General Banking For Interview-1
General Banking For Interview-1
General Banking For Interview-1
1 Functions of RBI?
Monetary policy (inflation management, liquidity management),
supervision of bank (risk, capital), government bank, lender of last
resort to banks, not issue, licencing of banks, foreign exchange
management, settlement bank for the banking system,
appointment of board of directors of private sector banks,
Complaint redressal mechanism.
2. What is monetary policy committee?
It is a 6 member committee consists of 3 members from RBI
including the governor and 3 from government nominee. They are
supposed to initiative measures like changing the policy rates so
that the inflation and liquidity is maintained for the robust growth
of the economy
3 The objective of the committee is to maintain the inflation at 4%,
but not below 2% and not above 6 percent during the period from
2016 to 2021
4 How they control it?
Through periodical reviewing, they asses the inflation and control
it by changing the policy rate or policy ratios. By changing the
rates or ratios, the cost of funding of bank increases or decreases
which affects its lending rate. As the lending rate increases, owing
to an increase in rates/ratios, the interest rates increases , so the
off take of credit. Money become dearer, which reduce the
purchasing power and demand for goods. The reduction in
demand for goods are expected to result in decrease in inflation.
92 Benefits of merger
1.Wider capital base and can offer large loan amount. (exposure
limit increased)
2.Improve efficiency and service delivery
3.Burden of central govt repapitalising again and again will come
4.Merged small bank customers will get advanced financial
products of large bank like credit card, Cash management services,
factoring, insurance etc
4.Cost of interbank transactions will come down and the relative of
settlement and reconciliation
5)Economies of scale in training, purchases, administrative office,
consolidation of branches etc
6)Cost of technology upgradation, soft ware will come down
7) bigger balance sheet, better acceptability in the international
financial centre.
93 Disadvantages of merger?
1.Identity loss of small bank
2. it is against the concentration risk theory and the concentration
risk for the economy is larger. If one business model of a bank
fails, it affects a large number of branches pan India
3.HR issues difficult to manage
4)Career growth is uncertain to employees
5) Possible employment opportunity loss on consolidation.
96 Repo rate is reduced to 6.25% and accordingly Bank rate and MSF
at 5.50 and reverse repo at 3.55%. SDF 6%
97 Inflation rate is 3.1% in the second quarter ended 31st august.
98 NBFC to lend to priority sector, bank can refinance such lending
which will be treated as their Priority sector committement, and
further Banks exposure norms to NBFC is increased to 15 to 20 %
so that NBFC gets more finance from bank
99 What is MSME freedom card? It is a corporate credit card issued
to MSME/start up depending upon their trade cycles. They can
borrow for a trade cycle thro card and on repayment, such limits
are replaced.
100 .
101 Monetary limit to prefer a case in DRT is increased
from Rs.10 lacs to Rs.20 lacs WE have 39 DRTs in
102 Why the Dollar price is increasing?
Basically we are a trade deficit country. Our import
is much much higher than export. We are managing
show by attracting foreign capital by way of FII,FDI,
ADR,GDR, etc. Demand and supply altogether put it
brings strains dollar prices. Dollar Exchange rate
against rupee is increasing devaluing Indian Rupee.
Most of the currencies in the world especially
emerging economies are facing this problem. The
reasons are trade war between china and USA,
heavy outflow of FII from India to USA as USA
interest rates are increasing. The problem is
aggravated by steep increase in Crude oil prices
103 Why petrol Prices are increasing? The petrol prices
depends on supply of crude oil and its production.
The OPEC countries as a policy have reduced
production as a tactics. The reduced supply with
increasing value of dollar created the problem.
104 How petrol prices can be controlled? Decreasing the
tax on petrol, alternative source of energy,
increasing internal production, government subsidy,
105 What is section 7 of RBI act? RBI is an autonomous
body, profit making. IN emergency, the central
government can interfere and give directions to RBI
as per Section 7.
106 What are the problems faced by banks in India
especially public sector banks?
1) Mounting NPA of banks. Banks have reportedly
dumped money to economy during the period
of 2008 to 2012 when the world was facing
recession especially USA. This have turned NPA
2) RBI failed to check or sense the problem timely
3) Now most of the Banks are in red
4) Banks need huge capital to meet Basel III norms
by 1.4.2019. The central govt have not pumped
enough capital to the Public sector bank.
5) Large number of retirement from banking
sector which created a vacuum of experienced
6) Huge recruitment of human capital needed to
be converted to seasoned bankers
7) Customisation of technology products to not so
techno savvy customers.
107 The five yearly salary revision exercise known as
Bipartite settlement in banking sector due from 12th
November 2017 yet to be concluded as both
management and representative unions are not able
to arrive at an agreement
110 Project Sashakt : An RBI initiative to contain the NPA
of banks with time frame for resolution. Separate
Asset Management Company to handle loans above
Rs.500 crores.
113 Government launches 59 minutes scheme wherein
GST registered SME borrowers for loan upto 100
lakhs get instant sanction. (Psbloansin59
114 New governor for RBI. Mr.SakthiKantha das
115 Esaf Bank set to become a full fledged scheduled
117 Politically motivated agriculture loan write off is in
the news, which is not a healthy trend for the
118 The definition of bulk deposit undergoes changes.
Earlier it iwas Rs.1 crore and it has been increased to
Rs.2 crores.
119 Collateral free farm loan limit by banks to farmers is
increased from Rs. 1 lakh to 1,60,000/-