Technical Data Sheet Keramik Platinum

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HID Bi a semua a MA Eervs,, 1saRe fe Wl iz TEST REPORT & SF: REPORT NO. : 25201901220R Hh BH: wasbhe CBE) NAME OF SAMPLE: POLISHED TILE(SOLUBLE SALT) RM ft: APPLICANT: ® A OH: DATE OF TEST: 01/03/2021 - 16/03/2021 (dd/mm/; TR RW RAKE MICS AND SANITARY WARE. Bil HA 3H 0 RE ca HAAR RH \SIVE TECHNOLOGY CENTRE INSPECTION AND QUARANTIN "REE RECTION & QUARANTINE BUREAU FSIQTC-TALyA ‘SL HA SSR HRs a He os ot py INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE COMPREHENSIVE ‘TECHNOLOGY CENTRE OF FOSHAN ENTRY-EXIT INSPECTION & QUARANTINE BUREAU RARE TEST REPORT IRAE: 25201901220R HI BH Report No: Page 2 of 7 ERA é BIRT a saneettooe | sustorttteaun | SeciaiSty | Menten Smee Femi THT Nature of the surface Work size (Sw) 600mm%600mm*Smm aa rs % cea Description of Samples | TM samples are sound, inact Aelia aii tis Marcof samples HP W6Q600 Gute os ae, RAL Applicant SMe ‘Telephone of applicant bara SMEAR ee euvatien Source of Samples _| Samples selected by applicant Received on HOKE 10 13006:2018 Ceramic tiles - Definitions, classification, characteristics and markin, ‘Test Standard Annex G Dry-pressed ceramic tiles with low water absorption £ <0,5% Group B ta PHS QUA OBER 150 13006-2018 REF AR G MIE. The results conform to the requirement of Annex G of standard ISO 13006:2018 with os tite, Conclusion of Test Tespect to the test items, ot: RAG TR Fi CARR) SIH tae Address 20%, Rulding 18, Lavo Tovernaionsl Meal Exchange Center, HMMA | Kuiciyi Road, Chancheng. Distr, Address of Test Foshan, Guangdong, China (528000) Unit SER (Todds $6-787-83960553 S657-8982791 $686 (Pan: ners ssmDT HEA (E-mail igtea FE Carl) aap tne glace 1, RARE, “RI TIDE : All inpretons ae carted out conteniawly tothe beta vr nips ea ery ‘This report on nan ay resp absolve tac ther eld parts rm hs comaculandleea shige aH 2, REALE HTT, ASRLAKRE, ‘Ths repr shallot be cpr exep in fl thot he ror writen approval rane ng boar. a 3. ARO P ERASE, The ests inthis report apply wo he samples ony, 4 ASCH ON"STUN9OL220" AE RA ee hi This report supersedes report No, 25201901320, Me a o p 5 aly Approved by . FSIOTC-T20YA a Lae He Stamp of Test Unit 1B Ls HD SSE WH Be J ee oR ay INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE COMPREHENSIVE TECHNOLOGY: CENTRE OF FOSHAN ENTRY-EXIT INSPECTION & QUARANTINE BUREAU RRA TEST REPORT HAR: 25201901220R HTK RIK Report No: Page 3 of 7 aR Photo of Samples FSIQIC-T 21a ies we REE: Report No: 25201901220R ‘LL HY A SERS Be INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE COMPREHEN! FOSHAN ENTRY-EXIT I RHURG TEST REPORT 180 13006:2018 Ceramic tiles ~Deftntions, classification, characterises and marking HT WBA BR Hy 'SIVE TECHNOLOGY CENTRE OF INSPECTION & QUARANTINE BUREAU. Ro B4H Page 4 of 7 aK Clause #GI ‘Annex Table a ee REE “Test Method ER Requirements Results RR RE Verdicts Propes RRR Dimensions and surface quality ccorrd Length and With EHO PALE AERO Sei ne ‘Tae deviation, of the average size for each tile (4 sides) from the work size 18010595.2:2018 40.3% 0.12% 0.10% |p NeIsem -0.7m-0.6mm |p cca Thiekness Sa REO TOLER AC ‘The deviation ofthe average thickness of cach tile fom the work sie thickness 1s010545-2:2018 NeISem 49% P 0.5mm | +0.3mm-+0. 4mm | SLA Straightness of sides ANF LtR RHA tee The maximum — deviation from straightness related to the corresponding work sizes 18010545.2:2018 103% -0.01%+001% |p NeIsem 208mm 00.1 P Aa ‘Rectangularity HET LAER HK te as The maximum deviation Rectangularity related to corresponding work sizes fom the 18010545.2:2018 403% | 10.0440. 05% | Pp Neisem 1.5mm 40.2mm~+0, 3mm |p RMP. WAR (RE ‘Surface flatness: The maximum deviation from flamess a EAT RCTS ARE 2 | See ) centre curvature, related to diagonal caleusted from the work size: 18010545.22018 404% | +0.02%-+0. 03% |p NeiSem +18mm_ | +0.2mm—0, 3mm | P Dbyat Fal AR MeO te b) edge curvature, related to the corresponding work sizes; | Is010545-22018 NetSem -0.03%-+003% |p -0.2mm-+0.2mm MF UT ART MOTTE Bue ©) warpage, related to diagonal calculated from the work size 1s010845.2:2018 404% -0.05%-0.04% |p Nelsen 218mm -04mm~03mm | Pp Reg Surface quality Is010545-2:2018 BPH sre HR EO SER A minimum of 9596 of the tiles shall be free from defects inspected 100% P FSIQTC-T AYA, a if x u ‘BR LL A SERS RE ap INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE COMPREHI FOSHAN ENTRY-EXIT INSPECTION & QUARANTINE BI Rams: Report No: 25201901220R HRA TEST REPORT 180 13006-2018 Ceramic tiles ~ Definitions, classification, characteristics and marking UREAU BET WEBER ABER HH ty IENSIVE TECHNOLOGY CENTRE OF RSs Hh Page 5 of 7 | restitution (COR) ah ee ] ME ER OER We Clase Propet Test Mee Ranma! Resa verdes Wag | water Beat | Pala prepares d Annex | Kae E,50.5% 0.06% P 3 Bear ISO 10545-3:2018 : Table | Water absorption RUMI 0.6% oot P a Percent mass fraction Individual maximum 0.6% "a BRAIN 9 eae de 180 10548-42014 21300 1319 , RBL(N/mm’) FMS 35 Modulus of rupture, in Nimm? Minimum 35 5 y Fae Ease soon mma | 130 10848-42014 s Not applicable to tiles with breaking BM ie 32 466~523 P Buel Invi smn 32 SSPEARS Bostes ne mse e a eee a 1996/Cor.1:1997 ‘Test method available mt Abrasion resistance AUGER: MEHL’) tiles: Removed nillimevers Resistance to deep abrasion of unglazed cubie 18010545-6:2010 131-139 PRELIM EMG is1000 Coefficient of linear ‘expansion: rom ambient temperature 10 100°C thermal AS Hea MO IGHSS2008| retin celtic 62x 10% ‘ame ‘Thermal shock resistance sam taste BONES cesta eg fruneeutae, Fully resist Heeaewlsx & SEB’) Moisture expansion, in mm/m Rei Hes RO NORRIS stesso ate bot Small colour differences, A Fcyc id 150 10545-12: Se wet one ‘ Frost resistance 19951Coe1:1997 Required ee foe: Aen ISO 10545-16:2010 <075 NA FsI9Te-T 1A, aad \a\ = ‘LL HA SER OB a eee Rhy INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE COMPREHENSIVE TECHNOLOGY CENTRE OF FOSHAN ENTRY-EXIT INSPECTION & QUARANTINE BUREAU HRS TEST REPORT HERS: 25201901220R RID BOR Report No: Page 6 of 7 $0 13000:2018 Cerami es ~ Definitions, clasication, characernics and marking Sek tne eu T ER aeeR | Ae Clause Properties | testmtethod | Requirements Results | Verdicts Wino | Matte 41 | Chemical properties Amex | ESSE G | Resistance to staining Table wien le | aykeai aaah 5 RPMI St G1 | a) Green staining agent in igh oi BOOMS HSS |" nateead seen Chases Ti yee er Sey = ae ARR St b) Red staining agent in light oil 50 104 M2015 | tee ded aie Class $ ©) Be BH Raa R so ©) Ione. 13g/L solution in alcohol BO 1045142005 | ace atid Class 5 anti = HR 5% 4) Olive it [BOARSIS142018 | rt etic Class 5 HACE ate Resistance to chemicals HRC ALO ATER Resistance to household chemicals and swimming pool salts 9) RRC ERAL: SILER. 100g. heel > 8) Household chemicals: Ammonium | ISO 10545-13:2016 eee A P « chloride, 0ng/ a b) BOKER: RCRA 20mg ame a 5) Swimming pool saks: Sodium | 80 10545-13-2016 ea A P a Iypochlorite solution, 20mg/L Te eA A Resistance to low concentrations of acids and alkalis ; i= Bieta 8) Meike Ao) era Snivirenonin sie) [SOME IBANG| Mir La ‘erent TT come. 150 10545.132016] Mamisoneer vo nae ta ) Chie aid stution, 1008 ae “4 nt PB ©) UREA, 30571. a ISO 10ss5-13.2 anufaturer to state ) Potassium hydcoxide,30g/L Rotereriiat6) | Mietioomeie rr ieee ATR Resistance to high concentrations of aids and alkalis a) 18% ARIE LEW) 3 manna | 2) Hydrochloric aid solution, 189% (wyy_| 80 10545-13:2016) 7. ethod available Be b) SALARY) a ABE ) Lactic acid, 5 % (vi) BO NOAFIAIUIE taal valle wa ©) SCRULERIEIE. 1008. 180 10845-132016| __ IREMESREIOR a a €) Potassium hydroxide, 100g Test method availabe Fsion 2aya 19 1 HS aA Be fap RM Kk eR ot ty INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE COMPREHENSIVE TECHNOLOGY CENTRE OF FOSHAN ENTRY-EXIT INSPECTION & QUARANTINE BUREAU HARE TEST REPORT AEBS: 25201901220R RIK BIR Report No: Page 7 of 7 180 13006:2018 Ceramic tes - Defnitions, classification, characteristics and marking ne ROE BR BEAR THe Properties ‘Test Method Requirements Results | Verdicts ai Clause HR O | G1 | Lead and Cadmium release Annex | =) A (mgd?) : f GT RE | 4) Lead release, in mg/d? BP PREIIRS | turenatei ya mg/d is Sea AE 1) Codmium release, in mg/d? ‘Test method available TASH Possible testcase verdicts 1. Pass): {Test item does meet the requirement 2. Fail): 4°94 Test item does not meet the requirement 3. i AMER Venticr was not caried out NA: HEF Test case does not apply to the test item, 180 10545-15:1995, HASSER End of Test Report FsIQTe-T 20 yA

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