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Indonesian EFL Journal (IEFLJ) p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635

Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2021 https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/IEFLJ/index


Erna Iftanti
English Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
IAIN Tulungagung, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

Binti Maunah
Islamic Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
IAIN Tulungagung, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

APA Citation: Iftanti, E. & Maunah, B. (2021). Belief, perception, and challenges of non english department
students to learn English in globalization era. Indonesian EFL Journal. 7(1), 1-12.

Received: 29-09-2020 Accepted: 27-11-2020 Published:31-01-2021

Abstract: This study was carried out in response to the demand that in this 4.0 era, Indonesian students should
be proficient in English. Hence, in Indonesia, English has been taught and learnt since elementary school level
up to tertiary level of education. This long period of learning should lead the students to be proficient in English
which is proved by passing the minimum score of 450 TOEFL test. Yet, many of them did not meet the
minimum score. Thus, this study investigates their perception and belief in learning English and the challenge
of being able to be proficient in English. The study was done qualitatively through interviewing 80 students of
non-English Department who were taking TOEFL course. It reveals that English is perceived like a two-side
coin which in one hand, it is misperceived as a difficult subject because of its complicated rules to be
memorized. In the other hand, it is thought to be joyful and meaningful that they believe as a means of bringing
educational, social, and economical success. Therefore, they are challenged to be proficient in English. This
study is then pedagogically implemented through building positive belief and perception that learning English
is fun and helpful.
Keywords: Belief, perception; challenge; and globalization era

INTRODUCTION triggered the global force instead of not having

Globalization is indicated by the continuous particularizing and localizing one anymore.
process to intensify social, economic, and cultural. English language for example has such global
It exchanges across the globe has increasingly power in almost all aspects of life. This affects the
coordinate and integrate those fields. The global global people to be proficient in English in order to
economic has also forced people to stimulate their be globally competitive (Shobikah, 2017). Japan
migrations in a great number from and to every Ministry of Education for example initiates
corner of this universe which subsequently result English as medium of instruction to foster global
in either cultural or language exchange and human resources (Rose & McKinley, 2018). It is
integration. This makes the old boundaries and the then taken as part of education with which people
aspired cultural coherence and homogeneity of the transfer a range of English skills, culture, and
nation-state be increasingly untenable. This further values as well.
leads to the rise of the breadth of social networking Education can be broadly conceived as formally
in any fields such as education. The importance or informally structured, socially organized, and
of English has then increased on social media directed teaching and learning as well. The English
(Kamran & Mansoor, 2017) which affect to the instructional activities in schools which tend to be
building an online community (Habibi, Mukinin, highly formalized because of the strict time,
Riyanto, Prasohjo, Sulistiyo, Sofwan, & Saudagar subject, and level or grade border does not always
2018). bring about high achievement in learning English.
The globalization era which has meant dramatic Schooling in formal education today needs more
social, economic, educational, cultural changes cultural sophistication, collaboration skills, better
and distinctions from what it used to be, has communication, higher-order cognitive skills for

Erna Iftanti & Binti Maunah
Belief, Perception, and Challenges of Non English Department Students to Learn English In Globalization Era

critical thinking, and the meta-cognitive abilities to confidence in language learning. In addition, a
reflect on their own learning. Therefore, they study carried out by Wei et.al. (2018) implied
become lifelong learners. Accordingly, it is that how students perceive about the
essential to know how much the learners perceive application of autonomous activities helped to
and believe in English as one of the foreign improve learners’ languages skills and
languages taught to equip them with skills of using
successful learners tended to be more
English. Considering the global changes in this
globalization era, learning English is also autonomous which brings about success in
challenging. Thus, it is also essential to investigate EFL performace. It is also revealed that
challenges that they might think about English. students with high degree of EFL Epistemic beliefs
Perception, as according to Cambridge Online also have high level of English language
Dictionary, is as belief or opinion, which is proficiency in listening, speaking, and writing
often held by many people and based on how (Emalia, 2017), and reading
things seem. Meanwhile, belief is the feeling of (Florida & Mbato, 2020).
being certain that something exists or is true. There are a number of studies concerning with
Kumaravadivelu (2012) discussed two types of belief, perception, and challenges in language
beliefs and suggested core and peripheral beliefs. learning. A study concerning with English
These shape the teachers’ professional instruction with ESP approach in Indonesia
development and how they work which are indicated unsuccessful story which was proved that
significant to the comprehending of their many students have achieved only minimal
teaching methods and their decisions in the English proficiency (Poedjiastutie & Oliver, 2017).
classroom (Gilakjani & Sabouri, 2017). He They further revealed that because they have
pragmatic reasons for learning English such as to
further described core belief as more effective in
get greater life opportunity, then to fulfill the their
shaping teachers’ instructional approaches.
need, the teachers should develop their teaching
Peripheral belief, in the other hand, is not as
effective as core belief because it paves way to the
Similarly, Abubakar, et.al. (2017) in their study
conflict between what teachers’ claim they do and
in a more specific context- English speech training
what they actually do in the classroom. In the
through Muhadloroh program in an Islamic
domain of EFL learners, their sophisticated
boarding school which was followed by students of
epistemic beliefs determine their learning
grade 2 and grade 6- also showed that they were
strategies (Rahmiati & Emaliana, 2020) which
challanged with grammatical factors, anxiety and
appear to get impact on their learning performance
the program itself. Abrar, et.al. (2018), in their
(Broadbent, 2017; Loh & Teo,2017). And belief
research found the limited skills of EFL students of
itself is proved to be strongly associated with
a public university in Indonesia.
motivation (Amrullah, 2018).
In the context of classroom, several studies This is parralel to a study by Alharthi (2020)
prove that there are some contributory factors that revealing that one of the problems challenged
the students bring with them in the learning process by the ESP Saudi Arabia students is related to
and success, i.e. the perceptions (Manurung the limitation of the input. However, the result of
et.al.,2020; Metruk, 2020 ) , beliefs (Al-Malki & reviewing related previous studies indicates that
Zahid Javid, 2018); Dislen Daggöl, 2019), attitudes the attention on the learning needs of the EFL
(Katawazai & Saidalvi, 2020; Miqawati, 2020), learners of non-English Department in an Islamic
and metacognitive knowledge (Hamiddin & university covering perception, beliefs, and
Saukah, 2020; Teng, 2020). Foreign language challenges is hardly given. Meanwhile, the global
students for example might have strong beliefs changes affect EFL students of any level of
about the nature of the language they learn, the education either public or religion-based-
difficulties, the acquisition process, the success of educational institution as exist in Indonesia.
implementing certain learning strategies, teaching Thus, by investigating learners’ perception,
strategies and their own expectations about beliefs, and challenges of non English Department
achievement. in religion-based university, the EFL instructional
A study by Aslan & Thompson (2018) proves practices can be better achieved and it further gives
that beliefs contributes much to the EFL students meaningful data on what to be better planned in
performance. Positive beliefs about language preparing the EFL learners to face the global
learning is meaningful to reduce anxiety and boost changes and as well as to be competitive. As
demonstrated by Tang & Tian (2015) in their study
Indonesian EFL Journal (IEFLJ) p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635
Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2021 https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/IEFLJ/index

that to identify students' perceived beliefs and semi structured interview consisting of two main
strategy used is useful to build effective and parts- structured questions and open ended
productive classroom instruction. question. The struture questions asked about their
perception and belief and open ended questions
METHOD investigated the challenges they were facing during
This exploratory study was done to the third learning English. This interview was done in
semester students of 21 non English Departments written, so that they could freely answer the
of State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung, questions of interview. The data obtained from this
Indonesia. They were about 19- 20 years old who stage were classified and coded. The same data
could be categorized as digital native. They were recorded from the participants were reduced.
from Social Science Department (hereafter TIPS), Subsequently, they were qualitatively described.
Biology Department (TBIO), Chemistry The result of data analysis is used as the basis to
Department (TKIM), Physics Department (TFIS), draw conclusion on the perception, belief, and
Indonesian Language Department (TBIN), challenge of learning English among the students
Teacher Education of Elementary School of non English Department.
Department (PGMI), Islamic Education
Department (PAI), Math Department (TMT), RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Syariah Banking Department (PS), Family Law There are some important findings about the
Department (AS), Alqur’an Tafsir Science students’ perception, belief, and challenges in
Department (IAT), Syariah Monetary Accounting learning English.
Department (AKS), Arabic Language Department
(PBA), Syariah Economic Department (ES), The perception of non-English department students
Syariah Business Management Department (MBI), towards English
Islamic Psychology Department (PI), Islamic There are various perception concerning with
Philosophy (AFI), State Administration Law learning English as organized in Table 1.
Department (HTN), Islamic Broadcasting
Commission Department(KPI), Syariah
Accounting Department (AS), and Islamic Early
Child Education Department (PIAUD). Those
students were taking TOEFL course, because they
did not pass the minimum passing grade of
TOEFL, 450.
There were 80 students participated in filling
out the questinnaire of this study. The
questionnaire showed that they claimed themselves
to have learnt English since Elementary school and
some others have even started learning English at
their pre elementary age, but they said not to be
successful. This is due to the fact that when they
took TOEFL test, most of them did not reach the
minimum passing score (450).
Therefore, they need to take English TOEFL
course in order to help them to reach the score.
However, during the instruction, some students
could actively take part in the instructional process
and some others passively get involved. They were
not quite eager to learn English either. Thus, it is
significant to comprehensively investigate what
really happen in the students’ mind concerning
with English- what is their perception and belief
about English and what is their challenge towards
English in this 4.0 era.
The data concerning with their perception,
belief and challenge on learning English in this 4.0
era were collected through interviewing them. The

Erna Iftanti & Binti Maunah
Belief, Perception, and Challenges of Non English Department Students to Learn English In Globalization Era

Table 1. Perception on English and the possible reasons

N Perception Possible underlying reasons
1 English as Memorization as a misconception learning style
difficult subject Uninteresting teaching technique
The purposes of learning English
Languages as the gate to learn anything
Reluctant to read
Lack of willingness and spirit
Lack of using it for daily communication
Difference between pronunciation and spelling is a big problem for
Indonesian learners
Their belief that English is difficult is the source of their difficulty in learning
2 English is easy if mastering its grammar and vocab
and joyful depending on the purpose of learning English. To learn English for speaking
is easier that that for academic purposes
to have sufficient number of vocabulary
Containing various knowledge
Feeling proud as if staying in overseas and being beautiful
3 Learning English International language
. is a need Covering all fields of life
A means of instruction

English as difficult subject strategy in the EFL classroom (Al-Mahrooqi et.al.,

The students of non English Department perceive 2016). Thus, both teachers and students play
English as difficult subject with various levels of significant role to build positive perception in
difficulty. The first, they think English as a really learning English.
difficult subject for some reasons such as This present study also shows that English is
memorizing vocabularies and constructing English not only thought difficult but also boring because
sentences. This can be seen from this quoted of the teachers’ less interesting teaching technique.
interview:” English is difficult for me, because This can be inferred from the student’ quoted
there are many things to be memorized and I need interview “ I think to learn English is difficult and
to note the sentence construction”(TMT3). “..too a bit boring…it will be interesting if the English
many patterns to be memorized and confusing instruction is carried out as interesting as possible.
(AKS2). The statements imply that their perception (PS6). Motivational teaching strategies and
on memorizing patterns while learning English has helpful, interactive, engaging, and enjoyable
driven them to think that learning English is learning environment are proved to be influential
difficult. This finding is in line with Alsowat to stimulate the learners’ interest and enthusiasm
(2016) who prove the highest provoking causes of (Abdullah et.al. 2019). Implementing meaningful
students' anxiety were worrying about learning such as using digital game (Shahriarpour,
consequences of failing, forgetting things they 2014) during EFL instruction do increase learners’
knew and feeling uneasiness during language tests. motivation.
Besides, their perception on learning English gets The other reason noted from the students’
worse when they think of constructing English perception that English as a difficult subject is
sentences. This perception might lead to some because to start learning English takes serious and
limitations in their EFL personal performance in hard effort. In this condition, This is explicitly
mainly writing skill. Yet, such a limitation, as stated in the student’ quoted interview: “The first
revealed by Yuliani & Fadhly (2020), can be step to understand new thing is a language and I
overcome by appropriate students’ choices on don’t understand this English language, so that I
using a certain strategy. Another study reported need to seriously try hard...” (IAT2). It is accepted
that teacher’s personal performance is believed to that language be the central to social life, while
be motivational language development and speech is the
cornerstone to get success in life.

Indonesian EFL Journal (IEFLJ) p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635
Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2021 https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/IEFLJ/index

The other thing which might affect the students’ teachers. This finding is explicitly mentioned in
perception of the difficulty level of learning one of the student’ quoted interviews:” To learn
English is the learning purpose. Different purpose English in my opinion depends on who teaches it”
of learning English brings about the different (TFIS3). This proves that teachers play essential
perception of difficulty toward learning English. role in determining the classroom environment and
Some respondents claim that to learn English for students satisfaction during the instruction.
speaking is considered easier than that for However, Ruzek et.al. (2016) have revealed that
academic purpose. This can be explicitly pictured teacher emotional support on students’
out from the student’s quoted interview. “English engagement and motivation indicates significant
is actually easy, but it depends on the purposes of mediating effects of autonomy and peer
learning English. To learn English for speaking is relatedness experiences, but not competence
easier than that for academic purpose. (PS2). As beliefs. Still, there is positive correlation amongst
digital native they are mostly engaged with online students’ academic adjustment, patterns of teacher
media application such as Orai application which behavior and practices related to classroom quality
is helpful to alleviate fear of speaking (Halimah (Zee & Koomen, 2016).
et.al., 2018). Moreover, they perceived learning The other possible reason which makes students
English is difficult because they are reluctant perceive English as difficult subject is the
readers. This can be sum up from the student’s difference between spelling and its pronunciation.
quoted interview stating that “My perception on This can be inferred from the student’s quoted
English is that I have been reluctant to read, to interview stating that “the difference between
translate…and that is the main reason why I get pronunciation and spelling makes me often
difficulty in learning English.” The statement misunderstand to learn English.” (TBIO4).
implies that if a learner of English is keen on Moreover, to learn English is also perceived to
reading English text, he/she can tackle problems be difficult because it is seldom used. This implies
encountered during his learning English. that they are not actively involved in the
The willingness and spirit also contribute to instructional activities. The students claimed
determine the student’s perception of learning themselves to find some difficulties because when
English. This is implied from the quotation of a they learn it, they do not practice it. As a result,
student from Islamic Psychology below. they always start from the basic whenever they
“In my opinion, learning English is exciting. learn English and it has easily gone after finishing
For me, if I have willingness and spirit to do the course. ”I do not understand English because
anything, it will run easily and interestingly of lacking use in my daily communication. (TMT2).
because the power comes from the deepest of A study found that to promote learners' active
mind. English will also be difficult to be
participation, they should be given chances to
learned if I do not have any willingness to learn
it, but I am eager to learn it, so it will be easily practice using authentic English language in
learnt.”(PI2) context and the teachers should integrate various
activities in a lesson to meet their needs and goals
The other students (IPS4 and PS3) also (Gudu, 2015).
perceived English as not a difficult subject as long In addition, the students’ belief that English is
as the learner has willingness and patience. difficult comes from their own belief that English
Learning English is sometimes difficult, but at is difficult. This can be clearly implied from the
some other time it is easy. This depends on the student’s statement that “Before knowing English,
willingness, patience, and how much grammar and I imagine English as difficult subject, but after I
vocabulary that they can master. This is parrallel to understand the patterns of English, I myself find
Fadilah (2018) who found that EFL students’ English is easy.”(HTN1)
perception, motivation, and communicative self-
confidence affect directly and indirectly to the English as an easy and interesting subject
students‟ willingness to communicate in English. The result of data analysis also reveals some
“Learning English is easy, it depends on the important points. It is found that after they
willingness and patience” (IPS4) gradually learned and enjoyed learning English,
English teacher is also considered as the they noticed English as interesting subject which
influential basis to determine whether English is can trigger the pride of its users. Using English
thought to be difficult or easy subject. This present through reading texts in English brings the readers
study also pointed out that the students’ success in about “being beautiful” since it seems like
learning English is much more depending on the internationally recognized. As a result, English is

Erna Iftanti & Binti Maunah
Belief, Perception, and Challenges of Non English Department Students to Learn English In Globalization Era

thought to be interesting. This is implied from the is a need, examination, and problem.” (PAI3). It
student’s quoted statement: “English is joyful, can be inferred that the need and
interesting, and funny. When I read English texts I examination/problem are perceived equally.
feel like in overseas, and it attracts me to be Because to be less proficient in English language is
beautiful.” (AS1). Student from the other study also proved to create trouble to understand
program also considered that although English is knowledge of subjects learned (Khatoon et.al,
difficult for him, it is interesting to be learned. 2018).. This is also in line with a study carried out
“For me English is difficult, but it is interesting to by Zheng et.al. (2016) who found that learner'
be learned” (TMT 1). His statement shows that he unsophisticated conceptions of language learning
finds the joy in learning English. The obstacles correlate with achieving examination success.
found during their learning English do not inhibit Moreover, the problems faced by the non
them to learn English, so that they keep being English Department students as portrayed in this
attracted. This can be proved from one of the present study can be reduced by implementing
students’ claim that “English is interesting …and appropriate learning styles. “Learning English for
attracting.”(TKIM1). me is necessity because English is international
To struggle against the lack of vocabulary language. Even though it is difficult, by using good
number does not mean that the learners perceive learning style, learning English will be
English as difficult subject, because to keep easy.”(PGMI1). It is also found that English is
studying English will make them getting a lot of sometimes used as a means of instruction, so that
knowledge. This finding is implied from the the learners are demanded to be able to use English
student’s quoted interview “I think English is or at least recognizing terms used in their field of
interesting subject although I find many difficult study. As stated in the statement below.
words, and I can find a lot of knowledge from “Actually it is important to master English,
learning English.” (PS4). because it is used in my Study Program. My
lecturers sometimes use English to deliver
Learning English is a need materials, even though they sometimes only
use some terms in English. However, for me it
As being discussed previously, English is
is significant because although it is only some
considered to be difficult. However, they perceived terms, it affects my understanding on my
that learning English is a need since it is lecturers’ explanation.” (TFIS2)
international language used by almost all people in
all over the world. “In my opinion, English is a In addition, it is also essential to learn English
language that should be learnt by everybody because it is used as a means of transferring
because it international language, so, if we go innovation and technology. Thus, in order not to be
abroad, English is really needed” (TMT5). People left behind with the advancement, being able to use
agree that life has become global at present, trade English and to communicate in English is a need.
relations and political interdependence among As reflected in one of the students’ quoted
nations have grown, and foreign travel for interview:” It is a must for everybody to master
business, study and pleasure have all intensified because it is helpful keep up to date with the
contacts across linguistic and cultural borders. technological advancement which is mostly in
Hence, it is necessary to have a language which can English” (IAT2). The various functions of English
be used world-wide as means of international that the students perceived have challenged them
communication. to be independent and autonomous in learning
English language is the first and at the same English so that they can keep up to date with the
time successful choice for this function (Knapp, global information. Using learning style
2015). It is found that they perceived English as appropriate for their own characteristic and needs
means of economic relation as stated in the is one of the ways to be autonomous which will
student’s quoted interview that “English covers all further trigger them to be proficient in English.
fields of life such as economics, people Yunus & Arshad, (2015) in their study also suggest
cooperation, knowledge, and so on.”(MBS1). This that learners should be able to identify and employ
point supports a study conducted by Hayes (2016) the appropriate strategies with their learning styles
proving that English is considered as a tool for and preferences because learner training has the
personal economic advancement. capability to foster and develop learner autonomy.
Besides as a need, learning English is also To sum up, it is revealed that the students of non
perceived as examination and problem as stated in English Department perceived English in a-three-
the student’s quoted interview “Learning English tier notes. In 4.0 era, they perceive English as a

Indonesian EFL Journal (IEFLJ) p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635
Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2021 https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/IEFLJ/index

necessity to be learned and mastered. However, meaningful to expand social networking- meeting
English, in one hand, is noticed to be difficult for people and going around the world, as reflected in
some reasons, namely 1). misconception on this quoted statement ”If I can use English, I
learning style that learning English needs to be believe that I can go around the world and meet
memorized, 2). uninteresting teaching technique; people from various countries.”(TMT1). Li et.al
3). different purposes of learning English, 4). (2020) found that English language proficiency of
reluctant readers, 5) lack of willingness and spirit Chinese employees is positively related to their
to learn and use English regularly, 6). different willingness to accept international assignments
linguistic system and 7). misbelieve that English is through openness to corporate globalization.
difficult. In the other hand, they perceive English A means of expanding carrier. In addition to
as interesting and joyful subject because of the the previously mentioned beliefs, it is also noted
appropriate purpose of learning, sufficient number that they believe English as a means of expanding
of vocabulary and grammar mastery, and as a carrier. As revealed by Sukarni (2020) that
means of creating one’s pride of using English. Vocational School students of Accounting
Department need to learn ESP for seeking a job
The beliefs of non English department students after their graduation. The success in building,
towards English developing, and expanding carrier is believed to be
The result of data analysis reveals some important influenced by how much a person can use English
notes: either orally or in written. English takes part in
The beliefs brings about the reality. This determining the creation of this globalization era.
finding means that the students’ belief in English For example, traffic light in public building is
will affect much on what will really happen to written in English languages, specification of
them. If the people believe something is difficult, merchandise is written in English, language used
then they will find what they believe. This is in computer instruction is English, and English is
implied in a study which demonstrates that everywhere. Japan as an advanced country in
teachers' beliefs are indeed reflected in their technology has expanded the use of English
classroom practices (Alghanmi & Shukri, 2016). language Japanese places of employment to remain
This can be inferred that what students believe can successful globalization. Nixon (2015) stated that
be portrayed in their learning practices as explicitly several Japanese multinational corporations have
stated in the student’s cited interview:t” One adopted English as their official language and
hatred thing must be difficult to be Japanese companies also use English in the
accepted…therefore, I strongly believe that workplace to remain global and succeed in foreign
English is not difficult, so that I will get an ease to markets. In can be inferred that those who can use
learn and use it.” (IPS2). Thus, to set positive English is believed to be lucky to build and expand
belief affects the real context of learning. their career. This is what most of the students
A means to study abroad and go around the believe, as reflected in one of their statements
world. The students believe that English is a means below:
to continue their study abroad. They also believe
that in order to be able to go around the world, they ”If I am able use English either orally or in written,
have to master English. This can be clearly seen I believe that my world carrier seems to be easier
from the student’s statement: “If I can because it is now demanded to use English in almost
communicate in English, I can continue my study all field of life.”(TMT2.
in overseas and go vacation in around the
“I also believe that if I use English well, I will
world”(TIPS3). It is implied that they believe internationally expand my business to the global
English to be influential towards their academic people.”(MBS5).
success which is indicated by taking further study
abroad. Studies prove that proficiency in English Some positive believes have been noted from
is significantly connected to standardized students of various Study programs either those
achievement scores, as well as grade point from Education Study Program, Religious Study
averages ( Martirosyan,et.al, 2015) and impacts Program, Economics or Math and Science Study
academic performance (Geide-Stevenson, 2018). Programs. They believe that “by using English, I
Students who communicate better in the classroom can expand my chance to build cooperation with
also reached higher level of achievement in college both domestic and foreign institutions and I will
learning (Aydin, 2017) and workplace (Shrestha have broader opportunity to continue my study
et.al. (2018). Moreover, to master English is also abroad through scholarship program.” (AS6).
Erna Iftanti & Binti Maunah
Belief, Perception, and Challenges of Non English Department Students to Learn English In Globalization Era

This belief indicates that one of the keys to expand indicates that so far he has a big constraint to read
their careers is by mastering English as revealed by and understand literature on Alqur’an science in
Nam at.al. that the ideal career can be successfully English. Thus, he dreams of and believes that
obtained through being proficient in English. mastering English language can be of his
As a means of sharing knowledge, go meaningful and helpful means of learning
international and getting luck in carrier. It is found Alqur’an science from the West point of view.
that English is not only believed as the influential Besides, this study demonstrates that English is
basis to reach success in carrier and going believed to be able to help people to find their
international, but it is useful as a means to share expected job, as clearly stated;” …easy to build
knowledge. To share experience, knowledge, and carrier and to get job”(AKS3). Moreover, it is also
stories in English will be more easily accepted and believed that to master English orally or in written
recognized in all over the universe. This is due to will be very advantageous to support their studies
the fact that English is commonly accepted as the which mostly use references in English. Not to be
global language, as reflected in the following able to understand English literature becomes a big
students’ statements: constraint to their academic success. This can be
explicitly found in the student’s quoted interview:
“I believe that if my English is good I can teach
Math in all over the world, go international, and “I believe that if can use English well, it will be
improve my carrier relatively easy.” (TMT4); easier for me to understand Biology courses
because the references are mostly written in
“…especially in my Department, Banking, I can English. Moreover, most of the assignment give
communicate with foreign customer” (PS2) by the lecturers is about reviewing international
journal which are written in English, so that I
It is implied that their belief in English as a find difficulties because I am not good at
means of chasing their dream to go abroad, share English.”(TBIO4)
knowledge, and to get good carrier is seriously
established. This present supports a study by To be good at English is also found as a means
Sener & Erol (2017) showing that the aim of that bringing them to get good job and better life,
learning English as a foreign language was because in this globalization era almost all things
are delivered in English. It can be acceptable that
mostly to find a good job. Thus, English teaching
without understanding English, one will get many
should bring students to establish healthy and
problems in facing the world. This can be found in
upward outlook on life, values, world outlook and
on of the students’ quoted interview: “I believe that
entrepreneurship and break them away from the
if I am successful in English, it will be easier for
traditional teaching mode and seize the
me to create new carrier and get better
psychological characteristics by always focusing
life.’(PGMI5). It is implied that the student put
on them so as to actively mobilize their learning
their hope and dream on English and mastering
enthusiasm, and integrate the concept of
English so that they can change their life.
innovation and entrepreneurship education into
Furthermore, by mastering English, it is believed
college English teaching well (Yu Ma, 2019).
to be able to transfer knowledge to people around
the world, as can be clearly noted from the
To support academic and social success
student’s quoted interview:” If I am good at
This study noticed that they believe English is able
English, I will transfer my knowledge to other
to support their academic and social success such
people in this world.”(PAI3). In short, it is believed
as to get good job and better life. This can be
that English contributes as means of achieving
explicitly seen from the students’ quoted
academic and social success.
statements below.
“I believe that if I am proficient in English, it
will be easier for me to find literature on Prestigious language, to increase pride and
Alqur’an studies in the West and it will be my confidence
English for the students of non English Department
plus point to my articles about Alqur’an science
and tafsir which hopefully can be published in is also believed to be a prestigious language that
journal”(IAT1) can bring them about increasing pride and
confidence. From interviewing them, it can be
It is implied that he put a big dream to be able clearly portrayed that they will feel more confident
to learn Alqur’an Studies from the West point of anytime they are able to deliver their thought in
view which he believes written in English. This
Indonesian EFL Journal (IEFLJ) p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635
Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2021 https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/IEFLJ/index

English. It is proved from one of the students’ English, because all technology is presented in
quoted statements: English.”(PGMI1). They are also aware that if they
do not understand English, they will get serious
”In my opinion, I believe that English is a problem such as getting difficult to get job. To have
prestigious language which is useful to get skill in English means to hold the key to open up
prestigious jobs for prestigious people....”.(ES1) the world. As being clearly stated below:
“If I am good at oral or written English, I must be ”for those who do not know English, they will get
very proud if sometimes later I am abroad I will not difficulties to get jobs. For example, nowadays
insecure to be among people.”(ES4) anything is in English, in 4.0 era the competition is
getting more...”(TBIO1)
It can be clearly concluded that the students put
their big hope to be good at English in order to “ All is written in English so that we have to be able
improve their psychological state and increase to use English.”(TBIO2b).
their social status.
In this digital era, most people use internet to
As a means of recognizing the world communicate and search anything. The digitalized
It is also found that one of the instruments to information as that in internet is also delivered in
recognize this world is English. They believe that English, so that to be proficient in English is an
to get success in learning English is helpful for important challenge for whoever wants to get
them to know and get closer a look at this world. informed. This challenge is also clearly claimed by
This is due to the fact that in this globalization era, the student in his quoted interview:” Nowadays, it
English takes very great contribution in all aspects has been 90% people use internet and the language
of life. Therefore, they believe that without English used in the Internet is English. Thus, to master
they will get much obstacle to get involved in the English is essential for me so that I can see any
world community. They claim that “If I get success information through Internet.” (HTN).
in learning English I believe that I can recognize Secondly, in this global market, people around
this world.”(TFIS3), “English is means to pass the world interact economically by means of
through this world,...” (KPI1). Students have international language, English, which is
positive belief towards English as a means of universally acceptable. Therefore, in order to get
recognizing this global community involved in the global market, people should
Indeed, the students of non English Department prepare themselves with the skill of English. The
believe that English play significant roles as means students in this case have also been aware that they
of catching dream into reality, supporting are challenged to be good at English. They should
academic, social, and economical success, take aside on the problems they face during their
transferring or spreading knowledge, and that of learning English such as language constraints i.e.
creating and improving one’s pride and prestige. low proficiency (Alharbi, 2015) and psychological
problems i.e lack of motivation, lack of either self
The challenge of students of non English or collaborative practices (Abrar et.al. 2018).
department towards English Instead, they must keep trying to learn English so
There are some findings dealing with challenges that they can use English well in order to be
for non English Department students beyond their competitive in this free market. Unless, they won’t
perception and beliefs about English. Firstly, the left behind with the advancement and fast pace
advancement of technology which is presented economical progress, they do not improve their
mostly in English has challenged them to be able language. As being reflected in the students’ point
to use English so that they can keep up to date with of view below:
the innovation in this world. This challenge is
committed by the students that besides the “In this global market, the use of English is
difficulties that they might face during learning needed.” (ES1b)
English, they should not be trapped to be hopeless
“Because English is taken as the formal language
in learning English. This challenge should have
of the world, so, this is my challenge, because by
motivated them to keep doing efforts so that they learning English and understanding technology
can use English well. This can be clearly stated in used English is essential for me.”(IPSb)
the student quoted statement: ”The advancement of
technology has challenged me to be able to use

Erna Iftanti & Binti Maunah
Belief, Perception, and Challenges of Non English Department Students to Learn English In Globalization Era

The innovation of any field is presented, social, academic, and economical success. As
informed, and passed through using English. demonstrated in this present study that their
Considering the significant role of English, perception and belief are affected by some factors
students are aware that they are challenged to be such as teachers, teaching strategies, and learners’
proficient in English and this is clearly stated in the view on the connectedness between English and
student’s quoted interview:” I must be able to globalization era.
make innovation which can pass through this Hence, it is beyond their perception and belief
world by using English.” (KPI). He demands that they are challenged to be proficient in English
himself to both make innovation and use English so that they can keep up to date with the global
well. innovation, compete in the global market, and
The third point is that living in this improve their quality of education. Therefore, as
globalization era, the students are challenged to be suggested by Yunus & Arshad (2015), EFL
competitive in the world of economics so that they learners of non English department should practice
get their expected position. To expand the the lifelong learning and to become more creative
interaction with the people around this universe is and innovative learners and human capital in this
also meaningful to chase their carrier and among challenging industrial age. EFL teachers at the
the ways, English as international language is used same time are supposed to improve their quality
as means of achieving it. “I am challenged to teaching innovation in order to guide their students
master English so that I can do several jobs and to be proficient in English so that they can be a
expand my interaction with people in this world”. competitive generation living in this competitive
(AS5). They claim that they will be left-behind if wide-world.
they can not use English. “If I can not use English,
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