11 Beams of two materials
11.1 Introduction
Some beams used in engineering structures are composed of two materials. A timber joist, for
example, may be reinforced by bolting steel plates to the flanges. Plain concrete has little or no
tensile strength, and beams of this material are reinforced therefore with steel rods or wires in the
tension fibres. In beams of these types there is a composite action between the two materials.
11.2 Transformed sections
‘The composite beam shown in Figure 11.1 consists of a rectangular timber joist of breadth 6 and
depth h, reinforced with two steel plates of depth and thickness 1.
' t
slp oe
Figure 11.1 Timber beam reinforced with steet side plates
Consider the behaviour of the composite beam under the action of a bending moment M applied
about Cx; ifthe timber beam is bent into a curve of radius R, then, from equation (9.5), the bending
‘moment carried by the timber beam is
M = — WL
i, R aay
where (E/, is the bending stiffness of the timber beam. If the steel plates are attached to the timber
beam by bolting, or glueing, or some other means, the steel plates are bent to the same radius of
curvature R as the timber beam. The bending moment carried by the two steel plates is then‘Transformed sections 267
where (ED), is the bending stiffness of the two steel plates. The total bending moment is then
M = M,+M, = 1 (en, + 0]
oe ng
R (EN, + (EN), (112)
Clearly, the beam behaves as though the total bending stiffness E/ were
EI = (ED, + (ED, (13)
If, and E, are the values of Young's modulus for timber and steel, respectively, and if /, and J, are
the second moments of area about Cx of the timber and steel beams, respectively, we have
(ED, + (ED,
If /, is multiplied by (£/E,), which is the ratio of Young's moduli for the two materials, then from
equation (11.5) we see that the composite beam may be treated as wholly timber, having an
equivalent second moment of area
Ey 11.6)
zy. (16)
This is equivalent to treating the beam of Figure 1 1.2(i) with reinforcing plates made of timber, but,
having thicknesses
Ed, + El, aay
ans)268 Beams of two materials
as shown in Figure 11.2(ii); the equivalent timber beam of Figure 11.2(ii) is the transformed
section of the bearn. In this case the beam has been transformed wholly to timber. Equally the
‘beam may be transformed wholly to steel, as shown in Figure 1 1.2(iii). For bending about Cx the
breadths of the component beams are factored to find the transformed section; the depth A of the
beam is unaffected.
0 @ i)
Figure 11.2. (i) Composite beam of timber and steel bent about Cx.
(ii) Equivalent timber beam. (iii) Equivalent steel beam.
‘The bending stress o, in the fibre of the timber core of the beam a distance y from the neutral
axis is
(En, 1
M = —,M=— +
Lo 7 (EM, + 0,
and on eliminating R,
M, = M.
1 Eb a7
(11.8)Transformed sections 269
the bending stresses in the timber core are found therefore by considering the sotal bending
‘moment M to be carried by the transformed timber beam of Figure 11.2(ii). The longitudinal strain
at the distance y from the neutral axis Cx is
eo 2-
Then at the distance y from the neutral axis the stress in the steel reinforcing plates is
because the strains in the steel and timber are the same at the same distance y from the neutral axis.
This condition of equal strain is implied in the assumption made earlier that the steel and the timber
components of the beam are bent to the same radius of curvature R.
Problem 11.1 A composite beam consists of a timber joist, 15 cm by 10 cm, to which
reinforcing steel plates, “4 cm thick, are attached. Estimate the maximum
bending moment which may be applied about Cr, if the bending stress in the
timber is not to exceed 5 MN/m’, and that in the steel 120 MN/m’. Take E/E,
= 20.
‘The maximum bending stresses occur in the extreme fibres. If the stress in the timber is S MN/m’,
the stress in the steel at the same distance from Cx is
5 x 10° x = 100 x 10° N/m? = 100 MN/m?
‘Thus when the maximum timber stress is attained, the maximum steel stress is only 100 MN/m’,
If the maximum permissible stress of 120 MN/m’ were attained in the steel, the stress in the timber270 Beams of two materials
would exceed 5 MN/m?, which is not permissible. The maximum bending moment gives therefore
a stress in the timber of 5 MN/m*. The second moment of area about Cx of the equivalent timber
beam is
1, — 4 (0.10) 0.15" + + (0.010) (0.15) « 20
12 12
= 0.0842 x 107 m*
For a maximum stress in the timber of 5 MN/m’, the moment is,
) ( 3
om ~ (x10) (0.0842 x 107)
5610 Nm
11.3 Timber beam with reinforcing steel flange plates
In Section 11.2 we discussed the composite bending action of a timber be.m reinforced with steel
plates over the depth of the beam. A similar bending problem arises when the timber joist is
reinforced on its upper and lower faces with steel plates, as shown if Figure 11.3(i); the timber web
of the composite beams may be transformed into steel to give the equivalent steel section of Figure
11.3Gii); alternatively, the steel flanges may be replaced by equivalent timber flanges to give the
equivalent timber beam of Figure 11.3(iii). The problem is then treated in the same way as the
beam in Section 11.2; the stresses in the timber and steel are calculated from the second moment
of area of the transformed timber and steel sections.
as oe
r- Eo
te! ay
0 @ oo
Figure 11.3. (i) Timber beam with reinforced steel flange plates.
(ii) Equivalent steel I-beam. (iii) Equivalent timber I-beam.
An important difference, however, between the composite actions of the beams of Figures 11.2
and 1 1.3 lies in their behaviour under shearing forces. The two beams, used as cantilevers carrying
end loads F, are shown in Figure 111.4; for the timber joist reinforced over the depth, Figure 11.4(i),
there are no shearing actions between the timber and the steel plates, except near the loaded ends
of the cantilever.Timber beam with reinforcing steel flange plates 21
However, for the joist of Figure 11.4(ii), a shearing force is transmitted between the timber and
the steel flanges at ail sections of the beam. In the particular case of thin reinforcing flanges, itis
sufficiently accurate to assume that the shearing actions in the cantilever of Figure 11.4(ii) are
resisted largely by the timber joist; on considering the equilibrium of a unit length of the composite
beam, equilibrium is ensured if a shearing force (F/h) per unit length of beam is transmitted
between the timber joist and the reinforcing flanges, Figure 11.5. This shearing force must be
carried by bolts, glue or some other suitable means. The end deflections of the cantilevers shown
in Figure 11.4 may be difficult to estimate; this is due to the fact that account may have to be taken
of the shearing distortions of the timber beams.
% 4
0 CO) 2
Figure 11.4 composite beams under shearing action, showing
(j steel and timber both resisting shear and (ii) timber alone resisting shear.
Teter |
Figure 11.5. Shearing actions in a timber joist with reinforcing steel flanges.
Problem 11.2 A timber joist 15 cm by 7.5 cm has reinforcing steel flange plates 1.25 cm
thick. The composite beam is 3 m long, simply-supported at each end, and
carries a uniformly distributed lateral load of 10 kN. Estimate the maximum
bending stresses in the steel and timber, and the intensity of shearing force
transmitted between the steel plates and the timber. Take E/E, = 20.
i i x
1 1.25em
18cm c 5
™1.25¢m272 Beams of two materials
‘The second moment of area of the equivalent steel section is
I, = LJ (0.075) (0.15)| + 2{ (0.0125) (0.075)] = 11.6 « 10° m*
20 [12
‘The maximum bending moment is
(10 x 10°) (3)
3750 Nm
‘The maximum bending stress in the stee! is then
(3750) (0.0875) _ 993 Minin?
(11.6 x 10°)
‘The bending stress in the steel at the junction of web and flange is
= 3750) (0.0750) _ 94 anim?
* (11.6 = 10°)
‘The stress in the timber at this junction is then
= 142) = 12 Nm?
On the assumption that the shearing forces at any section of the beam area taken largely by the
timber, the shearing force between the timber and steel plates is,
(5 = 109) / (0.15) = 333 kNim
because the maximum shearing force in the beam is 5 KN.
11.4 Ordinary reinforced concrete
Ttwas noted in Chapter 1 that concrete is a brittle material which is weak in tension. Consequently
a beam composed only of concrete has little or no bending strength since cracking occurs in the
extreme tension fibres in the early stages of loading. To overcome this weakness steel rods are
embedded in the tension fibres of a concrete beam; if concrete is cast around a stee! rod, on setting
the concrete shrinks and grips the steel rod. It happens that the coefficients of linear expansion ofOrdinary reinforced concrete 2
concrete and steel are very nearly equal; consequently, negligible stresses are set up by temperature
igure 11.6 Simple rectangular concrete beam with reinforcing steel in the tension flange
‘The bending of an ordinary reinforced concrete beam may be treated on the basis of transformed
sections. Consider the beam of rectangular cross-section shown in Figure 11.6. The breadth of the
concrete is b, and his the depth of the steel reinforcement below the upper extreme fibres. The
‘beam is bent so that tensile stresses occur in the lower fibres. The total area of cross-section of the
steel reinforcing rods is 4; the rods are placed longitudinally in the beam. The beam is now bent
so that Ox becomes a neutral axis, compressive stresses being induced in the concrete above Ox.
‘We assume that concrete below the neutral axis cracks in tension, and is th:refore ineffectual; we
neglect the contribution of the concrete below Ox to the bending strength of the beam. Suppose
‘mis the ratio of Young's modulus of steel, £,, to Young's modulus of concrete, £,; then
3 (11.10)
If the area A of steel is transformed to concrete, its equ.valent area is mA; the equivalent concrete
beam then has the form shown in Figure 11.6(ii). The depth of the neutral axis Ox below the
extreme upper fibres isn. The equivalent concrete area mA on the tension side of the beam is
concentrated approximately at a depth h.
We have that the neutral axis of the beam occurs at the centroid of the equivalent concrete
beam; then
in» An = mA (h- n)
Thus n is the root of the quadratic equation
$ bn? + min - mah = 0 qa274 ‘Beams of two materials,
The relevant root is
nes na 1.) (i112)
et mA
The second moment of area of the equivalent concrete beam about its centroidal axis is
Le ton? + mA (h = ni}? (11.13)
The maximum compressive stress induced in the upper extreme fibres of the concrete is
6. =
. 1,
Problem 11.3 A rectangular concrete beam is 30 cm wide and 45 cm deep to the steel
reinforcement. The direct stresses are limited to 115 MN/m’ in the steel and
6.5 MN/m’ in the concrete, and the modular ratio is 15. What is the area of
steel reinforcement if both steel and concrete are fully stressed? Estimate the
permissible bending moment for this condition.
From equations (11.14) and (11.15)
5, = Mh — n) = 115 MNim?
bn? 2
a ee
o. = ui = 65 MNim?
2 bn? + ma th - nF
ThenOrdinary reinforced concrete 275
= Man
Aon = 1181 and 2 = 1 = ase
n = 0.458 x 0.45 = 0.206 m
From equation (11.11)
2 2
2mA _ _(wh)? __— (0.458) 0.387
bh 1 ~ (nh) 0.542
A = 0387-5, 0387 * 030% 045 2 195 x 10 m?
2m 30
As the maximum allowable stresses of both the steel and concrete are attained, the allowable
bending moment may be elevated on the basis of either the steel or the concrete stress. The second
moment of area of the equivalent concrete beam is
ee bm + md Oh ~ ni
= $030) (0.206? + 15(0.00174) (0.244) = 2.42 « 10 m?
The permissible bending moment is
8.4. _ (6.5 x 105) 2.42 = 107)
Ye (0.206)
76.4 kNm
Problem 11.4 A rectangular concrete beam has a breadth of 30 cm and is 45 cm deep to the
steel reinforcement, which consists of two 2.5 cm diameter bars. Estimate the
permissible bending moment if the stresses are limited to 115 MN/m’ and 6.5
MNim’ in the steel and concrete, respectively, and if the modular ratio is 15.276 Beams of two materials
‘The area of steel reinforcement is A = 2(n/4)(0.025)° = 0.982 x 10° m*. From equation (11.12)
eee 1a |
h bh mA
= 1310982) « 107 4 199)
bh (30) (45) x 10
= ono fi +—2_]? - 1] = 0370
n = 0.370h = 0.167 m
‘The second moment of area of the equivalent concrete beam is,
= Eon? + md OP
= + (030) (0.167) + 15 (0.982 « 10°) (0.283)?
= (0.466 + 1.180) 10° m4
= 1.646 « 10? m4
If the maximum allowable concrete stress is attained, the permissible moment is
(65 x 104 (1.646 « 107)
If the maximum allowable stcel stress is attained, the permissible moment is
Ste _ (115 = 104) 1.646 « 107) a4 em
mh ~ 7) 15(0.283)Ordinary reinforced concrete 2m
Steel is therefore the limiting material, and the permissible bending moment is
M = 44.6 kNm
Problem 11.5 A rectangular concrete beam, 30 cm wide, is reinforced on the tension side with
four 2.5 cm diameter steel rods at a depth of 45 cm, and on the compression
side with two 2.5 diameter rods at a depth of 5 cm. Estimate the permissible
bending moment if the stresses in the concrete are not to exceed 6.5 MN/m’ and
in the steel 115 MN/m*. The modular ratio is 15.
The area of steel reinforcement is 1.964 x 10”? m’ on the tension side, and 0.982 = 10* m’ on the
compression side, The cross-sectional area of the equivalent concrete beam is
(0.30)n + (m ~ 1)(0.000982) + (0.001964) = (0.30n + 0.0433)m?
The position of the neutral axis is obtained by taking moments, as follows:
(0. son 23} + (m ~ 1)(0.000982)(0.05) + m(0.001964)(0.45)
= (0.30n + 0,0433)n
This reduces to
n? ~ 0,288n - 0.093 = 0
n = -0.144 + 0.337
‘The relevant root ism = 0.193 m28 Beams of two materials
The second moment of area of the equivalent concrete beam is
= +o. 30)? + (m=1)(0.000982)(n-0.05)? + m(0.001964)(0.45-n)?
= (0.720 + 0.281 + 1.950)107
= 2.95 x 103 mt
If the maximum allowable concrete stress is attained, the permissible moment is
I. x 109) 2.95 « 103
m= Sele 65% 1092.95 « 107) «993 unm
n 0.193
If the maximum allowable steel stress is attained, the permissible moment is
1, x 105) 2.95 « 107)
7 ote = M15 = 109 2.95 « 107) _ 999 km
m(0.45 — n) 15(0.257)
Thus, steel is the limiting material, and the allowable moment is 88.0 kNm.
Problem 11.6 A steel I-section, 12.5 cm by 7.5 cm, is encased in a rectangular concrete beam
of breadth 20 cm and depth 30 cm to the lower flange of the I-section
Estimate the position of the neutral axis of the composite beam, aad find the
permissible bending moment if the steel stress is not to exceed 115 MN/m? and
the concrete stress 6.5 MN/m?. The modular ratio is 15. The area of the steel
‘beam is 0.00211 m’ and its second moment of area about its minor axis is
5.70 = 10° m*,
‘ y20m by 7-Sem
The area of the equivalent steel beam isOrdinary reinforced concrete 279
+ 0.00211 m?
‘The position of the neutral axis is obtained by taking moments, as follows:
( 0.20n ( o. 202) (+) + (0.00211) (0.2375)
+ 0.00211}
15 15
This reduces to
n? + 0.3161 ~ 0.075
‘The relevant root of which is
n= 0.158 m
The second moment of area of the equivalent steel beam is
= +(%2) (0.158) + (0.00211) (0.0795? = 0.0366 x 10° m*
The allowable bending moment on the basis of the steel stress is
i x 10°) x 10%)
= 2A, {1s « 108) (0.0366 *107) 2 597 am
(030 - n) ora
If the maximum allowable concrete stress is 6.5 MN/m’, the maximum allowable compressive
stress in the equivalent steel beam is
m (6.5 * 108) = 97.5 MN/m?
On this basis, the maximum allowable moment is,
(97.5 = 10°) (0.0366 = 107)
22.6 KNm
Concrete is therefore the limiting material, and the maximum allowable moment is
M = 22.6 KNm280 Beams of two materials
Problem 11.7 A reinforced concrete T-beam contains 1.25*10">m* of steel reinforcement on
the tension side. If the steel stress is limited to 115 MN/m? and the concrete
stress to 6.5 MN/m, estimate the permissible bending moment. The modular
Tatio is 15.
_ .
te fren
BOT fn x10 08
Suppose the neutral axis falls below the underside of the flange. The area of the equivalent
concrete beam is
(0.60) - 0.45(n - 0.10) + (0.00125)15 = 0.15 + 0.0638 m?
The position of the neutral axis is obtained by taking moments, as follows:
(0.60n) (2+) + (0.00125)(15)(0.30) - 0.45(n - 0. 10( 2) (n + 0.10)
= O.15n + 0.0638)"
This reduces to
n? + 0,850n - 0.1044 = 0
the relevant root of which ism = 0.109 m which agrees with our assumption earlier that the neutral
axis lies below the flange.
‘The second moment of area of the equivalent concrete beam is
I, = $ (060) hn’) - : (0.45) (n ~ 0.10)° + 0.00125 (15) (0.30 ~ n}?
= (0.259 + 0.000 + 0.685)10° m*
= 0.944 x 107 m*
If the maximum allowable concrete stress is attained, the permissible moment is
8.1. _ (6.5 = 10°H0.944 « 107) _
n 0.109
56.3 KNmFurther problems 281
If the maximum allowable steel stress is attained, the permissible moment is
9, I. _ {115 = 104.944 x 107)
—— 37.9 kNm
m(0.30 = n) 15(0.191)
Steel is therefore the limiting material, and the permissible bending moment is 37.9 kNm.
Further Problems (answers on page 693)
‘A concrete beam of rectangular section is 10 cm wide and is reinforced with steel bars
whose axes are 30 cm below the top of the beam. Estimate the required total area of the
cross-section of the steel if the maximum compressive stress in the concrete is to be 7.5,
MN/m? and the tensile stress in the steel is 135 MN/m® beam is subjected to pure
bending. What bending moment would the beam withstand when in this condition?
Assume that Young's modulus for steel is 15 times that for concrete and that concrete can
sustain no tensile stresses. (Cambridge)
‘A reinforced concrete T-beam carries a uniformly distributed super-load on a simply-
supported span of 8 m. The stresses in the steel and concrete are not to exceed 125
MN/m? and 7 MN/m’, respectively. The modular ratio is 15, and the density of concrete
is 2400 kg/m’, Determine the permissible super-load. (Nottingham)
~ Three 2.250m bars
— Six2.25cm bars
‘A wooden joist 15 cm deep by 7.5 cm wide is reinforced by glueing to its lower face a
steel strip 7.5 cm wide by 0.3 cm thick. The joist is simply-supported over a span of 3
m, and carries a uniformly distributed load of SOOON. Find the maximum direct stresses
in the wood and steel and the maximum shearing stress in the glue, Take E/E, = 2
‘A timber beam is 15 cm deep by 10 cm wide, and carries a central load of 30 KN at the
centre of a 3 m span; the beam is simply-supported at each end. The timber is reinforced
with flat steel plates 10 cm wide by 1.25 cm thick bolted to the upper and lower surfaces
of the beam. Taking F for steel as 200 GN/m? and £ for timber as 1 GN/m:, estimate282
Beams of two materials
the maximum direct stress in the steel strips;
the average shearing stress in the timber;
the shearing load transmitted by the bolts;
the bending and shearing deflections at the centre of the beam.