Frye Mueller Lawsuit Complaint
Frye Mueller Lawsuit Complaint
Frye Mueller Lawsuit Complaint
6. The Plaintiff represents the over 25,000 people of District 30 in South Dakota
and is their only voice in the South Dakota Senate.
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9. Frye-Mueller is a duly elected state Senator and has served several terms in the
South Dakota Legislature.
10. The South Dakota Senate eonduets the business ofthe Senate in the State Capitol
and conducts Committee hearings eonceming proposed Bills, debates and votes on Bills on the
floor ofthe South Dakota Senate, and is available to the publie while the Legislature is in
session and at other times via her state email aeeount.
11. Upon information and belief, no member of the South Dakota Legislature has
been suspended from their duties and partieipation in the Legislature without due proeess.
There has been no due proeess availed to the Plaintiff prior to the action of suspension on
January 26, 2023. In faet, the approved Rules ofthe Senate were suspended to accomplish
this act outside ofthe seope ofthose Rules. The Defendant has singled out the Plaintiffto
take these actions and no other member ofthe Senate or any other el'ass ofindividuals are
being freated in this manner.
12. The Senate meets for a specific number of days eaeh year to conduct its
official business. Preventing Senator Frye-Mueller from serving in her official capacity
deprives the citizens of South Dakota Distriet 30 from their representation in the South
Dakota Senate.
14. Plaintiff has received no speeific written information as to the basis for the
Defendant's aetion toward her but understands from informal eomments and news articles
that the suspension of her Senate duties and access stem from a eonversation she had with
a member ofthe Legislative Researeh Couneil staff on or about January 24,2023.
15. On Wednesday, January 25, 2023, on the Senate.floor with members ofthe
public present, it was announced that Frye-Mueller's duties and authority,to serve in the
Senate were being suspended.
16. Schoenheck told Frye-Mueller that the alleged eonduct took plaee at the State
Capitol whieh is in Hughes County, South Dakota.
17. On January 26, 2023, during the floor session ofthe South Dakota Senate, a
Motion was made to suspend the Rules and take aetion against Frye-Mueller. The
President ofthe Senate ruled the Motion 'Out of Order,' but Defendant appealed the
ruling, and a vote ofthe Senate overruled the President. Said vote was taken without
Plaintiff having an opportunity to hear the speeific issues involved or prepare any defense.
18. On January 27 and 28, 2023, Frye-Mueller requested a eopy of whatever
complaint existed against her, but she has not received any written information, nor has
she received any response from Schoenheck or any other Senate Leaders following her
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emails to them as well as a text message to one of them requesting said information.
19. Defendant asserted authority to take the action to suspend Plaintiff but cited
no specific authority or basis for his actions.
20. Frye-Mueller is unable to adequately represent the people of South Dakota
Legislative District 30 without being able to carry out her previously assigned
Committee duties or speak about or vote on Bills presented on the floor ofthe Senate.
21. Frye-Mueller is also unable to even participate in preparation of Bills or
make use of the Legislative Research Council staff and resources due to the suspension.
22. Frye-Mueller has been stripped of her access to the Legislative email. A
critical component of serving her constituents and participating in the South Dakota Senate is
having access to the Legislative email and Legislative resources.
23. Frye-Mueller has no ability to carry out her duties due to this suspension.
24. One important aspect of serving as a Senator is presenting Bills via the
Legislative Research Council website and engaging in communication with staff and other
legislators through this website. This activity occurs in combination with personal interaction
as well as via the website, but Plaintiff has now been denied aecess to that source of
electronic / remote communication and has no access to her state legislative email account.
25. There are many deadlines approaching in regard to introduction of Bills and
Resolutions which will potentially pass without access to the resources and information
described herein. If deadlines are missed the Plaintiff as well as her constituents forever lose
the opportunity to submit Bills.
26. By being barred from the Senate Committees, Senate Floor, Legislative
Research Council, and Legislative email, Frye-Mueller and the citizens of District 30
permanently lose any opportunity to draft and propose legislation, obtain sponsors ofBills,
and communicate with constituents, legislators, and interested parties about the Bills and
related issues. As a result. Plaintiffs opinions and advoeacy efforts are significantly
limited and permanently lost.
27. South Dakota's 2023 legislative session will conclude in a matter of weeks,
making access to the resources as well as engaging in voting and advocacy all the more critical.
28. The President Pro Tempore's action stripping Frye-Mueller of her Senate
participation permanently and adversely impacts Frye-Mueller and the citizens of South
Dakota Legislative District 30 at a critical time in the legislative process.
29. Plaintiff herein incorporates all allegations contained in the paragraphs above.
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30. Defendant acted under the eolor of state law in prohibiting Plaintiff Fiye-
Mueller from carrying out her duties as a duly elected State Senator.
33. Defendant's conduct was not the least restrictive means to achieve a
compelling governmental interest, and there is no compelling governmental interest at issue
35. Defendant took adverse action against Plaintiffthat would chill a person
of ordinary firmness from continuing the activity.
36. The adverse action was motivated at least in part by Plaintiffs protected activity.
37. Defendant's conduct otherwise violates the First Amendment as Plaintiff has
been singled out and treated differently than other Senators or members ofthe public based
upon their advocacy and have been prevented from exercising their free speech rights in
the political process as well as personally.
WHEREFORE,Plaintiff prays that the Court enter judgment in her favor as follows:
2. That this Court declare that banning Frye-Mueller from her Senate duties
violates Plaintiffs First Amendment right to free speech;
5. Grant the Plaintiff any further relief which may in the discretion ofthe Court
be necessary and proper to ensure Plaintiffs First Amendment rights.
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Steven G. Haugaard
1601 East 69"^ Street, Suite 302
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108
[email protected]
IS 44 (Rev 04 21) Case 3:23-cv-03002-RALCIVIL COVER
Document SHEET
1 Filed 01/30/23 Page 6 of 6 PageID #: 6
The .IS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the tiling and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, except as
provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the
purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON NEXTPMHi OF THIS FOKMj
JULIE FRYE-MUELLER, a South Dakota Senator, District 30 LEE SCHOENBECK, President Pro Tern ofthe South Dakota
(b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff Penninston
(liXCFI'TIN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES) County of Residence of First Listed Defendant Codington
(C) Attorneys (I-'im Name. Address, and Telephone Number) NOTE: IN LAND CONDEMNATION CASES, USE THE LOCATION OF
Haugaard Law Office, P.C.
Attomeys (IjKnown)
1601 E. 69"^ Street, Suite 302
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108
(T or Diversity Cases Only) and One Boxfor Defendant)
I 11 U.S. Government Federal Question PTE DEF PTE DEF
Plaintiff ([l.S. Governmenl Not a Party) Citizen of This State
0'' Incorporated or Principal Place □4
of Business In This State
I 12 U.S. Goveniinent I 14 Diversity Citizen of Another State □2 I [ 2 Incorporated and Principal Place □5 05
Defendant (indicate Citizenship ofParties in hem III) of Business In Another State