PGDCA Diploma
PGDCA Diploma
PGDCA Diploma
Programme Project Report (PPR)
School Coordinator:
After successful completion of PGDCA programme, the learner can join as school
coordinator for training school students.
Digital Marketing:
After PGDCA can also make a career in digital marketing. This field is emerging day
by day.
Self Engagement:
After PGDCA, learner can also become an entrepreneur.
On the completion of the postgraduate diploma(PGDCA) students become eligible to join
PG courses such as M.Sc, MCA in lateral entry scheme.
iii) Nature of Prospective target group of learners: The PGDCA courses aim for the
development of knowledge modules having the right content to take care of the aspirations of
academic community and to address to the personalized and industrial needs of the learners
under low level of disposable income, rural dwellers, women, unskilled men, minorities,
disabled, etc. It will be open to all persons residing in any part of India and abroad
irrespective of race, creed or class subject to the fulfilment of minimum qualifications
prescribed for admission. However, ICDEOL will conduct personal contact programmes
(PCP)/ examinations, etc. in respect of Post graduate diploma in Computer application
(PGDCA) course within territorial jurisdiction of Himachal Pradesh as per UGC guidelines.
The ICDEOL aims to provide opportunities to those aspirants who are either working or want
to enhance their education level and technical skill while they are not able to attend regular
colleges or university.
v) Instructional Design
Curriculum design and detailed syllabus:
The course structure and syllabi to be taught in PGDCA along with the paper setting and
evaluation method are decided by the Board of studies of PG classes which is finally
approved by the Faculty of Computer sciences.
Course Outline: PGDCA. Course (1 year)- two semester and scheme of examination.
First Year (1st Semester)
DCS-201 Data and File Structure 75 25 3
DCS-202 System Analysis and Design 75 25 3
DCS-203 Object Oriented Programming & C ++ 75 25 3
DCS-204 Data base Management system 75 25 3
DCS-205 Practical-III (DFS Using C ++ 75 25 3
DCS-206 Practical-IV (Data base Management 75 25 3
DCS-207 Project Work 200 - -
Total = 800
1 Each theory paper shall be of 3 hours duration and shall carry 100 marks (75 marks
for written semester examination and 25 for internal assessment).
2 In all 8 question will be set three from PART -A and four from PART - B of the
syllabus. Question no. 8 will be compulsory covering the entire syllabus of at least 5 parts.
3 Examinees will attempt five questions in all. Two each from PART-A and PART-B.
Question no. 8 will be compulsory.
2. In all 8 question will be set three from PART -A and four from PART - B of the
syllabus. Question no. 8 will be compulsory covering the entire syllabus of at least 5 parts.
3. Examinees will attempt five questions in all. Two each from PART-A and PART-B.
Question no. 8 will be compulsory.
Basics: Organization & Architecture, Structure & Function, A brief history,
mechanical & electromechanical ancestors, First, Second, Third & later generations, Van-
Neumann Machine, Block diagrams of computer system.
Register transfers & micro-operations: Register Transfer Language, Register transfer,
Bus & memory transfers, Arithmetic loops, Logic loops, Shift loops, Arithmetic, logic, shift
Basic computer organization & design: Instruction codes, Computer registers,
Computer Instructions, Timing & Control, Instruction cycle, memory reference instruction, I-
O interrupt, Design of basic computer, Design of accumulator logic.
Micro-programmed Control: Control Memory, Address sequencing, Design of control
Central Processing Unit: General Register Organization, Stack organization,
Instruction formats (zero, one, two, three), Address Instructions, Addressing Modes (direct,
indirect, Immediate, relative, indexed), Data transfer & manipulation, Program control, RISC.
Computer Arithmetic: Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication algorithms, Division
Algorithms, Floating point arithmetic operations,
IO Organization: Peripheral devices, I/O interfaces, asynchronous data transfer,
Modes of Data transfer, Priority Interrupts, DMA, I-O processors, Serial Communication.
Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Associative Memory,
Cache Memory, Virtual Memory, Memory management hardware.
Multiprocessors: Characteristics, Interconnection structures: Time shared, Common
bus, Multi-port, Crossbar switch, Multistage, Inter-processor arbitration, Inter-processor
communication & synchronization, cache coherence, multiprocessing, vector computation,
Fault tolerant systems.
RISC: Instruction execution characteristics, Use of large register files, Computer
based Register optimization, Reduced instruction set architecture, RISC pipeline.
Text Books:
1. Morris M. Mano: Computer System & Architecture: PHI.
2. Stallings & Williams: Computer Organization & Architecture: Maxwell Macmillan.
Reference Books:
1. V.Rajaraman & Radhakrishnan: Introduction to Digital Computer Design: PHI
2. P.Pal Chowdhary: Computer Organization & Design: PHI
1. Each theory paper shall be of 3 hours duration and shall carry 100 marks (75 marks
for written semester examination and 25 for internal assessment).
2. In all 8 question will be set three from PART -A and four from PART - B of the
syllabus. Question no. 8 will be compulsory covering the entire syllabus of at least 5 parts.
3. Examinees will attempt five questions in all. Two each from PART-A and PART-B.
Question no. 8 will be compulsory.
Linked List: Definition, type (linear, circular, doubly linked, inverted), representing
linked lists in memory, advantages of using linked list over arrays, various operations on
Linked list (traversal, insertion, deletion).
Stacks: Definition & concepts of stack structure, Implementation of stacks, Operation
on stacks (push & pop), Application of stacks (converting arithmetic expression from infix
notation to polish and their subsequent evaluation), quick sort technique to sort an array,
Queue: Definition & concept of queues, implementation of queue, operation on
queues (insert & delete), Type of queues (circular queue, priority queue).
Trees Structures: Tree, Binary Trees, Tree Traversal Algorithms (Pre-Order, In-Order, Post-
Order), Threaded Trees, Trees in various Sorting & Searching Algorithms & their
Complexity (Heap Sort, Binary Search Trees).
Sorting & Searching: Selection sort, Bubble sort, Merge sort, Radix sort, Quick sort,
Sequential search, Linear search and their complexity.
Text Books:
1. Jean Paul Tremblay & Paul G. Sorenson: An Introduction to Data Structures with
Applications: Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstein: Data Structures
using C: PHI
Refrence Books:
1. Robert L. Kruse: Data Structures & Program Design: PHI
2. Aho, Hopcroft & Ullman: Data Structures and Algorithms: Addison Wesley.
3. T.A. Standish: Introduction to Data Structures.
4. Nell Dale & Susan C. Lilly: Pascal Plus Data Structures, Algorithms and Advanced
Programming: Galgotia.
1. Each theory paper shall be of 3 hours duration and shall carry 100 marks (75 marks
for written semester examination and 25 for internal assessment).
2. In all 8 question will be set three from PART -A and four from PART - B of the
syllabus. Question no. 8 will be compulsory covering the entire syllabus of at least 5 parts.
3. Examinees will attempt five questions in all. Two each from PART-A and PART-B.
Question no. 8 will be compulsory.
Systems control and Quality Assurance: Design objectives, reliability and
maintenance, software design and documentation tools, top down, bottomup and variants.
Units and integration testing, testing practices and plans. System controls, Audit trails.
System Administration and Training, conversion and Operating Plans.
Hardware and software selection, Hardware acquisition, memory, processes,
peripherals, bench-marking, vendor selection, software selection, operating systems,
languages processes, performance and acceptance criteria.
Reference Books:
1. James, A.S. : Analysis and Design of Information Systems, McGraw Hill, 1986.
2. Ludeberg, M., Gulkoh1, G. & Hilsson, A.: Information Systems Development: A
Systematic Approach, Prentice Hall Intern. 1981.
3. Lesson, M.: Systems Analysis and Design, Science research Associates, 1985.
4. Semprive, P.C. : System Analysis: Definition, Process and Design, 1982.
1. Each theory paper shall be of 3 hours duration and shall carry 100 marks (75 marks
for written semester examination and 25 for internal assessment).
2. In all 8 question will be set three from PART -A and four from PART - B of the
syllabus. Question no. 8 will be compulsory covering the entire syllabus of at least 5 parts.
3. Examinees will attempt five questions in all. Two each from PART-A and PART-B.
Question no. 8 will be compulsory.
Inheritance: Derived class and base class, specifying the derived class, accessing base
class, members, derived class constructors, overriding member functions, class hierarchies,
public and private Inheritance, levels of inheritance, multiple inheritance.
Text Book:
Robert Lafore, “Object oriented programming in Turbo C++.” Galgotia Publications.
1. Each theory paper shall be of 3 hours duration and shall carry 100 marks (75 marks
for written semester examination and 25 for internal assessment).
2. In all 8 question will be set three from PART -A and four from PART - B of the
syllabus. Question no. 8 will be an objective/short answer type question.
3. Examinees will attempt five questions in all. Two each from PART-A and PART-B.
Question no. 8 will be compulsory.
1. Each theory paper shall be of 3 hours duration and shall carry 100 marks (75 marks f
or written semester examination and 25 for internal assessment).
2. In all 8 question will be set three from PART -A and four from PART - B of the
syllabus. Question no. 8 will be an objective/short answer type question.
3. Examinees will attempt five questions in all. Two each from PART-A and PART-B.
Question no. 8 will be compulsory.
Duration of Programme:
Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA) is one year post graduate course
spread over two semesters.
Faculty and Support Requirement: Two regular faculties (one Professor and 1 Assistant
Professors) have been appointed by the H.P. University to run these courses. They are Dr.
Aman Kumar Sharma, Professor and Dr. Balvir Singh Thakur, Assistant Professor
Besides, the University has 5 experienced faculties in the Department of Computer Science
(PG centre). The students who will be admitted in these courses will also get help from them.
PCPs will be conducted by these experienced faculty members to maintain the quality of the
education. Special Lectures will also be conducted by these experience faculties of Himachal
Pradesh University.
Intake: No Limit
Minimum Eligibility: The candidate applying for PGDCA course must have completed
graduation in any discipline with 40% marks.
Fee Structure:
Course Fee for Students Fee for Fee for student
passing from H.P Students coming from other
Board & to be already university / Board &
registered with H.P registered with not regd. With H.P
University H.P University University
PGDCA Rs.10000 / Rs. 9800/ Rs. 10100/
Financial Assistance: Further, as per order of the Hon'ble High Court CWPIL No.30g 2011,
the student with special needs with more than 40% disability admitted to any course of study
running in the H. P. University, Shimla -5 will not be charged any fee.
Policy of programme delivery
Web tools
Laboratory support: The ICDEOL has a Computer Lab with state-of-the-art infrastructure
located in a spacious air conditioned hall, housing a local server, 52 personal computers
connected by high speed Internet and wireless networks, LAN and printers, white board with
multi-media projection facilities.
Library Resources: ICDEOL has its own well-equipped library with adequate no. of good
reference books, journals and periodicals on various subjects including Political Science. The
ICDEOL library has a total collection of about 26,000 books including volumes of
periodicals. The books can be issued to the ICDOL students for 21 day. The center's library
will be further strengthened by including more titles on distance education as well as the
latest reference books and journals. The ICDEOL has an exclusive library which caters to the
needs of the students of distance education. Library books are maintained in racks and
shelves with glass doors.
i. Maintenance and 6254/- (For all Nil 6879/- (For all
Repairs of Laboratory Courses) Courses)
Computers & Smart