English 9 Q2W3-2
English 9 Q2W3-2
English 9 Q2W3-2
Anglo-American Literature
Crossing Bounderies
William Blake
Lyric Poetry
The Tyger
The Lamb
What's your
favorite thing
of being a child?
(November 28, 1757-August 12, 1827) was an
English engraver, artist, and
author. He has published several collections of
poetry. He is regarded as the earliest Romantic
Among his best known lyrics are "The Lamb," "The
Tyger", "London," and the "Jerusalem"
lyric from Milton, which has become a kind of
second national anthem of England.
-Lyric poetry is a type of poetry that expresses personal
emotions or thoughts of the speaker. The term lyric poetry
comes from the ancient Greek word lyre, an ancient
instrument that accompanied the reading of the lyric poem.
"The Tyger"
"The Lamb"
“The Lamb” and “The Tyger” are both
representative poems of William Blake.
They celebrate two contrary
states of human
soul – innocence and experience.
“The Lamb” celebrates the
divinity and innocence not
merely of the child but also of
the least harmless of creatures
on earth, the lamb.
- The child asks the lamb if it
knows who has created it,
given it its beautiful and sweet
He does not wait for the
answers, but answers the
questions himself. He refers to
the meekness and gentleness
of God, the lamb’s creator. His
descent to the earth as a child
and his own is the lamb’s
divinity. He concludes wishing
the lamb God’s blessing.
“The Tyger” shows how
experience destroys the state
of childlike innocence and puts
destructive forces in its place. It
beaks the free life of
imagination, and substitutes a
dark, cold, imprisoning four,
and the result is a deadly blow
to blithe human spirit.
The fear and denial of life
which come with experience
breed hypocrisy which is as
grave a sin as cruelty. When
innocence is destroyed by
experience, God creates the
tiger to restore mind to
Both ‘the lamb’ and ‘the tiger’ are created by God.
“The lamb” represents the milder and gentler aspects of
human nature, the tiger its harsher and fiercer aspect.
The lamb represents the calm and pleasant beauty of
creation, the tiger its fearful beauty.
In both the poems Blake makes use of symbols to
convey his ideas. In “The Lamb” he draws the symbol
from the Bible, and takes use of such a familiar figure
as the Lamb of God. In “The Tyger” the symbols, as in
other poems of Songs of Experience, are of his own
making (i.e. original). The tiger is Blake’s symbol for the
fierce forces in the soul which are needed to break the
bonds of experience. “The forests of the night” in which
the tiger lurks stands for ignorance, repression and
superstition, and ‘fire’ for wrath.
Thus the poet Blake brings out the two
aspects of society – some are holy and
innocent and others ferocious and violent.
So the child is confused to see the society
through his experience. But in these two
poems demand the spiritual mysticism of
God’s activity. God creates not only holy and
innocent, but when He needs He can create
the cruel and violent – this world the variety
co-exist in equal measure, thus the creator
keeps the balance in his creation and unity
in diversity.
Is everything
clear so far?
Feel free to make this an open discussion for
questions or clarifications before proceeding.
Read "The Tyger" and "The Lamb" on pages
142 & 143 of your text books and reflect on
these questions: