Asset Administration Shell Reading Guide

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03. November 2022

Asset Administration Shell R E A D I N G G U I D E

Asset Administration Shell Reading Guide

Its contents are defined via domain-specific submodel

Aim of this document
Over the course of the last years the Plattform Industrie
The interaction with the AAS can follow different patterns
4.0 and related organizations have published numerous
which have different technical requirements, i.e. file
papers concerning the Asset Administration Shell. This
exchange, server-client and peer-to-peer interaction
document acts as a guide by recommending selected
(Figure 1).
„must-read” documents for different reader groups and
will be updated regularly.

Recommended documents
Goals of Industrie 4.0 For this reading guide the documents have been sorted
by interest groups rather than topics. In some cases, only
Industrie 4.0 (I4.0) refers to the intelligent networking of
specific pages or sections are recommended reading
machines and processes for industry with the help of
information and communication technology. Today’s
rigid and strictly defined value chains are replaced by  Where to start: If you have never heard of the AAS

flexible, highly dynamic and globally connected value  For the generally interested reader: If you want to

networks with new forms of cooperation. The Asset learn more about the subject

Administration Shell helps implementing digital twins for  For decision makers: If you are interested in the

I4.0 and creating interoperability across the solutions of business side of I4.0

different suppliers.  For software developers and architects: If you

want to know how to create software for the AAS
 For users of the AAS and domain experts: If you

Asset Administration Shell in a are interested in using the AAS for specific tasks
 Security and AI: If you want to deep dive into these
nutshel special topics.

The Asset Administration Shell (AAS) is the digital

representation of an asset. The AAS consists of a
number of submodels in which all the information and
functionalities of a given asset – including its features,
characteristics, properties, statuses, parameters,
measurement data and capabilities – can be described.
It allows for the use of different communication channels
and applications and serves as the link between objects
and the connected, digital and distributed world.

The structure of the AAS is defined via a technology

independent metamodel and several technology specific Figure 1: AAS interaction patterns
serialization mappings such as XML, JSON or OPC UA.
Asset Administration Shell R E A D I N G G U I D E

realization guidelines. [16] introduces an initiative to

Where to start
utilize the AAS to provide a Digital Product Passport
When completely new to the topic of I4.0 and the AAS including the Product Carbon Footprint.
we highly recommend visiting the website of the Platt-
form Industrie 4.0 [1]. Then start with the Two-Pager [2]
and the presentation slides [3]. The first few slides of the
Presentation [4] cover general AAS topics, later slides
For software developers and
introduce some advanced topics. All these should pro- architects
vide a brief and quick introduction into the topic in gene-
ral. For a deep dive [5] gives a comprehensive overview The most important documents are [12] and [13]. Part 1
of recent and current activities of the Plattform I4.0. of the Series “Asset Administration Shell in Detail” covers
the AAS meta model and its technology specific
serializations, whereas Part 2 focuses on the concept
and realization of the AAS API. For implementations the
For the generally interested
open source projects on
reader io and others (see below) are highly recommended.
Because the recent release of the specification has
The most extensive introduction into I4.0 can be found in
introduced some significant changes we recommend to
the book [6]. The introduction and the chapters on how
take a look at the tutorial [23]. As an overview [8]
to transport semantic information are insightful, but the
describes the different shapes of the AAS from a
more technical sections are partially outdated. [7] gives
technical perspective including security. The
a condensed overview of the concepts and serves in
international standard IEC 63278 "Asset Administration
many ways as a leading picture. It also outlines how
Shell for industrial applications" covering all aspects of
existing and future standards shall be brought into
the AAS is in work. The first part will cover the AAS
alignment to these concepts. [9] is recommended,
structure, further parts will follow.
because it covers all major aspects of I4.0 (including
finding use cases, creating semantic models, and
operation) by using a drive as an example. The
described concepts can easily be transferred to sensors
and actors in general. is an
initiative of the VDMA with a overview, use cases and

For decision makers

[8] answers why semantic interoperability will become
crucial for future manufacturing. [10] includes a detailed
list of technical criteria that need to be fulfilled for an I4.0
component. It also includes a technology roadmap and
lists several examples of commercially available
products that fulfill these criteria. [11] provides
companies with support in determining how their own
data organization can be revised and gives step by step
Asset Administration Shell R E A D I N G G U I D E

different use cases for potential impact and questions.

For users of the AAS and
[22] discusses the means of capability and skill to
domain experts provide standardized information about an assets
If you are interested in using or creating AAS we
recommend starting by looking into the software tool
AASX package explorer (see below) and the
screencasts at
Tools, examples and prototypes
New submodel templates are continuously being The website contains
released and are available on the website of the IDTA the latest version of the AASX package explorer, which can be used to create, edit and view AAS file
hub/submodels. Documents [11] and [15] might also be serializations (*.aasx). The site also includes the AASX-
of interest. [14] shows best practice patterns for the server as code, binaries or pre-built docker images
implementation of AAS. It provides practical guidance on making AASX packages accessible via REST, OPC UA
how to model the AAS (including AAS for assets and MQTT, a highly recommended FAQ with best
composed of multiple assets) and how to use it in practices (
applications. and-answers/) and further resources.

Security and AI The Eclipse Digital Twin Top-Level Project found at is a collaborative,
Although it does not deal specifically with the AAS, [15] open source initiative at the Eclipse Foundation fostering
highlights requirements for the secure use of OPC UA for the development of reference implementations for the
communication in I4.0 scenarios and presents AAS activities driven by the IDTA. Step by step further
implementation options. [17] describes requirements AAS software projects will be added. On http://www.i40-
and implementations of a secure communication in the one can access numerous AAS examples of
engineering process. [18] explains different secure data different vendors based on the use case of a digital
access architectures and looks at questions regarding at nameplate.
implementation and applicability. [19] focusses on the
application of AI in industrial production and analyses
Asset Administration Shell R E A D I N G G U I D E


[1] „What is Industrie 4.0?”: [12] „Details of the Asset Administration Shell, Part

[2] „The Asset Administration Shell: Implementing 1”, 05/2022:

digital twins for use in Industrie 4.0, A starter kit [13] „Details of the Asset Administration Shell, Part

for developers”, 12/2019: 2”, 11/2021:

[3] „The digital twin in Industrie 4.0 - A short [14] „AAS Reference Modelling”, 12/2021:

introduction to properties, submodels & Asset

Administration Shells (AAS)”, 05/2021: [15] „Secure Implementation of OPC UA for operators, integrators and manufacturers”,

[4] „Details of the Administration Shell - from idea to 04/2018:

implementation”, 07/2019: [16] "ZVEI-Show-Case PCF@Control Cabinet - Product Carbon Footprint Calculation of a

[5] „Fortschrittsbericht 2022. Industrie 4.0 Control Cabinet using the Asset Administration

gestalten. Resilient, nachhaltig, Shell", 05/2022:

wettbewerbsstark“. (English version pending), [17] „Secure Download Service”, 10/2020:


[6] The Reference Architecture Model RAMI 4.0 and [18] „Access control for Industrie 4.0 components for

the Industrie 4.0 component, ISBN: 978-3-8007- application by manufacturers, operators and

4990-4, 2018. integrators”, 12/2018:

[7] „Structure of the Administration Shell”, 04/2018: [19] „AI Application Guide“, 09/2020:

[8] „What is the Asset Administration Shell from a [20] „German Standardization Roadmap Industrie

technical perspective?” 04/2021: 4.0”, 03/2020: [21] „Digital business models for Industrie 4.0”,

[9] „Drive 4.0 - Vision becomes Reality”, 04/2018: 02/2019: [22] „Describing Capabilities of Industrie 4.0

[10] „Which criteria do Industrie 4.0 products need to Components”, 12/2020:

fulfil?”, 12/2020: [23] "Details of the Asset Administration Shell Taken

[11] „Interoperability by standardized properties”, Literally – Learn about the underlying UML

08/2019: (available upon request) Information Model V3.0RC02", 05/2022:
Asset Administration Shell R E A D I N G G U I D E


Dr. Sten Grüner (ABB AG)

Dr. Jörg Neidig (Siemens AG)
Andreas Orzelski (Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG)
Stefan Pollmeier (ESR Pollmeier GmbH)

Industrial Digital Twin Association e. V.
Lyoner Straße 18
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69 6603 1939
E-Mail: [email protected]

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