Xii Bot HW-1-10

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Date : 26-10-2022 TEST ID: 28
Time : 02:37:00 Hrs.
Marks : 628

Single Correct Answer Type a) Offset, bulbil, leaf bud, rhizome and eyes
1. In which pair both the plants can be b) Leaf bud, bulbil, offset, rhizome and eyes
vegetatively propagated by leaf pieces? c) Eyes, rhizome, bulbil, leaf bud and offset
a) 𝐵𝑟𝑦𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑚 and 𝐾𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑒 d) Rhizome, bulbil, leaf bud, eyes and offset
b) 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑦𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑢𝑚 and 𝐴g𝑎𝑣𝑒 12. Bud grafting is commonly used in:
c) 𝐴g𝑎𝑣𝑒 and 𝐾𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑒 a) Litchi b) Pomegranate
d) 𝐴𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑎g𝑢𝑠 and 𝐵𝑟𝑦𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑚 c) Rose d) Jasmine
2. During favourable conditions, 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑒𝑏𝑎 13. In case of Marchantia, antheridiophore is
reproduces by: produced by:
a) Binary fission b) Multiple fission a) Female thallus b) Male thallus
c) Both of these d) None of these c) Monoecious plant d) None of above
3. Corm is modification of: 14. 𝐵𝑟𝑦𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑚 can be propagated vegetatively
a) Root b) Leaf c) Stem d) Bud by:
4. Meiosis takes place in: a) Stem b) Root c) Leaf d) Flower
a) Conidia b) Gemmule 15. Micropropagation is based on:
c) Megaspore d) Meiocyte a) Tissue culture b) Hybridization
5. Animals giving birth to young ones are: c) Microtomy d) Genetic control
a) Oviparous b) Ovoviviparous 16. One of the followings is not the characteristic
c) Viviparous d) Both (B) and (C) feature of cyanobacteria:
6. Man is: a) They are multicellular
a) Unisexual b) Bisexual b) They form colonies
c) Hermaphroditic d) Protogynous c) They form blooms in polluted water bodies
7. Syngamy means: d) They can fix atmospheric nitrogen
a) Fusion of similar spores 17. Clones are
b) Fusion of dissimilar spores a) Morphologically similar individuals
c) Fusion of cytoplasm b) Genetically similar individuals
d) Fusion of gametes c) Both (a) and (b)
8. Scion is the term used in relation to: d) None of the above
a) Embryology b) Grafting 18. Which one is female gametophyte?
c) Agamospermy d) Emasculation a) Embryo b) Embryo sac
9. Stem cuttings are employed in the propagation c) Endosperm d) Synergid
of: 19. Micropropagation is a technique:
a) Banana b) Mango a) For production of true to type plants
c) Sugar cane d) Cotton b) For production of haploid plant
10. In grafting scion forms: c) For production of somatic hybrids
a) Shoot system b) Root system d) For production of somaclonal plants
c) New plant d) Hybrid plant 20. Somaclonal variation appears in plants:
11. Find out correct order of vegetative propagules a) Growing in polluted soil or water
of plants like potato, ginger, Agave, b) Exposed to gamma rays
Bryophyllum and water hyacinth c) Raised in tissue culture

d) Transformed by recombinant DNA 32. Ovules contain many embryo in
technology a) Citrus b) Orange
21. The DNA in the cell …….. is the information c) Mango d) All of these
source for making proteins: 33. Polyembryony is a type of
a) Nucleus b) Ribosome a) Apomixis b) Fertilization
c) Cell wall d) Plasma membrane c) Fusion d) Embryogenesis
22. Even in absence of pollinating agents seed- 34. Occurrence of more than one embryo is called
setting is assured in: a) Polyembryony b) Embryony
a) 𝑍𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎 b) 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑣𝑖𝑎 c) Parthenogenesis d) Fertilization
c) Fig d) 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑎 35. Type of cell division takes place in apomixes is
23. Grafting is used to propagate plants because: a) Reductional b) Meiosis
a) It is faster than seeds c) Both (a) and (b) d) Mitosis
b) It maintains a desired set of genetic 36. Apomixis is like
characteristics a) Sexual reproduction
c) It combines the genetic characteristics of b) Fertilization
two desirable plants c) Parthenogenesis
d) A plant can produce many more scions than d) Asexual reproduction
seeds 37. Mature male gametophyte is derived from a
24. Embryo sac is found in: ‘pollen mother cell’ by
a) Endosperm b) Embryo a) Three meiotic divisions
c) Ovule d) Seed b) One meiotic, one mitotic division
25. Clone is two or more individuals which are c) Single mitotic division
similar: d) Two mitotic divisions
a) Genetically b) Morphologically 38. Endosperm is consumed by developing
c) Sexually d) Both (A) and (B) embryo in the seed of
26. Isogamous condition with non-flagellated a) Pea b) Maize c) Coconut d) Castor
gametes is found in: 39. 8-nucleated embryo sac are
a) Spirogyra b) Volvox a) Monosporic b) Bisporic
c) Fucus d) Chlamydomonas c) Tetrasporic d) Any of these
27. Period of pregnancy is called: 40. Identify 𝐴 to 𝐹 in the following diagram
a) Gestation period b) Incubation period
c) Pre-patent period d) Blastulation
28. Apomixis is the development of
a) Seeds with fertilization
b) Seeds without fertilization
c) Seed from vegetative cells
d) Seeds from reproductive cells
29. Apomixis is seen in
a) Asteracea b) Grasses
c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these
a) A-Pollen tube, B-Ovary, C-Ovule, D-Antipodal
30. Vegetative/Asexual reproduction and apomixis
cell, E-Pollen grain, F-Secondary
are common in
nucleus,(polar nuclei)
a) Type of cell division
b) A-Polar nuclei (secondary nucleus), B-
b) Clone nature of offsprings
Antipodal cell, C-Ovule, D-Ovary, E-Pollen
c) Both (a) and (b)
tube, F-Pollen grain
d) Only in dicot plant
c) A-Pollen grain, B-Pollen tube, C-Ovary, D-
31. Apomixis arises due to
Ovule, E-Antipodal cell, F-Secondary Nucleus
a) Rapid reproduction in plants
(polar nuclei)
b) Slow reproduction in plants
d) A-Antipodal cell, B-Ovule, C-Ovary, D-
c) Both (a) and (b)
Secondary nucleus, E-Pollen grain, F-Pollen
d) None of the above
tube c) I, II, III, V d) II, IV, III, I
41. Identify the correct modes of entry of pollen 47. For a gene if AA = male plant, BB = female
tube in the diagrams given below plant. Find out the genotype of endosperm and
a) AAB, b) AAB, AB c) ABB, AB d) BBA,
48. 𝑆𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 and 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑎 considered to
represent a significant step towards evolution
of seed habit because
a) A-Mesogamy, B-Chalazogamy, C-Porogamy a) Female gametophyte is free and gets
b) A-Chalazogamy, B-Porogamy, C-Mesogamy dispersed like seed
c) A-Porogamy, B-Chalazogamy, C-Monogamy b) Female gametophyte lacks archegonia
d) A-Porogamy, B-Mesogamy, C-Chalazogamy c) Megaspore possess endosperm and embryo
42. Find out 𝐴, 𝐵 and 𝐶 in the flow chart given surrounded by seed coat
below d) Embryo develops in female gametophyte
which is retained on the parent sporophyte
49. Anthesis is
a) Development of pollen
b) Development of anther
a) A-Female gamete, B-Male gamete, C-Embryo c) Opening of flower
b) A- Male gamete, B- Female gamete, C- d) Reception of pollen by stigma
Embryo 50. If endosperm has 36 number of chromosomes
c) A- Female gamete, B- Male gamete, C- then find out the chromosome number of male
Embryo and female gamete
d) A- Male gamete, B- Embryo, C-Female a) 18, 18 b) 17, 18 c) 20, 20 d) 12, 12
gamete 51. Root has 42 chromosome then find out the
43. Genotype of endosperm is ZZA, find out the chromosomal number of synergid
genotype of male and female plant respectively a) 7 b) 14 c) 21 d) 28
a) ZZ, AA b) ZA, ZA 52. The number of female nuclei involved in
c) AA, ZZ d) ZAA, ZZA double fertilization is
44. … A… egg cell, …B… zygote, …C… endosperm. a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 1
Find out the correct ploidy nature of 𝐴, 𝐵 and 𝐶 53. Find out 𝐴, 𝐵 and 𝐶 in the flow chart given
a) A − 2𝑛, B − 3𝑛, C − 4𝑛 below
b) A − 1𝑛, B − 1𝑛, C − 3𝑛
c) A − 1𝑛, B − 2𝑛, C − 3𝑛
d) A − 1𝑛, B − 2𝑛, C − 4𝑛
45. If stem has 2𝑛 = 10 number of chromosomes
than find out a) A-Female gamete, B-Male gamete, C-
A – number of chromosomes in endosperm Endosperm
B – number of chromosomes in egg cell b) A- Endosperm, B- Female gamete, C- Male
C – number of chromosomes in polar nuclei gamete
a) 15, 15, 20 b) 10, 15, 20 c) A- Female gamete, B-Polar nuclei, C-
c) 15, 5, 10 d) 10, 5, 15 Endosperm
46. I. Antipodal cell II. Egg cell d) A- Female gamete, B- Endosperm C-Male
III. Synergid cell IV. Polar nuclei gamete
V. Male gamete VI. Nuclear cell 54. Diagram showing entry of pollen tube to the
IV. Chalazal cell embryo sac. Identify 𝐴 to 𝐺 in the diagram
Out of the seven names given above, find out
haploid cells
a) I, II, IV, V b) II, IV, VI, VII

b) I- Suspensor, II- Radicle, III- Cotyledon
c) I- Cotyledon II- Radicle, III- Suspensor
d) I- Suspensor, II- Cotyledon, III- Radicle
60. In previous figure find out scutellum, radicle
a) 𝐴 and 𝐸 b) 𝐸 and 𝐹
c) 𝐹 and 𝐺 d) 𝐺 and 𝐵
61. In figure find out coleoptile, shoot apex and

a) A-Synergid, B-Filiform apparatus, C-Male

gamete, D-Plasma membrane, E-Central cell,
F-Egg nucleus, G-Vegetative nucleus
b) A- Filiform apparatus, B- Central cell, C- Egg
nucleus, D- Vegetative nucleus, E- Male
gamete, F- Synergid, G- Plasma membrane
c) A- Plasma membrane, B- Synergid , C-
Filiform apparatus, D- Male gamete, E-
Vegetative nucleus, F- Central cell, G-Egg
d) A- Central cell, B- Egg nucleus, C- Vegetative
nucleus, D- Male gamete, E- Synergid, F-
a) 𝐴, 𝐵 and 𝐶 b) 𝐵, 𝐶 and 𝐷
Plasma membrane
c) 𝐷, 𝐹 and 𝐺 d) 𝐸, 𝐹 and 𝐺
55. Emasculation is not required in
62. A typical dicotyledonous embryo consist of an
a) Unisexual flower b) Bisexual flower
…A… axis and …B… cotyledons.
c) Dioecious flower d) Both (a) and (c)
The portion of embryonal axis above the level
56. Male gametes wheather 2 celled or 3-celled are
of cotyledons is …C… which terminates with
identical in genetic make up because
the …D… or stem tip
a) Of mitosis b) Of meiosis
A, B, C, D in the above statement are
c) Of amitosis d) Binary fission
a) A-Plumule, B-epicotyle, C-cotyledons, D-
57. Pollination by snail and slug is called
embryonal axis
a) Ornithophily b) Chiropterophily
b) A- embryonal axis, B- cotyledons, C-
c) Entomophily d) Malacophily
epicotyle, D- Plumule
58. Identify the 𝐴 to 𝐸 in following diagram
c) A- embryonal axis, B- epicotyle, C-
cotyledons, D- Plumule
d) A- embryonal axis, B- Plumule, C-
cotyledons, D- epicotyle
63. Epicotyle is the upper part of embryonal axis in
a) Monocots b) Dicots
c) All plants d) All of these
64. Scutellum is
a) Cotyledon in dicots
a) A-Cotyledons, B-Hypocotyle, C-Plumule, D-
b) Cotyledon in gymnosperm
Root cap, E-Radicle
c) Monocot root
b) A- Radicle, B- Root cap, C- Plumule, D-
d) Cotyledon in grass family
Hypocotyle, E- Cotyledons
65. By seeing the ratio of F1 and F2 -generation
c) A- Hypocotyle, B- Cotyledons, C- Plumule,
Mendel proposed that something was stably
D- Radicle, E- Root cap
passed down unchanged over successive
d) A- Plumule, B- Cotyledons, C- Hypocotyle,
generation and called this something as
D- Radicle, E- Root cap
a) Alleles b) Genes
59. In previous question name out I, II and III
c) Chromosomes d) Factors
a) I-Radicle, II-Suspensor, III-Cotyledon

66. Unit of inheritance that required to express a a) Tall b) Short
particular trait of organism is called c) Intermediate d) None of these
a) Factors b) Genes 76. The crossing of F1 to any one of the parents is
c) Phenotype d) Genotype called
67. The Mendel crossed true breeding tall and a) Back cross b) Test cross
dwarf plant varieties in his experiment. The c) F1 cross d) All of these
tall character was dominant and recessive 77. The first hybrid progenies obtained by Mendel
character was dwarf. The recessive character were called
was appeared in a) F1 - progeny b) F0 - progeny
a) F1 b) F2 c) F2 - progeny d) F3 - progeny
c) F3 d) F2 and F3 78. The character that is expressed in the F1 -
68. A cross in which parents differ in a single pair generation is called the
of contrasting character is callled a) Recessive character
a) Monohybrid cross b) Dihybrid cross b) Dominant character
c) Trihybrid cross d) Tetrahybrid cross c) Codominant character
69. The major reason for the success of Mendelian d) None of these
experiments was 79. Mendel obtained recessive character in F2 by
a) Garden pea was true breeding …A… the …B… plants. Here 𝐴 and 𝐵 refers to
b) Garden pea was cross breeding a) A-self-pollinating; B−F1
c) Garden pea was heterozygous b) A-self-pollinating; B−F2
d) Garden pea was not easily available c) A-cross-pollinating; B−F1
70. Mendel observed that ….. generation shows d) A-cross-pollinating; B−F2
always phenotype of dominant parent 80. Genes are made up of
a) F4 b) F2 c) F1 d) F0 a) Histones b) Hybrocarbons
71. Emasculation is the removal of c) Polynucleotides d) Lipoproteins
a) Flower buds 81. Letter symbol refers to the dominant factors
b) Anthers before dehiscence give a …A… or upper case latter of the
c) Carpels before dehiscence alphabet. A corresponding …B… or lower case
d) Mature flowers letter is used for recessive factor. Here A and B
72. The proportion of plants that were dwarf and refers to
tall in F2 - generation ofo Mendel experiment a) A-capital; B-small
1 3
a) 4 th and 4th
3 1
b) 4 th and 4th b) A-small; B-capital
2 1 1 4 c) A-capital; B-capital
c) 3 rd and 3 rd d) 3 rd and 3rd
d) A-small; B-small
73. Which of the following statement is/are 82. Which factor expresses itself in homozygous
correct regarding law of segregation? and even in heterozygous condition?
a) Alleles separate with each other during a) Dominant factor b) Weak factor
gametogenesis c) Recessive factor d) Incomplete factor
b) The segregation of factors is due to the 83. The factors which expresses only in
segregation of chromosomes during meiosis homozygous condition is
c) Law of segregation is called as law of purity a) Dominant b) Recessive
of gametes c) Hidden d) Cryptic
d) All of the above 84. 3:1 ratio in F2 -generation is explained by
74. Mendel’s experiment were based on a) Law of partial dominant
hybridization between two plants differing in b) Law of dominant
a) A pair of contrasting character c) Law of incomplete dominant
b) Three pairs of contrasting character d) Law of purity of gametes
c) Many pairs of contrasting character 85. In cross between yellow round (YYRR) and
d) None of the above pure breeding pea plants having green
75. F1 - progeny of a cross between pure tall and wrinkled (yyrr) find out the total seeds
dwarf plant is always (plants) having yellow colour in F2 -generation
a) 12 b) 10 c) 14 d) 11 heterozygous condition produces starch grain
86. Which principle/law has been called the 2nd of intermediate size. This shows
law of inheritance? a) Complete dominance
a) Law of independent assortment b) Incomplete dominance
b) Law of segregation c) Codominant
c) Law of dominance d) Dominant
d) Law of paired factor 98. Find the phenotype of 𝐴, 𝐵, 𝐶, 𝐷 from given
87. In law of independent assortment. How many cross (R-Red and r = white)
factors are involved? (for a dihybrid cross)
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 1
88. In cross between yellow round (YYRR) and
green wrinkled (yyrr) find out the ratio
between seeds having yellow and green seed
colour a) A-Red, B-Red, C-Red, D-White
a) 3 : 2 b) 3 : 1 c) 9 : 7 d) 7 : 9 b) A-Red, B-Red, C-White , D-White
89. Rrrr (progeny): Red (dominant) flowers c) A-Pink, B-Red, C-White, D-White
(heterozygous) were crossed with white d) A-Pink, B-Red, C-Red, D-White
flower. The result will be 99. Theoretically in incomplete dominance one
a) 350 → Red : 350 → white allele function as normal, while another allele
b) 450 → Red : 250 → white may function as
c) 380 → Red : 320 → white a) Normal allele
d) None of the above b) Non-functional allele
90. Total number of wrinkled seed in previous c) Normal but less efficient allele
question d) All of the above
a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1 100. Who introduced the transforming principle?
91. In previous question find out the ratio a) Frederick Griffith b) Oswald Avery
between round and wrinkled seed texture c) Colin MacLeod d) Maclyn McCarty
a) 3 : 1 b) 2 : 2 c) 1 : 1 d) 9 : 6 : 1 101. Name the colonies produced by 𝑆. 𝑝𝑛𝑒𝑢𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑒
92. Ratio observed in dihybrid cross bacteria
(phenotypically) I. Rough or R colony
a) 3 : 1 b) 1 : 2 : 1 c) 9 : 7 d) 9 : 3 : 3 II. Smooth or S colony
:1 III. No formation of colony
93. Total number of round seed in a cross between IV. D colony
pure yellow round and pure green wrinkled V. E colony
seeds in F2 is (out of total 16 resulted) a) I and II b) II and III
a) 9 b) 12 c) 11 d) 10 c) IV and V d) V and I
94. What is genotypic ratio in a dihybrid cross? 102. Experiment organism of Frederick and Griffith
a) 1 : 2 : 1 : 2 : 4 : 2 : 1 : 2 : 1 was
b) 2 : 4 : 2 : 1 : 2 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 1 a) Variola virus
c) 1 : 4 : 2 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 1 b) Tuberculosis bacteria
d) 4 : 2 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 1 : 1 c) Actinomycetes
95. Mendel’s laws of inheritance are applicable d) Streptococcus pneumoniae
only for 103. In Griffith experiment, what would be the
a) Protista b) Monera effect of following conditions on mice?
c) Diploid organism d) Both (a) and (b) Form of 𝑷𝒏𝒆𝒖𝒎𝒐𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒔 Injected Effect on
96. All of this obeys Mendel’s laws except Mice
a) Codominance I. Live rough non-capsulated A
b) Independent assortment II. Live smooth capsulated B
c) Dominance III. Heat-killed smooth C
d) Purity of gametes IV. Heat-killed smooth + live rough D
97. Starch synthesis gene in pea plant in Choose the correct option for effect on mice
a) A-Survived, B-Died, C-Died, D-Survived 111. Debate between proteins 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑢𝑠 DNA as
b) A-Survived, B-Died, C-Survived, D-Died genetic material was finally resolved by
c) A-Died, B-Survived, C-Survived, D-Died a) Griffith experiment
d) A-Died, B-Survived, C-Died, D-Died b) Mendel’s crossing experiment
104. Biochemical nature of the Griffith’s experiment c) Avery, MacLeod and McCarty experiment
was firstly determined by d) Hershey and Chase experiment
I. Oswald Avery 112. RNA can work as a catalytic agent. The RNA
II. Colin MacLeod which performes as catalytic agent is called
III. Maclyn McCarty a) RNA enzymes
IV. Griffith’s b) Ribozyme
V. Alfred Hershey c) Both (a) and (b)
VI. Martha Chase d) RNA can’t work as catalytic agent
Choose the correct option for the given 113. The sequence of chromosome-I was completed
statements in
a) I, II and III b) IV, V and IV Complete the following statement with
c) II, III and IV d) I, V and IV reference to the NCERT text
105. In Griffith’s experiment, mice infected with the a) May 2004 b) May 2003
…A… die from pneumonia infection but mice c) May 2005 d) May 2006
infected with …B… don’t develop pneumonia 114. How genetic and physical maps were
Choose the correct option for A and B generated in HGP?
a) A-S strain; B-S strain a) By using DNase
b) A-S strain; B-R strain b) By using RNase
c) A-R strain; B-S strain c) By using restriction endonuclease
d) A-R strain; B-R strain d) By using automated DNA sequence
106. Who gave an unequivocal proof that DNA is the 115. Repetitive sequences in DNA are thought to
genetic material? have
a) Griffith a) Direct coding function
b) Avery, MacLeod and McCarty b) Indirect coding function
c) Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Mendel and Watson d) None of these
107. Bacteriophage is the virus that infects 116. Human genome project was coordinated by
a) Bacteria b) Virus c) Human d) Fungi a) Europian Department of Energy
108. Hershey and Chase concluded that viral b) US Department of Energy
infecting agent in their experiment was c) National Institute of Health
a) Protein b) DNA d) Both (a) and (c)
c) RNA d) Both (b) and (c) 117. ELSI stands for (in reference to HGP)
109. Which of the following molecule is most a) Ethical Legal and Social Issue
susceptible for UV radiation? b) Embedded Low Software Index
a) RNA b) DNA c) Endonuclease Ligase Surface Immunity
c) Both (a) and (b) d) Protein d) Ear Lung Spleen Immunity
110. DNA is dependent on …A… for synthesis of 118. Human genome contains approximately
proteins. DNA and RNA both can function as a) 3 × 107 bp b) 3 × 109 bp
genetic material. But …B… being more stable, c) 3 × 10 bp
11 d) 3 × 105 bp
preferred for the storage of genetic 119. Major countries who contributed or
information. For the transmission of genetic participated in human genome project were
information, …C... is better I. Japan II. France
Choose the correct option for A, B, and C III. Germany IV. China
a) A-DNA, B-RNA, C-RNA Choose the correct combination
b) A-RNA, B-DNA, C-RNA a) I and II b) II and III
c) A-RNA, B-RNA, C-DNA c) III and IV d) I, II, III and IV

120. ESTs stands for a) Stable
a) Expressed Sequence Tags b) Self perpetuating
b) Exit Sequence Tags c) Final biotic community
c) Exon Sequence Tags d) All of these
d) None of the above 129. What is the amount of carbon fixed in
121. Human genome project was possible due to the biosphere through photosynthesis annually?
establishment of a) 4 × 1013 kg b) 5 × 1013 kg
a) Mechanical engineering c) 4 × 10 kg
d) 5 × 1016 kg
b) Electrical engineering 130. Which of the following factor is contributing to
c) Genetic engineering an overload of the carbon cycle?
d) Informational technology a) Photosynthesis b) Cellular respiration
122. Total percentage of genes, which codes for c) Deforestation d) Aforestation
proteins is 131. The sequential, gradual and predictable
a) 2% b) 3% c) 4% d) 5% changes in the species compositions in an area
123. Name the heavy isotope used by Meselson and are called
Stahl for proving the semiconservative mode of a) Seral community b) Climax community
DNA c) Ecological succession d) Pioneer species
a) 15 NH4 Cl b) 14 NH3 Cl2 132. Which of the following pair is a sedimentary
c) NH2 Cl3
13 d) All of these type of biogeochemical cycle?
124. On which strand of DNA, replication is a) Carbon and nitrogen
discontinuous? b) Phosphorus and sulphur
a) 5′ − 3′ polarity strand c) Phosphorus and nitrogen
b) 3′ − 5′ polarity strand d) Phosphorus and oxygen
c) On both strand of DNA 133. Which one of the following is correct for
d) Discontinuous replication doesn’t takes xerarch succession?
place in replication a) Successional series from xeric to mesic
125. For long DNA molecules, the two strands of condition
DNA cannot be separated in its entire length b) Successional series from hydric to mesic
due to the requirement of condition
a) Enzymes c) Both (a) and (b)
b) High energy d) None of the above
c) RNA 134. What is true about the phosphorus cycle?
d) Phosphate and nucleotide I. Rocks are the natural reservoirs of
126. Identify 𝐴, 𝐵 and 𝐶 strands phosphorus
II. Weathering of sedimentary rocks makes
phosphate available to the soil
III. Herbivores and carnivores obtain
phosphorus from plant directly or indirectly
Choose the correct option
a) I and II b) I and III
a) A-Continuous strand, B-Discontinuous c) II and III d) I, II and III
strand, C-Templates strand 135. In ecological succession the communities in
b) A-Leading strand, B-Lagging strand, C- near equilibrium with the environment, are
Parental strand called
c) A-5’-3’ strand, B-3’-5’ strand, C-Parental a) Climax communities
strand b) Ecofriendly communities
d) All of the above c) Seral communities
127. DNA polymerization rate of DNA polymerase is d) Pioneer communities
a) 1000 bp/s b) 2000 bp/s 136. Primary succession on rocks starts with
c) 3000 bp/s d) 5000 bp/s a) Lichen b) Grass c) Mosses d) Ferns
128. Climax community is
137. Which of the following is known as the Shrubs → Tress → Forest
sedimentary cycle because its reservoir is a Lichen → Small bryophytes → Herbs →
sedimentary rock? Shrubs → Tress → Forest
a) Carbon cycle b) Hydrologic cycle Lichen → Herb → Shrubs → small
c) Nitrogen cycle d) Phosphorus cycle bryophytes → Tress → Forest
138. An individual transitional communities in Herb → Shrubs → Lichen → Small
ecological succession are termed as bryophytes → Tress → Forest
a) Climax community b) Pioneer community 148. Out of the following biogeochemical cycles
c) Seral communities d) Single community which one is gaseous?
139. The nature of climax community in ecological I. sulphur II. Phosphorus
succession in most dependent upon III. nitrogen IV. Carbon
a) Climate b) Water Choose the correct option
c) Soil fertility d) None of the above a) Only I b) Only II c) Only IV d) III and
140. Series of changes in structure and comparition IV
of communities on previously barren area is 149. Phosphorus is needed for the production of
a) Sere b) Climax community a) DNA and RNA b) Cellular membranes
c) Primary succession d) Secondary c) Bones and teeth d) All of these
succession 150. Plants which are attached to the rocks are
141. Which element is formed by the weathering of called
rocks and absorbed by plant from the soil? a) Lithophytes b) Aerophytes
a) Phosphorus b) Carbon c) Halophytes d) Psammophytes
c) Nitrogen d) Oxygen 151. Which of the following are the essential
142. What human activities are responsible sources for releasing CO2 in the atmosphere?
increase to the amount of CO2 in the I. Burning of wood
atmosphere? II. Volcanic activity
a) Deforestation III. Combustion of organic matter
b) Massive burning of fossil fuels IV. Fossil fuels
c) Vehicle for energy Choose the correct option
d) All of the above a) I, II and III b) II, III and IV
143. How much carbon is dissolved in the oceans? c) I, III and IV d) I, II, III and IV
a) 61% b) 71% c) 81% d) 51% 152. In primary succession in water, the pioneer
144. Phosphorus is required for making species are
I. shell a) Free floating angiosperm
II. bones b) Small phytoplanktons
III. teeth c) Rooted hydrophytes
Choose the correct option d) Lichens
a) I and II b) I and III 153. The transition zone between two communities
c) II and III d) I, II and III is known as
145. The total amount of nutrients like carbon, a) Ecotone b) Keystone species
phosphorus, calcium, etc., present in soil at any c) Edge effect d) Critical link species
time is called 154. Which of the following is wrongly matched?
a) Standing crop b) Standing state a) Temperate zone - 20 − 40° latitude
c) Nutrient crops d) Sediment b) Hypolimnion - Thermal stratification
146. The movement of nutrient elements through in lakes
various components (abiotic and biotic) of an c) Ozone layer - Stratosphere
ecosystem is called d) Profundal zone - Dark zone
a) Carbon cycle b) Geochemical cycle 155. Plant successions occurring in a sandy area is
c) Biogeochemical cycle d) Chemical cycle a) Psammosere b) Hydrosere
147. Which of the following is the logical sequence c) Xerosere d) Lithosere
of primary succession in rocks? 156. A bear that eats a fish that further ate bugs that
a) Small bryophytes → Lichen → Herb → ate algae is a
a) Primary producer b) Primary consumer a) Decomposers b) Root feeders
c) Secondary consumer d) Tertiary consumer c) Consumers d) Grazers
157. All the animals that depend on plants for food
are called

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