Precion Auto (1123235)
Precion Auto (1123235)
Precion Auto (1123235)
PUR / 03 / 001
117-JB, Millat Road,Dhanola,Faisalabad.
PURCHASE ORDER Ph : 041-8766578-80
Kay & Emms Pvt Ltd Fax : 041-8766622
Party Name : PRECISION AUTOMATION & CONTROL Location : K1 Date : 23-JAN-23 PO # : 1123235
Remarks :
Demand Department Dem. Date Item ID Item Uom Quantity Rate Amount GST% GST MT WHT WHT AMT Other Total Amount Trem Days Delivery Remarks CS No
1123237 ELECTRICAL 20-JAN-23 954374 FREQUENCY INVERTER 2.2KW 380V NOS 2.00 25,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 Credit 30 MILLS ABB 1123283
TO440V ACS 320 ACS580/320
1123169 ETP 16-JAN-23 954344 FREQUENCY INVERTER 2.2KW 380V F4 NOS 2.00 25,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 Credit 30 MILLS ABB ACS 1123281
4.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00
Total >>>
Note: 1) Send 2 copies of delivery challan along with po copy.2) Send bill / invoice within 3 days after delivery.3) We reserve the rights to cancel PO at any time without intimation.4) Credit days will be started after
receiving invoice.5) If Any supplied material will not be up to standard will be destroyedin presence of vendor/Representative and no claim would be entertained.