Miele G7783 1

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Operating Instructions

Laboratory Glasswasher

It is essential to read these

operating instructions before
installing or using the machine,
to avoid the risk of accident
or damage to the machine. M.-Nr. 03 885 802
Guide to the machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Warning and safety instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Warning and safety instructions (detachable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Centre pages
Description of the machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Setting the water softener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Opening and closing the door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Applications and loading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Rinsing agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
– Setting the dosage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Adding neutralising agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Liquid dispensing system venting / Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Adding powder detergent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Programme selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Programme chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Switching the machine on and off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
– Selecting a programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
– Selecting an additional programme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
– Programme sequence indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
– Interrupting a programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Programming special functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Reactivating the water softener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Cleaning and care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Correcting minor faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Electrical connection U.K./AUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Plumbing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Caring for the environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Guide to the machine
Guide to the machine

• min • C • T1

• •• I-O • D • T2 •
• •• A • E • •
•• B • F • •

12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 “Check water inlet/outlet” 4 “Add neutralising agent”
indicator light indicator light
2 “Reactivate softener” 5 Programme sequence indicator
indicator light
6 Display field
3 “Add liquid detergent”
7 Door release
indicator light
(only with externally connected 8 On-Off button (I-0)
DOS-Module –special version–)
9 Programme selectors

Guide to the machine
Guide to the machine

10 11 12 13 14 15

10 Connection for DOS-Module (at rear) 14 Dispenser for liquid rinsing

agent with dosage selector
11 Filter combination
15 Level indicator
12 Dispenser for powder
13 Connection socket for salt container
(Water softener)

Warning and safety instructions
Warning and safety instructions
The electrical safety of this ma-
This machine conforms to current
chine can only be guaranteed if
safety requirements. Inappropriate
connected to a correctly installed ear-
use can however lead to personal
thing system on site. It is most import-
injury and damage to property.
ant that this basic safety requirement is
Read the operating instructions
met and complies with local and na-
carefully before starting to use this
tional regulations. It should be checked
machine. This way you will avoid
by an expert if necessary.
the risk of accidents, and damage
The manufacturer cannot be held re-
to the machine.
sponsible for damage caused by mis-
Keep these instructions in a safe
sing or defective earthing, such as
place, and make them available to
electric shock.
future users.
A damaged machine is dan-
Correct usage gerous. Switch off at the mains im-
mediately and call an authorised Miele
This machine is designed for com-
service dealer, or suitably competent
mercial use and for specialised ap-
plications only, as described in these
Operating Instructions. Using it for pur- Repair work may only be carried
poses other than those for which it was out by an authorised, suitably com-
designed would be unauthorised and petent person. Repairs by unqualified
could cause harm. persons could be dangerous.
The manufacturer cannot be held re- Personnel operating the machine
sponsible for damage caused by im- should be trained regularly. Child-
proper use. ren and untrained personnel should not
be allowed access to the machine or
Please pay attention to the following its controls.
notes, to maintain safe procedures.
The machine should be commis- Accessories
sioned and then maintained only Use special inserts in accordance
by the Miele Service Department, an with the instructions provided.
authorised Miele Service Dealer or
other approved competent person.
Do not install the machine in an
area where a danger of explosion
may be present.

Warning and safety instructions
Warning and Safety instructions
Take care when handling liquids Never use an ordinary or a high
such as detergents, wetting pressure hose on or in the vicinity
agents, or neutralising agents. These of the machine.
may contain irritant or corrosive ingre-
Before any maintenance or repair
dients, acids or alkalis. On no account
work is undertaken, the machine
use any organic solvent, as there may
must be disconnected from the mains
be the danger of an explosion occur-
supply, by switching off at the mains
isolator, or withdrawing the mains fuse.
Follow the instructions and relevant
safety procedures carefully. Wear pro-
tective gloves and goggles. The following points should be ob-
served to avoid damage to the ma-
Avoid inhalation of powder chine and the loads being cleaned.
cleaners. They can cause burning
The standard of disinfection in the
in the mouth and throat if swallowed, or
Disinfection programmes must be
inhibit breathing.
confirmed by the user as a routine mat-
The water in the machine must not ter. The process should be regularly
be used as drinking water. checked using chemical indicators,
and bacteriologically at intervals using
Do not sit or lean on the open
bio-indicators, with full documentation.
door, or rest objects on it. This
Proceed according to local health auth-
could cause the machine to tip and be
ority regulations.
Disinfection programmes must not
Be careful when sorting items with
be interrupted, as this can have a
sharp pointed ends and position-
limiting effect on the disinfection result.
ing them in the machine that you do not
However, should an interruption be
hurt yourself or create danger for other
necessary. the complete programme
must be repeated.
When using this machine in the
Only use cleaning agents formu-
temperature ranges from 70 to
lated for special processes and ap-
95°C be especially careful not to scald
proved by Miele for use with this ma-
or burn yourself. Baskets and inserts
chine. Use of unsuitable cleaning
must first cool down. Any water which
agents could adversely affect the load
may remain in containers will be very
or the machine.
hot and must be emptied into the wash
Do not touch the heating elements
during or directly after the end of a
programme, you could burn yourself.

Warning and safety instructions
Warning and Safety instructions
For pre-treatment and / or cleaning In critical applications where very
only use low-foaming detergents stringent requirements have to be
and disinfecting agents which have met, it is strongly recommended that all
been approved by Miele. Foam can the relevant factors for the process,
have an adverse effect on the disinfec- such as cleaning agent, quality of
tion and cleaning process. water are discussed with the Miele Ap-
plication Technology specialists.
Where a chemical additive is re-
commended on technical applica- If the cleaning result is subject to these
tion grounds (for example with a clean- particularly stringent requirements (e.g.
ing agent), this does not imply that the chemical analysis, specialised pro-
manufacturer of the machine takes re- cesses), a regular quality control test
sponsibility for the effect of the chemi- should be carried out by the user to en-
cal on the material of the items being sure that required standards of cleanli-
cleaned. Please be aware that change- ness are being achieved.
s in formulation, storage conditions etc,
Please follow the advice on installa-
which may not be publicised by the
tion in these instructions and the
chemical producer, can have a nega-
separate Installation Instructions.
tive effect on the cleaning result.
Empty any containers or utensils
When using cleaning agents and
before arranging them in the ma-
specialised products it is essential
that the manufacturer’s instructions are
followed. Only use the product for the Do not allow any remains of acids
application described by the manufac- or solvents, or chloride solutions to
turer, to avoid any material damage or get into the wash cabinet. Similarly
the occurrence of strong chemical reac- avoid any materials with a corrosive ef-
tions such as oxyhydrogen. fect.
The presence in compounds of any sol-
The machine is designed only for
vents should be minimal, (especially
operation with water and additive
those in hazard class A1).
cleaning agents. Organic solvents
must not be used in the machine, as Ensure that solutions or steam con-
there is the danger under certain cir- taining acid salts do not come into
cumstances of explosion. Although this contact with the steel outer casing of
is not the case with all organic sol- the machine, to avoid any corrosion
vents, other problems could arise with damage.
their use, for example damage to rub-
Use special inserts in accordance
ber and synthetic materials.
with the instructions provided.

Warning and safety instructions
Warning and Safety instructions
Accessories The manufacturer cannot be held re-
The only accessories to be used sponsible for any damage caused
with the special commercial ma- through non-observance of these
chine must be those supplied or ap- Warning and Safety instructions.
proved by MIELE for the specific appli-
cation. Consult your dealer or the Miele
Professional department for advice.

Disposal of an old machine

When disposing of an old machine
first make it unusable. Disconnect,
cut off the cable and any plug from the
cable. For environmental and safety
reasons ensure the machine is com-
pletely drained of any residue water
and cleaning agent. (Observe safety
regulations and wear safety goggles
and gloves). Make the door lock inoper-
ative, so that children cannot acciden-
tally shut themselves in. The simplest
way to do this is to remove the locking
pin (2 philips screws above the door).
Make appropriate arrangements for the
safe disposal of the machine. For tank
system machines ensure that any water
is emptied out of the tank.
In countries where there are areas
which may be subject to infesta-
tion by cockroaches or other vermin,
pay particular attention to keeping the
machine and its surroundings in a
clean condition at all times. Any dam-
age which may be caused by cock-
roaches or other vermin will not be
covered by the machine guarantee.

Description of the machine
Description of the machine
The G 7783 is a front-loading automatic The effective areas are defined as fol-
machine for the efficient washing - neu- lows:
tralising - rinsing - final rinsing of labora-
A = Suitable for destruction of vegeta-
tory glassware. It can be operated on
tive bacteria, including myco-bacteria
normal water supply. There are “AD”
and fungus and fungal spores.
(aqua destillata) programmes with final
rinses using purified water (distilled, B = Suitable for inactivation of viruses
R.O., or de-ionised). (including HBV and HIV).
On completion of the automatic pro- The SPECIAL “B” programme operates
gramme sequence, laboratory glass- at 90°C with 10 minutes holding time.
ware is cleaned to the standard re-
quired for analysis.
The electronic control unit offers a
choice of temperatures for the cleaning
and final rinsing phases. A combination
often preferred is cleaning - T1 85°C
and final rinse T2 70°C.
With the SPECIAL “B” programme the
machine can thermally disinfect at
90°C with relevant holding times.
“Instrument disinfection in automatic
machines” is to be found under subsec-
tion 3.2.4. of paragraph 10c of
BSeuchG, according to the German
Federal Health Authority, Berlin (BGA).
The disinfection parameters of between
90°C and 93°C held for 10 minutes
apply to the effective areas A + B.
Reduction factor 7 (by reduction factor

Setting the water softener
Setting the water softener
To avoid the build-up of calcium de- Time- °d mmol/ °f °e ppm
posits on glassware and in the ma- set- l CaCO3
chine the water needs to be softened, ting
where the supply hardness exceeds 18 6 1,07 10,7 7,5 107
17 7 1,25 12,5 8,8 125
107 ppm, (6°d). 16 8 1,43 14,3 10,0 143
To ensure a steady supply of soft water 15 9 1,60 16,0 11,3 160
14 10 1,79 17,9 12,5 179
the water softener unit must always be: 13 11 1,96 19,6 13,8 196
12 12 2,14 21,4 15,0 214
1. correctly set, and 11 13 2,32 23,2 16,3 232
2. regenerated with salt as soon as 10 15 2,67 26,8 18,8 268
9 17 3,04 30,4 21,3 304
the k indicator light comes on. 8 19 3,38 33,9 23,8 339
7 22 3,93 39,3 27,5 393
The water softener must be set to corre-
6 24 4,28 42,8 30,0 428
spond with the water hardness the first 5 28 5,00 50,0 35,0 500
time the machine is used. 4 32 5,71 57,1 40,0 571
3 38 6,78 67,8 47,6 678
Your local water authority will advise 2 48 8,57 85,7 60,1 857
you on the water hardness in your area. 1 71 12,67 126,7 88,9 1267

Setting the Water Softener Press T1 and c touch pads simulta-

The hardness range is divided into 18 neously, keep them held down and
“time” units and a zero position. The switch on the machine with the main
machine is set at the factory at time switch"I-0".
unit ’8’, corresponding to 339 ppm, The current programming status
(19 °d). “P...” will appear in the display field.
If your water supply is harder or softer Press touch pad k. The “P” will dis-
than this, then: appear and setting “0" will always ap-
Use the touch pads on the control pear in the display field. This setting
panel to change the time setting ”0" can now be changed if necess-
(see Table). ary. To do this:
Press touch pad c as many times
as is necessary for the desired value
to appear in the display field.
Press touch pad h. “SP” appears.
Press h once again. The setting will
now be stored. The display field
The machine is now ready for oper-

Setting the water softener
Setting the water softener
If the water hardness in your area is
permanently below 107 ppm (6 d):
Select setting “0".
The control light k will not come on
and the water softener does not
need to be reactivated.
See section on Reactivating the
water softener.

Opening and closing the door
Opening and closing the door
To open the door a
Press the release catch as far as it
will go and, at the same time, grasp
the door grip and open the door.
The door should only be opened dur-
ing operation for emergencies: e.g. if ar-
ticles are knocking together (see “Inter-
rupting a programme”).

To close the door

Lift the door upwards and push until
it clicks into position. Do not press
the release catch.

Applications and loading
Applications and loading
This laboratory glasswasher normally Please note:
requires a top and a bottom basket.
Load the glassware so that water will
Depending on the type and shape of come into contact with all surfaces.
the glassware, inserts can be supplied. Do not place items to be cleaned in-
The diversity of the inserts is so great side other pieces where they may be
that it is not possible to illustrate them concealed.
all or give detailed instructions on their Hollow vessels such as beakers,
use here. As an example there are in- measuring cylinders, flasks, etc.
serts for direct injection spraying of vol- should be inverted and placed in the
umetric flasks, butyrometers, pipettes correct inserts. A cover net can be
etc. used to reduce the risk of movement
General glassware used in labora- during the wash process.
tories, e.g. beakers, conical flasks, test Petri dishes and similar should be
tubes, etc., can be arranged in full- placed in the correct insert with the
size, half or quarter inserts in top or bot- soiled side facing the centre.
tom baskets. Your Miele laboratory Pipettes should be placed with the
dealer will advise on specific require- mouthpiece facing upwards.
ments. Deep based items should be placed
at enough of an angle for water to
The following instructions relate only to
run off them freely.
basic preparation and loading of glass-
Tall, narrow, hollow pieces should be
placed in the centre of the basket to
ensure good coverage of water.
Arranging the load Do not cover the funnel in the middle
of the top basket. Mobile injector
Removing excess soils units or baskets with an adapter
Empty all glassware before loading must engage correctly, (see next
into the machine, (observe any ap- page).
plicable hygiene regulations). The spray arms must not be blocked
by items which are too tall for the
Ensure that no acid or solvent basket or which hang down in their
residues, especially hydrochloric path. If necessary, manually rotate
acid or chlorides get into the wash the arms to test this.

Remove all agar residues from petri

Remove blood clots and residues.
Remove all stoppers, corks, labels,
sealing wax residues, etc.

Applications and loading
Loading the machine
Make sure that the spring adapter for
water connection engages correctly
when a basket, injector or mobile unit is
inserted into the machine. It must be 4-
5 mm higher than the water connection
inlet in the roof of the cabinet.
If it is not, adjust the adapter accord-
Loosen the lock ring.
Push up the adapter (4-5 mm higher
than the water connection inlet) and
tighten the lock ring.

Select baskets and inserts which are O 187

appropriate for the application. Injector mobile unit
(top basket) for direct injection of nar-
Loading examples: row necked glassware, 34 nozzles 4x1
mm/160 mm high with “Mielava” clips.
Important: With insert O 187 either liq-
uid detergent must be used, (special
accessory DOS module C 60), or pow-
der must be placed only on the inside
of the door.

E 350
“Intermiel” injector mobile unit
For narrow necked glassware, com-
plete with 15 nozzles 4x1 mm/160 mm
high, 18 nozzles 6x1 mm/220 mm high
with 33 “Mielava” clips.

Applications and loading
Loading the machine

O 188 top basket frame E 109

can take various inserts. Half insert, stainless steel, for 21 glass
beakers up to 250 ml, round and coni-
cal flasks etc.

U 174 bottom basket frame E 106

can take various inserts. Half insert, st. steel, with 28 spring
hooks at two heights for glassware, e.g
narrow necked bottles, measuring cylin-
ders, medicine bottles etc.

Applications and loading
Loading the machine
Adjusting the top basket
Adjustable top baskets can be used in
this machine. They can be adjusted up
or down by 2 cm from the middle posi-
tion set on delivery.
In the middle position the top basket
will accommodate:
Vessels and glassware up to 19 cm
in height,
and the bottom basket will accommo-
Vessels and glasses up to 25 cm in

For further details regarding vessel

height combinations, see table
Top basket Top basket Bottom
position height (cm) basket
height (cm)
Top 17 27
Middle 19 25
Bottom 21 23

To adjust the top basket:

Pull out the top basket until a resist-
ance is felt, lift from the runners and
Unscrew the roller supports on both
sides of the basket with a 7 mm
spanner, reposition as required and

Rinsing agent
Rinsing agent
A liquid storage container incorporated Pour rinsing agent into the storage
in the door has a capacity of approxi- container until the level indicator is
mately 200 ml. The required amount of dark (see arrow in illustration). Use
appropriate liquid rinsing agent (e.g. funnel if necessary.
Mielclear where available) is dispensed
Firmly tighten the screw cap. Clean
automatically from this container.
up any spillage.

Adding rinsing agent Refilling with rinsing agent

The level indicator shows how much
rinsing agent is left in the container.
When there is no dark colouring visible
in the level indicator, the container
needs to be refilled.

Setting the dosage

Undo the screw cap.

The dosage adjuster in the opening

has settings from 1-6 (1-6 ml). It is set
to “3" (3 ml) at the factory.
Use a higher setting if spots are left
after drying.
If clouding or smearing appears, use
a lower setting.

Adding neutralising agent
Adding neutralising agent
Adding neutralising agent Re-fill the container in good time, it
To reduce the pH to neutral after al- should never be allowed to empty
kaline cleaning, special neutralising completely.
acids can be used in programme
stage 4.
Important: “Special functions” must first
be used to set the programme to dis-
pense neutralising agent in stage 4, in-
stead of rinsing agent.
Place the container with neutralising
agent on the floor next to the ma-
When the w indicator light on the con-
trol panel lights up:
Fill the container with neutralising
agent, or change containers, and

Place the siphon tube firmly in the

opening of the free-standing con-
tainer (pay attention to colour cod-

Liquid dispensing system venting / maintenance
Liquid dispensing system venting / maintenance
Priming / venting the liquid Each time the system is vented any liq-
uid which runs into the wash cabinet
dispensing system must be washed out as follows:
Before using the machine for the first
time, or if in later use the container had Select programme “A” (Cold).
been allowed to empty, the dispensing If/when the venting system for deter-
system for liquid detergent must be gent (DOS-Module C 60) was vented:
vented, (this does not apply to the rins-
ing agent system). Set the dispensing volumefor regular
cleaning use, (see separate DOS Mo-
Proceed as follows: dule instructions).
Press the I-0 (ON-Off) button. After this the dispensing system is filled
Set the dispensing volume switch on with the appropriate medium and is
the DOS-Module to “10", (only when ready for use.
activating Switch ”B").
Checking the dispensing
To maintain the performance of the dis-
pensing system, it should be serviced
at regular intervals.
This work should only be carried out by
suitably qualified people or by a MIELE
Service Engineer.

Every 12-18 months

– Replace the dispensing hoses in the
dispensing systems and/or the DOS

Switch “A”: Dispensing system for

neutralising agent.
Switch “B”: Dispensing system for
detergent (if using liquid detergent)
(Special version with DOS-Module C 60).
Use a pointed object to press in
switch “A” and/or “B” at the left hand
side end of the control panel for
three and a half minutes.

Adding powder detergent
Adding powder detergent
Only use specific detergents for
special cleaning applications.
Do not use domestic dishwasher

If not using liquid, fill dispenser in the

door with powder detergent before
each programme (See “Programme ’B’
and...” for exceptions).

Fill the dispenser with the appropri-

ate amount.
Dosage: approximately 3 g/l, corre-
sponding to approximately 30 g per
Follow manufacturer’s instructions.
Close the dispenser lid.

Press the opening catch on the con-

tainer flap forwards (see arrow). The
flap will spring open. (The flap will
be open at the end of a programme).

Adding detergent Programme selection
Adding detergent Programme selection
Programme: “B”, and when using For thermal disinfection programmes
O 187 and pipette holder: a suitable mildly alkaline and
chlorine-free cleaner should be used.
Under certain circumstances, i.e. spe-
cial soiling, different combinations of
detergents and other additives may be
necessary. Consult your Miele labora-
tory dealer.

Take care when handling liquids

such as detergents, disinfecting and
neutralising agents. These may con-
tain acids, alkalis or disinfectants.
Follow the relevant safety procedures
and the instructions on the packa-
ging carefully.
Wear protective gloves and
goggles if necessary.
Add powder detergent directly to the
inside of the door.
An additional dose can be added to the
inside of the door when required in appli- Programme selection
cations E and F (see Programme chart).
Choose your programme according to
Note the type of glassware and the degree
If required at extra cost the machine of soiling.
can be equipped with a dispenser
The different programmes and their ap-
pump for liquid detergent, “DOS-Mo-
plications are described overleaf in the
dule C 60" (connected externally).
Programme chart.
Separate instructions for installation and
use are supplied with the DOS module.
When selecting a detergent please
bear in mind the ecological effects, in
particular the following considerations:
How much alkalinity is needed to do
the required cleaning?
Is bleach required for disinfection or
stain removal?
Are tensides at all necessary for dis-
persal or emulsification?

Programme chart
Programme chart
Programme When to use Detergent
(when not using liquid agent)


A = COLD Pre-wash programme to pre-rinse glassware of

problem chemicals or residues etc
B = SPECIAL Thermal Disinfection to BGA-standard. 30 grammes on to the right
Loosening / cleaning of particularly stubborn hand side door interior

C = MINI For lightly soiled glassware without AD rinsing. 30 grammes in the powder

D = STANDARD A programme with two AD rinses where the 30 grammes in the powder
glassware is intended for analytical use. dispenser

E = UNIVERSAL Programme with two AD rinses for glassware 30 grammes in the powder
intended for analytical use, which is more dispenser
heavily soiled with for example oil and grease
residues. (Connect the cold water inlet to hot (and also 30 grammes on
water if residues to be dispersed are oil-based). the right hand side door
interior if needed)

F = INTENSIVE- For particularly encrusted residues, agar, etc. 30 grammes in the powder
PLUS dispenser

(and also 30 grammes on to

the right hand side door
interior if needed)

G 7783 Warning and safety instructions
Warning and safety instructions
To the person responsible for this machine:
Make this pull-out with the Warning and Safety instructions available to any
operators of the machine. Place it near the machine, where it can be seen and
not removed.
Ensure that operators know and understand these Warning and Safety instruc-
tions, and observe them in use.
Do not install the machine in an
This machine conforms to current
area where a danger of explosion
safety requirements. Inappropriate
may be present.
use can however lead to personal
injury and damage to property. The electrical safety of this ma-
Read the operating instructions chine can only be guaranteed if
carefully before starting to use this connected to a correctly installed ear-
machine. This way you will avoid thing system on site. It is most import-
the risk of accidents, and damage ant that this basic safety requirement is
to the machine. met and complies with local and na-
Keep these instructions in a safe tional regulations. It should be checked
place, and make them available to by an expert if necessary.
future users. The manufacturer cannot be held re-
sponsible for damage caused by mis-
Correct usage sing or defective earthing, such as
electric shock.
This machine is designed for com-
mercial use and for specialised ap- A damaged machine is dan-
plications only, as described in these gerous. Switch off at the mains im-
Operating Instructions. Using it for pur- mediately and call an authorised Miele
poses other than those for which it was service dealer, or suitably competent
designed would be unauthorised and engineer.
could cause harm. Repair work may only be carried
The manufacturer cannot be held re- out by an authorised, suitably com-
sponsible for damage caused by im- petent person. Repairs by unqualified
proper use. persons could be dangerous.

Please pay attention to the following Personnel operating the machine

notes, to maintain safe procedures. should be trained regularly. Child-
ren and untrained personnel should not
The machine should be commis- be allowed access to the machine or
sioned and then maintained only its controls.
by the Miele Service Department, an
authorised Miele Service Dealer or
other approved competent person.

Warning and safety instructions
Warning and Safety instructions
Take care when handling liquids Never use an ordinary or a high
such as detergents, wetting pressure hose on or in the vicinity
agents, or neutralising agents. These of the machine.
may contain irritant or corrosive ingre-
Before any maintenance or repair
dients, acids or alkalis. On no account
work is undertaken, the machine
use any organic solvent, as there may
must be disconnected from the mains
be the danger of an explosion occur-
supply, by switching off at the mains
isolator, or withdrawing the mains fuse.
Follow the instructions and relevant
safety procedures carefully. Wear pro-
tective gloves and goggles. The following points should be ob-
served to avoid damage to the ma-
Avoid inhalation of powder chine and the loads being cleaned.
cleaners. They can cause burning
The standard of disinfection in the
in the mouth and throat if swallowed, or
Disinfection programmes must be
inhibit breathing.
confirmed by the user as a routine mat-
The water in the machine must not ter. The process should be regularly
be used as drinking water. checked using chemical indicators,
and bacteriologically at intervals using
Do not sit or lean on the open
bio-indicators, with full documentation.
door, or rest objects on it. This
Proceed according to local health auth-
could cause the machine to tip and be
ority regulations.
Disinfection programmes must not
Be careful when sorting items with
be interrupted, as this can have a
sharp pointed ends and position-
limiting effect on the disinfection result.
ing them in the machine that you do not
However, should an interruption be
hurt yourself or create danger for other
necessary. the complete programme
must be repeated.
When using this machine in the
Only use cleaning agents formu-
temperature ranges from 70 to
lated for special processes and ap-
95°C be especially careful not to scald
proved by Miele for use with this ma-
or burn yourself. Baskets and inserts
chine. Use of unsuitable cleaning
must first cool down. Any water which
agents could adversely affect the load
may remain in containers will be very
or the machine.
hot and must be emptied into the wash
Do not touch the heating elements
during or directly after the end of a
programme, you could burn yourself.

Warning and safety instructions
Warning and Safety instructions
For pre-treatment and / or cleaning In critical applications where very
only use low-foaming detergents stringent requirements have to be
and disinfecting agents which have met, it is strongly recommended that all
been approved by Miele. Foam can the relevant factors for the process,
have an adverse effect on the disinfec- such as cleaning agent, quality of
tion and cleaning process. water are discussed with the Miele Ap-
plication Technology specialists.
Where a chemical additive is rec-
ommended on technical applica- If the cleaning result is subject to
tion grounds (for example with a clean- these particularly stringent require-
ing agent), this does not imply that the ments (e.g. chemical analysis, spe-
manufacturer of the machine takes re- cialised processes), a regular quality
sponsibility for the effect of the chemi- control test should be carried out by
cal on the material of the items being the user to ensure that required stand-
cleaned. Please be aware that change- ards of cleanliness are being achieved.
s in formulation, storage conditions etc,
Please follow the advice on installa-
which may not be publicised by the
tion in these instructions and the
chemical producer, can have a nega-
separate Installation Instructions.
tive effect on the cleaning result.
Empty any containers or utensils
When using cleaning agents and
before arranging them in the ma-
specialised products it is essential
that the manufacturer’s instructions are
followed. Only use the product for the Do not allow any remains of acids
application described by the manufac- or solvents, or chloride solutions to
turer, to avoid any material damage or get into the wash cabinet. Similarly
the occurrence of strong chemical reac- avoid any materials with a corrosive ef-
tions such as oxyhydrogen. fect.
The presence in compounds of any sol-
The machine is designed only for
vents should be minimal, (especially
operation with water and additive
those in hazard class A1).
cleaning agents. Organic solvents
must not be used in the machine, as Ensure that solutions or steam con-
there is the danger under certain cir- taining acid salts do not come into
cumstances of explosion. Although this contact with the steel outer casing of
is not the case with all organic sol- the machine, to avoid any corrosion
vents, other problems could arise with damage.
their use, for example damage to rub- Use special inserts in accordance
ber and synthetic materials. with the instructions provided.

Warning and safety instructions
Warning and Safety instructions
Accessories The manufacturer cannot be held re-
The only accessories to be used sponsible for any damage caused
with the special commercial ma- through non-observance of these
chine must be those supplied or ap- Warning and Safety instructions.
proved by MIELE for the specific appli-
cation. Consult your dealer or the Miele
Professional department for advice.

Disposal of an old machine

When disposing of an old machine
first make it unusable. Disconnect,
cut off the cable and any plug from the
cable. For environmental and safety
reasons ensure the machine is com-
pletely drained of any residue water
and cleaning agent. (Observe safety
regulations and wear safety goggles
and gloves). Make the door lock inoper-
ative, so that children cannot acciden-
tally shut themselves in. The simplest
way to do this is to remove the locking
pin (2 philips screws above the door).
Make appropriate arrangements for the
safe disposal of the machine. For tank
system machines ensure that any water
is emptied out of the tank.
In countries where there are areas
which may be subject to infesta-
tion by cockroaches or other vermin,
pay particular attention to keeping the
machine and its surroundings in a
clean condition at all times. Any dam-
age which may be caused by cock-
roaches or other vermin will not be
covered by the machine guarantee.

Warning and safety instructions

Programme cycle Miscellaneous

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. *) see
Pre- Pre- Main Interim Interim Interim Final- Drying “Programming
liminary wash II wash & rinse I & rinse II rinse III rinse (extra special functions”
pre- possible possibly prog. *)
wash I thermal neutral-
disinf isation *)

X X X X (X) **) increase in

93°C 70°C temp. holding time
see “Special
max. AD functions”
X X X X X (X)
60°C 60°C
X X X X X (X)
85°C AD 70°C
X X X X X X (X)
85°C AD 70°C

X X X X X X X (X)
85°C AD AD 70°C

AD (Aqua destillata) = purified water, (distilled, R.O.,or de-ionised).

X = sections included in standard programmes

Switching the machine on and off
Switching the machine on and off

• min • C • T1

• •• I-O • D • T2 •
• ••• A • E • •
• B • F • •

1. Switching on Programme Changes

Press I-0 button. Provided the “Start” touch pad has not
yet been pressed, a wrongly selected
programme may be changed as fol-
2. Selecting a programme lows:
After switching on the machine the indi-
cator lights next to the selectors will Press the appropriate touch pad to
light up to show the selection available. select the required programme.

Press the programme selector for Press the “Start” touch pad h.
the required programme. The wash Otherwise “Interrupt programme”
temperature of the programme se- - (see next page).
lected will show up in the display
3. Selecting an additional pro-
Select additional programme gramme
T1 / T2 “TEMPERATURE” and/or
The following additional programmes
are available:
(see “Selecting an additional pro-
Press the “Start” touch pad h. The
display panel will now show the run-
Immediately after the selection of a
ning time in minutes for the selected
washing programme the tempera-
programme, (counting up).
ture for washing and for final rinsing
During the heat-up stage in “Wash-
can be altered through the additional
ing/disinfecting” and “Final rinse” the
programme “Temperature”. Press on
required temperature will be dis-
the appropriate touch pad T1 or T2
played in the panel.
for as many times as necessary to
All other programmes are automatically change the temperature step by
blocked and only the lights for the pro- step (40°C / 50°C / 60°C / 70°C /
gramme selected stay on. 85°C / 93°C). The last temperature
chosen will be stored for the follow-
ing wash/rinse cycles, and will be
shown in the display field.

Switching the machine on and off
Switching the machine on and off
c DRYING The programme is completed when no
This may be selected immediately after indicator lights are left on (expect for
choosing a wash programme (excep- “DESIN” for the “B” SPECIAL pro-
tion: A “Cold”). The heater element swit- gramme) and when the “Start” h light
ches on intermittently for the drying pro- goes out. The display panel will show
cess for 10 minute spells. The total the total running time of the programme.
running time of the programme will be
lengthened accordingly. Switching off
k REACTIVATION programme Press the I-0 switch and let it spring
(see “Reactivating water softener”). out.
q DRAIN, The machine can now be opened and
if for example the programme has been unloaded.
– Press the I-0 button.
– Press the q touch pad.
Interrupting a programme
– Press the “Start” touch pad h. Once a programme is running it should
only be interrupted in extreme cases,
e.g.: when articles in the machine rattle
Programme sequence indica-
or bump against each other and have
tor to be rearranged.
When a washing programme has been
The machine must then be switched
selected, the indicator lights in the
off, the water drained and the pro-
display will show the programme se-
gramme restarted:
I Pre-wash Switch the machine on and off again
l Main wash / possible disinfecting with the I-0 switch.
m Interim rinse
Select the “DRAIN” programme
H Final rinse
(Additional programmes)
c Drying (additional programme)
Open the door and replace the items
DESIN Disinfection
securely and correctly. Take any hy-
(Only with the “B” SPECIAL pro-
giene measures necessary against
gramme), maintaining the temperature
infection and wear protective gloves
parameter between 90°C and 93°C for
where necessary.
10 or 25 minutes respectively, or at
85°C for 10 or 25 minutes respectively. Replenish the powder detergent dis-
When part of a programme is com- penser in the door if necessary.
plete, the corresponding indicator light
Close the door.
goes out.
Reselect the programme.

Programming special functions
Programming special functions
The following special functions can be 1b. Hot water connection
programmed where appropriate:
Switch off the machine.

1. Setting water inlet to “level plus Press T1 and c at the same time,
time control” instead of timed inlet hold them in and also switch on the
(60 secs). machine with the main switch “I-0".
The current programme status ”P..."
If the inlet water pressure is lower than
appears in the display.
2.5 bar, too little water will flow into the
wash cabinet. By selecting “level plus Press E, “20" oder ”21" will appear in
time control” flow, more water will flow the display.
into the wash cabinet, if there is an inlet “20" = Hot-water connection time
water pressure between 1 and 2.5 bar. control (60 secs).
”21" = Hot-water connection level
The setting is adjusted separately for
plus time control.
cold, hot and AD (de-ionised) water.
Press c to change from “20" to
Proceed as follows:
”21" or vice versa.
Switch off the machine.
Press h. “SP” appears in the display.

1a. Cold water connection Press h again. The change has

been recorded and the display field
Press T1 and c at the same time,
hold them in and also switch on the
machine with the main switch “I-0".
The current programme status ”P..." 1c. AD-Water connection
appears in the display. Switch off the machine.
Press F, “10" or ”11" will appear in Press T1 and c at the same time,
the display.. hold them in and also switch on the
“10" = Cold-water connection time machine with “I-0".
control (60 secs). The current programme status ”P..."
”11" = Cold-water connection level appears in the display.
plus time control.
Press D. “30" or ”31".will appear in
Press c, to change from “10" to the display.
”11" or vice versa. “30" = AD-water inflow time control
60 secs).
Press h. “SP” appears in the display.
”31" = AD-water inflow level plus
Press h once again. The change time control.
has been recorded and the display
Press c, to change from “30" to
field clears.
”31" or vice versa.

Programming special functions
Programming special functions
Press h. “SP” appears in the display. 3. Adding neutralising agent in the “In-
Press h again. The change has terim rinse l” part of the programme.
been recorded and the display field The machine is set at the factory for
clears. rinsing agent to be dispensed in the
“Final rinse” part of the programme. If
2. Increasing the temperature hold- neutralising agent is to be dispensed in-
ing time from 10’ to 25’ in the stead make the following adjustment:
“Wash” part of the programme, (only Switch off the machine.
in the “B” SPECIAL programme).
Press T1 and c at the same time,
Switch off the machine.
hold them in and also switch on the
Press T1 and c at the same time, machine with “I-0".
hold them in and also switch on the The current programme status ”P..."
machine with I-0. appears in the display.
The current programme status “P...”
Press B, “50" or ”51" will appear in
appears in the display.
the display.
Press C, “40" or “41” will appear in “50" = Rinsing agent dosage
the display. ”51" = Neutralising agent dosage
“40” = Temp. holding time 10 mins
Press c to change from “50" to
“41” = Temp. holding time 25 mins
”51" or vice versa.
Press c.to change from “40” to
Press h. “SP” appears in the display.
“41” or vice versa.
Press h again. The change has
Press h. “SP” appears in the display.
been recorded and the display field
Press h again. The change has clears.
been recorded and the display field
The T1 temperature must not exceed
85 °C. (See “Selecting additional pro-

Reactivating the water softener
Reactivating the water softener
When the k indicator light on the left
Never fill the salt reservoir with dish-
hand side of the control panel comes
washer cleaning agent
on during a programme the built-in
this can lead to
water softener is depleted and cannot
– damage to the water softener and
supply any more softened water. It
– blockage of the salt container
must therefore be reactivated with dish-
filter insert, resulting in a build up
washer salt as soon as the programme
of pressure in the salt reservoir.
has finished.
The irritant alkali solution could be a
If this cannot be done immediately, and hazard and personal injury could be
further batches have been washed, caused when the salt container is
then the reactivation process must be removed.
carried out twice in succession. Make sure that you have picked up
the right packet of dishwasher salt
Only use special coarse grained dish-
before filling the salt container.
washer salt (granule size approx. 1-4
mm), for reactivation, as other salts
may contain insoluble impurities or ad- Filling the salt container
ditives which can impair the functioning
of the softener.
The salt container holds approx. 2 kg

If the only reactivation salt available is
fine grain, please consult your Miele
service representative.
Reactivation salt with granules larger
than 4 mm cannot be used.

Unscrew the filter insert from the salt

container and remove.
Fill the salt container with granular
dishwasher salt and screw the filter
insert back in place.

Reactivating the water softener
Reactivating the water softener
Position the salt container as Switch on the machine
follows: Open the stopcocks if previously closed.
Remove the bottom basket from the Close the door.
machine. Press I-0.
Press the k touch pad.
Press the "Start" h touch pad.
The reactivation programme proceeds
automatically and finishes when the in-
dicator light k at the left hand side of
the control panel and the "Start" indica-
tor light h have gone out.
Switch off the machine.
Unscrew the salt container carefully,
so that any water pressure that has
built up can be released. Do not use
force. If you cannot uncrew the salt
container by hand, contact the Miele
Service department.
Screw the plastic lid back on the socket.
Unscrew the plastic cap in the base Reposition bottom basket.
of the wash cabinet. Rinse the salt container and filter in-
sert thoroughly.
Turn off the stopcocks if the machine
is not to be used again for some time.

The water pressure (flow pressure at the
take off point) must be at least 2.5 bar.
If it less than this see "Programming spe-
cial functions".
If the flow pressure is below 2.5 bar, or
if it fluctuates, the water softener can-
not be reactivated in the normal way.
After reactivation, salt remains may still
be found in the salt container.
To use up the salt remains and to wash
Place the salt container on the reacti- out the water softener, the "reactivate
vation socket and screw firmly into softener" programme must be switched
place. on again.

Cleaning and care
Cleaning and care
Cleaning the filters in the
water cabinet
The filter combination in the base of the
cabinet should be inspected regularly
and cleaned if necessary.
Watch out for glass splinters which
could cause injury.

Cleaning the coarse filter

To unscrew the micro-fine filter, take

hold of the two lugs, turn twice in an
anti-clockwise direction,

Press the 2 lugs together, remove

and clean the filter.
Put the clean filter back in position
and press until it clicks in place.

Cleaning the fine, micro-fine and flat

and remove, together with the flat fil-
Remove the coarse filter
ter. Then clean the filters.
Remove the fine filter which (if fitted) The filter combination is then re-
sits between the coarse and micro- placed in the reverse order to which
fine filters. it was removed.
The machine must not be used without
all filters in place.

Cleaning and care
Cleaning and care
Cleaning the filters in the
water inlet
For the protection of the inlet valve(s),
filters are incorporated in the screw
connection of the water inlet hose. The
filters must be cleaned when dirty,
otherwise insufficient water flows into
the wash cabinet.
Turn off stopcocks.
Unscrew the water inlet hoses.

Clean large area filter (1) and fine

filter (2) or replace if necessary.
After reconnection, turn on the stop-
cock to test for leaks.
There is a further filter in front of the
water inlet valve which must only be
cleaned or replaced by a suitably quali-
fied and competent person.

Correcting minor faults
Correcting minor faults
With the aid of the following explana- The water in the wash cabinet is not
tory notes, minor faults can usually be heated; the programme sequence
corrected without contacting the Miele lasts too long.
Service Department.
This machine has a resettable heater
Any work on the electrical components limiter which will switch off the heaters
of the machine should only be carried in the case of over-heating. This could
out by a suitably qualified and compe- be caused for example, if large articles
tent person. obscure the heating elements or if the
filters in the wash cabinet are blocked.
Faults / Possible Causes Remove cause of fault.

The machine does not start Take off service panel (see under
“Electrical connection”).
– Check that the door is properly
– Check the plug connection or isola-
– Check the fuses.

A few minutes after switching on, the

indicator light p q flashes.
– The stopcocks are closed.
– The filters in the water inlet hose are
Switch off the machine.
Open the stopcocks or clean the filters
(see “Cleaning and care”).
Switch on the machine again and re-
select the programme.
Press in the re-set button (blue) on
The wash cycle finishes too early the heater limiter.
and the p q indicator light flashes If this switch trips repeatedly, your Ser-
– The drain hose is kinked. vice Dealer or the Miele Service Depart-
– The door was opened and closed ment must be contacted.
during the programme.
In the event of any faults which cannot
– There was an interruption to the
be remedied, please contact your Ser-
power supply.
vice Dealer or the Miele Service Depart-
Correct the fault.
Pump away the water and start the
programme again (see procedure
under “Interrupting a programme”).

Please refer to the Installation diag- The machine lid must be removed as
ram supplied with the machine. follows:
The machine must be installed cor- Open the door.
rectly and levelled.
Any unevenness in the floor level can
be compensated by adjusting the 4
screw feet.
The machine can be installed in the fol-
lowing ways:
Free standing.
Slot-in or at the end of a row:
The machine can be installed adjacent
to other equipment or furniture or in a
recess at least 60 cm wide and 60 cm
Building under
The machine should be positioned Remove the fixing screws on the left
under a continuous worktop. The niche and right, using a Philips screw
dimensions must be at least 60 cm driver.
wide, 60 cm deep and 82 cm high.
Pull the lid approximately 5 mm for-
wards and remove.
By removing the lid, the dishwasher
can be built into a recess 82 cm high. If
building the dishwasher into a recess
87 cm high, a conversion kit is required.

Important for machines with steam

To avoid steam damage to the worktop
the self-adhesive protective sheet sup-
plied (25 x 58.cm) should be stuck
under the worktop in the area of the
steam condensor.

Position and secure the machine
To ensure stability, the machine must
first be aligned and then screwed to
the worktop.
With the door open, through each of
the two holes in the front rim, left and
right, screw the machine to the front
edge of the continuous worktop.
Do not use silicone sealant to seal
the gaps between the machine and
any neighbouring units as this would
hinder ventilation to the circulation
Depending on the various require-
ments for building under, the following
kits can be ordered from the Miele
spare parts department.

87 cm high recess
This kit consists of longer machine feet
and a base plate.

Cover plate (worktop protection)

The underside of the work surface is
protected from steam damage by a
plate of ’Niro’ stainless steel.

Electrical connection U.K./AUS
Electrical connection U.K./AUS
All electrical connection work must be To remove service panel and cover
carried out by a qualified electrician in plate:
compliance with local and national
Connection should be made via a
suitable isolator, with an on-off
switch which should be easily ac-
cessible for servicing.
For extra safety it is advisable to in- b
stall a residual current device (RCD) a
with a trip current of 30 mA (DIN a
VDE 0664). b
For technical data see data plate or
wiring diagram supplied. Isolate the machine from the power
The machine must only be operated
with the voltage, frequency and fusing Remove fixing screws “a” from the
shown on the data plate. service panel.
The machine is not convertible. Take hold of the service panel at
The wiring diagram is to be found be- both sides and pull forward,up and
hind the cover plate on the left hand out.
side, attached to the floor of the ma- Unscrew the cover plate, (screw “b“).
Pull off earth lead if necessary.
The data plate with test certification is
on the rear of the machine, and on the Remove the plastic protective cover.
cover plate (behind the service panel). Reassemble plastic protective cover,
cover plate, and service panel in
reverse order.

Make certain that the earth lead is


Refer also to the separate Installation

Instructions supplied.

Electrical connection U.K./AUS
Electrical connection
This page has been left blank intention-

Connection to the water inlet Stopcocks with 3/4 “ BPS male
thread to be provided on site. They
The machine must be connected to should be easily accessible because
the water supply in accordance with the water supply must be turned off
the local and national regulations, when the machine is not in use.
(NWC in GB).
The DN 10 inlet pressure hoses are
The machine is constructed to com- approximately 1.7m long and termi-
ply with DVGW regulations, in such a nate in a 3/4" female thread. On no
way that an external non-return valve account must the inlet filters be
is not required. removed.
The water pressure (flow rate) must For additional protection of the sole-
be between 2.5 and 10 bar. If the noid valve against impurities in the
water pressure is not within this water supply, large surface area fil-
range, the Customer Service Depart- ters are enclosed in the kit supplied
ment will advise you of the measures with the machine (see illustration in
to take (see also “Programming spe- “Cleaning and care, water inlet”).
cial functions”).
The filter for AD purified water is made
The machine is supplied as stan- from chrome-nickel steel and has a
dard for connection to cold (blue matt upper surface.
markings) and hot (red markings)
(max. 70°C) water supply. Consult the installation instructions
See next page for AD connection to supplied
purified water (H20 pure).
The inlet hoses should be connected The water in the machine is not suit-
to the stopcocks for cold and hot able for drinking.
The inlet hose marked red is for the
hot water supply, but may be con-
nected to cold water if no hot water
connection is available. In this case
both hoses must be connected to
the cold water supply.
In special cases, (see Programme E
in the chart), connection of both
hoses to hot water is recommended.
In order to prolong its life, the hose
marked 90°C should only be used
on a hot water connection supplying
water no hotter than 70°C.

AD connection to purified water, press- The outlet of the purified water con-
urised, (1.5 - 10 bar) tainer (non-pressurised) must be at
least at the height of the upper edge of
The machine is delivered from the fac-
the machine. (see "Installation instruc-
tory ready for connection to a press-
urised system, 1.5 - 10 bar.
Connect the non-pressurised AD
The AD pressure tested hose,
water hose to the purified water con-
marked H2O pure, with 3/4" thread
must be connected to the on-site AD
stopcock for purified water.
If the AD connection to purified
water is not being used (or if it
Connection to purified water non-
should not be used) then the ma-
pressurised (0 - 1.5 bar)
chine must be converted by a Miele
For connection to a supply of 0 - 0.3 trained or approved engineer.
bar, or 0.3 - 1.5 bar the machine must
be converted, if not supplied converted
ex-works. An "ADP" booster pump can
only be fitted. This is only possible
when the machine has no DHK steam
condensor. As this work requires
specialised knowledge, it should only
be carried out by a Miele approved

The drainage system is fitted with a
non-return valve which prevents dirty
water from flowing back into the ma-
chine via the drain hose.
The machine should preferably be
connected to a separate drainage
system on site. If no separate drain-
age system is available, seek profes-
sional advice.
The machine is supplied with flexible
drainage hoses with an internal
diameter of 22 mm, and approx. 1.5
m long.
The drain hose must not be short-
Hose clips for connection are sup-
Longer drain hoses (up to 4 m) are
available if required. Contact your
Miele laboratory dealer or Spare
Parts Department.
The drainage system must not ex-
ceed 4 metres and the drain pump
has a maximum delivery head of 1
Please refer to the Installation Instruc-
tions provided.

Caring for the environment
Caring for the environment
Disposal of the packing ma- When disposing of an old machine
terial first make it unusable. Disconnect,
The transport and protective packing cut off the cable and any plug from
has been selected from materials the cable. For safety reasons en-
which are environmentally friendly for sure the machine is completely
disposal and can normally be recycled. drained of any residue water and
cleaning agent. (Observe safety
Rather than just throwing these ma- regulations and wear safety
terials away, please ensure they are goggles and gloves). Make the
offered for recycling. door lock inoperative so that child-
ren cannot shut themselves in. The
Disposal of your old machine simplest way to do this is to remove
the locking pin (2 philips screws
Old machines contain materials which
above the door). Make appropriate
can be reclaimed or recycled. Please
arrangements for the safe disposal
contact your dealer, local waste collec-
of the machine.
tion centre or scrap merchant about
Where machines with a tank system
potential recycling schemes. Ensure are being disposed of, all water
that the machine presents no danger to must first be emptied from the tank.
children while being stored for disposal.

Technical data
Technical data
Noise emission in dB (A)
Measurement of noise: 65

Alteration rights reserved / 002 0101

This paper consists of cellulose which has been bleached without the use of chlorine.

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