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:Introduction -1 Mansuriya Gas Field is located in Diyala governorate at about 45km north-east Baquba city.

It is also located at about 100 km northeast Baghdad and north-west of Hamrin Lake. The general conditions of the field area are slightly hilly and partly covered with water. The field occurs in block 45 within the exploration zones of .intermediate oil availability

.Figure (1): Location of Mansuriya gas field :Structure of the Field -2 Mansuriya gas field is located in the south-eastern part of Al-Fawli geological structure which contains number of formations in a form of achain of hills comprising number of fields like Kor Mor, Khashm Al- Ahmar, Mansuriya, Jaria Pica . and gas dome in Naft-Khana .Elongated asymmetrical anticline-a .About 35 km long and (6-8) km wide-b With structural closure of about 70 km on top of Jeribe-c .(formation(Eocene

Jeribe formation is the main reservoir of the gas in Mansuriya-d fieldbut some gas is also contained within other formations . like Al-Theban and Al-Faris alasphal .The two flanks are steep and affected by reverse faults-e .The flanks dips are about 20 north-east and 13 south-east-f .Average reservoir depth is 2000 m-g


vel op

me nt

of Ma

nsu riy

aG as

Fiel d

Prepare d ByWisa m AlShalchi

Petrole um Expert
Amman 2008

-1 Introducti :on
Mansuriya Gas Field is located in Diyala

governorat e at about 45km north-east Baquba city. It is also located at

about 100 km northeastBaghda d and north-west of Hamrin

Lake. The general conditions of thefield area are slightly hilly and partly covered

with water. The fieldoccurs in block 45 within the exploration zones of intermediat

e oilavailabilit .y Figure (1): Location of Mansuriya .gas field

-2 Structure of the :Field

Mansuriya gas field is located in the south-

eastern part of Al-Fawli geological structure which contains number of

formations in a form of achain of hills comprising number of fields like

Kor Mor, Khashm Al- Ahmar, Mansuriya, Jaria Pica and gas dome in Naft-Khana


Elongated asymmetric .al anticline


About 35 km long and (6-8) .km wide

With structural

closure of about 70 km on top of Jeribe formation(E .(ocene


Jeribe formation is the main reservoir of the gas in Mansuriya fieldbut

some gas is also contained within other formations like Al-Theban and

Al-Faris alasphal .


The two flanks are steep and

affected by reverse .faults

The flanks dips are about 20

north-east and 13 .south-east

Average reservoir

depth is .2000 m

Figure (2): Geological map of the

Iraqi north .gas field

Seismic -3 Surveys and Drilling :Activities

Mansuriya gas field was covered by (2D) Seismic surveys during

theperiod (19751978). The survey was extended to detailed (2D) Seismicsurv

ey during the period (19811987). During the period (19791990)four

wells (three of them were appraisal wells) were drilled as :follows


1st Exploration well (Mansuriya1) was drilled in (1979), and provedthe

presence of Natural Gas in the tertiary carbonate reservoirs within Jeribe

and Al-Faris alasphal .formations

The wells (Mansuriya2 and

Mansuriya3) proved that natural gas ispresent within ,Jeribe Al-Furat

and Al-Serkanki .formations

Mansuriya4 well was drilled within

Jeribe formation but it producedon .ly water

The potential

gas capacity of the field was estimated to be 3.6 Tcf andthe recoverable

capacity is .3.18 Tcf

Mansuriya gas field can produce 300

MMscf/day of natural gas if 10wells are drilled (8 producing wells + 2

evaluation .(wells

Within this capacity of

gas production it is expected to produce also20005000 bbl/day of

condensate s according to the evaluation resultsobtai ned from Mansuriya2 and

Mansuriya.3 wells

Gas -4 Specificat :ions

According to the

analysis made to the samples taken from the threegas producing

wells the following results were :obtained TestMansuri ya-1mole %Mansuriya

-2mole %Mansuriya %-3mole C


content 86.78 83.9484 .4C

Content 7.01 8.256.3 C


Content 3.12

3.853.8 i-C

Content 0.63 0.47 0.87n-C


Content 1.49 0.951.1 C


content nil 0.5 0.54Sulphu r Content

0.4 1.712 0.879 Table (1): Gas composition s of Mansuriya field taken

from the threedrilled .wells The above results show high degree of inconsisten

cy especially withregardi ng the sulphur contents which means that

it is necessary to makenew analysis to determine precisely the

compositio n of the .field gas

Plans -5 of develop :ment

-a The primary conception s to develop

Mansuriya :Gas Filed

Since the evaluation of Mansuriya gas field was not

complete, and thereservoi r information were inconsisten t especially

those concerning thegas compositio n which suspected that crude oil might

exists within thefield, the first plan to develop the field put by the Iraqi

ReservoirDi rectorate considered the following four :options (1)

Producing light free :gas According to the results of analyzing

thesample taken from Mansuriya1 well it is clear that the production phase

within the reservoir up to the surface will be gaseous whichmean s that there will be no

needing to separators or condensate stransporti .ng (2)

Producing heavy free :gas The results obtained from analyzing thesamples

taken from the wells Mansuriya2 and Mansuriya3 showedthat condensate

s will be present within the production phase which

means that separators and condensate s transportin g will be

needed.Als oa sweetening unit will be needed to separate H


.S gas (3)

Producing condensate :s only This option is similar to the previousopt

ion except that the production capacity will be higher and theproduce d gas will

be reinjected in .the field (4)

Producing crude oil & :natural gas

If the presence of crude oilwithin Mansuriya field is proved then it will

be possible to producebot h crude oil and natural gas which means that two

treatment plantswill be needed one to treat the natural gas and the second to treat

thecrude oil.The study considered the following options to benefit

from the :products

MMscf/d 200 of natural gas can be consumed by Anbar

thermalpow er station and 150 MMscf/d by Salah-Adin power .station

Condensate s can be transported to the Petrochemi cals Project .((2

Crude oil will be transported to the proper destination according toits levels

of production. The study also recommen ded the :followings

The field evaluation must be completed to determine exactly thecomposi

tion of the natural gas and the level of .production

Drilling two more

evaluation wells to determine whether crude oilis present within the .field or not

Using (4") pipeline to guarantee a gas production not less than

20MMscf/d at the end of the reservoir .lifetime


Pre 2003 :plans

In March 1996 Iraq signed a Memorandu m of Understand

ing (MOU)with Turkey to develop the north free gas fields and export the

producedna tural gas to Turkey. This MOU was reconfirme d in other politicalme

etings held between the two parties in January and May 1997. Thecost of this project

was estimated at that time to be around 2.8 B$ whichcover the cost of

developing the gas fields and building 855 miles longpipelin e between north Iraq

and Anatolia region in Turkey of maximum3 50 Bscf/year capacity.

The project also includes installing twocompre ssion stations. The Iraqi

natural gas fields which were planned tobe developed to feed the

project were Anfal ,(Tcf 1.8) Chamcham al ,(Tcf 2.1) Jaria Pica

(Tcf 0.9) Khashm , Al-Ahmar (Tcf 1.4) and Mansuriya

Tcf).The 3.3) cost of developing the gas fields as well as building the pipelineinsi

de the Iraqi territories were estimated to be around 1.8 B$. The restof the

amount which is about one billion dollars was allocated to cover


the cost of building the pipeline inside the Turkish territories. Theproject planned to

develop firstly Anfal and Mansuriya gas fields,beca use the first was

already a producing field and the second hascomplet e (2d) seismic surveys. As

far as Mansuriya gas field wasconcern ed, the plane suggested the drilling

of 17 wells in adition to thealready four drilled wells to produce 340 MMscf/d of

a maximum drainof 3.34%. Many companies like Gaz de France

, BHP , Transcanad a Pipelines suggested investing in the Iraqi

part of the project, while someTurkis h companies like TPAO

, Tekfen , Botas supposed to invest in theTurkish part. The

Turkish Governmen t could not start the work in thisproject because of the

sanctions which were imposed on Iraq by theUnited Nations Organizatio n. In

February 2000 the Iraqi Ministry of Oilannounc ed that it has signed a

Production Sharing Agreement (PSA)with Agip and Gaz de France

companies to develop the above gasfields. But again due to the sanctions the

agreement has never takenplace at the ground. After the war in 2003 all these

agreement s wereeither canceled or reconsidere d by the new

governmen .t

-c Post 2003 :plans


In 2003 a team work of the Oil Exploration Company restudiedM ansuriya

gas field and suggested the following recommen :dations

Implementi ng 3d seismic survey of the field to have moreinform ation about

the reservoir and a complete picture of itsfluids .content

Making Mansuriya gas field the central treatment place for allthe neighboring

gas and crude oil .field

Transportin g the gas produced from

Mansuriya and theneighbo ring field through one of the following :options

Transportin g the raw gas by a new pipeline to Baji fortreatme

nt and then exporting it or for using it for localconsu mption


Transportin g the treated gas to a point of connection with thecountry

gas pipeline between K2 .- Baji

After making sure of the

level of production the produced crude

Oil can be disposed by

one of the following two .options


Pumping the crude oil by a

new pipeline to Kirkuk .


Pumping the crude oil to a

point of connection with the NaftKhana Daura pipeline which transports

the crude oil toDaura .refinery (2) A study prepared by

Mitsubish/In pex to develop Mansuriya gasfield was approved

by the ministry of oil. This study suggested building a treatment plant and

power station in the field site. Thedevelop ment plan supposed to be of the

following three stages


Preparatory work & subsurface study


Preparing full field developme nt plan


Integrated gas/oil utilization study for

power generation andothers.T he treatment plant suggested by this plan

should consist of thefollowin g units

: .

Inlet Separation

Condensate Stabilizatio n

Acid Gas (H2S0 Removal unit


Gas Dew Point Control


Sulfur Recovery Unit

. .

Tail Gas Cleanup

Thermal Oxidizer Figure (3): Treatment plant suggested by Mitsubishi/I


npex plan. (3 In October 2004 a Memorandu m of Understand ing (MOU)


wassigned between the Ministry of Oil and Bechtel Company to developMa

nsuriya gas filed and build 200 MW electricity generating station.The cost of the

project (around 300 M$) was supposed to be fundedby the USAID.

The company planned to develop the field by doing

new (3d) seismic survey, working

over three of the existing gas wellsand drilling two more wells, one

exploration well and one producingw ell to produce 50 MMscf/d of natural gas.

The company Preparedto start the work actually by building a camp in the

region andmobilizi ng some of its equipments to the site, but in March 2005

theAmerica n governmen t decided to cancel the main budget allocated

tothis project due to the progressive increasing in the security costs.The

decision has exempted an amount of 39 M$ to be spend only inthe upstream

works, i.e. conducting the (3d) seismic survey, workingove r three of the existing

wells and drilling two more wells. Theexecuti on of these works was transferred to the Iraqi

Oil companies, like North Oil Company (NOC), Oil Exploration Company

(OEC)and Iraq Drilling Company (IDC) instead of the foreign companies. This new

plan was aiming to prepare Mansuriya gas field to be readyto feed any electricity

generating station which might be built in thefuture. The Ministry of

Oil charged some of its companies (NOC,IDC and OEC) to do the works, but laterally

the whole project wascancele d after it was found that the allocated fund was

too little tocover the proposed works


d The new plans

: (1)

In July 2005 the Ministry of Oil signed an agreement with theDutch

Oil Company Shell to conduct a Gas Master Plan for Iraq. TheMinistry

of Oil formed a technical team to help Shell in preparing

theplan. Phase (1) of the plan was completed by mid 2006, and a seminarwas

done in August 2006 to present the results of the plan. The plangave a

detailed picture of the future of natural gas investment s in Iraq.The

plan has studied and estimated the country's needs to dry naturalgas

and to liquefied natural gas (LPG) for the first quarter of thepresent century.

The needs according to the plan will go mainly tooperate the present and future

electricity generating stations,ind ustrial factories and for home uses. The plan

accordingly , has put adetailed imaging of how the Iraqi natural gas (associated

& nonassociated) can be invested to cover the domestic needs and to

exportgas to other countries. This imaging focused specially on thedevelop

ment of the free gas fields. It also included the building of treatmen t plants and

pipelines for transportin g the natural gas (and itsproducts) inside and

outside the country

. (2)

According to the Gas Master Plan put by Shell

the Ministry of Oil is concentrati ng now on the developme nt of the Iraqi free

naturalgas field to cover the local needs and to export part of the

producedga s to Europe Shell Company has expressed its willingness


to theIraqi governmen t to invest in the developme nt of the Iraqi natural gas


fields, especially the north gas fields (which Mansuriya field is one of them)

and the western gas fields (Akkas). During the past few yearsthe company

opened serious talks with the Iraqi governmen t todevelop these gas fields, but

no decision was taken regarding thisissue. As far as the north gas fields are

concerned, the companyint ends to develop the fields firstly and then to set up a

pipeline thatwould connect theme to Europe via Turkey Shell


wants to run thepropose d new pipeline parallel to the existing oil pipeline

from Iraq'sgover norate Kirkuk to Ceyhan on Turkey's Mediterran ean

coast.Rece ntly the Ministry of Oil has put the developme nt of Mansuriyag

as field through the Technical Services Contracts (TSC) which willbe signed

between the Ministry of OIL and the internation al oilcompani es


Wisam AlShalchi Wisam AlShalchi Petroleum Expert, Email: wisamalsha

* \

lchi@yahoo .com

Reference s
10 -1

Developme nt plan of Mansuriya

Gas FieldReservoir Directorate / Ministry of Oil Iraq.2Overview of the Oil Downstrea

m Industry in Iraq / Nabiel N.Lammoza / Ministry of Oil Iraq.2The Real Image of

the Gas Industry in Iraq/Ministr y of Oil Iraq3Minutes of meeting held

between MoO & Bechtel Co.4Seminar of Iraq's Gas Master Plan -

Directorate of Studies & Planning& Follow-up / August 2006


Development of Mansuriya Gas Field ((Iraq

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:Reads 2,712 :Uploaded 11/22/2008 :Category School Work :Rated
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()Ratings 2 :Copyright Attribution Non-commercial This report looks at the history of Mansuriya Gas Field in North-East of Iraq, and the .proposed plans to develop it Technology Technology (fewer) Follow Wisam Al-Shalchi

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