BSBLDR601 Project Portfolio
BSBLDR601 Project Portfolio
BSBLDR601 Project Portfolio
L e a d A n d M a n a ge O r g a n i s a t i on a l C h a n g e
Documentation reviewed as
1 Provide a brief overview of the business or organisation you are basing your portfolio on.
1.1 What is the name of the business or organisation?
1.2 What is the main focus of the business?
1.3 Explain your organisation’s strategic goals (list at least two organisational objectives).
2 What role will you assume as you lead and manage organisational change?
2.1 What is your role and related responsibilities?
2.2 How does your role and responsibilities relate to the execution of your organisation’s strategic
3 Identify the organisational requirements you must follow as you manage change.
3.1 Which organisational documents (e.g. policies and procedures) provide input on how you
approach organisational change? e.g. Risk management, Record keeping, Strategic Plan etc.?
3.2 Are there any processes you need to follow (include reporting protocols to managers)?
3.3 Attach relevant documentation to this section of your portfolio.
8 Seek expert/specialist advice about the identified changes/opportunities and the related change
management process.
8.1 Who will you consult with?
8.2 What communication tool will you use to seek their advice?
Note: You may use any communication tool to consult with the expert/specialist about the
identified changes/opportunities and change management process. If not already viewed in
person by your assessor, attach proof (e.g. recording of telephone call, video of face-to-face
meeting, email trail etc.) to this section of your portfolio.
1 Assess the risks associated with the changes identified in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio. Include
at least one barrier in your organisation to change.
Note: you may enter relevant information into the table below, or use any other appropriate format. If
you use another format (e.g. MS Excel spreadsheet, your organisation’s risk template etc.), attach
proof to this section of your portfolio.
Likelihood Impact
(scale of 1 to (scale of
4) 1 to 4)
3 Use an appropriate method to conduct a cost-benefit analysis for the change/opportunity that was
assigned the highest priority.
4 Use the work you’ve done in this section so far to develop a written change management project
plan. In your plan, include:
• a description of the required changes/opportunities (including their priority and cost/benefit
analysis of the highest priority change/opportunity)
• resource requirements
• risk management
5 Obtain approval of your change management project plan from any relevant managers.
5.1 Who will you seek approval from?
5.2 How will you obtain approval (e.g. email to CEO with plan attached, verbally at an executive
team meeting etc.)?
Note: Attach proof of how you sought approval to this section of your portfolio.
6 Consult with relevant personnel to seek their input for a communication or education plan to
communicate the required changes and opportunities (e.g. you may wish to seek input about
personnel’s learning preferences and intrinsic/extrinsic motivation factors or you may wish to seek
the executive management’s preference for how change is communicated).
Note: You may use any communication tool (other than verbal communication) to receive input from
personnel (e.g. email, online survey etc). Attach proof of how you consulted with personnel to this
section of your portfolio.
BSBLDR601 Lead and Manage Organisational @2020 RTO Works
Project Portfolio V. 1.0 Page | 8
7 Develop a communication or education plan that:
• communicates/educates relevant stakeholders about the changes
Change or Who must Objectives of Strategy Communication Activities required Person Timeframe
opportunity receive communication to embed or education tool to deliver the responsible for
communication or education change to be used communication pr the
or education education communication
about the (e.g. Live or education
change? demonstration of (e.g. one on one
new software) training session to
(e.g. Sales demonstrate new
staff) software)