Construction Design
Construction Design
Construction Design
Table of content
Table of content...........................................................................................................................................1
Construction Project Design........................................................................................................................3
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................3
2. Aim......................................................................................................................................................3
3. The site................................................................................................................................................3
3.1. Background.....................................................................................................................................3
3.2. Load calculation..............................................................................................................................4
3.2.1. Wind load calculation..................................................................................................................4
3.2.2. Pressure zones for free-standing walls and parapets....................................................................5
3.2.3. Calculation of the distribution of net wind pressure on the structure...........................................6
3.2.4. The net wind pressures................................................................................................................7
3.2.5. Shear design of concrete cross-section.........................................................................................7
3.2.6. Initial calculations........................................................................................................................8
3.2.7. Shear resistance of member without shear reinforcement............................................................8
3.2.8. Design of required shear reinforcement.......................................................................................9
3.2.9. Calculation of the required shear reinforcement........................................................................11
3.2.10. Estimation of the coefficient Ct..................................................................................................12
4. Approximate estimation of the fundamental period of the building T1 0.93......................................12
5. Iterative analysis of the equivalent SDOF system..............................................................................13
6. Stiffness and Period...........................................................................................................................14
7. Displacement and acceleration......................................................................................................15
8. Forces............................................................................................................................................16
9. Lateral restoring capability (re-centering).........................................................................................16
10. Displacement capacity of isolators.............................................................................................17
11. Design of building fabric using thermal modelling........................................................................18
12. Design of water-saving measures..................................................................................................18
Credential 1...........................................................................................................................................19
Credential 2...........................................................................................................................................20
13. Design to avoid embodied and lifetime impacts............................................................................20
14. Design of ventilation strategy using thermal modelling.................................................................20
15. Cost estimation..............................................................................................................................21
16. Methodology..................................................................................................................................21
17. Appendix A...................................................................................................................................22
18. References.....................................................................................................................................23
by the Victoria Park and on the east is a road Stanhope Road and to the north Travelodge
Portsmouth city center and on the south a student accommodation center. The proposed project
has 10 story building with 2 basement levels. The project is a residential and commercial unit.
Each floor level has 4 homes which have three bedrooms, dining hall, kitchen, and washroom.
Topography of the site
Net wind pressure on zone Dw net,D 0.884 kN/m2Zone D extends for length greater than 4h
measured from free edge
Annex. In the following calculations the basic wind velocity is considered as vb = 27.00 m/s.
The roughness length z0 and the minimum height zmin are specified in EN1991-1-4 Table 4.1 as a
function of the terrain category. For terrain category II the corresponding values are z0 = 0.050 m
and zmin = 2.0 m.
The terrain factor kr depending on the roughness length z0 = 0.050 m is calculated in accordance
with EN1991-1-4 equation (4.5):
k r =0.19 ⋅(z 0/ z 0 , II )0.07=0.19 ⋅(0.050 m/0.050 m)0.07=0.1900
The roughness factor cr(ze) at the reference height ze accounts for the variability of the mean
wind velocity at the site. It is calculated in accordance with EN1991-1-4 equation 4.4. For the
examined case ze ≥ z min:
cr ( z e)=k r ⋅ ln(max { z e , z min }/z 0)=0.1900 ⋅ln ( max {2.880 m ,2.0 m }/0.050 m)=0.7702
Where orography (e.g., hills, cliffs etc.) is significant its effect in the wind velocities should be
taken into account using an orography factor c0(ze) different than 1.0, as specified in EN1994-1-1
§4.3.3. The recommended procedure in EN1994-1-1 §4.3.3 for calculation of the orography
factor c0(ze) is described in EN1994-1-1 §A.3.
Angle between shear reinforcement and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force (α=90°
for typical perpendicular shear reinforcement): α = 90 °
Design value of the shear force at ULS: VEd = 1000 kN
Prestressed member: = No
Coefficient taking account of long-term effects and loading effects on the compressive strength
of concrete (for shear): αcc = 1
Concrete partial material safety factor: γc = 1.5
Reinforcement steel partial material safety factor: γs = 1.15
Coefficient for design of members without shear reinforcement: CRd,c = 0.18/γC
Coefficient for design of members without shear reinforcement: vmin = 0.035*k^(3/2)*fck^(1/2)
Coefficient for design of members without shear reinforcement: k1 = 0.15
Maximum limiting value of the cotagent of the angle θ between the concrete compression strut
and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force: cotθmax = 2.5
Additional upper limit to cotθ: cotθa = None
Strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear: ν1 = 0.6*(1-fck/250)
Coefficient taking account of the stress state in the compression chord: αcw = Default
3.2.6. Initial calculations
The value of the compressive strength of designed concrete fcd is calculated as specified
in EN1992-1-1 §3.1.6(1)P:
fcd = αcc ⋅ fck / γC = 1.00 ⋅ 30.00 MPa / 1.50 = 20.00 MPa
The lever arm of internal forces z corresponding to the bending moment and axial force in the
element under consideration is derived from the analysis of the cross-section. In the shear
analysis of reinforced concrete with small axial force, the approximate value z/d = 0.9 may
normally be used, according to EN1992-1-1 §6.2.3(1). In this calculation the following lever arm
of internal forces is used:
z = 0.900 ⋅ d = 0.900 ⋅ 1.000 m = 0.900 m
3.2.7. Shear resistance of member without shear reinforcement
The shear resistance of members without shear reinforcement VRd,c is given in EN1992-1-1
§6.2.2(1), equations (6.2.a) and (6.2.b).
VRd,c = [CRd,c⋅k⋅(100⋅ρl⋅fck)1/3) + k1⋅σcp] ⋅ bw⋅d
with a minimum of VRd,c = (vmin + k1⋅σcp) ⋅ bw⋅d
In general when the value of cotθ is selected larger (i.e. less steep concrete compression struts)
then the required shear reinforcement Asw/s is reduced but the demand on the concrete
compression struts is increased (i.e. VRd,max is reduced).
Provided that the shear force limit VRd,max is adequate, the most economical solution in terms of
required shear reinforcement Asw/s is obtained when the value of cotθ is selected as large as
possible. However, it should be noted that when the the value of cotθ is increased the
longitudinal reinforcement demand may be is increased because of a) the shift of the bending
moment diagram (EN1992-1-1 §6.2.3(7) & § and b) increase of the required
longitudinal reinforcement due to torsion (EN1992-1-1 §6.3.2(3)).
If for the maximum value of cotθ the shear force limit VRd,max is exceeded then it is possible to
reduce the value of cotθ within the permissible limits to increase the resistance of the concrete
compression struts and obtain a valid solution at the expense of increased shear reinforcement.
For typical shear reinforcement perpendicular to the axis of the element (i.e. α = 90°) the shear
force limit due to the resistance of the shear reinforcement VRd,s is more sensitive to the variation
of cotθ as compared to the shear force limit due to the resistance of the concrete compression
struts VRd,max. Therefore if the value of cotθ has been reduced so that VRd,max becomes critical then
it may overall more economic to increase the dimensions of the cross-section (b w or d) so as to
increase the possible value of cotθ and therefore reduce the required shear reinforcement.
If the value of cotθ is selected at its lower limit and the value of VRd,max is still not sufficient then
a redesign of the cross-section dimensions is required (i.e. increase of the width of the web bw or
the overall height of the cross-section d).
Upper and lower limit on the value of the cotθ
The limits on the cotangent cotθ of the angle θ between the concrete compression strut and the
beam axis perpendicular to the shear force are specified in EN 1992-1-1 §6.2.3(2) and the
National Annex.
In this calculation the value of cotθ is examined within the limits cotθmin = 1.00 and cotθmax =
Additional rules for the value of the cotθ according to the National Annex
No additional rules are examined for the limitation of cotθ.
The value of the cotangent cotθ is examined within the following range:
1.00 ≤ cotθ ≤ 2.50
Type of earthquake resistant structural system: = Moment resistant space concrete frame
Approximate estimation of the fundamental period of vibration buildings
As a first crude estimate the fundamental period of vibration in the horizontal direction may be
approximated using the procedure in EN1998-1 § The procedure is very approximate
since the fundamental period is estimated empirically from the building total height and the type
of structural system. When accurate estimation of the fundamental period is required more
elaborate methods of structural dynamics should be applied such as the Rayleigh method or
modal analysis.
3.2.10. Estimation of the coefficient Ct
The effect of the structural system is taken into account by the value of the coefficient Ct as
specified in EN1998-1 §
For structural system consisting of Moment Resistant Space Concrete Frame the coefficient Ct is
given in EN1998-1 § as Ct = 0.0750.
Estimation of the fundamental period T1
For buildings with height up to 40 m the fundamental period of vibration T1 can be approximated
using EN1998-1 equation (4.6):
T1 = Ct ⋅ H3/4 = 0.0750 ⋅ (28.80 m)3/4 = 0.93 s
where for applying the equation above T1 in s and H in m.
Alternatively, the fundamental period of vibration T1 may be estimated using EN1998-1
§, equation (4.9):
T1 = 2 ⋅ (d)0.5
where T1 in s and d is the lateral elastic displacement of the top of the building (in m) due to the
gravity loads applied in the horizontal direction.
design displacement of the isolators dbd becomes maximum is given for the case of hysteretic,
friction and preloaded spring devices as follows:
F max ,1=F p+ F 0+ K p ⋅d bd +W d ⋅(μ+ d bd / R)
The viscous elements do not contribute to the maximum force Fmax,1 because the velocity is zero
when the displacement becomes maximum[1]. Therefore:
F max ,1=0.00 kN +300.00 kN +3000.00 kN /m⋅0.116 m+10000.0 kN ⋅(0.000+ 0.116 m/∞)=646.73 kN
The effective stiffness of the isolators Kb is defined as the ratio of the maximum force Fmax,1 when
the design displacement of the isolators dbd becomes maximum to the value of dbd:
Kb = Fmax,1 / dbd = 646.73 kN / 0.116 m = 5595.66 kN/m
The effective stiffness of the seismic isolation system Keff is calculated as the composite stiffness
of the isolators Kb and the substructure Ks. The two components are considered as springs acting
in series:
Keff = 1 / (1 / Kb + 1 / Ks) = 1 / (1 / 5595.66 kN/m + 1 /∞) = 5595.66 kN/m
The corresponding effective period of the isolation system Teff is calculated as the natural period
of the equivalent SDOF system having the seismic mass of the superstructure m = Wd / g and the
effective stiffness Keff of the isolation system:
T eff =2 π ⋅(W d / g /K eff ) 0.5=2 π ⋅(10000.0 kN /9.81 m/ s 2/5595.66 kN /m)0.5=2.68 s
The coefficient λ(αb) that corresponds to the velocity exponent αb = 1.000 of the viscous devices
is λ(αb) = 3.142 in accordance with EN1998-2 §[1]. The dissipated energy by the
viscous devices is:
ED b= λ(α b)d bd C ⋅(d bd ⋅ 2 π / T eff )α b=3.142 ⋅0.116 m ⋅200.00 kN ˙(s/m)α b ⋅(0.116 m ⋅2⋅ π /2.68 s)1.000=1
The total dissipated energy ED also includes the contribution of hysteretic elements and friction
ED=ED b+ 4 ⋅( F 0+W d ⋅ μ) ⋅( d bd−d y )=19.665 kNm+ 4 ⋅(300.00 kN +10000.0 kN ⋅0.000)⋅(0.116 m−0.005 m)
The effective damping ratio of the equivalent SDOF system is calculated according to EN1998-2
equation (7.5) as follows[1]:
ξ eff =[1/(2 π )]⋅ [ED /(K eff ⋅ d cd 2)]=[ 1/(2 π)]⋅[152.358 kNm /(5595.66 kN /m⋅( 0.116 m)2)]=0.324
The portion of the effective damping ξb that corresponds only to the viscous devices is calculated
similarly considering only the dissipated energy by viscous devices EDb instead of ED. The
calculated value is ξb = 0.042.
The acceleration and displacement values of the elastic response spectrum are reduced
proportionally to the damping reduction coefficient ηeff that is calculated for systems with
seismic isolation in accordance with EN1998-2 equation (7.9) as follows:
η eff =[0.10/(0.05+ ξ eff )]0.5 ≥ 0.40.
Therefore ηeff = 0.517.
7. Displacement and acceleration
The auxiliary displacement dc corresponding to the characteristic spectral period TC is calculated
in accordance with EN1998-2 equation (7.8) as follows:
d c=(0.625/ π 2) ⋅α g ⋅Sη eff T C 2=(0.625/ π 2)⋅0.360 g ⋅ 0.517⋅ (0.40 s)2=0.018 m
For TD ≤ Teff ≤ 4s the design displacement dcd and the corresponding spectral acceleration Se are
calculated in accordance with EN1998-2 Table 7.1 as follows:
d cd=T D d c /T C=2.50 s ⋅ 0.018 m/0.40 s=0.116 m
S e=2.5 ⋅(T C T D/T eff 2)⋅α g ⋅ Sη eff =2.5⋅[0.40 s ⋅ 2.50 s /(2.68 s) 2]⋅0.360 g ⋅ 0.517=0.065 g
The design displacement of the isolators dbd is calculated based on the equality of the total base
shear force as follows:
d bd=d cd K eff /K b=0.116 m⋅5595.66 kN /m/5595.66 kN /m=0.116 m
It is verified that the values of the design displacements dcd and dbd are calculated equal to the
initial values assumed in the iteration. Therefore, the iterative procedure has converged and the
correct values dcd and dbd have been obtained.
The maximum velocity of the isolators is calculated in accordance with EN1998-2 equation
(7.21) as:
v max=2 πd bd /T eff =2 π ⋅ 0.116 m/2.68 s=0.271m/ s
8. Forces
When the isolation system consists of a combination of elastic and viscous elements the phase
difference between the maximum response of these components should be taken into account.
The maximum force is determined at the most adverse of the following three characteristic
states, in accordance with EN1998-2 §7.6.3(7):
State of maximum displacement: Fmax,1 = 646.73 kN, as calculated above.
State of maximum velocity:
F max ,2=F p + F 0+ μ ⋅W d +C ⋅ (v max)α b=0.00 kN +300.00 kN + 0.000⋅ 10000.0 kN +200.00 kN ˙(s/m) α b ⋅(0.2
State of maximum inertia:
The increased design displacement of each isolator dbi,a takes into account the required increased
reliability of the isolation system. The increased value of the design displacement is determined
as dbi,a = γxdbi,d or dbi,a = γISdbi,d, where dbi,d is the design displacement of the isolator that
corresponds to the design displacement of the isolation system did as mentioned above. For
buildings the value of the amplification factor γx is specified in EN1998-1 §10.3(2)P and its
recommended value is γx = 1.20. For bridges the value of the amplification factor γIS is specified
in EN1998-2 §7.6.2(1)P and its recommended value is γIS = 1.50. The amplification
factors γIS or γx are applicable only to the seismic part of the displacements.
The displacement capacity of the isolators should be increased to take into account the offset
displacement do due to quasi-permanent actions such as: a) the permanent actions, b) the long-
term deformations (post-tensioning, shrinkage and creep), and c) 50% of the thermal action. For
buildings the offset displacement do may be negligible.
Kitchen 4.79 12
upon the buoyancy-driven ventilation strategy. This will lead to the in reductions in indoor
temperatures of up to 0.5ºC and 1ºC relative to the buoyancy-driven flows, for 3.6m/s and 7m/s
wind speeds respectively. Air velocities calculation at the location of the internal doors of the
two bedrooms and at a horizontal plane across all spaces at 1.5m above the apartment’s floor.
the ventilation performance of buildings within the urban environment driving pressures have
greater accuracy. In this simulation, up to 60% driving pressures are recommended if there no
The ventilation performance of the wind catcher is significant relative to simple single-sided or
Cross ventilation improved the indoor air distribution and increased the very low
16. Methodology
Pre construction phase.
In pre-construction phase the project architect commences with construction documents which
translates the early planning this stage schematic design, development design and
construction documents are provided.
17. Appendix A
Redesigned drawing
18. References
[1] “Online calculations for Eurocode 1: Actions on structures.” (accessed Jul. 19, 2022).