Cis 1
Cis 1
Cis 1
Position Applied for: _ _ How did you know about this position? _ Ref
516001 Kadapa
_ City:__ State:_ Andhra Pradesh
Marital Status: _Single Gender: M _ PAN No: BIMPV2020G _ Aadhar (UID: 452080687268 _
Please mention if you hold any certification (NCFM / AMFI / NISM / IRDA etc) _
Please list the most important skills you have obtained during your employment history (e.g. Customer orientation,
negotiation skills, numerical ability, computer skills) and any business / professional memberships.
Describe what you would consider to be your most significant contribution at work :
Father Brother
T. Ramesh N/A T. Vasu Study
Mother Sister
T. Sasi Devi Home Guard
Wife / Husband Children
REFEREES: Please provide details of at least two people, one of whom should be your current or last employer, who can
be contacted regarding this application
Company & Mailing Address/ Relation Years
Name Contact Number
Designation Email ID E.g.: Ex-Supervisor known
If appointed, when would you be able to join? (DD/MM/YYYY) Expected CTC: _ _
Do you have any relatives working for IIFL Group (Give details) Name_ ,
I hereby declare that all the information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge and any misrepresentation
of facts by me in this application will entitle IIFL to take suitable action, as it may deem fit, including termination of
contract of services.