Scan200 Done
Scan200 Done
Scan200 Done
surface electrodes as a function of applied bias, frequency, and temperature. The room temperature
value of the dielectric constant was -500 with a dissipation factor, tan(8), of 0.05 at 100 kHz.
Measurements varying the bias field showed hysteresis of the dielectric response and a tunability of
30% for a maximum applied field of -7 MV/m. The frequency response of the dielectric constant
is well described by a Curie- von Schweidler power law with an exponent -0.04 in the range 1
kHz-13 MHz. The films undergo a diffuse phase transition at temperatures higher than the bulk
Curie temperature. The behavior of the dielectric response is attributed to the presence of residual
strain in the epitaxial thin films. © 1998 American Institute ofPhysics. [S0003-6951(98)00642-1]
Ferroelectric thin film materials such as BaTi03 and rine present in the film from the fluorinated barium precur
BaxSr(l _x)Ti03 (BST) promise to bring about a new genera sor.
tion of high-frequency devices such as tunable capacitors, 1 X-ray diffraction indicated that the films were phase
microwave phase shifters,2 and electro-optic modulators. 3 pure BaTi03 • Diffractometer measurements revealed broad,
Thin film ferroelectric devices offer several advantages over tetragonally split (h 00) peaks with a full width half maxi
their bulk counterparts, such as lower driving voltages, mum (FWHM) (200) of 0.51°. The measured out-of-plane
higher speeds, and the potential for monolithic integration lattice parameters of3.995 and 4.015 A were between a- and
with Si. 1 A major barrier, however, to their widespread use c-axis lattice spacings for bulk BaTi03• Alignment of the
in a number of high-frequency applications is their high di film to the substrate was confirmed with x-ray diffractometer
electric loss.4 phi scans of the off-axis (220) planes in the BaTi03 crystal
While bulk BaTi03 and other ferroelectric crystals dis lattice. The requisite fourfold symmetry was observed, in
play very pure Debye resonances,5,6 the frequency response dicative of epitaxy. Atomic force microscopy was used to
in thin films shows a power law dependence with concurrent analyze the surface morphology of the films . A columnar
high dielectric Iosses.1,4 This type of power law has been subgrain structure was noted. The mean size of the subgrains
observed in a wide range of structurally disordered dielec was 200 nm and the rms surface roughness was in the 5-10
trics. In polycrystalline thin films, this behavior has been nm range. Film thickness was measured using a Metricon
attributed to inhomogeneities reSUlting from either the pres 2010 prism coupler. Films of 120 and 320 nm thickness were
ence of grain boundaries7 or point defects 8 which modify the used for this study, and no differences in their structural or
local charge density. electrical characteristics were observed.
For dielectric constant measurements, interdigital elec
To understand, and eventually minimize, the factors
trodes (IDEs) were deposited on the film surfaces by stan
leading to these losses, we have investigated epitaxial films
dard lift-off techniques. The structure is shown in Fig. 1.
of BaTi03 grown directly on MgO. For epitaxial films, losses
Bilayer electrodes of total length 0.20 m and thickness of
resulting from the presence of high angle grain boundaries
300 nm were deposited by electron-beam evaporation and
are eliminated. In this letter, we report our investigations on
consisted of a 150 nm Cr adhesion layer covered by 150 nm
the frequency, bias, and temperature response of the in-plane
of Au. The use of Cr-Au facilitated fine-line lithography.
dielectric constant of epitaxial BaTi03 thin films. Dielectric Electrical connection to a Hewlett Packard HP16047C test
response measurements indicate a power law frequency de
pendence of the dielectric constant, significant bias response,
and the presence of a diffuse phase transition at elevated
Films were grown on MgO (100) substrates by low
pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)
at 725 °C. 9 Titanium tetraisopropoxide and barium hexafluo
roacetylacetonate (tetraglyme) were utilized as metal organic
precursors, and Ar was used as the carrier gas. The oxidant
was oxygen saturated with water in order to remove the fluo
- ...c
.:! 500
o (,)
o E'(fI» = E'(o) - A' m 0.0314
() i:
A" = 15.2
450 0
A' = 319
.!! .!!
e '(0) = 951
.!! Q
c G)
G) >
~ 400
:; .!
G) ~tmml!iQoo<D=t!t. tiiitJIi2~
350~"~U.~u. . .~. .~u.~~. .~. .~
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Applied Bias (V) Frequency (Hz)
FIG. 2. Bias field response of the dielectric constant at room temperature
and 100 kHz. Data were taken after an initial ramp to +35 V. FIG. 3. Frequency spectrum of the dielectric constant at room temperature.
Data follow a Curie-von Schweidler power law.
650 40
! exponent of -0.04 over the range 1 kHz-I3 MHz, similar to
that observed in polycrystalline films. An electric field of-7
.! 600
35 g
Co) MV1m resulted in a 30% modulation of the dielectric con
~ stant. Temperature dependent measurements indicate a dif
o 550
Co) 30 ..
o fuse phase transition slightly above that of the bulk.
:so :!•
.! 500 25 Q The authors are grateful to A. DiVenere and D. M. Gill
~ for their assistance with electrode fabrication, and to T. J.
Marks and J. Belot for supplying the Ba metal organic pre
o 450
20 =
cursor. This work was supported under AFOSRlARPA
.Ii award No. F49620-96-I-0262 and NSFIMRSEC award No.
10 50 90 130 170 210
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