Fertilizer Calculation
Fertilizer Calculation
Fertilizer Calculation
for Hydroponics
I’m often asked by growers and
students alike to walk them
through the calculations for
setting up a hydroponic fertilizer
recipe. While the math itself is
pretty straightforward, there are
several key points to take into
account, including: percent
elemental composition of a
fertilizer, injector ratios, size of
stock tank, and compatibility of
fertilizer salts in stock tanks. This
alert will cover the basics of
fertilizer calculations when using
dry fertilizers
Step one how much fertilizer to
achieve a ppm target?
We’re going to begin using metric
units (milligrams, grams, liters)
but I’ll show how to convert to
U.S. standard units. Let’s say we
want to use commercial calcium
nitrate to supply 100 ppm nitrogen
(N). There are different forms of
calcium nitrate but let’s assume
the form we are using contains
19% calcium (Ca) and 15.5%
nitrogen (N) (these values come
from the product label). Let’s
calculate how many milligrams
(mg) of calcium nitrate we need
to achieve 100 ppm N in 1 liter (L)
of water.
e-GRO Edible Alert - 2018 Fertilizer Calculations
Let’s try one more practice example. How many 0.412 g magnesium sulfate per liter x 378.5 L =
mg of magnesium sulfate (9.7% Mg, 13% S) do you 155.9 grams
need to provide 40 ppm Mg? And how many ppm S
does this also supply? Finally to convert to ounces, note that 1 ounce =
28.35 grams. So we divide the number of grams
40 mg/L Mg / 0.097 = 412 mg of magnesium by 28.35 to calculate the number of ounces of
sulfate in 1 L of water fertilizer required.
How much S does this supply? 412 mg/L 155.9 grams magnesium sulfate / 28.35 g/oz. =
magnesium sulfate x 0.13 = 53.56 mg/L S (ppm S) 5.5 oz. of magnesium sulfate per 100 gallons of
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Since the percent P2O5 is 12%, then we multiply Injectors and Stock Tanks
12% by 0.4364 5.24% P Most commercial hydroponic facilities prepare
And, since the percent K2O is 26%, then we fertilizers in concentrated stock tanks and then
multiply 26% by 0.8301 21.58% K use fertilizer injectors to dilute fertilizer down to
the level needed by the plants. This allows the
Injectors and Stock Tanks liquid fertilizer stocks to be stored in relatively
Most commercial hydroponic facilities prepare low volume tanks. A common injector ratio is
fertilizers in concentrated stock tanks and then 1:100, meaning the fertilizer in the concentrated
use fertilizer injectors to dilute fertilizer down to stock tank is at a 100 times higher concentration
the level needed by the plants. This allows the than what the plant receives. The fertilizer
liquid fertilizer stocks to be stored in relatively injector then takes 1 part fertilizer stock and
low volume tanks. A common injector ratio is adds 99 parts tap water to prepare the dilute
1:100, meaning the fertilizer in the concentrated fertilizer that plants receive. Injector ratios in
stock tank is at a 100 times higher concentration the range of 1:50 to 1:200 are commonly used. A
than what the plant receives. The fertilizer ratio of 1:200 means that are stock solution
injector then takes 1 part fertilizer stock and needs to have twice as much fertilizer as when
adds 99 parts tap water to prepare the dilute using a 1:100 ratio, because in this case the
fertilizer that plants receive. Injector ratios in fertilizer injector takes 1 part fertilizer and adds
the range of 1:50 to 1:200 are commonly used. A 199 parts tap water.
ratio of 1:200 means that are stock solution
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e-GRO Edible Alert - 2018 Fertilizer Calculations
Tomato Tomato
Tomato Stage
Element Stage 2 Stage 3 Tank A Tank B
1 (ppm)
(ppm) (ppm) • Calcium nitrate • ½ of potassium nitrate
NO3-N 90 120 190 • ½ of potassium • Potassium sulfate
NH4-N 0 0 0 nitrate • Monopotassium phosphate
P 47 47 47 • Iron chelate • Magnesium sulfate
K 144 350 350 • (Nitric acid) • Monoammonium phosphate
Ca 144 160 200 • Ammonium nitrate
Mg 60 60 60 Tank C • All micronutrients except
S 116 116 116 • Acid, used to drive iron chelate
Cl 89 89 89 down pH (sulfuric, • (sulfuric acid)
Fe (EDTA) 2 2 2 nitric, phosphoric, • (phosphoric acid)
Mn 0.55 0.55 0.55 citric, etc.)
Zn 0.33 0.33 0.33
Cu 0.05 0.05 0.05
Table 2. Commonly used procedure for separating
B 0.34 0.34 0.34 fertilizer salts in 2-3 stock tanks to avoid
Mo 0.05 0.05 0.05 incompatibility.
Table 1. Nutrient targets for tomato at stage 1 (seedling to
2nd truss anthesis), stage 2 (2nd truss to 5th truss anthesis),
and stage 3 (after 5th truss anthesis). Recipe comes from the
University of Arizona Controlled Environment Agriculture
Center (CEAC)
This means when we are conducting fertilizer calculations we will need to multiply the mg of fertilizer
salt per 1 L of water value times the volume of the stock tank and times the injector ratio.
Because of the incompatibility issues, commercial growers typically use 2-3 fertilizer injectors (each
with their own stock tank) connected in series. By convention Tank A contains calcium nitrate (and any
fertilizers compatible with calcium nitrate) and Tank B contains the fertilizers not compatible with
calcium nitrate. A third stock tank (Tank C) is sometimes used and typically contains an acid which is
used to decrease pH. (Most often we have to worry about decreasing pH in the hydroponic root-zone
due to the alkalinity in tap water and the majority of N used in the in nitrate form which drives pH up
over time).
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e-GRO Edible Alert - 2018 Fertilizer Calculations
one nutrient when trying to reach the target Example, we are preparing stage 1 tomato
value for another nutrient. The order given below nutrient solution from UA CEAC, our water has 40
has been adapted from Nutrient Solutions for ppm Ca and 20 ppm Mg. Our stock tank is 100 L
Greenhouse Crops, 2016 which is an excellent 94- and injector ratio is 1:200. The example assumes
page manual available for download by pdf. The we are using commonly available forms of
manual contains nutrient solution recipes for fertilizer salts, but always check your own labels
many hydroponic crops. for their specific percent nutrient value.
Target after
manual-nutrient-solutions-for-greenhouse-crops- Stage 1
Element accounting for raw
available/ Here’s the process to work through. Target (ppm)
water (ppm)
And then I’ll provide a comprehensive example! NO3-N 90 90
NH4-N 0 0
Identify the target elemental values P 47 47
Subtract nutrients in raw water from the target K 144 144
(typically only Ca and Mg are in high enough Ca 144 104
concentration in the water to be of interest) Mg 60 40
For each nutrient source, follow this order S 116 116
1. Choose calcium chloride or potassium Cl 89 89
chloride to add Cl (if required by the target Fe (EDTA) 2 2
elemental values, commonly used for Mn 0.55 0.55
tomatoes and vine crops). Zn 0.33 0.33
2. Use calcium nitrate for Ca. Cu 0.05 0.05
3. Use ammonium nitrate or MAP B 0.34 0.34
(monoammonium phosphate) or DAP Mo 0.05 0.05
(diammonium phosphate) to complete the
NH4 demand. Let’s Begin!
4. Choose monopotassium phosphate to
complete the P demand. First add Cl, let’s choose potassium chloride
5. Use magnesium sulfate to complete the Mg (47.6% Cl and 52.2% K)
or S demand. • Target 89 ppm Cl. Use 89 mg/L / 0.476 = 187
6. Add magnesium nitrate if more Mg is mg/L KCl
needed, or replace magnesium sulfate with • This also provides 187 mg x 0.522 = 98 mg/L K
magnesium nitrate if less sulfate is required. • Account for 100 L stock tank, and 1:200
7. Choose potassium sulfate as a sulfate source injector ratio, and convert mg to g
in case the sulfate demand is not completed • 187 mg/L x 100 L x 200 (injector ratio) /
with magnesium sulfate. 1000 mg/g = 3,740 g KCl
8. Use potassium nitrate to complete the NO3
and K demand. Second calculate calcium nitrate (19% Ca and
9. Select the appropriate fertilizer ingredient 15.5% N)
to supply each micronutrient. • Target 104 ppm Ca. Use: 104 mg/L / 0.19 = 547
mg/L calcium nitrate
Within each fertilizer salt: • This also provides 547 mg x 0.155 = 85 mg/L N
1. Calculate the fertilizer amount required (to make it easy let’s ignore the small amount
2. Calculate fertilizer value of any other of NH4 from this fertilizer and just worry about
element added the total N it provides).
3. Adjust for injector ratio (stock solution
concentration) and stock tank volume
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• Account for 100 L stock tank, and 1:200 • Account for 100 L stock tank, and 1:200
injector ratio, and convert mg to g injector ratio, and convert mg to g
• 547 mg/L x 100 L x 200 (injector ratio) / • 339 mg/L x 100 L x 200 (injector ratio) /
1000 mg/g = 10,940 g (10.94 kg) calcium 1000 mg/g = 6,780 g (6.78 kg) potassium
nitrate sulfate
Third no need to use MAP or DAP to complete the Eighth, let’s add up how much K we have so far:
NH4 demand as no NH4 required. 61.5 ppm from step 4 and 152 ppm from step 7 =
213.5 ppm K – this is more than our 144 ppm
Fourth calculate monopotassium phosphate to target. So no added K is needed.
provide P (it is 22.7% P, 28.7% K)
• Target 47 ppm P. Use: 47 mg/L / 0.227 = 207 Then, let’s add up how much N we have so far: 85
mg/L monopotassium phosphate ppm from step 2, our target is 90 ppm, so we
• This also provides 207 mg x 0.297 = 61.5 mg/L need 5 ppm N (potassium nitrate is 38.6% K,
K 13.7% N)
• Account for 100 L stock tank, and 1:200 • N target is 5 ppm: 5 mg/L / 0.137 = 36.5 mg/L
injector ratio, and convert mg to g potassium nitrate
• 207 mg/L x 100 L x 200 (injector ratio) / • This also provides 36.5 mg x 0.386 = 14 mg/L K
1000 mg/g = 4,140 g (4.14 kg) • Account for 100 L stock tank, and 1:200
monopotassium phosphate injector ration, and convert mg to g
• 36.5 mg/L x 100 L x 200 (injector ration)
Fifth calculate magnesium sulfate to complete / 1000 mg/g = 730 g (0.73 kg) potassium
the Mg or S demand (it is 9.7% Mg, 13% S) nitrate
• We need less Mg than SO4, so target 40 ppm
Mg: 40 mg/L / 0.097 = 412 mg/L magnesium Now continue on with micronutrients (in the case
sulfate of micronutrients no need to account for
• This also provides 412 mg x 0.13 = 54 mg/L S secondary nutrients added because they would be
• Account for 100 L stock tank, and 1:200 in very small quantities).
injector ratio, and convert mg to g
• 412 mg/L x 100 L x 200 (injector ratio) / Iron (Fe) from FeEDTA (13% iron)
1000 mg/g = 8,240 g (8.24 kg) • Target 2 ppm, 2 mg/L / 0.13 = 15.38 mg/L
magnesium sulfate • Account for 100 L stock tank, and 1:200
injector ratio, and convert mg to g
Sixth we can ignore this as we have reached our • 15.38 mg/L x 100 L x 200 (injector ratio)
target Mg (the step was to add magnesium nitrate / 1000 mg/g = 307.6 g FeEDTA
if more Mg is needed, or replace magnesium
sulfate with magnesium nitrate if less sulfate is Manganese (Mn) from manganese sulfate (32.5%
required) Mn)
• Target 0.55 ppm, 0.55 mg/L / 0.325 = 1.69
Seventh calculate potassium sulfate to complete mg/L
the S demand (it is 44.8% K, 18.3 % S) • Account for 100 L stock tank, and 1:200
• S target is 116 ppm (minus the 54 ppm added injector ratio, and convert mg to g
above), target is 62 ppm S: 62 mg/L / 0.183 = • 1.69 mg/L x 100 L x 200 (injector ratio)
339 mg/L potassium sulfate / 1000 mg/g = 33.8 g manganese sulfate
• This also provides 339 mg x 0.448 = 152 mg/L K
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Zinc (Zn) from ZnEDTA (14.8% Zn) Molydenum (Mo) from sodium molybdate (39.6%
• Target 0.33 ppm, 0.33 mg/L / 0.148 = 2.23 Mo)
mg/L • Target 0.05 ppm, 0.05 mg/L / 0.396 = 0.126
• Account for 100 L stock tank, and 1:200 mg/L
injector ratio, and convert mg to g • Account for 100 L stock tank, and 1:200
• 2.23 mg/L x 100 L x 200 (injector ratio) injector ratio, and convert mg to g
/ 1000 mg/g = 44.6 g ZnEDTA • 0.126 mg/L x 100 L x 200 (injector ratio)
/ 1000 mg/g = 2.52 g sodium molybdate
Boron (B) from Boric Acid (17.5% B)
• Target 0.34 ppm, 0.34 mg/L / 0.175 = 1.94 Phew! If you made it to the end, congratulations
mg/L are in order! I hope this article has provided a
• Account for 100 L stock tank, and 1:200 helpful framework for fertilizer calculations.
injector ratio, and convert mg to g When in doubt regarding fertilizer
• 1.94 mg/L x 100 L x 200 (injector ratio) calculations/preparation be sure to check with
/ 1000 mg/g = 38.8 g Boric acid your local cooperative extension educator or
friendly fertilizer supplier.
Project Sponsors
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e-GRO Edible Alert - 2018
Thomas Ford
Commercial Horticulture Educator
Penn State Extension
[email protected]
Dan Gilrein
Entomology Specialist
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Suffolk County
[email protected]
Heidi Lindberg
Floriculture Extension Educator
Michigan State University
[email protected]
Lee Stivers
Extension Educator – Horticulture
Penn State Extension
Washington County
[email protected]
Copyright © 2018
Where trade names, proprietary products, or specific
equipment are listed, no discrimination is intended and
no endorsement, guarantee or warranty is implied by
the authors, universities or associations.
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