10-BN-Magazine-February-2015-issue - AeroTorque Article

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Article by Doug Herr &

David Heidenreich
AeroTorque Corporation

Understanding the Root Causes of Axial Cracking in

Wind Turbine
Gearbox Bearings
Introduction Part 1:
Modern Wind turbines are an important piece of Axial Cracks < White Etch Cracks < White
our energy mix. Unfortunately, gearbox life issues
Etch Areas < Impact Loading & Rapid
have impacted their financial payback. Axial
cracks in bearing raceways have become the major Plastic Deformation
cause of premature gearbox failures in the latest Axial Cracking
generation of wind turbines, shortening life to as
little as 1-2 years once damage is initiated. Axial Axial cracks on inner rings of high speed and
crack failures in gearbox bearings are rare in other intermediate speed
industries. Why damage is so common in wind bearings have become
turbines is a mystery that is the subject of intense a leading cause of wind
research. The root cause must be understood turbine gearbox life
tosuccessfully find the solution. problems. See Figs.
1 and 2. Numerous
This paper is divided into two parts. Part 1 is a technical papers have
review of the latest research on the phenomenon of been written on axial
axial cracking. It discusses how these axial cracks cracking in the past
grow from smaller cracks that have a white color Fig. 1 A single axial crack that has propagated couple of years, many
when they are sectioned and etched. These White completely through the inner ring.
of which have focused
Etch Cracks (WEC) can originate from microscopic on why this unusual
super-hard areas that also show up white when bearing phenomenon
sectioned and etched. These areas in which cracks is so prevalent
occur are called White Etch Area (WEA) damage. in wind turbine
It appears that a threshold of rapid and severe gearboxes. Some of
plastic deformation must be exceeded to create these publications
these hard microscopic WEA areas. But what are referenced with
event in a wind turbine could cause such rapid and footnotes and listed at
severe loading on the bearings? That is the subject Fig. 2 Multiple axial cracks on the inner ring
the end of this paper.
in early stages.
of Part 2. It is based on recent research and field
monitoring by the authors that was presented Wind turbine bearings
at the NREL GRC in February, 2013, along with are selected to meet a
additional research and field data generated since 20-year design life, with a low likelihood of failure.
that presentation. Most manufacturers follow Germanischer Lloyd

Page: 38 Bearing News • Issue 3

(GL) guidelines for gearbox bearings. GL requires alteration of the inner ring material, creating
that gearbox bearings be analyzed for Rolling tiny super-hard areas (30 - 50% harder than the
Contact Fatigue (RCF) resulting in the calculated surrounding area) 2, 3, 6 just below the raceway
life being at least 130,000 hours with a likelihood of surface. These areas act like inclusions in the steel
failure at less than 10%.6 If wind turbine gearboxes (Fig. 3 shows a microscopic WEA formation with
meet these design criteria, how can axial cracking nano hardness measurements).
failure rates be so high and often occur within the
Once an event occurs that initiates the subsurface
first or second year of operation? How can it be
WEA formations, normal rolling action of the
that a bearing that has been analyzed using well-
bearing can cause cracks to start at the junction of
understood and validated methodologies will likely
these inclusion-like areas. The crack will inevitably
fail much sooner than predicted? The answer lies in
propagate to the surface and become a White Etch
the fact that the axial cracking failure mode differs
Crack (WEC), which can grow axially across the
from the classic RCF failure mode. RCF failures
raceway and prematurely fail the bearing.
are caused by damage to the bearing material that
accumulates over time – at well understood rates. Many research papers recognize two primary
The axial cracking failures are relatively recent mechanisms for WEA damage: hydrogen-induced
phenomena and their modes of failure are much WEA and stress-induced WEA. Hydrogen
less understood. WEA is believed to be driven by corrosion,
water contamination, electrical currents and/or
Why does axial cracking failure mode occur in
aggressive oil additives that can worsen cracks
the inner ring of a bearing? This is mainly due to
once they appear on the surface. But what events
the inner ring being typically mounted to a shaft
initiate these surface cracks? This paper focuses
with an interference fit. The ring is heated during
on understanding the events that can initiate
assembly onto the shaft. When the ring cools,
subsurface stress-induced WEA damage and Part
it shrinks – holding the ring in place, but also
2 will show that these same events could cause
creating tensile stress in the ring that increases
surface cracking, as well. This can explain how
the possibilities for axial cracking.6 An axial crack
hydrogen-induced WEA is initiated in the first
failure of the inner ring can be caused by excessive
hoop stresses during installation but this does not
appear to be the general case in the wind industry. Stress-induced WEA damage in the bearing
Microscopic, white-colored areas at the edge of inner ring must come from an event that can
the cracks when the bearings are sectioned and cause the roller to exert high subsurface stresses
etched are the key indicator that these are not simultaneously with rapid strain rates. Possible
merely standard hoop stress failures. These cracks WEA mechanisms mentioned in recent papers
are termed White Etch Cracks (WEC) and are include:
commonly found in through-hardened bearing • Impact Loading – sudden loads that can
races. causehigh stress and strain;
White Etch Area (WEA) - Subsurface • Surface Traction – frictional contact between
Microscopic Material Alteration the rollers and races that produce high surface and
subsurface stresses;
Detailed failure
analysis of axially • Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) –
cracked bearings subsurfacestress high enough to cause microscopic
reveals that the deformation;
White Etch Areas • Rapid Plastic Deformation (Adiabatic Shear
also appear in Bands, ASB) – subsurface plastic deformation so
subsurface cracks rapid that the heat generated cannot be dissipated
and even in areas and thus directly alters the material to cre ate
where cracks have ferrite microstructures.
not yet started. WEA
Fig. 3. A microscopic WEA formation with nano
hardness measurements showing a 44% increase damage is actually All four of these mechanisms are related and can
in hardness. Courtesy A. Greco et al 1
a microstructural occur at the same time. For instance, WEA damage
can be created in the Lab with ballistic impacts,

Page: 39
where all four of these WEA mechanisms have been plastic deformation can cause a microstructural
shown to act simultaneously. When a bullet passes transformation of the hardened bearing steel into
through metal, the impact causes surface traction a sliver of super-hard ferrite that appears white
and severe and rapid plastic deformation, creating when sectioned and etched, WEA damage. A band
Adiabatic Shear of WEA damage is not required to fail the bearing.
Bands (ASB). A single sliver of this WEA damage can act as
an inclusion to initiate White Etch Cracks that
When the WEA
eventually propagate to the surface and across the
cracks become
bearing raceway surface.6
visible on the
inner ring surface, Bearing manufacturers have continuously
they are termed improved the life of rollerbearings by improving
White Etch Cracks the purity and quality of the steel used in their
(WEC). When products. By minimizing hard inclusions and
Fig. 4 shows White Etch Cracks (WECs) and White Surface Flaking (WSF) on
the inner ring of a tapered roller bearing. Evidence suggests that both were WEA damage stringers (elongated carbide or sulfide inclusions),
initiated by WEA microstructural alterations in the steel subsurface. Courtesy
A. Greco et al 1
causes flaking they minimize the potential places where cracks can
or spalling, it initiate and propagate. These efforts have achieved
may be termed an impressive 10-fold increase in bearing life as
White Structure Flaking (WSF). This can occur with predicted by the standard Rolling Contact Fatigue
carborized raceways. See Figs. 1, 2 and 4. Either (RCF) method used by bearing manufacturers
way, the damage starts with the creation of White to calculate L10 life.2,6 Unfortunately, all the
Etch Areas. efforts to make super-clean steel can be wasted by
events in a wind turbine’s operation that initiates
Impact Loads & Rapid and Severe Plastic WEA damage, mimicking inclusions less than
Deformation (Adiabatic Shear Bands) .04 inches (1 mm) below the raceway surface.
An adiabatic shear band (ASB) is an area within This depth coincides with the depth of maximum
a base material that has been transformed by shear stresses under the bearing raceway during
microscopic, localized heating during rapid normal Hertzian loading of the rollers. Also, this
and severe plastic deformation. Since the is the worst possible location for an inclusion-
1960s, adiabatic shear bands have been studied like impurity to be located, leading to shortened
extensively because of their importance as a bearing surface fatigue life and axial cracks. Once
failure mode in areas such as high-speed metal started, WEA damage can reduce the bearing life to
forming and cutting, various types of ballistic just 1% to 10% of predicted life as calculated with
impact, as well as vehicle crashes. “Adiabatic” is a standard rolling contact fatigue formulas.2 This
thermodynamic term simply meaning an absence explanation shows how WEA induced axial cracks
of heat transfer – the heat produced is retained in can cause bearings to fail within one to two years of
the zone where it is created. These shear bans are operation.
usually very narrow, typically .0002 to .020 inches. What events in a wind turbine could create impact
In steel, these bands are in fact WEA damage where loads and rapid plastic deformation significant
fatigue cracks can initiate. There is a threshold of enough to initiate the WEA damage? Some
instantaneous high stress and strain rate where researchers have concluded that, “A wind turbine
microscopic plastic deformation creates heat so exposed to an extreme event, such as a power loss
fast that it cannot escape. The subsurface metal or emergency stop, could produce the localized
momentarily softens and transforms the material deformation energy needed for ASB formation”.3
as it cools into an altered microstructure. Severe
deformation that occurs slowly will let the heat Part 2
escape and will not produce ASBs or WEA damage.
Emergency Stops > Transient Torque
Thus a stamped metal part may show a similar
degree of plastic deformation as a bullet hole but Reversals > Rapid Bearing Load Zone
because the strain rate is lower, ASBs and WEA Reversal > Impact Loads and Rapid
damage can be avoided. Plastic Deformation of Bearing Material
In bearing material, the heat from the rapid Emergency Stops and Other Transient Turbine

Page: 40 Bearing News • Issue 3

All the recent papers on bearing axial cracking
support impact loading and emergency stops
as likely contributors to WEA damage. Wind
professionals have long recognized that emergency
stops and other sudden stops can put extreme
loading into all turbine drive components. Many Fig. 7 Aligned rollers are in green load zone. Misaligned rollers are 180° opposite and are circled in red. In a TTR, these unaligned

have even noted a relationship between E-stops and rollers are suddenly loaded repeatedly.

gearbox life. There is a growing awareness that it is causes it to be so susceptible to the rapid and severe
the Transient Torque Reversals (TTRs) during these torque reversals shown in Figs. 5 and 6? This has
severe stopping events that may be the source of to do with the relative rotating masses (inertias) of
damaging impact loads in gearbox bearings 7. See the blades and the generator rotor, and how they
Figs. 5 and 6. can react against each other within the torsional
Many types of drive systems in other equipment natural frequency of the drive system. A typical
see severe transient loading and torque reversals turbine has 80 to 90% of its relative inertia in the
without experiencing WEA damage to their blades, with most of the rest of the inertia in the
bearings. Severe torque loads without reversals, generator rotor. In normal operation, the blades
and torque reversals that happen slowly in a are driving the generator in the positive direction.
controlled manner, would not create rapid plastic A grid disconnect, emergency stop or high wind
deformation in the bearing raceway. Wind turbines shutdown can trigger rapid aero braking of the
are different. Why? Their drive systems are unique blades that will attempt to decelerate the drive
in the severity of their torque reversals and the system. Most of the aero braking effort goes into
rapidity at which they can happen. decelerating the massive blade inertia, but some of
it goes through the drive system to decelerate the
Rapid Torque Reversals generator. This typically causes a torque reversal
What is it about a turbine drivetrain that in the drive system that can result in the inertias
of the system winding up and unwinding against
each other several times at the torsional natural
frequency of the system as it decelerates. Note:
the turbines of Figs. 5 and 6 have similar natural
frequencies despite their significant size difference.
How do these reversals cause impact loading in the

Rapidly Reversing Bearing Load Zones &

Impact Loads on Misaligned Rollers
Impact loads can be damaging to bearings in some
Fig.5 – A Transient Torque Reversal (High Wind) event captured on a 2.0MW wind turbine. other types of equipment and can even cause WEA
damage. Rapidly reversing bearing load zones are
also known to be very damaging to bearing life.
During transient torque reversals every bearing
in the gearbox sees a rapid load zone reversal of
almost 180° that can cause severe impact loads
between the rollers and the raceways. All the
cited papers recognize that impact loading could
be the source of the stress-induced subsurface
WEA damage, and most of the papers name it as a
suggested leading candidate.
During normal operation, the rollers in the bearings
Fig. 6 – A Transient Torque Reversal (High Wind) event on 1.0MW wind turbine.
are aligned and rolling at the expected speed while
they are in the load zone. As they leave the load

Page: 41
Blade Dynamics – Not All E-stops are the same…
How Emergency Stops with High Winds,
Turbulence, and Gusts Can Magnify Torque
Reversals and Bearing Impact Loads
Pitchable blades allow today’s wind turbines to
achieve close to the ideal power curve shown in Fig.
10. Blade pitch control is important to maximizing
the energy capture from the wind. In addition, it is
critically important as the primary safety braking
system for protecting the turbine from damaging
wind loads and overspeed in the event of any Fig. 10 – Typical Power Curve and pitch angles of modern wind turbines
turbine subsystem failure that prevents continued
operation. Fig. 10 also shows the pitch angles of available power. As the winds approach the typical
a typical modern turbine. At low wind speeds, cut-out speed of 25 mps (55 mph), the turbine may
the blades start out in a fully feathered position use less than 10% of the wind’s available power.
almost 90 degrees to the plane of the rotor swept The blades must be pitched to the precise angle to
area. In region II, the blades rotate to almost zero effectively spill wind power equal to 10 times the
degrees pitch angle to extract the maximum power, turbine’s rated power and protect the drive from
capturing close to 50% of the wind’s available excessive loads.
power. In region III, the blades are pitched back to
With longer blades, the cut-in speed and the rated
protect the turbine from high stresses as it strives
power speeds can be achieved at even lower wind
to control and maintain full rated power. At cut-out
speeds – dramatically improving the annual energy
speed, the blades are quickly pitched to provide
output and financial performance projections. But
braking to decelerate the turbine drive system.
the excess wind power at cut-out speed that must
The Fig. 11 view of the power curve masks the be safely spilled over the edge of the blades may
challenge of protecting the turbine from damage be even greater than 10 times the turbine’s rated
during high and turbulent winds. Fig. 14 shows power.
the turbine power curve compared with the wind’s

zone, the rollers slow down and can misalign spalling. The
within the tolerance of the cages. As they approach sliding can
the load zone again, they are gradually brought also result in
back into alignment and smoothly accelerate to scuffing of
support the load. In a rapid load zone reversal, the raceway
the unloaded rollers opposite the normal load causing
zone are suddenly loaded while in this misaligned microscopic
state. See Fig.7. This rapid loading increases the cracks
Fig. 8 – Image showing the areas in a bearing with the highest stress during a
load concentration of the rollers in the middle of Transient Torque Reversal. that allow
the inner race. See Fig. 8 for highest stress load subsurface
locations. entry of water or aggressive oil additives to initiate
hydrogen induced WEA. If the radial impact
Although transient torque loads are common to load is so high that the roller breaks through the
many types of equipment, torque reversals of the oil film, it can create mixed friction sufficient to
magnitude and rapidity shown in Figs. 5 and 6 prevent slipping axially. Axial subsurface stresses
are unique to wind turbines. In gearboxes with will be added to the Hertzian stresses from the
helical gearing, every cylindrical bearing will see radial impact, magnifying the stresses. The strain
high axial loads simultaneous with the radial loads rate would be magnified, as well. If this exceeds a
impacting misaligned rollers. See Fig. 9. These threshold where WEA microstructural alterations
rollers may slip axially and damage the raceway could form, it may explain why WEA damage is
surface, shortening bearing life through pitting and common in wind turbine gearboxes and rare in

Page: 42 Bearing News • Issue 3

At high wind speeds, the blades are already pitched
back in the range of 20-30 degrees to spill most
of the wind power. During a grid loss or e-stop,
the blades rapidly pitch further to decelerate the
turbine. This is when the potential for torque
reversals and impact loads to the bearings is the
worst. The highest winds tend to occur during
stormy weather when wind gusts and turbulence
are high and the possibilities for grid loss and
e-stops are greatest. High wind shutdowns and
e-stops during gusty wind conditions can create a
perfect storm for drive system torque reversals and
damaging impact loads on the bearings. The worst
torque reversals we have recorded occurred at high
wind speeds. See Figs. 5 and 6.
We are doing additional research and are gathering
field data on how severely aerodynamic braking
impacts the dynamics of the drivetrain. More to
come on this subject.

Fig 11 – Turbine power curve versus available wind

most other bearing applications. Tapered roller the rate of torque change during rapid reversals
bearings can also be damaged by the effects of of three different sized turbine models. High
load reversals. resolution torque monitoring equipment recorded
High speed and torque reversals that approximated the turbine
intermediate speed rated torque at the high speed shaft on ¾ MW, 1
bearings typically MW and 2 MW turbines. The torsional natural
are not preloaded frequencies of the turbines during braking were
(due to thermal all similar with oscillation periods about 0.75
constraints) and second-per-cycle. The higher torque loads of the
see axial movement larger turbines can be accommodated in the sizing
and impact loads. of the bearings but the oil film thickness will not
The bearing axial increase.Any roller misalignment can more easily
Fig. 9 – Image showing the simultaneous radial impact and axial loading
cracking issue cause high local-contact stress during a torque
of the misaligned roller. did not become a reversal. The difference in the rate ofincrease of
prominent failure mode until the larger megawatt the reverse torque during the torque reversal
and multi-megawatt sized wind turbines began may be an even bigger issue (comparison rate
to dominate the market. The main gearbox failure is noted in Fig. 12), as it directly relates to the
mode of older, smaller wind turbines was not strain rate in the raceway as the rollers impact.
typically axial cracking. Their failure mode was There is a threshold in rapid plastic deformation
primarily bearing surface deterioration from pitting (adiabatic shear) where the instantaneous heat
and scuffing. Why has axial crackingdeveloped as created causes the microstructural alteration of
turbines have grown in size? the base material. Could the increasing strain rate
Fig.12 compares the relative torque magnitude and of larger turbines be exceeding that threshold?

Page: 43
During rapid load zone reversals, could the rapidly
increasing load on the rollers be creating fast
enough plastic deformation to be transforming a
microscopic sliver of the bearing steel to a super-
hard ferrite WEA inclusion? Certainly all the
elements for WEA microstructural alterations are
present simultaneously for an instant. The torque
reversal takes up the gear backlash and rapidly
impacts the idling rollers on the unloaded side of
the bearing. The misaligned rollers can make the
stress concentration and the plastic deformation
under the rollers worse and initiate mixed friction
contact. Simultaneous reversal of the axial load on
the bearing due to the helical gearing causes surface
traction and additional stress at the inner raceway
subsurface. The resulting high strain rates and
plastic deformation can explain the creation of the
WEA microstructural transformation. Because the
WEA sliver is perfectly placed under the raceway
surface, one microscopic sliver would be enough
to initiate the WEA damage that would result in Fig. 12 – High resolution torque reversal recordings on 3 sizes of wind turbines showing the
rate of change in torque. The steeper slope indicates significantly higher strain rates.
an axially cracked failed bearing. All it takes is
one moment where the combination of high load times the torque loads shown in Fig. 12.
and strain rate threshold is exceeded: one severe Because the natural frequency is unchanged, the
e-stop, a combination of an e-stop with a wind strain rate would be 2 ½ to 4 times higher, as well.
gust, high wind shutdown, control malfunction, Every doubling of the torque magnitude, with the
sensor failure, etc. Some researchers have noted same natural frequency, may effectively quadruple
that torque reversals can create loads up to 2 ½ to the instantaneous deformation energy that causes
4 times nominal torque 4. That would be 2 ½ to 4 WEA damage.

Rapid and severe impact loading of the rollers
on the bearing raceway cancause stress-induced
WEA damage, dramatically shortening the life of
bearings and gearboxes. There are three ways to
address the problem:
1. Strengthen the system or componentsto reduce
the degree of damage by:
• Changes in raceway material, processing and
• Changes in bearing type;
Fig. 13 – Dampening effect of reducing transient torque reversals to 40% of nominal torque.
• Improved lubrication and oil additives;
2. Try to detect the damage and replace the stress and strain rate from happening by:
bearings before catastrophic failure by: • The addition of an asymmetric torque limiter;7
• More frequent borescoping; Ongoing research should prove the relative value
• Better conditioning monitoring systems; of these solutions to extending bearing life. Some
of the solutions proposed may incrementally
3. Solve the root cause by preventing the excess extend life or prevent catastrophic failures with

Page: 44 Bearing News • Issue 3

early detection of the axial cracks. The asymmetric
torque limiter actually addresses the root cause –
the rapid and severe loading that can initiate the
stress-induced WEA damage. Simple frictional
slip torque limiters are commonly used to protect
wind turbine drive systems from severe torque
overloads, such as generator short circuits. No
evidence has been ound that a basic torque limiter
can provide protection against axial cracking. An
asymmetric torque limiter has a much lower slip
setting in reverse. Field testing of wind turbines Fig. 14 - Comparison of torque reversal magnitude and rate of change for a 750 KW turbine with and without an asymmetrical
torque control.
with and without the asymmetric torque limiter
has demonstrated its ability to significantly reduce microstructural alterations are initiated, super-hard
the maximum reverse torque and rate of torque WEA slivers could never form under the raceway,
increase, thus reducing maximum stress and and axial cracks in gearbox bearings would cease to
strain rate caused by the rollers impacting on the be a prominent mode of failure affecting the cost of
bearing raceway during the torque reversal. This wind turbine energy.
approach would also dampen torsional vibrations References:

to reduce the number of reversals. See Fig. 13. Field 1. A Greco, PhD, et al., Bearing Reliability – White Etching Cracks (WEC), Argonne
National Laboratory, Energy Systems Division, NREL Gearbox Reliability
data from a 750 KW turbine (Fig 14) shows the Collaborative, Feb 4 (2013)
effectiveness of the asymmetrical torque control 2. M.-H. Evans, White Structure Flaking (WSF) in Wind Turbine Gearbox Bearings:
Effects of Butterflies and White Etching Cracks (WECs), Material Science and
in reducing the maximum reverse torque and the Technology 28 (2012) 3–22.
maximum rate of reverse torque increase. Note that 3. A. Greco, et al., Material Wear and Fatigue in Wind Turbine Systems, Wear (2013),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.wear.2013.01.060i
both the magnitude of the stress and the maximum
4. Kenred Stadler, Arno Stubenrauch, Premature Bearing Failures in Industrial
strain rate of the rollers impacting the raceway Gearboxes, SKF GmbH, Gunnar-Wester-Str. 12, 97421 Schweinfurt, Germany
are reduced by over 50%; a 75% reduction of the 5. J. Rosinski, D. Smurthwaite, Troubleshooting Wind Gearbox Problems, Gear
instantaneous impact and deformation energy. Solutions 8 (2010) 22–33
6. Rob Budny & Robert Errichello, How To Minimize Axial Cracking Failures, North
This deformation energy reduction can be achieved American Windpower, June 2013

on larger turbines in a similar manner with the 7. Jean Van Rensselar, Extending Wind Turbine Gearbox Life, Tribology and
Lubrication Technology, May 2013
likely outcome of dramatically reducing the axial
cracking. If asymmetric torque control can keep
impact loads below the threshold where WEA


FUTURE a study by Kurt Bauwens and Marc Grunewald

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WindTM 2pg FlyerHR.pdf 1 3/20/14 10:15 AM

Torque Monitoring System

AeroTorque now offers a system to accurately monitor
the torque on your turbine’s drive train. The WindTM™
Torque Monitoring System mounts to your main shaft via
high powered magnets, allowing for quick mounting of
hardware, with less downtime.

The system has the capability of measuring and storing the 100
largest events both forward and reverse torque values measured at the

main shaft, throughout the logging period.


CM A second channel is utilized for shaft speed as well, to allow for an accurate
gauge of ambient conditions at the turbine at time of an event.

Data is retrieved over a wireless Bluetooth connection and is accessed
remotely over cellular networks or by removable data card.

This system, when combined with the WindTC™ torque limiter, allows
for a before and after view of the effectiveness of our torque control.

Don’t take our word for it, test it on YOUR turbine!

Installation of strain gauges - installs quickly Completed mounting - ready for startup Shown with optional extra battery pack

AeroTorque • 1441 Wolf Creek Trail, P.O. Box 305, Sharon Center, OH USA 44274-0305
Visit us on the Internet: www.aerotorque.com
Printed in U.S.A ©AeroTorque
phone: 330-590-8105 • fax: 330-239-2012 • [email protected] Effective Date: March, 2014
AeroTorque WindTC Torsional ControlHR.pdf 1 3/21/14 1:18 PM

Torsional Control
Retrofit for Wind Turbines
Control your gearbox loads
to control your gearbox life!

Extend the life of your gearbox! The WindTC™ is an innovative
torsional control for wind turbines. The torque limiter offers
standard forward torque limiting but has a reverse torque limiter

that is significantly lower. This unique mechanical control reduces


damaging loading in your drive train.


K With the WindTC™ in your turbine, you get reduced magnitude spikes,
shorter duration events, improved bearing alignment and increased gearbox life!

In all turbines, very large transient events occur in the drive train.
These events include:
• Grid loss • Pause events • Control malfunctions
• Grid fault • Braking • Wind gusts

Despite much progress by gearbox manufacturers and bearing suppliers, bearings and gearing continue to fail,
costing up to $250,000 to repair or replace the gearbox. All of the incremental improvements have not been
able to address the dynamic loads that a wind turbine gearbox and its bearings will encounter.
Axial cracks and other damage in bearing raceways have become the major cause of premature gearbox
failures in the latest generation of wind turbines, shortening life to as little as 1-2 years once it is initiated.
Research and field application have shown that the torque reversals and impact loads are a leading cause of
this damage. Only the WindTC addresses those loads.

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