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Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj (1888–1936) was a guru in the Inchagiri Sampradaya founded by his guru Bhausaheb Maharaj, a branch of the
Navnath Sampradaya, the 'Nine Masters' tradition in India. His disciples included Nath teachers Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ranjit Maharaj,
Kaadsiddheshwar, and Ganapatrao Maharaj Kannur.

inchagiri siddharameshwar kaadsiddheshwar

Table of Contents

1. Biography
Siddharameshwar was born in 1888 in the village Pathri, Solapur, India. Since his childhood, he was very intelligent and had very sharp imbibe
abilities. In 1906,[1] he was initiated by his guru 'Shri Bhausaheb Maharaj' in Inchagiri in Karnataka India, who taught mantra meditation as the way
to reach Final Reality.[2] He was one of the contemporaries of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

In 1920, Siddharameshwar started to set out on "the Bird's Path", the fast way to attain realization, six years after Bhauhaseb maharaj had died.[2]
His fellow-students opposed, but eventually he succeeded by himself.[2]

Siddharameshwar died on 9 November 1936 (Ekadashi, 11th day in the later half Ashwin), at the age of 48, giving his understanding to his
disciples. It is said that dozens of his disciples became self-realized through his clear and lucid teaching. His samadhi shrine today is located at
Basavan Bagewadi, Vijaypur in Karnataka.

2. Teachings
2.1. Atma Vidya

Atma Vidya (/entry/34683) ("Self-Knowledge") is the central theme in Siddharameshwar Maharaj's teachings. In Master Key to Self-Realization[3]
he describes how the teaching of Vedanta is transmitted to a student. It starts with the meeting with a guru, who tells about the teachings.
Thereafter a mantra is being used by the student to meditate and make (/entry/27898) the mind more receptive. Then the guru explains the
teaching further, which has to be realized experientially by the student.[4]

The student has to turn away his mind from external objects and the gross body, and "turn within".[5] By realizing that objects have only a
temporary appearance, it becomes possible to develop detachment[6] and to clear one's mental attitude from pride (/entry/32376).[7] This is a
necessary step to develop Self-Knowledge, and the renunciation of the impermanent, and the acceptance of the permanent.[8]

2.2. The Koshas

To realize this Self-Knowledge, an investigation of the four bodies has to be made to discover whence the notion of "I" comes.[9] Siddharameshwar
Maharaj discerns four bodies:

1. The Physical Gross Body

2. The Subtle body:
1. the Five Senses of Action (hands, feet, mouth, genitals, and anus)
2. the Five Senses of Knowledge (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin)
3. the Five Pranas or vital breaths (vyana vayu, samana vayu, udana vayu, apana vaya, prana vayu)
4. the Mind (manas)
5. The Intellect (Buddhi)
3. The Causal Body, characterized by "emptiness", "ignorance" and "darkness"[10][11]
4. The Great-Causal Body,[12] the knowledge of "I am" that cannot be described,[13] the state after Ignorance and Knowledge, or Turiya state[12]

By subsequently identifying with the three lower bodies, investigating them, and discarding identification with them when it has become clear that
they are not the "I", the sense of "I am" beyond knowledge and Ignorance becomes clearly established.[14]
2.3. The Bird's Way

The teachings of Siddharameshwar have been called Vihangam Marg,[2] "the Bird's Way", the direct path to Self-discovery,[15][16] in contrast to
Bhausaheb Maharaj's teachings, which have been called Pipilika Marg ,[2] "the Ant's way",[2] the way of meditation:[15]

Ranjit Maharaj: There are two ways to realize: the bird's way or ant's way. By meditation (or ant's way) one can realize. The word or name
has so much power. The name you were given by your parents has done so many things (/entry/30875). Mantra is given by the master, but it
is a very long way for the understanding. By chanting or saying the mantra you can go to the final reality .There are only two things: one is
reality, the other is illusion. One word only can wipe out illusion.
So one thought [i.e. mantra] from the Master who has realized is sufficient to realize. It is a very lengthy way, that's the only thing. So my
Master found the shortest way, by thinking. By unthinking you have become the smallest creature, and by thinking you can become the
greatest of the great, why not? If you don't have the capacity to understand by thinking, the bird's way, then you can go by way of meditation.
It is the long way and you have to meditate for many hours a day. People say they meditate, but most don't know how to meditate. They say
that God is one and myself is another one, that is the duality. It will (/entry/28888) never end that way.

So one word is sufficient from the Master. Words can cut words, thoughts can cut thoughts in a fraction of a second. It can take you beyond
the words, that is yourself. In meditation you have to eventually submerge your ego, the meditator, and the action of the meditation, and
finally yourself. It is a long way, and in this world (/entry/35093) now people have no time to do that. The world is going so fast now. So my
Master found the shortest way.[17][18]

2.4. Usage of Classical Texts

Siddharameshwar Maharaje used four books to give sermons on:[19]

Dasbodh of Saint Shri Samarth Ramdas

the Yoga Vasistha
the "Eknathi Bhagwat" of Sant Eknath
"Sadachara" of Shri Madhvacharya

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Siddharameshwar Maharaj's preachings were further spread around the globe by his most revered disciples:
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Sri Ranjit Maharaj (1913–2000) was with Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj for 12 years from the young age of 12 until the age of 24[20]
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (1897–1981) was with him for a two and a half years, 1933-1936.[21]
Shri Muppin Kaadsiddheshwar (1905–2001)
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(/login) met his Guru Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj in 1935 and was with him for a period of
about 1 year.
Sri Ganapatrao Maharaj Kannur (1909 - 2004) was with him for 13 years.
Shri Vilasanand Maharaj (1909 - 1993).
Shri Ranachhodray Maharaj, Baitkhol Karwar.

4. Publications
Siddharameshwar Maharaj (1925), Golden Day, 
Nisargadatta Maharaj (1962), Adhyatma Dnyanacha Yogeshwar (Vol I & II). 130 talks of Siddharameshwar Maharaj, recorded by Shri
Nisargadatta Maharaj in Marathi 
Siddharameshwar Maharaj (2008), Master Key to Self Realization, Sadguru Publishing 
Nisargadatta Maharaj (2009), Master of Self Realization. An Ultimate Understanding (Transaltion of "Adhyatma Dnyanacha Yogeshwar" (Vol I &
II). Includes "Master Key to Self Realization", Sadguru Publishing 
Siddharameshwar Maharaj (2011), Amrut Laya: The Stateless State (Vol.I & II). Includes "Master Key to Self-Realization", Sadguru Publishing 

4.1. Golden Day

Golden Day is a 10-page publication by Siddharameshwar Maharaj from 1925.[22]

4.2. Adhyatma Jnanachi Gurukilli - Master Key to Self-Realization

The most well known book in India containing Siddharameshwar Maharaj's teachings is Adhyatma Jnanachi Gurukilli. It was transcribed by Shri
Dattatray Dharmayya Poredi, a distinguished disciple of Shri Siddharameshwar Maharajs, from Siddharameshwar's teachings as spoken in the
Marathi language. It was originally published by Shri Ganapatrao Maharaj of Kannur.

Shri Ranjit Maharaj received verbal permission from Shri Ganapatrao Maharaj to have the text translated into English. Ranjit Maharaj entrusted
the translation (/entry/34397) responsibilities to Dr. Mrs. Damyanti Dungaji. The completed English translation was then proofread and
subsequently published by Shri Siddharameshwar Adhyatma Kendra, Mumbai under the name "Master Key to Self-Realization". When all of the
copies of that original English text were sold, the text was incorporated into another book of Siddharameshwar Maharaj's talks entitled "Amrut
Laya", also published by Shri Siddharameshwar Adhyatma Kendra, Mumbai). It was republished by Sadguru Publications in 2008, and also
included within "Master of Self-Realization" and "Amrut Laya: The Stateless State".

4.3. Adhyatmadnyanacha Yogeshwar - Master of Self-Realization: An Ultimate Understanding

Adhyatmadnyanacha Yogeshwar Vol I & II consists of 130 talks of Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj. They were transcribed, edited and published by
Nisargadatta Maharaj in 1961-1962 in Marathi language, who also wrote the preface to the book. It was translated in English and published as
"Master of Self-Realization: An Ultimate Understanding".

4.4. Amrut Laya: The Stateless State

Volume 1 of Amrut Laya is composed of transcribed notes from 50 talks given by Siddharameshwar Maharaj on various themes from Dasbodh.
Volume 2 of Amrut Laya consists of notes taken from 88 talks of Siddharameshwar Maharaj where he elaborates on various spiritual principles
from three main classic texts, namely Dasbodh, Yogavasishtha and Eknathi Bhagawat.

5. Quotes of Siddharameshwar Maharaj

"As is your concept, so will you see."[23] - Dasbodh: Chapter 12, Subchapter 8, Verse 1
"If you go beyond the source you will find that there exists nothing".
"Spiritual science is the science where self is considered to first and foremost".
"Mind is a collection of determinants and doubts".

1. Sadguru Shri Ranjit Maharaj, History (

2., Shri Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj (

3. Siddharameshwar Maharaj 2009.

4. Siddharameshwar Maharaj 2009, p. 1-2.

5. Siddharameshwar Maharaj 2009, p. 5.

6. Siddharameshwar Maharaj 2009, p. 10.

7. Siddharameshwar Maharaj 2009, p. 11.

8. Siddharameshwar Maharaj 2009, p. 12.

9. According to the Vedanta doctrine of Sarira, or the "Three Bodies Doctrine", the human being is composed of three sariras, or five koshas ("bod
ies"):[9] Sthula sarira, the Gross body, also called the Annamaya Kosha[9] Suksma sarira, the Subtle body, composed of: Pranamaya Kosha (Vi
tal breath or Energy), Manomaya Kosha (Mind) Vijnanamaya Kosha (Intellect)[9] Karana sarira, the Causal body, the Anandamaya Kosha (Blis

10. Siddharameshwar Maharaj 2009, pp. 31–32.


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