impulsivity can be assessed qualitatively by counting the number of perseverations
made during the administration of the battery. The cutoff for normal limits is set at
three perseverations, as 95.8% of the normal group gave fewer than four persev-
erations. The patient produced seven perseverations, consistent with the com-
plaints of his being impulsive.
All tasks required him to use the computer manually so it was expected that
motor functioning would improve over the course of treatment, as he would be
forced to use fine motor skills. His impulsivity was addressed with Get Q and Two
in One. Memory training employed Memory Game 2, Shopping List, and Symbol
Memory. Perceptual/spatial problems were treated with Dartboard, Run Silent, and
Invaders. Detective and Mission Decode were used to help improve reasoning and
executive functioning.
He was able to eventually meet the criteria for normal performance on most
exercises. For example, alternating attention on Run Silent 3 eventually was per-
formed at 83% accuracy for each trajectory and list learning was accurately per-
formed on Memory Game 2 for seven of seven words. The exception was for
impulsivity/perseverations on Two in One 2. As can be seen in Fig. 6.58, he
improved dramatically by the third trial and met the criterion for normal perfor-
mance on the sixth trial but could not maintain this level of performance on the
92 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11
seventh trial. Most of his errors did not involve failure to shift set between
numbers and letters but rather were due to impulsive responding or perseveration
on number of key strokes (i.e., the number of key strokes for letters and numbers
were equal between ‘‘AA11 and II99’’ but thereafter there were two letter strokes
to four number strokes, ‘‘JJ1010’’, ‘‘KK1111’’, etc.).
Posttreatment testing revealed that the number of perseverations dropped from
7 to 1 on the LNNB. Figure 6.59 shows the dramatic improvement on the clinical
scales of the LNNB following treatment. T scores below 59 were in the normal
range (lower T scores were better on LNNB). Motor performance improvement
was seen on C1 and C7. Writing on C7 returned to the normal range and both C1
and C7 showed significant improvement over baseline (p \ 0.01). Auditory
focused attention, measured by C2, returned to the normal range and was one
T point from being significant at the 0.05 level. Attention and motor improvement
likely accounted for significant change in tactile sensation (p \ 0.01). Likewise,
reading on C8 likely improved due to better attention. Visual perceptual training
seemed to have been highly beneficial in light of the improvement to normal
performance on C4, a change that was significant at p \ 0.01. Receptive and
expressive speech improvements were significant at p \ 0.01, reflecting positive
effects of speech therapy he had re-entered following improvement in his impul-
sive behavior. Immediate memory improved (p \ 0.01). Reasoning, as measured
by C11, improved to a nonsignificant degree and no change was noted in arith-
metic, which was not addressed in the treatment plan. Since attention was clearly
Etiology 93
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
With multiple, co-morbid conditions patients are better able to recover if the
insults are consecutive and there is time to recover between neurological events.
With multisystem problems, as is seen with KP, stability of the different conditions
94 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
Cognitive Domain
MA was a high school graduate who fell from a moving vehicle and suffered a left-
sided basilar skull fracture. He was hospitalized for 3 days. He had an anterograde
amnesia for 1 week following the accident. There was a left-sided paralysis that
resolved except for occasional episodes of palsy. His sense of smell and taste were
impaired. He returned to work but he was overcome by gas fumes, which he had
been unable to smell. Seven months post injury he was experiencing blackouts,
headaches, and ‘‘twitching’’ on the left side. Audition and balance problems
accompanied these episodes. CT was normal. He persisted having posttraumatic
headaches, problems with memory, distraction, and visual perception, and met the
DSM IV criteria for PTSD due to exaggerated startle response, flashbacks, pal-
pitations, etc. whenever he rode as a passenger in a car.
Intellectual functioning was in the superior range. Executive functions were
disrupted during visual tasks only. Sustained attention was impaired on visual
tasks but not auditory ones. Encoding and retrieval of an auditorially presented
word-list were mildly impaired while efficiency in learning the list was moderately
to severely impaired. When there was a context, as opposed to a list of unrelated
words, he performed well (e.g., a story, meaningful word-picture associations). His
auditory verbal memory was disrupted by distraction, and verbal memory, in
general, was mildly impaired on LNNB. Visual–nonverbal memory was intact. He
performed normally on sensorimotor functions, focused attention, language, and
visual perception.
He entered psychotherapy for PTSD, secondary to the accident, and cognitive
remediation focused on his visual attention problems. At baseline, his major dif-
ficulties were on the most complex visual attention exercises, Get Q 3 (all letters
are similarly shaped: Q, O, D, C, etc.), Run Silent 4 (height and depth change every
trial) and Double Trouble. These constituted his treatment plan.
On Get Q 3 his accuracy was always within normal limits and speed improved
from average to above average over three sessions (Fig. 6.61). He then began
performing another task while working on Get Q 3, making it a divided attention
task as well as a sustained and alternating attention task. While practicing Get Q 3,
he also generated names of countries, models of cars, words beginning with
designated letters, different sports, cities, articles of clothing, etc. As can be seen in
Fig. 6.62 his performance slowed on the first trial but was back to normal speed
compared with norms for the simpler Get Q 2 by itself (0.50–0.0.60 seconds for Q
Cognitive Domain 95
1 2 3
1 2
and 0.44–0.62 seconds for not Q; median normative score is 0.56 seconds for both
Q and not Q). Errors always remained within the limits seen on the simpler Get Q
2. This practice on divided attention generalized to Double Trouble on which he
had no errors on Level 1 and only one error on Level 2.
On Run Silent Level 4 submarine and plane fire alternately and their projectiles
have different trajectories (thus requiring alternating attention). In addition, the
crafts change depth and height on each trial (set shifting, impulse control, and
recalibrating are executive functions involved on this visuospatial-motor task). He
was able to perform the task with a total of one miss after five trials. While there
are no norms collected for this complex task, on the simpler Run Silent 3, which
does not vary height and depth, normals initially have an average of ten misses. At
this point his treatment was felt to be complete and neuropsychological testing was
Visual sustained attention improved to average for accuracy and above average
for efficiency on Running Memory from the 1990s ANAM Battery (86.79–97.48
for accuracy and 83.02–119.72 for efficiency). Trails A improved to average. Thus,
visual sustained attention was no longer impaired, as measured by repeat testing.
Similarly, Trails B returned to average, suggesting visual alternating attention was
no longer impaired. Regarding word-list performance, his total words learned over
five trials improved more than a full standard deviation on AVLT. His retention by
the fifth trial returned to average from 0.75 standard deviations below the mean at
baseline. His verbal learning under interference and in general improved to no
96 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
below average to normal (no errors). Speed on the executive functions task of the
Stroop improved a full standard deviation, from approximately -1.5 standard
deviations from the mean to about -0.5 standard deviations from the mean.
Accuracy improved from slightly below the mean to 0.5 standard deviations above
the mean. Thus, on the Stroop there is clear improvement in his accuracy and
mixed results regarding improvement in speed.
Simple visual tracking speed on Trails A remained in the normal range while
speed of alternating attention on Trails B remained impaired at approximately the
same level (-3 standard deviations). Consistent, although statistically nonsignif-
icant, improvement was evident at all presentation speeds on the PASAT
(Fig. 6.66). Total errors improved about a half standard deviation. Sustained
attention on the 1990s ANAM Running Memory was measured by administering
the test twice consecutively so that the second score represented sustained atten-
tion over a 10 minutes period (5 minutes of practice followed by a second
5 minute trial). On the second administration he scored almost three standard
deviations below the norm for accuracy prior to treatment but improved to 0.5
standard deviations below the norm after treatment. His efficiency (throughput) on
the second administration was average (slightly below the mean) at pretreatment
and improved to almost 1.5 standard deviations above average after treatment.
Initial learning improved significantly on Trial 1 of AVLT, from [3 standard
deviations below average in the pretreatment phase to +0.5 standard deviations
following treatment (Fig. 6.67). Performance was better on three of the five trials
following treatment. After a 30 minute delay, recall improved from -0.6 standard
Cognitive Domain 99
Treatment of Attention
These cases illustrated that attention problems in the postacute phase can be
readily improved. This included sustained, alternating, and divided attention.
100 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
It was also clear that memory sequelae following head injury may be due to
attentional problems (i.e., the encoding stage of memory) and that addressing
attention in these two cases was sufficient to restore normal memory functions.
Resumption of a normal life following treatment was demonstrated by both cases
as well.
Executive Functioning
SJ was a 52-year-old physician who was a rear seat passenger in a vehicle that was
struck from behind by a second vehicle traveling at 50 miles per hour while the
impacted vehicle was moving at 5 miles per hour. The patient reported whiplash
but no loss of consciousness. The following day she had a stiff neck, severe
headache, and blurred vision. She nonetheless returned to work and for the next 2
days experienced visual disturbances and perseverative, illogical speech.
Quantitative Electroencephalography 1 month post-injury demonstrated diffuse
low voltage activity in all frequency bands. While beta activity may be subject to a
muscle artifact, this is not the case for alpha and theta waves. Relative power for
all regions was low for alpha and excessive for theta. Theta was especially
excessive in all frontal leads. Extreme asymmetry and hypocoherence were found
for the frequency bands between the occipital areas and temporal and parietal
regions. Anterior regions tended to have more power on the right side. Inter-
hemispheric gradients were disturbed, with statistically significant excessive
posterior beta activity. There were small sharp waves in the right parietal and
occipital regions. P300 was normal in the anterior regions but completely absent
bilaterally from posterior temporal, parietal and occipital regions. The profile
suggested a postconcussion syndrome.
Three months post injury she was administered neuropsychological tests, which
revealed visual and auditory oversensitivities, generalized memory retrieval
problems, mild-to-moderately severe bilateral fine motor dyspraxias, marked
tactile-spatial reasoning deficits, conceptual inflexibility and difficulties reasoning
in ambiguous, unstructured situations. The neuropsychologist felt the pattern of
deficits suggested occipitoparietal and bilateral prefrontal dysfunction. One month
later an optometrist concluded that head trauma had interrupted her ability to
perceive and manage visual–spatial functions. She spent the next year in treatment
with a developmental opthamologist followed by neurofeedback to alter her
QEEG. She had been unable to return to practice since the injury. She frequently
burned herself while cooking because she was so easily distracted.
At this point she was administered a neuropsychological test battery as a basis
for a cognitive remediation treatment plan. Intellectual functioning was in the
superior range, processing speed was below average, and conceptual linguistic
functioning was mildly impaired. Reasoning and flexibility, sequencing social
situations, and sorting (all executive functions) were impaired. Visual spatial
reasoning was unimpaired. Attention to detail was low average.
Cognitive Domain 101
Attention and executive functions were targeted. After about a year of weekly
sessions her attorney insisted that she have an interim retesting. The results were as
follows. Intellectual functioning improved to ‘‘Very Superior’’, visual spatial
reasoning was significantly improved from baseline, attention to details was sig-
nificantly improved, and sequencing social situations and sorting were markedly
improved. Reasoning and flexibility had not been treated yet and her scores were
unchanged in this area. She continued treatment until meeting all criteria set for
her after which a final testing was repeated (all testings were done by an inde-
pendent neuropsychologist who had referred her for treatment but had no infor-
mation about what deficits she had been working on or her level of achievement in
treatment at the interim or final testing.) She continued to show improvement on
During the course of treatment she had been told by her doctors to forget about
return to work as a physician or a professional of any sort. They recommended
work at a convenience store. She was extremely upset and we spoke about the
goals we had and that it was entirely too soon to determine the level at which she
would eventually be able to function. Her doctors were assuming that there could
be no recovery after the acute phase of injury, as this is what they were taught. As
time proceeded and she felt she was improving, she arranged to work under the
supervision of another physician. She made a diagnosis missed by her supervisor
and was doing well under supervision. However, she and her supervisor agreed she
was not ready to practice independently. Unfortunately, the supervisor retired and
she could find no other physician to set up an individualized program as the last
one had done. By the interim testing, she was no longer burning herself when
working in the kitchen.
Another case of executive dysfunction was MD, a 30-year-old, self-employed
man who purchased, renovated, and resold houses. He also researched patents and
was a graduate student who had completed all coursework for his doctorate. He
was about to begin work on his dissertation when an 18-wheeler ran him off the
road. He lost consciousness briefly, was treated in an ER, and was then released.
On two subsequent occasions he returned to the ER because of nausea, vomiting,
abdominal pain, headache, and syncope. CT scan was normal, as is usually the
case with concussions. Four months post injury he still suffered from headaches,
slowed mental processing, difficulties with sustaining attention, and memory
Neuropsychological testing revealed problems in attention, processing speed,
abstract thinking, and memory. With regard to attention and processing speed, the
Seashore Rhythm scale, Trails A and Trails B all fell below a T of 40. Speech
Sound was T = 45. Digit Span Scale Score was 10 while Digit Symbol was 8.
Reasoning and abstract thinking on the Categories Test produced a T score of 43,
far below expectation for this highly educated and intelligent man. Learning and
memory were impaired on the CVLT (T = 17).
Attempts to remediate attention and processing speed with Get Q and Two in
One were unsuccessful because he was unable to speed his performance on tasks
with numbers and letters as they looked ‘‘school-related’’. He performed the tasks
102 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
4 MO
10 MO
21 MO
1 2 3 4 5 6
extremely slowly so that he would be accurate, and he felt anxious speeding up for
fear of making mistakes. We therefore used Space Probe, Dartboard, and Run
Silent to help improve attention and processing speed, as they do not resemble
academic work. Reasoning exercises included Detective and Mission Decode.
Memory strategies were taught on Symbol Memory, Line Up, Concentration,
Memory Game 2, and Shopping List.
Criteria for normal speed and accuracy were met on all levels of Space Probe,
Dartboard, and Run Silent. He proceeded from a presentation speed (speed at
which the rocket travels) of 4 to a speed of 10 on Space Probe and increased
presentation speed from 10 to 15 on Dartboard. He was eventually able to score
not only within normal limits but also to throw the darts accurately every time,
despite the rapid rate at which they appeared. He also met criteria for the abstract
reasoning exercises. He learned to use a verbal strategy on the visual memory
exercise Symbol Memory. After five sessions he was taught to gradually rely less
on the compensatory mechanism and increasingly on visualizing. Performance
demonstrated effective use of the compensatory strategy and the eventual resto-
ration of his visual memory, which had been clearly impaired following his injury.
All memory exercises were practiced until he reached criteria for normal perfor-
mance. For example, he learned all lists on Shopping List to 100% accuracy using
the strategies he was taught.
Retesting demonstrated improved attention/processing (Fig. 6.69). Digit Span
improved from a scaled score of 10 to a score of 12 following attention training. A
final retesting at the completion of the entire remediation program produced a
scaled score of 13 (SS = 13). Digit Symbol improved from a scaled scored of 8 to
12 following attention training. This level of performance was maintained at the
end of remediation. Luria Rhythm improved from a T of 35 to 43 following
attention training and 65 by the end of remediation (Luria Ts were converted so
that higher Ts were better). Speech Sounds was T = 45 pretreatment, T = 25
following attention training and T = 55 on completion of remediation. Trail
Making A and B showed a steady improvement from pretreatment to post-atten-
tion training to posttreatment when scores exceeded Ts of 50.
No explicit remediation was attempted in the area of sensorimotor functioning.
On Grooved Pegboard the dominant hand improved somewhat, from T = 23 to 28.
Cognitive Domain 103
Fig. 6.70 M.D. work performance: average number of patents pulled per hour
(see Online Resources 68 and 69). Two in One 1 criterion was met in seven trials
(two at baseline and the rest the following week). Speed and accuracy on this
attention and impulse control task are depicted in Online Resource 70. Two in One
2 was completed in the same number of sessions but with twice as many trials (see
Online Resource 71). On Two in One 3 Fig. 6.71 shows his baseline trial under
trial 1 and blocks of three trials constitute the other data points. After seven blocks
of three trials (i.e., 21 trials total) his performance was consistently within the
expected range. He practiced Run Silent 3 for seven trials, the last four of which
met the criterion for successful attention and impulse control. He was then given
the highly demanding Run Silent 4, which randomly changes the height of the
plane and the depth of the submarine on each run within a trial. His performance
was highly variable and far from meeting the criterion for success (see Online
Resource 72).
He then missed 2 weeks of treatment and did not practice during that time. He
was readministered Run Silent 3 to ensure that he had not lost ground. Online
Resource 73 shows that he performed poorly and never duplicated his previous
level of performance (only trial 13 of the 14 trials was comparable to his per-
formance of 2 weeks earlier.) Online Resource 74 shows sustained attention
performance on Dartboard 2. He was highly variable in his performance and did
not reach the criterion of two consecutive performances averaging more than 90
points until trial 23. Despite the decrement in his performance, he felt he was
doing well. He dropped out of treatment, left his parent’s home to live in his
girlfriend’s parents’ house and sought new employment as he had been fired from
his recent job because he left without informing anyone. He failed to get another
job and stress built at his girlfriend’s house. After 6 months he negotiated with his
parents for return to their home under the stipulation that he return to treatment and
follow house rules.
His performance on Run Silent 3 was initially at the reduced level seen after his
2 week hiatus. However, he was able to return to the criterion level, as he had
earlier in the treatment program (see Fig. 6.72). Get Q 2 and 3 were at the normal
levels seen 6 months earlier. Similarly, Two in One 1, 2, 3, and 4 were performed
within normal limits after 6 months without intervening practice. Thus,
106 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
Fig. 6.72 WM alternating attention/visual motor tracking: Run Silent 3 (after 6 months of not
0.6 during the third session). On this last session his score never dropped below 90
and four of seven trials were errorless. He then practiced the same task to 10,000
points, about 10 minutes of sustained and divided attention. He met the criterion
on the very first trial. He then switched to Double Trouble 1 set to 10,000 points
and easily met the criterion for success, reflecting skill transfer and generalization.
Thereafter, he attended four more sessions working unsuccessfully on Run Silent
4. He then began to miss sessions so a retesting was scheduled.
Performance was no longer variable on Trigrams and PASAT. Sustained atten-
tion improved. Performance on the 1990s version of ANAM improved by more than
a standard deviation, returning to the normal range. Sustained attention to verbal
material on Stroop improved from 31st percentile to the 53rd. With nonverbal
material Stroop improved from the 2nd percentile to the 18th. Auditory processing
on PASAT improved from the 24th to the 50th percentile. Divided attention on
Trigrams improved at the 9-second delay (4th percentile to 81st percentile) and 18-
second delay (31st to 72nd percentile). There was no change at the 36-second delay
(58th percentile). Executive functioning also improved dramatically. Emotional
responding was no longer present during testing on LNNB and PASAT. Persever-
ations were no longer excessive on Trigrams and AVLT. Set shifting was within
normal limits on PASAT. Resistance to distraction on AVLT (short delay condition)
improved from the 69th percentile to the 96th percentile). Reduced impulsivity and
better judgment were seen in his performing more slowly but more accurately.
A real-life reflection of improved impulse control and judgment occurred when
a snowstorm was forecast for the day he was scheduled for posttreatment testing.
He telephoned a few days in advance and asked if he could reschedule the testing
if the roads were bad on the appointment date. This reflected forethought and
appreciation of the importance of the testing. The storm was much milder than
predicted and he arrived on time without having to reschedule. He had been
working for his father, at first traveling with him when he did not have his own
transportation and thereafter on his own when he had saved enough money to
purchase his own vehicle. No accidents or problems while driving were reported.
He was trying to save money in anticipation of marrying his girlfriend.
The case of SJ, like that of CG discussed under Subcortical disorders, suggests
that NeurXercise and other treatments may potentiate and speed up the positive
effects seen with each treatment separately. Reasoning was clearly improved, as
exemplified by her ability to deduce a diagnosis that was missed by her supervisor
and other physicians. MD improved his ability to plan, organize, and execute, as
seen in his ability to write and publish a paper, consult to a movie company, and to
research and pull appropriate patents in an accurate and speedy fashion. WM
demonstrated many problems with impulsivity and judgment, but after his cog-
nitive remediation was completed and he was scheduled for retesting, he behaved
108 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
because of her memory problems when she entered treatment. Following treatment
she reported that the strategies helped and that she was performing her duties
successfully. She reported that she had the treatment to thank for keeping her job.
This case illustrated that at least some memory problems can be successfully
remediated through the development of compensatory skills following a serious
open head wound, even after the acute phase of recovery. Other instances of
successful remediation of memory were cited earlier. For example, the case of AF
(under Head trauma) demonstrated significant improvement following training in
compensatory memory strategies. The case of MD (under Executive functioning)
reflects the successful application of remediation techniques for restitution of
memory functions that had been impaired by closed head injury.
Short-term memory deficits are the most common memory complaints and
cognitive remediation has been successful in improving short-term retention with
verbal, visual, and spatial materials. Benefits have been shown to last after delays
of 30 minutes on many standardized tests and up to 3 hours or more on the LNNB.
Patients report improvement in daily short-term memory.
Obviously, there are other ways to look at the populations we assess and treat other
than etiology and cognitive domains. The results of cognitive remediation remain
consistent across subpopulations as well. For example, older patients have been
found to respond well to cognitive remediation, e.g., KP under Co-morbid con-
ditions and the cases cited below.
A 57-year-old psychiatrist suffered a mild closed head injury and was treated for
sustained attention problems. Prior to treatment he complained that he could only
concentrate for a few minutes on his journals while at posttreatment he complained
he could only concentrate for an hour or two (!). He had a life-long problem
remembering names and faces, which was substantiated at baseline when he could
recall only 2 or 3 out of 10 name-face pairs over four different groupings (9 out of
40 remembered). Following training in the peg-word system on What’s My Name,
he was able to get 100% correct or 40 out of 40.
Subpopulations 111
BX was a 26-year-old who was diagnosed with ADHD at age six or seven and was
on Ritalin until the sixth grade. He reported daydreaming and having difficulty
studying in high school. He was working full time and taking college classes but
last year he found himself bored and staring off in class. This year he changed jobs.
112 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
The new job was much more demanding and required significantly more multi-
tasking. He found himself behind and having to rush to get everything done by the
end of the day. He was also finding his college courses difficult. He had been
married for 3 years. He had some family-related stresses but these were resolved.
His school and work problems, however, did not resolve.
Neuropsychological testing included WAIS III subtests (Working Memory
Index), Wechsler Memory Scale III (Logical Memory I and II), Conners’ CPT,
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, AVLT, Stroop, Auditory Consonant Trigrams,
PASAT, Trail Making Test, and Controlled Oral Word Association. He was found
to be impulsive on Conners’ CPT. His AVLT demonstrated slow learning and
retroactive interference.
WAIS III Working Memory Index was in the superior range as were all three
subtests that made it up (Arithmetic, Digit Span, and Letter Number Sequencing).
PASAT scores were above average to superior. Visual attention on Trails A was
above average. Stroop was average for visual attention and executive functioning.
Multitasking on Trigrams was above average to superior. Wisconsin Card Sort
scores were within normal limits and freedom from perseveration was superior. Set
shifting on Trails B was superior. Controlled Oral Word Association was average
for generating words beginning with designated letters but below average for
words belonging to a designated category. Story memory was average for
immediate and delayed conditions.
The treatment plan addressed impulsivity, learning speed, and executive
functions (e.g., problem solving, rapid set shifting, rapid processing, and multi-
tasking with two and three tasks performed simultaneously for longer periods of
time). Impulse control was practiced on Two in One Levels 3. Problem solving and
learning were practiced on Detective, Mission Decode, and Tower of Hanoi. Set
shifting exercises included Two in One 3 and 4, Run Silent 3, Detective and
Mission Decode. Processing speed was involved in Dartboard and Double Trou-
ble. Visual/spatial memory and learning were practiced on Concentration.
Following baselines, he was able to produce a flawless performance within a
normal speed on Two in One 3. He solved the Tower of Hanoi problem in four
attempts following baseline, producing the ideal solution on trial 4. During the
treatment phase he took only two trials to get a perfect score on Mission Decode 1
and he was within normal limits after two trials on Level 2. That is, he did not
blow up on trials 3 or 4 during which the number of errors was under five. His
score was within normal limits on the initial trials following baseline, performed a
month after the abnormal baseline was obtained. Improved set shifting ability was
seen on the above performances on Two in One, Detective and Mission Decode. He
was able to meet criterion on Run Silent 3 after only three trials during the
treatment phase. The processing speed criterion was quickly met on Dartboard.
Levels 1 and 2 of Double Trouble were easily performed to criterion. When a third
task was introduced for simultaneous processing, his excellent scores did not
change. While visual–spatial memory was below criterion at baseline, he easily
met the criterion during treatment.
Subpopulations 113
He began treatment with the spatial problem, Tower of Hanoi. After meeting
the criterion he quickly dispensed with the mental–spatial, impulse control task,
Two in One 3. Practice with these spatial tasks seems to have generalized as he
quickly mastered Run Silent 3. This further seemed to have generalized to visual
processing as he took only two trials to master Dartboard. Multitasking was a
complaint he had had, but his testing did not support this as a problem area. He
demonstrated superior performance on two and three task exercises. Visual set
shifting on Run Silent 3 and problem solving on Tower of Hanoi seem to have
generalized to the problem solving, set shifting tasks of Detective and Mission
Decode, the last exercises to be practiced.
Retesting was limited to the CPT, Stroop, AVLT, and Controlled Oral Word
Association, as he had done so well at baseline on the other measures. The fol-
lowing changes occurred. There was no longer any indicator of impulsivity on
CPT. His Stroop interference score, which measures impulse control, improved
from average (75th percentile) to superior (93rd percentile). Retroactive interfer-
ence on AVLT was no longer present (his score went from the 20th percentile to
the 80th percentile on List A Short Delay). There was no change in word gener-
ation on Controlled Oral Word Association, which was not addressed in the
treatment plan, suggesting that the other changes were due to the intervention and
not across the board improvement due to practice effects on the tests.
At the conclusion of treatment BX reported that he was having no trouble
completing his work on time. He felt he was a little distracted when he began in the
morning but that this quickly disappeared and he worked efficiently and effectively
through the day. Prior to treatment he had reported that he was distracted for about
the first half of the day and then had to work feverishly to get done.
Learning Disability
taught and practiced on Memory Game 2 and Shopping List. Executive functions
targeted were verbal and nonverbal reasoning and verbal and nonverbal judgment.
Online Resource 81 demonstrates that focused attention was at the mean for the
normative group on the first two trials and improved from there on 6 of the next
seven trials. She showed significant improvement over baseline on all levels of
Two in One (see Online Resources 82–84). Performance speed improved far
beyond normative levels and was more accurate.
List learning strategies were taught on Memory Game 2 while study time for the
lists was extended. Online Resource 85 shows that there was improvement on the
first session, greater improvement during the second session, and near perfect
performance by the third session. For the final session the speed of presentation or
time allotted for study was increased to the level used when collecting normative
data. She demonstrated perfect performance for both presentations of the list. She
then practiced Shopping List (see Online Resource 86). It took four trials to master
the first list, two trials to master the second, four to master the third, and only one
to master the fourth list.
Online Resource 87 depicts verbal reasoning on Detective 2 (verbal analogies).
She began making three errors on the first two trials, one error on trial 3, and no
errors on the next two trials. Online Resource 88 demonstrates performance on
pictorial problem solving as practiced on Mission Decode Level 1. Baseline per-
formance was poor while there was a substantial improvement on the next trial.
Thereafter, she completed the program without detonating the bomb. The last three
trials were performed without error. On Mission Decode Level 2 both nonverbal
and verbal problem solving were incorporated. She demonstrated an almost classic
learning curve, reaching perfect performance by trial 12 (Fig. 6.75).
Nonverbal judgment based upon feedback received on Golf Level 2 is seen in
Fig. 6.76. By the sixth round of 18 holes she had shot par or below par on 15 of the
holes. Both verbal judgment and verbal reasoning were practiced on Vocabulary
Level 3. She was able to identify 90% of the target words on the third session,
100% by the fourth session, and dropped to 95% accuracy on the fifth session. At
this point she was retested.
Impairment on LNNB had improved to the normal range. Processing speed and
overall accuracy had also improved to the normal range. She improved on mental
116 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
1 2 3 4 NOT Q ERRORS
group was 0.49 seconds and her score was 0.58 seconds. Alternating and sustained
visual attention was practiced on Get Q Level 2 (see Fig. 6.77). Her baseline per-
formance (plotted as session 1) was slow and inaccurate for both Qs and non-Qs.
After three training sessions her score approached normal. Reaction time to Q was
equal to or better than three of the 14 normals, was in the recommended range based
on normative data (0.5–0.06 seconds) and approached the manual’s recommendation
of below 0.6 seconds. Reaction time to non-Qs yielded a similar result. Three people
from the normative group reacted more slowly and she met the speed recommended
in the manual. Errors were reduced to a median of one by the last session. Sustained
attention on a visual task, Dartboard Level 2, was practiced by having her concen-
trate on the center of the board and ‘‘throw the dart when it reached this point’’.
Online Resource 89 shows that she improved from an average score of 69 points at
baseline to an average of 82 points per throw by the last trial of session 2. Run Silent
Level 3 is an alternating/sustained attention visual–spatial task. Her baseline score
was poor so she was trained on each trajectory separately and then returned to the
alternating attention task. Online Resource 90 shows that she was able to perform
within the recommended guidelines during the second and third sessions (trials 5–6
and trial 7, respectively). Her post baseline scores were significantly better than our
normal sample’s when they were first exposed to the task, although her baseline
scores were significantly worse than normal when she was first exposed to the task
(see her baseline score, which is trial 1 on the graph). Prior alternating and sustained
attention training seemed to have accelerated her improved performance on this task,
suggesting generalization of skills that had initially been impaired.
Learning and encoding were practiced on Concentration. Figure 6.78 demon-
strates that she met the manual’s criterion of matching objects in less than 30
attempts on trials 3–6, after only two substandard performances. The scores on
trials 3–6 (location of stimuli are randomly rearranged on each trial) were within a
standard deviation of the mean obtained by the normative group (trial 5 was one
standard deviation above the norm, trial 4 was at the 50th percentile). Concen-
tration 2 is the identical task using faces. Generalization of encoding and learning
from Concentration 1 to 2 can be seen as both trials on Level 2 were within the
normal range (trial 1 was a half standard deviation below the mean and trial 2 was
Subpopulations 119
These cases suggest that people with learning disability may often have underlying
problems in attention, processing, and memory. Addressing these issues through
120 6 A NeurXercise Casebook
three sessions, Level 2 over four sessions and Level 3 over two sessions. Get Q 1
was mastered in a single session. Get Q 2 was practiced for two sessions and Level
3 was worked on for three sessions. Run Silent Level 3 was poor at baseline so
practice began after she had completed training on Levels 1 and 2. Memory
training took place with Concentration, Line Up 2 and 3, Memory Game 2, and
Shopping List. Prior to completing the training she moved out of state and dis-
continued treatment. About 3 years later she contacted me requesting that a copy
of her records be forwarded to her attorney. She felt she had made progress with
the treatment but that recovery was incomplete.
Chapter 7
The casebook demonstrates that etiology of cognitive symptoms is not the key
factor in their remediation. Rather, stability of the neurological condition and
availability of alternate functional systems or neural networks are necessary for the
intervention to be effective. The number of sessions needed to improve in any
identified domain will vary by patient, and the target should be a behavioral and
not a temporal one. Following this approach, the casebook demonstrates signifi-
cant improvement in various kinds of attention and memory problems, visual/
spatial deficits, and executive dysfunction, independent of etiology or age of the
Severity and chronicity of injury do not have a negative impact on the likeli-
hood of success with cognitive remediation. As long as there are relatively intact
functional systems that can be identified on neuropsychological testing, compen-
satory and perhaps even restitutional strategies can be successfully implemented.
The more chronic the injury, the more likely that emotional factors will be
exacerbating the effects of the cognitive impairment. Therefore, one must always
consider whether psychotherapy should be part of the treatment plan. Depression,
irritability, and anxiety are frequently reported following brain injury and these
tend to persist when there has been an incomplete recovery. Headaches are also
common sequelae and must be addressed (i.e., medication, biofeedback) if the
patient is to be capable of putting forth the necessary effort for recovery.
Finally, neuropsychological testing measures may be insufficient to evaluate
true changes in cognitive functioning. There were several cases in which executive
functions did not seem to improve following training that targeted these skills, but
the patients showed real-life improvements in executive performance. Attention,
memory, and visual-spatial tests seem to more frequently show significant changes
following cognitive remediation. The casebook reflects that real-life changes are
readily documented in these areas following intervention. The changes are seen at
work, school, and home.
The casebook provides application of the approach set forth in the first section
of the book. This hopefully helps the reader to see how to implement and evaluate
M. H. Podd, Cognitive Remediation for Brain Injury and Neurological Illness, 123
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-1975-4_7, Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
124 7 Conclusions
Attention Domain
M. H. Podd, Cognitive Remediation for Brain Injury and Neurological Illness, 125
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-1975-4, Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
126 Appendix A
Test Input Output
LNNB Item 6 Auditory-Rhythmic Motor
Letter Cancellation Visual-Alphabetic Motor
Divided Attention
Trigrams ([0-sec delay) Auditory-Verbal Verbal
Digits Backward Auditory-Numeric Verbal
Spatial Span Backward Visual-Spatial Motor
Selective Attention
Letter cancellation Visual-Verbal Motor
Speech Sounds Perception Auditory-Tonal Motor
LNNB Rhythm (old tape) Auditory-Tonal Verbal/Motor
Appendix B
Processing Speed
M. H. Podd, Cognitive Remediation for Brain Injury and Neurological Illness, 127
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-1975-4, Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
Appendix C
Perception Domain
M. H. Podd, Cognitive Remediation for Brain Injury and Neurological Illness, 129
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-1975-4, Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
Appendix D
Sensorimotor Domain
M. H. Podd, Cognitive Remediation for Brain Injury and Neurological Illness, 131
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-1975-4, Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
Appendix E
Language Domain
M. H. Podd, Cognitive Remediation for Brain Injury and Neurological Illness, 133
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Appendix F
Memory Domain
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136 Appendix F
Test Input Output
Verbal Paired Associates II Auditory-Verbal Verbal
Nonverbal Memory-Immediate
TPT Tactile Motor
LNNB Tactile Verbal
Rey Figure Visual Motor
Visual Reproduction I Visual Motor
Luria Figure Visual Motor
WMS-R Figural Memory Visual Motor
Visual Paired Associates I Visual Verbal
Nonverbal Memory-Delayed
TPT Tactile Motor
LNNB Auditory-Verbal Verbal/Motor
Rey Figure Visual Motor
Visual Reproduction II Visual Motor
Luria Figure Visual Motor
Visual Paired Associates II Visual Verbal
Retrieval Method-Free Recall
Logical Memory II Auditory-Verbal Verbal
LNNB Story Auditory-Verbal Verbal
CVLT Auditory-Verbal Verbal
AVLT Auditory-Verbal Verbal
LNNB Word List Auditory-Verbal Verbal
WMS III Word List Auditory-Verbal Verbal
LNNB Audioverbal/Audiovisual Verbal/Motor
TPT Tactile Motor
Rey Figure Visual Motor
Visual Reproduction II Visual Motor
Retrieval Method-Cued Recall
Selective Reminding Audioverbal/Visual/Spatial Verbal
Visual Paired Associates II Visual Verbal
Verbal Paired Associates II Auditory-Verbal Verbal
Logical Memory II Visual Motor
Retrieval Method-Recognition
AVLT Visual Motor
LNNB Delayed Memory Visual Verbal
Selective Reminding Audioverbal/Visual/Spatial Verbal
Logical Memory II Visual Motor
Rey Figure Visual Motor
Visual Reproduction II Visual Motor
Verbal Paired Associates II Auditory-Verbal Verbal
WMS III Word List Auditory-Verbal Verbal
Appendix G
Intelligence Domain
M. H. Podd, Cognitive Remediation for Brain Injury and Neurological Illness, 137
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Appendix H
Academic Domain
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Appendix I
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142 Appendix I
Test Input Output
Trails B Visual-Alphanumeric Motor
PASAT Auditory-Numeric Verbal
LNNB Alternating Figure Visual Motor
DRS Alternating Figure Visual Motor
LNNB Motor Alternation Visual/Auditory-Verbal Motor
Trigrams Auditory-Verbal Verbal
AVLT Auditory-Verbal Verbal
Picture Arrangement Visual Motor
Comprehension Auditory-Verbal Verbal
LNNB Word List Auditory-Verbal Verbal
LNNB Picture Sequences Visual Motor
Appendix J
Attention Domain
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Appendix K
Processing Speed
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Appendix L
Perception Domain
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Appendix M
Memory Domain
M. H. Podd, Cognitive Remediation for Brain Injury and Neurological Illness, 149
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150 Appendix M
Exercise Input Output
Retrieval Method-Free Recall
Memory Game 1 Visual-Alphabetic Motor
Memory Game 2 Visual-Verbal Motor
Shopping List Visual-Verbal Motor
Flasher Visual-Color Motor
Flasher Auditory-Tonal Motor
Concentration 1 Visual-Pictorial Motor/Spatial
Concentration 2 Visual-Facial Motor/Spatial
Time Travel 2 Visual-Facial Motor
Retrieval Method-Cued Recall
What’s My Name Visual/Visual-Verbal Verbal/Motor
Symbol Memory Visual-Symbolic Motor
Retrieval Method-Recognition
Foreign Intrigue 1 Visual-Facial Motor
Foreign Intrigue 2 Visual-Alphabetic Motor
Foreign Intrigue 3 Visual-Verbal Motor
Time Travel 1 Visual-Facial Motor
Line Up Visual-Facial Motor
Appendix N
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152 Appendix N
Exercise Input Output
Impulse Control
Mission Decode Visual Motor
Detective 1 Visual-Facial Motor
Detective 2 Visual-Verbal Motor
Vocabulary Visual-Verbal Motor
Two in One Visual-Verbal Motor
Get Q Visual-Alphabetic Motor
Run Silent Visual-Spatial Motor/Spatial
Invaders Visual-Spatial Motor/Spatial
Body Language 2 Visual Motor
Body Language Visual Motor
Vocabulary Visual-Verbal Motor
Mission Decode Visual Motor
Detective 1 Visual-Facial Motor
Detective 2 Visual-Verbal Motor
Spies Visual-Facial Motor
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A novelty, 18
Academic functioning, 17 problem solving, 31, 141
Alternate functional systems, 2, 5, 6, 23, 24, set shifting, 34, 107, 112–114, 141, 151
27, 66, 123
Attention, 7–9, 18, 19, 26, 27, 29, 51, 55, 57,
58, 64, 70 F
focused, 7, 26 Functional systems, 5, 123
alternating, 8
sustained, 8
divided, 8, 28, 50, 62, 80, 97, 107 G
Selective, 9 Generalization, 90, 119, 124
Attention deficit disorder, 112 Geriatrics, 111
Auditory Consonant Trigrams, 7, 8, 19, 50, 61, Golden, C.J., 154
64, 112
B Head injury, 16, 69, 96, 108
Blast injuries, 58 closed, 110, 111
open, 108
mild, 101, 109, 111, 115
C mild/moderate, 25
Cognitive domains, 6, 7, 111 severe, 25
Cognitive remediation, 5, 41, 44, 96
Co-morbid conditions, 88, 94
Compensatory strategies, 32 I
Input channel, 13
Double dissociation, 5, 16 L
Language, 12, 35, 68, 97, 117
expressive speech, 12
E receptive speech, 13
Ecological validity, 72, 100
Executive functions, 7, 31, 85, 90, 95, 98,
115, 116 L
impulse control, 62, 141 Learning disability, 117, 120
judgment, 36, 47, 89, 117, 142 Litigation, 120
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158 Index
L (cont.) R
Luria, A.R., 155 Restitutional strategies, 24
Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Rhythm and pitch perception, 6, 10
(LNNB), 7
M Sensorimotor skill, 11
Memory, 8, 13–16, 21, 24, 31, 33, 44, 45, 49, constructional praxis, 6, 12
68, 75, 80, 82, 87, 89, 92, 111 fine motor skill, 11, 92
audioverbal, 32 fine motor speed, 11
audiovisual, 19, 125, 135 gross motor, 11
encoding, 119 sensory perception, 12
nonverbal, 27, 51, 115, 149 stereognosis, 15
recall, 27, 149 Stroke, 44, 88, 92
recognition, 61, 99, 136, 150 Stroop Color and Word Test (Stroop), 7
retrieval, 14, 15 Subcortical disorders, 88, 108
storage, 14, 15
verbal, 24, 50, 95, 97, 109, 115, 135
visual, 15, 64, 102, 103 T
visual Nonverbal, 32 Trail Making Test, 9, 18, 30, 87, 112
Neurosurgical intervention, 73 Visual perception, 117
NeurXercise, 43, 44, 55, 62, 78, 105, 109, 111, Spatial organization, 118
118, 121, 124 Visual scanning and tracking, 9
Output channel, 6, 7, 15 Wechsler Memory Scale, 7, 14, 112
logical memory I, 14
logical memory II, 14
P visual reproduction I, 15
Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test visual reproduction II, 136
(PASAT), 8
Processing speed, 9, 25, 29, 55, 102, 109,
111–113, 115, 118