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• Formulated to be stronger & tougher.

• Packaged in environmentally protected

pouches to ensure product freshness.

• Plastic pails are rust-free and serve as

mixing vessel.

• Disposable pouring funnel included with

each kit eliminates spills.

• Bright green resin and white hardener

makes mixing easy to verify.

• Flows easier to help penetrate bottom of

socket better.
• No dry powders that become airborne
health hazards. Bright green resin &
white hardener makes
• Homogeneous formula ensures consis- mixing easy to verify.
tent physical properties from top to bot-
tom of cone.

Use the
“Fast Funnel”
for Less Mess

As the resin hardens and cures, shrinkage occurs that creates a
frictional bond to the wires. Silica is blended into the resin mixture to
add frictional grip properties. The silica also serves to absorb heat
caused by the chemical reaction that results when hardening agent
is added to the resin.

As load is applied to the rope, the resin cone is pulled downward in

the bowl of the socket. As this is happening, the cone shape forc-
es compression of the hardened resin cone against the individual
wires and the socket walls. This compression then generates a tre-
mendous frictional grip between the wires and resin resulting in a
strength that exceeds the breaking strength of the rope.

Note: Some sockets have grooves that may prevent the cured res-
in cone from seating properly as loading occurs. Filling the grooves
with putty is an acceptable method to correct this situation. Seating
of the cone is necessary to generate compression and frictional


Socket Lock's new and improved formula has been dynamical-
ly tested to EN 13411.3 standards, in which socket assemblies
were cycled 75,000 times at 30% of the breaking strength of the
rope. Following the dynamic testing, assemblies were then break
load tested.


Large weights were attached to socket assemblies then dropped
to prove resin would hold and rope would break.


Assemblies up to 3.5 inches were destructive tested to verify
Socket Lock's performance on high-strength mooring lines.


Booster Pack
Kit Size or Part Number
Kit Part Number Socket Size Kits Per Carton (Sold Individually)*
10801160 250cc 12 10840250
10801170 500cc 12 10840500
10801180 1000cc 6 10841000
10801190 2000cc 4 10842000
10801200 2” - 2.1/8” 4 10842200
10801225 2.1/4” - 2.3/8” 4 10842225
10801250 2.1/2” - 2.5/8” 4 10842250
10801275 2.3/4” - 2.7/8” - 10842275
10801300 3” - 3.1/8” - 10842300
10801325 3.1/4” - 3.3/8” - 10842325
10801350 3.1/2” - 3.5/8” - 10842350
10801375 3.3/4” - 4” - 10842375

*Booster Packs are only required when ambient temperatures are below 60°F (16°C).




Physical Properties Standard Value

Viscosity ASTM D2196 7,00 - 12,000 centipoise
Density ASTM D792 1.6 g/cc (.0925 oz/in³)
Linear Curing Shrinkage ASTM D2566 1.40%
Compressive Strength ASTM D695 >20,000 psi (138 MPa)
Compressive Modulus ASTM D695 >1.03 M psi (7,102 MPa)
Compressive Strain ASTM D695 9.3% at failure
Retention of Compressive Strength After Immersion ASTM D695 99%+
Barcol Hardness ASTM D2583 45 - 60
ASTM D648 206°F (97°C)
Flexural Strength ASTM D790 >10,000 psi (69 MPa)
Flexural Modulus ASTM D790 >1.04 M psi (7,171 MPa)
Flexural Strain ASTM D790 1.26%
Tensile Strength ASTM D638 >6,000 psi (41 MPa)
Tensile Modulus ASTM D638 >1.15 M psi (7,929 MPa)


Socket Size Resin Volume

Inches Millimeters CCs
1/4” 6-7 9
5/16” - 3/8” 8 - 10 17
7/16” - 1/2” 11 - 13 35
9/16” - 5/8” 14 - 16 52
3/4” 19 86
7/8” 22 131
1” 26 164
1.1/8” 29 210
1.1/4” - 1.3/8” 32 - 35 361
1.1/2” 37 426
1.5/8” 42 495
1.3/4” - 1.7/8” 43 - 48 737
2” - 2.1/8” 51 - 54 1,265
2.1/4” - 2 3/8” 55 - 60 1,475
2 1/2” - 2.5/8” 61 - 68 1,966
2.3/4” - 2.7/8” 69 - 75 2,294
3” - 3.1/8” 76 - 80 3,277
3.1/4” - 3.3/8” 81 - 87 3,933
3.1/2” - 3.5/8” 88 - 93 4,920
3.3/4” - 4” 94 - 103 7,784
Socket volumes noted above are approximate and may vary
according to the manufacturer.


Approximate Approximate Cure

Booster Packs Gel Time Time
Ambient Temperature Required (Working Time)* (Ready For Service)
°F °C Packs Minutes Minutes
110 43 None 3-4 20
105 41 None 4-6 20
100 38 None 5-6 25
95 35 None 6-8 25
90 32 None 6-8 30
85 29 None 7-8 40
80 27 None 8-9 45
75 24 None 9 - 10 60
70 21 None 10 - 11 60
65 18 None 11 - 13 60
60 16 1 11 - 13 60
55 13 1 12 -14 60
50 10 1 10 - 12 60
45 7 1 12 - 15 60
40 4 1 20 - 22 90
35 2 1 25 - 35 90 - 120
30 -1 1 35 - 45 120
*Note: Times are approximate. The temperature of the resin, socket, and wire rope can affect these times. The
times above are based on the resin being at conditioned room temperature of 70°F (21°C), and the socket and
wire rope being at the ambient temperature indicated.


Chemically speaking, polyester resin wants to slowly If the product is stored in temperatures higher than
harden on its own — without a hardener. To counter 70°F (21°C), the shelf life of the resin will be reduced.
this fact, inhibitors are added to the resin to give it a An indication of expired resin is extremely quick cur-
longer shelf life. In warmer temperatures, the mol- ing after mixing in the hardener. Expired resin cures
ecules in the resin become more active and the in- too quickly and cannot completely penetrate the
hibitors are less effective. Conversely, in cooler tem- wire broom and socket bowl. Incomplete penetration
peratures, the molecules in the resin become less
active and the inhibitors are more effective. wire could pull out of the socket prematurely causing
damage or loss of life.
The expiration date marked on the carton
and on the individual kits is 18 months from Storing in a cool, dry place helps guarantee Socket
the package date. However, the 18 months Lock’s intended shelf life. Storing at temperatures
is based on the product being stored at 70°F cooler than 70°F (21°C) guarantees the shelf life
(21°C). and freshness of the product.


To correctly prepare the wire rope and socket for making a good termination, refer to procedures provided by
the Wire Rope Technical Board or EN-13411

For a thorough, detailed presentation of the socketing procedure, see the video at:

The two components of Socket Lock are polyes- more than one packet of resin and an equal number
ter resin and a compound that triggers the resin to of packets of hardener. Be sure to open and pour
harden—referred to as a hardener or catalyst. Mix-
ing is very important because it is necessary for the the hardener into the resin. DO NOT mix a resin
hardener to come into contact with all of the resin. To pack, then a hardener, then a resin pack, then a
ensure this, we require that the preparer stir the two hardener…. This may cause the resin to start to gel
components for at least 60 seconds. before all of the packs have been added.

Thorough mixing allows for the resin mixture to gel

and harden in the prescribed times. Not mixing thor-
oughly may cause the resin to have sections of the
resin that take longer to harden. Without a hardened
mixture, the desired strength of the termination may
not be reached and the wire could pull out of the
socket prematurely causing damage or loss of life.
It is very important to note that when preparing the
kits for the larger, individually sized sockets, there is


There is actually a recommended technique for

pouring the resin into the socket and the reason for
this is to help ensure that the resin reaches the bot-
tom of the interior of the socket and doesn’t leave
any voids in the socket bowl.

When pouring, pour slowly down the side wall of the

socket. Doing so will help ensure that no air becomes
trapped in the bottom of the socket. A resin poured
socket relies on compression and friction between
the hardened cone and the individual wires, having
a trapped air pocket or void may compromise the
strength of the termination or could possibly cause
a “pull out” type failure.


Cold weather presents certain challenges to the pre- If heating the wire rope and socket is not an option,
parer of the assembly since the gel and cure times a booster packet may be required. See the table in
of polyester resin are lengthened at lower tempera- this brochure for temperatures and number(s) of
tures. The temperature of the wire rope, socket, and booster packets recommended. The booster pack-
resin are factors. ets are basically more hardener (catalyst). The ad-
ditional hardener will help accelerate the gelling and
Ideally, the wire rope, socket, and resin should be curing times.
kept at room temperature by some method. How-
ever, it is recognized that this is not always possi- Please note that it is NOT recommended to heat the
ble. The objective is to have the resin gel and cure socket with a torch to the point where the socket is
in as timely a manner as possible and still ensure red hot or cannot be touched. If the resin is poured
complete resin penetration and 100% termination into a hot socket, it may cause the resin to harden
before reaching the base of the socket bowl, harden
at room temperature just prior to mixing. Cold resin unevenly, and/or reduce the termination strength.
means longer gel and cure times.

Since a very cold socket can make the resin

cold and therefore, slow down the gel and cure
times, wrap the socket in a heat blanket if possible
prior to pouring the resin mixture.


Though it is not quite the challenge as cold weather, a shorter time to gel and cure. So, when it is 90°F
hot ambient temperatures can be cause for concern (32°C) outside and the resin has been sitting outside
if the preparer is not aware of the nuances of hot for a while and allowed to reach those temperatures,
weather socketing. the resin will gel in approximately 6—8 minutes. If
the temperatures are 105°F (41°C), the resin will gel
Going back to the main principle of how a resin ter- in only 4—6 minutes. The preparer must be aware
mination works, it is compression and friction that of this as they need to move more quickly to prevent
produce enough holding power to create 100% ef- the mixture from prematurely gelling. If the resin gels
too quickly, it may not reach the bottom of the socket
rope will break before the rope comes out of the or may trap air. Also, it is not recommended to pour
part of the socket with one kit, have it start gelling or
it is absolutely critical that resin reach the bottom of
the socket and harden to allow for the compression
and friction. A recommendation in hot temperatures is to keep
the resin kit in a cool place just prior to mixing to
When cold, polyester resin will take longer to gel slow the gel time and ensure that the preparer has
and cure. When polyester resin is warm, it will take enough time to pour the socket properly.


The concern when pouring small sockets (3/4” and down into the wire rope broom in order to move some
below) is ensuring that the resin penetrates to the of the wires around. This is to make sure that the
bottom of the socket. In larger sockets, there is typ- -
ically more space between the wires, therefore, the come trapped. Do not disturb the wires or resin once
- the resin begins to gel.
tice in smaller sockets would be to poke a small wire


High performance crane ropes can be as much as 14% As an added measure, tap the side of the sock-
more dense than general purpose ropes. This extra et with a hammer after the resin has been poured
density can challenge the ability of the resin to reach into the socket/button to help make sure that no air
the bottom of the socket/button. To help ensure com- is trapped. Do not disturb the wires or resin once
plete penetration, use a wire to poke down into the wire the resin begins to gel.
rope broom. It is also helpful to use a marlin spike or
screw driver to slightly move some of the wires

of the socket/button, and to the walls of the socket



Surface cracks occur due to slight imperfections,

bumps, and/or protrusions in the socket bowl that
prevent the resin cone from wedging down smoothly

the upper tips of the wires, then the assembly is

proof tested, there is a good chance surface cracks
will develop. The more the resin is poured above the
tips of the wires, the more likely this will occur. Hard-
ened polyester resin is very strong in a compres- To eliminate or minimize the chance of surface cracks
sive state—much like concrete, but it lacks tensile
the socket until it is just below the tips of the wires,
The wire broom acts similar to re-bar to reinforce the and at or slightly below the top of the socket bowl.
resin cone and stop crack propagation if it does oc- Over-topping those tips to provide a smooth even
cur. If the top of the cone does crack on the surface, surface may look better initially, but the risk of having
the cracks typically only go down as far as the top the assembly rejected by the customer because of
area of the wires. And since the critical area of com- their concern at the site of a crack after proof test-
pression and frictional grip take place in the bottom ing may be a situation you would prefer to avoid.
60% of the socket cone, the visible cracks on the
Socket Lock’s resin does contain high strength
the termination. However, the natural reaction to see
a crack is understandably one of concern. stronger and tougher, it helps minimize the chance
of surface cracking.


Two years of testing went into the development of vidual wires. So, as the load becomes greater on
Socket Lock before we produced it for sale in the the wires that are in tension, they will eventually
market. Many, many tests were conducted with vari- fail before they should.
ous formulations and testing criteria. All of the those
tests were focused on the resin performing when We have dedicated this portion of the brochure to
conditions were ideal and in accordance with rec- this issue because we see this occurrence frequent-
ommended procedures for preparation of the as- ly in rigging shops as we travel around the world.
semblies. The Wire Rope Technical Board recommends that
the wire rope below the socket be in vertical align-
- ment (FIG. B) with the socket for a length of at least
dent that the product was the best we could make 20 times the diameter of the rope.
it, we decided to set up a series of tests to see if we
could purposefully make the assemblies fail. We felt
it was just as important to understand what could
make assemblies fail as what makes them perform
as needed.
The tests were performed with 1 inch 6x26 IWRC
EIPS rope. We performed 3 separate the tests with
20 assemblies per testing criteria:

Test 1: Leave all of the lube on the rope.

Test 2: Very minimally broom the wires.

Test 3: Curve the rope into the bottom of the socket

instead of keeping it in vertical alignment.

After each assembly was prepared, we performed a

destructive test. And after the testing was complet-
ed, it was obvious what socket preparers should be
most concerned with. The failure results were:

Test 1: Dirty wire — 25% failure rate

Test 2: Poorly broomed wires — 30% failure rate
Test 3: Poorly aligned rope with socket — 60%
failure rate

The reason for the high rate of failure for

poorly aligned ropes (FIG. A) with sockets
is that when the rope is not in vertical align-
ment, the resin is poured into the socket and
the resin hardens the wires into place. Then,
when the rope is straightened and load is ap-
plied, half of the wires in the resin cone are in
tension and the other half are in compression
and this causes an uneven loading on the indi-


Detailed in the next section regarding the differences

between zinc and resin poured sockets, it is pointed
out that zinc poured sockets rely on the bond be- into the groove(s) and harden. Under light loading
tween the zinc and the wires. Resin poured sockets conditions, it is most likely that the socket will not
rely on friction and compression that allow the termi- seat properly and therefore, no compression will
take place. In this condition, the termination strength
is relying only on the friction between the resin and
Today, there are a number of sockets by various the wires.
manufacturers that are designed with single or mul-
tiple grooves in the bowl of the socket. The grooves At a certain point of loading on the socket, the resin
are designed for zinc and their purpose is to keep
the cone from backing out. to seat properly and allow compressive forces to as-
sure the 100% termination strength desired.
In a resin poured socket, it is necessary for the cone
shaped wedge to “seat” down lower in the socket It is required -
bowl when a load is applied. The wedging effect is sible for the wires to pull out of the resin cone while
what creates tremendous compressive strength. the socket assembly is under load if the grooves are
Even though the resin cone is hard, it has the ability
to compress, whereas, zinc cannot.

Proof load testing is recommended as it assures

that the resin cone seats properly.


It has been nearly 50 years since the development LOAD HOLDING EFFICIENCY
of polyester resin for use as a socketing medium.
Though most of the socket terminations prepared Zinc relies on bonding with the individual wires. This
today are done so with resin, zinc is still used to a occurs when the molten zinc cools and shrinks.
lesser degree. In the 1960’s and 70’s, a socketing Since zinc is a solid metal, the zinc cone does not
compress to provide additional friction. It is the
in the U.K. and in a separate project, by a collabora- bonding with the zinc, along with the helical shape
tive effort between Philadelphia Resins (today, ITW of the individual wires that provides the necessary
Engineered Polymers) and Bethlehem Wire Rope grip and friction to hold the load. As a result of this,
(today, Wire Rope Works). A great deal of testing the distribution of the loading on the socket cone is
was performed then by those companies and by oth- spread out from the top to the bottom of the cone.
er engineering institutions to compare the differenc-
es between the socketing medium types. In short, In contrast to zinc, resin relies to a lesser degree on
the following results were produced: the bonding with the individual wires and primarily
on the friction between the resin cone and the wires.
• Both zinc and resin are effective at producing Unlike zinc, the resin cone will "seat" in the socket
and compress. Combined with the friction of the he-
lical shape of the individual wires, the compression
• Zinc relies more on bonding grip to the wires and created when a load is applied to rope and socket
resin relies on frictional grip created by compres- cone will produce a termination strength that ex-
sion. ceeds the breaking strength of the rope. As a result,
the distribution of the loading on the wires and sock-
• Resin provides greater fatigue life for the socket
et cone is concentrated in the bottom of the socket
termination than zinc.
bowl area.
• Making socket assemblies with resin is faster
than with zinc. Advantage: Neither. Both produce 100% termina-

• There are fewer safety hazards when making a

socket assembly with resin than with zinc.


The temperature of molten zinc can be in the range To pour zinc, it must be heated to over 850°F. This
of 850°F to 900°F (454°C to 482°C). At those tem-
peratures, pouring it over the wires can have the ef-
fect of annealing the individual wires. Annealing may
soften or weaken the wires. Testing has shown that the zinc is poured into the socket, there is a risk of splat-
the fatigue life of zinc poured sockets is lessened as ter to the person pouring the socket and those who
a result of the weakened wires. may be standing nearby. And if for some reason, there
is any moisture in the socket broom or if a drop of
As is the case with resin, the chemical reaction of water somehow lands in the pot of molten zinc, it
adding catalyst to the resin will produce heat as a also can pop and splatter. In addition to the risks
by-product. However, the temperatures from this re- associated with handling molten zinc, preparing gal-
action will not exceed 250°F (121°C) and therefore, vanized wire rope requires the use of acid to remove
have no detrimental effect on the strength of individ- the galvanizing.
ual wires. Because the wire strength has not been
affected, testing has shown that fatigue life on resin
poured sockets is greater than that of zinc poured to be wiped off and cleaned up with soap and water.
Advantage: Resin
Advantage: Resin


Both zinc and resin require the wire rope to be

broomed properly. When using zinc on galvanized
wire ropes however, the galvanizing must be re-
moved by dipping the broom in acid. Non-gal-
vanized ropes do not require this. Since zinc re-
lies more so on the bonding with the individual
wires, it is very important that the wires be as clean
as possible.

When using resin on galvanized wires, it is

not necessary to remove the galvanizing. And
though it is recommended that the grease or lubri-
cation on the wires be cleaned and removed, it is
not as critical as it is with zinc. And as with zinc, it is
necessary that the wires be broomed properly.

Advantage: Resin


SOCKETING PUTTY— Boxes of 10 x 1 lb. bars.


3-Strand annealed wire in
250 ft. spools. 3/32”, 1/8” &
3/16” diameters.



Developed by the staff at Sea-

Land Distributors, Sea-Zing
Tape is a fast and effective way
of seizing wire rope prior to
brooming. For instructions, go
to under the
Sockets & Accessories section.


with socketing putty.
• Only use soft annealed iron wire for seizing wire.
• Socket Lock resin must be gelled and cured before assembly can be used.
• Socket Lock is not to be used with stainless steel rope in a salt water environment.
• Never use oversized sockets for wire rope.
• Never use Socket Lock beyond the expiration date.
• Never use excessive heat to heat the socket prior to pouring resin in an effort to accelerate the curing
of the resin as it may cause the resin to prematurely gel prior to reaching the bottom of the socket
bowl. Doing this could cause the assembly to fail.
• Caution: Exposure to some strong chemicals may affect the cured polymer (hardened resin mixture)
in a way that could weaken the assembly. Please contact Sea-Land Distributors if this has occurred.

• When handling the resin or hardener, goggles and protective clothing are recommended. Impervious
gloves are recommended.
• Always work in a ventilated area.
• Avoid skin or eye contact. Wash skin with soap and water and remove contaminated clothing. If

• Avoid ingestion. If ingestion occurs, DO NOT induce vomiting. Drink milk or water to dilute and call
for medical attention.
• Avoid inhaling vapors. If excessive vapors are inhaled, move to a fresh air area. If breathing has
stopped or is labored, seek medical attention.
• Socket Lock
• Whenever using chemicals, always reference the MSDS sheet for safety and handling guidelines.
• Socket Lock MSDS Sheets can be found at:

Socket Lock is a product jointly developed by both most of the initial testing performed on static load
Sea-Land Distributors and ITW Engineered Poly- tensile testing machines. Once the basic strength
mers. Before getting started in 2008, it was decided of the product was established, dynamic testing
that the objective was to make Socket Lock the was performed and though there was no stan-
best socketing resin product in the world. Testing dard for it, a shock load test was created to com-
began in the laboratory and lasted several months pare the results against competitor products. To-
before samples were produced for physical testing. day, Socket Lock continues to increase its market
In order to learn everything there is to know about share in the U.S. and overseas as more distributors
this product, we also performed the same tests on are established. Socket Lock is made exclusively
the competitors’ products. Physical and destruc- for Sea-Land Distributors by ITW Engineered Poly-
tive testing took place over a year and a half with mers.

Established in 2004 in New Orleans, Sea-Land Distributors is

not only a wholesale distributor of rigging products, the com-
pany has developed and patented other products under the
Sea-Fit brand and has several other proprietary brands such
as Sea-Lube, Sea-Grease, Sea-Zing Tape and Pre-Socket.

Part of ITW, Illinois Tool Works, ITW Engineered Polymers

has a long history of producing world leading products. Most
notably, its Chockfast Orange product has long been the world
standard and is used as a grouting and leveling compound
under engines, gear boxes and rotating machinery in not only
the U.S. Navy, but navies and ship companies around the
world. And among its many other products, ITW is also the
producer of the deck compound used by the U.S. Navy on its
aircraft carriers.

Sea-Land Distributors, LLC
4745 River Road, Jefferson, Louisiana 70121 USA
T: (01) 504-736-9477 F: (01) 504-736-9316 E: [email protected]

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