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Ge TC. dlgme, Segme ve Verlestime Merkezi KAMU PERSONEL SEGME SINAVI OGRETMENLIK ALAN BiLGisi TESTI YABANCI DIL (INGILIZCE) OGRETMENLIGI 14 TEMMUZ 2013 PAZAR Bu tester her hak sakicr, Hang! amagla olursa olsun, teslein tamaminin veya bir kismnin Merkezimizin yazil ini olmadan kopya ediimesi fotogratinn gokimes, herhang! bir yolla gogaltimas), yayrmlanmasi yada kullanimasi yasaktr. Bu yasaga yymayanlar gereki cezai sorumlugu ve festlrin nazirlanmasindak mali klft peginen kabullenmig say.AGIKLAMA € kitapgikta Alan Bil Bu testler puanlanirken her bélumde dogru cevap- larinizin sayisindan yanlig cevaplarinizin sayisinin dértte biri disilecek ve kalan say! o béldmle Ii ham puaniniz olacakti Cevaplamaya istediginiz sorudan baslayabilirsiniz, Bir soru ile ilgili cevabinrzi, cevap kagidinda o soru igin ays rilmig olan yere igaretlemeyi unutmayintz, . Sinavda uyulacak diger kurallar bu Kitapgigin arka ka- paginda belirilmisti.2019-0087 ING | wotuzce ooRemMeNioh Bu testte 50 soru vardir 4. Which of the following sentences dos collective noun? not containa |3. Which of the following sentences contains a structural ambiguity? ‘A) The woman in my off boar children, ‘A) The target audience for the advertisement was, mainly teenagers. B) Allthe local clergy were asked to attend the ‘coremony. 8) The tourists complainas trouble following the guide. C) The family has decided to move to another city. (©) We booked a room that D) Measles causes fever and small red spots that cover the whole body, E) The Government has been considering further tax. cuts, 2, In which of the following sentences is the underlined expression misused? A) The three sisters are devoted to on B) The children had a fight and ther, ©) After ten years, Pat themselves again ) I'm not sure if 1 B)Applicant —_C) Employer ) Mathematician y paper myself. ) He's ved by hi Py Which of the following lexical items is monosyllabic? A)Movie B) Yellow 0) Taked D)Open E) Measure Which of the following lexical items is inflected? A)Discussion 8) Stolen ©) Enyojable D) Worker E) Truly Diger sayfaya geginiz.(201 -OaBT/ING 7. In linguistics, the lack of technology for audio recording has —-the analysis of spoken English usage over time, Ajhindered _-B) accelerated anticipated D)ralioved E) overestimated 8, Itis assumed that non-verbal communication is much more powerful than verbal or vocal communication -— it is more honest and more difficult to fake, A) unloss Bj even though C) 0 that D)because E)asit 8. Researchers have listed a number of nature and cause of happiness, and the most striking one is that children add significantly ~~ the happiness of married coupl ‘A) on / towards ) at /through Dyin trom Ejof 1" In which of the following sontonces is the definite article ‘the' misused? A) The extreme volumes of car emissions produced in developing countries can be a leading factor in ‘overall environmental pollution B) With screaming hooligans, the stadium was a place ‘of total chaos, ©) People from the Maldi traveling long hours to get anywhere, D) The men approach conflict 'o their opposite gender. ) John left because he wanted to, |. Which of the following sentences does not contain a punctuation error? ‘A) Rumour breeds mistrust; mistrust breeds fear. B) The new car was equipped with, power steering, ‘euise control, and a stereo system. ©) The course syllabus lsted three basic requlrements; ‘essays, tests, and reflective reports. D) For br coffee. kfast we had: sausages, eggs, toast, and E) | wonder who will win the Academy Award for the best actress this year? Diger sayfaya geginiz.(201 -OaBT/ING 14,16, sorulan agagidaki ‘All learners make mistakes. This is not confined to language leamers. We all make mistakes when we are speaking our mother tongue. Whether we bother to correct ourslves or nat soems to depend on whether we think our hearers have noticed, and how urgently we ‘want to get on with what we are saying, We know how to correct them; we can recognize our own mistakes for what they are. Ths is nol usually the case with mistakes made ay a learner. Not only does he not always: recognize his mistakes, but when his attention is drawn ta them, he often cannot correct them; he may even ‘commit another error in trying to do 0. Furthermore, the majority of learners’ errars are linguistically quite different from those made by a native speaker. We judge a foreigner's knowledge of our language by the number and sort of mistakes he makes. We are inclined to think that he knows our language quite wel if he does ‘not make many mistakes, It does not usually occur to us. that he may be avoiding taking risks and confining himself to doing only what he knows he can do right Nan-spacialist people assess a foreigners abilty in their language in the first place by how haltingly he speaks, {and by how good his pronunciation is, that isin linguistic terms, but in its most superficlal aspect. Contrary to language professionals, they tend to assume that one ccan equate a poorer pronunciation with a knowledge of the language, and that & Confined to those who do not know the languag recognize and co language leamers ) may not easily correct t language leamers while talking to E) make mistakes character: ‘of learners of another lang ferently from those 15. According to the passage, the author's view regarding foreign language speaker's not making many mistakes A) is that language but from litle risk-taking strategy ana using ‘only the best-cnown knowledge B) contradicts what many ‘mistakes are constr of language ©) could be related to the language is performed as ‘communication 16. }ow that fluency is a qué the speech situation ana ir superficial judgements once they have peaking performance, but consider the nature of his or her knowledge ) think thatthe fewer mistakes a learner makes, the ‘more and better he knows the language and uses it fluently ) have not taken any risks while parforming language ‘as much as leamers have, as mistakes are not a part of language learning for them Diger sayfaya geginiz.(201 -OaBT/ING 47. Okan: ‘never be able to speak English. 'm often too ‘stressed to talk in the classroom. citford: = Why? Does anyone laugh at your mistakes? Okan: Clifford: = Really? All you need is less interruption then. ‘Which of the following alternatives best completes. the given dialogue? A) | can't tolerate rudeness, | need to make thoughtful friends in the class. B) Not really, but | dont lke it when the teacher ‘constantly corrects my speech, C) I definitely need more practice in grammar and pronunciation’ D) Honestly speaking, Inever criticize my classmates. E) Actually, everybody except me likes conversation. @ ® 418. Stophon: = Do you remember that listened to @ professor of sociolinguistic from Arizona giving a talk about how and why languages change over time? Edwar = Yes, |do.1 also remember that you found it breathtaking. I seems younow have negative opinions about it. nce and frequently asking 3S from the audience. that changes in morohology and ore slowly than those in meanings of D) Yes, at first, felt impressed, but as listened to it again from his online blog, | found out that it was too specific. E) | felt disappointed to learn that linguists reconstruct languages no longer spoken and account forthe ‘changes in language with dialect and register variation. Diger sayfaya geginiz.(201 -OaBT/ING 19. Richard: = Have you read the school counsollor's article ‘published in the latest issue of the school bulletin? William: = Unfortunately, | haven't, What's special about it? Richard: = The article makes the point that current theories lend ‘support to collaboration rather than rvalry in learning ‘environments. Does it remind you of anything? William: Which of the following alternatives best completes. the given dialogue? ‘A) I'm planning to carry out research on a number of topics to Improve in-class practices, so Ihave to work hard this semester. BB) Certainly it has something to do with my research topic ‘perspectives on learning from peers’, so! ‘ought to read it soon, C) I'm not sure if current educators and students are in favour of learning by doing rather thar pure theoretical data D) Itwould be nice to have a look at the article in case _might miss important information about the research topic that 'm working on, ) | think rivalry in edt fallen out for a lon way, ind new trends are on the 20. Test scores are only one measure of a student's achievement, an¢ other qualities must be taken into account, Which of the following alternatives best restates the given sentence? ‘A) Student achievement is a quality that can be ‘measured and taken in atest score. B) Taking into account a ‘of measuring what a stu ‘or her diferent qualities. ©) When we consider different student's achievement, the Diger sayfaya geginiz.(201 -OaBT/ING 21. There is now a widespread acceptance of the importance played by formulaic expressions in language use due to the advances in corpus Inguistics that have testified to their frequent use. Which of the following alternatives best restates the given sentence? ‘A) The importance of formulaic expressions in language use has been widely acknowledged because the advances in corpus linguistics have sven evidence that they are frequently used. B) The significance of formulaic expressions in language use was hardly approved before the widespread use of corpus linguistics frequently ‘counted in language studies. ) The studies in corpus linguistics have advanced ‘considerably due to the fact thal they have been widely used to testify the importance of formulaic ‘expressions in language use. D) Itis now widely accepted that had It not been for the significance of formulaic expressions in language Use, the studies in corpus linguistics would not have advanced enough to show their frequency. E) Now that corpus linguistics has advany ‘extant that itis widely accepted as fof language studies, the frequency of formal ‘expressions could be testified. @ ® 22. Teachers ask many questions during the course of instruction, with some teachers asking as many as 300, to 400 questions a day. Questions are generally asked for one of two purposes: to maintain student attention or to collect information about students’ current understanding. Questions asked to maintain attention are often short ones framed during teaching that require factual responses by a single student, —- In addition, responses by multiple stu ‘often solicited, and the responses form the teacher's judgement about students" ing and serve as a springboard for further dis Which of the following alter the given paragraph? ir thinking might cause the teacher to lose touch the class as a whole. 8 that necessitate brief and correct keep students engaged in learning and fo pay continuous attention, Diger sayfaya geginiz.(201 -OaBT/ING 23. People often say that language teaching is an art. If all they mean when they say this is that ts a highly skilled activity which is learnt by careful observation and patient Practice, then itis a harmless platitude. -—- We cal a Particular practical activity an art when it cannot be carried out successfully By folowing a set of rules of ‘thumb, when our knowledge ofall the factors involved is incomplete and when, consequently, many of the decisions on how to proceed must be left to the private knowledge and experience of the practioner. Language ‘teaching is an activity ofthis sort. It involves many different considerations, or, in technical language, variables, the relative importance, of value of which, even If we are aware of them all, cannot yet readily be assessed or quantified. Which of the following alternatives best completes. the given paragraph? A) However, there is a considerable body of knowledge available about the nature of human language, about how itis lsamed and what par it plays in the ‘community. BB) There are, for example, many factors to be taken Into account in any teaching task: the aptitude and personality of pupils, their intellectual capacities, or ‘motivation towards leaming, Science and art are mutually exclusive and therefore science can play no part in language teaching. D) Nevertheless, if wei the very broadest and decision-m 24. (1) One of the ways of observing teaching and learning in second of foreign language classrooms is to describe classroom behaviours without a set of predetermined categories. (I) Instead, the observer takes extensive notes of the activities, practices and interactions. ‘between teachers and learners. Il) This approach to classroom observation, often referred to as ethnography, is similar to the way in which an anthropologist takes field studying a group of people in their natural su IV) Ethnographic approaches to understar ‘and learning involve qualitative studies a ‘scope than the other studies. research in classrooms, the content from other discipines in language jot a new idea. (\) For years, specialized angi ses have treated content relevant to a particu sion or academic discipline. (W) So, for example, nt ofa language course for airline pilots is dite ‘one for computer technicians, thought of as teaching a language for specific purposes for those majoring in the departments, they specialize in. (v) However, teachers should build on students’ previous experience, and language is leamed most effectively when i is used as a medium to convey content of interest to the students. Which of the sentences in the given paragraph Is. irrelevant, violating its unity and coherence? al a gm oO By Diger sayfaya geginiz.(201 -OaBT/ING 26. A(n)--— narrator is an internal narrator who consistently | 29. The Canterbury Tales is widely considered Chaucer's refers to himself or herself using the pronoun "or we’ masterpiece, Its a collection of tales told by pilgrims on their way to the shrine of St Thomas 4 Becket in Choose the alternative which best completes the Canterbury. Although Chaucer was presumably familiar given sentence. «with Boccaccio’s Decameron, from which he borrows the idea of the collection of tales by diferent people, the 'A) second-person B) firstperson ‘end results very different. Chaucer's pilgrims come from all classes and areas of gociely, and he uses the 6) hindspereon Djomniscient connecting links between well as the prologue with a description ofall portrait of 14% century life to paint a rich ) unreiable Which of the following is passage? 27. Anovel that depicis the growth of a character from childhood or adolescence to maturity through a troubled quest for identity is called — Choose the alternative which best completes the given sentence. ‘A) metafiction B) gothie novel ) bildungsroman D) historical ) social novel wing protagonist-antagonist lakespeare's plays is correct? 28, ‘Quiet as a mouse’, gold’ and ‘old as the chose hart ee 1A) Romeo - Juit 8B) Prospero Arial ©) Viole - Sebastian ) Othello lage &) Hamiet+ Ophelia 8 Diger sayfaya geginiz.(201 -OaBT/ING m1. hich isthe belief that people are responsible for their own actions and experiences, was one of the most influential philosophical ways of thinking of the postwar period. Choose the alternative which given sentence. ‘A) Classicism 8) Sun ©) Naturalism D)Neo-naturatism ) Existentiaism 32, Most poems of more than a few lines are divided into ‘organized by patterns of rhyme. Choose the alternative which best completes the given sentence. A) free verse B) stanzas ) blank verso Dyballads. ) sections. D)Creativity 34. Which of the following gives all ofthe threo distinguishing features of a consonant? A) Lip rounding, the height ofthe tongue and the part of the language B) The air coming from the lungs, the position of the ‘vocal cords and the oral cavity ©) Place of articulation, 9 articulation and voicing state D) Meaningfulness, its pla ‘combination with vowels E) Its audibilty, its inteligibilty ‘ther consonants ‘and its sed for inflectional purposes. . Which of the following defines the basis of the specific grammar of all possible human languages and constitutes the innate component of the human language faculty? ‘A) Functional grammar B) Prescriptive grammar ©) Descriptive grammar D) Pedagogical grammar ) Universal grammar Diger sayfaya geginiz.(201 -OaBT/ING 37. What is the somantic relationship botwoon the words ‘cat’ and ‘animal’? A) They are the hyponyms of each other. B) The first one isthe hyponym of the second one. C) They are examples of binary antonymy. D) The first one isthe superordinate of the second one. E) They prove that perfect synonymy is impossible, 38. What Is the term usod to refer to pronunciation features that reveal the influences of a speaker's first language or the geography of the speaker in sociolinguistics? 18) Speech community ©) Accent E) Idiolect D)Implicature| hemispheres of the brain, B) Variation D)Discourse community n the two of the following king and reasoning peaking 41. Most language teachers currently tend to take on -— to language teaching parly because of the many Conficting opinions among theorists, and partly because of the need for building up a personalized teaching methodology that may serve different learners with diferent needs and abiltios. Choose the alternative whi given sentence. best completes the {A) the lexical approach 8B) the communicative appr ) the eclectic approach 42, a slip of tongue, but has temporarily er knows the Correct it On the other hand, not know the al this stage, ©) Mistake / avbidance D) Avoidance / compensation EE) Mistake / error 10 Diger sayfaya geginiz.(201 -OaBT/ING 43. In a reading lesson, the teacher may lead students to isa very general concept, which involves the see beyond the Iteral meaning of words in a text, using Consideration of the whole complex of philosophical, 2 variety of clues to have students understand what the social and administrative factors which contribute to the writer states implicitly. planning of an educational program. On the other hand, *— is an instrument that offers a way and a view of ‘What is the subskill practiced in the case above? teaching a particular subject by providing tasks, iv f 1) Skimming 8) norenchg activities and a scheme to fulfil throughout the course. Choose the alternative wi st completes the ) Scanning D) Guessing vocabulary given sentence, ) Extensive reading A) Curriculum / course prot B) Syllabus / curriculum, ©) Curriculum / syllabus 44, Which of the following is not true of motivation in the classroom setting? ‘A) Motivated students are usually those who participate actively in class. BB) Cultural and age differences will determine the most appropriate way for teachers to motivate students. | 47 ) Remarks teachers make about the fort activities can lead to higher levels of interest on the part ofthe students 32 able to use the target vocabulary activites, ©) Students willbe able to isten for specific information lo complete the missing words of the song ) Students will be able to read between the lines to infer the message and share it wth their peers. ) Students wil be able to write an email to invite a {fiend to @ birthday party E) Being aware of t ‘group count on ‘motivation. 1 Diger sayfaya geginiz.(201 -OaBT/ING 48. Which of the following statements about English language teaching Is not valid for a young learners’ class? ‘A) Language use should be ilustrated with objects and gestures, B) Songs, stories and games can be utllzed to teach listening ) Tasks should be based on structural pattems of the target language and new vocabulary rather than physical activities. D) Colourful materials like postcards, wall charts and calendars, which can help make meaning clear, are likely to be encouraging E) Children have success with new tasks when located within routines that are already familia, produces syllable-type sounds like ‘mu’, "ma", and ‘da’, at which stage is he or she? ontrastive Analysis Hypothesis, errors ing are often assumed to be 12 Test BiTT, (CEVAPLARINIZ! KONTROL EDINiZ.SINAVDA UYULACAK KURALLAR 4, Sinav salontari kamera ile kaytt altina alina rina uymadig} tespit edilen adaylarin sinavk Kamera kayitlarinin incelenmesinden sonra sinav kuralla- ‘OSYM Yénetim Kurulunca gecersiz sayllacaktr. 2. Cop telefonu ile sinava girmek kesinlikle yasaktir. Cagri cihazl, telsiz, fotograf makinesi vb. araclarla; cep bilgi sayart, kol ya da cep saati gibi her tld bilgisayar dzeligi bulunan cihazlarla; silah ve benzeri techizatla; misved- de kagidi, defter, kitap, sézlik, s6zlUk iglovi olan elektronik aygtt, hesap cotveli, hesap makinesi, pergol, agidlger, celvel vb. araclarta sinava gitmek kesinikle yasaklr. Bu araclarla sinava girmig adaylarin adi mullaka Salon Sinav Tutanagina yazilacak, bu adaylarin sinavi gegersiz sayllacaktir. Sinava kalem, silgi, kalemtiras, saat vb. aragla ve kulaklik, kiipe, bros vb. taki, herhangi bir metal esya ile girmek de kesinlikle yé tiketim malzemeleri de sinava getirilemez. Adaylar sinava seffaf sise igerisind. 3. Bu sinav igin verilen toplam cevaplama siiresi 75 dakikadir, Sinav basladiktan sonra sinav salonundan gikmasina kesinlikle izin verilmeyecektir. 4, Sinav salonundan ayrilan aday, her ne sebeple olursa olsun, tekrar sinava alinmaya 5. Sinav stiresince gérevillerle konusmak, géreviilere soru sormak yasaktir. S ja ya- kindan ve alcak sesle konugmalari ayrica adaylarin birbirinden kal 6 Smnav sirasinda, gérevillerin her torla uyarisina uymak zorunds ‘sinav kurallanna uymaniza baglidir. Kurallara aykiri davra kimlik bilgileri Salon Sinav Tutanagina yazilacak ve sinavi 7. Sinav sirasinda kopya geken, gekmeye kalkigan, kopya ver Salon Sinav Tutanagina yazilacak ve bu adayiarin sinaviart Adaylerin test sorularina verdikieri cevaplarin dagilimiart bil ‘eilen bulgular bireysel ya da toplu olarak kopya gekildigini gos gegersiz sayllacak ayrica 2 yil boyunca Os Indan die Sinav gdrevilen bir salondaki sinavin, hu raporlarinda bildirdigi takdirde, OSYM bu salon bu incelemelerden elde kopya eylemine \dayin/adaylann sinavt n tim sinaviara bas Imadigint, toplu kopya gitigiminde bulunuldugu- adaylanin sinavint gegersiz sayabilr, 8. Cevap kagidinda doldurman: lanlar bulunmaktadir. Bu 1 doldurunuz. Cevap kagidintzt baskalart {arafndan gorulmeyecek rekmektedir. Cevap ka azilacak her thrla yazida ve yapllacak bat igaretlemelerde k ilacaktr. Sinav sdresi bittginde Gavaplanin cevap kagidina igaretienmig ‘olmasi gerekir. Soru kit igaretlenen cevaplar gegerli degilir 9. Soru kitapeiginizt alin ‘olup olmadigint, kitap nlan doldurunuz. Size sbylendigi zaman, sayfalann eksik ymadigin! ve soru kitapeiinin her sayfasinda basih bulu- i soru kitaperk numarasiyla ayni olup olmadigini kontrol dedistirimesi icin salon bagkanina bagvurunuz :daki “Soru Kitapeik Numaras'" alanina yaziniz ve ‘dogru kodladim.” kutucugunu igaretleyini2. nz beyan eden alanu imzalayiniz. z1n sayfatarini koparmayi- naviniz gegersiz sayllacakirr. 1a yazilmas! ve igaretlenmesi gereken bilgilerde bir eksiklik ve/veya yanlishik ol rilmesi mOmkdn olamamaktadir, bu husustaki 6zen yokOmldlagd ve sorumluluk 12. yerleri misvedde igin kullanabllirsiniz. 13. So Iveya bu sorularalvendiginiz cevaplani ayr! bir kagida yazip bu kagidt digar! glkarmaniz kesinikle yasakir, 14, Sinav s A ‘nce, soru kitapgiginizi ve cevap Kagidinizi salon gorevileine eksiksiz olarak testim fetmeyi unutria {Bu testorin ner nakks sak. Heng’ amapl olursa olsun, testtrin tamaminin veya bir kismmn Merkezimizin yazil ini olmadan Kopya eames, fotogratinincekiimes, herhangibiryola cogaltimasi, yayrmianmas! ya da kulanimasi yasaktr. Bu yasaga uymayanlar gereki cezei sorumlulgu ve \dogacak 1m mai kat pesinen kabuilenmis say.23. KAMU PERSONEL SEGME SINAVI OGRETMENLIK ALAN BILGisi TESTI YABANCI DIL (INGILIZCE) OGRETMENLIGI (14 TEMMUZ 2013) [BO >mM>DO maO>wD O>MOD co>>
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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John Adams
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John Adams
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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Requirements On The Load Cycling Capability of IGBT Modules in Traction Applications
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Requirements On The Load Cycling Capability of IGBT Modules in Traction Applications
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Shaping High-Power IGBT Switching Transitions by Active Voltage Control For Reduced EMI Generation
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Shaping High-Power IGBT Switching Transitions by Active Voltage Control For Reduced EMI Generation
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X - EMI Characterisation of High Power IGBT Modules For Traction Application
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X - EMI Characterisation of High Power IGBT Modules For Traction Application
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X - Circuit Analysis of Active Mode Parasitic Oscillations in IGBT Modules
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X - Circuit Analysis of Active Mode Parasitic Oscillations in IGBT Modules
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X - Active Clamping Circuit With Status Feedback For HV-IGBT
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X - Active Clamping Circuit With Status Feedback For HV-IGBT
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Switching Behavior Improvement of Insulated Gate Controlled Devices
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Switching Behavior Improvement of Insulated Gate Controlled Devices
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X - The Series Connection of IGBT's With Active Voltage Sharing
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Investigation Into IGBT DVDT During Turn-Off and Its Temperature Dependence
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Investigation Into IGBT DVDT During Turn-Off and Its Temperature Dependence
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Potential of Digital Gate Units in High Power Applications
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Potential of Digital Gate Units in High Power Applications
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Condition Monitoring A Decade of Proposed Techniques
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Little Women
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Little Women
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